Blood Red Moon Resurrection Prologue: Forces Awakening Hi all. I'm back again. Somehow or other, Blood Red Moon was popular, and I got some requests for a sequel. Well, anyway, here's the disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. Comments, quips, insults, and death threats may be send to The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard, and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. This cross-over series is placed roughly 16 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** High on a cliff, overlooking a calm lake, there came a wind. It blew across the surface, of the ruins of an ancient castle that had sunk more than a century before. As if the wind were a signal, the castle slowly began to rise; reaching up to a moon that had begun to burn crimson as blood in the night. Higher it grew, stones and towers lifting out of the waters and coming together to slowly form an ancient, seamless shape. Like a great finger, the tallest tower grew, stabbing into the air like a dagger in the night, stained red by the light of the moon. Water poured out of windows long submerged, streamed off steepled rooftops in rivulets as they emerged from the water. Finally, the isle that the castle rested upon crested the waves, as the huge clock on the tallest tower began to toll the eleventh hour. Long and deep, the sound of the ancients chimes rang pure as crystal, rolling across the land. In the forest around the lake, the animals woke. They remembered the sound, remembered with a terror that had been passed down to them from their sires, and to them in turn by their sires. Predator and prey alike, all heard the sound and quickly left, running from the ancient forest. Crystal pure the sound may be, but the crystal was of the most evil sort. The wind, as if afraid of what it had called forth, gusted away. It swept away from the castle, and down the valley that it found. Reaching a village, it calmed, and whispered its way through the streets, where people had come into the streets. They looked and stared at the castle's silhouette in the night. The younger ones, men who had seen no more than thirty years were just curious, but the elders whispered, of stories that their parents had told them long ago. Stories of macabre evil, and terrors to wrench the mind and twist the soul. Past the villagers it blew, to an old house at the edge of town. There too, a villager stood, staring at the castle. Old, tired golden eyes looked there, and the ancient woman remembered a time long ago, when she and three others had gone there, to fight a hopeless battle against an evil deeper than even the castle itself. Memory had faded with age, but her soul shivered in fright as the deep tolls of the great clock touched her. "No... It can not be..." she breathed. The wind left her to her memories, gusting past her toward the open plains. It flew over them in haste, stirring the long grasses in its rush, as though it wanted to make amends for its deeds. Finally, it reached a forest, and inside, a clearing. In the middle of the clearing, a small building of shining white marble stood. The wind pushed hard at the ancient door, on which a huge carving of a bat with the sun on its back stood out in stark relief. They held a feeling of great age, as did the entire building. Vines crisscrossed the stone, and tall bushes nearly covered three sides. But the door, and the steps leading up to it remained clear of obstructions. Try as the wind might, though, it could not push the doors open. The wind faded away, defeated. But its efforts were not wholly in vain. Inside the building, four torches flared to life, which revealed a raised platform, on top of which rested an ancient coffin of dark oak. A long, age darkened cross was carved on the cover. The cross began to glow a gentle blue, and inside the coffin, something stirred. The cover was pushed open, and a tall man sat up. A long mane of white hair framed a stern face, dark blue gaze looking around in surprise. Black clothing in a style that had not been seen in more than six hundred years encased him, and a black cloak with blood red underlining flowed down his back. "I have awoken again?" he asked himself in confusion. For he was Adrian Farenheights Tepes, also known as Alucard, son of the evil Count Dracula Vlad Tepes. Six hundred years before, he had helped Trevor Belmont end his father's evil reign, and then placed himself into what he had thought would be an eternal sleep. But some three hundred years later, he had awoken to find Castlevania, his father's evil home, risen once again. Determined to end it once and for all, he had entered what had once been his home, with the intention of destroying it. Inside, he had met Maria Renard, and Richter Belmont, the descendant of Trevor. Richter had been under the control of Shaft, the dark priest bent on once again resurrecting Dracula, and Alucard had been able to free him. Shaft had opened a path way to another dimension, where an inverted Castlevania waited, with new challenges and monsters, and Alucard had traveled there. After a long, difficult battle, he had defeated his father, and destroyed both castles. After destroying the castles, he had found Richter and Maria waiting for him outside. Richter had thanked him, and he had taken his leave, turning to go. To his surprise, Maria had asked to join him. Though he had already decided to return to his eternal sleep, he found himself agreeing. In their short time together, they loved, loved more powerfully than Alucard had ever thought his cursed heart could. But it was not to last. Only ten years after destroying Castlevania, she had been killed by a rogue pack of werewolves. In the blood rage that rose in him, he tore them apart, staining the forest red. When it abated, and he came to himself again, he found himself in a town, the bodies of men at his feet, and streamers of blood running from the corners of his jaws. In shock, he had placed himself back into the eternal sleep, as he knew that he should have done years before, hoping to never wake again. But now he was awake again. That could only mean that his father had returned. But if that were true, than where were the Belmonts? If he had awoken because his father was back, than the Belmont line must have come to an end. That was the only conclusion he could draw. And yet, he could not sense his father's dark presence in the world. Alucard got out of the coffin, and stretched, wincing as his muscles complained of long unuse. Stoic acceptance of his life as a half-human, half-vampire or not, it was still a pain waking up after a long rest. As he massaged his legs back to a semblance of life, he idly wondered how long he had been asleep this time. Alucard finished, and stood, walking over to the wall. A table sat there, on which a suit of mail, black with red enamel, a shield, with his symbol on it, and a helm rested. He brushed his hand across the armor, and then raised his gaze. A long, thin sword rested in its sheath on the wall. The hilt was made of short quillions, worked to look like a braid. The pommel had a large, smooth green stone, and metal, shaped to look like stems extended out, into carefully detailed rosebuds. He pulled the blade from its sheath. It was made of a metal that nobody could identify, sparkling brightly in the flickering torchlight. In all the time that it had belonged to him, it had never dulled, never been nicked. It could cut through armor as if it wasn't even there. The sword, older even than his father, was the last link that he had to his mother, and it had always served him well. "Mother... I had hoped that I would never again have to call on your gift's services, but it seems that I must once again do battle. Please, lend me strength to do what I must," he said softly. Quickly, he donned the armor, and buckled on the sword. As he settled it around his waist, he felt a familiar and unwelcome presence enter the room. He turned to face the intruder. "Alucard. So, this is where you have been hiding for the past two hundred and twenty years," rasped the ancient specter. Long black robes covered all but the figure's face and hands. Great black feather wings sprouted out from his back, idle now that he was only standing. A long, curved scythe was clutched in hands of bone. His face was a skull, bleached white. Alucard stared coldly at Death, his hand going to his blade. "What do you want? I have better things to do than waste time with you." Death seemed to grin. "Ah, still straight to the point, I see. I have come to see if you have anything to do with Castlevania's awakening." Alucard stared at Death in surprise. "Why would I raise my father's evil, when I have already destroyed it once? Though obviously not as thoroughly as I thought I had." "Ah yes, I forget that you have slept since then. Dracula has disappeared a hundred twenty years gone, when a strange man from another world came and did battle with him. He is nowhere to be found, even in the nether realms. But Castlevania is risen again, and only those of his blood have the power to do that, as you know." "My father is missing? And I assume then that you have not been able to enter the castle?" Death nodded. "As you are clearly not the one who called Castlevania, I will leave you to your business, and continue my search for the one that did. Perhaps we shall met again on... peaceful terms." "Perhaps." Death nodded, and disappeared. Alucard thought about the information he'd gained from the unexpected source. His father missing for a hundred-twenty years. Good news, certainly, but if he hadn't called the castle forth, than who, or what, had? It took an incredible amount of power to summon it from its watery grave. Where before he had only thought he had a simple task, he now found a potentially deadly mystery. Castlevania returned to the physical realm, Dracula missing, and the Belmont line likely ended. What was he to face, upon returning to his ancient home? Settling his sword in its sheath, Alucard opened the doors of his resting place, and stepped into the open night for the first time in two hundred twenty years. Looking up, he saw the blood red moon, floating in the sky once again. Even as he took his first breath in the fresh air, the sound of the great clock in the castle rolled over him. Twelve deep tolling touched his ears. "Land of my birth... so I am once again allowed to lay eyes on your beautiful shores," he said, and, for a moment, the ghost of a smile touched his lips. Perhaps the night had come, but a vampire's home was the darkness. "I... Is it really you?" "Master Alucard?" Alucard spun, as two familiar voices sounded behind him. One came from what appeared to be a small woman, save that this woman had four delicate wings, and wore a flowing dress that fluttered in the breeze. The second voice came from a small demon, leathery bat wings flapping up and down in a constant motion. He carried a small pitchfork. Now Alucard did smile, in disbelief, and joy. "It is you, Alucard!" "You've come back!" "Sheann'a! Drathar! But how did you find me so soon? Are the others here?" Sheann'a, the fairy, shook her head, and the demon Drathar spoke. "When Dracula disappeared, there was an uproar in Hell. Balrin, the ghost, and the soul sword were both destroyed in the chaos that followed. The only reason that I survived was because I had been summoned at the time by a young necromancer. Brisana died over a hundred fifty years ago. She lived a long time, for a bat." Alucard nodded. These were his familiars, friends that had helped him so long ago when he had gone to destroy the castle. "Do you know anything about who has resurrected the castle?" "Only that he is of Dracula's bloodline, and that he is very, very powerful," answered Drathar. Sheann'a nodded. "There is something strange about him. He has Dracula's dark powers, but we sensed something akin to the Belmont's blood in him as well. The two powers battle for domination inside of him, much as your human and vampire side battled within you." Alucard nodded gravely. The mystery only grew deeper. "Come, my friends. We have a long journey ahead, and a longer battle after." Reaching into himself, he morphed into his wolf form, and then dashed away, to the north. Toward the evil Castlevania. ***** "D3, report." "Mistress, D10 reported finding an incredible power source in his domain. He said that it was at least equal to the Light Hawk Wings." The Lady Tokimi, who had been listening to him with only a hundredth of her attention, now turned in full to him. "An equal to the Light Hawk Wings? Continue." "D10's report said that he wasn't entirely certain why he had not picked up on this power source before, but it was likely to match Tsunami's alterations to the Light Hawk Wings." "Order him to begin efforts to retrieve it. This comes at an excellent time, with the attack on her plaything at hand. I leave the matter to you. I must complete the preparations for the battle." "Lady Tokimi... may I ask, what do you intend to do with Tsunami's avatar?" Tokimi paused, and activated the display. A three dimensional picture appeared, of a tall man. Ten Light Hawk Wings surrounded him, and two gems sparkled from his wrists. "Not just Tsunami's, but Washu's as well. I'm not certain as of yet. For now, he may run free." "By your leave, Lady Tokimi." She nodded, and he phased away. Tokimi turned back to the display. "What are you playing at with this boy, sisters? He has enough power to be one of us, and that is before considering his bondmate, and yet you keep him ignorant of the truth. Tell me, Tsunami and Washu, what is your game?" The goddess stared at the display, a thoughtful light in her eyes. ***** Deep inside, something stirred. It felt at the edges of its prison. They seemed thinner than before, less substantial. Soon... soon, its time would come again. It could feel the power, flowing to it, through the prison's walls. Slowly, it grew stronger, as its thirst became stronger. Thirst for the sweetest of nectars. Satisfied that the walls were still sufficient to contain it, it went back to sleep. Soon... It had been patient for this long. It could wait a little longer. ***** The young woman looked out the window, at a peaceful lake and field. Outside, a pair of teenaged children laughed and played. One boy, with black hair, dove to the ground, as a cyan-haired girl tried to tackle him, literally flying through the air. Smiling, Sasami looked away. Sixteen years, since they had been born, the twin children of Tenchi and Ryoko. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki took after their parents quite a bit. Reinhart, who shared his father's black hair and gentle eyes, was generally level headed, but his mother's quick temper occasionally shown through with usually embarrassing results. Rosa was much more carefree than her twin, but unlike her mother, she also had a very, very strong sense of duty, inherited from her father. Once a promise had been extracted from her, she would fill it, no matter what the cost to herself. Sometimes, that sense of obligation worried Sasami. Sasami... The young woman smiled a little. She was Sasami, but she was also Tsunami, goddess of Jurai. The melding had come smoothly six years before, on Sasami's eighteenth birthday, and since they had been one person, shared one soul. All of Tsunami's seriousness, powers, and knowledge, combined with Sasami's love of life, and strong emotions. They truly had become one, and it was a decision that Tsunami knew she would never regret. Her smile faded. Tsunami could feel her sister's presence. Tokimi was close, no more than a dimension away, too close to the dimension she had worked so hard to protect and nurture. Looking back out the window, at the two children, she wondered if Washu and her preparations had been enough. Reinhart spun and caught his sister, laughing. They would have to be, she knew. Tenchi, who had grown to become a handsome man in his prime, came out, towards the children. There was so much that she wanted to tell him, yet she knew that she had to wait longer still. Tenchi - and Ryoko as well - still had a long, and painful road ahead. Already, her plans had nearly come crashing down around her when the two of them had disappeared for three years. But through a twist of fate she could have never foreseen, not only had her plans been saved, but their chances of being successful were greatly improved. But she worried as well. Although he had matured more fully than she could have ever hoped in his three year journey, and gained a mastery of both his powers and the ones gained from Ryoko's gems, he had also gained a dark taint, one that she could not remove. Though he had the strength to fight it, she feared that it would manifest itself at the worst possible time. She looked at him again. The Slowing had already taken effect, the gradual stopping of the aging process that effected anybody that used the Jurai power. Though he was now forty years old, he looked no different than he had sixteen years before, when he had returned from his travels. The effect had been amplified by the gems - left alone, he'd be lucky to get his first gray hair in some thirty thousand years. Almost immortal. Tsunami knew that even herself, youngest of the three goddesses, would likely have long since left this dimension by then. She hoped that would be. Was she doing the right thing? She asked herself the question that she had asked a hundred billion times before. But she had no choice, she knew. She was committed, had been committed millennia before when she had first began guiding bloodlines to eventually produce Tenchi. If one life's sacrifice could save a world, indeed, an entire universe, than it was a paltry fee indeed, and it was a price that she would gladly pay. "I'm sorry Tenchi. To save this universe, or any other, I would sacrifice even myself." A tear fell, and then she teleported away, to do what she could to prevent the coming tragedy. ***** A face that could only be called young by its appearance looked down from the tallest tower of Castlevania. Pale skin, glittering black eyes, and close cropped blond hair stood out in the moon light. The man stared into the distance, where he could feel something approaching. "I can feel you. You've woken, and are coming here. Come quickly. Race like the wind. The time has come, and I will not wait any longer. Come Alucard, come, and let this be finished. The pendulum has swung between light and dark long enough." There was a sound behind him, and he turned. An old woman, with eyes of pale gold, and faintly cyan-tinged gray hair stood there, clutching a staff of dark mahogany. A large, blue gem held by a carven hawk's foot sparkled faintly from within. A humorless smile touched his lips. "I've been expecting you! I was almost thinking that you wouldn't make it, but then I forget, the Belnades never did know when to give up. Such a strong line, but now there is only one." The ancient woman's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you, then, the one who has brought the castle back? Dracula is not here?" she asked. For one as old as she was, there was no fear, no tremor in her voice. A strength, a conviction as there instead. "Who are you?" "Carrie Fernandez, descendant of Sypha Belnades, and heir to her power. How lonely you must be.... Reinhart dead some ninety years ago, Rosa not long after. Their three children, dead in a terrible and needless war. Sad loss, that. The Belmont's glorious bloodline, come at long last to an end. Almost. You've outlived all your friends. Now it seems, my dear, that you are the last one left." The old woman firmed her grip on the staff, and took a step forward. "You seem to know much. Do you know your own name, that I may carve it into your gravestone when I have dispatched you here?" He smiled again. "So, you haven't lost your fighting spirit in your old age! Very good, I may have some fun tonight after all! But your question... What's in a name? Simply something cowards hide behind. But if you must know a name, than let us say simply Cain. But I do assume that you've come for something more than idle chatter, no?" She nodded, and her staff began to glow pale blue. Folding his arms, he smiled, and waited. With surprising speed for somebody of her age, she whipped her staff down toward him, and a blast of pure light lanced out from the gemstone. Calmly, he placed his hand down into its path. The light lance touched it, and turned dead black. The black light raced back to the staff, and she screamed in pain and threw it away when his counter blast touched it. He strode over, and backhanded her. She flew across the room, and slammed into the wall, crumpling bonelessly to the ground. He walked over, and turned her face toward his. "You are going to return to the village, and wait there. Somebody is going to arrive there soon, and when they do, you will take them to the Whip, and retrieve it. Then you will return here. Now begone with you! Pester me no more this night, and I will let you live a little longer!" With that, he turned away, and back to his vantage point. "Soon mother... You will be avenged, and the Pendulum of Chaos shall stop swinging for all eternity!" His hand went unconsciously to the golden cross hanging about his neck. "Soon." Blood Red Moon Resurrection Chapter 1: The Devil Inside Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. Misato Katsuragi belongs to Neon Genesis Evangelion. Sorry guys, no fan service. This cross-over series is placed roughly 17 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** "Hey Dad, check this out!" Reinhart Masaki formed his force blade, and executed a quick triple strike on Washu's All-Purpose-Combat-Training-Dummy. His grandmother's droid registered three debilitating hits, and beeped loudly in submission. He grinned, and looked over at his sister. And was quite surprised, when the training vest that he wore beeped as it registered a hit. "That was a good strike, but you have to remember that your enemy might not be alone," said Tenchi, as the glow from his fireball disappeared from his hand. The crimson gems in his wrist glittered darkly. He looked at Rosa as she giggled. "I wouldn't laugh, if I were you. He at least has his sword forms down. You are depending too much on your fireball attacks. If somebody were to get inside that range, you would be hard pressed to fend them off." Reinhart and Rosa Masaki both sighed as one, and bowed to their father, Tenchi. At sixteen, Reinhart was a tall, lanky young man. His black hair was tied into a ponytail in back, and gentle brown eyes, the same as his father's, held a frown at the moment, but the hint of a smile danced behind them. His skin was a pale golden, his muscles toned, although some baby fat could still be seen on his cheeks. He wore the training gear that his grandmother had made for himself and his twin sister Rosa. Rosa came toward them, wiping sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. Being his twin, she was also sixteen, although technically the younger of the two as she had come out second. She was almost a duplicate of her mother, as tall as he was, with a thick shock of spikey cyan hair and mischievous golden eyes. She was already developing into a full figure just as ravishing as her mother's, and many a boy at school had meet with a solid punch to the jaw when they refused to leave her alone. Her skin was only faintly tinged gold, and she too was trim of fat. The training suit that she wore was molded to her form, and not for the first time Reinhart wished that Washu wouldn't always be so exact in her measurements. "I think that's enough practice for today. Get cleaned up, and change into some semi-formal clothes. We have guests coming tonight." "Yes father," they chorused. He grinned at them. "Get going you little monsters. I'll be along once I clean up here." Rosa looked at him. "Race you to the bathroom," she challenged. "No teleporting!" he answered, as he took off like a shot. They dashed away from the training ground. Reinhart settled into an easy lope, conserving energy until he needed it. Rosa was not far behind him, but on foot, he was the faster of the two. As the reached the lake and Reinhart began to circle around to the bridge, Rosa laughed, and then jumped into the air. She flew across the water, and touched down on the porch just as he reached the half-way point of the bridge. She waved, and then disappeared inside. "No fair!" he exclaimed, once he made it inside. She grinned. "You never said that I couldn't fly. I can't help it if I'm better suited to thinking than you." He grudgingly admitted defeat. "Oh, don't take it so hard. You'll get her back for it tomorrow." Reinhart jumped in surprise as his mother hugged him from behind. "Mom!" he exclaimed, trying to struggle out of her grip, blushing red as a beet. Being sixteen and having a mother hotter than most girls at school did have its drawbacks. Ryoko let him go, and grinned at Rosa. "He's just as bad as Tenchi was at his age. He never could stand all that female attention," she said confidently to her, as if Reinhart wasn't even there. Groaning, he slipped past his sister into the bathroom. He closed the door, to laughter from both of them. Washing quickly, he stopped in his bedroom for a fresh set of clothes, and then went downstairs, where his sister was already seated. When he saw who she was talking to, he broke into a wide grin. "Mayuka! When did you get back!" Mayuka Masaki, twenty-one years old, smiled at him from the couch, Ryo-Ohki settled happily into her lap. She was the only girl he knew that didn't make him feel completely tongue tied. Two years before, she had left for America's University of Minnesota, to study at their medical training center. Shorter than Rosa and himself, she was still quite beautiful. When she had left, her purple hair had fallen past her waist, but now it was close cropped in the front, and tied into a thick braid that hung to just below her shoulder. "I just got into the airport half an hour ago. Mihoshi picked me up, and then went to go get great-grandpa." There was a knock at the door, and Rosa stood to go answer it. "Mihoshi is here too? I thought that she was out on an extended mission." "She was, but her local HQ called off the search, since the suspect had been caught in another quadrant." Reinhart smiled. "You're here, Mihoshi is here... Now all that we need are-" "Aunt Ayeka!" exclaimed Rosa, as she opened the door. Empress Ayeka Jurai, ruler of the Juraian empire smiled, and hugged Rosa. Ryoko came into the living room, and made a show of rolling her eyes, and sighing. "Well well, if it isn't the little princess... Things getting a little dull on the royal seat?" she asked teasingly. Ayeka looked at her with mock disgust. "Must I put up with this monster woman?" she asked no one in particular. The stared at each other a moment, and then laughed. Ryoko crossed the room, and they hugged. "I'm sorry that I couldn't make it to the wedding anniversary. One of the council members passed away, and I had to attend the funeral." Ryoko grinned, and shrugged. "Ah, well. We managed. So, I see that you still don't seem to have a consort?" Ayeka sighed. "No, and the council is beginning to become irritated. Tenchi spoiled me; none of the men the various houses send to me even remotely seem as caring as him. All they want is power, and a chance to join their house to the royal line." "Tenchi spoiled all of us," said Ryoko, and Ayeka laughed, nodding. Then she turned her attention to Reinhart and Mayuka. Ryo-Ohki jumped out of her lap, and hopped over to Ayeka. She smiled, and ruffled the cabbit's fur. She was just the same that Reinhart remembered her. She held a calm, dignified air about her like a shield, and a quiet, unassuming beauty. Her hair was tied back into a braid even fatter than Mayuka's and hung down nearly to her feet. Her headpiece, carved of Juraian wood, rested as usual on her forehead, and she wore the traditional multiple kimonos of the Juraian royalty. "You've been awfully quiet, Reinhart. Not happy to see your aunt?" He smiled, a little embarrassed. "It's not that, it's just..." he started. She grinned expectantly. "I mean, that is..." All four sets of female eyes fastened themselves to him. He found himself trying to shrink back into the wall. Ryoko looked at Ayeka. "Like father, like son..." All of the women in the room shared a laugh. Reinhart wished that he knew why, whenever a girl so much as looked at him, he got tongue tied and butterflies in his stomach. Especially one girl at his school, Misato Katsuragi, a short, dark haired, and wild young lady. They shared a couple of classes together. Funny, he reflected, but it seemed the second that she had first started noticing him, all the other girls in his school wouldn't even hint at being more than just a friend. "Come on everybody, dinner is nearly ready. Mihoshi should be back with grandpa soon." Ayeka sighed. "Should I have the royal medic on standby to save us from the poison?" Ryoko arched an eyebrow at her, but finally grinned. Reinhart sighed, saved from disaster, and followed them into the dining room. Washu and Nobuyuki were already there. Washu Hakubi, aged around 20,500 years, give or take a millenium or three. Reinhart had seen her in all three of her age forms - Very extremely adult, when trying to collect samples for tests, Young Adult, the form that she had began to take when guests were around, and Child, which he gladly noted she was in today. Her wild mane of hot pink hair that flowed down her back was so bright in under the lights that it almost hurt to look at. He shook his head. A grandmother that looked to be ten years younger than he was. Nobuyuki Masaki looked up from the stove, where he was juggling three pans full of simmering food, and a cookbook. His hair had long since turned gray, his face wrinkled with age. The only member of their family to be completely human, he was also the only one to age normally. Normally by human standards. Aged or not, he still remained surprisingly spry for his age, and a woman that wasn't careful often found herself ogled by him. "Lady Ayeka! Nice to see you again!" greeted the pink haired scientist. Nobuyuki waved from the stove. Even he was smart enough to not try sneaking peeks at Ayeka. "Miss Washu, Nobuyuki. Where are my brother and Tenchi? I expected that they would be here." Washu took a drink of tea, and answered. "Lord Katsuhito is at a shrine keeper's convention. Mihoshi left to pick him up not long ago." "Did you remember to call ahead and tell the police to clear the roads?" asked Ryoko. Washu grinned at her daughter. "Tenchi, I believe, is right behind you." Ayeka turned, startled to find Tenchi just behind her. She smiled, and hugged him. "I'm glad that you could make it, Empress. We missed you at the anniversary," said Tenchi. She shook her head. "Please, please, if nothing else, drop the titles. It's nothing but, Empress this, Empress that! I used to like holding everybody calling me princess, now I would trade the throne just to have people talk to me, and not the Empress." Tenchi grinned. "Isn't Sasami with you?" Ayeka shook her head. "She sends her regards, but she had to see to important business." Tenchi nodded, as Ryoko came over and put her arm around his waist. "I was looking forward to seeing the munchkin again." Ayeka nodded. "She wanted to come, but her duties as Tsunami out weigh her personal wishes at times. It's strange. I used to envy her because I thought that she'd never have to worry about placing Jurai before herself as Empress. Now, it often seems that she never even gets the chance to remember what a little girl named Sasami was, much less be anything but Tsunami." They all sat down, the first time that this much of the family had gotten together in five years. Today was the anniversary of Tenchi and Ryoko's miraculous return to this dimension seventeen years before. They hadn't all been able to get together in a long time for various reasons. Mihoshi had been given command of a special battle fleet formed to combat space pirates, Ayeka had been raised Empress when Azusa had passed away of a heart attack. So many reasons, yet they still remained a tight knit group. Reinhart smiled. They would always be together, that much he was certain of. About halfway through the meal, Tenchi excused himself. He had begun to look pale, and said that he wasn't feeling overly well. Ryoko looked at him, and he assured her that he would be fine if her lay down for a little while. The family watched him leave with worried expressions. To Reinhart's memory, his father had never before been sick, but the meal resumed, if a little dampened. Mihoshi came back, with Katsuhito in tow. She was still beautiful, although older now, and the signs of age were starting to show a little. Her blonde hair was still done up in a pony tail, and though she wasn't as ditzy as she once was, it was never very long before she would make a mistake, and not even realize what she had done wrong. His great grandfather, Katsuhito Masaki, smiled warmly as he saw Ayeka. His gray hair was a little longer, and more wrinkles had appeared on a face already lined with age in the past seventeen years, but his dark eyes still sparkled with hidden secrets. "Brother!" exclaimed Ayeka. She stood, and embraced him, then stepped back and looked at him reproachfully. "I wish that you would rethink your decision to stay here. I could truly use your help on the throne. Half of the nobles still remember that they could have been Emperor had they only stepped in a little sooner, the other half only see a child instead of an Empress." He smiled, and shook his head. "I'm sorry, but my place remains here. If I were to return to Jurai with you, it would only cause an uproar among the council. Best for both of us if I were to stay here." She nodded, and they sat back down. When Ryoko suddenly gasped in surprise, and stood, running up the stairs, they all stared after her, wondering what was the matter. When they heard her begin to scream, they all dashed up after her. They found her, struggling to hold Tenchi away from her. Reinhart stared. His father's skin had become pasty white; his hands changed into claws. Seeing them, Tenchi hissed. Two long, sharp looking fangs glistened in the light and his eyes blazed an evil red. Washu was the first to react, summoning her subspace keyboard, and pounding at the keys. A pair of manacles appeared, and clamped down on his arms, pulling him away from Ryoko. A tall cross, made of light, appeared, and the manacles pulled him to it, attaching themselves. He struggled against them, but could not get away. "Meet me in the lab," she directed. Punching in a sequence on the keyboard, a tall portal appeared, and the cross, with Tenchi, floated through, followed quickly by her. It snapped shut, leaving a panting Ryoko and shocked family. Recovering quickly, she looked at all of them, and then brushed by. They followed her down, and into Washu's lab. In the central room, they found Washu, standing before a bed. Tenchi rested on this, apparently sedated. "Is it what I think it is, Mother?" The pink haired scientist turned to them, and for the first time in his life Reinhart saw a lost expression on her face. "I can't detect any circulatory functions, his pulmonary tract has stopped, and there is no internal heat being generated. But he's still alive. His alpha wave pattern has changed almost completely," she said. Ryoko touched his hand. "Cold as ice..." she breathed. "Mom... what's wrong with dad?" asked Rosa. Ryoko turned to them, strangely calm, although in her eyes an old fear danced. "Do you remember what we told you about when Tenchi and I were teleported to Romania?" They nodded. "Your father and I decided to not tell you one thing about it. That during that time, he was hurt by a vampire, and the curse was passed onto him." She paused, and took a deep breath. "He became a vampire, but when he used the Light Hawk Wings, he was cured." Reinhart stared at his father, and knew what was coming next. If anything, the fangs should have been an obvious clue. "It seems that he wasn't as cleansed as we had thought. He's become a vampire again." Reinhart heard Ayeka gasp, and Mayuka, standing next to him, sagged as if she were about to faint. Reinhart put out his arm; she gladly leaned on it. "So... Is that a bad thing?" asked Mihoshi. They all looked at her, and just sighed. Reinhart cleared his throat, and asked the obvious question. "What brought it back now, seventeen years later?" Ryoko opened her mouth to reply, but closed it again as a shimmering pillar of light appeared. It brightened, and then Tsunami stepped out. Without saying anything, she rushed to Tenchi's side. A glowing sphere of light appeared in her hand; she lay that hand on Tenchi's chest, and the sphere sank into his flesh. He groaned, and tried to move away a little, but then settled down. Reinhart noticed that a little color seemed to return to his skin. "I am not too late, thank the light," she breathed, sighing in relief. Tsunami looked up at Ryoko, sorrow in her eyes. "I'm sorry that I was not here before... it happened. If I had of been, I might have been able to keep it from going this far. Now all that I can do is keep it from becoming worse for a time." "Why now, Tsunami?" The goddess shook her head. "Foolish hopes," she said quietly. Reinhart didn't think that she had intended to speak aloud. He was proven right when she continued. "There are forces gathering for an attack. What better place to strike, than at the one who stands the best chance of stopping them?" Ayeka stepped forward. "What can we do to help him?" Tsunami frowned. "He is fighting a battle within himself. I think that he is strong enough to fight it off, given time and patience. But there is no telling when it will resurge again, and next time..." she trailed off, and Ayeka nodded, understanding. "I have a thought as to what must be done, but only two have the ability to accomplish it." Ryoko and Ayeka automatically stepped forward, but were surprised when Tsunami shook her head. "No. Ayeka must return to Jurai quickly. The attack will be beginning there, and you must get the people ready for war. And you, Ryoko, you must stay by Tenchi's side. It is only because of the strength passing between the two of you via the link that he was able to resist killing you when you first found him like this. If you leave now, his chances of beating back the beast will be much, much less. No, it is Reinhart and Rosa who must go," she said, looking at them. "NO!" shouted Ryoko, drawing a startled stare from all of them. Not caring, she continued. "Not there! Not to face him!" Reinhart and Rosa started at the force behind her words, and looked at each other, and then Rosa spoke. "Not where, Mother? If it's something that must be done to save Dad, then why not?" Tsunami simply looked at Ryoko. The cyan-haired woman met her gaze; luminous golden against gentle pink, but finally looked away. "Romania. Where Tenchi was first cursed. The only person that I can think of that would be able to bring his vampirism back to the surface is Dracula," she said finally, in a whisper so low that they had to strain to hear. "But you said that he was dead," said Reinhart. Ryoko shook her head. "So we thought. The local legend, though, is that Dracula will never remain in the grave for more than one hundred years. He must have risen, and with him..." She looked at Tsunami, and this time it was the blue haired goddess that looked away first. Reinhart looked at his sister, and they stepped toward their mother. "If we have to do it, than there is no sense in waiting," he said. She looked at them in surprise, and then smiled just a little. Tsunami, meanwhile, turned to Washu. "Can you open the portal there? I am using all of my powers to stave off the curse." Washu nodded. "I think so. The teleporter should still have the coordinates. I mothballed it after bringing them back." Tsunami nodded, and turned to them, from her robes, she pulled a pair of crosses, made from Juraian wood, and beckoned them to take one each. "I can't promise that these will protect you fully, but they should help." "T... take..." Startled, they looked up to see Tenchi, his eyes open and back to their gentle brown. Ryoko went to his side. "Shh... Rest, Tenchi! Save your strength!" she said, cradling his head against her breast. Weakly, he shook his head stubbornly. "T... take s... sword. Rein... Reinhart and Rosa... F... friends... help..." His voice trailed off, and he fell back to sleep. Confused, they looked at each other. "Take the sword? But why? We already have our powers," said Rosa. Ryoko looked down at Tenchi. "What were you trying to tell us, my love?" she asked. Mihoshi frowned. "Well, it seems to me that he wanted Reinhart and Rosa to take the sword to some friends, didn't he?" Ryoko looked at her, and her jaw dropped. "What did you do to the real Mihoshi? How could I not see it! He wasn't talking about you two, he was talking about Reinhart, and Rosa and Carrie in Romania, the ones that we helped kill Dracula when we were there before! They would recognize the sword, and might be able to help you!" she exclaimed. Mihoshi got a wide grin, and Ryoko kissed Tenchi on the forehead and then teleported away. When she returned a moment later, she had Tenchi-ken in one hand, and a thin golden necklace, with a small blue stone set in silver in the other. The sword, she handed to Reinhart. Very carefully, she placed the necklace around Rosa's neck. "I know that you've had your eye on this for awhile Rosa, so take it with you. It was a gift from a very good friend. Show them both of these, and I'm certain they'll help you." In the back of the lab, a loud whirring sound started. A huge machine proceeded by Washu, floated into view. Ryoko looked at Tsunami one more time. "You are certain that this is the only way?" She nodded, and Ryoko turned to them once again. "Listen to me very carefully. Where you are going, your nightmares are living, breathing demons, and they are far, far more deadly than you could ever imagine. Keep watch on each other. Remember that you are there together for a reason. And no matter what, promise me that you will come back to me." "The teleporter is ready. Take this," said Washu, handing them each a small cube. "When you are ready to come back, activate it, and set it down on the ground, than get back. I can home in on the signal, and I'll open the portal." Reinhart and Rosa hugged Ryoko, as Washu opened the portal. "We'll be back before you know it. And then we'll be able to tease dad about his night life," said Rosa. Ryoko laughed roughly. They got up to the platform, took one last look back, and then jumped through. They were surrounded by darkness, and got a sense of falling. ***** Alucard came to a stop, as a wave of exhaustion rolled over him. Shifting back to human form, he sat down on a nearby rock, breathing hard. Sheann'a and Drathar, who had been slowly falling behind, caught up to him. "I must be getting old. My feet - and hands! - hurt," he said, to nobody in particular. "What do you expect? You've been running for a day and a half. Dhampeal or not, you need some rest now and again." Alucard turned his head as Sheann'a landed on his shoulder, panting from trying to keep up with him. Drathar touched down on the ground before him. "Thanks for the obvious. Any more advice?" "Yes. Sleep, or I'll cast a sleep spell on you myself." He grinned. "Are you never going to behave like a normal familiar, or will you ever be the conscious that I never before had?" She smiled. "Do you think for one second that you'd be any better off if I didn't tell you what to do when you need told?" "Touché. Fine, I will sleep, but wake me in no more than four hours. We have no time to waste sleeping." "And if you reach the castle, without the strength to lift your blade?" He frowned at her slightly. "How do you do that?" "Because the female mind is far better suited to thought than a man's. Sleep." Sighing, he found a reasonably comfortable position, and feel asleep, trusting his familiars to wake him if there was danger. "He's just as stubborn as always," said Drathar. Sheann'a looked at the sleeping form of Alucard with pity. "The pain of two lost loves, not to mention his cursed existence wears on him. His heart, though pure of the darkness that he imagines he is, has been obscured by that pain." Drathar nodded. "When should we tell him... about Cain, I mean..." Sheann'a smoothed his hair with a tiny hand as he shivered from something only he could see. "Not yet. He isn't ready for it, not for awhile." "He deserves to know." "I know. We will tell him, when the time comes." Though he appeared troubled, the demon agreed, as Alucard shivered again. Sheann'a began to softly sing, a song that the wind itself seemed to join her in. The sweet tones drifted over Alucard, and he stopped shivering, a small smile appearing on his face. The night drifted on, her song filling the chill air. Blood Red Moon Resurrection Chapter 2: Old Friends Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. This cross-over series is placed roughly 17 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** Reinhart felt himself falling through nothingness, and then suddenly, he just wasn't anymore, not landing yet at the same time that feeling of falling stopped. Sound touched him first, the music of crickets, and other nightlife. He blinked a couple of times, and his eyes adjusted to the darkness. Slowly, he made out the fact that he was in what looked like a town square. Once his eyes had adjusted fully, he was able to see as well as if it were day, part of the abilities that he had gained from his mother. They were in a town square; his sister stood up from where she had appeared. Surrounding them were huge, Victorian style houses, some of which appeared to be very old. In the middle of the square stood a tall fountain. There were four people carven into the stone of the fountain. One, a tall man with a serious expression that held a whip at the ready. There was a young girl, holding a staff. Reinhart's breath caught, as he recognized the other two people. They were his mother and father. The water shot up from behind them, and then spread out over the four figures. "I don't think we're in Japan any more, Toto," quipped Rosa. Groaning, Reinhart looked around. "Mom said that we should find Reinhart and Carrie." She nodded, and then abruptly turned toward one of the shadowed alley ways. "Who's there?" she called out. A rhythmic, singular tapping sound came from that direction, as they waited. Slowly, the form of a slump-backed, bent over person wrapped up in a cloak appeared out of the darkness. The person walked with the aid of a tall, beautifully carven staff, with a small green stone on top; the source of the tapping sound. As the figure approached them, silent except for the click of the staff striking the stone of the road, Reinhart automatically began to summon the energy for his force blade. He jumped in surprise, when Tenchi-ken, at his waist, began to glow a soft blue. The figure, now right in front of them, stopped, and looked up. An old, wrinkled face looked out at them. It might have been beautiful once; now it held a sort of stern, motherly warmth. The wisps of hair that could be seen from under the hood were gray, although Reinhart thought that he saw just a hint of cyan. But it was her eyes that drew his attention. They didn't belong in that old, weathered face. In the moonlight, they shone golden, ancient, and yet young and vibrant at the same time. Intelligence and wisdom of the ages danced behind them, just out of reach. "Who are you?" he asked. That gaze took both him and his sister in. He could see the old woman weighing them in her eyes, down to the last ounce. Leaning on the staff, she reached down, and touched the glowing Tenchi-ken. In surprise, he made no move to stop her. "Tell me, young man, how did you come by this sword?" she asked. Like her eyes, the woman's voice didn't belong to someone as old as her. There was strength, conviction to that voice. Somehow, he realized, she was not a threat to them. "It is my father's. He sent it with us as proof of who we are," he said. The old woman looked up, letting go of the sword, and smiled just slightly. "And who does it prove you are?" she asked. Reinhart drew himself up proudly. "My name is Reinhart, and this is my sister Rosa. We are searching for two friends of our father, whom we are named after." The old woman nodded. "Noble names. That was a long, long time ago. I was only twelve. I'm sorry, but Reinhart Schnieder and his wife are dead nearly ninety years gone." Rosa gasped. "Ninety years! But its only been seventeen years for us!" Reinhart stared at the old woman. "What of Carrie Fernandez? You didn't mention what happened to her yet." She smiled. "Oh, she's still around. Hanging on by finger nails, but she was always too stubborn to die." Now Reinhart understood, remembering his mother's stories about Carrie, and her golden eyes, and smiled. "Rosa..." he said, turning to his sister. "Meet Carrie Fernandez." Rosa stared at the ancient woman in surprise, while the older woman chuckled quietly. She sobered quickly, though. "Come. There are better places than this to talk, and safer as well, in these times." She started quickly toward one side of the square. They stared at each other in surprise, and then hurried to follow her. ***** "And the curse has returned, at its full strength?" asked Carrie, taking a sip of tea. Reinhart nodded. "Mother said she thought it might be Dracula, trying to take revenge," he said. The older woman appeared deep in thought. "Tenchi and Ryoko... How often I've thought of them both in the last hundred twenty years. They were good friends, and we all missed them dearly after they left. Rosa was hit hardest of all. She was sad that Ryoko hadn't been able to say goodbye. Their first child was born not long after. It was a girl, and they named her Ryoko, just as they had planned. She was the first of three. Ryoko, Angela, and Cloud, their only son." "What happened to them?" asked Rosa. Carrie frowned. "About sixty years ago, a great and terrible plague came to this land. Many people died. Reinhart found out that the source of the plague was a dark cave not far east of here. Together, he and I went there. Deep under the Earth, we found an Elder Demon. Pooling our powers, we were able to send it back to Hell, sealing the Gateway it had formed. But during the battle, he was badly wounded." She paused to take a drink of her tea before continuing. "Healing magic was never my strongest suit; the spells in Sypha's book were mainly to combat the dark powers of Dracula. I did what I could, and we made it back to town. He lived a week, and then two, stayed to his bed as though a giant's hand held him there. Much of the time that he was awake, hallucinations plagued him, but in the few moments of clarity that he had, he was with his family." Carrie Fernandez sighed, sadly. "On the tenth day of November, in the year nineteen ten, Reinhart Schneider passed away. In the end, not even the Belmont blood that flowed in his veins was enough to keep him alive. He was buried in the Belmont family graveyard, as was his right. "Rosa tried hard, after he passed away, but slowly, the life drained out of her. She rarely smiled anymore; often she would cry in my shoulder. For a short time, she began to become better; than one of her sisters was killed in a house fire and she fell back into her depression. One year after Reinhart, Rosa joined him in the Earth's final embrace. Her will to go on had simply left her. I took the children in, and took care of them as best I could. I had never married; most men in that day and age simply can't deal with a woman who is more powerful than they are. Cloud had shown promise as a mage, and I began to teach him what I could. "Five years after Rosa passed away, the denizens of Hell, who had been in upheaval since Dracula's death, found a path here. Under the leadership of four Elder Demons: Thanatos, Demadred, Ishmael, and Death, they surged out of Hell, into the Living world. The Earth itself screamed and bled at that terrible tide. The children and myself hurried there, as fast as we could. The power that flowed in their blood aided us, and we were able to reach the leaders. "Ryoko challenged Thanatos. Her blade, blessed by the Holy Priests of Avalon, bit deeply into his side, but as he died, flames rose about him and consumed her as well. The first to be born, she was also the first to die on that dark day. Angela, with the Lance of Gabriel, fought Demadred to the edge of a cliff, overlooking a river of fire. With a mighty charge, she pierced his black heart, and drove them both over the edge. "Cloud, the last one to be born, faced the most powerful, Ishmael. The match seemed a poor one; it took all of Cloud's powers to simply stay alive. Suddenly, though, a golden nimbus surrounded him, and Ishmael stared in surprise. Above them, the clouds that blackened the sky parted, and a bar of light, brighter than any I had ever seen save that of the Light Hawk Wings shot down at them. "Blinded, I had to turn away. When my vision returned, both Ishmael and Cloud had disappeared. Death, my opponent, an old acquaintance from when I battled through Castlevania with Reinhart and your parents shook his head. 'The fools,' he said, 'The fools would not listen to me.' The ancient specter ordered the hellspawn back, much to my surprise, and then turned to face me. "'Know this, Carrie Fernandez. The deaths of your friends, and their children, were not my doing. There is something of great power, turning events away from their intended path.' I asked him what he meant. 'They were not on my lists for a long time, and it was not I who guided them to their afterlife, nor are you, Carrie Fernandez. Remember well: The night comes again. Prepare.' With that, he disappeared." Rosa and Reinhart, who had both been on the edge of their seats, leaned back as the older woman finished her story. Rosa looked at Reinhart. "So that's it then. We'll have to get into the castle ourselves," she said. Carrie cleared her throat. "No, you will not be alone. I will be going with you. I know the way to your enemy, and I would not be much of a friend if I did not help." Rosa looked at her in surprise. "But you're so... I mean, we couldn't..." Carrie laughed. "Old? My child, I take this form merely because it suits my needs. I'll likely live to see the end of this century and the next, if not more. Being a sorceress does have its advantages." Reinhart nodded. "We need to find Dracula. Mom said that she was certain that was who was fueling the curse." Carrie shook her head. "Dracula is dead, now and forever. Tenchi killed him for the last time a hundred twenty years ago. The night Castlevania rose again, I went there, to find out the same thing. There were no creatures to stop me; indeed, the castle seemed to want me to arrive at the high tower. When I reached it, I found what appeared to be a young man. At first, I thought that it might be Dracula's son, Alucard, but he named himself Cain." Reinhart looked up. "As in the Christian Bible?" She nodded. "I doubt that was his real name or not, but the connotations are... chilling, to say the least." Carrie paused. "I didn't notice it at the time, but now that I think about it, it occurs to me that he resembled Reinhart, just slightly. The same build, the same eyes. When I found him, I could feel now power flowing from him. Over confidant, I was still certain to cast a spell that would have utterly destroyed any normal man." She scowled. "He deflected it back at me as though I had thrown a feather at him, charging it with his own power. It fouled my most powerful staff - your father carved this one for me ages ago - and then knocked me across the room like I was a day old kitten. "He told me to come back here, and wait for somebody - you, I assume - and then to take you to get the Whip." "The 'Whip'?" asked Rosa. "The holy whip of the Belmont clan. He wanted me to have you get it, and then bring it to him. "What are we going to do?" asked Reinhart. Carrie looked at him. "Exactly as he wants us to do. I'm going to take you to the Whip, and then we're going to use it to send Cain happily on his way." ***** "Rise and shine, Alucard. Four hours, to the second." Alucard sat up slowly, sniffing at the air. He picked up the scent of a nearby deer without trouble, but more than that, he could feel something moving towards him. Something that carried the power of the Belmont clan with it. Had he been wrong? Abruptly, he gained a sense of the distance, a good four or five day's journey. Whatever it was, it broadcast the power with incredible strength. "What is it?" asked Drathar. Alucard looked toward the sense of power approaching him. "I'm not certain. Somebody with the Belmont blood is moving this way... No, not quite this way, he is angling to the east." He looked up at the moon, almost ready to dip beneath the horizon. It would be daytime soon, and with it the slight sting of the sun. "Are you certain?" asked Sheann'a, and he nodded absently. "Wait here. I must feed, and then we are going to investigate this. If there is a Belmont alive, than he might help us." The two familiars nodded, and then he followed the scent of the deer. The doe, as it turned out to be, never stood a chance, bleating in surprise only once before he caught it. After draining it of blood, he walked back towards the small camp. "-be Cain?" he heard Drathar say. "He can't go after the Whip. When it was sealed, it was sealed forever more," answered Sheann'a. Alucard crept forward, and peeked through the foliage. Drathar walked over to stand beside Sheann'a. "We have to tell him. Not knowing now may lead him straight into a trap." Sheann'a frowned sadly, and her wings fluttered slightly. "I had hoped to spare him the pain of knowing." Drathar lay a clawed hand on her shoulder. "I would have liked none better than to have never needed to tell him, but we have no choice!" Standing, Alucard moved out from behind the foliage. "Tell him what?" he asked conversationally. The two familiars both literally flew into the air in surprise, spinning to face him. Sheann'a looked mortified, and Drathar looked away in shame. Alucard walked over, and sat down on a large rock. "Well?" he prompted. Drathar looked at Sheann'a, and she sighed, nodding. "As you know, only someone of Dracula's direct bloodline can summon the Castlevania, but just being of his bloodline is not alone enough. That person must also have immense power. A son, for instance, would have the power, because he inherited it." "Are you saying that another son of Dracula has come forth? A brother who wishes to carry on my Father's unholy ambitions?" he asked her. She shook her head. "I said that he was of Dracula's line, not that he was a son of Dracula, Alucard. That was merely an example." He looked at her, confused. "The man that has taken over Castlevania calls himself Cain. But he was born to the name... Trevor Adrian... Renard." Slowly, he understood what she was saying. "Renard... Trevor Adrian Renard... but how could that be? Maria was dead when I left her side... before the Rage took me." Sheann'a looked away, ashamed. "Brisana found her, and brought us to her. She was in a coma, but by the time that we got there, you had already... left. I was able to bring her out of it. By the time that she had recovered from her wounds, you were already asleep again. Eight months later, she gave birth to Trent, and raised him for seven years before passing away while trying to save children from a burning school. "Did she?" he asked quietly. Sheann'a looked at him in confusion. "The children. Was she able to save them?" "As she pushed the last one out, the building collapsed." Alucard smiled, and nodded. "True to her heart to the last." "Trent was always troubled as a child, though we didn't realize why until later. Prone to mood swings, and violent outbursts, he was also very good hearted, and extremely devoted to Maria. Much like another part vampire I remember." Alucard raised an eyebrow at her, and she hurried on, blushing a little. "The reason, we found, that there was such turmoil in him was the fact that the Belmont blood, and the Tepes blood... battled each other, is the only way that I can put it. The net result was a man who was good in nature, but twisted in his motivations and actions. We stayed with him as long as possible, but on his 18th birthday, he simply vanished. We didn't hear from him again until about a year ago, when Drathar found out that somebody was trying to find the calling ritual for Castlevania in Hell." "Surely, my Father would not have let him raise Castlevania without a fight," he said. Drathar shook his head. "Your father, Count Dracula, is dead. The legend came true," said Drathar. Alucard stared at him in surprise. "That is not possible, and you well know it. His curse is eternal." "'Born of blood, beloved of blood, so blood shall you be, till the day when He who loves one of Hell's children comes with the light that is not a light,'" quoted Sheann'a. It was the curse that had first made Dracula a vampire, millennia ago. "A hundred and twenty years ago, a young man, named Tenchi, and a demoness, named Ryoko, appeared in the silent forest. Tenchi carried with him a magical sword, and Ryoko, whom loved him with all her heart, of course had the powers of a demoness. "They found and saved one Carrie Fernandez, descendant of Sypha, and then joined forces with her and Reinhart Schneider, the grandson of Richter Belmont. Together, they breached the castle. Dracula's servant, not realizing that Ryoko was not of this world's Hell, kidnapped her; it only served to fuel Tenchi and the other's determination. "Not long after they entered the castle, Tenchi was slashed by a vampire, and the curse was passed onto him. Not being of this world, he had no resistance, and it took a fast hold." Alucard stared at her in stark disbelief. "He was turned into a vampire, and you still believe that he killed my father?" Sheann'a nodded, and continued her story. "The curse took hold with the Rage, but he was able to stay in control of himself long enough for Reinhart and Carrie to lead him to a room guarded by a small pack of werewolves. Once he had spent the Rage, Dracula's servant appeared to him, and tried to take control over what he thought was now fully a vampire. But somehow, not only did Tenchi manage to resist him, but he altered the curse, so that he gained all of the benefits, without any of the drawbacks." "He what!" exclaimed Alucard in disbelief. "It was his power manifesting itself. In a last ditch effort, Dracula's servant sent Ryoko back to them, a spell cast over her so that at a critical moment, she would attack them. They battled to him, and Tenchi then killed him by driving his sword through the servant's stomach. "Dracula revealed himself then, and, with the help of the magically controlled Ryoko, was able to defeat all three, turning Reinhart and Carrie partly to stone, so that they could watch as the world died, and Ryoko knocked Tenchi off of the roof. "Things aren't extremely certain on this part, but some how, Tenchi not only survived the fall, but he cured himself of the vampirism. It is than said: 'With a blade of holy light that shone like a thousand suns, the warrior freed his love, and then did battle with the Lord of the Night, whose's blade absorbed the light as surely as the warrior's cast it off. For one full night, did they battle, neither drawing blood nor growing weary. Then, when the warrior tripped on a stone, and the Master of Evil made ready to slay him and all hope seemed lost, the sun did rise, and strike him in the eyes. Tenchi, the great warrior, did deliver Dracula a mortal blow, driving his blade into the Evil King's breast. And as they stood there, Light and Dark, the Lord of the Night was heard to thank the warrior, for his soul had been redeemed by that holy blade.'" Alucard stared at her for a moment, and then looked at Drathar for confirmation. The demon nodded slowly. Alucard drew a deep breath. "In the past half hour, I've learned that I have a son, that I will likely have to battle him, and that my father is well and truly dead. If you have any more surprises, than please tell me now, instead of later." The two familiars shook their heads, and he began to rub his temples. "Father... dead. I had always hoped that someday he might give up his ambition, and perhaps we could reconcile. I never held any real hatred for him, but I could not allow him to destroy the world." He paused, and then looked up. "You believe that Trevor... no, Cain, as you said, is going after the Whip?" Sheann'a nodded. "Yes. Being of both bloods, he would need it to gain his full powers. I think that the reason he took Castlevania is because it was the ultimate symbol of Dracula's power." Alucard nodded, and stood. "Than we must hurry there. My son or not, he must be stopped if he intends harm to this world." Sheann'a floated up to face level, and looked him in the eyes. Shame, and pity for him danced on the surface. "I'm sorry. We should have told you when you first woke up," she said. He waved his hand dismissively. "It is of no matter. Knowing when I first awoke would have made no difference." She smiled slightly, and, changing to his wolf form, he hurried in the direction of the Belmont's power. ***** Tsunami looked up from her chair as Washu entered the room. At her side, Tenchi slept, with her hand still on his chest maintaining the web of power that was dampening the curse's strength. On his other side, Ryoko too slept, her hand entwined with his. Tsunami pitied her. Sasami, who was part of her now, still thought of Ryoko as an older, wilder sister, and loved her dearly, and Tsunami shared that sentiment. The gifts of Sasami's feeling, hopes, and emotions was something that she knew she would never be able to pay her back for; the gift of her humanity, something that was priceless beyond what even she could comprehend. "How is he?" she asked quietly. Tsunami shook her head as her Sister came to stand next to the bed. Eight years before, her memories of being the middle goddess had finally come back to her, and Tsunami had been glad of the support that Washu had given her. "The curse is like a festering sore, trying to spread in all directions. I have contained it for now, but it is getting stronger by the second. Even I can't hold it forever. Tenchi is fighting it as well, but he is not doing as well as I had hoped." She paused, and felt at the curse again. "It's as if it is being fed power to keep it alive." Washu nodded. "When I opened the gateway, I was able to pick up some sort of energy that I haven't seen before. After analyzing it... Tsunami, it's a ninety-nine percent match for the Light Hawk Wings, with one key exception: the waveform is an exact inverse." Tsunami sighed. "Balance... That is what every world, every universe strives for. The Night Hawk Wings are the exact equal and opposite of the Light Hawk Wings. When Tenchi described them to me after returning to this universe, I knew that Tokimi would likely find them." Washu frowned. "A distraction. That's what all this is. A distraction to turn our attention away from them. Sister is after that power." "Most likely. We must wait, and hope." "Reinhart and Rosa will be in more danger than we had first thought." Sighing again, Tsunami nodded. "What else could be done? Only they have the power to survive these trails... Not even Tenchi has the potential to..." She pounded her free fist against her thigh. "Tenchi clearly could not go, and Ryoko must stay by his side for him to have a chance. Ayeka is already half-way to Jurai, and Yosho will be following her soon. He did not want to go, but he understands that in this case, seeing the both of them together will help to speed the process." She laughed abruptly. "Poor Ayeka. When she sees that Yosho isn't quite as old as he appeared to be... She will be irritated with me, to say the least. Even Mihoshi has already left, to go rally the Galaxy Police. Now, it is simply a matter of time." "What if they fail?" Tsunami looked at her sharply. "Do not even think it. They will succeed, they must succeed." "What if they don't, Sister," persisted Washu. "Than everything that we have worked for, everything we have sacrificed for will be destroyed." Next to her, Tenchi stirred slightly, as if in reaction to the grim statement. "How is Nobuyuki?" she asked. "Not terribly well, but he's in no real danger. Mayuka has decided to extend her stay here until this is over, and is keeping him company." "Did you know that I once considered creating some life water for him, so that he wouldn't have to watch himself grow old, while everybody else never changed, to his eyes? But then I realized that I have already done enough tampering with these lives. I simply can't do it anymore. Hopefully, soon the children will be back." Washu looked toward the transporter. "I hope so, Sister." Tenchi stirred again, and then lay still, and they waited, in silence. Tsunami could feel the straw she was clutching at straining, but if that straw held, than maybe they would have a chance to save this universe. And so, with a hope that could have only been maintained by an innocent child, she hoped, and prayed that it would hold. Blood Red Moon Resurrection Chapter 3: Changing Faces Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. This cross-over series is placed roughly 17 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** Rosa awoke as her brother shook her on the shoulder, and sat up, stretching. She grinned mischievously as he looked away in embarrassment, and then hopped out of the bed, looking around. They had talked with Carrie long into the night, and had simply gone to bed when the old woman had led them up to this room, where, she had said, Tenchi and Ryoko had stayed. "Just think bro, this is where we were conceived," she said. Reinhart humphed non-committaly. Rosa, seeing the tall, dark-oak wardrobe, walked over and opened it up to look inside. She gasped in surprise, as she saw a tall, white lace wedding dress hung in the middle. Rosa reached up, and pulled it out. The dress seemed to sparkle faintly in the soft light. She turned, and held it up to herself, finding that it would be only a little snug across the bosom and hips. "Isn't it beautiful?" she asked Reinhart. He nodded at her. "I wonder if this is Mom's?" Reinhart shrugged. "Could be. Why not ask Carrie about it?" Rosa nodded, and then carefully hung it back into the closet. The rest of the clothing in there was more simple, comfortable clothes that a person could wear during the day, and a few more formal items, dresses and coats alike. He joined her, and lifted one of the shirts. "We need to find something else to wear. Somehow I get the feeling that cut-offs and a tee shirt is going to stick out like a sore thumb here." Rosa nodded. "These should fit us, although it might be a slightly tight fit." They looked through the clothing, and quickly each found a set that would help them pass off as locals. Reinhart picked out a white shirt, light blue coat, breaches, and a pair of sturdy leather pants. Sorting a little more, he was also able to find a light blue cape that complimented the rest nicely. Carrie snorted as he pulled that out. "Well, it might get cold, and this will at least help to keep me warm," he defended, blushing in embarrassment. Rosa picked out a light red blouse, matching short skirt, and thigh-high pink stockings, and a pair of knee-high boots made of supple red leather. Pausing a moment, she also pulled out a red cloak, shaking her head. Now it was Reinhart's turn to snicker, but he quickly stopped as she began to change without preamble. He spun away, already going red to the hairline again, and she giggled. "I suppose that you won't bother looking away while I try to change," he sighed. "Probably not, but I'm your sister. I'm allowed to do things like that. Besides, it's in the Sister's Handbook: Must embarrass brothers at all opportunities," she said, and he sighed again. Once she was finished, she tapped him on the shoulder. He turned, and nodded in approval, and then went to change himself. Despite her teasing, she did turn at least part way. When he finished, he turned back around. She had been right; the clothing was too tight on him, though hers fit perfectly. The pants hugged tightly to his legs and waist, and the shirt and coat were a little too tight across the shoulders, but they would have to do. He grabbed a pair of boots and pulled them on quickly, and then they were done. "They're tight, but nothing worse than what Washu would make me." Rosa nodded. "You shouldn't have any trouble blending in," she said, reaching forward to adjust the cape slightly. He nodded. "I hate to say it, but I wish that there was someway to dye out my hair. It really will stand out." Reinhart was about to reply, when there was a nock on the door. He shrugged, and went to open it. He opened it, and stepped back in surprise. Rosa looked up to see him staring at a golden-eyed, cyan haired young woman. She smiled in good humor as she saw them in their borrowed clothes. She was quite beautiful, Rosa noticed, if extremely pale-skinned. The woman was trim, and a little short, her head not quite coming up to Reinhart's neck. She had a just a touch of rouge on her cheeks, but beside that she wore no makeup. She had a rosebud of a mouth, and a slightly upturned nose. Her cyan hair, only a few shades darker than Rosa's, flowed down her back. The woman filled out the turquoise blouse she wore fairly well - Rosa would have bet that they could have traded clothing had the other woman been taller. The blouse stopped a little short of her waist, exposing her stomach, and then a pair of thigh-length shorts of matching turquoise. A thin black belt encircled her waist, with a buckle fashioned into a dragon. Many pouches of various sizes hung from the belt, along with a pair of gold-inlaid metal rings large enough to fit around one of her arms. Knee-high boots, with silver tooling around the tops encased what was left of her shapely legs. "Oh, good, I was going to suggest that you change into some of those. I'm glad they fit." They both looked at her dumbfounded. "Carrie?" asked Reinhart, echoed only a moment later by Rosa. It was her voice, she was certain. The woman smiled warmly, and looked down at herself a moment. "Well, the body of an old woman is hardly useful in our task. As I said, I take that form only because it suits me, and at the moment, it doesn't really suit me." Rosa grinned, and joined her. "Maybe you could teach me that trick," she said, and Carrie smiled. "Perhaps. But come. We should eat, and then we must hurry to the Belmont family burial ground, which is where the Whip rests." She led them down the stairs, and to the table. A large book, with two rings on top of a crossed staff and sword on the cover, and a smaller, plainer looking one rested there. Both carried an air of great age. Carrie touched the larger one for a moment almost lovingly. "The spell book passed down in my family from Sypha Belnades. I've had it a hundred twenty six years, and I still haven't learned all the spells in it, but I do think that I found a passage that will allow us to defeat Cain." She pointed to the other. "This is one of Dracula's diaries. I picked up several of them when I returned to the castle. This one in particular is about Alucard, and says that it was he that cast the locking spell on the Belmont Tomb. Dracula ever wished to claim it, so that the Belmont warrior of the time would have less of a chance to attack him." "Alucard? But I always thought that he was Dracula's son," said Reinhart. Carrie nodded. "Alucard is a dhampeal, only half vampire. His mother was Lisa, a woman of the Light, and the only woman who ever was loved by, or held love for Dracula. He never turned her into a vampire, though she asked him if he wished to on several occasions. Nobody is quite sure why. Alucard, torn between his human and vampire sides, rebelled against his father, fighting first with Trevor and Sypha, and then alone, freeing Richter Belmont and his sister in law Maria Renard. As it turned out, though, she had the Belmont blood as well, if I remember correctly, going back in the family all the way to Sonia Belmont, first of the clan to battle Dracula. After that, he disappeared without a trace." They ate a quick breakfast; Carrie turned out to be a fairly good cook, making one of their favorite dishes, pancakes. She said that Rosa had taught her at the same time she had taught their mother, Ryoko. While they did, she was busy filling them in on what to expect once they reached the castle itself. Out of the corner of her eye, Rosa noticed that Reinhart, try as he might, couldn't tear his gaze from the now young again Carrie. Grinning, she tucked the information away to use for later blackmail and embarrassment. "How many days away from here is the burial ground?" asked Reinhart. Carrie looked at him. "Three, pushing hard on horseback," she answered. Rosa looked at her in delight. "Horses? Mom and Dad told us about the first time that you tried teaching them how to ride." Carrie smiled, nodding. "That was... A memorable event. The stable owner here in town is a friend of mine, and he'll loan us three horses once I explain what I need them for. While I am getting them, why not take a look around the town?" Reinhart shook his head. "Maybe when we get back, but for now let's not get split up. You know the area, we don't." Carrie nodded in agreement. "As you say. Perhaps it is better at this point to stay together." They finished the meal, and then Carrie disappeared upstairs for a moment. When she returned, she had added a powder blue cloak and the tall staff from the night before. With the added light, Rosa recognized that the staff was carven in a pattern very similar to Tenchi-ken. A smooth blue stone was embedded into the top, in a cap of purple enamel. "Tenchi made this... about a year after coming here. He said that he had found just the right kind of wood for it, and he must have. Until I found the Staff of Ages, only a few years ago, it was thought to be the most powerful on the planet." Reinhart moved to stand next to her. "Could I see it a moment?" asked Reinhart. She nodded, and handed it to him. Taking Tenchi-ken off his belt, he touched the two together. Tenchi-ken glowed brightly blue for a moment, and then the staff glowed blue as well. Rosa and Carrie both stared at it. After a moment, both glows died away. He looked at Rosa. "It's Juraian wood. But how did he find any here?" he asked, carefully handing the staff back to Carrie. She nodded. "He said as much when he gave it to me. He also gave Reinhart and Rosa a piece each, a cross for Reinhart and an ornamental headpiece for Rosa." They looked at each other. "He found a Juraian tree here? But what were the pieces for?" asked Rosa. Reinhart frowned, and looked at the staff again. "Carrie, how long do magic users usually live? I mean, in this world?" She furrowed her brow a moment. "Come to think of it, usually only about a hundred years, and when they reach the age of a hundred, their body is that of a hundred year old, unlike mine, which was an illusion." "Keys... He made them keys to the tree," said Rosa, understanding. Carrie looked at them, confused. "Let me explain," said Reinhart, holding up Tenchi-ken. "This is Tenchi-ken. In one respect, it is a sword which uses the Jurai power to form a blade. You already know that. But Tenchi-ken is also called the Master Key, because it is able to control the semi-sentient Trees that control Jurai's battle ships. Lastly, it is a link between a Juraian and their Tree, which gives them power, and keeps them healthy. Rosa and I will stay young for... Millennia, because like our father, we can tap directly into the Jurai power, instead of needing to use one of the Keys to draw it through one of the Trees." Now Carrie began to understand. "So, what you are saying is that he wasn't just giving us these as memento's, he was trying to... link us to one of these trees, and you think that's why I haven't aged like normal people." Reinhart nodded. "Possibly." Carrie considered this information. "Hmm. Interesting idea. In any event, we must get moving. Time is of the essence." They nodded, and then followed her through the door. The strange trio were given a couple of curious looks, and as they passed on of the rowdier taverns, several rather loud cat calls. Rosa grinned, but didn't follow the temptation to tease them a little. She saw Carrie blush, and moved up to her side. "I forgot what it was like to have a young body," she answered when Rosa asked what was the matter. Rosa looked back to see Reinhart trailing behind with a somewhat far off stare on his face. She turned back to Carrie, and looked at her choice of clothing. "It looks like you didn't forget how to dress for a young body, though. I never knew Dad could carve," she said. Carrie looked at her, and smiled. "He was very good at it." She paused, thoughtfully, and then reached into one of the may pouches hanging at her waist. "So was your mother, although she only made one thing that I know of for certain. She made this for Rosa when Rosa gave her the pendant that you are wearing." She produced an age-darkened ivory bracelet. It had been carefully carven into the form of many long-stemmed roses, the buds appearing to flower, and the stems woven together. Rosa looked at Carrie; she smiled, and handed it to her. "My mother... carved this?" she asked in amazement. Carrie nodded. "She said that Tenchi helped her, but she did the work herself. Rosa never took it off, until just before she died. She gave it to me and asked that I take care of it until I found somebody that was worthy of it. I never could put it on myself. I was afraid that I didn't deserve it." Rosa went to hand it back, but Carrie shook her head. "Hold onto it. Rosa said to give it to someone worthy. I think I'll give it to you." She smiled at Rosa, and Rosa smiled back. "Thank you..." she said, tugging it on carefully. The bracelet fit well, not tightly on her wrist, but not loose enough to slip around either. Carrie looked back at Reinhart. You remind me a lot of Ryoko. You both are so carefree, and yet, loyal and caring. What about your brother?" Rosa looked back at him, and grinned. He still looked like he was staring into space. "Reinhart takes after Dad a lot. Mom always says that he's as shy around girls as Dad used to be. Can't say I blame him, though. Dad's... situation was rather unusual, and he was raised to a quiet life tending the shrine, rather than the excitement he got. Reinhart's the same way. I'm actually pretty proud of him this morning. He didn't stumble over his own tongue once talking to you." Carrie looked at her in surprise. "Shy? I would never have guessed, either him or Tenchi." Rosa laughed. "Usually if a girl so much as looks at him, he's nothing but blushes and stammering. The only other girl besides you and myself that he doesn't get tongue tied around when he's talking to her is our older sister Mayuka. It's so much fun teasing him about it." Carrie smiled. "Is that so?" She gave him a considering glance. His semi-far off stare focused on her, and he blushed slightly. Carrie smiled a bit wider, and Rosa elbowed her. "He's also like Dad in that he draws girls like a magnet." Now Carrie blushed, as if she was just the young woman that she appeared to be. "I did notice that about Tenchi," she said, and Rosa groaned, rolling her eyes. After a moment, though, she paused and looked at Carrie thoughtfully. "What?" asked the other woman. Rosa shook her head. "Nothing. I was just thinking of the age difference between Mom and Dad." If anything, Carrie blushed harder than before, going scarlet to the hairline. Rosa acted as if she didn't notice. "He is rather handsome, though..." said Carrie, too quietly to be heard by normal human ears. Rosa tried hard, but just couldn't quite stifle her laughter. Carrie stared at her, mortified as she realized that she had heard her comment. Sobering, Rosa put her hand on Carrie's shoulder. "I'm sorry. No matter how sorry I feel for him, I can't help but laugh whenever he manages to catch the eye of another girl. It's not his fault. He's just too cute for his own good." She paused. "Although in this case, it seems as though his eye has been caught too," she finished, grinning. Carrie stared at her a moment, and then grinned herself. "Apology accepted." Rosa laughed again, and Carrie joined her as they came to a stop before a large building. Rosa sniffed at the air, and caught the strong scent of horses, could hear them stamping around inside the stables. She loved horses, and had had a chance to learn how to ride a few years before when she and Reinhart had gone on a foreign exchange to Montana, in the USA. Carrie led them around the side of the building, to a side door. She pushed it open, and went inside. Rosa did a quick count, and found that there were some thirty different horses, from high necked white horses, to deep-chested palominos, and more. An old, lanky man that seemed to be built out of knarled old roots hobbled over to them. "Hey, now just who do you think you are, barging in here like you own the place?" Carrie smiled at him. "Jarl, I'm surprised at you! Don't you recognize an old friend?" she asked. He blinked at her in surprise. "Elder? It's your voice, but... but... You're so young!" he exclaimed. She crossed over to him and patted him on a knarled old cheek. "You should know by now that I always have another trick up my sleeves," she said. Sobering, she looked at him with a serious expression. "My friends and I have a long ways to go, and not much time to get there in." He smiled. "Say no more, err... Carrie." He turned and shouted into the stable. "Parin, Sabin, Edgar, I want Cloud, Morning Mist and West Wind saddled and in front of me on the double. If they aren't ready to ride by the time I've counted thirty, you'll muck out the stables with your bare hands!" Looking at the old man, Rosa had no doubt that he could carry out his threat. "Twenty... Twenty-one..." The first stable hand appeared, leading a tall black stallion with patches of white on his fetlocks. "Twenty-four... Twenty-five..." The second horse, a gray mare with a speckling of darker gray on her face and flanks was led up. "Twenty-nine... Thirty." The last stable hand came running up, gasping for breath, and leading a white mare that had a large splotch of gray on her flank. "I had to replace the buckle on the saddle strap," he said, apologetically. Jarl frowned at him, but let it pass. "Three horses, the fastest that I have. Be sure to take some feed for them. If you'll excuse me, I have to give these boys a lesson in moving quickly. God speed," he said, knuckling his forehead. Then, he turned back to the stable hands, and started chivying them back to their jobs. Carrie watched as he left. "I hope that I get the chance to see him again. He's a good friend, but getting old," she said. Stepping over to the gray mare, she told them the names. The one that she had selected was Morning Mist, the white fetlocked black stallion was West Wind, and the white mare with the gray patch was Cloud. Rosa walked over to Cloud, and the horse nuzzled her. She giggled, and patted her nose, then mounted up. Reinhart, left with the stallion, sighed, and vaulted up, not bothering with the stirrup. Cloud pranced a little under her, eager to get moving, and Rosa scratched her behind the ears to calm her down. "There are two towns between here and Rose Wood, on the outskirts of which is the burial ground. We'll have to ride hard to make it to Timberton by morning." They nodded, and then Carrie booted Morning Mist lightly. They cantered out of the town and onto the road to Timberton, the capes that they all wore fluttering out behind them. ***** "Lady Tokimi. D10 is reporting difficulties locating the source of power. He also reported that two life forms from this dimension have appeared there." "Tsunami and Washu's avatar's?" D3 shook his head. "He is not certain. The energy signature is correct, but there is a waveform variance from theirs." Tokimi nodded. "The children. Likely they are only there by coincidence, still... Tell D10 to step up his efforts and avoid contact with them if possible." "If not possible?" She raised an eyebrow at him coldly. "Than destroy them. Nothing may stand in my way, not even Tsunami and Washu's pets." "Yes, my Lady." "Dismissed." D3 faded away as Tokimi turned her attention back to the invasion preparations. She felt a presence enter the room. Looking down, Tokimi was momentarily surprised to see a mechanical representation of Tsunami, her sister. The automaton spoke. "We no longer have the right to interfere in these people's lives simply to settle a grudge." Tokimi laughed, deep and throaty. "What? These useless beings that only half believe that they exist? What use are they, save pawns? A pity that you noticed my coming, I had hoped to have the advantage in this little game." "The sounds of the multiverse screaming in pain are more than enough warning. Stop this madness now." "And who are you to order me to stop, Sister? Do you think that you now make my choices for me? I think not." The Tsunami-bot frowned. "I warn you, Sister. If you come here, it will be for the end game. I will no longer allow you to continue in this." Tokimi laughed again. "Do you think that I fear your little avatar? Unless I am mistaken, his time now is very short indeed. Why else, then, would you have had Washu fabricate this... machine, instead of coming here in person, unless you had need to keep him alive?" Tsunami shook her head, and then the robot deactivated. Tokimi, caught in a moment of rage at being snubbed by the younger goddess, hurled a power blast at it, vaporizing the bot into so many subatomic particles. ***** "Is it really necessary for you to remain so serious, Alucard?" asked Sheann'a. He glanced up at the fairy, and she sighed. "I swear, if it's the last thing that I ever do, I'm going to teach you to be a little less serious all the time." As she said it, Drathar finally cut through the heavy rope holding him suspended upside down in wolf form. He hit the ground with a grunt, and changed to human form. "I fail to see what exactly is funny about walking into a trap that I should have seen blinded and drunk," he said. The snare, set to catch the deer that were plentiful in this part of the forest, had caught him off guard. He had ended up hanging upside down, his paws tied together so that he could not move them to return to human form, while waiting for his familiars to catch up to him. Beyond his dignity, though, he was unharmed. Sheann'a shrugged. "Well... it's just... kinda funny," she said. He frowned at her. "Still hanging around, Alucard?" It took a sheer effort of will to not simply blast Death back to the corners of Hell with a burst of magic as the ancient specter appeared before him. "Unless you have come to tell me that Castlevania has crumbled forever more back into the lake, go away, and bother me not." "The information that I bring is not quite that, yet I think that you will be interested, none the less. Carrie Fernandez and two others ride as hard as they can to the burial ground of the Belmonts," rasped the Grim Reaper. "That isn't possible. Tenchi and Ryoko disappeared nearly a hundred twenty years ago. You should know that, Death," said Sheann'a. The bleached white skull smiled, a truly ghastly sight, in Alucard's estimation. "I did not say that it was Tenchi and Ryoko, irritating sprite. These seem to be a brother and a sister, both little more than children, yet the Belmont power is so strong within them that I could not get very near them without pain such as only the Whip can give me." Sheann'a looked at Alucard and Drathar in confusion. "Can you tell us anything else?" asked Alucard. Death frowned. "The sprite may not have been far off the mark when she mentioned Tenchi and Ryoko. Somehow, the aura of these two children remind me greatly of them, and the two resemble them in a most disturbing way. The aura seems the same, and yet, at the same time, the separate powers flow together into one. Mark me well: I believe that joined aura could kill Chaos itself." The specter spread his raven black wings. "You will excuse me. That is all that I know, and I must attend to my... duties." With that, the specter disappeared. Frowning, Alucard rubbed his back where he had landed. When he heard Drathar snicker, he forced his hands to hand at his sides. The demon stopped snickering, and began to laugh outright. A sharp look silenced him. "Does it sound like the man could be Cain to you?" Sheann'a floated over to him, shaking her golden tressed head. "Not if he is traveling with Carrie Fernandez. She was one of those to fight with Tenchi against your father, and a descendant of Sypha." "The girl I have not heard of before, but if Death is correct, and they are brother and sister, than it can't be Cain." Sheann'a frowned in thought. "I wonder... he said that they reminded him of Tenchi and Ryoko in appearance. Could they be his relatives? Grandchildren, or great grandchildren? It might explain why Carrie is with them." Alucard sat down, and looked up at her. She landed on his shoulder. "A new clan with the Belmont power, you think? Or an offshoot of the original family at some point?" She nodded. "Could be. They may be after the Whip to use against Cain. If we keep heading there, we'll meet up with them at the graveyard." Alucard nodded in agreement, but decided to rest there for the day. Maybe he would run into the hunter that had set the trap, and would be able to have a talk with him about leaving traps without markings for humans so that they didn't stumble into them by mistake. "Tell me what you know about this... Carrie Fernandez, you said?" he asked. Sheann'a looked at him. "Let's see... Well, Carrie Fernandez, as I said, is a descendant of Sypha Belnades. Her parents killed when she was only six, she found Sypha's Book, and began to learn the spells there. There are those who say that even then, she was more powerful than even Sypha, and I personally believe that, for she has cast spells that not even Sypha had been able to manage. Six years, she traveled, trying to find the Whip before Dracula awoke. She met Reinhart Schnieder in the Belmont family grave, and they formed a pact there. "Not long after, Castlevania rose again. They met Tenchi and Ryoko, battled their way inside. Inside, she met the witch Actrise. In time, Actrise, who was Dracula's heart, body, and soul, revealed that she was Carrie's mother. In a final battle, Carrie was able to defeat Actrise and take vengeance for her family. "Afterwards, Carrie lived with Reinhart and Rosa, and Tenchi and Ryoko until they disappeared. She grew, and was the youngest to ever take the High Seat in the Mage's Coven. Then, about ninety years ago, an Elder Demon named Dagamonth appeared, and caused a great pestilence. She and Reinhart went to battle him; they succeeded, but Reinhart died from his wounds not long after. Rosa, his wife, also died not long after him, leaving Carrie to take care of their three children. "Four Elder Demons opened a Gateway to the Earth, and led the Legions of the Damned. Carrie, with the children, last of the Belmont blood save Cain, attacked, and were able to kill three of the Elder Demons, the only one surviving being Death, but at great cost. The three children sacrificed their lives in saving the world. "After that, she lived alone. Extremely beautiful, she never married, or even really let anybody love her, not that I know of. Time passed, she aged, but her mind remained keen, and her health remained that of a twenty-year old's. To this day, she lived in the home that she had known since Dracula's defeat. Now, it seems that she has set out to battle what I'm sure she believes is Dracula again." Alucard nodded. "Much like Sypha. It shall be interesting to meet this... Carrie." With that, he lay back, and quickly began to sleep. Blood Red Moon Resurrection Chapter 4: Hearts Within Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. This cross-over series is placed roughly 17 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** Ryoko looked up as Tenchi stirred slightly in the medical bed next to her. But a day had passed since they had sent Reinhart and Rosa to Romania. A day since the vampirism had returned, since she had been alone in her own mind. Seventeen years, but she could not feel him in her mind now. At first, the shock had masked it, the shock of his attack when she had first lost their link, the shock of having to send both children instead of going herself. But now, after the original shock that had hidden it had faded away, she could feel it. An old fear, one that had been weakened in its long absence, but it was still there. That fear of being alone again. She could feel it, crawling around in the depths of her soul, heard its almost newborn like cry. But this child was one that she did not want to grow within her, did not want to nurture as she had Reinhart and Rosa. Yet she knew that the fear would grow, against her will, suckling at the breast of her soul. Its milk would be the very knowledge that it was there, slowly but surely gaining strength. It would take time; even though Tenchi wasn't with her, Mayuka, Nobuyuki, Ryo-Ohki, Washu, and Tsunami were there. Her family. The one that she had worked so hard to build around herself. Maybe she was being selfish in that thought. But they were still her family; something that she had never known until a young boy was taken by his mother and grandmother to her cave. Though she would never admit it aloud, she was still very much afraid of that being alone. Of not having anybody to talk with, to touch, to feel. The loss of that again, she feared, would drive her mad. The thought alone terrified her. It wasn't as bad as it had once been, what seemed like ages ago. She had made it to the point where she could enter the cave, alone, and just sit there. Of course, she was never really alone; her link to Tenchi assured her of that; a comforting hand on her shoulder whenever she needed it. But it was still a mile stone for her, a seemingly indestructible wall broken through. Ryoko had never thought that she would be able to bring herself to step inside, much less ever feel at ease there. To a point. The first time had been hard, even though Tenchi had been right there beside her as she took the first steps inside, and had been waiting right there when she came back, gentle smile welcoming her. The second time had been harder still; she had kept it a secret from even Tenchi when she had gone there, and forced herself to go in. It had just been something that she needed to do, on her own. She stood, stretching. Tsunami, who was on the other side of his bed, appeared to be dozing; Ryoko knew better. Sasami would never have let her rest in this situation. More likely she was simply in a trance to help conserve energy, yet still sustaining the energy web that kept Tenchi from becoming any worse. Ryoko frowned in frustration. She should have known what was happening, the second that he left the table, so pale. She should have been able to stop it. It was her fault that she hadn't seen the signs before hand. Wasn't it? She had sworn, so long ago, to keep him safe, but she had failed, had failed him. "Don't even think that, my daughter, or the curse has already won as surely as if we hadn't been able to slow it down." Startled, Ryoko turned to see Washu come into the room with a tray of food, Ryo-Ohki trailing close behind her. She hadn't even been aware that she had spoken her last thoughts aloud. Ryoko's stomach growled as the scent of curry drifted over to her from the platter, reminding her that she hadn't even finished her last meal, much less eaten in the day since. Even though she didn't really need to eat, after doing just that for twenty years, she had gotten used to it and her body complained if she didn't. "I should have, mom. I should have known... I should have been able to do something, stop it before it happened." Washu set the tray down on a table that appeared besides her, looking at Ryoko with pity. "There was nothing any of us could have done, save Tsunami, maybe," she said gently. Ryoko flared at her in a sudden fit of temper. "How do you know? You've never had anything ripped away from you that your inventions couldn't get back for you! Even I'm just a replacement!" Flung in anger, Ryoko regretted her words almost before they were said, and reached out, as if to take them back before they reached Washu. Her mouth tightened, but beyond that, Washu showed no reaction to the statement. "I won't hold you at fault for that, Ryoko. You're wondering why it had to happen, why to you, and it's making you angry. You're looking for something, anything to lash out at, something to take your pain out on." Washu crossed the room to her, and placed a hand on her shoulder. That child's face suddenly gained... an age indescribable was all Ryoko could think of. "We are here for you. Mayuka, Ryo-Ohki, Nobuyuki, Tsunami, myself... I know that it's hard for you to open up, but we're all here for you, when you're ready. We are listening." Washu nodded back at the tray. "I brought you something to eat. Tsunami said that she thinks some sort of power is feeding the curse, making it stronger than it should be, and I'm trying to find a way to block it off somehow." Squeezing her shoulder, Washu turned to leave. Almost of its own volition, Ryoko found her hand grabbing onto the scientist's shoulder. With a surprised look, Washu turned back to her. When Ryoko opened her mouth, she meant to say that she was just fine. After all, Tenchi would make it through this, just like he always did, and the children wouldn't have any trouble dispensing with Dracula, if it was indeed him doing this. She was too tough to worry about something little like this. But sometimes, what a person means to say, and what is said are two different things. Ryoko suddenly found herself clutching onto Washu, sobbing into her shoulder that she hadn't been able to stop it, even though she should have, even though she had sworn to take care of him. The pink haired scientist... no, her mother patted her softly on the back of her head, and let her sob out her emotions, all the while whispering exactly what Ryoko hadn't even known that she wanted to hear. "Everything that you could do, you did, Ryoko. You did, and are doing, more than anybody else could. Don't let what is happening take away the happiness that you have gained here. Or else, every thing that you, Tenchi, all of us have done and gone through will have been in vain. And that would be the greatest tragedy of all." ***** Carrie awoke in a strange bed, and frowned. Sitting up, she saw her saddlebags and staff propped up against the wall where she had placed them the night before. After a hundred and twenty six years of traveling, battling against evil, and doing her duties as High Seat in the Mages Coven, she still just did not like the idea of sleeping in a bed that was not her own. It was never comfortable! Standing, she stretched in front of the mirror, and looked herself over. It had been some time since she had dropped the illusion of being an old woman, and she had been surprised when she had looked at herself in the mirror afterwards. Carrie could remember when she had been certain that she would never be anything more than just pretty. Short, with a fairly plain face, her only truly defining characteristics had been her golden eyes and cyan hair, both of which were due to extreme amount of magic that she had already channeled by the time that she was twelve. Some would have considered them to be a curse, but Carrie had welcomed them, as setting her apart somewhat from the other girls that were merely pretty as well. A distinguishing factor to call her own. But, it turned out that she had merely been late in growing. In her twentieth year, she had grown nearly a half foot, and had filled out amazingly well. Her hips and chest had fleshed out, while her waist and legs remained trim, giving her an hourglass-like shape. Some of the color that she had lost returned to her, just enough to keep her from seeming to be an albino. She had suddenly found that she could barely step outside without being all but attacked by the men in the village who were interested in courting her. At first, she had enjoyed the attention, but soon realized that most of them weren't really interested in her, just in laying with her. The experience had made her somewhat disinterested in the entire game. Not long after, the plague had come, and first Reinhart, then Rosa had died, two of those that she loved as family after the loss of her own. After that, she began to pull back from relationships deeper than just friendships. As a child, she had come to the conclusion that those she loved always seemed to die. The solution to her had been simple. Don't let herself really love anybody, and then nobody she loved would die. But for a time, after destroying Castlevania, she had thought that maybe, just maybe, she was wrong, that it wasn't true after all. But with their deaths that old fear returned. After all three children died, while she once again survived, she all but withdrew herself from the world for a time. She had settled into a deep depression. It was a time she would have liked to forget; a time that she likely never would. Old terrors began to walk again in her dreams. She would see Actrise, torturing her father to death, Dracula rending the world in two with his evil. There were visions of Reinhart and Rosa, spanning anything from Rosa, who had been turned into a vampire when they found her in the castle, turning him into one as well, while she watched, helpless to stop them, to simple visions of them staring at her with cold, accusing eyes. The worst had been the images of the children, dreams where they laughed and played without a care, until she appeared into their lives. Always, always the Hordes of Hell would come soon after, and the children would die in ways no mortal mind should be able to conceive of. Two years, she was afraid to go asleep, because to sleep was to dream, yet her waking hours held no comfort for her either. The house that was once so full of life was now quiet, an empty place. Memories met her at nearly every turn, a carving that Tenchi had done, or perhaps the staff that she had given to Cloud when he had first started learning the Art. So many reminders, so many memories, but none of them comforting, not anymore. Sheer stubbornness made her stay, a refusal to run away from the past, painful as it may be. Slowly, she forced herself to return to the world, remembering some advice Ryoko had given her: 'The point is, we are a family. Things have happened, but we've stuck together. And although there can be pain involved in it, in the end it's better to take the chance on being hurt, and get all the other things that come with it. I promise you that it's worth it.' Friends who had seen the depression settle over her were quick to offer their hands, lending as much support as they could, and slowly, she had pulled away from the mire she was in. Eventually, even the dreams stopped coming more often than once in a great while. Carrie sighed. Now she had another chance, it seemed, and she wasn't certain if she was really worthy of it. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki... They were already close friends, even though only a day had passed. She was fond of Rosa's quick wit, who, like her namesake, was always ready with a mischievous comment or idea. And then there was Reinhart. When she had seen them, the moon had provided just enough light for her to think that he was Tenchi. As she had drawn closer, she realized that the young man was too tall, and didn't have the gems in his wrists, but then suddenly Tenchi-ken had begun to glow. Recognizing the ancient sword, she had known that these two had to be descendants at least. But she was finding herself attracted to the young man. It was insane, she knew. She was over a century older than he was, and she really wasn't all that interested in relationships. But like his father, Reinhart seemed to radiate an almost irresistible pull - as Rosa had said, he was too cute for his own good. And somehow, she knew that if she fell, if she hadn't already, she wouldn't be coming back. Carrie sighed again, in frustration. She did not want the deaths of more friends, more people that she cared for, on her hands. The moment that she had seen them, she had known their sudden appearance couldn't possibly be a coincidence with Castlevania's return. She looked at the mirror again, at the girl that she hadn't recognized when she had dropped the illusion. The woman that looked back at her had a haunted face, and tired eyes. "I may as well accept it. I feel damn old," she said to the room, and then clamped her hands over her mouth in surprise. What worried her was that she really did. Sighing a third and final time, she got dressed, and lamented not bringing along a change in clothing. Traveling, especially on horses, was a dusty thing. Hearing her stomach growl loudly, she opened the door to reveal Reinhart, with his hand raised to knock. She wasn't certain what exactly it was; perhaps the surprise evident in his face, but it struck her as funny, and she broke into laughter. He looked at her with a confused expression, which only made her laugh harder. Rosa's head appeared over his shoulder, grinning. Shaking her head, Carrie's mirth faded, and she grabbed her staff and saddle bags, still smiling. "So what town are we heading for today?" asked Rosa as she came into the hall. They moved down into the common room. It was early; the sun wasn't much past the horizon, but there were already a number of people there. A couple had their faces buried in a mug of ale, while others squinted into the early morning with bleary eyes. A pair of magicians produced semi-random noises as they prepared for the day. "The next town up is Eagle's Point. It's really little more than an inn, a blacksmith shop, and a couple of farms, but it overlooks a small, spring fed lake." They sat down at a table, and a pretty young serving girl came over to take their orders. Carrie grinned as Reinhart stumbled his way through his order. Rosa hadn't been kidding, apparently. The waitress disappeared into back. "There's an old legend connected with Eagle's Point. It is said that, centuries ago, a young couple who had just been married lived there. One day, the man was called to fight against an encroaching horde that was attacking the northern border of Romania. They said their good-byes, and then he left. Two months later, a courier came back with a message for the young woman. The fort that he had been stationed at had been attacked by an overwhelming force. He had held the defenses while the rest of the soldiers escaped, but he never followed, and was presumed to be dead. "The young woman was heart broken. She followed a path down to the edge of the lake. The waves, sensing her grief, parted, and as if in a trance, she walked forward, into the lake. After she had disappeared from view, the waters closed once again. "Five years later, a worn and dusty man entered the village. He was so dirty that his skin was all but black, and his face was covered by a long, thick beard. He was badly injured, and had no memory of his past, save that his home had been near a lake. They cleaned him up, applying healing poultices, and once the beard had been shaven, one of the men recognized him. It was the young man. "Leading him down to the lake, they told him what they could, and explained what had happened to his wife. As they reached the shore, the waves suddenly parted once again, and a vision of his wife appeared, beckoning to him. He slowly walked into the lake, and disappeared under it. To this day, people still leave offerings to the couple." Their meal arrived. Steaming hot porridge, with eggs and some slightly hard spiced apple cider to drink. Eating quickly, they paid for their meal, and then had the stablemen saddle up the horses and bring them around. The animals whickered slightly in the bright morning sun. There were only a few faint wisps of clouds in the sky; beyond that, it looked like it was going to be very hot, and Carrie was glad that most of their travel would be under the cover of forest. Mounting, she led them out of the town. The had to move slower today, allowing the horses to recover from the long run the day before. Though they had spent the night in stable, the animals would still be tired. It didn't help matters that they had a full day's ride ahead. Carrie dropped back to ride next to Rosa. "I had forgotten the downside of riding horses. My behind hurt so much last night that it's a wonder I ever got to sleep," said the younger girl. Carrie grinned. "You'll get used to it pretty fast. Even I was a little saddle sore last night, and I ride fairly often." Rosa nodded. "So that legend you told us. Do you think that it could be true?" Carrie looked at her thoughtfully. "You know, I've seen things to make a soul cringe in terror and shake in fright, and yet, I've also seen joy and love powerful enough to shatter the darkest night. Maybe the legend is true, maybe it isn't. Maybe it's the idea that is more important, or maybe it's just a nice story to tell. The thing of it is, it doesn't really matter if it is true or not, at least not now, so long after it happened. What matters is that people can look to it as an example of something good and right." Rosa nodded slowly. "Something a person could aspire to. We have lots of stories like that in Japan." Carrie grinned. They talked for a while longer, as the horses moved forward at a steady walk. Around them, the forest started to thin out a bit, as the neared about the halfway point of their day's travel. The birds chirped loudly in the otherwise quiet of the woods. As the light of noon filtered down through the green canopy above, they came to a stop, and dismounted to eat a trail lunch of tough, dried jerky, cheese and bread, washed down by water from their waterskins. "What about the two of you? What training have you received from your parents?" asked Carrie. Rosa looked over at her. "Dad has been teaching us how to use our abilities almost since we could walk. Our force swords, fireballs... how to use our teleportation abilities to gain a surprise. Reinhart is better with the sword than I am, but I have better aim with my fireballs." Rosa looked at her brother, who was frowning at her. "Oh, don't look at me like that, it's true, and you know it." "I'm not that much worse at using them." Rosa rolled her eyes, and Carrie chuckled quietly. It was easy to see that even though they teased each other constantly, they were still close. Where one sibling faltered, the other picked up the slack. "Either ability will serve you well once we enter Castlevania. The demons there aren't particularly smart, at least, most of them aren't, but they are deadly, and the castle itself will be against us. I sorely doubt that Cain will be letting us walk right up to him." They finished the meal, and remounted, Rosa wincing when Carrie told them that they still had about four hours ride ahead. This time, Rosa rode somewhat ahead, while she let Cloud settle in beside Reinhart's black horse. "You've been quiet since getting here," she said. He looked at her in surprise. "Not really much I have to say, I guess. Rosa is the talker of the family. I never know what to talk about, unless I have a specific purpose, like now," he answered. She smiled. "I know the feeling. You know that you want to say something, but you aren't sure if it's the right thing, or the right time, and when you finally decide to speak up, it's already too late to say it." He nodded. "Or you think that you'll make a fool of yourself if you try to say something, so instead you just stay quiet." Carrie smiled a little wider. "Exactly. It isn't that you don't have anything to say, just that you don't know how to say it." He smiled briefly at her. "Your mother once told me that you have to take chances. Sometimes, you might get hurt, or embarrassed, but in the end, it's usually worth it." He sighed. "I'm not a chance taker. Just a simple teen growing up to tend a shrine hidden way back in the mountains." He paused. "Well, maybe not quite as simple as that, but still, nothing too terribly special." "Sometimes it's the people that don't think that they are special that turn out to be the most special," she said quietly. He looked at her in surprise, and then blushed, looking away. Too late, she remembered that they could both hear much better than most people could. Time for a chance, she told herself. "Your father thought that he was just supposed to be a shrine keeper too, nothing special, to him, at least. But it seems to me that Ryoko found him to be very special, didn't she?" He turned partly toward her in his saddle, a confused expression on his face. "Well, yeah, I guess." "Just because you don't think you're special doesn't mean that you aren't special to... other people." He frowned a moment in thought, and then opened his mouth to speak. Just as he did, though, West Wind tripped on a partly upturned stone. In his half seated, half turned position, when the stallion stumbled forward, partly falling, Reinhart tumbled off to land flat on his back. Ahead of them, Rosa, who had been watching for the past couple of minutes, started howling with laughter. Carrie caught herself on the point of laughing as well, and instead dismounted to see that he was alright. "Ouch," said Reinhart, propping himself up on his elbows to look sourly at the horse. Carrie kneeled next to him. "Are you alright?" she asked. He shook his head. "Nothing hurt but my pride," he answered. Standing, he rubbed at his back where he had landed. "So much for grace in the saddle, brother," said Carrie as she reined in next to them. He scowled at her, and then walked over to collect his horse. He groaned aloud when he found West Wind. The animal was alright, but he had thrown his front right shoe, meaning that he couldn't be ridden for the time being. "This is getting more and more fun all the time," he said aloud. Rosa snickered; and Carrie came over to take a look at the hoof. "We can get him reshod in Eagle's Peak. Until then why don't you just ride with me?" she asked. He stared at her in surprise. Rosa, Carrie saw out of the corner of her eye, now looked to be doing her best to choke down a new round of laughter. "I can just... I mean, I could just walk or fly along with you two. It's really not that much of a bother." Carrie looked at him, shaking her head with a secret smile. Too cute by a mile. "Don't be foolish. Why waste energy. Besides, even riding double, we'll move faster than if you are walking along with us. Unless you intend to jog the entire way there." Reinhart looked between her and Rosa, who was doing her best to look disinterested. She wasn't doing a very good job of it. He looked at West Wind again, and then up the road, and sighed in defeat. Rosa finally gave up, and laughed again, as Carrie climbed back onto Cloud. Reinhart gave his sister a warning look as he handed West Wind's reins to her, and then scrambled up behind Carrie. "Riding double isn't quite the same as riding by yourself. You'll have a lot better chance of staying on if you wrap your arms around my waist, and squeeze as tightly to me as you can," she told him. Hesitantly, she felt his arms go about her waist, and after a moment, felt his chest press into her back through her cloak and blouse. "Why Reinhart, you're getting awfully fast with the ladies, aren't you?" said Rosa. Carrie heard him groan, likely in anticipation of the jokes that his sister would take at his expense. Looking at Rosa, she had the sudden feeling that she might have a few jokes about her, too. She felt the warmth passing to her from his body, especially through his arms which were in direct contact with her stomach, and knew that she was probably just a bit flushed. As she booted Cloud up to a brisk walk, she heard him mutter, "She's never gonna let me hear the end of this." Carrie laughed quietly, and they rode on. Blood Red Moon Resurrection Chapter 5: To the Heart of the Matter Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. This cross-over series is placed roughly 17 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** As they rode into Eagle's Point, Reinhart breathed a deep sigh of relief. The past few hours of riding had been only just short of torture for him. It wasn't really the physical nearness to Carrie that had him so unsettled. Once he had gotten used to it, he had managed to force himself to relax, at least a little. It hadn't been the near constant stream of wise cracks from Rosa, either. Those, he had heard all his life. He had even managed to get her to stop with a couple of well placed comments and lightly veiled threats to reveal some of her more adventurous hobbies to their parents. Such as her monthly skinny dip into their school's pool. No, what had been torture had been that he was very well aware of the fact that he was holding onto a very beautiful girl. It didn't really matter that he knew she was quite a bit older than she looked. She acted like, spoke like, and looked like she wasn't much older than him. He was so afraid of accidentally offending her that he could hardly think straight. He had laced his fingers together so tightly that they had long since cramped. He was so close to her that every breath he took came with the scent of her. He had had trouble deciding, but Reinhart had finally come to the conclusion that she used some sort of lilac scented oil in her hair. She wore no perfume, but very faintly he could smell the rose blossoms that she folded into her clothing to keep them fresh smelling. Under his hands, he could feel the smooth, soft flesh of her stomach. He thought that she must be a little ticklish there, because every time he shifted his hands, she would giggle quietly, little more than a soft shaking of her shoulders, which of course he could feel because he was pressed against her about as tightly as he could be. Her skin was comfortingly warm to the touch. He felt her body as she breathed, and had no doubt that she could feel his breathing as well. It was a strange feeling, he reflected; a natural feeling, and yet, very uncomfortable, for him at least, at the same time. He realized that this was the first time that he had been even remotely this close to a girl other than those in his family, and that was a different situation entirely. So, his state of mind upon entering the town was, to say the least, somewhat uneasy. The first signs of the town were the large, spreading farms. It was the peak of the growing season, and corn and wheat stood tall in the fields. Here and there, flocks of sheep grazed, bleating loudly now and then. Farther in, they came to a small cluster of buildings, including The Eagle's Nest, the village inn. The two floored, red-tile roof building stood on the edge of a cliff. He saw that the town lived up to its name. Several eagles spun and wheeled in the air above them, and one pair landed on top of the inn. Rosa looked around. "It doesn't really seem too much different from home, does it?" she remarked. Reinhart nodded. "Except home doesn't have a blacksmith's shop next to it." From where they were, they could hear the loud sounds of a hammer striking down on an anvil, a clean, steady ringing. The smithy was a flat, squarish building with a large, open pen. It also had a corral next to it, for storing horses to be shoed. "We have Washu's lab in the broom closet." He looked at her. "Good point." Reinhart carefully unlaced his fingers, wincing at how stiff they felt, and then dismounted. Carrie looked down at him in curiosity as he walked over and took West Wind's reins from Rosa. "In a broom closet?" He grinned, running his free hand through his hair to try and straighten it out. "It's a long story. Grandma was... somewhat eccentric in her youth." Rosa snorted. "You could only call Washu young if you were comparing her to, say, the age of the universe. She's over 20,000 years old!" Carrie did a double take, silently mouthing the words twenty thousand in disbelief. After a moment, she shook her head. "Let's get West Wind over to the blacksmith, and then get some rooms for the night," she said, getting down from Cloud's back. They nodded in agreement, and led their horses to the blockish building. The blacksmith turned out to be a man with a barrel of a chest; arms as thickly muscled as most people's legs, and legs that could have doubled as tree trunks. Reinhart decided that he definitely didn't want to get into a fight with him. The man looked like he could snap him in two with his pinkie finger. The burly man took a look at the horse's hoof, and nodded. "I can shoe him. You're lucky; I'm in between work loads right now. A day later and it likely would have been a week before I would have had the chance to shoe him. He'll be ready for you by tomorrow morning." It took a few more moments to haggle out the price. Reinhart watched with interest, as Carrie managed to get the blacksmith's price down from forty pieces of silver to a mere fifteen. The man bowed to her, sealing the arrangement, and then excused himself to begin working on the shoe. The walked their remaining two horses back over to the inn, and a pair of stablemen came up and led them away, into the inn's stables. Carrie led them inside. The Eagle's Nest was just short of empty. A couple villagers sat inside, gathered around one table. A fire blazed in the hearth, keeping a comfortable warmth there. Reinhart looked down as a fat orange tabby cat bumped its head into his leg. He grinned, and reached down to scratch it behind the ears momentarily. The inn keeper smiled at them from a doorway that likely led to the kitchen. She was a motherly looking woman, plump, and with more gray hair than brown, and warm gray eyes. "We haven't had many travelers here lately. Welcome, welcome indeed," she said. Carrie asked her about the rooms she had available, and the woman smiled. "Feel free to use them. It is the Festival of Lights here, and I don't charge for rooms. They are all upstairs." Carrie smiled at her warmly, and thanked her. The woman nodded. "If you need anything, just ask for Marin. The baths are down the hall, if you would like to clean up from your travels." They thanked her again, and split up. Carrie and Rosa went for the baths, while Reinhart went up the stairs to find the rooms, finding himself loaded with all of their saddlebags. He set the things into their rooms, and then he too walked down to the bathing rooms. Through one door, he could faintly hear Rosa and Carrie talking, though not clearly enough to make out what about. He went through the opposite, and found that the bath consisted of a stool to set his clothing on, and a shallow pool that was fed by water that poured from a pipe. The excess ran off through a small ditch that led to a drain; it had a lever that operated a sluice gate for draining out the pool. He opened it, and watched the water flush out. While he waited for it to refill, he stripped down out of his clothing. Gingerly touching the water, he found that it was hot, but not scaldingly so. Sighing, he wished that there was a way to take a more traditional Japanese bath, but when in Rome, he thought to himself. Ten minutes later, he had finished, and also managed to brush some of the dirt out of his bedraggled, borrowed clothing. Refreshed, and redressed, he exited the room. He could still hear Carrie and Rosa talking and laughing in the other room. He shook his head, wondering just how they managed to find so much to talk about. Entering the common room, he found that now not even the few villagers were left. Outside, the sun was all but down, just nearing the horizon. Realizing that it would probably be some time before the girls finished up, he decided to look around. The inn keeper smiled at him from behind a counter top, as he opened the door, and exited. The wind was a little chill, and he was glad that he had brought along the cape. He walked along. The smithy shop was now silent; lights burned in most windows, but there were a couple people out. Reinhart walked down the earthen street, until he found a thin, out of the way path. It seemed to snake down, and away from the town. From where he stood, he could see the lake that Carrie had talked about. He shrugged, and began to walk down. The path was somewhat steep, but not terribly difficult. At some points, steps had been cut into the earth and stone to aid in the passage. It led down, as he had thought, the face of the cliff that the inn stood on. Looking at how much it twisted and turned, he frowned. Looking about to see that nobody was around, he walked to the edge of the path, and then stepped off. He floated down the cliff face, and touched down at the base. The path arrowed fairly straightly towards the lake from there. Reinhart walked down there slowly. Above him, the sun had set, and the moon had begun to rise. It seemed that the blood effect was only around the castle. Half full, it shone a bright golden in the night, and seemed close enough to touch. Actually, he realized, he could touch it if he wanted. Assuming that he could hold his breath long enough to reach it and make it back to earth. The lake turned out to be fairly unassuming. The waters were still, disturbed only by the occasional breeze of the wind. It seemed to be cut off here, probably by the cliff. Just off to the side, he saw what had to be the shrine that Carrie had mentioned. It was a large, white stone, with a pair of crosses carven into it. Flowers and other small offerings had been placed around it. He walked up to the beach, and found a large stone to sit down on. "What am I doing out here?" he asked himself. Beyond the shrill cry of an eagle far above him, he didn't get any answer. But he did wonder. Just to get some air was too easy an excuse to use. Looking down at the ground, he picked up several smooth, rounded stones. Although he was back quite a way from the water, he began to skip them across. Most bounced seven or eight times before disappearing under the surface. It really was an absurd situation, he realized, and were it not for the seriousness of the matter, it would have been laughable. The moon slowly climbed up into the sky. "Penny for your thoughts?" Startled, Reinhart twisted to see Carrie picking her way down the tail end of the path. She had a small basket in her hand, and smiled at him in the moonlight. Carrie walked over to him, setting the basket down, and sat down on the rock next to him. He stared at her blankly, and noticed that she had left her cape in the inn, apparently. "Huh?" She smiled, shaking her head. "I thought that you might be down here, when Mistress Tiran said that she had seen you leave not too long ago," she said. Carrie looked out across the lake, where the moon was reflected in shimmering detail. "You seem like the kind of person who sometimes needs a chance to get away from things." "I don't really know why I'm out here. Just kinda followed my feet down this way." She nodded. "Sometimes that's best. I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I didn't realize that Rosa would tease you that much." She grinned, and he looked at her. "If it makes you feel any better, she made a couple of jokes at my expense too in private." "I'm used to it. She was actually being somewhat restrained," he said, shrugging. "I was more worried about embarrassing you or offending you." She laughed. "So that's why you were stiff as a board all the way here. I thought... well, that's beside the point. Listen, if I hadn't have thought that I could trust you, I wouldn't have offered. You don't need to be so tense around me." She turned more towards him, the moonlight glinting off her hair and eyes. "I've often wondered what it's like to have a brother or sister as close as you and Rosa are. My parents died when I was young, and I never really had any family until after we destroyed Dracula. Even then, Reinhart and Rosa were at best close friends, the closest to family I ever had, and Tenchi and Ryoko too, but I still never really had that sense of belonging. What is it like?" Reinhart frowned in thought, trying to think of a way to put it that would even remotely make sense, and realized that he wasn't entirely certain himself. "It's hard to explain," he said slowly. "It's a sense of acceptance for what you are... Of trust... Rosa may be a little wild... well, really wild, but at the same time I wouldn't want anybody more like me for anything. Mayuka, Mom and Dad, Washu, everybody really... We know that if we have a problem, we can talk to each other about it and get advice. Maybe we do have our differences, but even so we stick together." He paused, thoughtful. "It's more than just belonging... it's like we're all parts of each other." Carrie nodded slowly. "I think I know what you mean," she said. Reinhart suddenly realized that during this entire time, he hadn't stuttered once, or worried about how close she was. In fact, now that he actually thought of it, he noticed that she was all but sitting on top of him in order to fit on the rock. She looked at him, smiling slightly. "Why... why did you want me to ride with you? I could have walked, or even ridden with Rosa if I had to. I don't understand." Carrie blinked, and looked away. He knew that it was probably just his imagination, but he thought that he saw a blush rise to her cheeks. "I'll be a hundred twenty seven years old in about two months. I don't know if that sounds like a long time to live for you, but for me, it's a very long time. Every passing year, I kept wondering why I seemed to have stopped aging. Friends came and went; I never really let them get too close, certainly not as close as Reinhart, Rosa, and the children. I wasn't exactly a socialite, even in the best of times. "Then, suddenly, you and Rosa appear. The children of two of my closest friends. Without me even realizing it, I found that I already consider you as close as them." She paused, and the silence stretched into something almost uncomfortable. "And then, I realized something else. That I want more than just a friendship, no matter how close it is." He looked at her, and was surprised to see a few teardrops glistening on her cheeks. She turned away from him somewhat, shaking her head. "So much for being subtle," she said. Reinhart took a moment to absorb what she had just told him. "I'm... not good with words; certainly not good with emotions. But I think that... if what you are looking for is somebody to... care for you, than I think that I would be most honored to try. You said that just because as person doesn't think that they are special, it doesn't mean that others don't think that they are. If you think that I'm worth being thought of as special, than I will do my best to live up to that feeling," he said softly. Slowly, she turned back to him, tears glistening unshed in her golden eyes. "If I wasn't certain of it before, now, I am sure that you are." She leaned forward, then, and kissed him. Not on the cheek, the innocent kiss of a child or a mother. She gently kissed him on the mouth, a soft promise of things to come. He felt her place her arms around his neck, and hold him to her. Uncertain, he placed his own arms around her, drawing her body close to his. She leaned into the embrace, and lay her head on his shoulder. They just sat there, like that, for a time. Reinhart looked up to see the moon nearly at its half-way point. On the point of saying something, he noticed that she had fallen asleep, a smile on her face. He smiled gently, and carefully stood, lifting her. He looked up the face of the cliff, toward the inn. Carefully, he flew upwards, bearing her in his arms. He reached the inn, and floated there a moment as he remembered where her room was. Finally he figured out the location, and then phased through the wall with her. He lay her down on the bed, and then pulled the covers up. She sighed in her sleep. He smiled, and then moved to the door. ***** As Reinhart floated away, the sleeping form of Carrie in his arms, Rosa smiled broadly. She had followed the sorceress down the path, and watched the entire exchange from the branches of a tree. She swung down to the ground, and looked up after him. He was moving slowly; she was sure that he was afraid of waking her. Although she would have never said anything to him, she was glad that he had chosen Carrie. She knew that Misato in their school was interested in him, but the girl would never have stayed with him. He was just too unassuming a person for somebody of her tastes. She was just about to teleport back up to her room when she suddenly noticed that the forest had gone silent. Automatically, she formed a fireball, and looked around, hand outstretched. She saw nothing, yet now that she was aware of the silence, she could feel hidden eyes watching her. She listened carefully to the silence, and heard, off to her right, what sounded like flapping wings. Spinning, she released the fireball. It streaked through nothing but air, but in its illumination she caught a quick glimpse of a huge black wolf, and what looked like a small, tiny girl, with four delicate wings sprouting from her back. She looked surprise, and then the wolf flashed away, and she flew quickly after it. Startled, Rosa thought about giving chase, but decided instead to go back to her room. She teleported up. As she appeared, she suddenly laughed, and then phased through into the hallway. She got there just as Reinhart was coming through the door to Rosa's room, and tapped him on the shoulder. He gasped in surprise. "My, my Reinhart... Am I going to have a story to tell mom and dad when we get home?" He paled. "No!" he exclaimed loudly. Wincing, he lowered his voice. "I was down at the lake, and she came down to talk. She fell asleep, so I brought her back here." Rosa grinned slyly. "Oh, so she didn't kiss you, or fall asleep in your arms?" she asked innocently. He went several shades whiter. "You were watching us!" She grinned. "Guilty. Oh, relax. I won't tell mom or dad. To tell you the truth, I think that it's kinda sweet. She and I had a long talk today." She put her hand on his shoulder. "For a male, you do sometimes make good choices." She made her expression more serious. "She's had a lot of pain through her life. We certainly don't have anything to compare to. Be careful with her. She tries to act like she has left her past behind, but she still feels it." Reinhart looked away, nodding. "When I said that I would do my best to live up to her expectations, I meant it. You should know that." She nodded. "Good night, Reinhart." She grinned mischievously, and added, "Hope that your dreams are... ahem, enjoyable." He stared at her, startled, and groaned. "You really aren't going to give me a break, are you?" "No." Shaking his head, he disappeared into his room. Rosa smiled, and then poked her head through Carrie's door. The woman was sleeping, a small smile on her face. Rosa smiled again, and then retired to bed. ***** Alucard caught himself breathing a sigh of relief as the girl teleported away. She had surprised him with that fireball, and he knew that his tail had gotten a little singed in the blast. He still didn't understand how she had even known that he was there. But the blast was too contained to be a random shot. He returned to human form, wincing as the transformation ended, and looked at Sheann'a. She was examining a trailing edge of her dress. Suddenly, he became aware of the constant, almost too quiet to hear flapping sounds that her wings made as they moved up and down, keeping her in the air. But that had to be too quiet to hear for a human. But if she had... "That was interesting. A hair to the right, and more than my dress would be toasted," said Sheann'a, breaking his train of thought. "Do you recognize them?" She shook her head. "The young man and the girl with the fireballs have the look of Tenchi and Ryoko in them, but the other girl I did not recognize. The young man and she seemed rather close, no?" He nodded absently. "But they definitely are the ones. The Belmont power is so strong in them that it has left a residual effect. I doubt that any demons will ever come near here again." He walked out of the foliage, toward the shrine. Sheann'a floated behind him. "I wonder what the people would say if they knew what had really happened here? That the woman really just ran away to another man in the next village up the road when her husband went to war, and that he really was killed defending that fort, all the while believing that his wife was being true?" she mused. "I doubt that they would listen to you. They have believed in the myth for centuries." He bent down, and picked up one of the flowers, examining it carefully. "Perhaps, though, that belief is truth enough." He tossed the flower to the water, and it slowly floated away. Sheann'a looked at him in surprise. "Just when I think you have no surprises left in store for me, you somehow manage to show yet another facet. Does it wear on you, this endless fight against the dark that you have taken on yourself?" He looked at her, and for a moment, he truly did feel the years of his constant battle, first with himself, and then later with his father. "It has worn on me since the day I was born, but that matters not. I will continue it till I take my last breath. For me, there can be no other course." She nodded solemnly. "Where did Drathar go off to?" "I sent him ahead to watch for trouble at the Belmont burial ground." He looked up at the inn, where all of the lights had now gone out. "Tomorrow, we shall reveal ourselves to them. And that is when out battle shall truly begin again." Tenchi looked about himself warily. This place... was different. In the blink of an eye, a rolling field could become an asp-filled pit, or worse. One thing always remained the same, though. To the north, he could see an ancient castle, with a moon of blood hanging over it. What ever this place was, Castlevania was the key to it. He had to get there, he knew. Where ever he was, it was evil. He could not feel Ryoko's touch in the back of his mind, and it worried him. A movement caught his eye, and he turned, red force blade snapping up, ready to defend or attack, as needed. He was surprised to find Reinhart Schnieder standing there. But something seemed out of place to Tenchi; he wasn't quite certain what, but it was making the hair on the back of his neck tingle. "How are you, my old friend? The last that I saw you, you had returned to your own world!" Tenchi was silent, studying him closely. The height, the voice, the blond hair, the whip, the black eyes... Tenchi paused. The whip, and black eyes? But Reinhart had had blue eyes like ice, and they had sealed the whip away not long after escaping from the castle. "I am well," Tenchi lied. "Tell me, does Rosa still wear the cross that I carved for her?" Reinhart nodded, and Tenchi sighed, shaking his head. For a moment, he had almost... "That's interesting, because I never made a cross for her, I gave her a head piece." With startling speed, Reinhart flashed forward, his hand changing into a heavy, black blade. Tenchi dove aside, and then came up swinging his own sword. The demon's head tumbled to the ground, and the illusion that it was Reinhart disappeared. In reality, it was some sort of humanoid demon. "Let's see... that makes Reinhart, Clown, and Azusa," he said to himself. He wondered when who ever it was would start in with his family. He knew, instinctively, that his enemy was trying to wear down his resistance. Afraid now of what might come, what he knew would come, he hurried along his way, toward the evil castle. That was the key to what was happening, he was certain. Blood Red Moon Resurrection Chapter 6: Returning Home Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. This cross-over series is placed roughly 17 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** Ayeka scowled at the council, as they argued amongst themselves about her orders to mobilize their fleet and prepare for attack. She had arrived on Jurai just hours ago, and, not even taking the time to refresh herself, had called a quorum of the council. The members had been somewhat irritated, as it was the middle of the night on Jurai. Now they sat and squabbled about the orders - her direct orders! - As if they would not follow them. Yet she found herself wondering, as they continued to fight back and forth. They always argued to a point, but about something such as this the fleet should have already been mostly ready. Her mouth tightened. "Enough! You seem to think that I have given you something that you can discuss, or have time to decide. You do not. Jurai does not. I have told you what is to be done, and now it is to be done!" Absolute silence followed, and none of the council members moved or spoke. Finally, on the far end of the chamber, Arriman Valadas stood. Oldest of the council, he also wielded the most power among them, under her, of course. "Empress Ayeka... Explain to us why exactly you wish the fleet readied. So far you have made only vague references to what this... threat is." She stared at him, stunned at his outright challenge, but recovered quickly. "A fair question, and one that I will answer simply. I don't know. Tsunami has warned me of this threat." Arriman frowned. "If this is true, than why is she not here herself? Surely it is a grave enough matter for her too... grace us with her presence." His mouth twisted around that into an ugly sneer for just a moment. Ayeka fought to control the rising anger at his insolence. "Tsunami is preparing herself for the coming battle as we speak, gathering those who will aide us in our battle." A low murmur rose in the council at that, and she nodded, satisfied that they were finally starting to listen. Across from her, though, the elderly council man raised a hand. The other members hushed. "There is another matter to consider. Why have you still not chosen a consort?" Caught off guard, Ayeka's anger finally broke free. "You would speak of matters as unimportant as a royal consort when I have ordered you to prepare for an attack on Jurai itself! That is treason!" "No, Empress, it is not. Perhaps if you had not left Jurai to waste time on some backwater planet with the commoner rabble, than you would have finished your training. Even so, you have had more than enough time to have read the laws." "What are you talking about!" "Your power as Empress is limited simply to making requests of us until you have at the least chosen a consort." Ayeka stared at him in pure shock. "Until now, we have humored your 'orders,' even that foolery about mixing with the commoners. But this is too much! War is not a game for you to play!" Silence reigned after his statement, and many of the council members were looking at him in surprise themselves. Ayeka composed herself. Anger and rage would not serve her now. "I see. Very well then. Mark my words well, though. You are quite likely dooming Jurai. If you will not get the fleet ready, then at least warn the people so that they may leave before it is too late." Arriman shook his head. "Absurd. Jurai will last to eternity. Nothing is foolish enough to attack us directly." Ayeka stared him directly in the eye. "We said that seven hundred years ago, and yet we are still recovering from the attack of the space pirate Ryoko." With that, she spun on her heel, and left the council chamber. She stalked down the halls of the palace. Servants that saw her bowed as low as they could, and wondered if they would be allowed to keep their heads after seeing that stormy face. Upon reaching her quarters, she found herself staring at the back of a young man. He had long black hair in the traditional style, and was wearing a kimono that signaled royal blood. The young man was looking around himself slowly. Without even thinking about it, she hurled Jurai energy at him, binding him into a force field. She rotated him about to face her. The man was handsome, she had to admit, and his eyes were the color of Royal Teardrops. "Most days, an unexpected guest would be welcome," she snarled. "Today, however... GET OUT!" She hurled the force field through her doorway, stranger and all. The resulting crash was most satisfying. It was quite to her surprise when he calmly stood up, brushed himself off, and returned to the doorway. "I take it that the council would not listen to you, Ayeka." She stared in disbelief. That voice was... "Yosho?" He nodded grimly. Ayeka fainted dead away. ***** Carrie woke to find herself in a bed, blankets pulled up and over her, with absolutely no idea how she had gotten there. She sat up, confused, and mentally reviewed the night before. They had gone back to the inn after dropping off Reinhart's horse, and she and Rosa had taken a bath, having a long conversation in the process. After that, she had found out from the innkeeper that Reinhart had left not long before. Carrie paused. Did what she remember next really happen the night before? If it hadn't, then it had been the most realistic dream that she had ever had. She remembered collecting a small basket of meat, cheese, and bread, and then, on a hunch, going down the path to the lake. She had found Reinhart there, alone, skipping stones across the water. She had gone over, and sat next to him. They had talked for awhile, and somehow their conversation had turned to why she had wanted him to ride with her. Not really thinking about it, she had told him. She had been surprised to find tears on her cheeks by the time she had finished, but his answer had been even more surprising. No matter how much he thought he wasn't any good with words and feelings, he had somehow understood what she herself had not understood she was saying. Carrie remembered kissing him then, and he had held her quietly. She had forgotten her cape at the inn, but although the night air was a little chill, in his embrace she had felt warm, and safe. She felt... Welcome, a soft, gentle peace that she had seen before, between Tenchi and Ryoko, and Reinhart and Rosa, but never really felt herself. It had been so comforting, and she had suddenly felt so exhausted, and... then she had woken up in this bed. "Not exactly what I had in mind for the first time that I fell asleep in a man's arms," she said to herself, and then grinned. She felt almost giddy, more alive then she had in a long, long time. She got out of the bed, and noticed that she was still fully dressed. Sighing, she stretched, and grabbed her cape. Her stomach growled loudly as she went down the stairs. She found the common room populated by Rosa alone, at a table with a cup of tea at her hand, and another resting near her. Carrie smiled, and went down to talk to her. "You seem happy this morning," Rosa observed with a hidden smile. "I had... a good experience last night," she answered. Rosa smirked. "Oh? Is that why I caught Reinhart coming out of your room in the middle of the night? I wondered why he had such a pleased expression on his face." Carrie felt her cheeks go hot, and knew that she must be scarlet to her hairline. "I don't know what you mean." Rosa chuckled, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm only teasing you. I saw you leaving, and followed you down. After all, I have to keep an eye out for Reinhart's own good, don't I?" Carrie sighed a breath of relief. Maybe she wouldn't have any jokes at her expense. "You're terrible." Rosa laughed. "Guilty as charged. So. How did it feel to fall asleep in his arms?" Carrie felt her face go red again, and Rosa laughed again. "Honestly?" Rosa sobered, and nodded, smiling encouragingly. "I felt like I was in a place that I had always known. Safe... Warm... Comfortable... It was like I really belonged there, more than any place I had ever been before. I felt... welcome." Rosa stared at her. "You really have got it bad, haven't you?" Carrie looked at her in confusion, and Rosa smiled. "Never mind. It's a saying from where I come from." "What does it mean?" She laughed. "It... would take too long to explain. In many ways, you've seen and done so much more than Reinhart and I. But in others, you really are innocent." Rosa grinned. "I wonder what mom and dad will say when we come back with you so attached to Reinhart." Carrie paused, and realized that she had never stopped to think that after the finished, they would be going back to their world. That meant that if she wanted to stay with him, then she would have to go back with them. The thought of asking him to stay with her never entered her mind. It just wasn't something that she would consider. They heard the steps creaking, and turned to see Reinhart come down the stairs. Something about the way he moved spoke of not getting much sleep the night prior. Carrie looked at Rosa; as one, they laughed. He looked that them, and winced. Carrie had the feeling that he knew Rosa would be teasing him for the prior night endlessly. He joined them, and not long after Mistress Tarin appeared, bearing a tray with eggs, pancakes, bacon and more tea. Setting them down with a broad smile, the motherly inn keeper disappeared into the back once again. As they ate, Carrie noticed that some of the tension that she had seen in him around her was gone, yet it was replaced by something else... And uncertainty of sorts, and an air of excitement, though outwardly he seemed no different. "The ride to Rosewood is relatively short; we should be there around midday. With luck, we could be back here by tonight," she said. They nodded. Thanking Mistress Tarin, they then left the inn, collecting their horses as they did. The sun was a little more than its own height above the horizon as they walked over to the blacksmith's shop. They were pleased to find that he was just then placing the last nail into West Wind's hoof to hold on the shoe. Thanking him, they took the horse, and then mounted up. "Why the long face, brother? Sad you can't ride with Carrie again?" Carrie shook her head, hiding a smile. She was surprised, though, when Reinhart turned to Rosa. "Yes, actually. I enjoyed myself quite a bit, and I hope that I'll get the chance to return the favor some time." She stared at him in shock, and Carrie laughed, as the tables were turned on Rosa. For Reinhart's part, he just kept riding along as if nothing had happened. ***** "But how can this be?" asked Sheann'a. They had arrived at the burial ground not long before, and then Drathar had popped out of a small portal near by. Alucard had not been best pleased that the demon had not stayed there, but the demon's explanation had quickly pardoned him. He said that he had been summoned to Hell, and that the Armies of Hell were preparing to strike. Where had been the real surprise, though: They were getting ready to attack Castlevania. "I don't know. When I arrived, I found out that since the castle has reawoken, no fewer than twelve elder demons have vanished, with no trace left. The remaining few have hidden themselves away, save for Death, who goes about his duties as he always has." Alucard frowned. "At any other time, I would welcome this news. But this is too much of a coincidence. Next you will tell me that they have sent messengers to Heaven so as to form an alliance." Drathar sighed. "They have." Sheann'a gasped, and even Alucard stared at him, stunned disbelief painted on his usually stoic face. "Two of the saints have disappeared as well. When I arrived, Gabriel was an honored guest, and the rumor is that He is considering it. Strongly." "The armies of Heaven and Hell marching as one against Castlevania. It will be ground to dust. Not even Cain could stand against both!" said Sheann'a. Drathar shook his head. "There is one last thing. Cain has made himself known. Demonspawn and angels alike are flocking to him. He has said that he intends to end the eternal war forever." "The Pendulum of Chaos. That could be his only intent," said Alucard. His familiars looked at him in confusion. "Pendulum of Chaos? I've never heard of it," said Sheann'a. He sighed. "The Pendulum of Chaos is the ultimate representation of the eternal struggle of good and evil. As it swings, so too do the forces wax and wain in power. As my father first rose to power, he discovered it in a text older than time itself. In his own way, he did try to fight it, but he knew that he could never completely destroy it. For if it is destroyed, so too is this world. Neutrality between the forces would create a power vortex that would rip apart this world, perhaps even the universe." ***** "I do not understand how this could be," said Ayeka. She was pacing before her brother, and knew that she was still suffering from the shock of finding Yosho as he was: young, and handsome. Funaho and Misaki had both been called into the room as well, and were lounging on a couch. "Tsunami... hid me, with her powers, not long after I first came to Earth. We both understood that something important would happen there. That something is Tenchi, as I'm sure you have guessed. All along, I have never really been as old as I seemed. Ryoko's gems, which were in Tenchi-ken, gave power to my tree, and thus, to me, sustaining me." "Why reveal this now, instead of when I first arrived!" she asked. He looked away. "Because before now, there had been no reason to, and because... I asked her not to. I had long since grown to enjoy my simple life there, and I knew that if I appeared as you see me now, I would be required to return here. Even now, were the situation not this grave, I would not be here." "But why?" she insisted. He shook his head. "That... is not important. What is important is that we get the council to listen." "I doubt that they will. I found out just this afternoon on my way here that Arriman is spearheading an effort to choose a consort for you. No doubt once he has succeeded, he will choose one that will only increase his own power," said Funaho. Misaki nodded in agreement. "And there is nothing that we can do to stop him, because he is within his rights as a council member," she said. "How dare he!" growled Ayeka. But she knew that he did. Arriman had been correct in saying that she should have known. It was her duty to know the laws, and she had failed in that duty. Misaki suddenly giggled, drawing their attention. "If they want my little girl to have a consort, then who better then the one she started out with?" Startled, Ayeka looked at Yosho, who winced. Funaho nodded. "It would make sense... and then we could be certain of his support..." Ayeka nodded slowly in agreement. "And the 'act' would be very easy to carry off until I had the chance to depose Arriman from his all too well entrenched seat." Three sets of female eyes turned to him, and he sighed, shaking his head. "I used to wonder what Tenchi felt being 'guided' by you and the rest of the girls. After experiencing it for myself, I have come to the conclusion that he can keep it entirely to himself!" ***** "Fellow council members, this has gone on long enough! Yes, we have a duty to the Empress, but she has a duty to the people! Therefore-" Arriman paused as the great double doors that the Empress used to enter the council chambers swung open. Proceeded by Funaho and Misaki, she entered, the traditional braid in her hair undone so that her hair fell out behind her like a cape. To her side and behind her, somebody followed, his form hidden entirely by the cloak that he wore, even his face. Slowly, the murmuring died away. "Members of the council. You are correct in saying that I have no true power until I have chosen a consort. Very well then. As is my duty, I choose." She turned slightly, and the robbed figure came forward. He reached up, and drew back the cowl covering his face. A collective gasp passed through the chamber. "I present Yosho, son of Funaho and Azusa. This is the reason that I went to Earth, to 'waste time on some backwater planet with the commoner rabble,' as I believe it was put." Arriman stared at the young crown prince, and saw all of his plans and plots falling apart in him. Yosho looked straight back at him, with a slightly dangerous glitter in his eye. None the less, he had no choice but to complete the ritual. "Who stands for this man, as proof of his existence?" "I, Misaki, wife of Azusa and Daughter of Jurai stand as one who saw his birth and welcomed him to life." "I, Funaho, wife of Azusa and Daughter of Earth, stand as one who gave him his life and taught him of his heritage." "Than we recognize his existence, and bow to his power. Long flows the Water of Life, and may he float with it forever." The rest of the council repeated the sentiment, while he quickly tried to think of a way to salvage his position. It came to him that the fleet could not be brought out unless the one half of the council agreed on it, and he knew that he had at least half the council behind him, even now. The Empress waited a few moments, and then raised her hand. "Is the council satisfied? Will you now ready the fleet?" Before he could speak, one of the younger members, named Sagami Yoshimoto, glared at him, and stood. "Yes, Empress. The council extends its most humble apologies for dragging this out as we did. The fleet will be mobilized within the hour. Do you have any other wishes?" Ayeka nodded to him slightly. "Yes. As I told you, I do not know exactly what this threat is. Not even Tsunami could be very clear to what may be attacking us. If the fleet fails, then Jurai may be destroyed. All of her people are to be evacuated to a safe location as quickly as possible. If we can not hold with the fleet, than Jurai's people will be safe." A low murmur rose in the council then, at the seriousness in her tones. Sagami bowed low. "It will be as you wish, Empress." Slowly, the council began to flow out of the chamber, Arriman with them. Just before exiting, he paused, and looked back. Empress Ayeka scowled at him, and he hurried the rest of the way out as fast as dignity would allow. ***** As they trotted up to the outskirts of Rosewood, Rosa found herself tilting her head back further and further. In the center of the town, a huge church rose high above the plain. The tallest two towers almost hurt to look up at. The sun had just reached its midpoint, and the ancient church bells rang out the hour. It was in many ways the same as Castlevania's sound, deep, powerful, and beautifully clear, but at the same time, different. There was no dread in the sound of these bells, only comfort. "For centuries, Rosewood has been considered a holy place. It is said that the first known Belmont, Sonia, was born here, on the very spot where the altar in the church is now," Carrie told them. She led them through the town slowly. Everywhere, people moved and bustled. They reached the far side of the town, which overlooked a small valley. "I don't believe it!" exclaimed Rosa. In the center of the valley, one tree stood high above the others. Its emerald foliage spread out above a small, cleared area, in which a large white building rested. "What?" asked Carrie, confused. Reinhart moved up next to her, and pulled rein. "How long has that tree been there?" She frowned in thought. "I think that the first time I saw it was when Reinhart was buried there. Come to think of it, the tree grew amazingly fast. The first time I came here, there was nothing but the burial ground." Reinhart nodded. "That is a Juraian tree, and very likely the one that you are linked to." Carrie looked at it again in surprise. "That is what has kept me as I am?" He nodded again, and they started down the trail. They were only partly down when Rosa sensed a presence around them. She twisted in her saddle, looking about slowly. Nothing moved, save the bushes that swayed just slightly in the wind. Rosa frowned, and evened up with the other two. "I think that we're being watched," she said quietly. She told them quickly about the wolf and small girl with wings from the night before. Carrie nodded. "A vampire, it sounds like. But are you certain about the fairy? None of their kind would travel with a vampire," she said. Rosa nodded. "Well, we know not to be off guard." Rosa frowned. "I thought that vampires couldn't stand sunlight." Carrie nodded. "Some can't. Your namesake couldn't when she was a vampire. But the more powerful ones can, although they are not as powerful as they would be during the night." They kept riding along the trail. Rosa listened carefully, but couldn't hear the rhythmic beating of wings that had signaled the fairy's presence the night before. She had obviously learned not to fly while spying. "We're nearly inside the burial ground. He won't be able to follow us in there. I'm amazed that he is as close as he is." Reinhart nodded, and then slowly looked around. Rosa silently agreed with him. Where the path had felt safe before, now it felt almost confining. Soon, they found themselves before a tall stone arch. Great marble archangels stood to either side of it, huge stone swords held in a defensive posture, expressions of defiance etched forever into the stone, huge feather wings seeming almost ready to take them to the skies. "The legend says that the morning after Sonia Belmont was buried here, these two statues were found as they are now. The arch was added later. It is said that when a great evil has come to the land, they cry, and that those tears can heal even the gravest of injuries, or bring parched lands back to fertility overnight," said Carrie. They dismounted, tethering their horses to the trees, and entered the sacred place. An almost unearthly calm filled the burial ground. The birds chirped quietly. Tall marble stones, carven into statues of the people whose graves they marked rose from the ground. Carrie led them slowly through, naming each as they passed by. Finally, they came to two statues next to each other. One was of the man with the whip that had been in the statue back in Carrie's home town. The other was of a lovely young woman with long hair. The two statues were just under the shade of the tree. "These are the last two graves that will ever be placed here. Reinhart and Rosa Schnieder, last of the Belmont bloodline to be buried." They paused for a moment there, while she paid her respects, and then they walked to tree. Reinhart looked at it closely. "May I see your staff for a moment?" Carrie handed it to him, and rapped the top against the trunk three times. Tiny beams of light shot down from the leaves, forming a shimmering curtain. They saw Tenchi appear in the middle of the burial ground, with Tenchi-ken in hand. The sword was glowing brightly. He held it out before him, and then released it. The sword remained floating before him. He closed his eyes, and the twin gems on his wrists glittered. The sword flashed brightly, and then dove into the ground. Where it touched, a tree suddenly sprouted out, growing until it was nearly twice as tall as Tenchi. After a moment, Tenchi-ken reappeared before him. Taking the sword in hand, he tapped the trunk three times. Three pieces of wood floated down from above him: A long, straight piece, a wide, circular piece, and a small block. He nodded, and the pieces floated to the ground. He sat down, picking up the small block, and raised Tenchi-ken. A small, knife-like blade appeared, and he began to carefully carve. The scene flickered, and suddenly he was holding the unfinished form of Carrie's staff. As they watched, he placed the last touches into the design, and then stood, stretching. Turning, he pulled a small, smooth blue stone out from his pocket, and placed it on the top. Then he tapped it against the tree, and the staff glowed blue for a moment. When the glow died off, the wood had been darkened, and polished, and the purple metal that the stone was set in had appeared. He repeated this process with the other two pieces, a cross and a headpiece, and then smiled. He yawned widely, and then disappeared. The light curtain disappeared. "What was that?" asked Carrie, as Reinhart handed the staff back to her. "The tree's memory. In this case, where it came from and how dad made your staff. Juraian trees are partly sentiant. Aunt Ayeka has a first-generation tree-ship called Ryou-oh. The ship is run and powered by one of these trees," explained Rosa. Carrie nodded, although by her expression she didn't really understand. On the point of explaining herself further, she saw a movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned, hand snapping up with a fireball ready. A tall man, with long white hair, knelt before one of the graves. He wore black and red enameled armor, and had a long, black cape with crimson red underlining. On the point of lowering her hand, she saw, sitting on his shoulder, the fairy she had seen with the black wolf. Leaning up against another gravestone, a gray skinned creature with leathery bat wings, a pitchfork, and a pointed tail waited. For a moment, everything was silent, as the man finished setting down whatever it was he was setting down. Rosa noted that the grave he stood before belonged to that of a woman, Maria Renard, who had apparently lived about two hundred and twenty years before and challenged Castlevania with Richter Belmont. Then, Carrie stepped forward, staff held in both hands in a defensive position. "Why have you been following us, and why do you travel with both a fairy and a demon familiar?" she called. The man was silent a moment more, and then stood, picking up a shield that Rosa hadn't noticed before. Emblemized on it was a bat with the sun on its back. Rosa heard Carrie gasp in recognition. "No... It can't be..." she breathed in amazement. Rosa looked at her in curiosity. "What is it, Carrie? Do you recognize him?" She nodded slowly. "Not him, personally, but the seal on his shield is that of Adrian Farienhights Tepes, or rather, of Alucard, the son of Dracula." Startled, Rosa looked back at him. He cleared his throat. "I've followed you because you seem to be after the Whip, though none of you are of the Belmont blood." Rosa blinked at the deep voice. He was rather handsome, but there was a coldness to his voice that gave her a chill. No, she reflected, not a coldness... an emptiness. "You are correct. I am Alucard. Tell me, why do you seek the Whip?" "An evil man named Cain has raised Castlevania. We have come here because we believe that the Whip is key in destroying him," answered Carrie evenly. "I am Carrie Fernandez, and these are Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, children of Tenchi and Ryoko Masaki." Rosa noticed vivid shock on the faces of the fairy and the demon as Carrie named herself. Alucard nodded. "An honor to meet the offspring of the man that finally ended my father's evil." There was a dignity, she decided, to him, a dignity that reminded her greatly of Ayeka. "I see that you know of my son, as well." Now it was their turn to be surprised. "Cain is your child?" asked Carrie. He nodded, frowning. "By Maria Renard. Through... circumstances that I could not control, I did not know until I woke up. I went to sleep believing her dead. After I awoke, my familiars told me that she had survived, and had a son. Now, however, that I know, I too am going to the castle. We came here first because I sensed the Belmont power, and feared it might be Cain trying to retrieve the Whip." Carrie frowned. "Why would he want the whip?" "He is of both Dracula's bloodline and the Belmont bloodline. Already, he has claimed Castlevania, the most powerful symbol of my father's power." "And by claiming the Whip, he would become even more powerful, because he would be claiming the other half of his power," said Reinhart. Alucard nodded, and Carrie shuddered. "I've felt his power once already. If that wasn't his full power..." she trailed off, shuddering again. "You have been hit by one of his spells and survived? You must be as strong as Sypha!" said the fairy in dulcet tones. She flew over, and looked at Carrie closely. "Now that I get a good look at you, you do resemble her. But how can you be Carrie Fernandez? You'd have to be over a hundred years old, and frankly, you're just too young to be the woman I saw at the Mage's Coven a few years ago." Carrie grinned suddenly, and for a moment, she was ancient again. The fairy flew backwards in surprise, and then Carrie dropped the illusion. "A hundred twenty seven, in two months time. Of all the magical beings, I would expect you, a fairy, to know that anything can be illusion. But I'll grant you are right. According to my companions, it has something to do with being linked to this tree." The fairy nodded slowly. "My apologies for my familiar's rudeness. She is sometimes a little too frank in her statements. She is Sheann'a, and the demon is Drathar," said Alucard. Sheann'a, as he had named her, turned to Alucard; was it her imagination, or was the fairy sticking her tongue out at him? Reinhart cleared his throat. "Not that I'm trying to be rude, but we have need to hurry on this mission," he said quietly. Rosa nodded, and Alucard looked at them. "I came here expecting to fight Cain. Now it seems that I may have found allies in my fight. I would consider it an honor to join with you in our common battle." Reinhart looked at them, and they nodded. "The honor is ours," he said, stepping forward and offering him his hand. Alucard clasped it firmly. "The question still remains: How to get the Whip. I think that it will be safer in our hands." Alucard nodded in agreement, as she led them over to the huge building. There were no seams or windows, and no decorations beyond the gigantic crest of the Belmonts. "When Sypha and I created this spell, it was intended to seal forever once Dracula was dead forever, as it has." Carrie nodded, and looked at the building closely. Rosa got the feeling that she wasn't looking at the building itself, but at something around it. "This weave is incredible. I don't think that it's possible to slip a thread of magic through to try and open it. Hmm... both black and white forms used... wait a moment... What is this weave here?" she asked, pointing at roughly the center of the Belmont crest. Alucard frowned, and looked at it. "That is the remnants of the weave that allowed those of the Belmont bloodline to enter and retrieve the whip." Carrie looked at him. "Your weaving, or Sypha's?" "Sypha's. At the time, I did not have the control needed to weave that form of magic." Carrie nodded. "I think that that is our only chance. But if only the Belmonts could pass it..." She sighed, and then looked at Rosa. Her eyes widened. "Your pendant is glowing!" Rosa looked down. The small stone was flickering fitfully, but it was glowing softly. Rosa frowned a moment, and looked around. Her eyes fell on the grave stone marking her namesake. She grinned. "I've got it! Reinhart, do you remember what Ayeka told us about objects picking up impressions of their owners?" He nodded, and then his eyes widened. "You're a genius," he said, taking Tenchi-ken off his belt. Alucard, Carrie, and the familiars were staring at them. Reinhart jogged over to the tree, as Rosa took off the pendant. She held it out in the air before her, as Reinhart rapped on the trunk. For a moment, the tree did nothing, and then slowly, it began to shimmer. Softly at first, it brightened. Rosa carefully let go of the necklace; it hung in midair, the jewel starting to glow brighter and brighter. Slowly, the chain began to spread out, until it looked like it was being worn. With a sudden blaze of light, the tree fired several thick beams of energy down. They met at the sapphire, and spread out. Slowly, the ghostly image of a woman formed. She was very beautiful, her hair falling to her waist. The woman wore a loosely fitting dress, and a band of gold circled her finger. Carrie, not far away, was staring in shock at the image. She solidified somewhat, and then opened her eyes. The woman looked around, confused. She saw Reinhart, Rosa, and then, last, Carrie. "Rosa? Is it you?" asked the sorceress. The woman grinned. "In a way. We've been watching you, for a long time. The kids miss you, but they know that it isn't time yet. Look, I haven't gotten much time, so I'll try to keep this short. We miss you, but don't you dare think of joining us any time soon, alright? We can wait." Rosa glanced at Reinhart. "You've lived to fight long enough. Now, live to live." Carrie nodded. The specter moved forward, and hugged her. Although she was a little startled at first, Carrie smiled, and hugged back. The ghost turned to Rosa, and smiled, as Reinhart walked up beside her. "I never thought I'd meet Ryoko and Tenchi's children. If Reinhart were here he'd probably be wondering where they were. I wish that we could help more than just this, but... Well, we'll do what we can." She looked at Reinhart, and pitched her voice so that only they could hear. "Please, take care of her. I can't think of anybody more loving than your parents, and I can tell that passed down to you. She's earned it." Reinhart nodded solemnly. Rosa smiled, and then turned, to Alucard. "I've got one last message, and then I'll open the door. Maria said... to let go. She knows it isn't your fault, either... what happened after she was attacked, or Cain. She asked me to tell you that she was with you, and that when the time came, to let go of her, and move on." Alucard bowed to her, face impassive, although Sheann'a and Drathar were looking at him with concern. "Thank you, M'Lady. I... would apologize for the travesty that my father committed against you in making you a vampire." Rosa smiled. "It was not your fault, nor his. His servant captured me, and his servant was paid back in kind." Alucard blinked, and looked at her. She smiled, and shook her head. "I am sorry, I don't have the time to explain." Rosa turned to the tomb, and walked forward. She raised her hand, and as she touched the crest, the pendant blazed to a bright light. Down the center of the crest, a line appeared. Slowly, the ancient seal swung open, to reveal a small, lighted room. In the center, the whip rested. "Quickly. I can not hold the door open for long." Reinhart nodded, and entered. He reached the whip, and picked it up. For a moment, it glowed white, and then the glow died away. Reinhart blinked in surprise, and then turned, quickly leaving. The doors swung shut. The ghost looked at them. She appeared substantially less there, but she turned to Rosa again, her hand going to the necklace. "Thank you. Please, take care of both this and the bracelet. Ryoko was a good friend. Please... say goodbye to her for me." The specter carefully removed the necklace, and then replaced it around Rosa's neck. She nodded, and then smiled, then looked at Carrie. "Keep them out of trouble, and remember: We're waiting, but only when you're ready." Carrie nodded, and smiled. Slowly, the ghost walked to the tree. Just before touching it, she turned, and smiled at them again. Then, she stepped into the trunk, and disappeared. The light that the tree was giving off faded away. Reinhart looked at them, the Whip firmly held in his grasp. "I think it's time to pay a visit to Mr. Cain." Blood Red Moon Resurrection Chapter 7: Calm Winds, Stormy Clouds Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. This cross-over series is placed roughly 17 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** Ryoko stood up, stretching. It had been five days, now, and there had been no word from the children, no change in Tenchi. Tsunami, still in her trance, was beginning to look haggard, tired. Ryoko knew that the goddess was starting to lose her strength, and wondered uneasily if she would be able to maintain the energy web long enough. Fears had begun to crawl about inside her more boldly. Losing Tenchi, and the children. Her dreams had started to become troubled. Just that morning, she had awoken from a nightmare, where she had been under Dracula's control again. She still remembered that short, terrifying time vividly. In his grasp, she had thrown Tenchi from the spire of Castlevania. For two years after, she had spent some nights screaming in terror as she dreamed of that, over and over again. Now, those dreams were coming back, slowly, but surely. Only through an effort of will had she not given into them already. In her mind, she kept trying to rationalize what was happening, to try and stop them, but it was no use. There was no rationalization to this. Looking again at her husband, she hoped that she herself would have enough strength to hold them at bay. "Mom?" Ryoko turned as Mayuka entered the room, and smiled. What a change from the girl that Yuzuha had sent to them, in order to trap and kill Tenchi. She still had the same joy, the same... pureness was all Ryoko could call it, yet tempered with that was a real life, instead of just programmed memories. She had grown into a strong, fun loving woman, yet one with sense that escaped most, and deep understanding. "What is it?" asked Ryoko, noticing her concerned expression. Mayuka bit her lip. "I don't really know if it's important or not, but last night I had a very strange, but very real feeling dream. I saw Reinhart and Rosa, and a young lady - very beautiful. They were walking on a path, and a strange man with white hair joined them. Half of his face was lighted, but the other half seemed like it was in a shadow. They welcomed him, and together, they continued. "Up ahead of them on the path was a castle. It... frightened me, just the appearance of it, but not nearly as much as the figure before it. I couldn't make out his face, it was hidden. But when I saw him, I saw the path that Reinhart and the others were on split apart. As they reached it, another copy of Rosa and the strange man both appeared. But Reinhart and the young lady each went down a different side of the fork, with one of the pairs of Rosa and the man." She came to a stop, frowning. "Somehow, I'm not sure how I know, but I'm certain that the faceless man is going to hurt Reinhart and the young woman. I just knew it, when I saw them split up." Ryoko frowned, and was about to answer, when they heard another voice. "A... dream of the... paths that may be..." croaked Tsunami. They turned, to see the goddess looking at them through tired eyes. "May I have some water?" Ryoko filled a glass from a pitcher that Washu had left in the room, and brought it over to her. Tsunami swallowed it down quickly. "Thank you, Ryoko." She nodded. "What do you mean, 'the paths that may be?'" asked Mayuka. Tsunami looked at her. "The... vision that you described was a picture of what may happen. Likely it is a gift from Yuzuha that hadn't manifested itself until now. You have been worried about Reinhart and Rosa; subconsciously, you reached across the dimensional veil and looked at what might happen." Mayuka nodded slowly, and Ryoko frowned. "Can you remember anything else clearly about the dream?" Mayuka frowned a moment, and then nodded. "The young lady... Her hair and eyes were like yours. Cyan tresses, and golden eyes like a wolf's." She paused a moment, and then suddenly lit up. "And she and Reinhart stayed very, very close together, actually touching at one point, until they reached the fork and split up." Ryoko nodded, grinning. "Cyan hair and golden eyes? That has to be Carrie. Close to Reinhart, and he wasn't stumbling over his own feet?" Mayuka nodded. "Hmm... Close to her and then touching her for a short time... I wonder if that means what I think it does..." she mused, and looked at Tsunami. The goddess shrugged, shaking her head. Ryoko looked back at Mayuka. "But I don't understand the rest of it. Are you certain that was all?" Mayuka though hard for a moment. "There... was some sort of robed figure at the fork. He had wings, and a scythe... There was something uncertain about him, though... I'm not sure. That's all I remember." But that little bit was all Ryoko needed to understand the rest. "Death... You saw Death, Mayuka," said Ryoko calmly. Too calmly, she was aware. It made sense. The fork, Reinhart and Carrie continuing on separate paths with the others. Mayuka gasped, as she came to the same conclusions as Ryoko, and Tsunami blinked, frowning. Why was she so calm, she wondered. Shouldn't she be a nervous wreak now? But it wasn't shock, Ryoko knew. She didn't understand, even so. "We have to do something, Mother!" Ryoko blinked, and shook her head. "There is nothing that we can do, nothing but wait, and hope. Wait, and pray that it was just a nightmare." She looked at Tsunami. The goddess looked at her with sad eyes, and shook her head almost imperceptibly. Just as Ryoko had known that she would. ***** Tenchi stepped into the room slowly. When the portal had appeared before him, he had paused, sensing something familiar there. Something had drawn him toward it. Now that he was inside, he did recognize the room. Hundreds and hundreds of toys were piled high against the walls, everything from stuffed bears to futuristic seeming robots. In the center of the room, what appeared to be a little girl with silver hair sat with her back to him. He approached her carefully, his energy sword ready. "It is hard enough to maintain this shelter without having to fend off an attack from you," said Yuzuha suddenly. Startled, he stopped and looked at her. She turned toward him, then. "Most would have gone mad out there by now, put through this hell. I couldn't have come up with something this bad on the best of days!" He stared at her, raising his sword again. "How did you get here? For that matter, where is here?" She grinned, showing her fangs. "Where we are isn't too tough, princey-boy. Inside you. Sorry to tell you prince charming, but you seem to have contracted another slight case of vampirism. How did I get here? That's a little tougher." She gestured, and there was suddenly a chair next to him. He looked at it warily, but did finally sit down. "As best as I can tell, it was a side effect of using your Light Hawk Sword against me. It pulled a piece of me in when you destroyed my body." He blinked. "That Kagato guy is here too - seems he's helping who ever it is that is running that castle, and so is a little of Dracula." She barked out a rough laugh. "Hope you don't mind, but you're going to have to live with your past demons." "Then why are you here, seemingly to help me?" She grinned humorlessly. Two simple reasons. One, it's in my best interests. Two, if you die, I die. Ok, so there really isn't much difference there, but what are you gonna do about it?" "How do I know that you aren't just another of the enemies here?" She sighed. "Do you really think that the thing running this show would use me, an enemy you've already killed, to try and attack you? It would be a bit of a waste, since you already know that I was against you." He nodded. "I can't say who or what is doing this, because I honestly don't know. It isn't Dracula - he entered the castle not long after it appeared, with the intentions to stop this. Kagato is helping it, but he isn't the leader. And I'm here, as you can see." Tenchi frowned, and then stood to leave. Just before he did, though, she called to him. "I really did love him, you know, and I'm glad that you have taken care of Mayuka," she said softly. He looked at her a moment. "That is the only reason I'm putting any trust in you at all." Then he stepped back into the nightmare. Yuzuha looked after him with an almost pitying expression. ***** As they rode back into her home town of Winchester, Carrie breathed a long sigh of relief. The traveling that day had been somewhat slow, and they had left Timberton a little later than she had hoped. The sun had already set, and she did not want to be out after dark, for fear of being attacked. Tucked safely into her pack, the Whip waited, safely hidden. Around them, streetlights burned cheerily, lighting the way. It had been a long trip back. Alucard had told them what he could about the danger they faced. The more he had said, the more ill she had become. If Alucard was right, and Cain's target was this Pendulum of Chaos, then their mission was more important that she had first thought. When he had said that Heaven and Hell were forming and alliance, she had all but fallen from her saddle in shock. Reinhart had been close enough to her and had given her a steadying hand. At the thought of Reinhart, she smiled. Over the past three days, they had drawn closer in earnest. The last of his unease had disappeared, and he was now comfortable being as close to her as she generally tried to be, which in some cases meant all but in his skin. At Eagle's Point, she had packed a second small basket, and then he had held her as he floated down the sheer cliff. It had been one thing to know that he could fly; another entirely to be carried down in his arms. The feeling of the wind rushing against her face had at first been startling, and then rather exciting. He had held her with an arm about her waist, firmly, but not uncomfortably. They had spent a peaceful, uninterrupted evening there. Which was why she was concerned now. After returning to their rooms, and going to sleep, she had had a strange, almost surrealistic dream. She had been on the path to Castlevania, and came to a fork. Down one path, she had seen the Reinhart and Rosa that had died so long ago, and their children with them. The group had been looking at her with pained, but welcoming eyes. Down the other, she had seen herself, Rosa, Alucard and his familiars. One by one, they had faded away, until only herself had remained, facing away so that she couldn't see her face. Yet, at the same time, that person hadn't seemed to be her anymore. She was shadowy, indistinct. That Carrie had turned to face her - instead of her own face, she had seen Actrise. The strange dream troubled her, because it had held a feeling of dread. She had awoken in a cold sweat, to find that it was only a short time after she had first gone to sleep. She had lain awake, trying to puzzle it out, but to no avail. Eventually, she had fallen asleep again, but it had not been a very restful one. She was certain that it meant something, a warning of some sort that concerned her. The strange absence of Reinhart from herself and the others left her chilled inside. Sighing, she wondered if she had just been shaken up by seeing Rosa, ghostly as she had been. It had been shocking to see her appear, and to hear her message had been even more so. Carrie sighed again, and then looked at their new companions. Alucard walked alongside them calmly, in his human form at the moment. In order to keep up with them, while they rode on the trail, he would run in wolf form. It had been somewhat unsettling, at first, to seem him change, but now it almost seemed normal. Sheann'a rode on his shoulder. The fairy was talkative, but also deeply cared for him. She had a good sense of humor, and Rosa and she had hit it off instantly. One would finish the other's thoughts. Drathar floated along nearby. The demon was quieter, more moody than his fairy counterpart. For the most part, he let Sheann'a do the talking - which she all too happily did - but when he did say something, it was well thought out. The demon was rather opposite of most of his kind that Carrie had met, trustable and honorable. In many ways, she had come to the conclusion that they were as much representations of the two halves of his bloodline as they were the only family he had. Sheann'a, his human side, bright and energetic. Drathar, his darker side, quiet, and methodical. Alucard himself was an enigma to her. Outwardly, he was composed, dignified, and serious to the point of being cold. Almost, she reflected, what she might have been, had it not been for Reinhart and Rosa's friendship long ago. He wore his stoicism like an armor about him, keeping them from coming too close. Yet, at times, something would slip through, a faint smile, or a nearly warm comment. Alucard was a living legend, yet Carrie sensed that he much rather would have never been involved. She sensed a pain akin to hers in him, of losing those he loved. They trotted up to the stables, and Jarl hobbled up to meet them, grinning toothlessly. "Welcome back, Carrie! I see you seem to have found what you were looking for." She smiled, as they dismounted. "Thank you, old friend. We never would have gotten this far without your help." He grinned again, as his stable hands came up to lead the horses away. Bidding them farewell, she led them back across town, to her home. "We should get as much rest tonight as we can, because starting tomorrow we likely will not get another chance to sleep." Rosa, beside her, yawned, stretching. "You'll have no argument from me," she said, and then disappeared up the stairs. Alucard bowed to them. "I must feed, but I will return in the morning. Good evening." He morphed into wolf form, and flashed away into the night. Sheann'a and Drathar looked at them, shrugged, and then flew off after him. She turned to Reinhart, who was the only one left. He smiled gently. "What's wrong? You should be happy to be back home, but you almost seem afraid of it." She sighed, and looked away. "It's nothing." He raised an eyebrow. "You realize, of course, that by saying that, you're all but screaming that something is bothering you." Carrie frowned, but finally nodded. "I should have known better than to have tried hiding something from you. I don't know, it probably is nothing, but last night I had a very strange dream. Probably just a bad case of nerves." He frowned. "Were you standing on a path, and just ahead of you was a fork? Down one side, did you see yourself, Rosa, and Alucard, but they slowly faded out until only you were left?" She stared at him in surprise, nodding slowly. "How did you know?" "I had one too. Only it was more than a dream... I don't know. If Tsunami were here, she could probably explain it to us. She understands strange dreams." She moved toward him a little. "It worries me, though. I don't like ominous dreams, especially when I'm not the only one having them." She rubbed her hands over her arms at the sudden chill she felt. He placed an arm around her, and drew her closer. She leaned into his body, soaking in the warmth she felt there. "Listen to me, Carrie. We don't know what will happen tomorrow, or any day after that. Rosa and I came here expecting to battle Dracula, beat him, and then go back home having stopped dad's curse. But it is more than that now. Your entire world at stake, if Alucard is right." She sighed, looking away. "We don't have the right to get you involved in this. Reinhart and I pulled your parents into it when they came here, and it almost cost them everything. It's still costing them." He touched her chin, and gently turned her to face him. "Rosa and I came here to save dad. But even if he hadn't been hurt, even if we had only ended up here by accident, like they did, I would still be right here, to fight with you, and so would Rosa. If the world is at stake, and we can help, than we will." Carrie looked at him in surprise. His words were exactly the same as Tenchi's from so long before. "I..." she started, but her voice caught in her throat. He watched her quietly, his brown eyes gentle and comforting, and she looked away, unable to face that gaze. "I'm afraid of it... happening again. Of losing the ones that I care for again. Every time I... I let somebody get... get close, they die. I don't want it to happen again!" she said, tears suddenly welling up from deep within her. She suddenly found herself held close to him. That feeling of warmth, of being welcome was there, a soothing gentleness that called to her. She lay her head against his chest and cried, long, wracking sobs born of a pain that she had held in for far too long. She felt his hand on the back of her head, gently stroking her hair. Slowly, she felt the pain, the fear begin to drain out of her. It was gradual, a process that she couldn't begin to explain, but still, she could feel it ebbing out of her. Every tear drop she shed rid her of a little more, each sharp sob cleansing her just a bit. Through it all, he quietly held her, his presence calming and reassuring. When the tears had finally stopped, all that was left was a strange emptiness where the pain had been, a hole in herself that ached to be filled. She rested her head against his chest, listening to his heart beat. His shirt was wet where she had been crying, but it didn't seem to matter. The only thing that mattered to her at that moment was the constant, soothing beat of his heart and the feeling of his arms around her, cradling her against him. Slowly, though, she did look up at him, with eyes red and stinging from her tears. He smiled softly. "Feeling better?" he asked. She nodded slowly. "I told you that we don't know what will happen tomorrow, and we don't. But I do know one thing, and that is that I will not leave you, and neither will Rosa. I promise you that. It won't happen again," he said quietly. For a moment, she stared at him, and then, slowly, they moved together. Their lips met, and they kissed. A terrible, burning desire filled her, and she clung fiercely to him. The kiss broke, and they looked at each other again. In his eyes, a simple question waited her. For a moment, she though about what it might mean, what might come of it. She nodded, slowly, her eyes wide. They kissed again, and that was the last coherent thought that she had for the rest of the night. ***** Alucard stalked up near the doe slowly. The animal had scented him, he was certain, because it had become uneasy in the past few minutes. He waited for a few moments, as she decided that there was nothing to fear, and settled back down. Then he jumped out of hiding, and caught the animal. As he fed, he considered his companions. Carrie was much like Sypha, both in beauty and in intelligence. But unlike her ancestor, Carrie was also physically strong. Sypha, though she had not been weak, had not been very sturdy, like many mages in that age. Of the three, she was the quietest. A natural strength ran in her, something that kept her going through the worst. Rosa was the trickster of their small group. She had a razor sharp wit, much like Sheann'a, and the two were already almost like two sides of a coin. But he sensed a deep set honor within her, a determination. That determination would keep her going, he was sure, even through events that would stop many cold. Reinhart intrigued him. The young man carried an air of ability about him, yet he didn't acknowledge it, almost as if he didn't realize that it was there. He fended off joke after joke from his sister, letting her implications slide past him. Alucard respected that ability in him. Still, for all of the comments that she made about him, Alucard could see that the two of them needed each other. Her free spiritedness was tempered by his seriousness. The two of them made a team that he would be glad to not have to fight. As Death had said, the aura around both of them, while separate, seemed to flow together. The potential power in that aura was stunning, and they were no where near their full abilities yet. He finished his meal, and lay the drained corpse back down. Straightening, he turned to see his familiars waiting for him. Drathar leaned against a tree, and Sheann'a sat on one of the lower branches, grinning. He raised an eyebrow at her. "Speak your mind." "It's you. I know that you'll never admit it, but you're almost enjoying this. Traveling again, with friends." He looked at her coolly. "This battle is no different than our last. I do what I must." She sighed, her grin fading a little. "I will never understand why you refuse to live a little. You can't tell me that you don't like the idea of doing this with allies, instead of alone. You're slipping Alucard; you were almost nice to Rosa earlier today." He frowned at her. "You are suggesting..." Sheann'a sighed again, shaking her head. "Never mind. What do you think of the two young lovebirds?" A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, much to his surprise. "I think that is their business, and none of ours." She laughed. "Not a chance, Alucard. Thoughts." He sighed. "I hope that they... do what they need to do tonight, before we enter the castle. They may not have another chance." She nodded, slowly. "You're thinking about her, aren't you?" He nodded, looking away. "The young spirit's message... unsettles me somewhat." Frowning, he looked back at them. "But there is a time and place to consider that, and that time is not now. Now what must be foremost in our minds is that attack on the castle, and what we may face inside." Sheann'a looked at him sadly. "Sometimes, you have to make the time now." Blood Red Moon Resurrection Chapter 8: Heart's Blood Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. Comments, quips, insults, and death threats will only be accepted at The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. This cross-over series is placed roughly 17 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** Ayeka walked slowly through the corridors of the royal palace. They were empty now, though just a few hours before they had been full of bustling people, hurrying to gather what they could before they were evacuated. The servants had been the last to leave, finishing up on last minute cleanings and such. The entire people of Jurai had been moved to the Naboonian Nebula; there, in the middle of the seething gasses and new born stars, they had long ago moved a planet to use as a safe haven in times of need. Save for the military forces, who were already on the ships, everything was gone. Even the Great Chamber, where all of the Juraian trees rested, including Tsunami, had been launched to that hidden location. Arriman Valadas had been found that morning in his home, hanging from the rafters by a length of rope. Nobody was quite certain if it had been a suicide or not, because there had been evidence of an entry into the house, but nothing in the area where he was found. The council, shocked, had wanted to pause for the time needed to give him a proper funeral; after all, he was a council member, even if he had nearly committed treason. Time had not permitted it. In some ways, she was relieved that she would not have to argue with him any longer, guilty as she felt that she could even think that. It was cold, unforgiving... and, she realized, part of being Empress. She laughed roughly. It almost seemed a dream, now, the twelve years spent on earth with Tenchi and the others. The simpleness of it all, the reality. It had been a slap in the face to return to all of the political intrigue, and another when she realized just how aloof she had always been before going there, as she looked at the gulf between herself and her peoples. She had instituted reforms, trying to close the gap between the classes, and they did seem to be helping, somewhat. Now, though, it all seemed to not matter. She reached the transport, and found Yosho, Misaki, and Funaho waiting there. "You have done as you needed to do. Arriman was a variable out of your control," said Funaho, guessing at her somber mood. Ayeka nodded. "Come. We must hurry and join the fleet. This will either be Jurai's greatest hour, or the shortest offensive of all time." They nodded, and followed her onto the transport. Just before leaving the atmosphere, Ayeka took another look at the planet. It was dark. No lights shone on the surface. "Please. Remain safe until we return." Tokimi turned, as the final ship in her armada acknowledged her orders. D3 appeared before her, at a summoning thought. "Lady Tokimi. The Juraian battle fleet has been readied. The agent I had there to slow them has been... prematurely removed." Tokimi frowned at him. "I do not like surprises, D3, especially now." He nodded, in apology. "There should be no trouble, even so. The Juraians are too proud to ask for help, and though they do have a massive fleet, if nothing else we have the sheer numbers to overwhelm them. Tsunami seems to have disappeared." Tokimi nodded. "No doubt my sister has tucked herself away to care for her avatar, in hopes of using him to try and stop us. Very well, then. The attack is to begin now." D3 nodded, and turned. Before them, a huge portal appeared, a mass of swirling colors and forms. The armada slowly began to slide through it. Tokimi smiled faintly. "End game, sisters." "Look at that!" "My god, it's so huge!" The bridge of Ryou-oh exploded into activity suddenly, as before her, a gigantic space anomaly formed. Klaxons began to go off, as the ship's scanners began to pull in data from the form. In the center of the room, a huge tactile display was active, showing the positions of all their forces. The entire Juraian fleet, which had conquered thousands of planets, and defended thousands more. The most feared fleet in this universe. Ayeka signaled for the alarms to be shut off. "What is it?" she asked calmly. Misaki, Funaho, and Yosho were in their quarters. Yosho had asked to be with her, but she had told him to wait with her mother and Funaho for the time being. "Empress, the readings are entirely off the scale. I can't even figure out how it appeared, much less what it is." "Nothing at all?" "Nothing... Wait, something is changing... I..." The officer stopped, and looked up in stunned disbelief. "It can't be!" Ayeka looked at the distortion, and gasped in amazement. A huge ship, bigger even then the Soja was slowly coming though the anomaly. It was oddly shaped, the corners subtly twisted so that it was difficult to look at for any length of time. It just kept coming, growing larger and large. The metal was white, but there didn't appear to be any markings to name it by. There didn't appear to be any real form to the ship, no definable shape. Then, dozens of much smaller ships began to pour out of the portal. For a moment, everything seemed to hang on a thread, as they waited for something to happen. The lead Juraian battleship exploded in a dazzling burst of light, as the huge ship fired a lance of light thicker than a tree trunk. The detonation shocked her into action. "Deploy the Wings, and attack!" ordered Ayeka, as the swarms of smaller ships began to open fire on the Juraian fleet. Ryou-oh was rocked as a small battle cruiser near her exploded, no less than five strike craft attacking it. "Fighter squadrons, take out those strike craft. Battleship and treeship groups, concentrate on the mother ship. All other craft, attack or defend as you can!" From the Juraian lines, lances of weapons fire began to blast out. Dozens of the strike craft exploded as the tear-shaped Juraian star fighters began to attack, only to be replaced by dozens more that poured though the portal. Behind them, now, larger capital ships began to come through, extended wedge shapes that looked to be bristling with firepower. One of the nearer battleships began to open fire on the mother ship. Ayeka watched, as the laser burst splashed into it, tearing open huge holes in the superstructure. For a moment, her hopes soared, for if the monstrous ship took damage so easily, they would have little trouble destroying it. Then, before her astonished eyes, the holes simply melted away, the hull resealing itself as water resettled after having a stone tossed in. The main laser fired again, and she was nearly knocked off her feet as the battle cruiser exploded. "Empress Ayeka, two destroyer class ships on an intercept course!" A new view screen appeared, on which a pair of the wedge-shaped destroyers, which were nearly as big as Ryou-oh, appeared. "Come about, and prepare to attack. Charge the forward batteries, and place top repair priority on the shields!" The treeship swung toward the oncoming ships, as outside rows of high powered cannons extended from their standby positions. They were tossed about a bit as the nearer of the two destroyers opened fire. "Damage!" "None, the shields barely even registered a hit!" Ayeka frowned. Even Ryou-oh should have taken a little damage being attacked by a capital ship. "Empress, three new signals, flanking us!" She cursed mentally at the obvious reason for not attacking them at full strength. "Plot an escape route, and execute it! They're trying to capture us!" "No good, they have us surrounded!" "Then blast a way out!" The forward batteries fired, catching the nearest ship broadside. It peeled off, explosions racking its side. She pointed. "There! Go!" Ryou-oh blasted forward, slipping through the hole created just before it was plugged by the other destroyers. She looked at the tactile display, and her mouth tightened. Twenty of the fleet's battleships had already been lost, nearly a fifth of their star fighters, and though they had taken down many of the enemy, more ships simply swarmed in to take their place. She was about to order a strike on one of the heavy cruisers that was pummeling a tree-ship, when the mother ship's main weapon fired again, this time targeting a treeship. The Light Hawk Wings automatically angled to catch it. The laser smashed into them. For a moment, nothing happened, and the laser died away. Then, suddenly, the wing that had hit seemed to shatter, pockets of the energy peppering the treeship's hull. The ship was somewhat scorched by the destruction of the wing, but it still seemed to be functional. It took Ayeka a moment to find her voice. "Order the fleet to fall back." The crew looked at her in stunned disbelief. "But Empress, Jurai will-" She cut him off. "I am well aware of what will happen. But we are overmatched here, and I will not throw away Juraian lives needlessly. There will be another chance." Again, silence permeated the bridge at her statement. The communications officer moved slowly. "Juraian fleet. This is a priority order. Break off of the attack, and rendezvous at..." She looked at Ayeka for a moment. "The Sol system, near Jupiter." She nodded, and relayed the information. About them, Juraian ships began to disengage, and leap away as their jump engines engaged. She gave the order to follow them out, but as they moved to comply, the deck shook fiercely. "Empress, they we've been surrounded again!" "Find a way out!" The tactical display flashed, and showed a three dimensional of the area around them. Ayeka's hopes fell as she saw that nearly a dozen battleships and several groups of smaller fighters were closing in, leaving no escape. "Can any of the fleet help us?" "They are already out of range, Empress." "We won't be caught easily. Reconfigure the Wings to attack formation!" But just as they were readied, the three nearest battleships opened fire. The deck leapt underneath them, and the lights flickered momentarily. "Weapons system off line!" shouted the tactile officer. Taking a deep breath, Ayeka composed herself. "Ramming speed, helm. We cannot allow ourselves to be captured." Ryou-oh's engines whined as they were cycled up to maximum possible output. The treeship leapt forward, arrowed to the widest, nearest possible escape route. Three battleships moved to intercept, and Ayeka knew that they would not escape. The distance closed rapidly, the deck shaking as another burst of fire slammed into her. Just as they were about to collide, the destroyer exploded in a brilliant blast of light. A familiar starship flashed by, as the crew cheered and Ryou-oh made it through the new hole. "Yukinojo to Ryou-oh, we'll clear a path, get away from here now!" came Mihoshi's voice over the intercom. "Mihoshi, when this is over I swear I'll never call you a nuisance again! Helm, plot a course and go!" exclaimed Ayeka. The enemy attack group, caught completely by surprise by Mihoshi and the Galaxy Police force, lost all semblance of cohesion. Ryou-oh, moving at breakneck speed, flashed away from the battle zone. The GP force finished a last few of the enemy ships, and then flanked her, leaping into quasi-space at the same time as them. "Set a direct course for earth, and send a signal to these coordinates that we are coming," directed Ayeka, tapping in the code that Washu had given her to contact her extra-dimensional lab. "I will be in my quarters. Have Misaki, Funaho and Yosho join me there." ***** Carrie signaled them to a stop as they reached the entrance to the Forest of Silence. She looked around, as memories of the past came back to her. Not far ahead was where she had been attacked by skeletons, and had first met Tenchi and Ryoko, as they came racing down the hill to her rescue. She still vividly remembered her shock upon seeing his sword, and he distrust of Ryoko because of her appearance. The light weight of the Belmont whip hung at her side. "This place... Feels different. The Forest of Silence has never been a welcoming place, yet today it seems to be... waiting." Alucard, not very far away from her, nodded. "It knows that we are here. Always has it stood as a trap for unwary travelers, but today...? I honestly can not say if it intends to bar us, or let us pass with no trouble. "I thought that Washu's training forest simulation was creepy," said Rosa, tugging her cape closer about her. This place makes that look like a picnic ground." Reinhart nodded in agreement, looking around. The trees were twisted, knarled things, nearly as old as the castle. No wind moved there, yet the entire forest held a sense of being alive, of watching. Creepy, to say the least, Carrie thought to herself. That morning had been a study in awkwardness. She had been surprised when she had woken with Reinhart spooned in with her, an arm draped over her waist. There had been a moment of confusion, as she tried to push through a sleepy haze over the previous night's events. Then, as the memory of the night prior had become clearer, a strangely warm feeling had come to her. Reinhart had woken then, and had pushed through the same haze as her. Kissing her, they had lain there for a little longer before getting up. Smiling at her, Reinhart had teleported into Tenchi and Ryoko's room to get dressed before Rosa woke up. Alucard had rejoined them just as they had started breakfast. She wasn't certain, but she thought that he knew, or at least suspected. He had a keen mind, but was honorable not to say anything straight out as some might. She had caught Sheann'a looking at them out of the corner of her eye once or twice, a considering expression on her tiny face. If Rosa knew or suspected, she wasn't displaying any knowledge of it, for which Carrie was glad. After eating, she had taken her spellbook, and activated the dweomer that made it shrink down to a more portable size, added it to her pack, and then they had left. The previous night burned in her mind. The feelings that she had experienced; of his gentle touch, careful manner, of an amazing completeness. In some ways, the pleasure of it had reminded her of spell casting, the flow of raw energy that burst through her veins when she summoned up the power for a spell, the feeling of pure life that accompanied it, yet in so many other ways it was so very much different. It was... indescribable. She really didn't have anything save spell casting to compare it to. "Hello, earth to Carrie? You still with us there?" She was startled away from her thoughts by Rosa, and realized that they had been trying to get her attention. She and Reinhart both wore what they called Juraian armor. Carrie didn't really understand how the strange clothing could be armor, but she remembered well Tenchi's and that suit had seemed to be all but impenetrable. She herself wore a light mail, enchanted to hold strong against even the most powerful of attacks. "I'm sorry, I was thinking of the first time that I went through here." Rosa nodded, and they entered the forest slowly. An eerie quiet filled it, from which the forest took its name. Legend held that the only sound that would ever fill it was the unheard wailing of souls that had wandered in and become trapped there. As they rounded a bend, they saw a glimmer of light. It stretched into a line, and then opened into a square of swirling darkness. Three forms fell through it, their bodies misty seeming, but recognizable. "It's mom and dad and Ryo-Ohki!" said Rosa. They watched as Ryoko pushed herself off of the ground, and dusted herself off, then woke up Tenchi. The figures faded away, then. Carrie looked at Alucard, and he shook his head. "Who were they?" Reinhart looked at him. "Our parents... Hey, Carrie, where did you get attacked by those skeletons?" She led them a little farther up the path. Sure enough, as they arrived the ghostly forms of Tenchi and Ryoko attacked a group of skeletons that were after a young, cyan haired girl. Carrie nodded, beginning to understand as she saw herself picking off a couple of the skeletons with magic blasts. "Pictures of the past. But why? Is it trying to tell us something?" The ghost Tenchi grabbed the tail off of Ryoko's dress as the ghosts of herself and Reinhart Schnieder prepared to attack who they had thought to be an enemy. She had been so quick to judge, back then, at a mere appearance. Suddenly she blinked, as the five ghostly figures walked deeper into the forest. A figure moved out from behind one of the trees, and stared after them, frowning. He almost looked familiar... She gasped in recognition. "Cain! He was here even then?" Alucard frowned, and walked around the figure, studying him. "Is this my son, Sheann'a?" he asked. The fairy nodded. "He takes after Maria quite a bit." With the two next to each other, Carrie could see the resemblance. Cain shared his father's facial structure, and his stature. There was much the same air of reserve about them as well. The ghost frowned again, and then disappeared. "Why were we shown this?" asked Rosa. Alucard looked up at the castle, which rose above the forest, thoughtfully. "I do not know. But I do not think it was the forest's doing, at least not entirely." Carrie led them still deeper into the forest, following the twisting, winding trail until finally the great castle loomed before them. She had a queasy feeling of déjà vu, as she looked up at it, with the crimson moon hanging huge in the sky. But when she had come as a child, and only a week before, the drawbridge had not stood open, as it did now. "I think that we're expected." They looked at Sheann'a flatly, and she shrugged, grinning weakly. Slowly, they crossed the bridge, into the castle. The main gates stood open. Carrie looked around. When she had come a week before, she had not taken the time to really look at what she found there, only hurried to reach Dracula's chambers. It was just as she remembered. To their left, the door that led to the East Tower lay splintered and shredded, destroyed by Ryoko more than a century before. To their right, the tower that Ryoko had been kidnapped from. They walked in, unchallenged by anything at all. Nothing moved, save the trees which were stirred by a gentle breeze. Alucard walked with his hand on his sword pommel, and a fireball glowed in each of Rosa's hands. Light poured down from the moon, bathing the courtyard with a crimson glow. Reinhart looked around, at the rubble strewn about the place. "The ambiance definitely fits the place," he said. Alucard picked up a small stone, what appeared to be a piece of a nearby statue. "When a castle falls back into the lake whenever its master is put to sleep, then it becomes somewhat pointless to keep the castle in one piece." He tossed the stone away; when it landed, it broke into three smaller pieces. "Good point." Still unchallenged, they approached the villa, and entered. The same gaudy golden scroll work met them, with the brightly burning chandelier above them and gilt torch stands providing ample light to see by. On the walls, golden candle holders held long, tapered candles, all of which burned. A red carpet stretched out before them, and up to the stairs. At the top of the stairs, they saw Cain. "Ah, welcome at last my friends, to my humble abode," he said, opening his arms wide, and smiling cheerily. As one, they readied their weapons, and dropped into battle stances. He only smiled wider, and slowly came down the steps. "So good to see you again, Sheann'a, Drathar. It has been a long time, hasn't it? Nearly two hundred years, I believe. And I assume by the way that you are floating so close to him that this is the fabled Alucard!" He closed his eyes a moment, and took in a deep breath. "Yes, grandfather's blood is impossible to miss. So strange and yet still human in a way, and of course Lisa's blood is strong in you, such a sweetly beautiful scent. Pity I never got to meet either of them, but oh well. Perhaps you and I shall have time for a father-son chat before this is over." Before Alucard had the chance to reply, Cain turned to Reinhart and Rosa. "And you must be the children of Tenchi and Ryoko that I've heard so much about. I can't really say what an honor it is to finally meet you. My apologies for your father, I do hope you won't hold it against me. After all, I had to get your attention. Perhaps we shall have a chance to become friends, no?" His gaze swung to Carrie, and he smiled his widest yet. "Carrie my dear. Now, I must admit that you have surprised me. Had I known you were such a lovely young lady, I wouldn't have played so roughly when you came to visit me before. Pity, and I had so hoped to be friends." She stared at him, confused. "Unfortunately, I'm afraid that you won't have the time." He raised his hand suddenly, where a sphere of dark power formed. It suddenly came to her what the dream had meant, as the sphere was launched at her. Eyes widening, she swung her staff down and to the right, and cast a shield spell, just as Reinhart crouched to leap between her and the sphere with a shouted NO! He bounced off of it, as the sphere crashed into her side, shattering the light mail she had worn. Pain like she had never before known raced through her, but upon looking down she found that her skin was unblemished. Cain was suddenly beside her; she tried to move her hand to stop him, but it hung at her side, lifeless. He took the whip. "Thank you for retrieving my property, dear, and as a reward you will not suffer as long as these others will. No hard feelings now! You understand, it's just business! Ta-ta!" With that, he disappeared, and she slowly sank to the floor, her shield faltering as her strength faded. Reinhart, freed of the obstruction, slid into place beside her on his knees, cushioning her fall. "Why did you stop me!" he asked, as Sheann'a flashed over his shoulder. She felt a tingle of magic run though her. "The... dream... I figured it out... The reason that... you weren't there was... because you were dead... We all faded... away without... you there." He stared at her uncomprehendingly. "There's nothing I can do to counter the effects of Cain's spell. It's too strong," said Sheann'a softly, just as Carrie had known that she would. "Carrie... I promised you that we wouldn't leave you, now damn it, don't leave us... me." She smiled at him weakly. "I... don't think I have... a choice. Don't... mourn me. I've had my... fair share, and then... some." His eyes grew hurt. Struggling with what little energy she had left, she managed to raise a hand to his face, and touched him lightly on the cheek. "Thank you... for being with me... when I needed you to be." She smiled again, and breathed her last, as she felt a hot tear splash onto her cheek from his eyes. Her hand dropped to the ground, lifeless. "CARRIE!!!" Blood Red Moon Resurrection Chapter 9: Pain of the Heart, Poison of the Soul Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. Comments, quips, insults, and death threats will only be accepted at The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. This cross-over series is placed roughly 17 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** Alucard stared impassively as Reinhart's cry slowly faded away, the echoes bouncing off the walls. He recognized the spell that Cain had used; the sphere of destruction was relatively untaxing to magic reserves, yet absolutely deadly. The power of the spell still shimmered in the air. Cain had taken no chances, and charged it heavily to make certain that it would get through any shielding. That made Alucard wonder if Cain had as much strength yet as his familiars thought. Sheann'a slowly floated back to him, face filled with sorry. He looked at her; she shook her head, and settled onto his shoulder. Rosa moved to Reinhart's side, and placed a hand on his shoulder. He didn't move, except to brush it away. She said something to him quietly, too quietly for him to understand. If he answered, she didn't make any sign of it. Alucard looked at Sheann'a, and spoke quietly. "You and Drathar are to take her from this place. Her body is not to rest here." On the point of replying to him, she blinked in surprise. "No, Alucard. Your familiars will stay with you. I will see to it that she does not stay here." Alucard looked in surprise as Death appeared before them. The specter turned to the fallen form of Carrie, as Reinhart and Rosa looked at them. Rosa raised her hands, fireballs ready, but Alucard forestalled her. "What do you play at, Death?" he asked. Death looked at him. "If Cain succeeds in destroying the Pendulum, then all is lost. You will fair better in your fight with their help than without. That, and the fact that I owe her a debt." Alucard frowned. "I do not believe you." The specter frowned irritably. "Do you think for one moment, that if I did not wish you to succeed, I would be here to help you now? Or, for that matter, that any of the Belmonts to the beginning of time would have ever made it to Dracula? I have been as much of a balance as you and the Belmonts have ever been. The dead are my realm. Carrie Fernandez will not rest here. I swear this to you." For a moment, Alucard stared at him, and then Reinhart spoke softly. "You will swear to me that she will not stay here?" Death turned to him, and nodded. Alucard looked at Reinhart, and saw, in his eyes, the anger, and the loss. He recognized it all too well. It boiled just under the surface, just short of bursting through. Rosa was looking at him in surprise, but he ignored her. "Then take her from here. I don't care if you are the devil himself, if you have sworn that she won't stay here, I'll trust you." He raised his hand, and pointed at Death, his eyes going hard. The expression looked so wrong in that face, to Alucard's eyes, yet after a moment he realized that it was fitting. "But so help me, if I find that you have lied, nothing will stop me from finding you and taking you apart." Death nodded, slowly, and there was no doubt in Alucard's mind that Reinhart would fill that threat. Reinhart turned back to Carrie's lifeless form, and gently smoothed a hand over her hair. He bent down, and kissed her carefully on the cheek. Then, slowly he picked up her staff, and stood. For a moment, the carven staff glowed brightly blue, and then the light disappeared. Death moved forward. "Wait," said Alucard. "Reinhart... I believe that she said she had found a spell that may help us. If I can study it, I may be able to cast it myself." He looked at him. "What do you need?" "Sypha's spellbook." He nodded, and retrieved it from her pack. The book glowed brightly to his eyes; so charged with magical power that it had achieved a form of sentience. Then, Reinhart moved aside, holding onto the staff so tightly that his knuckles were white. Death carefully lifted her body. "Do not worry. I will see to it that she goes to where she belongs." Reinhart nodded, and made a visible effort to loosen his grip on the staff. Alucard caught the ancient specter on the shoulder before he disappeared. "You have never before acted this concerned over a mortal's life or death." Death looked at him for a moment. There was an almost sorrowful expression there, a sense of great age. "Even I can become tired of my existence. You, of all beings, should understand that." The ancient specter shrugged him off, and disappeared. Reinhart drew near, that seething rage burning in his eyes, and handed him the spell book. Alucard wondered if he would be able to control that anger when the time came. "Reinhart... I-" started Rosa. He shook his head, looking at her. "Later, Rosa. After we have finished what we came to do. Then, when we have time." She frowned at him sadly, but nodded. Alucard thought about saying something, but realized that to do so would likely, only add to the pain. Instead, he opened the spell book. The words swirled about for a moment; magical protection from unwanted readers. He frowned, and sensing his mood, the book stopped trying to hide its secrets, and the spell came forward. Sheann'a leaned forward. "I remember when Sypha penned this book. She was always so protective of her more powerful spells," she said, looking over what had appeared. "Hmm... This looks like a summoning spell." She pointed. "See, there is the activation dweomer, and the summoning name... Oh my god." Reinhart and Rosa looked at them, as Alucard slowly closed the book. "What is it?" asked Rosa. He looked at her. "A spell which would have summoned one of the most powerful beings to ever live. My father, Count Dracula." Reinhart and Rosa looked at each other in surprise. "Would it have worked?" asked Reinhart slowly. Alucard frowned. "I do not know. For sheer power, certainly, but the trade off would have been Dracula's return to life." "The lesser evil. By a hair," said Drathar quietly. The nodded. Alucard carefully tucked the book away, as Reinhart looked at him. "You know where we need to go from here." Alucard nodded, and then led them deeper into the castle. ***** Tenchi found himself before Castlevania, finally. The dark castle rose up from the ground, an ancient monolith of evil. The great drawbridge stood open, leading into a dark nothingness. Slowly, he went inside. The darkness was almost palatable, as he crossed into the villa garden. He felt eyes on his back, and gathered the power for a fireball, drawing it from the gems within his wrists. "Well now, isn't this a surprise... The boy has grown up a little." Tenchi turned toward the source of the voice. At first, he was little more than a shadowy form, and then the form slowly began to take a shape. Tall, wearing an enveloping tunic, and carefully styled hair. The man's face was cold, held a calculating expression. Kagato stepped out of the shadows, a mirthless smile on his face. "My, what an interesting situation we have here, no? I must say, I was quite surprised to find myself here, in this place, instead of oblivion." Tenchi stared at him coldly. "Let me pass." Kagato only smiled a little wider. "Very good, still straight to the point, I see." He looked around himself a moment. "Impressive, isn't it? The form of the soul, eternally changing, and yet always the same. Such an interesting paradox. Pity that I don't have any of my equipment here, so that I could study it. Ah, well." Tenchi raised his hand, where a fireball glowed brightly. "Let me pass, Kagato. I don't have any interest in wasting time with you," said Tenchi. Kagato smirked. "One thing that I have learned about this place is that thoughts hold much greater power here. Tell me, boy, were you planning to tickle me to death?" Tenchi blinked, and realized that the fireball he had been holding had become a feather. Dropping it, he instead summoned his sword, and rushed him. Kagato didn't even move as Tenchi leapt up and slashed savagely downward. The blade slide through him with no trouble. Kagato split apart, and both halves grew into an exact copy. They smiled evilly, and each summoned a green force sword. Tenchi stared in shock, while they began to circle around him slowly. "An interesting question, isn't it boy?" asked one. "Which one is real, which one is fake?" asked the other. "Or are we both as real as the other," they both said together. Tenchi dove to the ground, as they both swung their blades at him. Rolling away, he brought up his sword to defend, and parried an attack from both. In a moment of inspiration, he formed a second blade. Both Kagatos now watched him with an identical smirk. Charging again, they slashed and sliced at him. Somehow, Tenchi was able to keep from being killed outright, but none the less, he was soon bleeding from a dozen wounds. A slice over his eye dripped blood into it, causing a painful stinging, and a thin slash down his arm burned with pain. Minor alone, added together they taxed upon him. He was being overwhelmed, he knew, and he could not hold out forever. Suddenly, both Kagatos stopped moving, and laughed. Tenchi tensed to leap at them, and attack while their defenses were down, and found that he could no longer move. He looked down in surprise, and found that he was stone to the waist, and had begun to slowly sink into the ground. Before him, the twins merged into one form again, and laughed. "End game, boy. It shall be a pleasure to take over your body, and slowly tear apart the little sanity that Ryoko has built back up." He raised his sword to strike, an evil light glowing in his eyes. Struggle as he might, Tenchi couldn't move to block him. Kagato began to swing the blade down. Abruptly, the end of a black sword protruded nearly a foot from his chest. Kagato blinked, as his sword disappeared just short of chopping into Tenchi's neck. He looked down, at the blade, in surprise, and coughed, green blood spilling onto his tunic. The blade was slowly withdrawn, and Kagato fell to his knees. He stretched his hand out toward Tenchi, and then fell on his face, dead. Tenchi suddenly found that he could move again, and automatically dropped into battle ready stance. Out of the shadows walked the cold-faced form of Dracula, holding the bloody black sword. ***** "We estimate the armada capability to be down by five percent. We have lost track of the flagship; it passed out of range not long after jumping into pseudo-space," said D3. Tokimi nodded. It was as she had expected. "Tsunami was better prepared than I had thought. If not for the Galaxy Police force, we would have been able to capture the Empress. Very well. Take Jurai as our base of operations here. What is D10's status in finding the power source?" "D10 has reported that he has located the power source, and is closing in on it at the moment. He also said that the avatar's children appear to be after it as well." Tokimi nodded again. "I am certain that they are only their because of their father. Tsunami still not appearing is all the more proof of some injury to her avatar. Tell him to complete the retrieval operation as soon as possible." D3 nodded, and disappeared. Tokimi turned to the technical readouts. Her ship, the Shiboo, had sustained some minor damage; the self sealing skin had already repaired itself. It had gathered information from the blasts, and the hull had been reconfigured to be impenetrable to the same attack. She had been quite happy when the ship's main weapon had shattered the Light Hawk Wing. Even if they could not be permanently destroyed, perhaps they could be breached long enough to destroy the ship using regular firepower. A technical scan flashed up before her, showing a power readout of Ryou-oh, the Empress's ship. "Hmmm... Nicely designed, sister... But I believe that I see the flaw in your handiwork." Laughing softly to herself, she began to program in a firing sequence for the next time they ran into the Juraian fleet. ***** Reinhart slowly followed as Alucard led the way through the ancient castle. His mind was reeling. Barely twenty four hours before, he had experienced the greatest feeling of love and life there could be, had shared it with one that he already knew he loved with all of his heart. Though they had only been together for a short time, he was certain that he couldn't love another as completely as her. Standing out most in his mind had been the almost child-like need she had had to be held tightly, all through the night. All of it, ripped away in the space of moments. Ripped away by a man that thought of her death as 'just business.' Ripped away for nothing more than the reason that in that man's mind, she had filled her purpose. Not a thought of her death more than that. Reinhart felt his grip tightening on her staff, and forced himself to ease up. She had had her reason for stopping him. It all seemed perfectly logical, from one point of view. Down the path where he hadn't been, they had all faded away. It all made perfect sense. It was so damn perfectly sensible that he didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. Over and over in his mind, that short moment had replayed itself. Wasn't there a way he could have gotten around the shield? Wasn't there a way he could have stopped the sphere before it touched her? The question spun round and round in his mind, and he couldn't find another answer, no matter how hard he tried. Alucard raised a hand, and brought them to a stop. They stood before a huge, arched double door. On each one, a tall cross stood in stark relief on the door. He turned to them. "This is the Royal Chapel. This is the quickest way to the clock tower; but there is a long climb, and afterwards many very powerful, very deadly enemies. We must be careful." They nodded, and he swung the doors open. Before them, a tall, wide staircase waited, leading upwards. They slowly began to climb. "How is it that there is a chapel in Dracula's home?" asked Rosa. Alucard glanced at them. "Castlevania was not always as you see it now. Long, long ago, it was the seat of power for miles around, and Vlad Tepes was a very respected man, holy and devout to an extreme." He gestured. "Priests from miles around would come here to abstain from their guilt and sins." They continued to climb. On the walls, tall mosaics depicted English knights carrying injured peasants, or holding up crosses. Above them, huge stained glass windows showed images of the crusades for the holy cup, of the Virgin Mary, and more. "What happened to turn him into Dracula?" Alucard sighed. "It was found that he had one simple, but unforgivable flaw. He enjoyed the taste of blood. It didn't matter what kind; human, or animal, he thirsted for it equally. A great curse was cast upon him. It changed him into the first vampire. But, instead of running to hide from what he had become, he instead wished vengeance against those who had cast the curse upon him. One by one, he hunted them down, and killed them. "But when it was over, he found that he could not stop. Slowly, bit by bit, he became more and more evil, until finally he decided to embrace what he had become. Slowly, Castlevania became charged with the dark energy that he had begun to radiate. He started using black magic, and the castle absorbed that still more. It began to change. Soon, between one visit and the next, the castle itself would be different. The villa would led directly here, to the church, instead of, say, to the garden. "This ancient church changed as well, absorbing the dark power as readily as the rest of the castle. But here, instead of making it change its form, it made it so that it could be inhabited by both holy and evil creatures, a sort of breeding ground. In no other place in the castle can you find demons working along side of angels." As he finished, they reached the top of the stairway, and he swung open the huge doors that they found there. Slowly, they stepped inside the huge chapel. Long rows of pews stood there, empty for centuries, under the view of a huge crucifix. A wide altar stood beneath the crucifix, and before it, knelt a man. From that distance, Reinhart could see that it was not Cain, yet he noticed that Alucard tensed, his hand dropping to his sword. Sheann'a, who had been sitting on his shoulder, had flown up, a look of pure shock on her face. The man, who appeared to be praying, finished, and slowly stood. He turned. He had a fairly handsome face, marred by two crescent shaped scars, one on either cheek. His eyes were intense, and his hair raven black. He appeared young at first glance; upon looking again, Reinhart realized that he couldn't affix a real age to him. He wore clothing that looked to be of soft velvet and silk, a black coat, white shirt, and black pants. The man smiled slightly as he saw them. Slowly, he waved his hand across the expanse of the chapel. "Well, my young friends. I would welcome you more in style, but I'm afraid that my abilities just are not what they used to be," he said. His voice, a strong tenor, reverberated through the steepled chapel. "Forgive me for not introducing myself. It has been awhile since I had to entertain guests to this cursed place. I am Count Vlad Tepes, and this is my prison." Reinhart looked at Alucard in surprise; the dhampeal was staring in shock. After a moment, though, he shook it off. "How is it you are here, Father, when I have been told you were destroyed a more than a century ago, freed by Tenchi?" The man barked a hoarse laugh. "Freed. Only from the curse, Adrian. Only from the curse. This is my penance. To walk the dead halls of a dead castle for the rest of my eternal afterlife. You don't look pleased, my son. Is this not what you always wanted for me?" Alucard looked away, and Dracula laughed again. "Well, time enough to speak of that later. For the time being, feel free to rest here. Nothing will attack you. The demons and angels that have come to serve your son still fear me." Reinhart frowned, and spoke. "Why offer us help?" Dracula laughed. "You resemble him, amazingly well. For a moment when I first saw you, I thought that you were Tenchi. His son, I take it, or perhaps his grandson?" Reinhart nodded. "In a way, I owe your father a debt. He released me to my own private hell." He once again gestured at the chapel. "A fitting end, after my life, or rather, unlife. But he did free me from the curse. Perhaps I shall never leave these walls, but no longer shall I have to answer to that painful song again. For that, I will do as I can to help." Alucard looked at them, and, frowning, looked at his father. "I would speak to you alone, if I may." It was hard to say who was more surprised, Alucard's familiars, or Dracula himself. But slowly, the Count nodded. He looked at Reinhart and Rosa. "As I said, you are safe enough here. Safe to rest. The other creatures that Cain has gathered will not come here, nor, I think, will Cain." Alucard looked at Sheann'a and Drathar; they nodded, and Sheann'a flew off his shoulder. Then, slowly, Alucard walked toward the other man, and they disappeared into an adjoining room. Rosa looked at him, and then sat down on one of the pews. Sighing, she stretched out, and closed her eyes. Reinhart walked over to another, and sat down with his pain, to try and sort through it. Blood Red Moon Resurrection Chapter 10: Two Faces, One Mind Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. Comments, quips, insults, and death threats will only be accepted at The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. This cross-over series is placed roughly 17 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** Dracula looked down at the body of Kagato with a distasteful smirk. He lowered the end of his sword to the scientist's tunic, and cleaned it off, and then resheathed it in the scabbard at his side. Tenchi stared at him warily, holding his force blade at the ready, and mentally prepared to fight. The ancient vampire looked at him, coolly raising an eyebrow. "Surprised?" he asked. Tenchi shook his head. "Not really." Dracula laughed, and Tenchi let the force blade dissolve, confident that he could summon it again if he needed to. The vampire king smiled just slightly. "Were this my world, doing that would have cost you your life." "At least you're honest about it." Dracula laughed, although his mirth didn't touch his eyes. Tenchi frowned. "Why help me? You could have killed me, and then him." Dracula shook his head. Next to him, the image of a pretty young woman with golden hair and dark eyes appeared for a moment. "I have no interest in destroying you. Fate bound you to defeat me, and I consider it a blessing. Here... In this place, I can be with her again. Perhaps this Lisa is only the shadows of my memories, but it is still her. For that, I will help to keep you as you are." Tenchi nodded, and looked up, at the tower. "It's him, isn't it? The man that called himself your servant. Yuzuha gave me the clue, when she said that you had gone to stop him." Dracula nodded. "Baranabas was loyal to me in my world; here, he has gained great power. When you destroyed him in Castlevania, his essence flowed through your vampirism, and hid, biding its time. He is getting stronger, fed by something in my world." Tenchi nodded. "Well, then, the sooner we start, the sooner we get there," he said. On the point of walking forward, Tenchi paused, and then invited Dracula to lead the way. The vampire smirked, and entered. Sighing, Tenchi followed him in. ***** Alucard slowly followed his father, as he led him into, fittingly enough, the confessional room. His mind was spinning now. This was the final proof. His father truly was dead, and his battle over, once they stopped Cain. Castlevania, as he had said, was a fitting punishment for Dracula. The vampire himself seemed real enough; not ghostly or unreal. He appeared to be a young and vibrant man. "Ironic, isn't it Alucard? Just as you turned against me and my ideals, so too has your son turned against you. And for much the same reason!" laughed Dracula. Alucard frowned at him. "What do you mean?" Dracula laughed roughly. "Please, Adrian, spare me the 'for the good of the human race' routine. Perhaps it was part of your decision to fight me, but we both know that you blame me for Lisa's death, just as Cain blames you for... Maria's, I believe it was? That has long been your motivation in your endless battle with 'the night.'" Alucard nodded absently. Cain blamed him for Maria's death? He looked at Dracula, frowning. "What would you know of such matters? A creature of evil for more than a thousand years." Dracula looked away. Was it simply his imagination, or had there been pain in that gaze? The silence stretched out for a moment, and then Dracula spoke quietly. "By the time that I found out, it was already too late, and she was already gone. Not even Death could bring her back, though I would not have allowed him even if he could have. Yes, I swore revenge against the 'human race.' But that was my decision, and no one else's." Alucard frowned again, and slowly turned to go, but his father stopped him. "It is your right to judge me, by my deeds and actions of the past. But if you must judge me, then at least honor me enough to judge me fairly, by all of my life, instead of only a part of it. Humans made me a vampire; I embraced it, instead of bemoaning my fate, just as I shall not complain to be imprisoned here, for the rest of eternity. This is what Fate has delt me, just as you were delt your role." Alucard looked at him for a moment, considering his words. "Humans may have made you a vampire; does that then mean that you had to become evil as well? You were the first; you were the one to set their role." Dracula sighed, but in his eyes Alucard could see that his words had stung him. For a moment, he considered softening them; then he realized that it would make no difference. The words of truth were often the most painful words of all, and nothing could change their bite. This, Alucard knew well. ***** Rosa woke up suddenly, startled awake by something. She opened one eye, and looked around. Sheann'a was dozing not far from her, and Drathar leaned against the end of the pew, keeping watch. Across from her, Reinhart appeared to be sleeping, Carrie's staff resting across his lap. His head was down; it almost looked like he was praying. She paused a moment, and realized that he just might be. It had happened so suddenly, it had taken her a moment to understand that Carrie had been hurt. By then, Cain had already taken the Whip, and disappeared. Then Reinhart had caught her, as she had fallen to the ground. Carrie's last words had been too soft for even her to hear. Then, just like that, she had been gone. Part of her wanted to scream with the wrongness of it, and yet, at the same time, she knew that Carrie had had a long life. There had been so much pain, for her; Rosa simply couldn't imagine losing her parents, or others that she loved. Carrie was free, now. So, for Rosa, it came to the fact that while it hurt, while it was wrong in the way that she had died, it was something that Carrie might have welcomed, hard for Rosa to understand as that might be. Looking at Reinhart, she sighed. She pitied him, both for the pain that he was in now, and the scars it would likely leave on him for the rest of his life. She knew that he would hold it in, refusing to talk about it. She also knew that he could usually handle pain. He never was very vocal about hurts, either physical or emotional, always better at handling it by himself. He had once broken his arm, when they were very young, but never even complained. He had just held it all in. But this... She knew that he hadn't slept in their room the night before. She had woken in the middle of the night to find that he wasn't there, and had been awake when he had teleported in, though she had acted as though she was asleep. The reason why had seemed obvious enough; even she wouldn't say anything to him about it, in public or otherwise. She knew that Reinhart wouldn't have done that unless he truly did love her, and she had wanted it. She knew that he shouldn't hold this in, but she just didn't know how to get him to talk. It was ironic, she reflected. She really was the talker of the family; not even Mayuka could keep up with her at times. But Reinhart really was a private man; even as his sister, there were things about him that she didn't know, and when he closed up, nobody could get through the defenses that he put up. So, when he had told her that he would deal with it later, she had let the matter drop, hoping that he would be able to deal with it in his way. She wondered why he had taken the staff. A memento, perhaps? It didn't make sense to her, only made more questions. Yet, she was certain that he had taken it for a reason. Frustrated by the entire ordeal, she sat up and pounded a fist into the pew. Sheann'a, who had been sleeping curled up against an armrest, was startled awake as the bench jumped under the blow. She frowned at Rosa sleepily, stretching. "I was just having the most interesting dream. Why is it I am always woken just before anything fun can happen?" For a moment, Rosa considered asking just what the dream had been about, but before she could come to a decision, Alucard reentered the chapel. The dhampeal had a somewhat stormy expression on his face, the first time, she realized, that she had really seen an expression on him at all. Dracula followed slowly after. There was an almost defeated air about him. From what their parents had told them, Rosa had expected to meet the devil himself when they found him. Yet this man seemed resigned to his fate, and almost sorry for his deeds. She remembered the ghostly Rosa saying that she didn't blame Dracula for what he had done, but his servant. She wondered what it was like to be able to forgive a thing like that. Reinhart looked up; his expression unreadable. Though his eyes were still pained, he somehow seemed less angry than before, more at terms with what had happened. That worried her more than anything, because she had never known Reinhart to let go of anger quickly. Sheann'a flew over to Alucard, as he spoke. "We must move on. I do not think we have much time left," he said. There was an almost icy chill to his voice, and it made her shiver slightly. Reinhart stood up, nodding, as she stretched. Alucard began moving toward an exit opposite of where they had entered. "Hear me, Alucard. Cain's goal is the destruction of the Pendulum, but he holds a wish for vengeance against you for Maria's death. Be wary of him... my son," said Dracula suddenly. Alucard paused, and turned to arch an eyebrow at him. Then, cape swirling, he led them out, and into a long hall. Rosa fell into step next to Reinhart. "Penny for your thoughts, brother?" He looked at her for a moment, with a thoughtful expression. "I was wondering if it was just chance that mom and dad came here, or if they had to, because of fate or whatever," he said slowly. Rosa frowned. She was certain that it was an evasion, but is was still a valid question. "Who can tell? If it wasn't fate, then what chance that they be here just when they needed to be? And if it was fate, then is it fate that you and I are here, now, as well?" She let the thought hang, unfinished there, because she suddenly found herself uncomfortable with it. "Fate. She is at best a cruel mistress. Sometimes she will give you what you desire, but always she take it back from you in the end," said Alucard suddenly, and she looked at him in surprise, as he halted them. He gestured at the door before them. It was fairly unremarkable; not even the heavy gilt seen throughout the rest of the castle was evident there. "Of all the traps that the castle holds, perhaps the most deadly are the Corridors of the Mind. For each of us, it will draw out our most painful memory, and force us to relive it. Many can not stand it, and try to stop it from happening. That is their final, fatal mistake." They nodded, and he pushed open the door. Almost instantly, Rosa recognized the scene that was presented to them. It was of an elementary school; students were pouring out of the doors as the final bell rang. The sky was a little overcast, but all in all it didn't look like a terribly bad day. Reinhart stepped next to her, looking around. "This is where we went to second and third grade." She nodded, as Sheann'a looked at them. "It doesn't look like they enjoyed themselves very much here, considering how fast they are running away. What is it, some sort of giant torture chamber?" Rosa laughed in spite of herself. "Something like that, Sheann'a. Something like that." They continued on their way; the children didn't seem to notice the strange group, although they flowed around them in a milling throng. Rosa frowned, trying to figure out what memory this would be. It had to be one of hers; she was certain that Reinhart's would be Carrie's death, and of course neither Alucard nor his familiars had ever gone to a school in their world. The whole scene tickled at her memory, but nothing clear surfaced. The flow of students finally came to a stop, as the neared the entrance of the school. As they drew near, they began to hear the sounds of children, shouting and laughing. Then they heard a terrified cry for help. Looking at one another, they hurried toward the sounds. Rosa rounded the corner first. She saw, before them, a circle of perhaps ten children. They were standing around another, smaller group. Five children, all looking to be in about fifth grade, were attacking a sixth, younger boy. He was small, and frail looking. He couldn't have been in more than third grade. As they got there, one of the older boys punched the younger one hard in the stomach, and he doubled over in pain. Even as she finally understood what the memory was, her eyes widening, a much younger form of herself suddenly dropped into the circle from thin air. She looked to be in second grade, and all knees and elbows, as tall as the older boys, and thin. The outer ring of students scattered as she grabbed the nearest of the bullies by the scruff of his neck and threw him away from the area. He landed on the pavement some ten feet away with a dull thud, struggled a moment to get up, and then passed out. The other boys turned to her, grinning darkly. The first just rushed at her, intending to knock her down and then go back to what they had been doing; moments later, he stumbled away, blood pouring from his shattered nose. Two more flanked her. She watched them both closely; the one on her left jumped at her first. She spun, catching him by the shirt, and threw him into the other boy. They slid backwards a few feet, and then remained still, one of them moaning in pain. The last one produced a small gun from under his coat. Rosa knew what happened next, and had to force herself not to squeeze her eyes shut. Her younger self instinctively raised a hand. As the other boy was still aiming, a fireball formed, and blasted out at him. His eyes widened in shock, and he leapt out of the way. The fireball slammed into the younger boy, who had been standing right behind the bully, and he was thrown into the wall. He crumpled to the ground bonelessly, a small amount of smoke rising from his clothing. The boy with the gun stared between him and her younger form, and then tossed the weapon away, running as fast as he could. Her younger self stared, shocked at what had happened. Rosa remembered that that was the first time that she had ever thrown a fireball; their parents hadn't yet started teaching them about those abilities, beyond their teleportation. Suddenly, Reinhart appeared, running around a corner that he had teleported behind, and grabbed her, pulling her away from the fight scene before any teachers came. "He was in a coma for five years," she mumbled. Reinhart looked at her in surprise. "You followed what happened to him?" She nodded. "None of the other boys ever said that it was me that did it; they were all afraid that I'd come after them if they did. He was in a coma for five years; when he finally woke up, he couldn't even remember how to speak." She laughed a little raggedly. "The last that I knew of him, he had just finally passed kindergarten again at age fourteen." She sighed. It had taken her a long time, but she had finally managed to put that day behind her, even manage to forget it. Now it seemed that the wound was reopened. "Why did they attack him?" asked Sheann'a. Rosa looked at her. "He turned them in for trying to sell drugs - a sort of poison. If I hadn't have stopped them, they probably would have killed him anyway." A medical team had just finished putting the boy on a stretcher, and loaded him into a waiting ambulance. Two other medics were checking the bullies that she had stopped. "You fought in his defense, and your spell was in your own defense. Why take pains for doing as was right? You owed him no debt for his being injured; it was an accident," said Alucard. She looked at him for a moment, and smiled sadly. "It doesn't matter. It was because of me he was in a coma. My 'spell' as you put it, isn't exactly the norm in our world. So, I am the one who has to deal with it." He nodded, though he frowned in thought. As he did, the scene changed. One moment, they were standing on the school grounds, then next, they stood in a town square, under a heavily over cast sky, in a town square. They were surrounded by villagers, who seemed angry at something. The houses about them were Victorian, painted in reds and browns. Alucard looked around, and sighed loudly. From his reaction, Rosa assumed that thus was his memory. Looking around for herself, she saw that the villager's anger seemed to be directed toward a pretty young woman who was held spread-eagled on a tall wooden cross. Below her, a carefully constructed pile of wood waited. She was pretty, her hair a light blond. Rosa couldn't see her face, turned down as it was her hair hid it from view. As she watched, four villagers bearing torches appeared, led by a black-robed man holding a book and a cross. Rosa suddenly realized what was happening, and automatically moved to try and help the woman. Alucard stopped her with an outstretched arm, shaking his head. "The past is set in stone. Nothing you would do here would effect the present, beyond earning you your death." As he said it, another Alucard ran into the square. Although he appeared no different from the man that stood next to here, she had the sense that this Alucard was much younger. The man ran toward the crowd, pushing his way through. "Mother!" The woman on the cross looked up as the younger Alucard shouted. Her features were delicate; her dark eyes sad, and yet brave. She looked as if she were ready to accept what might come with open eyes and arms. Rosa looked at the Alucard they had come with. As he watched the unfolding events, his lips moved in time with the words spoken by the images. "Watch me die, and remember my last word always: You have the power to set him free. He has been punished for long enough, suffered long enough. Set him free of his chains." He blinked in surprise, as the woman looked not at the Alucard of the past, but of the present. But before he could react, the four villagers each set fire to a point of the pyre. She didn't scream in pain, didn't shout in terror. Instead, she held Alucard's gaze until the flames had shot too high to see her anymore, that same sad bravery never leaving them. "Those were not her final words to me. She said, 'Do not hate humans. If you cannot live with them, then do them no harm, for theirs is already a hard lot,'" said Alucard slowly. He stared at the flames, as they roared high, his expression completely unreadable. Sheann'a and Drathar both had puzzled expressions as well. "Why did they do that to her?" asked Reinhart. Alucard looked at him. "She was a doctor, and healed many, many people. But the church thought that she healed them through witchcraft. She was accused with such, and they burned her at the stake for it. Father swore vengeance against the entire human race because of it, not knowing her final words." Rosa suddenly thought of something. "What if that really was her, and she was trying to tell you something?" Alucard raised an eyebrow at her, but Sheann'a nodded thoughtfully. "It could be. A message important enough to her that she was willing to go through the pain again to get it to you. And I can think of no other place beside the castle where something like that could happen." Alucard frowned, turning the thought over. Whatever conclusion he came to, though, he held his own council. The scene faded away, to be replaced by the castle's villa. Rosa gasped, as she saw herself enter the foyer, just as she had a few hours ago. Carrie followed behind her, and Reinhart, then Alucard, bringing up the rear. She looked at Reinhart; he was clutching tightly at the staff, his head bowed. As they watched, Cain suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs. He walked down them, just as he had before, speaking to Sheann'a and Drathar. Rosa's gaze swung between what was happening before them, and Reinhart. Her brother stood as still as he could, but slowly raised his head. In his eyes, fury began to rage as Cain stopped, looking at Carrie. The staff suddenly began to glow, softly at first, and then brighter and brighter. "Reinhart," she said softly. He looked at her, and shook his head. The staff stopped glowing, as Cain finished his speech. "Unfortunately, I'm afraid that you won't have the time." Once again, Cain raised his hand, that sphere of darkness forming so quickly. She watched as Carrie, with a sudden expression of understanding, swung her staff down, forming a shield even as Reinhart leapt toward her. He bounced off the shield, and the sphere smashed into her side. Rosa couldn't understand why Carrie smiled as it did. Reinhart was at her side just after Cain disappeared with the whip. Reinhart frowned, and moved toward them. "Did you see it, Alucard?" he asked. The dhampeal looked at him, curious. "See what?" Reinhart smiled just slightly. "Cain. He winced as he threw the spell, and again as he took the Whip. Just slightly, barely enough to notice... but he did." Alucard frowned, clearly thinking. Slowly, he nodded. "When you point it out, I realize that you are correct. I thought that he placed more power than he needed to into his Sphere." Rosa looked at them, confused. "What are you talking about?" Reinhart smiled a little wider, but his eyes were cold. "Cain winced when he threw his spell, and when he touched the whip; Alucard thinks that he put too much power into his spell... Cain might be bluffing in his abilities." Rosa frowned. "Or he could be trying to trick us into thinking that, and underestimating him," she said. He frowned, but Drathar cleared his throat. "It is possible. His blood, being both Belmont and Tepes, fought itself. It may also fight the powers each side gives him. The Belmont blood fighting the Sphere, and the Tepes blood fighting the Whip." Alucard nodded slowly, understanding what he was getting at. "So while his powers are not weaker than we thought, he must put more effort into using them." Reinhart nodded. "Exactly. That might an edge that we can use against him." Beside them, Death knelt and picked up Carrie's lifeless form, and then disappeared after Alucard spoke to him. The castle seemed to lurch, and the scene faded away, to reveal a plain, empty corridor. It had no decorations, was completely seamless except for a second plain, wooden door before them. They had passed through the trap relatively unscathed. "We are nearly there. Only the castle's keep and the clock tower remain." ***** Ryoko looked up as Tsunami sighed, and saw her remove her hand from Tenchi's chest. So she had finally run out of the energy needed to sustain the web. The goddess was very haggard looking, her hair standing out at random angles from her scalp. She looked as though she had aged a few years over the past week. "It is up to Tenchi, now, and the children to stop whatever is feeding the curse. My powers have reached their limits," she said softly. Slowly, she stood up, moving stiffly, which wasn't surprising considering that she had been sitting in the chair for the past week. She looked at Ryoko. "How are you holding up?" she asked. "I keep asking what is taking them so long. I'm scared, Sasami. Mayuka's dream scares me. Last night I dreamt that Rosa came home a vampire, and told me that Reinhart was dead before tearing me apart. No, before you ask, it wasn't that sort of dream." She laughed roughly, and ran a hand through hair as messy as Tsunami's. "Forget scared, I'm completely terrified. The only reason I haven't gone mad yet is because you and the others are around to keep me company." Tsunami sighed. "I'm not certain I'm not going mad myself. I could have sworn that I felt somebody helping me for the past few days. If I hadn't have known better, I would have said that it was Yuzuha." Ryoko laughed, only partly hoping that she was just joking. After a moment, Tsunami laughed as well. There had been little enough to laugh about, and it felt good to do it. Their mirth subsided as Washu came into the room, a short printout in her hands. The scientist wore a concerned expression, and Ryoko immediately wondered was on the paper she held. She didn't have to wait long to find out. "This just came from Ayeka. The fleet was engaged about six hours ago. The got beat pretty bad. The fleet lost twenty-five percent of its non-treeship forces, and one of their treeships was badly damaged when the enemy mothership 'shattered' a Light Hawk Wing. She's enroute here, now." Tsunami nodded, unsurprised. "She says that Mihoshi got there just in time to keep her from being captured." "Captured? But why, aside from the fact that she is the empress?" asked Ryoko. Tsunami looked at her. "Just as striking at Tenchi was meant to help ensure their victory, the capture, instead of outright death, of Ayeka would set us off balance." Washu nodded. "I wouldn't be surprised if their next target isn't the Galaxy police. They are nearly as powerful as Jurai, and for more diverse in abilities." Ryoko nodded, having experienced that power first hand, and Washu grinned suddenly. "Our enemy will have a nice surprise when they attack the Galaxy Police." Blood Red Moon Resurrection Chapter 11: Dances of Light and Shadow Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. Comments, quips, insults, and death threats will only be accepted at The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. This cross-over series is placed roughly 17 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** Tenchi slowed as they reached the great doorway that sealed away Dracula's chambers. Beside him, the vampire king smiled darkly, slowly drawing his blade. The weapon whispered softly, as it left its sheath, the rasp of metal on hardened leather. As they had passed through the castle, Tenchi had gained a grudging respect for him. As nearly as he could tell, they were perfect equals in abilities. "He waits for us here." Tenchi nodded. "I can't say it's been fun getting up here," he answered. Tenchi bled from numerous cuts and scratches, as did Dracula. They had been attacked by nearly every demon, evil creature, and malign spirit that Tenchi could think of, and then some. He shuddered as he remembered the strange, purple dinosaur-like creature that had attacked as they entered the castle keep. Even Dracula had appeared to be shaken by that one. "I shall be more than happy to give him a fitting reward for disturbing my rest," said Dracula. Tenchi smirked, and together they through open the doorway. The room was just as he remembered it, holding a stiff, simple plainness. A wide red carpet, with a thin line of gold on each edge, led up to a raised dais, where a long coffin rested. As they entered, a beam of light from the moon came through the window, and touched the coffin. The lid exploded off, flying high into the air to land with a crash off to the side, and Dracula's former servant sat up, laughing. Standing, he looked at them. Down the center of his face, a long, thin scar, straight as an arrow, ran. It continued past his face, and down his neck, to disappear beneath his shirt, ending, Tenchi was sure, just above the center point of his stomach. Beyond the scar, he looked exactly the same. Wrinkled face, evil eyes, well trimmed beard, and dark clothing befitting a king. "Very good! I would have expected no less from Tenchi and Vlad!" greeted Barnabas. Dracula stepped forward, rage dancing on his face. "You would dare to invoke my name, you filth!" The vampire laughed. "The balance has shifted, 'my lord!' You are nothing here! I am the one with the true power now!" he said mockingly, gesturing. Out of the shadows stepped the forms of Ryoko and Death. Ryoko sneered evilly at Tenchi, while Death spun his scythe into battle stance. "I think that they want to play with you!" Tenchi and Dracula looked at each other; the ancient vampire smirked, and Tenchi nodded. Dashing forward, Dracula lashed out at Ryoko. She put up her own blade just in time to block the attack, stunned surprise on her face. At the same time, Tenchi flung nearly a dozen fireballs at Death. The ancient specter was caught off guard, and only just managed to deflect the attack. Tenchi formed his own blade, and charged in for the kill. They had known that Barnabas would likely try to stop them with something like this, sending the ones that they were closest to after them, in the hopes that they wouldn't be able to deliver a killing blow, and thus die. The obvious solution had been to fight the other's opponent. Tenchi knew that he couldn't have fought even the image of Ryoko, but Death was just another enemy to him. The opposite was true for Dracula, unable to fight his longtime companion Death, but against Ryoko he would have no compunctions. Even as Barnabas realized what they were doing, Tenchi sliced savagely across, directly through Death's scythe and then his own body. The ancient specter howled in rage, and vanished into motes of air. A scream of pain from Ryoko almost made him turn, but Tenchi forced himself not to look. A moment later, he heard Dracula laugh triumphantly. Tenchi looked toward the former servant, as he laughed. "Very good! I had thought that they would keep you busy longer than that, but clearly you were expecting them." Dracula frowned, and looked at Tenchi. "I am beginning to understand one of the reasons that I was stopped so many times." Barnabas looked at him, caught off guard by the strange comment. "And why is that, 'Master?'" Dracula looked at him, and laughed. "Because I talked too much!" he shouted, dashing forward, his sword aimed to the other vampire's heart. Catching him by surprise, Dracula was able to drive it in to the hilt. He jumped back, leaving the sword implanted there, and then made an unusual gesture with his hands toward the hilt. Four thick bolts of lightening blasted down through the roof, meeting at the sword. Barnabas screamed as the energy coursed through him, and Tenchi had to shield his eyes from the brightness of it. When his vision cleared, he was amazed to see that the man was still standing. Slowly, he reached up, and withdrew the sword from his chest. Laughing madly, he looked at Dracula, who was staring at him in astonishment. "I am the master now, old man! You are less than nothing!" With that, he hurled the blade at Dracula. It caught him in the stomach; he was thrown across the room, into a marble pillar. With such force the blade had been thrown, it was driven into the stone, and there, nearly three feet off the ground, Dracula hung, impaled by his own blade and held up by it. He still seemed to be alive, clutching weakly at the hilt. Tenchi stared at Barnabas, frowning. The vampire smiled evilly, and came forward, a blue force blade appearing in his hand. "Oh, I've waited long time for this, Tenchi. My vengeance will be complete. I'll let just enough of your spirit live that you can watch as I drain each one of your precious family dry, and then rape their rotting corpses. Their souls will only be the first. You should consider them lucky... Their suffering will only last a short time. Yours shall be legendary, even in Hell!" With a wordless roar, the vampire leapt forward. Tenchi reacted automatically, bringing up his sword to block, and then counterstrike. Barnabas easily stepped aside, and Tenchi's attack went just wide of removing his head. Following through, Tenchi spun to block a sideways strike, and then swept a foot under the vampire. He leapt over it, but that gave Tenchi an opening. He pressed it hard with a series of fast, lightly powered strokes, and was able to push Barnabas back. Getting a second wind, Barnabas executed several complex sword strikes, and succeeded in drawing a long, deep gash down Tenchi's shoulder. The vampire laughed, as blood welled up from the injury. "I still remember you giving me the same wound. Delicious pain, isn't it?" Now, all of Tenchi's energies went into simply holding his ground, but slowly, he was pushed back. The evil vampire was able to push a second hit through Tenchi's defenses, drawing a shallow line across his ribs. Shocked by the pain, Tenchi desperately leapt backwards, flinging a line of fireballs at Barnabas to hold him back. As he landed, he slipped in a puddle of blood; whether it was his or not, he didn't know. Tenchi fell, losing the concentration needed to hold his blade as he did. Barnabas cackled in triumph, raising his blade high over his head. "You are mine!" he shouted, and thrust his blade down. Tenchi screamed in pain as he felt it begin to bite into him, sinking in almost too slow to believe. The pain suddenly stopped, and Tenchi blinked as a huge sphere of dark energy blasted through the vampire, leaving a gaping hole. The ancient vampire looked down in shock, and stared at the hole. Then he suddenly laughed, and looked at Tenchi. "The destiny of darkness, to destroy itself." The vampire fell to his knees, and seemed to melt away, his body losing shape and form. What was left dropped to the ground, and seemed to simply evaporate. Painfully, Tenchi pulled himself over to the column that Dracula hung from, and propped himself up against it, panting. "My, wasn't that fun?" gasped the ancient vampire. Tenchi laughed raggedly, fingering the wound in his chest. Another inch deeper, and Barnabas would have pierced his heart. Entirely too close for comfort. "Oh, yeah, just a barrel of laughs," he replied. Dracula barked out a hoarse laugh, and then began to cough violently. Groaning, Tenchi forced himself to his feet, and grasped the hilt of the sword firmly. Dracula nodded at him as the coughing fit subsided, and Tenchi pulled the sword out. The vampire dropped to the ground, blood pouring from the wound. Slowly, though, he pushed himself up, to lean against the pillar. Tenchi had to concentrate hard to keep from simply dropping to the ground next to him instead of sitting down. "I haven't felt this bad for centuries. Given the choice, I think that I'll skip it on the next opportunity." Tenchi laughed. "This is nothing compared to getting caught between Ryoko and Ayeka when they used to fight. Even you couldn't beat what they can do." Dracula smirked. "Don't tempt me to try." Tenchi looked at him. "You couldn't even stand up to do it if you wanted to." "You're probably right." Tenchi snickered. "Shouldn't be long now. I'll wake up, and you can go back to your 'rest.' You're welcome to it." Dracula laughed raggedly, and Tenchi joined him. ***** Ryoko was sitting beside Tenchi's bed, reading a novel. Bram Stoker's Dracula, to be exact. She had no idea why she had picked it up. She had read it once, a long time ago; afterwards, she had sworn to never touch it again. She was frightened enough as it was. But, surprisingly, it was having an almost soothing effect on her raw nerves. Maybe it was just that she knew what was happening there hadn't really happened, at least not in this world. Other worlds, she knew, where an entirely different matter. At first, she didn't really notice it; a presence that joined with her mind. It was too soft to feel more than slightly, and she was deeply into the book. A feather touch, nothing more. Then it came again, a little harder, and she looked up, blinking, wondering what had disturbed her. Nothing was in the lab, save herself and Tenchi; Tsunami had left to stretch out her legs after holding off the curse. She looked at Tenchi; most of the lights in the lab down fairly low, save for one that she was using to read the book by. There didn't appear to be any change in him, and she lightly smoothed a hand over his hair. His skin was still chilly, but he was breathing. It made no sense to her. How could he be alive, but feel like he was dead? Ryoko settled back to her book, thinking that it had just been her imagination. When she felt a hand lightly touch her on the arm, she jumped in surprise. Slowly, she turned, toward Tenchi's bed, not daring to believe, and found him, head turned toward her, his beautiful gentle brown eyes open. He grinned a little weakly, as she felt the presence of him suddenly reform in her mind. They simply stared at each other for a moment. "Any... calls while... I was out?" he croaked. She looked at him, and just started laughing. She jumped out of the chair, and hugged him tightly; he returned the hug, albeit weakly. They separated as Washu came in the room. The scientist stared in amazement as they looked over at her. Blinking away her confusion, she hurried over, producing some sort of medical scanner. "Brain waves normal... Body temp rising... circulation restored... How do you feel, Tenchi?" He looked at her. "Like I got caught between Ryoko and Ayeka, beyond that, not too horrible." Ryoko looked at him flatly, and he grinned defensively. Washu, meanwhile, summoned her keyboard, and called everybody into her lab. Moments later, Mayuka, Nobuyuki, and Tsunami all rushed in, laughing in joy. Tsunami quickly moved to his side, and lay her hand on his chest, energy already making it glow. He frowned, as she closed her eyes, and seemed to draw in on herself for a moment. Abruptly, she laughed, and then kissed him lightly on the cheek. Ryoko grinned, and let the 'transgression' pass. "Gone. The curse is completely gone, Tenchi. Welcome back." Tenchi looked at her, and frowned again. "Are you certain? That's one trip I'd just as soon not go through again." She nodded, as Tenchi slowly pushed himself up on his elbows, wincing. He looked around. "We're a couple short... Where are Reinhart and Rosa?" Ryoko blinked, and looked at him. Tenchi's brown furrowed, as he saw her expression go from joy at his return to renewed worry. "They are in Romania, husband." He looked at her in surprise, and Tsunami cleared her throat. "It was my doing, Tenchi. When the curse resurfaced, I wasn't certain you would survive unless it was eliminated at the source. They were the only ones that could go." He nodded, slowly. "I believe you, Sasami. But I also need to speak with both you and Ryoko, alone, for a few moments." She looked at him, confused, but Ryoko nodded, and began moving everybody out. Quickly enough, the lab was empty, and she went back to his side. He gave her hand a quick squeeze - she noticed that while he was still chilly, he was warming up - and then began to speak. He pained a picture of a terrifying journey, frightening in and of itself because it had happened, more so because of what he told them he had been through. Tsunami gasped when he told them that he had found Yuzuha within himself, and Ryoko stared at him as though a viper was in his lap when he told her that he had found Kagato. Dracula appearing to save him at the last minute was the greatest shock to her of all. As he finished, she shivered, but Tsunami nodded slowly. "I had thought that somebody was aiding me. This would explain a great deal." Tenchi nodded. "So, that bastard is in you?" asked Ryoko dangerously. She wasn't sure if she meant Dracula or Kagato. Tenchi sighed, nodding, and trying to smile comfortingly. "Kagato is dead for certain. Dracula killed him before it was too late; as for the vampire king; when I left him, he was bleeding from a gaping wound in his stomach. If he made it, I don't mind him resting... in me. I know what he did to you, but he helped me... Without him, I wouldn't have woken as myself. I'll understand if you can't forgive him, but I have to judge him against everything that he has done, not just part of it." Ryoko frowned at him irritably for a moment, but slowly it softened. "Damn... I will never understand how you always manage to find some good in everybody," she said. Sighing, she kissed him, and smiled. "Of course, I suppose that I should consider that a good thing, or you might never have seen the good in me." Tenchi smiled gently, and then stretched. "Well, there is nothing that we can do but wait for them to come back." He winced. "I am starving. How long was I out?" "A week," laughed Ryoko. Though she was still worried about the children. A good deal of the fear that she had been feeling had evaporated away. Grinning, she helped him get up, and they left the lab. As they exited, Washu came over, and told them that Ayeka's ship had just landed. Tenchi asked what they meant, and she and Washu began to fill him in on what had happened while he had been asleep. ***** Tokimi smiled faintly, as her armada dropped out of quasi-space roughly forty-thousand kilometers from the Galaxy Police Central Head Quarters. Immediately, swarms of fighter craft poured from the bays of her destroyers, and sped toward the huge station. Though still dwarfed by her own ship, the head quarters was heavily fortified, and heavily guarded. Dozens of huge planetoids and asteroids floated around in the area. Even as the first blasts of laser fire began to lance out at the station, several heavy battle cruisers moved in, and began to attack. Smiling wider, she targeted one of the nearest, and fired. The laser blasted into the ship, and there was a bright flash of light... When it disappeared, the battle cruiser was still there. Her eyes widened, as she saw the fighter fire pass directly though the station. Quickly, she punched up a scan of the station. The energy readouts were correct; there were massive life signs and other activity as well, all consistent with a major, busy station. Her main weapon had recharged; she targeted the station, and fired. The laser blasted out, slammed into the station... and right through it. Tokimi screamed in rage, as the station shimmered, and became Washu's face, sticking her tongue out at her, and then disappeared. Suddenly, she was surrounded by explosions, as Galaxy Police ships began to pour out of cover from behind the planetoids, weapons blazing. Dozens of her starfighters, caught by complete surprise, were destroyed almost instantly, scattering their ranks. Following the first wave of Galaxy Police, heavier dreadnoughts and space carriers followed, concentrating their heavier firepower on her destroyers and battle cruisers. The Shiboo was rocked as lines of the ships were destroyed. Scanning the fleet, Tokimi was pleasantly surprised to find a familiar ship. The leader of the group that had saved the Empress from being captured. She smiled mirthlessly, and targeted it with the main weapon. She fired, and laughed as the ship exploded in a brilliant blast of light. Her mirth was short-lived, though, as a much smaller craft streaked away from the explosion. Before she could react, her ship was shaken violently, and klaxons began to sound off. She silenced them with a thought, and frowned as a tactile readout came up. One of the nearby planetoids had collided with her ship. There was a fair amount of damage on the ship's right flank. The auto-repair quickly began to take care of the damage, but even her ship's ability to survive massive hits was a little strained, but she dismissed it as a simple accident. Just as she was about to attack one of the heavy carriers, her ship shuddered again, and the klaxons buzzed louder. Now, a second impact on her right flank had occurred. She punched up a map of the area. No less than seven of the meteoroids and planetoids in the area were on a direct course with her. Even as she watched, an eighth suddenly changed course, and accelerated towards her. A third and fourth impact shook the ship, and a new klaxon sounded. The ship's auto-repair had been overloaded, possibly well beyond repair. Growling, she sent an order to her shattered forces to fall back to Jurai. "You will pay for this, Washu! You will pay!!!" ***** Mihoshi gasped in relief as Yukinojo's fighter module detached from his main hull just as the mega laser crashed into it. She pushed the power up to full, and they flashed away as the hull exploded in a blinding blast of light. She almost lost control as the blast wave washed over her. "Mihoshi! We are being targeted again!" cried the ship's AI. She gasped, and whirled the ship into a twisting tailspin. The ship shook, as several lasers flashed by, just barely grazing Yukinojo's midsection. She bit back tears, and turned the ship toward one of the nearest enemy battleships. "Under jurisdiction of Galaxy Police space laws, I have to put you under arrest for firing on Galaxy Police property..." she started, beginning to sob as it started to open fire on her. She wondered why they weren't listening to her, and warned them that if they didn't stop, she'd have to open fire. They didn't stop, and she began fire randomly. Her first volley destroyed the weapons banks on the near side, her second blew out the engine. The destroyer exploded in a brilliant fireball. "Mihoshi, it seems as though they are pulling back. The mothership appears to have taken major damage from the planetoids thrown by Washu's machine." She sniffled, and looked at the AI module. "Really?" Yukinojo affirmed it and she sniffled again. They headed back toward the real HQ, which had been pulled behind a line of gigantic planetoids. "Well, at least they don't seem to be too angry for our tricking them!" Yukinojo sighed in exasperation. Blood Red Moon Resurrection Chapter 12: Between Morning and Night Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. Comments, quips, insults, and death threats will only be accepted at The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. This cross-over series is placed roughly 17 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** As they finally reached the top of the clock tower, Reinhart smiled slightly in anticipation. They knew Cain's secret, now. Maybe it wasn't much of a trump card to play, but even the lowest trump could take the pot. It might just be enough, if they could find a way to exploit it. Before them, a long stairway led into darkness, parts of it crumbling, and one huge section missing entirely. "You've got to give the guy credit... Dracula always did know how to set a mood, and slow you down at the same time," said Sheann'a, shattering the silence grown thick around them. The moon, crimson and full, shone through huge holes in the ceiling, providing an eerie glow that suffused the hall. Rosa started walking upwards. "The quicker we get going, the quicker we can get outta here," she said, grinning. Reinhart and Alucard looked at each other, and were turning to follow her when she screamed. They looked back just in time to see Cain laugh, and throw two spheres of darkness at them. They dodged aside, as Cain disappeared, taking Rosa with him. "Rosa!" Reinhart began to run up the stairs, barely conscious of Alucard moving right at his side. The dhampeal spoke bitterly. "We have played right into his hands. How couldn't I have seen it before, his intent?" Reinhart glanced at him. "What do you mean?" Alucard winced. "No matter how powerful he is, he would need to have more in order to destroy the Pendulum. That is why he needed both the castle and the whip. But it wasn't enough. So, he now will take more power, in the order of sacrificing someone with great power, like your parents." Reinhart finished the thought. "Or us! That's why he needed to get us here!" Alucard nodded. "And we have blindly given him everything that he needed!" They reached the gap, and leapt as one. Reinhart simply flew to the other side; Alucard morphed into a huge bat as his feet left the ground, glided to the other side, and then reassumed human form. They hit the ground running, and dashed up the remaining steps. Reinhart raised his hand, and blasted through the door with a fireball. They came to a quick stop as they entered the throne room. "This is... new..." said Sheann'a slowly. The room that they had entered could hardly be called a room; more of a vast empty void. Above them, and to their sides, there was nothing but emptiness. The ground appeared to be simple granite stone, gray and lifeless. Although there were no lights that they could see, an odd, filling glow that seemed to come from everywhere, and yet nowhere, provided ample light. Not far away from them stood Cain, wearing a long black robe, which covered all but his head and hands. To his right, a tall pedestal stood. There were two items on it, one large bowl made of crimson crystal. The other was a long, curving knife with a blade that looked to be made of silver and a hilt of gold. To his left, a small urn with strange and evil looking markings waited on a second pillar. Behind him, stripped of her clothing and stretched out horizontally, with her hands folded at her waist, was Rosa. She floated nearly four feet above the ground, just about waist level. From where Reinhart stood, she appeared to be sleeping. Reinhart guessed that she was in a trance. Cain looked up, and smiled as they arrived. "Ah! So you made it to the party after all! Time here does tend to stretch out a bit from the rest of the world, so we've been waiting for some time... I was beginning to think that we'd have to start without you!" He gestured, and suddenly Reinhart found that he couldn't move more than his head. A glance to his right showed him that Alucard and his familiars were similarly frozen. He smiled at them apologetically, and then closed his eyes, and began to chant. "Powers of Heaven, powers of Hell, I call you as your master!" He reached over, and picked up the urn, and then smashed it to the ground. A cloud of ashes billowed up, half black, half white. "The souls of twelve of Lucifer's Elder Demons, and twelve of God's Saints I give you in penance. Hear me now, throw open the Gate of Chaos! Reveal to me the ancient sign, and let the end begin!" His voice, normal at first, had slowly risen until it seemed to echo in the void. They watched, in stunned amazement, as behind Cain and Rosa's prone form, a tall bar of light appeared. With the added illumination, he was able to make out a huge double door. On one side, the huge image of an old man with flowing robes and a long beard stood, the sun shining brightly behind him. The man's eyes were hidden from view by a cloud. On the other door, a younger man, with long horns on his forehead and severe clothing stood. Behind him, fires raged in a bias that looked so real Reinhart could almost feel their searing heat. Then he realized that the bar of light was being produced by these doors slowly opening. Cain laughed almost madly as they slowly swung wide. For a moment, the light was so bright that it was blinding. Once Reinhart's eyes had adjusted to the light, he was able to make out the form of a huge pendulum. At the far edges of its slow, sweeping swing, stood two tall clocks. As the doors finished opening, they struck twelve. The ground shook, as an impossibly loud tolling called out the hour. "Impressive, isn't it, Father? I'll bet you never even knew, the entire time that you and grandfather lived and fought here, never knew what Castlevania really was. Not the incarnation of evil that you always assumed it was, though once you were close in your description of it. You once told mother that it was a creature of Chaos." He laughed again. "Not a creature, Father. The guardian! And Dracula, though he didn't know it, was its greatest warrior." He swept his hand out at them. "Such a delicate balance... Dracula could not be allowed to gain too much power, else he might threaten the Pendulum himself. So, the Belmonts were created. His balance. They, they ultimate light, him, the ultimate dark, even beyond Lucifer. Did you know, Father, that each time a threat came to the Pendulum, he was reborn just in time to block its destruction, and then in turn was put back to sleep by the Belmonts?" He laughed, and approached them. "And then I was born. A balance between the Tepes and Belmont blood. I threatened the Pendulum by my very existence, for how could the Belmont blood kill itself? If it did, there would be no one to put Dracula back to sleep. Yet, so long as I lived, the Tepes blood would never sleep. Pity I didn't find out about the Pendulum until about a hundred years ago, before which it had been weakened by bringing you back to fight Dracula. It would have made things so much simpler..." Cain looked at Reinhart. "The Pendulum summoned what it knew could defeat me, at that time - your father. But by mistake, it also brought along your mother, and when Dracula's servant kidnapped her, he was turned away from his true purpose. Yet at the same time, he filled the prophecy, and Dracula was destroyed forever." Reinhart forced himself not to look at Alucard as Cain let that slip. If he didn't know Dracula was here, in the castle... "Pity that I didn't have the power to destroy the Pendulum then. I tried, but Tenchi unwittingly protected it when he used his powers as he, and Reinhart and Rosa Schnieder escaped the castle. I myself was injured in the destruction as the castle collapsed, and I could not raise it again when I finally healed." He stopped, and then grinned, looking toward Rosa for a moment, his gaze seeming to drift off to someplace else. "Then, twenty years ago, I ran across a relatively simple spell that I knew I could use to gain enough power to destroy the Pendulum once and for all," he said, and then giggled suddenly. "Such an enjoyable one, too... Take of a virgin goddess her essence and blood, and her power would become mine... How convenient! I happened to have access to someone with the powers of a goddess!" He looked at Rosa again, and Reinhart understood how she had come to be stripped of her clothing, what he meant by 'her essence.' Shouting in rage, Reinhart struggled to move. The staff, held tight in his hand, began to glow brightly, seeming to pick up on his anger. Cain laughed as it did. "As I had thought! She joined with the staff! Impressive, even I must admit that I wouldn't have the power or ability to do something like that!" The impact of Cain's words stopped Reinhart cold, and he stared first at Cain, and then at the staff. Was he suggesting... "No, Reinhart. He is trying to trick you. I can already sense the mind weave that he is using! Ignore it!" shouted Alucard. Reinhart shook his head, frowning. No! It was too close to what he wanted to believe. Slowly, Reinhart forced his hand to open, even as Cain frowned, and then gritted his teeth. Painfully slowly, his fingers uncurled. With a sudden snap, he felt the field binding his entire arm snap, and he dropped the staff, raising his hand and loosing a fireball before Cain could react. The projectile slammed into his chest, and the man was thrown across the room. He came up laughing, smoke rising from his cloak. Underneath, smooth flesh had been revealed. "Very impressive, very impressive indeed! You managed to break through the spell, for all the good that it did you." Reinhart found that his arm was already frozen again. Cain walked over, and picked up the staff, smiling. "Ah, yes, the ornaments that Tenchi carved for his dear friends. You must be wondering why he did that." He laughed, and tapped his head. "Even the strongest of men is vulnerable in his dreams... One dream, suitably horrifying, can convince him to do anything. And once he made these, he left a link to himself that I could feed anything through, should I ever need to." He dropped it on the ground, and turned to go back over to Rosa. "My friends, I tire of this game... I think that it is time we ended it, yes?" Reinhart watched, helpless, as Cain slowly picked up the dagger, and raised it over his head. "Ah, my dear... We had fun, but I'm afraid that I mustn't let pleasure come before business!" Laughing again, he began to slowly lower the blade toward her breast. "Rosa! No!" shouted Reinhart, struggling again to move, but no matter how he tried, he couldn't even twitch a muscle. Then, suddenly, a Sphere of Destruction slammed into Cain from behind. The dagger went spinning away to clatter against the ground, and he was thrown forward, over Rosa's prone form. Reinhart looked in stunned astonishment in the direction that it had come from, as did Alucard and his familiars. Larger than life, the vampire king Dracula stood there, in armor resembling Reinhart's father's, and holding a sword and shield that matched Tenchi's Light Hawk Sword and Shield perfectly, save that these were black as the emptiness above them. He had a grim expression, and his eyes smoldered coldly. Cain slowly turned, fury dancing on his face, fury which turned to shock as he saw who had attacked him. Cain laughed, suddenly, laughed as though he had heard the funniest joke in the world. ***** Alucard stared as his father slowly entered the room. How could this be? Dracula was bereft of his powers, was he not? But he thought for a moment of Cain's words, that Dracula was Castlevania's ultimate champion. Was it possible that the castle itself had returned Dracula to his full abilities? Cain laughed, long and hard, as he turned toward the ancient vampire. "Not as dead as you appeared to be, Grandfather. Is this Chaos's last defense? Castlevania's last attempt to bar me from ending it all?" He laughed, as Dracula set himself to fight. "Perhaps you don't know much about me, Cain," said Dracula, twisting his name sourly. "You call yourself of my bloodline, yet you would seek to destroy all, instead of simply humans?" Cain laughed. "Oh... That was so cutting... I think... I think that I almost didn't care." Smirking, he raised a hand, and formed a Sphere of Destruction. "I've taken my licks... Can you take yours?" Laughing, he launched it. Alucard watched as Dracula brought up his shield, and the sphere splashed against it. His father was blasted across the room. He hit the ground, and slid several feet before stopping. Slowly, though, he got up, pausing to spit out some blood. "I've... taken harder hits... from the Belmonts." Cain laughed. "I am a Belmont, old man!" He produced the whip from under his robes, and charged Dracula. His father raised his shield to block, only to find that Cain was no longer there. Cain teleported behind Dracula, and lasted out with the whip. It went around Dracula's neck, and began to glow white. Cain hauled savagely back on the handle, and the vampire king stumbled backwards. Cain pulled him close, and placed his hand into Dracula's back. "Guess what, Dracula... This time, it's forever." Alucard felt rather than saw Cain form the Sphere of Destruction; Dracula screamed as it blasted out his stomach. He fell to the ground, the Belmont whip still wrapped around his neck. Cain laughed, and teleported back over to Rosa, raising his hand. The dagger flew back to it, and he once again brought it over his head. "No... Stop him... My son..." Alucard looked back in shock as Dracula feebly raised his hand, and pointed toward Alucard. There was a small spark, and suddenly Alucard found that he could move. Wasting no time, Alucard summoned up his own magic, and flung a volley of fireballs at him. They slammed into him, and once again the dagger went flying away just before it bit into her breast. Cain turned once again, frowning. "Will these interruptions never cease! Faugh!" he said impatiently. Alucard slowly drew his blade. "Where did you come from truly, Cain? No child of Maria's could be as evil as this." Cain frowned for a moment, looking down. "I... honestly don't know. Maria was my mother, just as surely as you are my father. But perhaps I am of neither you nor her, merely some nightmare you've dreamt as you sleep? Fears can be so alluring... so seductive... Maybe this is only a figment of your imagination, and you are still in your coffin, dreaming. But when you die here, will you wake up? Will Death come to carry you away? Or will you be eternally lost, as the succubus was?" He laughed suddenly. "Who can say? Why don't we find out?" Alucard dove aside as Cain flung a Sphere of Destruction at him, and morphed as he came up, dashing toward the man as a wolf. He leapt up, maw wide to grab at his throat. Cain caught him, and threw him away, to sail far through the air. In mid-flight, Alucard righted himself, and changed into a bat, diving at Cain again. He brought up his hand, face full of fury, and formed another Sphere; reacting automatically, Alucard drew on his own magic, and spat a ball of flame toward him. The two spells met between them, and detonated with a terrific blast. Alucard was shaken by the shock wave, and dropped to the ground, morphing back into human form. He brought up his shield in just enough time to block another blast from Cain; the ancient heirloom was knocked out of his hands with the force. Cain smiled grimly, and raised his hands. Alucard brought up his blade to try and block what ever might come at him. Cain laughed. "The last stand, Alucard. After this, nothing can stand in my way. Mother will be avenged, the Pendulum will be shattered, and the pain will go away. Nothing can stop the pain but this... You should understand that. I might have even asked you to help me, but you just left Mother... Do you think I'm mad?" Alucard frowned. "No. I know the pain you speak of. As my father said to me, I will now say to you. Fate delt me my role, just as you were delt yours." Cain grinned. "So touching... Dracula always had a flair for the obvious." Quicker than the eye could follow, a Sphere of Destruction formed, and was launched at Alucard. On instinct alone, Alucard swung at it. Only then did he notice that his sword was blazing with a bright light. He suddenly sensed her, with him... Maria, could feel the touch of her hands around his, guiding the arc of his blade. The spell touched it, and was reflected back at Cain, the sphere of darkness changing to a sphere of pure light. Cain gasped in pain as it slammed into him, knocking him back. Alucard, taking no time to marvel, dashed forward. His blade was aimed true, and it plunged into the dazed Cain, piercing his heart. Cain blinked in surprise, and looked down, at the sword that now extended a foot and a half out his back. Father and son looked at each other for a moment. Cain blinked, and coughed. "I... would have... liked to spend... a day with you... once." Slowly, Cain slipped off the blade, but just before it came completely out of him, the metal snapped in two, leaving Alucard with half of the sword, and half a foot of the broken blade sticking out of Cain's chest. ***** Reinhart stared in dull amazement as Alucard batted the Sphere of Destruction back at Cain. For a moment, he had almost been certain that he had seen the image of a woman there, holding the sword with him. But he wasn't certain, and the vision had been brief. Then, suddenly, Alucard's blade had been driven though Cain's back, and he had found himself free again. He had immediately run to where Rosa dropped to the ground. She moaned quietly as she hit, but remained in the trance. Reinhart removed his cloak, and quickly wrapped it around her. He looked up as Cain fell to the ground, the broken end of Alucard's sword still through his heart. The dhampeal was staring at his sword in shock; Sheann'a finished checking Rosa, and told him that she would be fine, but the trance would remain on her for a little while yet, and then she flew over to Alucard. "She was here... She turned back his spell," Reinhart heard him say, with wonder in his voice. Sheann'a said something to him; he nodded, and slowly sheathed what was left of his blade. Reinhart looked at Rosa once more, and then walked over to where he had left the staff. Slowly, he picked it up, and smiled. She had been avenged. Reinhart dug into his pocket, and pulled out the small cube that Washu had given him. He turned to Alucard. "What will you do now?" he asked. Alucard frowned. "This world holds nothing for me now. Not even my father." Alucard laughed suddenly, though the sound was cold, barren. Strange, Reinhart reflected... A few days ago, he would have been chilled by that laugh. Now he almost felt like joining him. "He broke the chains that he had made for himself. In the end, had I had the chance, I would have forgiven him." The words were barely out of his mouth, when suddenly a pillar of light shot down from above them. Automatically, they dropped into battle stances, ready for a fight, no longer caring. Reinhart realized that they had both lost what they had come to protect. But slowly, Alucard straightened, as Sheann'a and Drathar gasped. Out of the light stepped two ghostly forms. One was Rosa, the Rosa that had opened the Belmont tomb for them... what seemed ages ago to Reinhart. She smiled at him, and walked over, knelt by his sister. Gently, she touched her forehead, and seemed to dim for a moment. Then she stood, and looked at Reinhart. "Cain was bluffing; trying to set you off balance. She will be fine, but will have no memory of anything that happened after you first arrived within the tower." Smiling again, she backed away, almost to the pillar of light. The other woman was the woman that they had seen in Alucard's memory, the one that he said was his mother. She walked to him slowly, smiling. He stared at her in disbelief, his mouth working. The ghost came up to him, and hugged him. He blinked, and slowly, returned the embrace. "I'm sorry... that I was not there when you needed me to be. But you have lived up to every hope that I could have. Thank you, my son. Now, I've come to finish what you have began." She smiled, separated from him, and then slowly walked over to Dracula's corpse. She knelt there, and gently turned the body over. They all watched in amazement as she took his hand, and smiled. "Arise, my love. Arise. You have served your penance... Proven yourself once and for all. Alucard has forgiven you, and I have always forgiven you. Arise." She slowly stood, then, and as she did, a faint, faded image of Dracula stood with her. His eyes seemed full of wonder. She kissed him tenderly, and they embraced. Dracula looked over at Alucard, in surprise. Alucard looked away for a moment, but then slowly looked back. There was a faint smile on his face, and he nodded to them. Alucard's mother slowly led Dracula towards the shimmering light. As they reached it, he stopped. Raising his hand, he touched it lightly, and then slowly put a hand in. Drawing it back out, he looked at Alucard again, and then suddenly laughed, and stepped in. Rosa slowly approached Dracula's body, and carefully unwrapped the whip from his neck. It glowed faintly in her hands, as she rolled it up. She looked at them once again, a little sadly, and then stepped into the light herself, raising a hand in farewell. The light slowly faded away. Reinhart smiled, but it was empty. He looked at the staff again, and then set the cube on the ground. "Wait." Reinhart turned around at the voice of Death, frowning. The ancient specter slowly came toward them from the shadows. Oddly, he wasn't carrying his scythe with him. Beyond that, he seemed no different from before. "What do you want?" he asked coldly. Death looked at him long and hard, frowning. "Balance... This is what I have been, since the beginning of eternity. This is what I shall always be. The balance has been shifted, here." Death looked at Sheann'a. "It is much your fault, though you could not know it. Cain was never meant to be; you saved her from what had been her time to die. If she had died when she was supposed to, then none of this ever would have happened. That the disaster was averted was only the purest luck. Even now, the armies of heaven and hell march here, to destroy the castle once and for all." He looked at Alucard. "Fate. My long time ally betray me this time. For that, I could do nothing. Almost, I would have let Cain succeed in his plan, if for nothing more than an end to my own eternal pain. You were woken just in time to help save all, though Cain brought his own downfall by forcing Tenchi's children here." Death looked at Reinhart, then. "Death. I am, and always shall be a great judge, eternally deciding if it is someone's time or not. That is my Fate. But my role was tainted by Cain. First Reinhart, then Rosa, then all three of their children, though I told the fool Elder Demons not to start that war, all five of them were killed long before their time was due. That shifted the balance. It became weighted to the side of darkness, and would have shattered the Pendulum by itself, had the balance shifted far enough more... One more loss of a soul before its time. "But when the last soul was lost, this time I was able to be there in time to preserve it. Balance. That is what I am, what I always shall be. The balance must be restored." Death raised his skeletal hand, and gestured as though he was picking something up. He brought his hand up, and from the ground, a tall crystal grew. Inside, the body of Carrie waited, hands folded neatly over her stomach, unclad as Rosa had been. Death sighed, as the crystal stopped growing. The ancient specter looked at Reinhart, and put out a hand. "The staff. When I saw that you were going to take it with you, I sealed her spirit there, knowing that Cain would think her harmless. While you were here, fighting him, I was purifying her body of the last effects of his spell, that it would be ready to receive her soul again. Give it to me, and I shall finish the process." Reinhart frowned, and looked at Alucard and his familiars. Alucard frowned, but slowly nodded. Sheann'a smiled at him, while Drathar looked at Death for a moment. Shrugging, he nodded too. Reinhart looked at Death, and then slowly handed him the staff. The ancient specter took it from him, and carefully stood it on end. Letting go of it, he looked down, and began to chant quietly. "As the rising sun eventually sets, so too does the setting sun rise. As a newborn life will eventually fade, so too will a faded one be reborn to shine anew. I call this spirit; you have passed from life to my breast, now pass once again from my breast to life, and with your return, set the balance once again. Return, Carrie Fernandez, and take your rightful life among man." As he spoke, the staff slowly began to glow, brighter and brighter, until it was almost painful to look at. But Reinhart forced himself to keep watching. There was a bright flash, and a strange, disembodied seeming orb split away from the glow, and sank into the crystal, splitting apart as it did. The larger sphere by far settled into her chest, the smaller, drifted to her stomach, and disappeared inside. She took a sudden breath of air, as the crystal shattered, and fell to the ground, as did the staff. Reinhart was at her side almost before she hit the ground; Alucard took his cloak off, and handed it to Reinhart, and he wrapped her in it. Death spoke quietly. "She sleeps. She will be weak for some time; do not push her limits. What I have undone once, I can not undo again." He turned to leave, but Alucard caught him on the shoulder. "Why, Death?" Death looked at him, and seemed to smile slightly. "I was once told that my fate was to never touch life, only see it fleeting from my grasp. Perhaps that is my penance, and perhaps one day I will join your father, my old friend." The specter stepped away, and slowly disappeared back into the shadows. Reinhart carefully placed his arms under Carrie, and stood. Then he realized that he wouldn't be able to get them both through the gate. But almost as if reading his mind, Alucard spoke. "I will take Rosa. There is nothing left for me here. Perhaps my Fate lies in another land." Sheann'a and Drathar looked at him in shock, but Reinhart just nodded, smiling. The dhampeal walked over, and knelt, gathering Rosa as Reinhart had picked up Carrie. Sheann'a looked at Drathar. "Are you sure that's the same Alucard we came with?" Drathar shrugged, and dropped down to pick up Carrie's staff. Reinhart looked at the fairy. "There is a button on the top of that square. Could you please press it? Then get away from it as fast as you can." The fairy grinned, and nodded. She dropped down, and pressed it. Seconds later, the portal opened. As it did, the castle began to shake. "The armies are here," said Drathar. Reinhart looked at Alucard. "Go through, I'll follow you. ***** Ryoko blinked as an alarm went off from Washu's watch. Her mother looked down, and laughed. "They're signaling!" she exclaimed, and ran toward the lab. They all got up and followed her in, Ryoko and Tenchi at the head of the pack. Ayeka, Yosho, Misaki, Funaho, Mayuka, and Nobuyuki all brought up the rear. They reached the main room of the lab just as Washu opened the gate. A wide portal appeared, that strange shimmering darkness. The first thing to come out was what looked like a flying doll. Ryoko blinked, as the little creature grinned sheepishly, and waved at them. Next out of the portal was what looked like a gargoyle, complete with pitchfork, and holding the staff that Tenchi and made for Carrie while they were in Romania. He looked around, and shrugged, then turned back toward the portal. The first part to appear was Rosa, wrapped in a cloak, seemingly floating in mid air. Ryoko resisted the urge to run toward her, to find out what had happened. She was followed by her bearer, a tall man with a long mane of white hair, a stoic face, and body armor. "Oh my..." she heard Ayeka say quietly. Ryoko looked at the Empress, she was staring at the man with a rather unusual expression. Ryoko blinked, and looked at the man again. His gaze swept over all of them once, and then he slowly walked forward, looking about himself. She looked at Ayeka again. Her gaze was locked onto the man. Ryoko winced mentally. Now she knew where she had seen that expression before. She had seen it when Ayeka had first met Tenchi. She nudged Tenchi, and pointed to the Empress, he glanced at her, and grinned. Before she could ask him who he was, and why he was carrying Rosa, a second person being carried through the portal began to appear. She had long cyan hair, which hung limply back, and was wrapped in a black cape. Her eyes were closed, but Ryoko blinked. If her face had been a bit more pale, and younger... She blinked again as the woman slowly opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. Her golden eyes. It was Carrie! Reinhart, who was carrying her, stepped the rest of the way through. As he did, the portal snapped shut. He looked down as she stirred in his arms. "Dad!" exclaimed Rosa, from the strange man's arms. She looked around, suddenly confused. "How did I get here? And why are you carrying me, Alucard?" She looked at herself. "AND WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES!" The man looked at her apologetically, and Ryoko was certain that she saw a grin tug the corners of the flying girl's mouth. Ryoko cleared her throat. "A question I'd like to know for myself, Mr..." She trailed off, raising her eyebrow. "Alucard, mother. I'll explain in a little bit, but first, we need to get them into some clothes? I'm sure Rosa and Carrie are already confused enough as it is?" said Reinhart. Ryoko looked at him in surprise; he wasn't usually the one to take the lead, but nodded reluctantly. She wanted to hear what had happened, but that could wait. Tenchi moved forward, and took Rosa from Alucard; the man nodded to him, a thoughtful look on his face. "You are Tenchi?" he asked. Tenchi nodded. "I believe that you knew my father." Tenchi frowned a moment, but then suddenly he raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I believe I did. Perhaps we could talk at a later time?" Alucard nodded; Ryoko wondered what the entire exchange had been about. Instead, she moved over to Reinhart and Carrie. The woman looked up at her. "It's... been a long time... Ryoko. Rosa... said to say hello..." Ryoko smiled, and looked at Reinhart. "I have the feeling that you are going to have a very long story to tell me. But for now, take her up and get her some clothes. I think that Ayeka left some that should just about fit her," she said. Ayeka looked up at the mention of her name, and nodded. Carrie smiled weakly. "My... staff. Where is it... Reinhart?" He smiled at her, and called over the gargoyle like creature; naming it Drathar. He smiled, and handed it over. Taking it, she looked much better. "Come on, first things first. Let's get you and Rosa dressed," Reinhart said, and then looked at Ryoko. "And then I get to see if I can explain just what happened." Ryoko blinked. He hadn't stumbled even once. As he moved away, carrying her, she noticed that he didn't seem tense in the slightest. For a moment, she wondered if she had been right, and they really had... She shook her head. Reinhart took after Tenchi more than her. "He is... handsome, is he not?" Ryoko jumped as Ayeka came to stand next to her. She looked at the Empress. "I thought that you said Yosho was your consort now?" Ayeka looked at her, frowning. "You know very well that was only to trick the council." Ryoko laughed. "I thought you said Tenchi spoiled you." "And you said that Tenchi spoiled all of us. Besides, I was just remarking that he was handsome. Nothing more." "Yeah right." Blood Red Moon Resurrection Epilogue: The Eye of the Storm Disclaimers: All characters belong to their various copyrights, with the exception of Reinhart Masaki and Rosa Masaki. Those two are mine. Beyond their usage in this story, I claim no ownership, no rights of creation, no nothing. Please don't sue me. Comments, quips, insults, and death threats will only be accepted at The Tenchi Muyo Characters in this series are based on the OVA versions, but don't be surprised if there aren't one or two TV references. The characters Carrie Fernandez, Alucard, Death, Dracula, Maria Renard and Lisa all belong to the Konami Castlevania series. This cross-over series is placed roughly 17 years in Tenchi's world, 120 years in Alucard's world after the events in Blood Red Moon. Reinhart and Rosa Masaki, the children of Tenchi and Ryoko, are now young teens. "To what profit is it to a man, if he gains the world and loses his own soul? Mathew 16:26 I believe." - Dracula, as he dies at the end of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. ***** Reinhart squirmed somewhat under the unforgiving gaze of his parents. He had just barely gotten Carrie up the stairs when she had fallen asleep again. He knew that Death had said that she would be weak for some time, still, it was a little startling as she nodded off in the middle of asking him how they had gotten there. Carefully, he had carried her into his bed room, and placed her on the mattress, pulling the covers up so that she wouldn't take a chill. Before leaving, he set out a shirt and pair of pants on a chair; the shirt would probably hang past her knees, he was sure, but it would do for the time being. Then, he had quietly closed the door, and turned to find his father right behind him, having apparently already taken Rosa to her room. They had shared a long, wordless look, and then, slowly, Tenchi had smiled at him, with a knowing expression. Reinhart blushed slightly, but smiled in return; it was nice to know that at least one person stood with him. They had moved back down the stairs, and found Ryoko with her arms crossed beneath her breasts, not best looking pleased. Now, they were sitting around the table, Tenchi and Ryoko on one side, Reinhart and Alucard on the other. They had just finished telling them everything that had happened, save a couple things; that Alucard was Dracula's son, for one, and Reinhart's... evening with Carrie. Sheann'a was lounging over by the couch, chatting with Mayuka, Rosa, who had just come down the stairs, and Tsunami; the goddess seemed to be quite interested in whatever the sprite was saying. Drathar, on the other hand, was keeping a close eye out for Washu, who had already developed a healthy interest in the little familiars. Reinhart frowned, and wondered why Rosa wasn't over with them, explaining away what had happened while they were in Romania. She was the talker, not him. He still wasn't quite certain of what to think of Carrie's return. Thanks, obviously, he was more thankful than for anything else in his life; yet, he wondered why Death had done it. The reason that the ancient specter had stated should have been enough, yet for some reason it didn't quite make sense to Reinhart. Sighing, he blinked as his mother asked him a question, and realized that he hadn't been paying attention. "Huh?" Ryoko frowned, and repeated herself. "I said, just how close to Carrie are you, Reinhart?" He blinked, and knew by the sudden gleam in her eye that he was blushing somewhat. Her frown slowly spread into a grin, as he raced to find the right words, a task that was never very easy for him. Tenchi nudged her lightly in the ribs; she looked at him, and he smiled, and shook his head slightly. Ryoko sighed, and looked skyward. "Yeah, I know. But can you blame me for wondering?" She fixed him with a razor sharp stare, and Tenchi shrugged to him, as if to say, 'I tried.' "I... We are very close, mother. Very," he said, slowly. The admission to her came out almost as if dragged, and he wondered why. With most anybody else, he was certain that he wouldn't have had a second thought. His mother, though... For a moment, he thought that she was going to press the point, and realized that at the least, she suspected, but then, she slowly nodded, and smiled. Before any more could be said, Washu came out of her lab - pausing to stare hard at Sheann'a and Drathar - and then came over to them, with a slightly mischievous expression. Reinhart wondered what she was going to drop on them. "No ill effects to anybody that I can detect, although Rosa and Carrie both should be in bed for a while," she said, looking hard at Rosa, who shrugged, grinning. Coughing, Washu continued, "including our esteemed guests." Alucard nodded to her coolly as she grinned, that mischievousness suddenly more apparent than before. "Yup, all seven are just fine!" As one, Tenchi, Ryoko, Reinhart and Rosa all blinked and looked at each other. Ryoko slowly raised an eyebrow at him, and Reinhart swallow. That couldn't possibly have happened... could it? "I only counted six out of the portal, mom... What do you mean, seven? Are you certain that your scanners are working?" Washu smirked, and looked at Reinhart. "Do you mean to say you think that the universe's greatest scientist would ever let her scanners fall out of calibration? There were seven distinct life forms to come through the portal." Reinhart thought a moment, about Carrie's resurrection, about the smaller orb that had split off disappeared into her stomach. He glanced up, feeling the blood drain slightly from his face as he saw Carrie come slowly down the steps, looking about herself in curiosity. He noticed, suddenly, that he had been right; the shirt hung to just below her knees. She leaned heavily on her staff, but she looked much better than she had a few hours before. Washu grinned a little bit wider, looking at them. "Tenchi, you do still have the cribs in storage, right?" she asked him, in a whisper that could have been heard halfway to Tokyo. Reinhart swallowed, as every last set of eyes save Alucard's swung to him in surprise. Carrie herself held a shocked expression; it was clear that she understood what Washu meant. Beside him, Alucard slowly stood, and looked at his familiars. Reinhart wasn't certain, but he could have sworn that the slightest smile tugged at the corners of the dhampeal's mouth. "I believe that now would be a good time to explore our new surroundings, Sheann'a, Drathar," he said quietly. They nodded, and Alucard excused himself from the living room. The door slid open, and then closed, and Reinhart found himself wishing that he could go with him. For a moment, everybody was silent, and then Rosa slowly stood, and spoke. "I think, everybody, that this is their business, and that you shouldn't have done that, grandma." She walked over to Reinhart, and grinned, putting a hand on his shoulder. "That having been said, bro, congratulations, 'Daddy,'" she said, smiling. Washu shrugged sheepishly in apology, as Carrie came over slowly, staring at Reinhart. Shock, surprise, amazement, wonder; they all rolled behind her eyes, yet she stayed composed. He stood, and gave her an arm to lean on, which she gladly took. "How can you be certain of that?" she asked Washu, confused. Washu grinned. "Well, as you came through the portal, some of the machines that I have set up in there sent out an energy wave, which reads..." she trailed off, as Carrie stared at her in complete incomprehension. Washu sighed. "Think of it as a sort of magic," she said, almost pouting that she hadn't been understood when she tried to explain it scientifically. Now Carrie smiled, and nodded. "Oh, you're a sorceress, then." Washu blinked, and appeared to be about to launch into a long speech about who she was, but before she could, Reinhart chuckled and quickly drew her attention away. Washu all but deflated, just on the point of starting her tirade, and frowned at him. "Kind of... I'll try to explain later." She looked at him, and smiled. Reinhart looked around. Mayuka was grinning slightly; Rosa, next to them, put a hand on both of their shoulders. Tsunami's eyes were sparkling with barely contained laughter, and Washu, who for once actually looked sorry for her mischief, stood with her arms to her sides, smirking slightly. His mother looked like she didn't know whether to be shocked, proud, angry or joyful. Slowly, Tenchi stood, his expression unreadable. He looked at Reinhart, and then at Carrie, and then at everybody else around them, deeply in thought. "Well... If there is a child on the way, then we have a lot of work to get done, don't we?" Rosa, Mayuka and Tsunami laughed in delight, as Ryoko moved around the table, her expression settling on joy and pride, and hugged Carrie. Releasing the embrace just slightly, she looked her in the eyes. "There has always been a place waiting for you," she said softly Carrie looked at her in surprise, and then slowly smiled. "Thank you, Ryoko... Or should I maybe say, Mother?" Ryoko laughed, as Reinhart blinked at Carrie. She smiled, and then turned to him, hugging him closely. "And thank you, Reinhart... For making me feel welcome." Reinhart decided suddenly that he didn't care if the entire family was watching; he leaned down and kissed her, and then picked her up laughing. "A father... I guess dad is going to start getting his revenge for raising Rosa and I." Tenchi laughed at that, as Reinhart carefully set her down. She leaned against him, giggling quietly, partly in disbelief. Reinhart looked around at his family again, and, swallowing, bent to one knee before her. "Carrie... will you marry me?" ***** Alucard slowly moved through the forest, automatically making note of various landmarks and taking in his surroundings, making a mental map of the area. Given a few weeks, he would know the exact location of every tree, stone, half-buried rock in the area. He had already found a small clearing that he thought would do well for a small cabin. Though it held a beauty different from that of his homeland, there was a peacefulness here that was comforting to him. He already felt more at ease here than he had at almost any other place in his entire, long life. Sheann'a was sitting on his shoulder as usual, and Drathar walked just off to the side. Such unusual circumstances to bring them all here. It had been clear, once Death had resurrected Carrie, that Reinhart would not be able to get them both away from there, nor that he would leave either of them there if he couldn't. It had occurred to him that he truly didn't have anything left, but also that he could not simply go back to sleep. His mind had still been slightly reeling from his father's redemption. So, he had decided to go with them. It was the honorable thing to do. Here, he realized, he started with a clean slate of sorts. Apparently, there had never been any vampires in this world, beyond myths and legends of one Vlad Tepes, from more than a thousand years before. The thought brought the hint of a smile to his face; perhaps things would not be as different as he had thought. He became aware of another blood scent nearby. Pausing, he inhaled deeply, taking in the scent. It smelled... high. Set apart, and yet at the same time together. There was a pureness to it that reminded him slightly of his mother. Alucard wrinkled his nose. There was also a hint of nobility. He had developed a healthy distaste for nobility at a young age, though he himself was a noble. He didn't like the idea of lording over others simply because of what blood flowed in their veins. He began moving again, not wanting his watcher to realize that he knew, mentally running through the small group that they had met as they came through the portal. There had been too many there to define individual scents, but he was certain that he could match the scent to the person. All of the males he immediately ignored; this was a feminine scent. It wasn't Carrie's; in any event, she would likely still be back at the house with Reinhart and the others. It didn't match Ryoko. There was a strength to this blood, but one hidden under velvet, and Ryoko's strength was hidden by nothing. It came close to the tall, freckled woman with the pink eyes; he wondered for a moment if all people in this world had such unusually colored eyes and hair. If he had to guess, he would say that this scent was a close relative's to her's, yet she seemed too high for even this scent to belong to her. He was certain that it was neither Reinhart and Rosa's older or younger sister. That younger sister was entirely too interested in his familiars; her eyes held a light beyond her years. Which left only the purple haired one with the reddish pink eyes. He compared that scent to her. The way that she held herself; straight back, eyes forward, chin tilted slightly up spoke of a royal upbringing, as did the way she held her composure like a shield about her. Though she seemed the most unlikely member of the group, she most definitely belonged there, with the others. He had noticed her watching him when she thought that he could not see until she had left, a curious light in her eyes. "This place is charged with holy energy," said Sheann'a suddenly, startling him from his thoughts. He nodded, having noticed it almost as soon as he had left the house. He thought that Maria would have liked it. The blood scent came closer; looking around, he was fairly certain that she was not far behind him. Clearing his throat, he spoke aloud. "You may as well come out. I do not take well to being spied on." He turned as the bushes rustled behind time, raising an eyebrow. She was much closer than he had thought, just close enough to touch him. There were not many that could get that close without him realizing it. The young lady stepped out, her expression carefully composed, though her eyes spoke of surprise at being caught. He studied her for a moment circumspectly. She wasn't tall, although she wasn't really short, either. Her hair was pulled into a tight braid as thick as his forearm, and was decorated with a long, winding golden ribbon that was woven right into it. She wore a simple seeming robe; the edges were lined in red, and the rest was white, save for an embroidered tree that flourished upon her breast, likely her house sigil. At her waist was a wide belt of crimson, which was tied into a complicated knot. She held her hands folded at her waist, and looked at him calmly. Sheann'a hopped off his should, and flew around, looking to see if anybody else was there, while Drathar planted his pitchfork into the ground and leaned against it. Mentally sighing, he spoke. "May I help you with something, M'Lady?" She blinked in surprise, and then nodded. "You are a vampire, are you not?" Alucard, caught completely off guard, knew that his expression betrayed the surprise he felt at her bold statement. Just behind her, Sheann'a was looking at her with a considering expression. Schooling his expression back to blankness, he nodded. "My father was Dracula, my mother, Lisa, a human. I am only half vampire, though I retain the full abilities and most of the curse." Now it was her turn to stare in surprise at his frankness, and quickly school herself back to serenity, nodding slowly. "I ask only because once your kind were highly respected and trusted on my world, Jurai. Unfortunately, the last disappeared nearly ten thousand years ago." He raised an eyebrow. A world on which vampires were respected, not feared. Another time, he might have been intrigued, now, he was somewhat suspicious. None the less, he kept his tone mild and respectful. "Perhaps some day I shall visit there," he said evenly. She smiled slightly and nodded. "Allow me to assure you as the Empress, you would be welcome at any time. For the aide you have given my niece and nephew, I will swear it." He had to fight hard to keep his face from showing his shock as she named herself Empress; this young slip of a girl? Behind her, Sheann'a mirrored his astonishment, staring at the young lady. Slowly, he nodded slightly, and allowed the barest ghost of a smile touch his lips. "You do me too much honor, your highness. I did as I did because to do any other would have dishonored them, and myself." Sheann'a frowned at him, and shook her head, but the young lady smiled. "Please, you must call me Ayeka; more than enough honorifics in Court." He nodded again, slowly. "As you wish, M... Ayeka." She smiled again, and looked like she was about to say something more when suddenly a strange creature pounced on her from above. It looked like a too-large rabbit at first glance; as she gasped in surprise and grabbed the furry creature, he realized that its face was that of a cat's, and that there was some sort of stone embedded in its head. "Miya! Miya mi miya!" Ayeka blinked and set the anime down, obviously knowing it. "What is it, Ryo-Ohki? You know that I can not understand what you are saying in that form." He blinked in surprise as the creature glowed for a moment, and changed into a tall, willowy fur-covered woman. He hastily averted his eyes as he realized that the fur was her only covering. "House! Miya! Tenchi say come!" She blinked, as the strange girl glowed briefly again, and changed back into her original form, flashing away in the direction that they had come from. Ayeka started to move in that direction; Alucard looked at her for a moment, frowning. "There is a quicker way, M'Lady," he said. She looked back as he changed into his huge wolf form, and blinked in surprise as he trotted over to her. "You want me to ride you back?" He looked at her, nodding; Sheann'a caught his eye with an amused expression. Ayeka gasped. "Oh, but that wouldn't be proper!" He stared at her flatly, and she sighed. "Oh bother, I suppose even I can not be proper at all times." Tentatively, she placed a hand on the long hair of his neck, and then swung a leg over, pressing herself flat against his back. He caught Sheann'a's eye again; she looked like she was about to explode in laughter. He would have to have a word with her later. As soon as she was securely on, he dashed off. She was a bit heavier than he had guessed; still, more than light enough to carry for the short distance they had to go. He heard her laughing as he flew over the landscape, his memory warning him where the low hanging trees had been, and the rocks he might trip over. Not far behind, he sensed his familiars. They broke into the clearing where the Masaki residence rested, and Alucard noted that everybody was outside, and seemingly in a good mood. Rosa pointed, as she saw Ayeka and himself. He slowed to a trot as he neared them, and then stopped entirely just before them, waiting patiently as Ayeka climbed off. He noticed Ryoko hide a grin, as he changed back into human form. Two women he hadn't seen before had joined the group; one, a tall, dignified woman with long dark brown hair. The other was a shorter one with cyan hair that beamed at Ayeka with motherly pride. He nodded to both of them, as the more dignified one blinked in surprise. "A vampire? I did not know that your kind still survived." The other one stared "A vampire, sister? Are you certain? And my little girl was riding him?" He blinked as she turned a weighing stare on him. Alucard's shoulders itched as he saw he measure him down to the last hair in her eyes. He noticed Ayeka's eye twitch, as she introduced them. "My mother, Misaki, and Yosho's mother, Funaho. Mother, Funaho, allow me to introduce Alucard, son of Dracula and Lisa." He blinked again as all eyes save Reinhart, Rosa, Carrie, and Tenchi's swung to him in surprise. After a moment of silence, Tenchi cleared his throat, drawing the attention away from him, for which Alucard was thankful. Grinning, Tenchi spoke up. "Now that everybody is here, it seems that we can share some good news. For those of you that don't know, this is Alucard; he helped Reinhart and Rosa a good deal," he said, smiling. Alucard nodded quietly, and Tenchi turned to Reinhart and Carrie. "And this is Carrie, who helped not only Ryoko and I, but Reinhart and Rosa. And now for the good news. She and Reinhart are getting married, and Carrie is pregnant." Alucard smiled slightly as everybody else applauded. His familiars joined him; Sheann'a landed on his shoulder, looking at him. "I thought that you said you didn't like being around others." He looked at her, and laughed suddenly. "Maybe I decided to listen to my conscious." She blinked, and then laughed. ***** Tokimi scowled, as she saw the extent of the damage to her ship. The right flank had been nearly obliterated; the front and left had both taken heavy damage. To top off matters, the repair system had been completely destroyed. Though the outer shell of the ship was made to be a secondary armor for the real ship, with this much damage, it would be too much of a hindrance to carry. Sighing, she jettisoned the outer shell, and watched as it impacted the fourth moon of Jurai. It was a dead moon, and good thing, for as the shell slammed into it, the moon was pulverized. The core of the ship was smaller by far, though still bigger than any other ship in her armada. The lines were rounded, and it resembled nothing so much as a huge dolphin, slowly swimming through the sea of space. Turning away from that council, she frowned, as D3 phased in before her. He blinked in surprise as he saw her in physical form. It had been a pleasant surprise to find a Juraian still on the planet that was suitable for melding with; she had done so, and now for the first time in several eternities, she had a flesh and blood body. Recovering quickly, he began his report. "The fleet has been decimated. 70% of our starfighter resources were destroyed, and half of our capital ships, with the bigger numbers among our star carriers and heavy cruisers. Of the ships that we have left, 80% have taken serious damage. Estimated repair time to bring them back up to full effectiveness is roughly a year." Tokimi scowled, but nodded. Here, her Sisters held much greater sway, and she would need all of her forces to take this universe. "Take what cruisers we have left, and begin to fortify Jurai. Tsunami will not remain idle while I am weakened. Also, send four destroyers to begin recruiting replacements, and getting supplies." He nodded. "What is D10's status?" D3 sighed. "He failed in his mission. Just as he was about to claim the energy source, it was eliminated by a being from that dimension." Tokimi scowled again, and he hurried on. "But he did manage to claim one thing." There was a shimmer, and a robed man appeared. A foot and a half long piece of metal stood out from his chest, yet he appeared to be calmly sleeping. She nearly gasped as she recognized the metal, and very carefully withdrew it. "What is this?" "D10 reported this as the being that destroyed the power source. He thought that he could be useful." Tokimi nodded, and looked at the metal carefully. "Strange... Sa-rokan is very rare, yet this seems to only be a part of something bigger." She looked at the man. "Very well. Repair the damage to his body, and then bring him to me when he has reawoken." D3 nodded, and disappeared with the man. She examined the metal, albeit very carefully. Sa-rokan had been created in the chaos before the multiverse existed, the same chaos that she and her sisters came from. It was the only metal that could deal a fatal blow to one such as herself. "Interesting, Sisters... End game, indeed." ***** Ok, ladies and gentlemen. For those of you that have stuck around this long, thank you for reading this. Special thanks go to Veggitto, of #TenchiFF on Dalnet IRC, and K'Thardin, the immortal fanfic reviewer/destroyer. Yes, there will be a third series, but it will not be for a little while. Two, maybe three months. The BRM story arc has taken more than enough of my time! In the meantime, enjoy the slow boil wondering just what I'm going to do with them. Thank you again.