Blood Red Moon Eternity Chapter 5: Nightmare Path Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various Copyrights; Reinhart, Rosa, Cain, and Elayne belong to me. Alucard, Carrie, Sheann'a, Drathar, and Dracula belong to Konami. Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi, Tsunami, Sasami, Yosho, Nobuyuki, Washu, Mayuka, Ryo-Ohki, and Nobuyuki all belong to Pioneer/AIC. Beyond my characters, I claim no rights to any of the characters, beyond their use in this story. Comments, quips, insults, and death threats will only be accepted at Blood Red Moon: Eternity is set one year after the events in Blood Red Moon: Resurrection. Reinhart and Carrie have been married, and their daughter Elayne has been born. Alucard and his familiars have built a small cabin near the rest of the clan. Blood Red Moon: Eternity is the last in a three series story arc. "Here we belong, fighting to survive in the war with the darkest power!" - Queen, Princes of the Universe ***** "Miya!" Rosa looked up from Ryo-Ohki's command chair as the ship's interface crystal floated before her. The cabbit's face appeared there for a moment, and twitched her nose. Beside the crystal, a screen appeared with a star map and glowing line. She grinned, pleasantly surprised. Reinhart came up beside her. "She says that she found an engine trail, and that it heads straight toward Jurai. I don't know, but I think that we may have picked up our first bit of luck, brother." He nodded. "It's gotta be them. Ok, this is what we'll follow, sis. Let's get moving." Rosa nodded, and laid in the course. Ryo-Ohki miyaed in acknowledgement, and sped along the chosen route. Rosa leaned back for a moment, and sighed. A person would think that being in a ship that was smarter than most human adults, they wouldn't have to do much work to pilot it, but Ryo-Ohki took a lot to keep flying. Turning, she looked at her companions. Reinhart walked back over to Carrie, and dropped down beside her. She was sitting on the floor, poring over her huge spell book with her staff across her lap. Above them, Sheann'a and Drathar were staring out Ryo-Ohki's viewing dome in amazement. A little off to the side, Alucard was sitting on his haunches, doing his best to avoid looking up at the stars. She grinned, and stood up, walking over to him. She sat down next to him, and smiled. Alucard looked at her out of the corner of his eye; his skin was a little paler than normal. "Who would have thought? I guess even vampires can get spacesick. At least we were still within range of Washu's subspace transporter, and she was able to send some of her remedy up to take care of it." He made a non-committal sound, and shifted slightly to look at her fully. "Only half-vampire, Rosa. Not exactly what I would call a pleasurable experience. At the least, the nausea is subsiding; I believe that I will be able to move about comfortably again before long." She grinned. "I stand corrected. Don't take it so hard. Reinhart and I both used to have troubles until Washu finally altered the genes that were doing it to us." Sheann'a floated down next to them. "You gotta see this, Alucard! It's amazing! That... planetarium doesn't have a touch on the real thing." He grimaced at her. "Perhaps in a little while. At the moment, I am somewhat indisposed," he said, raising his hand. He held the small, but thick booklet that Washu had included with the shield. He frowned. "I believe that some of the magical spells Sypha and I penned in Carrie's book were a good deal less complicated than this." Rosa grinned again. "That's grandma for you." She was about to say more when Ryo-Ohki miyaed again. "-hoshi to Ryo-Ohki, come in please! Yukinojo, are you sure this is on?" Rosa stood, and trotted over to the command chair. She pressed the flashing button she found there, and a large screen appeared with Mihoshi on it. "What's up Mihoshi?" She grinned, and waved at them. "Oh, hi Rosa! Now what was I... Oh yeah, I remember! Headquarters just sent a message that their frontline spies saw a small battle fleet leaving Jurai, heading toward you guys. They said that it was only a dozen or so ships, but that they are all heavy duty cruisers. Anyway, just thought you might like to know!" Ryo-Ohki miyaed nervously, and Rosa grinned. "What do you mean you aren't as feisty as you used to be, Ryo-Ohki?" She looked back at Mihoshi. "Thanks for the heads up Mihoshi. We'll be ready for them." She grinned, and waved. Rosa smiled back, and then closed the communication. "Miya?" She sat down, and looked at the interface crystal. "I imagine that we will, Ryo-Ohki. Now that we know they're coming, can you pick them up on long range?" "Miya..." Rosa frowned. "Are you getting old on me, Ryo-Ohki?" The cabbit's face screwed up indignantly. "Mi miya! Miya!" Rosa laughed. "So there's fight left in you after all. Tell you what; you help us blast through, and I'll give you a whole basket of carrots when we get back." Her eyes grew wide, and she miyaed in agreement as Carrie and Reinhart came up beside her. "Trouble?" asked her brother. She nodded. "It sounds like Tokimi may know that we're on our way. There's a chance that they could just be there to escort Cain back to Jurai, but why would Tokimi send a dozen heavy cruisers to escort him through her own airspace?" "Good point." "Can't we just go around, Rosa?" asked Carrie. Rosa shook her head. "There's no telling how far we would have to go, and if we leave Cain's engine trail, we may not be able to find it again without wasting valuable time. See, tracking in a spaceship isn't nearly the same as tracking on ground... the scent, so to speak, doesn't spread out. It's up to you, though. If you want to try circling around..." Carrie frowned, but before she could say anything, Alucard slowly came up beside them. "I think... Perhaps if they could not see us, they could not attack?" Carrie looked at him in surprise, and so did Rosa. "Or perhaps even a trick to turn their eyes else where?" he said, smiling faintly. "Well, yeah, that would probably work, but Washu didn't exactly include a cloaking device in Ryo-Ohki... She made her tough to detect, but Ryo-Ohki isn't really intended to be a stealth craft, rather, Washu made her to punch through just about anything. We don't have any way to make her invisible." Carrie broke into a grin. "Yes, we do, Rosa! Did you think that I was reading my spell book just to kill time?" Rosa blinked, as Carrie turned to Alucard. "Do you think that we would have enough power between us to maintain a spell large enough to hide Ryo-Ohki?" He frowned. "I believe so, though Sheann'a would have to lead it." Carrie nodded, as Sheann'a dropped down between them at the sound of her name. "I agree, illusionary magic is the specialty of the fairies." Rosa and Reinhart looked at each other, and then at them. "So what you two are talking about is using magic to make us disappear?" asked Reinhart. Carrie shook her head. "Not really disappear. What the spell will do is... Hmm... Sheann'a, could you explain it, please?" The fairy landed on Alucard's shoulder, and nodded. "Well, if what you are talking about is what I'm thinking, then what the spell will do is bend light away from us to create a 'reflection' a little ways away." She gestured, and in the middle of their little circle appeared a small sphere of light, and miniature Ryo-Ohki. A small beam shot out from the sphere, and touched Ryo-Ohki. It was turned at a ninety degree angle, and Ryo- Ohki disappeared, only to reappear a short distance away from where the beam turned. "For a spell powerful enough to hide something as big as Ryo-Ohki the reflection... I guess it would be about half a mile from where we really are." The illusion disappeared, as Carrie nodded, and looked at Rosa. "Would that work?" She frowned and thought about it for a moment. "It... might. It depends on how smart their ships are, and how smart their crews are." Carrie nodded. "Well, then we'll try that. Warn us before we reach them; we may not be able to hold a spell of that size for long, so we'll have to wait till the last second to cast it." Rosa nodded. "All right... hmm... Well, it'll take awhile to reach that point... Anybody up for a game of cards?" They all stared at her, and Reinhart's eyes went hard. "Rosa, do you think we're here for fun? This is serious! Can't you grow up for a little bit?" She poked him in the chest, hard, and he stumbled back, as she stood up, and put her face in his. "You think that I don't know that, you bonehead? Did you forget that she's my niece too? And we can't leave Aunt Ayeka!" she snapped, and he blinked in surprise at the sudden flare of anger. Usually he was the one to blow up, like he just had, but Rosa had inherited her mother's temper too. Taking a deep breath, and composing herself, she stepped back a bit, and continued. "We can't let this get to us, or when we do find them, we'll all be wound so tight that we'll make mistakes that we can't afford." She looked at all of them in turn. "Being serious, and knowing that we are here for a serious problem is to be expected. We have to be serious about it. But we can't let it get to us, or the fight will be over before we even get there. So I'm gonna ask you again; are you interested in a game of cards while we wait? Because I, for one, don't intend to drive myself crazy by worrying about something that we can't do anything about until we get there." They looked at each other, and then Carrie sat down, shaking her head. "What are we playing?" ***** "Cain, the Empress appears to have recovered from her affliction. Instructions?" Cain blinked awake, as the shuttle's computer spoke, and stretched out automatically. As he did, he noticed the surprising weight of the child in his arms. Looking down, he saw that she was sleeping quietly. To his side there were two empty bottles, and floating somewhere behind them in space were three... diapers, the text had called them. He sighed, and carefully stood. He moved toward the back slowly. "We should arrive on Jurai in a day, Empress. Were you injured when I captured you, to be in such pain? Please tell me if you were; I will have one of the ship's robots take care of it." She looked up from the chamber's only chair, and scowled at him. "Why have you done this? And why did you remove Elayne from here?" He blinked in surprise. "I did this because Lady Tokimi asked me to, and I took Elayne because you told me to... some twenty-four hours ago, I believe. If you wish to have her back, I will place her in your chamber again." She blinked in surprise, and then frowned thoughtfully. "I am asking a rabid wolf to watch a baby because I am turning into a rabid lioness," she said, shaking her head. She looked back at him. "I swear, if she is harmed, I will personally take you apart, but because of chi'partain, I do not dare keep her with me." He stared at her, confused. "I mean no harm to you or her; my only task is to bring you to Jurai and await Tokimi's wishes." Ayeka chewed on her lip for a moment. "Why now, of all times? Faugh!" Suddenly, she blinked, and looked at him. "Are you still here? Unless you intend to free me, get out of my sight!" she shouted. Elayne, in his arms, woke up with a startled cry. He looked down, and did his best to soothe her. "If you wish food or drink, simply ask the computer," he said, sighing, and then jumped back in surprise as the chair Ayeka had just been sitting on bounced off the shield between him and her. "LEAVE ME NOW!" she screamed. Shaking his head, he turned, and moved back to the cabin. After a moment, Elayne settled back down, reaching up to pat at his cheek. He blinked, and then grinned slightly. Perhaps Tokimi would not be too displeased that he had been forced to bring her with; in any case, he could deal with that once he saw his lover once again. "Hungry again, little one? Come, we will get you something." ***** As Cain left, Ayeka did her best to take back control of her emotions, though she knew because of shai'mattak that control would at best be fragile, and more than likely impossible. She looked back at the chair, and involuntarily trembled in remembered anger. She shook her head. There was no humiliation in losing her self-control during chi'partain. Slowly, she moved over, and picked it up, settling it back down where she had been sitting before. She sat back down. Ayeka considered her captor briefly. She had only a very dim recollection of everything that had happened during shai'danak; it had taken all her strength to simply cling to her mind during that time. Now, she forced herself to remember. That he was the one that had been described by Reinhart and the others as Cain, she had no doubt, for his appearance was just as they had said. The question arose as to how that could be; they had told her that he was dead, but she dismissed it. He was Cain; how he was alive did not matter at the moment. Yet, who was surely Cain by appearance was nothing like the madman that had been described to her. There had been genuine concern in his voice when he had asked if she had been injured, she was certain of it. He could not have understood, of course, had she told him of chi'partain. It may have been an act, yet she remembered dimly him asking if she knew who he was. Perhaps he had some sort of amnesia. Elayne... Vaguely, she could now remember begging - begging! - him to get the child away from her. As much as she would have preferred to keep Elayne with herself, she could not take the chance that in the grip of chi'partain, she might lash out at her. Ayeka suddenly found herself laughing and crying at the same time. Elayne's survival depended on the man that had killed her mother before she had been born. Ayeka pounded a fist into her thigh as anger swelled up in her at her tears. She was the Empress! How dare he intrude upon her when she was in this undignified state! Where was the self control that she had painstakingly built through her life? Abruptly, the anger, tears and laughter left her, leaving a cold emptiness in their place that she fell into in despair. She was trapped, she knew. There were no paths out for her to take. Ayeka suddenly realized that, always before, there had been a way for her to escape the truth. She had escaped Yosho's becoming old by going after Tenchi; she had blamed his indecisiveness on Ryoko. When they had disappeared, she had kept finding excuses not to return to Jurai. She had escaped from things for so long that she realized that she didn't know what to do without a way to escape. Shivering, Ayeka turned away from that thought, not wanting to admit to it, and laughed ruefully as she realized that she was running away once again. So be it! She would run if she had to, and damn anybody else's opinion! She was Empress of Jurai! She didn't have to prove herself to anybody! -Not even Alucard?- asked a soft voice deep inside her that sounded like a young Sasami. Ayeka blinked, stopped cold by that simple question. Slowly, she put her head in her hands, and began to sob. "Unidentified battle cruiser, identify yourself immediately, by order of the Juraian High council, or you will be attacked without warning," said a female voice. Tenchi sighed, and looked at Misaki and Funaho. They nodded, and he sighed again. They had drilled him time and time again with what he was supposed to say. He looked at Washu. "Communication is secured, Tenchi. She's the only one that will hear what you say," said Washu. "This is the Dragonship Shukuen. I am Crown Prince of Jurai Tenchi Masaki. Empress Ayeka has been captured by Lady Tokimi. As her blood relative, and by the Code of War, I am assuming command of the Juraian Fleet until such time as she is restored to the throne." There was a tense pause, and then a communications screen opened. The Shukuen was surrounded by three treeships, though they were dwarfed in comparison to her. A woman appeared on the screen, and frowned. "Proof of your claim is required. What proof do you offer?" Tenchi raised his hand, in which he held Tenchi-ken. Opening it, the Master Key remained floating before him. He looked up at her. "This is the proof I offer." He opened his palm to the sword, and it glowed. "I order the three treeships to stand down completely, and allow us passage to the main fleet." Immediately, the Juraian ships began to back away from them. Visibly shaken, the woman nodded. "I accept the proof of your claim, Crown Prince. You... you may proceed." Funaho stepped forward. "If I remember correctly, you are Commander Akagae, retainer to Sagami?" She nodded. "Tell Sagami that Lady Funaho requests his immediate presence here, on the Shukuen." She nodded again, as Misaki stepped forward. "You will see to it yourself, Commander, and tell no one of Ayeka's capture, or I will personally see to your punishment. Am I understood?" The commander paled visibly, and nodded, then cut the communication. Tenchi sagged down to the command chair, and reflexively caught the sword as it dropped out of the air. "Well, we're in. What's next?" he asked, as Ryoko came over to him. "Misaki and myself must convince Sagami of the truth to your claim. If he joins with us, we will have the council in our hands." Ryoko frowned. "I thought we just finished proving who Tenchi was." Misaki shook her head. "All that we have proven is that Tenchi does have control of the Juraian power, which only those of noble blood have, and that the master key has submitted to his will. What we must prove to Sagami is both his bloodline and worthiness." "Sagami is Ayeka's strongest supporter. He also controls three-quarters of the council; where he leaps, they follow. If he believes we are trying to usurp her instead of help her, then he will not support us, and without his aid, we will not prevail in the council." They looked at each other, as Washu piloted the Shukuen into the Juraian battle base.