Blood Red Moon Eternity Chapter 7: Power Struggle Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various Copyrights; Reinhart, Rosa, Cain, and Elayne belong to me. Alucard, Carrie, Sheann'a, Drathar, and Dracula belong to Konami. Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi, Tsunami, Sasami, Yosho, Nobuyuki, Washu, Mayuka, Ryo-Ohki, and Nobuyuki all belong to Pioneer/AIC. Beyond my characters, I claim no rights to any of the characters, beyond their use in this story. Comments, quips, insults, and death threats will only be accepted at Blood Red Moon: Eternity is set one year after the events in Blood Red Moon: Resurrection. Reinhart and Carrie have been married, and their daughter Elayne has been born. Alucard and his familiars have built a small cabin near the rest of the clan. Blood Red Moon: Eternity is the last in a three series story arc. "Here we belong, fighting to survive in the war with the darkest power!" - Queen, Princes of the Universe ***** "Two minutes until we're within range of their scanners. If you're going to do it, now would be the time," said Rosa. She was strapped into Ryo-Ohki's command chair with the controls before her; she glanced back at her brother and the others. Reinhart was watching from against a wall; Carrie, Alucard, and Sheann'a sat in a triangle. Between them, Carrie's staff stood on end, and had began to glow slightly. "Alright. Open yourself to the magical energy, and simply hold it. The staff will be our focal point; when I nod, you must direct all of your powers to it. Are you ready?" Carrie and Alucard both nodded to Sheann'a, and then all three became very still, scarcely even breathing. "Winds of Time blow; send the Mind's Fog to cover us. Winds of Change blow; gently push the Mists of Memory to surround us." She extended her hand toward the staff, and a small sphere of light appeared there. "Fog of Mind, Mist of Memory, now fly to cover our enemy's eyes and fill their ears. Hide us in your cool embrace, and deliver us from this battle in safety!" She nodded slightly, and Carrie and Alucard each raised their hands and formed their own spheres of power. The three balls of energy floated away from them, and melted into the staff. It blazed alight; Rosa squinted against the brightness of it. Impossibly, it grew brighter and still brighter, until suddenly a beam of light shot away from it, straight through Ryo-Ohki's dome. A moment later, she miyaed in curiosity, and brought up a screen which showed herself. Rosa grinned. "That means that it worked, right?" asked Reinhart. Sheann'a nodded, grimacing. "You must hurry... I can't hold this much power in focus for very long." Rosa turned back to the controls. "You heard her, let's get going, Ryo-Ohki!" She miyaed, and exploded forward. On the main monitor, a red warning appeared: Inside Scanner Range. They all held their breath, as they got closer and closer to the huge fleet. She glanced back; Sheann'a and Carrie were sweating, and Alucard was frowning in concentration. Rosa looked back at the screen, and spoke quietly. "You have your weapons charged, right? Just in case?" The ship miyaed softly. She looked up as the lead ship's weapons glowed briefly, and fired. The laser beams slashed through the image of Ryo-Ohki. Rosa smiled grimly. "Let's move it, sis. They'll figure out something is up pretty quick," said Reinhart. Rosa nodded, and watched as more of the ships fired at their ghost. With a gasp, she swerved to avoid a blast that was actually heading toward them, and then pushed Ryo-Ohki to move faster. "I... can't... hold... AHH!" screamed Sheann'a suddenly. The image of Ryo-Ohki disappeared, and a moment later the shots from the battle fleet began tracking them. The deck shuddered as a few of the bolts struck home. Rosa started an evasive pattern, and frowned at the view screen. "Fire! If they're gonna try biting us, we'll bite back!" Ryo-Ohki miyaed, and opened fire, blasting away the two battleships closest to them. The ship was rocked as more bolts crashed into it. Rosa frowned, and looked for a way out. "Alucard! Do you think you have enough energy to cast the Twin Rage spell?" Rosa risked a glance backwards as Carrie pushed herself unsteadily to her feet. The dhampeal moved next to her, nodding slowly. "I... believe so, but I question its effectiveness in our current situation." Carrie frowned at him. "If you've got any better solutions, I'm open to it! But it will at least buy us some time for Rosa to get us away." He shook his head in agreement. "What are you two planning?" she asked, as the deck was rocked again. "Just get us into the middle of them!" answered Carrie. Rosa looked at her in surprise. "Ryo-Ohki can barely take the punishment she's taking right now! We'll be torn to shreds!" "Trust me! Just get us there!" Rosa frowned, as Ryo-Ohki miyaed nervously. She looked at the interface crystal. "Do you think that you can make it?" "Miya... Miya!" Rosa grinned. "I thought you said you weren't as feisty as you used to be. All right, here we go!" Rosa sat forward, and began to pilot the battleship in, dodging and weaving between the blasts, and firing back when she had the chance. She managed to disable three more of the enemy ships, but a couple of shots slammed into one of Ryo- Ohki's wings. She yelped in pain, but kept going. Finally, the tactile display said they were literally in the middle of the fire zone. "We're there! I'd say you have about half a minute before they take us apart." Carrie nodded to Alucard, and placed a hand on her staff. "I summon the power of the great white dragon Bahamut!" Carrie's voice rang out, seeming to echo in the small room. "I call forth the might of the dread black dragon Tiamat!" Rosa turned to look at them, and blinked in surprise. Carrie was glowing white; Alucard seemed to be absorbing the light around him. Even more surprising; or maybe frightening, was that above them, the hazy outlines of a white dragon's head, and a black dragon's head had begun to form. They seemed to be staring at each other, anger in their eyes, anger, rage even, at each other. As one, Carrie and Alucard finished the spell. "Turn your eternal rage against our enemies, and wipe them from this coil! Go forth now, your wills turned to our bidding!" With twin blood-curdling screams of fury, the two indistinct forms leapt away, and passed through Ryo-Ohki's dome. Once they did, they solidified, gaining full bodies, shimmering pearl white, and glistening raven black. Rosa and Reinhart watched in amazement, as they began to systematically tear apart - quite literally - the battle fleet. Debris quickly began to little the battle zone, as the few remaining ships turned and began to flee. The two dragons flew together, and joined, becoming a strange blaze of energy that flashed by the retreating ships. There was a moment's pause, and then they exploded in dazzling burst of light that Rosa had to shield her eyes from. She heard a groan, and looked back to them as Carrie crumpled to the ground. Reinhart was at her side instantly, cradling her head into his lap as she fell; Alucard stayed standing a moment longer. "I... believe that should... take care of the problem," he said weakly, before dropping to his knees and toppling forward. Rosa unstrapped herself, and rolled him over, to see if he had been hurt. "They... sleep. Too much magical energy used. They need to regain their strength... Oh, what hit me?" asked Sheann'a, as she stumbled over to them with Drathar's help. She sat down, leaning up against Alucard's side. Rosa looked at the fairy. "Asleep? From only two spells?" Sheann'a looked at her wryly. "When we get home, try picking up a couple of mountains, and see if it doesn't tire you out a little. Sure, they can cast plenty of minor spells, just like you could throw lots of small stones. But major spells, like those two, would be about the same as picking up and throwing, say, the mountain that the shrine sits on." She leaned back again. "Wake... us up when we get there. Should be... long enough..." The fairy closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep. "How long?" Rosa glanced at her brother. "Ryo-Ohki probably lost the trail, but I don't think it matters." She stood, and walked over to the read outs. The interface crystal flashed Ryo-Ohki's furry face, with tears streaming down from her eyes, and she miyaed. "She got hurt pretty bad, but she says that it should only be six hours, even as beat up as she is." Rosa sat down against the wall. "Listen, get some sleep Rosa. I'll wake you up in three hours. We'll all need to be awake when we get there." Rosa nodded, and closed her eyes. ***** Tsunami turned to Tenchi as they reached the makeshift council chamber. He truly did look as if he belonged in the royal robes. At least, he would if he hadn't have looked like he was going to his own funeral. She laughed quietly, and he blinked at her. It was the exact same expression that he had always gotten when he used to get caught between Ryoko and Ayeka. Oh, how she had come to miss those days. Sometimes she forgot that she was as much Sasami as Tsunami. She missed those days of happiness, when all that she had ever really had to worry about was what to make for dinner, or when to let Mihoshi into Washu's lab before she got her... samples. She laughed again. Washu never had figured out how Mihoshi always seemed to get in just in time to save Tenchi. She shook her head. As much as she would have liked to be just Sasami, at the moment, she had to be Tsunami. She reached out, and straightened Tenchi's robes. He sighed, and then stood straight, smoothing his expression. From helpless boy to Emperor of Jurai in just a single moment. Tsunami smiled. "You must trust your instinct... and the instincts of those within you, Tenchi. It may be to your advantage that they are with you, for certainly one in particular has had experience as a ruler... no matter how cruel he may have been." That was the one thing that she most deeply regretted. The Light Hawk Sword should not have absorbed the pieces of their souls, and she still did not understand why it had. Yet in a way, it might have worked out in their favor, for Tenchi surely would have died a year before if Yuzuha and Dracula had not aided him. Tenchi nodded. "Right... Let's just do this before I manage to talk myself out of it." She nodded, and opened the curtain, as Ryoko took her place next to Tenchi. She too wore the symbolic robes, though hers were less ornate and lacked the embroidered tree. Together, they stepped out into the huge room. Tsunami pressed down the butterflies that suddenly formed in her stomach, and followed them, trailed by her mother and aunt. Twenty thousand years of planning... It had come down to this. Now, she would see if her last effort to save what she could would be worth the sacrifices. ***** Tenchi slowly walked down the steps. When Funaho and Misaki had said that they were going to speak to the council, he had expected the Juraian council. What he was faced with was almost a hundred different races of alien species, some very human seeming, some very definitely not human. There were those covered in clothing, those covered with fur, some that looked like giant rocks, and some that seemed like nothing but mist. One and all, though, they all turned their eyes - which often as not meant more than just two - toward him, and the quiet babble that had filled the room moments before disappeared. He walked up to the dais, in the center of the room, and stepped onto it. Above him, a towering holographic image of himself appeared. Taking a deep breath, and saying a quick prayer in his mind, he began to speak. "I stand before you as Emperor of Jurai. Empress Ayeka has been kidnapped by Lady Tokimi. I have been chosen to take her place until she is found, and can be restored, at which time I will step down, and return what is hers by right." An alien whose skin resembled green scales stepped forward. "By what blood do you claim the throne?" Funaho had prepared him for this question. "I am Tenchi dai'Achika tai'Yosho dai'Azusa." Tenchi, son of Achika, daughter of Yosho, son of Azusa. The ancient form of naming one's heritage, and naming his direct bloodline. The green scaled alien looked to Funaho. "Is this true, mother of Yosho and wife of Azusa? Does he claim his blood truthfully?" Funaho nodded. "It is." The alien frowned, but slowly nodded. "I believe your word. I accept him as new Emperor of Jurai and commander of the Alliance, until Ayeka is returned." Tenchi breathed a sigh of relief, until the next alien stepped forward, and repeated the question. One by one, each race followed suit, each asking the same question. It went smoothly, until the last one stepped forward. It was a male, with black fur and black eyes; strapped to his back was a wicked looking sword. He too asked Tenchi's blood, Tenchi answered as he had before, then Funaho was asked her question, and she answered as she had before. "I do not believe your word. I do not accept him as the new Emperor, or commander of the Alliance. As such, I will now kill him, as is my right, for impersonating the Emperor!" Before anybody could react, he had pulled out a small blaster and fired. The crowd gasped. The blaster bolt splashed against a Light Hawk Wing. In the silence that followed, an pin drop could have been heard. Slowly, Tenchi floated off the dais, not bothering to dismiss the Wings. He advanced toward the alien, who was suddenly alone as the rest of the aliens backed away. To his credit, he didn't back down; defiance shone brightly in his eyes. -He will respect a show of power. His is a warrior clan.- Tenchi blinked, as Dracula's voice entered his head again. He was on the point of dismissing it out of hand when he heard Ryoko's thoughts through their link. -He is a Dartack; I fought them three thousand years ago. Their entire race are warriors; they respect those that prove they are stronger.- Tenchi would have stared at her in surprise, but he didn't dare take his eyes off his would-be assassin. A show of power, they both said. Tenchi scowled. "You wish more proof of my identity? Proof of my blood? Very well! I'll give you proof that none can deny!" He produced Tenchi-ken from his robes, and held it above his head so that all could see it. "You all know that no Juraian can use the Light Hawk Wings without a link to one of the trees. With this, I can touch any of the trees, even Tsunami, the only one capable of generating all ten Wings of the Light Hawk." Tenchi tossed it away, and there was a soft gasp as the Wings didn't disappear. "Tsunami! Am I drawing energy from you, or any other tree?" She blinked, but shook her head. "No, he is not. He has no other keys, and I am not supplying him with energy. By the ancient covenant, you all know my words to be true." A second gasp rippled through the crowd, but the Dartack held his ground still. -This guy has got balls...- came the thought from Ryoko. Tenchi sighed inwardly. There was one more thing that he could do, though it was a step he did not want to take. "You wish more? Tell me, how many races here know the name of Kagato?" A murmur of assents rippled through the crowd. "You know of his power? You know of his evil?" Again, they nodded. He looked around. "Do you know of his demise? Of the sword that brought his death? No? Allow me, then, to show you!" He reached forward, and took hold of a Wing, changing it into the Light Hawk Sword, and then laying it at the Dartack's throat. "Is this proof enough, or do you still want more?" asked Tenchi coldly, biting off each word, and punctuating the last with a very light press. Blue blood seeped onto the end of the blade. The Dartack stared at him coldly, weighing him in his eyes. "I... accept your proof, and recognize you as new Emperor and leader of the Alliance, until Ayeka is found." A collective sigh passed through the crowd, and Tenchi lowered the sword, letting it disappear. "As everybody is agreed, then we must now move. A team has been sent to retrieve Ayeka; by now, they should nearly be there. We must attack Tokimi's fleet; hopefully we will finish her, but at the least, while they are distracted, Ayeka can escape." He turned to walk back to Ryoko and the others. His only warning was their eyes widening; Tenchi spun, dropping to his knee and throwing a fireball. He sensed rather than felt the blaster bolt go by his ear; heard it sizzle as it smacked into a wall. Tenchi's mind noted that automatically; through the link he knew that Ryoko was unharmed. All taken down and filed away without really thinking about it. Before him, the Dartack was staring at him in surprise, his hands fingering a roughly half-foot wide hole in the center of his chest. Tenchi noted, oddly, that the wound had been cauterized already; there was no blood save for the slight trickle that Tenchi had caused earlier with his sword. He noticed suddenly that the Dartack's eyes weren't actually black, as he had thought, but a very dark red. The Dartack dropped to his knees, and fell forward, one hand just short of touching Tenchi. Slowly, he stood, and looked around, being sure to meet every alien's eyes. They all stared back, expressionless. Tenchi cleared his throat, and spoke quietly, his voice pitched to carry. "Would anybody else like to try to stab me in the back? If you would, please form a line. I can't promise that you'll all get your chance, but at least a one of you might be happy." None of them moved. "Well? What are you waiting for? Do it now, before we leave to fight to save your worlds. Do it now, before you ask me to watch you backs. Do it now, before you have to worry about losing your chance in the battle. Do it now, or don't do it at all." He looked around again. Slowly, Sagami came forward. "The Dartack have broken their part of the alliance. I officially denounce their actions, and declare them allies of Tokimi. Who stands with me?" Slowly, each remaining race came forward. Sagami looked at Tenchi. "Where do we strike, Emperor?" He looked around. "Jurai." He turned, and walked back to Ryoko and the others. "Have your ships ready to leave in an hour, or eat our dust all the way there." Tenchi looked at Tsunami, Funaho, and Misaki. "Can you handle the rest?" They nodded. "Then I'm leaving, before I throw up," he said quietly, before teleporting away. ***** Cain glanced over as Elayne sleepily murmured and shifted slightly in the makeshift cradle he had made. The child yawned, and then fell back to sleep. He smiled slightly, and then turned his attention back to the broken sword he had retrieved from the tree. Since the first memory, nothing more had surfaced, yet he was certain that the partial blade was the key to his locked away memories. Who was that white haired man? Why couldn't he remember? He blinked in surprise as he felt the pain in his hand, and looked down to see that he had accidentally sliced open his palm on the shining metal. Blood covered the blade, glistening wetly. Blood... Why did it seem so important, and why did something within stir at the sight of it? A... hunger, almost. Frowning, he pushed the thought away, and activated the ship's medi-bot. Moments later, the skin had reclosed, the wound vanished. "Ten minutes to Juraian atmosphere, Cain. I have detected an instability within the Empress's hormonal levels. Do you wish me to activate a stasis field?" He looked up in curiosity. "Is it life threatening?" "Not currently. The instability would have to increase by twenty-seven percent before it could pose a danger to her health. Currently, it appears that the instability will peak in twelve hours, and then correct itself. Correction; the instability is growing in spurts: Estimation of peak time not possible." Cain nodded. "In that case, a simple holding field will be sufficient." "Compliance." He stood, and replaced the sword into a storage compartment, and then turned to find Elayne floating toward the control panel. He blinked in surprise, and snatched her out of the air as she reached out for the shuttle's controls. She looked at her with her strange, golden eyes... Golden eyes... -He laughed, as he formed a Sphere of Destruction, ignoring the pain that always came when he drew on any of his powers. Soon, that pain would never come again, after he destroyed the Pendulum of Time. Carrie gasped, her golden eyes going wide, as she swung her staff to form a shield spell that blocked Reinhart from jumping between her and the spell. The Sphere smashed through her light armor, shattering it; she inhaled in pain as he teleported to her side, and tried to stop him from taking the Whip with a hand that would not obey her any more. He laughed again, and thanked her, teleporting away as she crumpled to the ground, her life force draining away from the effects of the spell.- Cain shook off the memory with an effort of will, and found himself sitting in the command chair, still holding Elayne. The child was giggling... but how could that be? He had killed her mother before Elayne had been born in that memory, yet Carrie - he remembered her name, now - was alive as the baby that he held in his hands. More seethed just under the surface, but he just couldn't grasp it. He was so close, he was certain; just a little more... "Cain, we have landed at the palace. D3 says he awaits you and the Empress in the throne room." He blinked, and realized that they were indeed on Jurai. "Please prepare three bottles, several diapers, and a bag to carry them in. I will get Ayeka ready. Upload the milk recipe to the Palace's central core." "Yes, Cain." He moved back into the holding area. Ayeka looked up at him, and he blinked in surprise at first the tracts of tears down her puffy cheeks, and then at the quiet fury in her eyes. Still, she seemed much calmer than she had been; perhaps she had decided not to struggle. She stood as he spoke. "We have arrived on Jurai, Empress. I am to take you to the throne room; is there anything that you need before we go?" She shook her head. "Nothing you could provide," she said icily. He nodded. "As you wish. Computer, a level four prison bubble, if you will?" There was a shimmer as it activated, and then she began to float slightly off the ground. He deactivated the shield between them, and then pushed the bubble toward the front while cradling Elayne in his other arm. "Forgive me, I must collect a few things." He picked up the bottles and diapers, and placed them into the bag the computer had provided. Last, he retrieved the sword, and slid it behind his belt, lacking a better place. "It would look better through your heart," said Ayeka. He looked at her. "I... think it has been there, once. I'm afraid I can't remember too clearly. I can't really remember much of anything, but I'm certain I remember... A... Al..." Alucard? The name suddenly floated up from the depths of his mind. "Alucard? I think that is his name, driving it through me when it was whole." She frowned at him, as he shook his head. "It doesn't matter. If we do not hurry, Tokimi will be angry, and it is not wise to... anger her." He guided the bubble through the empty hallways, the sound of his boots echoing sharply off the walls and ceiling. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Ayeka looking around; whether in disapproval or simply at the home she had been forced to give up a year before, he wasn't sure. In his arm, Elayne fidgeted, and reached up to pat his cheek. He stopped, and dug into the satchel for a bottle, and realized that he could not feed her and move Ayeka along at the same time. Ayeka looked at him, frowning, but her expression slowly softened, if the cold fury in her eyes did not. "I will swear on the Tree of Life to not try to run or get away, to go with you where you direct if you will release me," she said finally. He blinked in surprise, and thought about it for a moment. "You give me your word?" he asked. She frowned again, but nodded. "Yes." He considered it a moment more, and then released the prison bubble. She touched the ground, and nodded. "The throne room, Empress." She nodded again, and began to walk at a steady pace. He followed her, half his mind on where she was going, the other half on feeding Elayne. They walked in silence, except for the occasional coo from the child. They reached the throne room just as Elayne finished the bottle; he tucked it away as Ayeka pushed the door open, and walked through. "Welcome home, Empress Ayeka. I am D3. Lady Tokimi shall join us shortly."