Blood Red Moon Eternity Chapter 6: Ancient Ties Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various Copyrights; Reinhart, Rosa, Cain, and Elayne belong to me. Alucard, Carrie, Sheann'a, Drathar, and Dracula belong to Konami. Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi, Tsunami, Sasami, Yosho, Nobuyuki, Washu, Mayuka, Ryo-Ohki, and Nobuyuki all belong to Pioneer/AIC. Beyond my characters, I claim no rights to any of the characters, beyond their use in this story. Comments, quips, insults, and death threats will only be accepted at Blood Red Moon: Eternity is set one year after the events in Blood Red Moon: Resurrection. Reinhart and Carrie have been married, and their daughter Elayne has been born. Alucard and his familiars have built a small cabin near the rest of the clan. Blood Red Moon: Eternity is the last in a three series story arc. "Here we belong, fighting to survive in the war with the darkest power!" - Queen, Princes of the Universe ***** "Gin!" said Carrie triumphantly, as she lay down her cards. Reinhart and Rosa groaned as one, and Alucard grinned slightly. After three hours, most of the games had been won by the sorceress. Reinhart looked at his wife, frowning. "Are you sure you aren't using some sort of magic to help yourself win?" She laughed quietly, and kissed him on the cheek. Alucard shook his head. Crude as her method had been, Rosa had managed to all but erase the tension that he hadn't even realized had been building among them. Now, a sense of easy readiness had filled the room. Alucard recalled once questioning Rosa's often too easy going ways, even in battle, but he had to admit even he felt more calm about the coming fight. As easy going as she was, Rosa definitely understood what they were about. Standing, he excused himself. As well as the game passed the time, he still had quite a bit of reading to do. Walking back over to the shield, he sighed, sat down, and began to read through the book again. His father had always held an interest in technology, and the interest had been passed down to him, but with all the... improvements Washu had added, he wondered if he would even be able to use it. Some of the things, at least, made sense. The book said that it had been made to reflect energy, instead of simply absorb the blow, and that it could generate a field that would make his form shadowy and indistinct. The practical uses for something like that were obvious enough. But, why would he want it to pull weapons fire to it? What use would that be? A shield was meant to block attacks, true, but only in singular, hand to hand combat. Sighing again, he put down the booklet, and looked up. His stomach only lurched a little; the first time that he had looked up to see the field of stars above them, it had been all he could do to lower himself to the ground instead of simply dropping and throwing up. Space sick, Rosa had called it. Whatever... concoction Washu had sent them, it seemed to have worked. As Sheann'a had said earlier, the real thing surpassed by far what little they had seen in Washu's lab. There was a... clarity, even looking through Ryo-Ohki's dome, that Alucard had never seen when looking at the night skies on Earth. Truly an amazing sight. His stomach trembled warningly, and he looked back down, considering the book again. "You're awfully quiet today, even compared to your normal talkativeness. Why'd you leave? You actually seemed to be enjoying yourself for awhile." He looked up as Sheann'a flew over to him. Not far away, Drathar slept, propped up against a wall. Alucard frowned. "Do you remember the bonding ceremony, Sheann'a?" he asked suddenly. She blinked in surprise, and landed before him, sitting down. "It was a long time ago," she said, and then frowned. "I don't exactly like to think about just how old I really am, you know." He looked at her, and spoke dryly. "So you're a woman after all." Sheann'a got a dangerous glint in her eye, and he hurried on. "Truly, though... What do you remember of it?" She frowned in thought. "I remember wondering why I had been summoned to Castlevania. I was little more than a child, had never left the fairy vale. It frightened me, but in those days, nobody disobeyed a direct order from Dracula, not even the fairy kind." He nodded. "Mother woke me up that night. She seemed both afraid and happy... It was the night that I turned seven... Almost two thousand years ago." She nodded, a far off look in her eyes. "Death led me to Dracula's study; and left me there. He seemed angry that night. I suppose that when I learned why, I couldn't blame him. He was... for lack of a better term, dead set against me becoming your familiar. Dracula himself... Well, I don't think that he ever really cared for the idea, but he never could refuse Lisa something she truly wanted." "Mother led me to the altar room, and had me change into the ceremonial robes. I asked her what was happening, but she would tell me nothing, save that I must ready myself." "Dracula explained to me what was going to happen, and I can't exactly say that I was happy to find out that I was going to be linked to his son." Alucard smirked at her, and she grinned sheepishly before continuing. "Still, like I said, nobody refused Dracula in those days." "I remember she told me to wait there, and then left. After she had gone, Death came to me. He said, 'I don't know why he can't see what a disaster he initiates in his wish to please her. This is the first step in his ultimate end.' With that, he left. Hmm... He must have known even then that you would be instrumental in bringing about Father's end." Sheann'a nodded. It was true enough; Sheann'a had saved Maria's life, and Maria had then given birth to Cain, who had killed his father for all time. "She came to me after Dracula left to prepare. I remember thinking that she was the most beautiful person I had ever met, both physically and spiritually, and if it was her son I was to be bound to, perhaps it wouldn't be too bad. She said, 'I have to ask a favor of you, Sheann'a. I fear that a time will come when I won't be able to be at Alucard's side. He has a good spirit, though it is troubled. I wish him to have a companion that will be by his side, a friend who will listen when he needs to be heard. A friend that will remind him when he forgets his way. A friend that he will listen to when he will not, or can not listen to his own heart. A friend that he can share his pains with.' "At first, I didn't really understand what she meant by all that, but I sensed that she held a true concern, so I agreed. I was taken to the altar chamber, and Dracula began the ceremony. When Lisa led me in, and I saw you for the first time, I wondered what she was worried about. You seemed like a normal kid. You started laughing when you saw me, and your eyes lit up..." She grinned, and shook her head. "It's been a long time since I last saw you laugh like that, Alucard... Dracula cast the final incantation, and a drop of our blood was exchanged. That was the first hint that I had, of what Lisa had been talking about. The pain... I wanted to scream that entire first week, until finally I figured out how to block it out." "I remember... the lessening of the pain that I was always in when the bond formed. I was so used to it by then that I was shocked there could be anything else. I looked over at you, saw the astonishment in your eyes, and realized that you had taken it... I wondered why you would do something like that for me." She looked at him. "I didn't exactly have a choice, you know. That was... just a taste... It took me almost a hundred years to finally figure out just what she meant... I finally understood just after she..." Sheann'a trailed off, and he shook his head. "My companion for nearly two thousand years. After you, Drathar is the oldest, and I didn't bond him until just before we met Sonia; that was just seven hundred years ago." He smiled at her, and she blinked in surprise. "You asked me once if the eternal battle I have taken upon myself was beginning to wear on me. I said it was; at least I have someone that I can always trust will share it with me." She floated up to him, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "You never had to doubt it, Adrian. You've given me the chance to sever the bond before; I haven't yet, have I?" She paused, and then grinned mischievously. "Besides, if I left you now, who would tell you what to do about Ayeka?" He blinked in surprise, and resisted an urge to ask what she meant by that. "Webchild." She blushed at the sound of the nickname he had given her as he had untangled her from one of the giant spider's webs in the castle. They had both been children, true enough. The bond had began as merely a magical one; it had grown into something deeper than that. There were very few that he had ever loved in his long life. His mother, Lisa. Sonia, the first Belmont. Maria, the mother of Cain. Sheann'a was the only one he had left. Even Drathar, though a close friend, was not nearly as close as Sheann'a. "MIYACK!" He looked up in concern as Ryo-Ohki shouted out. Rosa gracefully stood, and walked over to the command chair. "What's up, Ryo-Ohki?" "Miyuck!" A screen appeared, on which a small, white object floated against a backdrop of stars. It bounced off of the ship, and the camera followed its path. Alucard frowned. "What is that?" asked Rosa. The screen zoomed in on the object, and suddenly Carrie gasped. "Is... is that what I think it is, you two?" "I... think so... I'll bet Ayeka is having a fit, changing her diapers..." said Reinhart. Alucard frowned. "If it was her... Did not Lady Misaki say that Ayeka would... not be in a good control of herself?" he asked. They looked at him, and frowned. Rosa shook her head. "He's got a point. One way or the other, though, we know that we're on the right track, now." "Miya!" Rosa looked back at the display, as it changed to show a new scene. Alucard saw her pale slightly as she saw it. "Thirty two... thirty three... thirty four... I think that we may be in trouble." On the screen in front of them, they saw the approaching battle fleet. Rosa scowled. "When she said a dozen, she must have meant a couple of dozen! Oh, when I get my hands on that bubble head!" she growled. Carrie stood. "Alucard, I believe now would be the time to prepare the spell." "Indeed." He looked at Sheann'a, and she nodded. "Well, in for a penny, in for a pound." ***** Tenchi sighed, as Misaki, Funaho, and Tsunami adjusted the robes they had just finished dressing him in. Until a half hour ago, he wouldn't have thought even the three of them together could literally drag him to a room and strip him naked. Well, they might not have, but Ryoko had just stood there, grinning and watching them as they did it. Now, one of his favorite shirts lay in shreds on the floor, and the rest of his clothing had been scattered to various places around the room. They had told him what they were doing - It was the ancient ceremony of bonding that all of Jurai's rulers had to go through. By tradition, they were to strip him of his former self, symbolized by literally stripping him, and then begin the bonding, by first dressing him in the robes which signified his station. The three women were humming softly to themselves as they wrapped a long, wide white belt around his waist. This was the final step. "The first knot, a symbol of your bond to the people of Jurai," intoned Funaho. She tied the end of the belt she held, and then kissed him on his left cheek. "The second knot, a symbol of your bond to the soil of Jurai," said Misaki, tying a second knot in her end of the belt, and then kissing him on the right cheek. They stepped back, and each handed their end of the belt to Tsunami, as she came forward. "The final knot, a symbol of your bond to the duty of Jurai." She pulled the belt tight, and tied the two ends together. Standing on her tiptoes, she kissed him on the forehead, and then backed up, to stand a half step ahead of Misaki and Funaho. "You are bound to the people." "You are bound to the soil." "You are bound to the duty." As one, they crossed their arms over their chests, placing their hands on their shoulders, and then spoke in unison. "Three roots of the Tree of Life, and three bonds to yourself. As the Tree grows stronger through its roots, so shall you grow stronger by your bonds. You are now one with the people, the soil, and the duty." They all bowed deeply. "As we are bound to the Tree, so too are we now bound to you." After that, they straightened, and Tsunami looked at him. "It is done, Tenchi. Now, we must address the council. By now, Sagami has informed them of the situation." Tenchi looked down at his white and silver robing. The garment felt... heavy. On the breast of the robes was a huge, embroidered tree with three roots, and emerald leaves. He sighed again, and thought back to how he'd ended up in this mess. The meeting with Sagami had been.... interesting, to say the least. ***** "As requested, Lady Funaho, I have come. Commander Akagae would not tell me what was wrong, so you will have to forgive me for wondering why exactly I am here at this late hour." Tenchi's first impression of Sagami was that he seemed normal enough. Of average height, he looked like somebody he might meet on the street. Brown hair, dark eyes, a slightly boyish handsome face... Given human garments, he would have fit right in. "I apologize, Sagami, but I do not believe that you will be seeing her again... You are free, of course, to replace her from among my retainers." Tenchi blinked in surprise as Misaki stepped forward and spoke; surely she couldn't mean... The deck shook slightly, and he spun in enough time to see the last little bit of the shuttle exploding. "I... see. She will be missed, but you need not worry, Lady Misaki. I... believe that I know somebody who would be interested in taking her place. If I may ask, why did she have her... accident?" Tenchi turned back, his jaw dropping. Just before he confronted Misaki about it, Ryoko sent him a quiet thought through their link. -No. Let it be, Tenchi. It had to happen; she knew too much. We... can't take the chance that she might have spoken.- He glanced at her; Ryoko turned away, but not before he saw the sadness in her golden eyes. Funaho stepped forward. "What I am about to say must remain sealed only to this room, unless you agree to what we offer. Will you swear to that, in Empress Ayeka's name?" He nodded slowly, and Funaho took a deep breath. "Empress Ayeka has been kidnapped by Tokimi." He gasped in shock, and she hurried on. "We have already sent somebody after her, but there are complications. She has begun chi'partain, and without her, it is likely that the alliance will fall apart. We believe, though, that if we give the members a leader that they will follow until she is recovered..." Sagami's eyes flicked to Tenchi for a moment, and then back to her. "I see. I assume you wish me to lend my support, and thus, the council's, to this young man?" Funaho nodded. "Tenchi Masaki, grandson to Crown Prince Yosho, and to whom he passed his title, and the Master Key." Sagami raised his eyebrows, and bowed to Tenchi. "Yosho was my teacher before he left. I assume he has trained you as well? Does he still enjoy showing off by hitting you from unusual stances?" Tenchi glanced at his grandfather. "Constantly." Sagami blinked, as he recognized his old teacher, and bowed low. "Forgive me master; I did not realize it was you. I trust you are feeling well, sir." Yosho frowned slightly, but nodded. Sagami grinned weakly, but then turned back to Tenchi. "Ayeka has spoken of you, most especially of your sword fighting talent. I will support you, but you must defeat me in battle first. If you are not worthy of the throne, then you will not be able to win. Is this agreeable?" Funaho and Misaki frowned, but looked at him expectantly. Tenchi looked at his family. Washu nodded slightly; his grandfather frowned, but slowly nodded as well. Tsunami's face was unreadable. Ryoko shrugged, and grinned at him. "If it is what is needed to be done to gain your support, then that is what I'll do." Sagami nodded, and Washu grinned. "I've got just the place!" Washu led them into the core of the Shukuen, and opened a door to a large, empty, black painted room. Tenchi looked around. The room was totally featureless. He looked back at Washu, his confusion mirroring everybody else's. She grinned, summoned her keyboard, and typed for a moment. Suddenly, they stood inside a huge coliseum, filled with cheering people. The sun stood high in the sky, and there was a tropical heat that made them all start to sweat. Tenchi looked around in astonishment, and then sighed, moving over to Washu. She grinned at him. "How about a simple gym, Washu? One that doesn't include a screaming crowd?" She lost some of her grin. "What, you don't like the ambiance?" He smiled slightly. "A simple gym. Or else I'll tell Mihoshi that you wanted her to press every button she can find in your lab back home." She swallowed. "You're serious, aren't you?" she asked. He nodded, and a moment later, the coliseum disappeared, to be replaced by a small, simple gym. A rack of bokken rested against the wall, and Tenchi walked over, picking one up. He tossed it to Sagami; the man took a couple experimental swings with it, and then nodded. Tenchi picked up a second one, and turned to Sagami. "All honor to your house, but I will not hold back." Tenchi nodded, and dropped into a ready stance. Sagami grinned, and mirrored him. -Don't fight with your full ability to begin. He is testing you; trick him into thinking that you are not as good as you are, and then surprise him once he thinks he knows your ability.- Tenchi blinked in surprise, as he parried a swipe from Sagami. That thought had been from Dracula... It wasn't horrible advice, though. They settled into the fight. Tenchi had to give him credit; Sagami was good. Most of his energies went into defending himself against Sagami's attacks, though he recognized the battle style. It was exactly as Yosho had trained him, so Tenchi began to start the next block in the pattern while Sagami was still moving to the next attack. Too late, Tenchi realized his mistake. Sagami's patterns were exactly as Yosho had trained Tenchi - there were none of the variances that would have come in an actual battle, none of the movements that would have come with Sagami's own practicing of them. He was following the forms to the letter, right down to the order that Yosho had taught them to Tenchi in. Too late, he tried to alter his defense, but he was already committed to the low cross block that would counter the waist-level sweep in Sagami's current pattern. Checking his feint, Sagami brought the sword up, and lightly rapped Tenchi on the throat. A gasp rippled through the onlookers, as Sagami stepped back. "You're holding back. I'll consider that to be merely practice, because I know that you can do better. This time, if you lose, you will lose completely." He stepped back to a comfortable distance; Tenchi nodded, and returned to a ready stance. He had never even considered that Sagami might see through the ploy... was he slipping? Sagami seemed to literally flow toward him this time; Tenchi automatically moved to block his first strike, and hastily dove to the side as Sagami twisted, throwing three high speed slashes at his chest. His fighting style had changed completely. Though still loosely recognizable as including his grandfather's teachings, there were now elements that he had never seen before, and elements that reminded him of Kagato. Recovering, Tenchi spun, and tried feinting high before dropping to the side and slashing at Sagami's sword arm. He grinned, before backflipping away. Tenchi stepped forward, and lashed out with his foot, connecting solidly with Sagami's chest. He stumbled back, and Tenchi pressed the advantage, leaping forward with his bokken poised. Sagami parried, and Tenchi spun in just enough time to block his counter stroke. They began to trade blows, circling around each other and striking when they could. Tenchi found that every time he thought that he had Sagami's style down, he altered it just enough to keep him guessing. It was beginning to worry him, but he still wasn't ready to give up. Frowning, Tenchi stepped in, and opened with a chest shot, followed up by sweeping his leg out under Sagami. He blocked the sword strike and jumped over Tenchi's foot, and then twisted to land a sharp blow on Tenchi's shoulder. Off balance, Tenchi stumbled to the side, and turned in just enough time to block Sagami's next attack. The blow jarred him, and Tenchi frowned as the shoulder Sagami had struck throbbed with pain. It wasn't his sword arm, though, so Tenchi pushed it out of his mind. Slowly, though, Sagami pushed him back. Sagami whipped his sword across before Tenchi could react, and drew a thin line across his chest. Tenchi groaned as it began to bleed slightly. Ryoko gasped, and stepped forward; Tenchi glanced at her. "Don't, Ryoko. I'm not done yet." Sagami looked at him. "You have tried, Tenchi. There is no dishonor in ending a fight when you have been out fought." Tenchi scowled at him. "I haven't lost yet!" He jumped forward, and Sagami put up his sword to defend. Caught by surprise, he pushed him back on a burst of adrenaline. Tenchi forced Sagami into a corner, and raised his sword for a final strike. Sagami kicked out, and drove his foot into Tenchi's stomach. Caught offguard, Tenchi exhaled, and dropped to his knees. Sagami leveled his sword at Tenchi's neck. Tenchi sighed, and bowed his head, as Sagami took the sword away. He offered Tenchi a hand up, and spoke as Tenchi took it. "Well then, I believe that I have to speak to the council, and apprize them of the situation. I believe that with Tsunami, Funaho, and Misaki here, they can raise you as I am doing that?" Tenchi stared at Sagami in surprise. "But... I lost to you!" Sagami shook his head. "You wouldn't stop, even when it was obvious that you were beaten, and almost won. It is said that every man has his better. I just happened to be yours. But in this fight, if you stop before you are dead, then we're all dead. You have the will power to keep going; I must admit, I wouldn't have the same drive. So you've got my support, and if you'll excuse me, I need to make sure that you have the council's as well." Sagami set the sword down, and then excused himself, walking out of the gym. Tenchi stared after him. "Why do I have the feeling that things just got interesting..."