Disclaimer : - I don't own Tenchi Muyo/Universe nor do I own Hercules. I am just using the characters from these cartoons for my story. Tenchi Muyo/Universe is owned by AIC and Pioneer. Hercules is owned by Disney. I don't want to be sued thanks - I don't have any money and I'm not really old enough to make that kind of money! I want to stay on the right side of the law thanks!!! *Chapter 1 - From Greece to Japan* "Herc, what's the matter? You seem very down today," Phil said as he sat next to the Hero-In-Training. Hercules sighed, "It's just that, I should be a hero by now Phil. I want to fight, I want to rejoin my father on Olympus. Is that too much to ask?" "Woah Kid, you're moving to fast here. You gotta crawl before you can walk." "I know Phil but. I keep thinking that I'm not getting anywhere." "Listen kid," Phil said, staring at Hercules, "you got something I've never seen before. You're capable to go all the way, I can feel it. But you've gotta take it easy, moving fast will get you nowhere. I found that out the hard way!" "I guess your right Phil." Suddenly, a horn blew. "Woah, hurry up kid or you'll miss the school barge," Phil said, pushing Hercules towards the sea. "Alright Phil, I'm going!" Herc said. "Make sure you're back early tonight kid, sword practise won't wait much longer!" Phil shouted as Herc dashed over to the barge. (Meanwhile, on Mount Olympus) "Our little boy is growing up to be a fine young man," Hera said to her husband. "Yes, he'll make a great God someday," Zesus said to Hera. "Not much longer to go now, I think he's nearly there." Hera said, smiling, "He's nearly a true hero then he'll be back home with us." "And that will show Hades! My boy always comes out on top, the amount of times that Hercules has beaten Hades is laughable - and our boy isn't even a God!" Zesus cried out, killing himself with laughter. >From the Underworld, Hades was listening to the conversation with anger. His head of flames turned bright orange and he shot a ball of flames across the home. His minions, Pain and Panic, got burnt in the process. "Oh, if only there was someway I could beat Mr. High and Mighty Zesus. Everytime I come up with something Mr. Thunderbolt just blows it away. If only he'd just drop down dead! But no.wait a minute." he said, cackling, "Maybe I don't have to get Zesus, maybe it's Jerkules I should get. Putting him in danger might be the way to get my hands on Mount Olympus and stay there. PAIN! PANIC! Come over here a minute - I've got a job for you and remember.this is your last chance, don't blow it." His minions gulped, "Boss, this won't fail, I just know it!" Pain said, "You mean like Operation Lion, Operation Chimera and Operation Fire-breathing bull?" Hades said, his anger building up again. "If you two mess this plan up, I will make sure that you will not live to see the NEXT YEAR!!" He shouted, blasting Pain and Panic against the wall. "Now," he said, bringing them closer, "this is what I want you to do..." (meanwhile, In Japan) "Lord Tenchi is mine Ryoko, can't you see that? He was mine since the day he was born..." "Well that's what you think Miss Priss but it's obvious Tenchi likes me best!" "How could he ever like a 700 yr old demon like you?" "Well for your information Ayeka, you are also 700 yrs old!" "Yes, but I do not show my age! Unlike you!" "What do you mean by that?" "I mean that you have skin like a dried up mummy while I have delicate beautiful smooth skin, just like a crowned Princess of Jurai should have!" Tenchi sat down and shook his head. He had known that life would be hard when he said that the girls could come back to live with him but he didn't know how much more he could take of their bickering. he thought to himself, "Ayeka, Ryoko, please stop that NOW!!" he shouted at them both. They stopped and looked at him. He had never used that tone of voice with them before. They knew that he was serious and meant business so they stopped and listened to what he had to say. "Look girls, I know that you are fighting over me but... this has to stop. Look at all the damage you cause. Maybe out in space you could do this, but not here on Earth. This place is not designed for this. So, please stop before it gets out of hand. He finished with a question - "Now, how can we solve this?" Ayeka and Ryoko both said in unison, "By choosing one of us!" "Woah! But..." he spluttered. However, he was protesting to thin air. Ayeka and Ryoko had both disappeared. *Info of Chapter 2 - A God plays a trick* So, wat is Hades plan? Will Tenchi decide which girl he truly loves or will he continue to live in a nightmare. What will happen to Hercules? Find out in the next Chapter of Two forces combined!! *This is my first fanfic - I hope you like it!! Send any hate/love mail to Ryoko_and_Tenchi_4eva@hotmail.com or sign my guestbook on my website http://spacepirateryoko.cjb.net *