Angels, Heaven, and Earth
                                by Ken Arromdee

                                   Chapter 9
                         "Gone, gone, the form of man"

    Ikari Yui sat by her husband's side in his hospital room, holding his
in hers.  Neither could recall which of the two had been more enthusiastic
about the project at first, but by now, the project was their life's work,
something they would sacrifice anything else for to meet their joint dream
shaping the future of humanity together.  They would never be parted again;
Gendou and Yui really did love each other.

    It was everyone else they had problems with.

    "He's here", said Yui.  "The last Angel.  Our chance...  we'll be
united, Gendou.  Those old men at SEELE think they'll be able to control the
Project, but they won't.  Even without Rei... we planned this moment long
before there was any Rei."

    "They don't realize that I have Adam in the palm of my hand", said
from his bed.  "In all senses.  Complementation is going to draw in Adam's
body, and Adam's body will be with us."

    "And Shinji wonders why we're together so much.  I'm here so that when
go, I'll come with you.  We shall follow the path together, Gendou dear...
and the Instrumentality of Mankind will be ours and ours alone to direct."

                                *   *   *   *   *

    "Hello kids", said Misato to the gathered throng in her living room.
not a throng, really, just Akuma visiting.  "Glad to see you're having fun."

    "We're doing _homework_", replied Asuka, looking up from a pencil,
and several brown-paper-covered textbooks.  "And I'm going to finish before
Devilman this time."

    "Like I said", continued Misato.  "I'm glad to see you're having fun.
Anyway, I just thought I'd mention this to all of you.  There's going to be
another Eva pilot."

    "Another pilot?" wondered Akuma.  "That seems pretty weird.  There's
one more Angel left."

    "It's not so weird", replied Shinji.  "They don't trust me.  I know too
much, I've asked too many questions and said too many things.  They want
someone else who they can fool."

    "Don't be so cynical", complained Azusa.  "Even if you might be right."

    "I checked his records", said Misato.  "Kaworu Nagisa, age 14.  Born in
fifth ward of Tokyo on September 28.  Everything I could find out seems
normal.  I had this idea he was an Angel...."

    "Yeah", replied Akuma, "but...  Misato, if he was a fake of some kind,
an Angel, wouldn't SEELE make up some fake records about him, just so that
someone does what you're doing it'll come up okay?  It's not as if they're
enough to leave him with no records and a birthday the same day as the

    "I don't know, Akuma.  They didn't bother to cover up yours...  and I
they're all real, but they certainly look fake."

    "Maybe we're all too paranoid", said Shinji.  "Not everyone is like Mom
Dad...  he's got to just be a kid, like us.  We should go and meet him for
dinner or something.  He must be like I was when I started."

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Shinji wondered, as he walked to school, if Kaworu was going to be
introduced that day in class.  But the roll call went on without the
introduction of any new student, even though Kaworu was supposed to be
from Osaka that day.  Of course, he might have just got in late; he might
arrive in the middle of the day, or after school let out.  Or maybe he
go to school at all.  If he was as educated as Asuka he wouldn't need
she herself was only in school in order to learn to get along with everyone.
Which, mused Shinji, wasn't anywhere near as effective as they probably
expected it to be.

    It never did happen.  Shinji really did want to greet the new boy; it
hadn't been long since Shinji had been new to NERV himself, and he still
recalled how being in an unfamiliar place could accentuate the loneliness of
being among strangers.  Saying "Hello.  I understand." would be good for
of them.

    Now that the school day had ended, Shinji had one place to check: the
cafeteria.  Kaworu might show up there, and if he didn't, well, they didn't
cook any worse than Misato.  He bought a tray of overpriced Turkey Planks
peas and looked around the dining area in search of the new boy.

    As Shinji had just given up and taken a seat, a pale-haired teen
approached with a tray of food.  It was the same thing Shinji had ordered
except for an extra piece of Angel Food Cake.  "May I sit here?" he asked.

    That was him, thought Shinji; it had to be.  There weren't a whole lot
unfamiliar boys his own age wandering a top-secret facility, dinner or not.
And the newcomer even looked like a pilot, sort of like Rei.  "Sure, go
replied Shinji.  "Umm...  are you the new person?"

    The boy smiled.  "If you believe you know who I am, you might be right.
I'm Kaworu Nagisa.  You must be Ikari Shinji, the Third Child.  Everybody
about you."

    "That's right", replied Shinji, exercising long-atrophied facial muscles
return the smile.

    "I'm like you" he said.  "I'm the Fifth Child."

    "I know", replied Shinji.  "I've been looking around to see where you
You're going to be replacing me.  I wanted to welcome you... and say good

    "Good luck?" wondered the boy.

    "Yeah.  I got roped into this by my Dad.  At first I didn't want to
Eva at all.  And then I wanted to do it only because it was something people
would appreciate me for.  And then I wanted to do it only to help the people
who depend on me."

    "And now you don't have to.  It could be fate that I'm here for you,
Shinji.  To come here at this very moment and meet you."

    "I don't believe in fate", said Shinji, hacking away at his turkey.
too easy to think things are fated and not try to affect them yourself, not
even in little ways.  Unless it's some kind of disease or earthquake, I
that what happens happens because of people.  Maybe not you, maybe not me,
but people.  I didn't have to look for you, and you didn't have to talk to
And Dad and Mom didn't have to go through with their plan.  They decided to

    "You feel betrayed by them.  They bring you sadness and you don't like

    "I don't, Kaworu.  They're evil people.  You don't know what the project
really about."

    "It's not important, Shinji."

    "Of course it is."

    "It's not important, Shinji.  It is the kind of talk that denies you
pleasure and the kind of subject that has struck at your heart."


                                *   *   *   *   *

    "Hi guys", said Akuma breezily, as he walked into the cafeteria and
approached Shinji's table.  "You must be Kaworu, right?  Misato got a
of you.  I wondered if you were here, so I dropped by."

    "Yeah, that's him" replied Shinji.  "We just finished eating, and I was
going to show him around NERV after hours.  Why don't you come, Akuma?
Kaworu needs to meet you, too."

    "The boy from the stars, child of heaven and earth", said Kaworu.  "No,
is not my place to visit NERV today.  Perhaps tomorrow, when Shinji and I
be together by ourselves.  He has a lovely soul and a deep need in his

    Akuma and Shinji looked at each other.  Akuma's expression was
and Shinji responded by slowly nodding.  Then, Akuma glanced at Kaworu
then back to Shinji, whereupon Shinji nodded another time.  Finally, Akuma
asked Kaworu, a bit uncertainly, what was on his mind.  "I know this is a
little personal, but Kaworu... are you gay?"

    The question didn't seem to disturb the boy.  He replied "Sexual
orientation is one of the things that humans make up to keep them apart from
each other.  I'll see you tomorrow, Shinji."  He smiled at Shinji and walked
away, no doubt back to his room.

    "That's pretty funny", said Akuma once Kaworu was a safe distance away.
"The new Child arrives and he has a crush on you."

    Shinji grimaced slightly.  "I'm going to disappoint him, then.  But I
sort of sympathize for him", he said.  "Kaworu must be more depressed than I
was.  Being gay isn't going to make him very popular, and it's not just
He's some kind of amateur psychoanalyst, and he can't have made many friends
by doing that...  I'm probably the first person to listen to him at all in a
long, long, time."

    "You have to admit sometimes you bring it on yourself, Shinji.  I tried
some of that when I met you, you seemed so out of it."

    "Yes, but you got better."

                                *   *   *   *   *

    It turned out that Kaworu indeed wasn't attending school.  He didn't
up in class the next day, and the teacher hadn't heard of him.  Short of
an unannounced visit to his apartment, the other ex-pilots' best chance to
him would be when he was doing synchronization tests in the evening.

    Luckily, Shinji's pass still functioned.  Not that not having a pass
have stopped them, with Akuma in their group as well as Rei and Asuka.

    "Hello", said Misato.  "Here to see the new kid?"

    "Yup", replied Akuma.

    "Well, he's already in Unit 02."  Misato indicated the huge 'machine'
was the only Evangelion unit remaining of what was once a trio.  "His sync
around sixty percent, though it's hard to tell if that's normal or not.  I'm
bit suspicious of him, as you know; watch out, okay?"

    "He's not weird, he's gay", replied Shinji.

    "Really?" wondered Asuka, surprised.  Shinji whispered something into
ear.  Asuka's eyes widened.  "You have got to be kidding, Idiot Shinji.  He
_really_ said that sexual orientation is...?"

    "I was there", answered Shinji.  "You can still try to ask him out once
comes out of that Eva."  Shinji pointed to where Unit 02 was comfortably
nestled in the test equipment.  "He might be bisexual."

    Asuka shook her head.  "Uh-_uh_", she replied.  "I was _not_ planning to
ask him out.  Anyway, I'd probably catch something."

    Rei commented, "You can't catch AIDS from kissing."

    "Who said anything about AIDS?  Probably cooties or something.  You know
there wouldn't be a word for cooties if there wasn't any such thing."

    "Pretty lame excuse if you ask me", said Akuma.

    "You're just saying that because he made a pass at Shinji instead of

    "Ha, ha.  You know, though, that was pretty odd.  He already knew about
me, and it's hard to tell, but I think he felt I'd interfere in whatever he
was up to."

    "What's to wonder, Devilman?  He likes Idiot Shinji.  He probably thinks
of you as a rival because you knew Shinji first.  Maybe someone told him who
you were.  Don't worry, it wasn't me.  I'd never do anything like that."

    "It wasn't any of us", said Misato.  "Not as far as I know.  And it
Touji or Kensuke; he doesn't go to school, after all.  Someone must have
briefed him on what to expect."  She glanced another time at the test
readings.  "All the tests have been fine so far, but that proves nothing;
whoever told him about Akuma could have told him to make the synchronization
look normal."

    "Nobody ever told me that when they sent me here", said Akuma.  "If they
had, I'd have had a chance to ask my grandmother for something to stop the
problem with the oxygen."

    "SEELE is a bunch of idiots", said Misato.  "Twenty-year conspiracy,
extremely influential, untouchable, GEHIRN-dead, idiots.  It's what all
organizations are like; there's nothing to select for competence.  But Yui
knows what she's doing.  She probably handed them a few clues."

    "Do you think he's the real one, Misato?" asked Akuma.  "An Angel sent

    "Who can say?  But I think I'm going to call your family tonight.  If
wrong, I look silly, and maybe I have to buy Ryouko a few drinks... if I'm
right, it's the end of the world.  Even knowing how much she drinks, I think
know which of those possibilities is worse."  She let out a sigh of

                                *   *   *   *   *

    It was a very long and hard night for Misato.  Dammit, they didn't even
care that Ritsuko was dead; not only did work go on as usual, they didn't
assign any extra personnel to make up for her absence, which gave Misato
nearly twice the work she usually had during a test.

    Finally, Misato yelled out the command to stop, and testing was
The machinery lifted the entry plug out of Unit 02 and Kaworu stumbled forth
out of it, spewing up orange fluid as all pilots did.

    "New sequence", said Maya.

    "New sequence?" wondered Misato.  "Whose orders?  What is it?"

    "It's from Yui herself.  Unit 02 is going to be taken to the Madagascar

    That was really strange.  What could they do with it there?  "Start the
transport sequence", grumbled Misato.


    "The transport sequence.  Start it."


                                *   *   *   *   *

    Meanwhile, the four ex-Children were gathering around the new pilot.  He
looked them over with no more warmth than a gardener poring over a bed of
marigolds, and then introduced himself.  "I'm Kaworu Nagisa.  The Fifth
I've been told much about all of you, and I'm pleased that we've finally

    May as well see how he acts right off the bat, thought Asuka.  "So
the one taking our jobs?" she asked.

    "I thought you changed your mind about wanting to work, Asuka", said

    "Yeah, well, still.  I'm Sohryuu Asuka Langley."

    "I already know your names", replied Kaworu.  "And I see you're no
attached to piloting, but you have some feelings which remain mixed."

    That was bizarre.  Asuka was expecting anger in reply, maybe fear or
bemusement.  But even if he was almost blonde, who would expect him to be
a ditz?  "You sound like an advice columnist", replied Asuka.  "Cut the
all right?"

    "I sound like a person whose function is to mediate between individuals.
An interesting concept.  No, I am still not fully acquainted with how you
behave and I'm afraid such a position would be foreign to me."

    "Nice try, Asuka", said Shinji.  "I would rather...  you _not_ get mad
him, okay?"

   "Don't tell me who to get mad at, Idiot Shinji!" yelled Asuka.  "I'm not
getting mad, anyway!"  Well, just frustrated.  A lot.  Kaworu was either a
ditz, or deliberately trying to irritate her.  Who did he think he was,

    "You look mad", said Rei.

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Some time later, Asuka left.  Perhaps, thought Shinji, she just got fed
with Kaworu.  It was understandable, after all.  Rei followed her, but that
was even more understandable; for some reason, Kaworu hadn't said a single
to Rei all that time, and even Rei couldn't stare at walls _forever_.

    "Well", said Akuma as Asuka and Rei left.  "I have to go too.  There's a
holiday coming up...  at least, it's a holiday where my family comes from.
called 'Startica'.  I need to go home and help prepare...  so I'll be going
away too.  Have fun at NERV!"  Akuma smiled as he departed, the expression
somehow looking not completely sincere.  He walked to the door, though
knew that once he was out of Kaworu's view, he'd be teleporting.

    "Bye!  See you tomorrow" said Shinji.  So that was it; he and Kaworu
the only two remaining.

    "I wonder if there is a song for Startica", said Kaworu.

    "A song?"

    "A song brings joy.  It is the highest form of culture that humanity has

    "Oh!  You're a Macross fan?"

    Kaworu shook his head.  "Commonality...  something you do to produce a
meeting of the minds with another person.  To have shared experiences, even
popular culture.  This is what you are talking about."

    "Yes.  Um, Kaworu?  You don't have to talk like that.  It bothers, well,
people like Asuka."

    "It disturbs you too.  You are alone, Shinji, and you cannot bear to
to another person's words.  Such rejection allows you to avoid hurt but at
cost of your feelings."

    "Kaworu..." said Shinji.  "You're right.  I know the feeling.  I've been
depressed far too many times myself, and it's something I've had to try to
get over.  But... it's not that I'm trying to offend you, but nobody really
talks like that.  Let's talk about something else and do something else.

    "I am going to the showers now, Shinji.  Would you like to come in with

    "No!" yelled Shinji.  "I mean, I'm not like that...."  Maybe the
psychoanalysis part was just a line that Kaworu was feeding him and it was
excuse to get alone and... no.  The paranoia was getting back to him again,
just like it got to Misato and Kaji and everyone else in this place.  Kaworu
hadn't done anything at all other than make a pass; Shinji just had to
it.  Who really cared if he was gay?  "I'll come with you, Kaworu.  All

                                *   *   *   *   *

    As soon as the children had left, Misato punched the buttons on her
as fast as she could and waited for the answer.

    "Hello...  you have reached the Masaki household.  None of us are here
right now, but if you leave your name...."

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Shinji showered with Kaworu, but carefully; he pretended that it was
in there and he did whatever he could to make sure the girl... or boy...
would miss seeing anything that he wouldn't leave visible on a beach.

    "I have enjoyed talking to you", said Kaworu as Shinji was putting on
pants.  "Your heart is one which can accept love, and I love you."

    Shinji gulped and quickly fumbled for the rest of his clothes, tripping
over himself in an effort to get them on.  "Kaworu, I really don't...."

    "That is why I wanted you here with me.  I must part you Lilim now; the
time for reunion with Adam is approaching and I must tell Yui to complete

    Shinji's heart skipped a beat.  Kaworu being gay he could deal with; but
this...  It would have been much worse if he hadn't been half-expecting it
through the night, but now the truth was certain.  Kaworu was an Angel.  An
invader.  There was no mistaken identity this time; Shinji's new 'friend'
just casually announced that he was going to embark on a course of action
would annihilate all of humanity.  "What..." he asked dumbly, at a loss for
anything nontrivial to say.  "What does 'Lilim' mean?"

    Kaworu didn't answer.  But he turned away from Shinji and, ignoring the
force of gravity, ascended into the air bathed in angelic glow.

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Akuma wrinkled his nose at the smell of the plaster.  Plaster doesn't
much of an odor normally; but Akuma's nose and the plaster of the wall
the same physical space, intensifying the scent a hundredfold.  And of
any space within a wall is cramped and dark, and hearing outside it is

    He was almost glad when Kaworu finally did reveal himself.  Akuma
out of the wall as if it was a magic mirror from a fairy tale.  "Shinji",
he explained, "it means that this place is going to be a scene from Psychic
Force in a minute...  you'd better get away!  Get out of here as fast as you
can, as far away as you can...."

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Shinji fled, on his own two human feet.  He never looked back as the
raged behind him.  He _had_ to get out of the complex without any
it might not be there come another ten minutes.  The whole deal reminded him
of the old Bible story where Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt because
she took the time to look back.  Come to think of it, that story had angels

    The entire plan had been Akuma's suggestion.  He would pretend to leave
his Juraian holiday, while secretly sticking around.  Then Shinji and Kaworu
would be left alone, to do whatever Kaworu wanted.  If all that he wanted
to get in Shinji's pants, Shinji would slap Kaworu, Akuma would ignore it,
the next day Shinji would talk about it at lunch, everyone would get a few
laughs, and Akuma would pretend he was hearing it all for the first time.

    But if Kaworu were an Angel who feared Akuma's interference, the
of the boy who was his biggest threat would give him the perfect opportunity
act.  Only, once he had revealed himself, Akuma would be there to stop it.

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Akuma summoned the Light Hawk Wings, enveloping himself in a softly
aura and materializing a sword, seething with energy, in his hands.  He
his body to rise up into the air as naturally as anyone else might take a
footstep, preparing himself for the fight against the boy who could destroy
the world unless he, the only person in NERV who could, succeeded in

    The Angel fled, flying out of the shower room and away from Akuma,
his goal somewhere inside the complex.

    Akuma, however, would not let Kaworu get away that easily.  He could
teleport, and using the same ability that usually served only to get himself
class on time, disappeared and reappeared in front of the Angel.  Akuma
his sword through the air.  They were in the corridor now, and there wasn't
much room to swing a sword, but it didn't matter; the weapon, possessing
power that had been called the aura of God, sliced through walls, light
fixtures, and all other mundane things as if they weren't even there.  His
sudden appearance caught the Angel by surprise, and his sword scored a solid
hit on Kaworu's AT field; it clashed with it, letting sparks fly, but
the Angel unhurt.

    Kaworu looked around.  Was he trying to find a place to run to?  It
going to be that easy, thought Akuma.  He couldn't run.  But the Angel was
moving away, and Akuma prepared another teleport.

    However, Kaworu didn't move very far.  He aimed his hands at the ceiling
and shot a blast of energy into it, exposing pipes and wires.  Flying up
a short distance, Kaworu wrapped his hands around the pipes and tore out a
half dozen meter length of them, the undoubtedly low strength of his
body magnified hundreds of times by the AT Field.  The field seemed to flow
along the bundle of pipes in Kaworu's hands, and Kaworu swung it at Akuma.

    Akuma ducked by flying low, quickly descending until his feet cleared
ground by only a few inches.  Then he raised himself up into the air again,
throwing a power-laden punch into Kaworu's stomach.  Not that the location
much difference, because of the AT Field, but Akuma could feel some give.
knew, from his previous experience, that though most weapons and most forces
couldn't destroy an Angel's AT Field, the Light Hawk Wings was far from

    Kaworu responded with a blast of raw energy, which Akuma could not
It shoved him into a wall, which fragmented and crumbled under the enormous
force.  Akuma himself was protected by his Light Hawk shield, but he knew
he too could weaken just as Kaworu could.  Why did Kaworu make him do this,
anyway?  He had to have some kind of human feelings.  Why did he want to
destroy the world?

    Akuma dodged another followup blast as the entire wall collapsed and a
girder began to fall.  He shoved it out of his way angrily.  He and Kaworu
could have been friends.  But now...  Akuma swung his Light Hawk Sword at
Kaworu again.  Akuma imagined it hitting... passing through Kaworu's arms,
stomach, chopping him in two; but this blow too clanged against the Angel's

    Kaworu blasted Akuma again, interrupting his thoughts.  The blast
threw him down the corridor, sending him spinning right past the bend and
through another wall.

    Akuma recovered his aerial balance and pushed away chunks of plaster
his Light Hawk Wings.  He looked down the corridor but the Angel was nowhere
be seen, having taken this moment to escape.  And there was no way Akuma
just teleport to an unknown target.

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Misato heard the sounds of the battle and the clattering of alarms all
over NERV.  Hoping that she could get help before it was too late, she
frantically dialed the Masaki home again.  The phone rang twice, and then a
girl answered.  "Hello, Masaki Mayuka speaking."

    "Mayuka!  It's Katsuragi Misato...  from NERV.  We need your mother and
father here... we have the last Angel."

    Many miles away, Mayuka pressed a big red button.

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Kaworu wanted to get to the center, thought Akuma.  Where Lilith was
located, where the heart of NERV and Tokyo-3 rested.  Lilith, that strange
who Rei was a part of....  Dammit, Kaworu was basically going to rape Rei.
if he got his chance to "merge" before Akuma could stop him, it would be
His grandmother's inventions wouldn't help; Shinji couldn't arrive in his
Eva to save the day; the Earth would be gone.  Maybe it would continue
spinning, but all the civilization of humanity would be reduced to a self-
absorbed, self-psychoanalyzing layer of bitter-tasting syrup.

    Akuma tried a random teleport.  There was no choice except to search,
hoping that he could find some signs of the Angel's passage.  If Kaworu was
smart, he would avoid creating any loud, noisy, explosions until the last
moment, so he couldn't be found.  Akuma tried again, and again, but could
find the Angel.  But suddenly, he heard a tremendous roar, muffled by
layers of walls.

    Akuma teleported directly to the sound and found himself right behind
Kaworu, who had destroyed the wall in order to reach a chamber that was
anything else Akuma had seen in NERV.  But this was no time to gawk at the
scenery.  Akuma pointed his hands forwards and summoned the Light Hawk
one attached to each arm.  He slammed his hands together.  The Wings, too,
slammed together and crushed Kaworu, following Akuma's own motion.

   Kaworu fought back, pushing against the energy constructs from the
He was beginning to sweat, but after a massive struggle he finally flung
Akuma's Light Hawk Wings aside and zoomed away towards the end of the

                                *   *   *   *   *

    "Two blue patterns detected", said Makoto.  "Two AT Fields.  It's the
and... probably the not-Angel.  They're heading for the center."

    "I hear it", said Misato.  As she nervously paced the floor, thunderous
sounds muffled by dozens of rooms of distance from her made it clear that a
battle was taking place.  If those rumbles ended, either the world would be
safe...  or everybody's body would collapse into fluid like the Wicked Witch
the West.  Misato didn't want that; Kaji appreciated her body, and she was
somewhat attached to it herself.

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Akuma teleported in front of Kaworu again, but he had misjudged the
Angel's trajectory.  Kaworu, it seemed, was slowing down.  Indeed he came to
a stop right before Akuma's eyes.  He mouthed something inaudible, then
it so that it could be heard through both fields.  "It's wrong!"

    "What...?"  Akuma now looked around him at the room.  It really was
immense.  The chamber stretched for hundreds of yards and its floor was
with a meter of orange fluid.  The air currents in the room formed small
in it.  At the other end was a giant, roughly humanoid, figure nailed to a
cross, a spear the size of a bus embedded in its chest.  The lower half of
body was missing, and the fluid seemed to be dripping out of where it should
have been.

    So this was the chamber of Lilith.  Akuma had heard of it, but never

    "This is not Adam.  It is Lilith.  SEELE has lied", shouted Kaworu.  He
was panting with exertion as the use of his energy was reflected by a
corresponding effect in his human body.

    "Does that mean the fight is over?" yelled Akuma.

    "I must seek the true Adam."  Kaworu flew back, and away.

    Of course.  The fight wasn't over.  If Kaworu found that he was after
wrong target, he'd go chase after it, not stand there as if his head was
to come off.  Akuma prepared another teleport.

                                *   *   *   *   *

    "Anti-AT-Field detected", said Makoto.

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Something else materialized, near where Kaworu was but farther up in the
air.  It revealed itself to be Mayuka, falling downwards.  Her eyes were
glowing red and bolts of red energy were emanating from them.  When she fell
past Kaworu, she released all the energy of her gaze onto the Angel, causing
unearthly red light to negate his AT Field and envelop his body.  Kaworu
screamed, his body melting away without even leaving a puddle behind.
landed on an island in the LCL and caught in her hand the inch-wide red gem
that was all that was left of Kaworu Nagisa.

    Akuma dropped his Light Hawk Wings and teleported next to his sister.
"You did it..." he said.  "If an AT Field is the same as the wings of light,
then a force of darkness would destroy it...."

    "That wasn't easy, you know", said Mayuka.  "Even after you weakened
It's not as if I get much chance to practice that move.  Anyway, we have his
core now."  She tossed the gem in the air a couple of times, catching it
again as it came down.  "The world is safe."  She grinned.  "Well, Mom, Dad,
and Aunt Sasami don't need to rush any more.  I wonder if we can get the
location of SEELE out of this thing somehow?"

                                *   *   *   *   *

    The air shimmered, a shimmer that resolved itself into the shapes of
Tenchi, Ryouko, Sasami, and Washuu.

    "Hi guys, you're late", said Mayuka.  "We saved the world."  She held up
the gem for Washuu to see.

    "Well, I guess you did", answered Washuu.  "I'm really proud of you!"

    "It's me who should be proud of them!" exclaimed Ryouko.  She flew down
hug the two teens.

    "I don't like this place", said Tenchi.

    "It's...  sort of private", said Sasami, looking at the huge figure at
other end.

    "All right, let's get out", said Washuu.  "On the count of three.
two...  Sasami, is something the matter?"

    "No, it's all right" she replied.  "I'm just... recalling something I
forgot.  Let's go."

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Almost everyone in the control area was shocked at seeing six human
materialize out of thin air.  Almost everyone, that is, except Misato.  She
seen teleports before, and what's more, she understood what their presence
implied.  The kind of relief experienced upon knowing that the world isn't
going to end is overwhelming.  "Thank god", said Misato, letting out the
she had been unconsciously holding in for far too long.  "It's over.  No
Angels.  You did it... didn't you?"

    "Don't worry", said Sasami.  "They did, Misato.  They really did."

    "Sensors show no more AT Fields in NERV", said Makoto.

    Misato nodded.  She stepped forward to shake the hand of the teenagers
had saved humanity.

    "But there's a weak field, distance a hundred kilometers."

    "What?" said Misato.  "That's imposs-- wait.  Unit 02?  It must be Unit
They must not be really sending it to Madagascar.  Where is it?  How long
it been going on?"

    "It's roughly northwest, maam.  It's impossible to tell how long it's
there.  The strong AT Fields from the battle here drowned out any signal we
could sense from farther away.  And there seems to be more than one field,
though it's hard to tell.  It could have been like that for up to a half

    "You mean Kaworu was a _distraction_?"

    "That's certainly a possibility...."

    Washuu cleared her throat.  "Ahem" growled the scientist.  "Someone ask
how long it takes to start the Third Impact."

    Mayuka took the bait first.  Before she could get two syllables of the
first word of the question past her lips, Washuu answered it.  "About a half
hour.  I suggest we get moving."

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Washuu's scientific teleporter hadn't been calibrated for arbitrary
locations, so Ryouko and Akuma had to carry everyone, teleporting them in on
a Light Hawk wing used as a platform.  The area they appeared in was covered
in sand and mostly barren; the sole signs of human habitation were a few
nondescript two-story buildings and an old asphalt road.  The ground,
was studded with irregularly-shaped craters tens of meters wide.  It was
obvious what had caused those, because flying overhead was Evangelion Unit
surrounded by nine enormous Evangelion-like armored white creatures that let
out the occasional howl.

    Sasami instantly recognized the formation from her and Washuu's
"The tree of life", she said.  "Unit 02 is at the Tipheret position, which
symbolizes the self... whoever's piloting that is going to have complete
control over whatever happens to everyone on the face of the planet.  We
to stop them!"

    "You have less than five minutes", said Washuu calmly.  "Unit 02 has
already been powered up."

    "Look over there!" said Akuma.  Silhouetted against the sky were two
human figures, one holding onto the second, who had a hand stretched out as
holding onto some invisible airplane that was dragging them both along.
are people there.  Something's pulling them."

    Mayuka screamed, clenching her fist tightly around the red orb.  "It's
moving!  I'm going to be pulled too...."

    "What's moving, dear?" asked Ryouko.

    "The core.  The last Angel's core.  I have to do something, it's going
pull me into the air."  She withdrew a large orb from her pocket and held it
up.  "See you as soon as I dump this thing", she said.  The orb glowed,
illuminating her face like a space-opera villain's, and then she faded away.

    As Mayuka vanished into the Dark Dimension to stow her Angel core, the
others soared into the air, except for Washuu, who was limited to taking
readings on her equipment.  There wasn't much she could directly do at the
moment, and besides, the opportunity for Washuu to take readings of
like this was something that didn't happen every day.

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Ryouko and Tenchi rocketed up to Evangelion Unit 02.  There was no time,
and no need for, any subtlety.  The raw power of twenty Light Hawk Wings
through the construct like Noboyuki through a pile of H magazines.

    Meanwhile, Sasami and Akuma flew to approach the two humans.  They
have to get very close before it became obvious who the two were; one was
Yui, and the other Gendou, his hand stretched out in front of himself.  Just
under the skin of that hand lay a half-formed embryo of some inhuman thing,
eye open and staring towards the place where Unit 02 was disintegrating.
on the faces of both husband and wife were beatific smiles as the energy of
approaching Impact drew the creature in, and with it them.

    "It's too late!", yelled Gendou, and then his voice trailed off to a low
whisper.  "Far, far, too late.  You can't stop us...  we only needed Unit 02
for a moment.  It's coalescing around us...  the link that brought Adam to
02 was enough even if we never reached the center."

    There must be only seconds left.  Sasami prepared a lethal energy burst
aimed for the two conspirators.  She'd regret it later...  but if any reason
ever justified killing, the end of the world would have to be it.

    "You've lost", said Yui.  "All that power, and you lost.  SEELE lost.
Prepare for the next step in human evolution."  Waves of darkness and light
surrounded them and expanded.  Sasami shot a blast of unimaginable power at
them... but it evaporated in midair as the waves passed it.  They overtook
Sasami, Akuma, Ryouko and Tenchi, the mass production Evas...  expanding out
the limits of the globe.

    "No", said Washuu far below, just before the wave passed over her.  "We
don't give up that easily."  She pressed one last big red button.

                                *   *   *   *   *

    Mayuka tossed the core into a jar and then sat down at her observation
system.  It had changed little since it had belonged to Yuzuha; it gave her
views of, and pathways from the Dark Dimension to, places on Jurai, on
or anywhere in the universe.

    She saw her family fight, but too late, as Gendou's version of the Third
Impact dissolved the world starting with himself and Yui.  She also saw the
interference pattern that began at her own home.  Washuu must have had one
ace-in-the-hole in case the unthinkable happened.  Living things dissolved,
then reformed, in shapes similar but not identical.  Then they dissolved
until the clashing energy waves subsided and creatures arose out of the muck
as if it were their first foray into existence.

    It wasn't SEELE's Third Impact.  It wasn't Gendou's either.  And it
just conversion of the planet into a sea of liquid people.  But just what

    There was only one way to tell.  Mayuka pulled out her orb and in a
of eerie light, vanished, to see the new Earth for herself.