By loneknight1012 & sarah Pioneer owns all rights to tenchi and harmany gold owns the rights to macross(robotech) i would like to have this listed under misc. i can be reached at title is "A Quest for Love" This story is about two people among many on macross that get sucked into a new demension and a whole new world of trouble. Chapter 1 Mysteries As Peter walked towards the mess hall to meet his sister Sarah for their daily lunching he thought back to the guard duty he had just gotten off from. He had come across a strange gravitational force that had pulled at his Varitech, he had to use all his skill to control it. ' What the hell was that thing? It nearly got me.' Peter was a Lieutanant in the U.N spacy and his sister was the chief science officer. She was his superior, but he never listen, she didn't really mind seeing that he was almost 4 years older than she was. " What's on your mind Pete?" She asked as he walked up and took his seat across from her. "Humm...nothing big. Just some wierd gravitational field almost ended it all for me." I replied. "Really..?" She said taking a bite out of her chicken burger, not amused. "NO, not really" I yelled. Everyone now was loking over at them." Do you mind I would like to have a moment with my sister." "Hey, I was just being concerned," She said gagging. He had scared her so much she started to choke on her lunch. "I know I was just kidding, let's eat." I replied. Over the loud speaker came an order for me and Sarah to report to the Bridge." Dr. Squall and Lieutanat Squall please report to the Bridge." "Yeah we'll be their later," I yalled at the loud speaker. Another voice came over the speaker, it was the Captain." Move your asses NOW!" I turned to my sister and spoke my famous words,"Nothing good can come from this" Sarah retorts " They know us too well!" "I would say so. We better go or he'll have our asses." With that we got up and made our way to the bridge. When we arrived I noticed the Captain reading my report about the gravitational field. "Lieutanat Squall, is this report true?" The Captain asked wide eyed. "Yes it is sir," I replied. "Then we have a problem.....I can't move the Macross without being sure there isn't a risk from the gravitational field. Therefor since you know where it is and are one of our best piolets and since your sister is Chief Scientist, I thought you two could ride their together and study it before we move." "Sir," I said in shock. "That's an order. Equipe your Veritech with it's super modifications and go when you are ready." "Sir," we said in unison. "That is all, now go." "Yes sir." With a salute we both went our seperate ways to get ready. I went to the hanger to get the Veritech ready and she went to do what she does. ******************************* 'This is bull shit, I'm a scientist not a miracle worker. Whoa, I've got to stop watching movies, They're starting to become part of everyday vocabulary. Humm....what do I need? One of these and one of these, this do-hickey and that one. God I don't want to go...this was my day off! I bet Pete is loving this. Every chance he can get he'll fly that damn thing. Augh! Alright I'm ready...god i'm hungry, can't a girl finish her meal anymore?' "Dr. Squall?" Someone shouted behind me. " What? I'm in a hurry here," I turned around to see Lieutanat Hood standing behind me with roses in his arms. "Um, Sarah, Where are you going? We had a date tonight. Remember?" He asked. "Oh shit! I forgot. Sorry, I was just called into duty. Peter and I have to check some gravitational field out that he found lastnight. If you want someone to blame, blame Pete! I really wanted to go too! Note to self, kick pete in the shin for finding that stupid thing! " It's ok Sarah, maybe the next time we both have the same night off....which willnever happen. We never have the same nights off," He complained. "I'll just put in for some vacation time, don't worry Scott. I've gotta go, you know how impatient Peter is. Bye!" I yelled over my shoulder. ********************************** I arrived at the hanger and began to prepare a two person version of my veritech with the super modifications." I really hate when I have to fly her. All she does is bitch 'Your going to fast, don't turn so fast'. It's enough to drive a saine man nuts." The crew laughed at this, they knew Sarah, she was a kind person, but could turn into a bitch in a heart beat. "L.T. how many extra clips for your main gun do you want?" I was about to say just one, but what a cold hand landed on my shoulder and sent shivers down my back." AAAA....give me a full load and a few extras I want to be safe than sorry," I said with a little fear in my voice. "Sir a full battle load?" He asked in shock. "Ya, just do it private," I yelled as I walked away. I went to my locker and got my weapons out of storage. For some reason I couldn't shack this feeling that something was going to happen....something bad and I have to be ready. As I turned to my plane I noticed Sarah standing next to it waiting, I dragged my bag behind me. Sarah looked at me in surprise I just muttered incoherently and stuffed my bag into the sub-bay." Are you ready for this, let's go and get this over with." I asked already climbing in to the cockpit. "I guess so," Sarah replied. "Well then let's go," I said in my normal smart ass. While I making final launch preperations Sarah asked "Is everything alright?" "I have this bad feeling about the gravitational field," I relied finishing my check list and a sudden silence filled the plane. " Anyways we'll worry about that when we get back," with that said I swallowed and hoped I wouldn't have to eat my own words. The ship was moving into launch position. "I don't think I will ever get used to sitting upside down like this," Sarah said grimmising. "Hahahahahahahaha....extend launch arm," I managed to say over my own laughing. "Roger Sir, good hunting," said the launch officer. With that there was a quick movement outwards and a loud noise as the clamps let released and we rolled out into space. With a couple of quick movements the plane came up straight and blasted off into space. As we reached the last known corridenents of the gravitatioal field it grabbed hold of the veritech. I tried to switch into guardian mode to stop us, but with the forward volacity and the force of the gravitatioal field I couldn't handle her. "We're being sucked in," Sarah screamed. "No shit, hang on," I yelled back. *************************** There was a bright light as we began to get sucked in, then sound it's self seemed to disappear. I knew I was screaming out of fear but I couldn't hear myself. Then if that wasn't scary enough all light seemed to melt away leaving a deep black, a pur black, a black that I had never seen before.'I'm passing out this isn't good' with that thought, out I went. The next thing I remembered we were falling towards a planet that looked somewhat familiar, but somehow different." Ohhhhh shit no response from the engains, we're out of control!!!!!!" I yelled, shocked at the sound of hearing my own voice again. Trying as a hard as I could I just couldn't get the engains to restart, we kept falling. I did have control to spoilers and flaps so I could move the plane. I brought the nose up for a standard reentery and kept playing with the engains restart program 'hopefully the eternal heat are working or it could be a hot ride to the surface.' "Hang on Sarah we're going in hard...Sarah? Sarah! Oh shit this ain't good" as we continued our uncontrollable drop towards the surface I thought that was the end of us when suddenly the engains powered back up with s sudden thrust forward," Shit too much power! We're going to bounce of the atmosphere, hopefully this thing can still transform," I pulled back on the transformation switch marked G. The veritech made a horrible noise and began to shake violently," Damn! It's broke. Now the only thing left to do is crash land and hope for the best!" I flipped the to the heat shield that the covered the cockpit, sealed the fluid lines,and shielded the amo stores. I lowered my visor in case of the worst I didn't want to see the front counsil impale me nor did I want to see my flesh being burned off if the heat shields failed to work. My mind began to wander, what might have happened, would he get married,would he have any children, would the war ever end, why was his sister chosen, she still had so much life left to live and didn't need to die like this, not here not now. The most important thing that went through his mind was would he havebeen truly happy?