A self-insertion pseudo-MST (?) crossover fanfic ... I don't know yet what has/will have happened later myself. [The legal stuff: Disclaimer: Any recognizable, original concepts, ideas and images from trademarked or copyrighted material do not belong to me, but to the people responsible for their creation, especially the guys (and gals, of course) from AIC and Pioneer Ltd. for Tenchi Muyo! in all its variations - and the people from White Wolf for their 'Aberrant' RPG & background. Thanx! (Should they read this, maybe they will consider it free advertisement...) The only rights I claim are to StOriKami (that's me, myself and I) - at least as long as slavery is outlawed and I'm not being bought or sold myself - <> and maybe to specific characters definitely declared not to be trademarked ones and not intended to be them, only inspired by them. So don't sue me - I'm broke, so don't waste time trying. Unless you _like_ wasting time... (Look, GM, I wasted time! How many XP do I get?) ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aleph-Four - Part 1 "Fading Boundaries" by StOriKami (mail to JoPf.mz@t-online.de) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** "So, one has to consider that each (index) level increases complexity by an exponential amount. A simple comparison for our guests is a parabolic equation like X squared. The change is minor in the lowest numbers, but becomes increasingly greater with each step. Regarding Aleph-(index), suffice it to say anything beyond Aleph-Two is intrinsically incomprehensible in its subtleties to any known mind still able to communicate normally with the average galactic citizen..." "An introduction to Transfinite Mathematics", opening speech for Visitor's day Startika 6 131, Galactic Academy of Science ***** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This time - What has happened before: A Universe Was Dying. Taxing their incredible genius, inspiration and intuition (and lots of luck) beyond limit, two 'superpowered' scientists discovered an energy deficiency in the so-called reality constant, but also determined a way of replenishing it by tapping the very core of reality itself across dimensional barriers using the virtually unlimited energies of the human mind, which, as they theorized, are able to generate and manipulate energies beyond sub-quantum levels under certain circumstances. They built and activated a device to link one of them with his other-reality self-equivalent and to use this link as a channel to transfer the necessary, locally superfluous sub-quantum factors to them, while possibly, as a kind of payment, endowing the alternate self with unpredictable powers. But the experiment didn't work exactly as advertised... The Signal is on its way... Now! As yet (and for quite a while more) unknowing of the far-reaching events, a more-or-less normal human being sat in front of a more-or-less as normal computer, in a more-or-less normal country somewhere on the northern hemisphere of a more-or-less not very important third planet of a small, more-or-less average yellow sun somewhere in an probably as unimportant spiral arm of an almost as unimportant galaxy in a not quite uncommon reality... *The Signal Is On Its Way - 1 : 10 to the power of 23 and falling...* <...> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "This Problem is insoluble The Answers seem impossible The Logic ceases to exist Emotion is the thing we missed. I stand in a world where dreams, realities, exist and are the same..." 'Who can stop the rain', AsiA It was a beautiful day at ... no, not the Masaki shrine. I'm _not_ Tenchi and probably never will be (in some ways I still do envy him... in other ways definitely not. But don't we all?). Still, in my dreams I may have been him - or rather like him - sometimes... Oh, what the heck. It was _not_ a beautiful day! It was raining 'cats and dogs', and I was bored out of my mind. Well, as long as I'm telling this, I guess I can try to describe myself in the meantime. I didn't consider myself all that special physically: Overweight (Okay, fat. Almost three hundred pounds. Satisfied?) but somewhat tall - a bit over six feet. No athletic ability. Oh, well... no drive in that area. No style in clothes. No beard. Dark hair. Dark brown eyes. (Except for the face - smaller nose, no glasses - this description sounds a bit like Tenchi's friend from school, doesn't it?) But mentally I regarded myself as okay. Not perfect - I don't believe in perfection - but okay. Hey, I love Anime, any kind of fantasy or science fiction I can get my hands on, and Role Playing Games. Okay by my book. About thirty-three at the turn of the millennium, but looking - and feeling - younger. Described as a genius by some... heck, genius is useless without applying it on something useful. Oh, who am I kidding. I'm just rambling away baring my soul to complete strangers I probably will never meet or hear from and just avoiding the Issue. Instead of reciting my life's story, which anyways probably nobody will care for, I shall begin anew: *The Signal Is On Its Way - 1 : 10 to the power of 11 and falling...* It all started with thinking. Does this prove something? I don't really know, so don't ask me... It was a dark and rainy day. A weekend. The weekly RPG session had gotten canceled by my players due to the flu, and I was a bit bored. I just had created a RPG 'superhero' character based on myself (extrapolated into the system, of course) without expecting to ever get a chance to play him/me, but it had been fun. I spent a while thinking about the nature of reality - is there an objective reality? are there multiple ones? what might shape or influence them? - but I may return to that topic sometime else. I recalled a few of my favorite books - Heinlein's Number of the Beast, deCamp's Mathemagic series, Eddings' Belgariad and Malloreon, Asprins Myth series... - and fantasized a bit about some of their aspects. Especially deCamp's symbolic logic ideas... but I'm getting ahead of myself again. ... I apologize for ranting. It may happen again... Well, that's two of four things. The other two were: thinking about a more or less ridiculous but still fascinating idea - truly 'virtual' memory and storage management based on an idea about 'three-dimensional' information correlations. And watching Anime. I put one of my favorite tapes in the VCR - Tenchi Muyo, of course - and relaxed. If it sounds as if I did all these things simultaneously, sorry. I just spent a few hours - but sequentially, mostly at least. I just leaped from one thought to the next... *The Signal Is On Its Way - 1 : 10 to the power of 5 and falling...* I never before had had a flood of thoughts like this. It was as if some mind immeasurably superior to my own had contacted me and tried to tell me something. While on screen Washu tried to explain the structure of the mirror world to an uncomprehending Mihoshi, I suddenly saw the complex drawing become sharper, more focused and more complex. Overlaid I _saw_ my own prior thoughts taking form - an incredibly complex lattice of lights and colors representing the mathematical ideas I had faked postulating to myself as well as the pseudological series of processes I only had imagined to imagine, if you get my meaning. In any case, this was the moment I simply 'lost' one level of imagination. What I had only imagined to imagine became just imagination. Somehow I _understood_ what I had only pretended to know... I just _can't_ describe it in another way... *The Signal Is On Its Way - 1 : 10 to the power of 3 and falling...* Suddenly, the screen flickered. Somewhere seemingly deep inside a blue-white spiral of light was appearing and growing. "What the..." Just as suddenly as it appeared, the spiral flashed in bright light and filled the screen completely with its hypnotically pulsing rotation. *The Signal Has Arrived!* The image collapsed into a bright, glowing dot. Before any movement or comment could be made, a sharp beam of light lanced out of the dot on the screen towards my forehead, burning energy deep into my brain. It hurt like hell, of course. What did you think? Try giving yourself a lobotomy with a white-hot knitting needle and you don't need to ask! Then everything really got weird. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** Not really necessary Excourse: Due to the not fully understood laws governing the flow, frequency and amplitude, among everything else, of the energies involved, the following happened (very simplified): The enormous energy tapped and rechanneled - just imagine taking a small stone away from under a delicately balanced titanic boulder - behaved in an unexpected manner. The higher-constant universe -so to say -_rejected_ the change being forced into it. Instead a few very low-constant, temporary or rather in certain ways limited parallel realities were _created_, able to contain the energy without affecting the stability of its 'parent'. ***** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I didn't lose conciousness as far as I can remember, but without warning I had a kind of OOBE - an 'out-of-body-experience'. Everything became translucent. I felt like falling, but instead of crashing down I kind of hovered. And then I saw myself. Multiple times. And every self was different. Here I still sat in front of the TV, apparently oblivious to everything else. This one faded away almost as fast as it had appeared. There I stood in front of a few score of listeners, wearing a suit and speaking. There I sat on an exotic-looking chair, wearing colorful silk robes, eyes rolled upward and trembling. Another me slept under a bridge, rolled in newspapers. There was one double, clothed in stylish but practical clothes, who also seemed to hover and to look at me with an expression of pity in his/my face. Still another me apparently was involved with several girls in... ummm... Let's just say it looked like being just on the thin h line between serious fun and life-threatening overexertion. Then the next level appeared. Dozens of figures apparently connected to me by some kind of immaterial strings. The weirdest thing was, most of them reminded me of several of my own RPG characters and NPCs, male, female or neither, human or not, fantasy or SF. And there were more. Somehow I did recognize myself in any one of them, no matter how different they looked. Whether big or thin, old or young, ugly or attractive, whatever the clothes, bodily or facial differences. Even the really weird selves, with fur or antennae... Then there were the scenes... me in front of a thin, cute, red-haired girl, between us a globe of red light?... a young girl with forehead marks in front of a giant glowing crystal tree?... a light-haired, ageless seeming man with... tiny glasses... ??? I recognized them all (Did you?), but I guess that's also when I really lost track of it all. Then all these were... gone. For a moment I felt like somebody had had fun playing hopscotch on my central nervous system, then I had hallucinations, then... nothing. "Where were you when they handed out the brains?" a voice from the TV asked. "Thanks Washu", I grumbled, "... might as well be really talking to me!" #No, not... yet#, a voice answered. I jerked up and looked around before realizing there was something weird about that voice. Nobody was around. And the weird thing about that voice was, it appeared to have sounded within my head. "Is there anybody?" Yeah, stupid question, I know, but would _you_ have had a cool quote ready? #Not really... But I _am_ talking to you. Listen, I don't know how much *time* we have. I need your help. No time to explain, but you will be rewarded. Please, try to open your mind and *sense* mine.# "Huh?" I guess I wasn't so brilliant now... Well, either I was dreaming or... actually, no 'or'. I didn't do drugs except tobacco, there was nobody who would (or could) play such a practical joke on me and I absolutely had no reason to turn _that_ insane last time I checked. So I just decided to go with the flow. "Oh... okay." #It might help if you looked in a mirror...# So I did. The results I have described already. Then I tried to 'open my mind', while the voice - sounding suspiciously similar to my own - gave me further 'helpful' advice, like "#just stare, like trying to scrutinize a stereogram picture#". Ever noticed how easy impossible things seem while you are dreaming? Like flying? Just stretch that rarely used muscles deep in your shoulders or back... Well, it wasn't that easy now. But somehow, after a while - I had almost convinced myself - the SF and Fantasy fan - that I was dreaming up an telepathic alien or magic contact - something happened. I saw myself in the mirror, but somewhat changed. More mature, more athletic, a bit better looking. Nice for a dream... For almost a full minute I stared at it. Then I blinked. Then my mind exploded. My brain began to switch into overdrive. Then it accelerated. Then, just for the fun of it, it activated afterburners. And then (for the first, but not the last time) it _really_ began to pick up speed. *Any good Hyperspace or Dimension Travel sequence on fast forward* *Repeat/Loop* *Until _really_sick of it.* *Twice!* "(Thatsimpossibleimdreamingormaybeimjustgoingcrazyno imnotgoingcrazyatleastnotinthiswaymyteethhurtabitbutnotreally iguessitsreallytheheadachemyfillingsheadachewaitamomenthead brainmindthoughtsgoingsofasticallyfastwonthelpanybodyMOM dammit imagrownmanselfcontrolstopitselfcontrolslowdownthinkslowthink slowerdamnitsreallynotsounpleasantselfcontrolitsusuallyworking whenimtryingnottomakeanassofmyselftalkingtogirlsmaybeishould moreoftenhadmadeanassofmyselfmaybejustmaybeiwouldhavea girlfriendnowatleast...)" As far as I can remember, that was the moment my imagination twisted and grasped outward through a few dozen realities and picked up bits and pieces from other minds out there and put them together. Maybe to help me. I guess my subconscious doesn't really like me at all... But more about that later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Meanwhile, elsewhere - whatever _that_ might mean under the given conditions...: A certain supercute, tiny, redhaired greatest scientist of her universe - okay, yes, 'Little Washu' - had just completed her design of a new Probability Miscegenation Scanner, when her new Mental Intrusion Interceptor/Perceptor... 'miip'ed. She raised an eyebrow, then decided to open a limited channel to scan the source of the signal. Apparently, an extra- (higher-?!) dimensional mentality was desperately calling for help... structure... integrity... identity... a pattern... anything. Faster than the fission speed of an Uranium-235 nucleus in a neutronically saturated environment (don't blame me, that's _her_ comparison) she analyzed the situation, deduced several implications, extrapolated a few conclusions, decided to be in the mood for it and made a decision. There were already infinite parallel versions of her out there in the other dimensions, so why not influence the forming of a new mind _begging_ for it by imprinting it with a tiny bit of her vastly superior, incredibly imaginative, amazingly flexible, remarkably caring and of course unearthly cute intellect? And, just in case - it seems to be still choosing a physical form too - with a tiny hint of her own (grin) indescribably good looks? With a touch of a few holographic keys she uploaded an (edited) copy of her own mental and astral patterns (and a few others) and set it to 'read only access granted' while tuning the access to the mental call as well as implanting a tendency to seek out her original patterns as a kind of 'homing instinct' to get a chance to check the results. At least, that was what she intended. Just at that moment the door opened, the crab-shaped bell clinked, and Washu's face assumed a horrified expression as a blonde face peeked in (further distracting her by setting a new precedent by just entering her subspace lab completely normally and harmlessly through the door) causing her to flinch and to hit the wrong button. When she realized she had just uploaded _all_ the experimentally (also edited) stored patterns she had put within that directory, which meant of _all_ the females in the house (_including_ exactly _that one_ from the blonde terror who just had entered her lab)... 0_0;;; "MIIIHOOOSHIII!!!" "Yes?" (Blinkblink) Oh, well... it probably was fate... or there _is_ a god (at least one with a twisted sense of humor...). And just for a few minutes more Washu _seriously_ considered inventing some kind of treatment for threatening acute Mihoshi-phobia...* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "(Ohhellwhatamithinkingnowstopit ificantcontrolmythoughtsiWILLgostarkravingmad ineedsomethingtodirectmythoughts tocontrolthem STOPIT iwishihadrealpower iwishicouldunderstand whatthe whateveristhat whatthe itsanenormousamountofinformation whatsthatstuff ohyes thatexplainsalot aboutlifetheuniverseandeverythingelse waitilasthadphysicstenyearsago (ifyoudontcountroleplayinggamesphysics) butimcomprehendingthisstuff andiunderstandthemath buthey thatcantberight wherehaveiheardthisbefore quantumforcessubquantumetcetera...)" It appeared hopeless to try to make something of this wild jumble of incoherent thought. Apparently, whoever my opposite was, he had similar experiences. Then he 'found' my memories of the last RPG I had perused (you remember?) while I found something he apparently didn't know consciously. Weird... It 'tasted' like the knowledge of a third or maybe even fourth mind. I can't explain how I knew, but it changed a lot. I didn't really know what 'he' made of all this junk rolling around in my brain - I was far too busy with trying to sort the rest of it, including the new stuff. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Here's a little bit of what went through Whistlers (who else?) mind in these few seconds: "(Whatsthat 'aberrantrpg' likethatpseudoterroristgroup no itsmytime myworld whatsthat 'aberrantwar' thathasnthappenedyet no itsthefuture butitsagame ohhell imanimaginarycharacter noway imaliveandrealandanova morethananormalhuman but justamoment 'aberrantwar' theorganizations thepowers possibilities 'gamesystem' adaptchangecontrolabsorbchange ChangeCHANGEANDADAPTTAKEITALL THEPOWERTHEKNOWLEDGE IFIMNOTREALIWILLBECOMEREAL LEARN REMEMBER KNOW AND CHANGE THE FUTURE MY FUTURE OUR FUTURE I WILL CHANGE THE WORLD THE WORLDS BY MYSELF WITH _THIS_!)"* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "(Itseemstobetrue incredible alltheenergyinalltheuniversesspringsfromsentientminds fromimagination ifoneimaginesanythingitiscreatedinsomeotherreality butdependentofitsintensityisitsstability orwetheritremainsindependent thousandsofuniversesarecreatedeverysecond butjustasmanycollapseagain ormeldtogethertoconserveenergy thereismore muchmore buticanttakeitall damn butstillathoughtisenoughtocreateareality ifthatpowerwerentdriftingoff intootherplanesofexistence onecouldbegodorsomethinglikethat ohno notme iwouldntliketoberesponsibleforthat butjustatinybitofpowericouldmanage orsoihope itshouldbepossible wellidliketotry okay heregoesnothing SNAP!)" Then I lost consciousness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *While the room waved and quavered like a heatwave or fata morgana, out of thin air another body formed and gracelessly flopped down on the limp shape surrounded by the quickly fading glow. Invisible energies drew from an infinity of sources and imprinted themselves on a pristine brain.* When I regained some semblance of awareness, first I became aware I was lying down flat. Then I noticed I had some difficulty breathing. Half-opening my eyes, I saw a beautiful girl lying across my body. "Woww... I either am dreaming, or dead and gone to heaven." Slowly I freed my right hand from beneath her legs and proceeded to put both of us into a more comfortable position while I couldn't take my gaze off her. She was beautiful, in a strange but also strangely familiar way, making me forget all the previous events. She was small, barely... hmm... five feet? Less than ninety pounds? It was hard to judge while she laid limply there. But she was nicely shaped... She looked... oh, darn, I'm horrible with estimating ages... about twenty maybe, I guess, but she could just as easily have been fourteen or so... there was something about her letting her appear terribly young. She had an incredibly full head of hair, styled in a strange way... most of it looked spiky and stood up almost straight, but still felt soft, just strong, like that of a cat... but there also were a few long, wavy tresses flowing down along the sides of her face. The hair was colored in several strange shades, which nevertheless looked quite natural on her... Some kind of a very dark, full red with a purple shade? With a somewhat metallic highlight of a golden green? What was I seeing? How was that possible? And how could _that_ look 'natural'? Then I forgot all these questions again as she moved, putting my fears of her being hurt or even worse to rest. She almost purred and snuggled up to me, still not really awakening. My heart tried its best to leap up through my throat (probably to get a better look). I couldn't take my gaze off her. I never had such a girl cozying up to me like that... Unexpectedly I felt very protective. I just softly hugged her, cautiously, like holding a small child. Well, she just as easily could have been one, with her slight, lean body almost disappearing below that jungle of hair making her head appearing even larger. She had an almost elfin, somewhat oriental face, with high cheekbones, a small and very cute nose and lips and beautifully proportioned chin and neck. Her closed lids began to flutter a bit, momentarily revealing large, still a bit glazed eyes. Slowly she appeared to wake up, looking up through half-closed eyes and taking a deep breath. Then she screamed. And I discovered the secret of assisted flight. Not too far, just two paces, into the wall and back to the ground. (Oh, the wall decided it was the real genius of all those involved and gave way. Somehow _I_ didn't.) Things just threatened to go downhill very fast from that point... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *'Beaming' sound effects* <*Signing Off*on 2000-04-15 - StOriKami and Arraye> <...-CHAN!> <...-chan. Mail me at JoPf.mz@t-online.de; C&C ok, Flames only below Fahrenheit 451, please.> Current Status: Comments - 0. (Depressing) Criticisms - 0. (A bit better?) Flames - 0. (Great. Now, if the other scores were just a bit higher...) So please, let me know what you think. How am I supposed to adapt if I'm in a vacuum? Next time: "Ahh, that's better", she sighed. "Sorry about the inconvenience, but these girls can be _so_ impulsive and thoughtless." "Uhh... no problem. I'm still alive, more or less." "Just probably not for very much longer," she continued rather untroubled, beginning to work on the keyboard. _That_ took all of a tenth of a second to sink in. "WHAT???"