Chapter 2 A gentle heart Tenchi stepped out of the house and yawned, he could already tell that this was going to be a long day.He headed towards the carrot field when he was mugged by a shadow from the dark from the still raising sun. "Hello Tenchi," a suductive voice said. "Hello Ryoko, your up early this morning. Now get off me," Tenchi replied with a steady voice prying at the now visible form on top of him. "But Tenchi look at that sunrise. Isn't it beautiful? I just wanted to share it with you." Ryoko said with almost a hurt voice. "Thank Ryoko it is beautiful, but I really need to get to the carrot fields now. I have a lot of work to do." Tenchi yelled over his shoulder as he walked away with a quiker step. 'Yup, a very long day.' 'Rats he got away again'Ryoko said under her breath, 'I'll get him yet.' With that she dematerialized to work out her next stragedy to get Tenchi. Tenchi walked slower now. 'Why must she always do that? I'm really getting sick of it. One of these days she's really going to hurt me.' He would almost the entire day to ponder this for he had to weed the entire carrot crop before dinner. Around noon time as sure as the day falls to night Ayeka was coming down the path to bring him his lunch. And the other part of his problem. He knew soundly where he stood with Ryoko, but he was never sure where he stood with Ayeka. He thought she cared deeply for him or even loved him, he could never tell. She was after all a princess of Jurai, it was probably beneath her to show her feelings, but sometimes certain things would pop out that would confuse him even more than he was already. "Hello Ayeka. Lovely day isn't it?" Tenchi asked off hand. "Hello lord Tenchi. Yes it is very lovely." She said in her usual cheerful voice. "Would you stop calling me that? I know I'm the next in line to become emperor, but would you give me a break?" Tenchi pleaded. "Know how would it look if the crown princess of Jurai were caught talking to the next emperor as if he was a common person." "I am a common person....never mind. Will you join me for lunch? I'm sure Sasami packed enough for two," Tenchi asked motioning to the clear area under a tall tree. "Yes lord Tenchi I would like that alot," Ayeka replied blushing. Ayeka realized that she blushing and tried to hid it unsuccessfully. Tenchi seeing her blush made him blush as well. Then they both realized they were both blushing and turned away from eachother and started to eat their lunch. After about 20 minutes Ryoko decided to go see Tenchi in the fields. When she arrived she noticed Tenchi and Ayeka eating under a tree. This enraged Ryoko to know end and she decided to interupt their quant little picinic. She dematerialized then materialized next to Tenchi with her arms wrapped around him. Ayeka became infuriated at the sight of the demon molesting a Jurain prince and the object of her affection. Ayeka shot a dirty look at Ryoko that would have made the virgin mary feel dirty. "Miss Ryoko why must you paw lord Tenchi like that?" Ayeka screamed turning red in the face. "Me paw him like what? Your always bringing him lunch making all sorts of googley eyes on your way up here." Ryoko snapped back. "Will you two knock it off! Ryoko their is nothing going on between me and Ayeka. Ayeka their is nothing between Ryoko and I. And for the last time......What the hell is that?" Tenchi said trailing off. "What is what lor Tenchi?"Ayeka asked looking in the direction Tenchi was staring. An aircraft was landing, more like crashing to the ground. Within a couple of seconds the craft had crashed. The two felt the virations under their feet as they ran towards the plane. "I wonder who it could be?" Ryoko yelled down to them. "It doesn't matter who they are demon, the only thing that matters is if they are ok." Ayeka yelled back. Tenchi drowned out the sound of the bickering.'Christ they even fight when someone is in trouble' he thought. The vibrations stopped, which made the running easier for him and Ayeka. As they neared the crash sight they noticed a man wandering around out side the plane. Tenchi stopped when he was close enough so that he could hear what the man was saying. "God damn piece of shit! Can't you take one fucking trip without trying to kill me?" He screamed as he kicked the plane. He grabbed him foot and jumped around in pain. Then he heared a noise behind him, before Tenchi could blink he had a gun pointed at his forhead. "Who are you and what do you want?" the man said in mono tone. "Hold on a sec. we came to see if you were ok." Ryoko said stepping in front of tenchi. "Yeah," Ayeka said jumping in front of Ryoko. The two girls started to fight over who was going to save Tenchi this time. The man backed off saying, "Man, maybe I should leave you with these two. They could do far worse to you than I could!" The man began to laugh, Tenchi looked at him confused and a little offended. "Who are you?"Tenchi asked. "Forgive me for not introducing myself. My name is Liuetanant Peter Squall of the space colony Macross. Also forgive me for pointing the gun at you,it's been a stressfull day for us." Peter replied. "My name is Tenchi Masaki. The Cyan colored hair women over there is Ryoko. And the other lady is Princess Ayeka of Jurai. And what do you mean by 'us'?" Tenchi asked. "Oh shit!" Peter yelled running over to the plane. "Sarah? Sarah? Wake up! Sarah we've crashed landed on a planet entirely made of chocolate with little chocolate men running around yelling 'eat me!,'eat me!' sarah? Nothing." Peter said not too concerned. "Who are you talking to? Tenchi asked. "My little sister Sarah. she was flying with me. It looks like she's out cold. Do you have a hospital around here?" Peterasked as he started to grab things he didn't want stolen and then flung Sarah over his shoulder. "I have something even better!" Tenchi smiled."Girls let's go!" with that the girls stopped fighting and they started to walk back towards Tenchi's house.