Blood Red Moon Eternity Chapter 3: Black Pawn to White Queen Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various Copyrights; Reinhart, Rosa, Cain, and Elayne belong to me. Alucard, Carrie, Sheann'a, Drathar, and Dracula belong to Konami. Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi, Tsunami, Sasami, Yosho, Nobuyuki, Washu, Mayuka, Ryo-Ohki, and Nobuyuki all belong to Pioneer/AIC. Beyond my characters, I claim no rights to any of the characters, beyond their use in this story. Comments, quips, insults, and death threats will only be accepted at Blood Red Moon: Eternity is set one year after the events in Blood Red Moon: Resurrection. Reinhart and Carrie have been married, and their daughter Elayne has been born. Alucard and his familiars have built a small cabin near the rest of the clan. Blood Red Moon: Eternity is the last in a three series story arc. "Here we belong, fighting to survive in the war with the darkest power!" - Queen, Princes of the Universe ***** Reinhart smiled broadly, as Mihoshi's ship hovered to a rare clean stop just above the surface of the lake, instead of crashing into it. That alone might normally be reason enough for celebration, though they already had their reason for the day. She had sent a message nearly a half-year before that the Galaxy Police had finished rebuilding the main hull of Yukinojo. The ship's original hull had been destroyed in the Battle of G'vanha, which was the name of the asteroid field that the GP main HQ resided in. Beside him, Carrie stared in amazement at the ship. He knew that she had never quite believed in spaceships; certainly the idea would be fantastic enough to him if he hadn't grown up with them. He wondered what she would say if he told her that the ship in front of them was only the a small part of a much larger ship. Mihoshi was teleported near them by the ship's AI. Fifty years old, by her race's standards she was just entering her adult years. His father said that she had once been much ditzier than she was now; Reinhart honestly wondered how that could be possible. But things just wouldn't be the same without her. She waved, grinning from ear to ear. Carrie elbowed him lightly in the ribs. "Your dance card is already filled, remember?" He turned, grinning at her, and gave her a quick kiss. "I wouldn't dream of stumbling over my two left feet with anybody else, Carrie." She laughed. On her back, Elayne looked around from a baby carrier; for her, this would be the first time that she would meet several memebers of the family. They walked toward the field, where a long table and elaborate cook set - made by Washu, of course - had been set up. Even as they started moving, Nobuyuki and, to his surprise, Sasami, came out the door of the house with their arms overflowing with food. He grinned at the prospect of eating Sasami's cooking again - since completing her transformation into Tsunami, she rarely got the chance to cook. Trailing not far behind them were Washu and Mayuka. The pink-haired scientist was grinning a little secretively; Reinhart wondered what she had planned. Mayuka was carrying a large box; Washu pointed to an open spot on the ground, and she carried it over and set it down. That would be Washu's experiment, Reinhart was sure. Last out of the house were Rosa and his mother, Ryoko. For a moment, he couldn't tell them apart; then he caught the reflection of the crimson gem in his mother's wrist. Taller by just a hair, from a distance, his mother and sister were impossible to tell apart. Even up close, they could be hard to discern between, at least until they started talking. Then it was easy to pick out his sister from Ryoko - Rosa rarely passed up a chance to tease him about something. They appeared to be having a rather animated conversation; he wished that he was close enough to be able to hear what they were saying. Ryoko grinned suddenly, and nodded, and Rosa laughed. He would have to remember to ask his sister what they had been talking about. His mother laughed, and then flew over to the steps leading up to his great-grandfather's shrine. Ayeka, Yosho, Funaho, and Misaki came down the steps. To his surprise, the entire group seemed somewhat subdued, although they were all smiling. Ayeka and Misaki especially seemed preoccupied by something; both were moving slowly with their hands folded before them, appearing deep in thought. Ryoko reached them, and waved her hand in front of the Empress's face when she didn't respond to Ryoko's greetings. Ayeka looked up in surprise, as if she hadn't realized that his mother was there. Reinhart frowned, wondering what was the matter with them. Reinhart caught himself breathing a sigh of relief. If Misaki was in a quiet mood, then maybe they would be able to pass the day without any of his great-aunt's legendary bear-hugs, a few of which he himself had been the recipient of. They could be life altering experiences... literally. He would be quite pleased to avoid any of those, though according to Funaho, the only person to have ever escaped one of Misaki's 'attacks' was Alucard - and she had tried to get him more than once. A flicker off to his right caught Reinhart's eye; he turned slightly, as a huge black wolf carrying Sheann'a and Drathar on his back trotted up beside him. Sheann'a grinned, and waved at Carrie and him before she and Drathar hopped off the animal's back, hovering in air beside it. The wolf sat down on its haunches, and then suddenly morphed into Alucard. The dhampeal stood from his crouching position, and nodded in his direction. He wore his full battle armor, and a sword was at his side; a long, blue ribbon was tied from the pommel down to the scabbard, and back up to the pommel. He had explained once that a blue ribbon tied in a double bow meant that the sword was peaceful that day. It was a tradition dating back thousands of years in his world. Alucard had taught him some of the surprisingly intricate 'Code of Blades.' If there had only been a single bow, it would have meant that it had just shed the blood of a loved one. Had the ribbon been red and tied in a double bow, then Alucard could not have left before shedding the blood of a mortal enemy. Red and tied in a single bow, it would have meant that he must shed the blood of a loved one. Reinhart didn't blame Alucard for coming in full armor, even if it was just the way that the dhampeal was. He rarely saw his friend without the ancient gear, yet for him it might have been wiser. Since managing to dodge Misaki a year before, she seemed to have taken a special interest in him. There weren't many things that worried Alucard... Misaki was one of the few that did. Sheann'a landed on his shoulder, as he turned to them. "Good morning, Reinhart, Carrie," he said. Reinhart grinned, and then blinked as he noticed that the dhampeal's hand was heavily bandaged. "What happened to your hand, Alucard?" Alucard looked down at his hand, and then touched the sword lightly. "The Severing and Bonding of Blades." Reinhart nodded, and looked a little closer at the sword. He raised an eyebrow as he recognized the ancient blade Ryuu-ken. According to the Code, when a sword had broken in service of its master, and a new one was earned, or given as a gift, the bond that had been formed with the old one had to be severed - literally. The sword was taken in hand, and slowly pulled away, slicing open the palm. Then the broken sword was placed to rest, and the new sword held in the cut hand, so that the blood flowing from it coated the pommel. In that way, he thanked the old sword for its services, and bound himself to the new. It was an ancient ritual. "I may not be much in the way of healing, Alucard, but I can at least manage to heal a cut hand. Let me-" started Carrie, but Reinhart touched her on the shoulder lightly, and shook his head. Carrie looked at him, confused. "Thank you for the offer, Carrie, but it must heal on its own." On his shoulder, Sheann'a shrugged. "Men and their crazy ideas about what they must do to uphold their honor," she said, rolling her eyes. Alucard looked at her, frowning slightly, and Carrie chuckled slightly. Reinhart looked at the dhampeal, and shrugged. "It looks like we won't get a chance to spar today. Though I have the feeling that we'll both be fending off attacks of a different sort." Alucard's lips curled into the barest hint of a smile; Sheann'a frowned, and Carrie elbowed him in the ribs again. Not nearly as lightly as she had before. He grinned at her. It was a sort of ritual they had started; every morning, he and Alucard would spar with bokken for an hour. It was partly to keep in practice, but it was also partly an expression of the good friendship that had grown between them. "Indeed." They were an even match for each other; they ended as many days with a draw as they did with one of them scoring a win. Carrie smiled at Alucard; her own staff was still in their room, though she could call it to her at any time with a simple spell. Together, the small group walked the rest of the way toward where the rest of the family had congregated. Tenchi grinned and waved them over to where he and Ryoko stood. His mother grinned as Elayne stretched a tiny hand toward where her; Carrie smiled, and slid out of the carrier, handing the child to Ryoko. "We were starting to think that you wouldn't make it," said Tenchi. Carrie laughed. "I had a little trouble getting Reinhart out of bed." Ryoko chuckled, as Elayne squirmed in her grip. "I can't imagine why." Reinhart blinked, as they laughed at some hidden joke. Not for the first time, he wondered if all women had some sort of secret language that they all knew and used to make fun of men. Tenchi shrugged his shoulders as if to say that he knew what Reinhart was thinking, and then turned to Alucard. "The sword suits you." Alucard nodded. "I have known this blade for a long time, though you only gave it to me last night. My thanks again." Tenchi grinned, and nodded. Not far away, Sasami called that the meal was ready, and Reinhart grinned, as everybody moved to the table. Sitting down, he looked around the table. His mother and father sat up at the head of the table; Rosa sat to his right, and Carrie sat with Elayne to his left. Mayuka sat down between his mother and Rosa, grinning widely. Alucard sat down across from him, and Reinhart chuckled as Ayeka took the seat next to him. The dhampeal blinked, but betrayed nothing of his thoughts. Misaki frowned as she saw that Alucard's other side was already covered by his familiars; Reinhart had no doubt that he had planned it that way. Sasami set down some dishes on the table, and then sat down next to Ayeka; Misaki, Funaho, Yosho, Mihoshi and Nobuyuki filled the remaining chairs on that side. Shrugging, Washu sat down in the chair next to Carrie, directly across from Sheann'a and Drathar. The two familiars looked at each other, and swallowed nervously, as Washu fixed them with a piercing gaze. They began to eat. As Reinhart looked around, he wondered if they would all have another chance to all be together like this again. With Tokimi likely ready to move again, there was a chance that they would not see each other again for a very long time. Reinhart looked up, as Sasami laughed, and saw that Ryo-Ohki had climbed up to her head, and snatched a stray carrot from one of the nearby serving plates. The cabbit settled in with a happy expression, and he grinned. This really was like old times, before Ayeka had become Empress, Sasami had completed her transformation, and Mihoshi had been promoted. They were all together. There was nothing that they couldn't face. The family finished eating, and after taking a moment to clear the tables, began to talk amongst themselves again. Reinhart turned to Carrie, as she picked up Elayne, and pointed toward Ayeka, as the Empress moved alongside Alucard. "Well, do you think that we should ask them? There probably isn't going to be a better time." Carrie nodded, and they walked toward Ayeka and Alucard, who were having a quiet conversation a little off to the side of the main group. Reinhart caught the tail end of it as they drew near. "There... has been an unexpected change of events... I would like to speak with you... in private after the party is over, Alucard... I have a... request that I must make of you," said Ayeka quietly. Reinhart frowned at the strangely serious tone to her voice. Alucard looked at her. "I have a debt to you for your aid earlier today. If it is in my power to do so, I shall help you, Ayeka." She colored slightly, and thanked him. They turned, as Reinhart and Carrie reached them. Carrie smiled, and Reinhart cleared his throat. "We were hoping to be able to catch the two of you alone. After talking it over, Carrie and I decided to ask if you two would be Elayne's god-parents. I mean, we'll understand if you can't, but..." He trailed off, as Ayeka smiled broadly. "I would love to, Reinhart, Carrie," she said, laughing, though for some reason her eyes became sad. "Thank you... I am glad you thought me suitable for this task." Reinhart blinked; usually Ayeka was nowhere near that humble. Something wasn't right; he was certain of it. But he smiled, and turned to Alucard. The dhampeal was looking at them in surprise, or at least as close to it as he ever got. Slowly, though, he smiled. It wasn't really a movement of his lips, more something that he did with his eyes, a softening of them. It was something that had taken Reinhart a while to start to recognize, though it was something that Alucard did fairly often. "It would be an honor, my friends," he said, surprisingly warmly, especially for him. Reinhart and Carrie both blinked in surprise; Alucard was not usually so open with his words, but they smiled in return. Ayeka asked Carrie if she could hold Elayne for a moment, and she handed her over. Ayeka smiled, and looked at the baby with an almost far off look in her eyes. "The last time that I held a baby was when Tenchi's aunt brought Taro over for a few days. He wore us all out, and Washu ended up doing all of the work." She tickled Elayne under the chin, and was rewarded with a laugh. Ayeka sighed, and smiled almost sadly, to Reinhart's surprise. As he opened his mouth to ask her what was bothering her, Reinhart suddenly felt a presence. Something familiar... He looked up at Alucard as the dhampeal looked around, frowning. Their eyes met for a moment, and he could see that he felt it too. It was... evil... Carrie put a hand on his arm. It was so familiar, that presence... His eyes widened as he suddenly recognized it. He found himself suddenly flying backwards, his body wracked with pain. Reinhart slammed into the ground, and heard Carrie shout not far away as she landed. Groaning, he sat up as Rosa flashed past him with her force sword ready. He followed her flight, wondering what had hit him, and blinked as a bright light flashed. He heard her scream, and then she landed not far away from him with a groan. Blinking away the glare, he gasped as he saw what had thrown him back. "No! It can't be!" breathed Carrie. Where they had been standing, the ground had been blackened by the force of a spell. In the center of that ground stood Cain. He stood next to Ayeka, who was trapped in a bubble shaped forcefield. His heart shuddered, as he saw that she still held Elayne. Reinhart pushed himself to his feet, and saw Alucard shaking off the blast and standing behind Cain. The dhampeal drew his sword, snapping the ribbon in the process, and dropped into a ready stance. As one, they charged him. Cain frowned at him in curiosity, as though he had never seen Reinhart before. He didn't see Alucard coming up behind him, but Reinhart got there first, being closer. Leaping up, Reinhart summoned his sword, and slashed straight down. He was only slightly surprised when he came in contact with the shield around Cain; indeed, the man seemed more surprised than he was. It was all Reinhart could do to make himself simply drop to the ground instead of be thrown back again by the shield. "Do I know you? Can you tell me who I am?" asked Cain suddenly. The questions caught Reinhart offguard, but before he could answer, Alucard made his own attack. Ryuu-ken sliced through the shield around him as though it wasn't there; only a quick movement to the side allowed him to avoid being run through. Cain blinked in surprise as he saw Alucard's face, and he lightly touched his chest, over his heart. "I know your face... You gave me this... Who are you?" he asked Alucard, as he raised his hand. The dhampeal leapt backward as Cain threw several fireballs at him. While he was distracted, Reinhart threw his own barrage at Cain. They bounced off his shield. Suddenly Tenchi, Ryoko, and Rosa were at his side, and as one they began to advance on Cain. He frowned again as he saw them all, and then turned to Ayeka. She was pounding on the inside of her prison with one hand, holding Elayne close to protect her with the other. Cain sighed. "She ordered me to bring only the Empress back, not a child... I would like very much to ask what you know about me, not to mention give back the child, but I do not think that you would tell me... Tokimi will be angry... But it seems that I have no choice but to take the child with me, because if I release the shield long enough to remove her, the Empress might try to escape... I'm sorry..." Reinhart heard Carrie scream no, and leapt forward to try and grab him, but Cain disappeared just before he got there, along with Ayeka and Elayne. "CAIN!!!"