Blood Red Moon Eternity Chapter 4: The Theory of Chaos Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various Copyrights; Reinhart, Rosa, Cain, and Elayne belong to me. Alucard, Carrie, Sheann'a, Drathar, and Dracula belong to Konami. Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi, Tsunami, Sasami, Yosho, Nobuyuki, Washu, Mayuka, Ryo-Ohki, and Nobuyuki all belong to Pioneer/AIC. Beyond my characters, I claim no rights to any of the characters, beyond their use in this story. Comments, quips, insults, and death threats will only be accepted at Blood Red Moon: Eternity is set one year after the events in Blood Red Moon: Resurrection. Reinhart and Carrie have been married, and their daughter Elayne has been born. Alucard and his familiars have built a small cabin near the rest of the clan. Blood Red Moon: Eternity is the last in a three series story arc. "Here we belong, fighting to survive in the war with the darkest power!" - Queen, Princes of the Universe ***** A half hour later, they sat around the table inside the Masaki residence. Reinhart held Carrie tightly in his arms. She had her face buried in his chest; it had taken him a while, but he had finally gotten her calmed down, though he was hardly calm himself. Tenchi and Ryoko were sitting across from him; next to him sat Alucard. Reinhart had an eerie flashback to one year before, when they had all sat just like this, except that Carrie had sleeping in what had been his room. But a year before, the rest of the family hadn't been crowded around them, and a year ago, Ayeka and his daughter hadn't been kidnapped by a madman. Now, they were there to make plans. Tenchi's expression was grim, as he, Alucard, and Rosa told them everything that they could remember about Cain. "It seemed as though he didn't recognize any of us but Alucard, and that only barely." To his side, Tsunami frowned. "Tokimi... has the ability to rebuild a man's body after it has died, though the mind is not whole... It still remembers, but can not bring those memories to bear." Rosa looked at her. "So what you are saying is that that really was Cain - just that he's lost his memory?" Tsunami nodded. "After a fashion. With someone such as Cain, though, I question if those memories will stay locked away for long. As you said, he recognized Alucard, even if only partly, and most would not be able to do even that." "But why did she send him to kidnap Ayeka and Elayne? That doesn't make any sense... Wouldn't she have been wiser not to reveal that she had him until later?" asked Ryoko. Tsunami frowned. "Tokimi is a master of strategies. I do not believe that she intended Elayne to be taken - only Ayeka. She considers this to be a game; much like chess - Cain is her pawn, and she has used him to take our Queen, both figuratively and literally. I fear that her next target will be the King," she said, looking at Tenchi. He nodded. "Cain did say that he wanted to return her to us, but couldn't chance opening the field around Ayeka... We will have to go after him, and get them back before he reaches Tokimi. Ryoko, can Ryo-Ohki catch up with them?" Ryoko opened her mouth to answer, but Funaho cleared her throat. "I'm afraid that it is not quite so simple as that, Tenchi... We face two difficulties with Ayeka kidnapped. The greater is that without her, the alliance that she has forged to fight Tokimi may well fall apart." Tenchi frowned, looking thoughtful. To Reinhart's surprise, Alucard cleared his throat, and spoke. "Is it not possible for someone to take her place until she is found?" Funaho blinked, and looked to Tenchi. Slowly, he nodded. "It has to be done, doesn't it... Would they accept my claim for the time being, Funaho, Misaki?" The two former queens looked at each other. Slowly, they nodded. "They should... I must speak with Sagami. If we can gain his support, we would gain well over three quarters of the council, and that is enough to raise you to Emperor." Tenchi nodded, though he was frowning. Reinhart couldn't blame him. His father had avoided the throne as hard as he could, turning it down twice before. "Well, hopefully that's solved. But if I'm doing that, then who will go after Ayeka and Elayne?" Alucard looked at him. "I will. Cain is my responsibility; I did not complete my duty the last time, and it is because of that failing that they were taken," he said, in a tone that brooked no argument. Carrie raised her head from his chest, her eyes hard, and he nodded. "We're going to go with you, Alucard." The dhampeal nodded. "I had expected no less." Rosa nodded. "If you're going, Reinhart, then I'm coming too. Somebody has to keep you out of trouble. Besides, Ryo-Ohki will have to take us, and you never could pilot her." The cabbit miyaed loudly from Tsunami's head. Misaki frowned. "We... must discuss the other problem that faces us with Ayeka's kidnapping... a problem that you will face once you have found her. She has entered her chi'partain cycle... I am afraid that it will put Elayne in still greater danger than she already is if she and Ayeka are kept together." Tsunami drew a sharp intake of breath at Misaki's words, and turned to face her. "She has begun the cycle? That should not be possible! She is long past the age for it, and I instructed the trees never to initiate it in her!" Misaki shook her head. "None the less, it has begun... We only realized it this morning, when she arrived at the shrine and I saw the shai'vernath." Carrie looked at her. "Wait, I don't understand. What is this... chi'partain cycle, and why would Elayne be in danger from Ayeka because of it?" Misaki looked at Tsunami, clearly seeking guidance; the goddess nodded after a moment, and Misaki took a deep breath. "Chi'partain... It is the cycle that all Juraian females go through, usually within a five year span of her hundredth year. The cycle itself is triggered by the Great Trees. It is a marking of their coming of age; the maturing from a girl to a woman." "Ok... that doesn't sound so bad, Misaki. It sounds like how some cultures used to mark their boys becoming warriors," said Mayuka. Misaki shook her head. "It is hardly a peaceful change. Chi'partain begins with the appearance of the shai'vernath; it is a marking that appears on the neck and back. That is the signal that chi'partain has begun; the shai'vernath disappear after an hour or so. Next comes shai'danak, the Cleansing Pain. She begins to experience terrible pain. It... fills the body, overflows it. This serves two purposes. The weak do not survive shai'danak; and it purifies those that survive of their childhood sins. Shai'danak lasts one day, sometimes, though very rarely, two. Afterwards, she will return to normal for a short time, usually no more than a few hours, save for one key difference. Until chi'partain ends, she can no longer touch the Jurai power. "After the rest period ends, shai'mattak begins. One by one, she will lose control of her emotions. They begin to run wild with her, especially about things that she feels strongly about. It is in shai'mattak that the first danger to your daughter lies, for as she loses control of herself, she may lash out... with deadly force at anything that disturbs her." Carrie gasped, as she began to understand. Misaki sighed, and continued. "The third part, shai'natoth, is the greatest danger, not only to Elayne, but to Ayeka, and anybody that she can reach. A great fury begins to build within the woman, a fury which will grow to encompass all else. When it reaches its highest point..." Tenchi cleared his throat, and Reinhart suddenly noticed that his father's face was extremely pale. "It will break free, and she'll attack even those closest to her in the bloodlust that follows," he said in a hoarse voice. Misaki looked at Tenchi in surprise as he spoke. "The bloodlust is known only to the Juraian people, Tenchi. How did you know?" Tenchi closed his eyes, and shook his head. Ryoko put a hand on his arm, and he touched it lightly. "I... experienced something much like it myself, once. A long time ago." She nodded slowly. "The reason that chi'partain is so important is because after shai'natoth, the woman is bound to a mate that she has chosen. In Ayeka's case, that would have been Yosho. However, that was over seven hundred years ago. She was away from Jurai at the time it normally would have begun; in fact, she was gone for so long that we thought it never would, and so let it pass." Reinhart frowned. "What triggered it?" he asked. "We think that it might have been triggered by the Great Trees during her raising to Empress. They may have sensed that she had not yet completed her cycle. But after, she left Jurai again, which slowed it. Once triggered, chi'partain may take an hour or a decade to begin. For Ayeka, it has only now begun in earnest." Carrie looked at her. "How long do we have, until shai'natoth?" Misaki looked away from her. "At... most, you will have five days, before the fury begins to build. More than likely, you will have no more than three. Once shai'natoth begins... there is no way to tell how long until the bloodlust will take her. Perhaps a little longer than for most with Ayeka; she has the strength to resist it for a greater time than the average Juraian." Reinhart stood, bringing Carrie up with him, and Alucard and Rosa joined them. "We don't have any time to waste, then. We can take everybody else to the fleet, and then we'll go on with Ryo-Ohki," he said. Washu cleared her throat. "Actually, I think that I have a little something that we can use to reach the fleet in, so that you can get moving a bit faster. If everybody would follow me?" They all looked at each other, and then followed as she led the way into her lab. ***** As Alucard followed the rest of them into Washu's lab, Sheann'a flew over to him and landed on his shoulder, panting in exhaustion. He had sent her to check on his mother's sword as soon as Cain had disappeared, fearing the worst; now, as he looked at her, he knew what her words would be even before she spoke. She caught her breath, and began to speak. "I looked right where you told me. I found the tree, but the sword is gone. I even saw the hole where it had been." Washu was leading them into the depths of her lab. They moved almost silently down a long hallway. Alucard slowed, so that while Reinhart, who was in front of him, was still in sight, he was too far away to properly hear their conversation. When Alucard had recognized Cain, he had been almost too shocked to move, but his son's reappearance was not what troubled him, not entirely. Ayeka had wanted to speak to him, of some unforeseen circumstance, as she had said. What had she wanted to talk to him about? She had seemed almost afraid of what he might answer, though even had he not had a debt to her, he would have told her yes. This chi'partain... He was certain that it had something to do with it. A favor to ask... For a moment, he wondered just what the favor would have been. He looked up in surprise as Tsunami dropped back beside him. The goddess studied him for a moment, with an unreadable expression, and then raised a hand, palm up. A sphere of light appeared over it, and when it had faded, a crystalline flask had appeared. "You mean truly to go after Ayeka, Alucard? Forgive my boldness, but I must ask for what reason. I know that you said it was because of Cain, yet... I sense that is not all." Alucard frowned at her, but her words struck a chord. With Cain in the mix, there was no question; he was bound by honor to stop him. Yet he realized that he would have gone after her just the same had it been somebody he'd never before met. Slowly, he spoke. "I go because I owe her a debt, and because I think, were our places reversed, she would come for me. I can not ignore that fact." Tsunami looked at him thoughtfully. "Is this why, sister?" she said very softly, too softly to be heard by normal ears. She raised the flask to him. "This is the Juraian Water of Life. When you find her, she must drink it, or else chi'partain will not end." She handed it to him, and he inspected the crystalline flask, and the liquid inside it. He blinked suddenly, as he recognized the fluid. "But this is-" "No!" she said firmly, cutting him off. "That flask is for no eyes but your own, Sheann'a's, and Ayeka's, and that many only because I can not hide our conversation from Sheann'a's eyes without expending enough power to be noticed by the others. As it is, I am having troubles maintaining a shield between us and Drathar without him noticing." He slowly nodded, as he realized that Drathar, who was floating alongside them, didn't even seem to realize that she was there. "Very well, M'Lady. I shall hold this in close confidence." She nodded, her eyes thankful. "I ask you this not as Tsunami, but as Ayeka's sister, Sasami. Bring her back safely. Please..." He nodded. Placing his hand on the sword pommel, he bowed his head to her. "I swear, by the honor of my blade and family; I will bring her back safely, or die in the attempt. Bound by blood and steel, my oath is now my soul." Sheann'a blinked, and looked at him in shock. There were no oaths older, or more binding, than the one he had just given her. Tsunami stared at him as well, but slowly, she nodded. "Thank you, Alucard... My sister..." She began to say, but then stopped as the line came to a halt. "We're here!" called Washu. Alucard looked ahead, and stopped in his tracks, staring before them in sheer disbelief. "Well? What do you think?" asked the scientist, sweeping her arm up and out. Before them was a titanic beast. Its skin was white. Great, powerful looking wings spread about from the center of its body, one filling the space above their heads. A long, serpentine neck connected the head to the body; the head and mouth itself was long, and angular. One huge jade eye stared at them. The beast had a long tail, and two powerful looking hind legs. Its fore legs were somewhat smaller, four fingered appendages tipped with huge, wicked looking claws. One word stood out in his mind to sum up what he saw before him. Dragon. Abruptly, Alucard realized that the beast wasn't alive, but rather made of metal, and that it was farther away from them than he had thought. That settled uneasily in his mind - if it looked as big as this at a distance, how big was it up close? A great metal beast, larger than anything he had ever seen before. This was what Washu had wanted to show them? "When Mihoshi and Ayeka sent me the scans they had taken of Tokimi's ship, I thought maybe we might want be on equal grounds with her. Meet the Shukuen!" Washu summoned her keyboard, and typed in a short sequence of keys. The huge green 'eye' began to glow, and a quiet rumbling filled the room. "This... This is what you were going to show us, Washu?" asked Tenchi. Washu nodded. "Yup! Think that it'll do?" He nodded slowly. "I... think that will probably work," he said slowly. He walked forward, up to the railing. "The Shukuen... An apt name, Washu. But what destiny will she take us to, I wonder." Tenchi turned back toward Reinhart, Carrie, Rosa and himself. "It will probably take a couple of days for us to get the fleet moving, and then we'll follow. Right now, we have an advantage over Tokimi, because I doubt that she'll expect us to move so quickly. Cain must be going to Jurai; that's where Tokimi's base in this universe is." Ryo-Ohki hopped over to them, and miyaed loudly. Alucard looked down at the tiny creature, and tried to imagine how she was going to take them through space. Yet one thing he had learned since coming here was that nothing - absolutely nothing - was exactly as it met the eye. "Yes, Ryo-Ohki, I'm sure that they've probably repaired Jurai's defenses after seven hundred years. Be careful!" said Ryoko. "Miya!" They turned to go, Ryo-Ohki leaping up to Rosa's shoulder, but Washu called to them. "Hey, almost forgot!" She typed on her keyboard for a moment, and a hole appeared in front of Alucard. Out of it floated his new shield, with a small book tucked into the arm straps. He pulled it out, and looked at it in curiosity. "Hope you don't mind, but I tossed in a few optional extras for you! Just look in the book!" Alucard sighed, and thanked her, tucking the book into his sword belt. Strapping the shield to his arm, he smiled slightly at the familiar weight. "We'll signal as soon as we get them back, father." "Good luck." Cain set the shuttle controls to automatic, and then stood, walking into the back of the small ship. There, the Empress and the child were locked into a moderately sized chamber. To his surprise, he found her curled into a fetal ball, sobbing loudly. The baby had been set on the ground; she looked up at him curiously, and giggled. Ayeka slowly looked up from her corner, her expression an odd mixture of anger, fear, and mostly pain. "P-please... Mo... move her a-away f-from me... Please..." she sobbed through her tears. He wondered if she had been injured in some matter, and almost opened the field to check on her. Just in time, he remembered Tokimi telling him not to take any chances, as the Empress was very, very intelligent. "I am sorry... But Tokimi would not be happy if I did and you tried to escape. May I ask you something? Do you know who I was?" She scowled at him for a moment, before abruptly screaming in pain. He blinked in surprise. "Are you injured? I can at least set one of the robots to tend your wound." "N-no, you f-fool! Y-you could not... could not underst... stand. Pl... Please, I beg... I beg of y-you, s-separate Elayne fr... from me before it... it is too late." She screamed again, and curled back into a tight fetal ball, muffling the sound of the scream against her knees. Cain frowned, and briefly considered the child. He had not wanted to bring her along, but hadn't had the chance to remove her from the Empress's force prison, as the group had advanced on him. He looked back at the Empress; she certainly seemed unable to move. Frowning again, he briefly touched the control next to him, and the field flickered off. He quickly bent to pick the child - Elayne, the Empress had named her - and then stood again, turning it back on. He looked back at Ayeka; she hadn't even moved. Cain looked down at the squirming child in his hands; she stared back up at him with her big golden eyes. Turning, he carried her back up to the cockpit. "Computer, please give me some information about babies." After a moment's pause, he added a second command. "And please synthesize some milk for her; I believe that she may be hungry." "Do you require anything else, Cain?" "That will do for now... No, I take it back, monitor Ayeka's condition, and tell me if she worsens." A moment later, a screen appeared before him, on which text began to slowly scroll by, and a bottle filled with milk appeared in his hand. Sighing, he scrolled down to the section on feeding, and began to read. The child giggled contently.