Yokenzu's saga Chapter 2: No Need for New Partners Part 1- Kiyone grabs the piece of paper that the judge gave Yokenzu and examines it closely. Kiyone: "It's.It's.. It's IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!" Yokenzu: "I agree... judge must be on something." Kiyone: "DON'T TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!!" Yokenzu: "sheesh. you would think that community service is a bad thing" Kiyone: "It is when YOU have to be my new partner." Yokenzu: "Calm down PARTNER your getting that vein in your forehead...again Kiyone: "First off DON'T EVER CALL ME PARTNER!!" Yokenzu: "..and?" Kiyone: "Secondly.some good came out of this I'm your BOSS. NOT your partner" Yokenzu: "oh.crap." Kiyone: "You just better not try anything funny" Yokenzu: "Now why would I want to do something like that?" Kiyone: ".cause you're an immature little brat that loves to give me migraines and sometimes is worse than Mihoshi." Yokenzu: "Your too kind" Kiyone: "C'mon lets go get your uniform." Part 2- Kiyone and Mihoshi are waiting patiently outside the men's changing room. Yokenzu walks out wearing a Galaxy Policeman's uniform and is obviously upset about it. Kiyone begins laughing hysterically. Yokenzu: "What's so funny?!?!" Kiyone: "You!!" Yokenzu narrows his eyes a bit at Kiyone Mihoshi: "Hey Yokenzu, you look nice with your uniform on" Yokenzu: "Thanks Mihoshi, at least SOMEONE is kind" Kiyone: "Gimme one reason why I should be kind to someone who almost got me blown into Space dust 5 times!!" Yokenzu: "Err umm." Kiyone: "I don't know HOW you were able to get to keep this..." Kiyone hands Yokenzu his brown leather jacket. He as quickly as possible puts it on. Yokenzu: "better, Much better" smiles and he looks in all the pockets Yokenzu: "wait.where is it!?!" he looks frantically inside each of the pockets Kiyone: "where is what!? Your lock picks set?!" Yokenzu: "No my lucky crystal" smiles as he pulls out a medium size clear blue crystal Kiyone: "Wait what is that?!" looks at the crystal oddly Yokenzu: "Its my lucky crystal, I got it when I first started scavenging" Kiyone: "Your going to have to give me that" Yokenzu: "No way!!" Kiyone and Yokenzu begin to argue about the crystal Mihoshi: "(whining) Kiyone let him have it. Kiyone: "oh alright.fine" -_-; Mihoshi & Yokenzu: "yay!" Kiyone: "lets go now. we gotta go to the Desk Sergeant and show him Yokenzu then we can leave" Kiyone & Mihoshi & Yokenzu go to the Desk Sergeant and they receive their newest assignment Part 3- Kiyone & Mihoshi & Yokenzu are on the Ugami, while the Shingo (Yokenzu's ship) was docked at the Galaxy Police HQ Kiyone is holding her GP cube looking at some files while Mihoshi is talking with Yokenzu Mihoshi: "Have you ever heard of this new dangerous criminal Yokenzu?" Yokenzu: "Unfortunately yes" Mihoshi: "huh?" Yokenzu: "she is.lets just she is one person who I hate to be near.even more then Kiyone" Kiyone: " I heard that" Yokenzu: "good" Who could this new person be? Why does our hero, Yokenzu, dislike her so much? And will Kiyone ever lose that vein in her forehead? Kiyone: "Shut up Writer!" Writer: "whoops sorry" Kiyone: "Better be" See ya next time for "Yokenzu's saga Chapter 3 No Need for Space Witches" ~~~~Written by Yokenzu, Master Space thief and Scavenger~~~