Tenchi Muyo: "Wings of the Light Archangel" A TenchiMuyo Fanfiction novel by Ryoken (Garrison@hotmail.com) Disclaimer : All of these characters, except those that are new to you (duh) are property of AIC and Pioneer. Therefore , I can assure that i had not used this characters for personal gain or wealth , and never will.(okay , enough of the copyright crap , lets hear a story , can we?) Acknowledgements : Thanks to Kutani for all the help , and to the TFFA , and its owner , Gensao , for helping me write the fic , hope ya all enjoy it. Chapter 3: "Exodus" It was a very quiet morning in the Masaki residence , the only sounds in the place were the frying pan´s constant moves , and the humming of Sasami´s song. Then breakfast started , and also a very big fight about of all things , drinking sake at 9:00 am , followed by the long princesses looks v/s their abnormal appetite , only to be finished by a massive energy explosion. The weirdest thing for Tenchi Masaki , was that Ryoken was completely calm about this , even as it was the first time he saw the hell on earth that was breakfast at the Masaki house. Then things got weirder. -Hey , I baked cookies for you all , cmon taste one!- A happy Ayeka said , as she entered the room with a plate full of delicious looking cookies .(If one payed no attention to the skull shaped steam they expelled) -Oh , let me try one -Ryoken said as he grabed one gently of the plate. -Oh-oh- Ryoko tought- say goodbye to your stomach ,Ryoken. There was complete silence as Ryoken took the cookie in his mouth and started chewing it ,and when he finished ,he said. -It was great , can i have another one , Lady Ayeka?- as he smiled. Everyone collapsed , except for Washu and Ryoko , who both took a cookie and shoved it down their mouths.( And Ayeaka , who was in a trance of joy) They both went pale for 5 seconds , only to fell in the floor , and pass out , making the house a real madness. -Okay you idiot!- Ryoko screamed as she grabbed Ryoken by the neck and started shaking his whole body up and down.-How in hell were you able to eat this crap?. Well , ever since washu made some "improvements" in the Academy´s cafeteria equipment and resources at an academy festival some thousands years ago, i decided to make my body inmune to most poisons in the known universe , cause i didnt want to go by that sequence of events again , so I... Ryoken´s explanation was cut short by the huge energy blast that washu just fired , wich left him unable to speak for the rest of the breakfast , while Washu returned to her lab , muttering something that sounded as " You insensitive jerk , i really tried , im gonna get you back some time .....". The rest of washus words was not heared by anyone , because of Ayeka´s and Ryoko´s laugther , wich echoed throught the house. Later that morning , at the Masaki Shrine. Tenchi and Ryoken were walking by the shrine , disscusing if tenchi´s grandfather will give him permission to train with Ryoken , who was eager to teach tenchi , and strangely , Tenchi feeled anxious about being trained by Ryoken. When they reached the shrine , Kazuhito gave his answer. If you want him to train him , Ryuken , it will be an honor , but i think you should come clean with your future pupil , Ryoken.-said a very serious Katsuhito. Tenchi was stumped , not only did his grandfather know ryoken , he also was trained by him more than 6000 years ago. What is he talking about , Ryoken?- asked a very intriged tenchi , because his grandfathers face showed respect and fear from the man before him. Well, -ryoken said-Hear me carefully tenchi , cause its your decision if you want to train with me , and you should hewar me too , Yosho, because i have to tell youto tell you "something" i never told you about , Listen... Tenchi stayed quiet , and listened to Ryokens story , as did Yosho: More than 17000 years ago , in the Intergalactic Academy. Washu laid in Ryokens arms , crying , comletely heartbroken. -They took him , Ryoken , sosb ,they took my son!. - Who , washu , why , explain it to me!-Ryoken was full with anger. - The juraian royal guard , they...they said i had no right , that i was no a noble , and they took him away , i dont know were he is, neither were is my husband , what im going to do ryoken, what will be of me?. But ryoken wasnt listening , he was filled with anger and despair , and his blood was boiling already. Sudennly ,he wiped washu's tears as he held her close , and said with a voice so soft that washu never heard him.- I´ll avenge them washu , one day ill avenge them . 10000 years later. Washu (actual form) was standing in her academy private chamber , just minutes after her promotion as Academy Prime Excelcius Honoris Dean Teacher Alpha, an honor she always dreamed of. She went out to her balcony , were Ryoken was waiting for her , and she changed back to her real self as soon as she saw him. As Ryoken was aproaching her , she slammed his face. -You idiot , you missed the ceremony , you promised you´ll be there.-washu screamed. _Im sorry , but i just renounced as Royal Sword teacher , Washu.-ryoken replied. What-washu screamed- Why the hell did ya do that ,you idiot!- I had ... discrepancies with the emperor , and i will be exiled from the jurain empire by tomorrow ,Washu -chan. -Oh , crap , -a tear filled washu (¡how kawaii!)-You won´t celebrate with me?. -Of course , thats why im here , but i´ll be gone from the academy tomorrow. Well , then lets hit the bars you idiot , were gonna celebrate big time -washu screamed as she dragged ryoken out of the room. Meanwhile , Washu was remembering the day before ryokos birth , so she could tell ryoken how she got his sample ,and hopefully drive him mad with the details. Next Morning.(washu´s flashback) Washu waked up with one hell of a hangover (and a nurse costume by the side of her bed!) , but she was happier than she ever had been in all her life.She had the SAMPLE , and soon she will have a Daughter , with ryoken´s sample , she will be able to dominate the stone´s power , plus , she was eager to see the face of ryoken when he knew he was a father . Uhmmmh -washu thought - maybe this isnt a good idea , i mean i want to have a daughter with him , but maybe i should tell him before...- and then she had a very bad feeling about ryoken´s exile , cause it was unusual to be exiled just for a disscussion with the emperor. Washu rushed to the Data Screen in her lab , and gained entry to the "Galaxy News Network" in an instant. She freezed right were she standed , focusing in the words that filled the screen in front of her. "LAST NIGHT , THE JURAIN PALACE WAS ATTACKED BY THE CURRENT ROYAL SWORD TEACHER , RYOKEN , WHO COMPLETLY DEVASTATED THE PALACE , DESTROYING IT ALMOST COMPLETELY , EXCEPT FOR THE ROYAL CHAMBERS , THE TREE SHRINES , AND THE THRONE ROOM. RYOKEN ESCAPED 15 NANOMINUTES AFTER HIS STRIKE, LEAVING THE JURAIAN JURIDISCTION , AND HIS CURRENT LOCATION IS UNKNOWN. THE EMPEROR OF JURAI , LORD AZUZA ,HAS PROCLAIMED THAT RYOKEN WILL NOT BE PROSECUTED BY HIS CRIME , THANKS TO YOUNG PRICE YOSHO ,FORMER DISCIPLE OF RYOKEN , WHO CLAIMED FORGIVENESS FOR HIS SENSEI. HOWEVER , EMPEROR AZUZA HAS MADE RYOKEN'S STATUS AS AN EXILE OFFICIAL , AND HAS MADE THE OFFICIAL DECLARATION THAT IF RYOKEN RETURNS TO JURAI , HE WILL BE DECLARED AN OUTLAW , AND WILL SHOULD BE TREATED WITH DEADLY FORCE BY JURAIAN AND GALAXY POLICE FORCES. Why? -washu thought as tears filled her eyes for the first time in centuries -Why did you did it? , Why did you...leave me? Present day , Masaki Shrine. Tenchi was silent , as were Katsuhito and Ryoken , who looked at each other directly. -Why did you attack Jurai , Ryoken?- Tenchi asked , with an skeptical tone of voice. - I had to test Yosho , i had to see if he had mastered the tenchi sword , and he had , he was able to beat me , but he didnt took my life , he respected life , even his adversarie´s life ,and that told me he had finally mastered the sword you know hold in your hands , tenchi. - I see , -Yosho said- I knew you were testing me , because you didnt kill anyone in the attack , but you really fooled me. - It was one hell of a fight , Yosho , Im sorry ive tricked you all this years. - Dont worry , Sensei, ive done my best , and frankly , i think its finally time for Tenchi to train with you , if he wants. Tenchi looked at Ryoken , then at his grandfather , and slowly said: -YES,I WANT.-Because he knew , deep inside his soul , that this was the time for him to fully understant his destiny and be his own master. And in the endless voids of space a ship was about to reach his destiny. The only man in the ship looked at the blue spot in front of him , and thought:- In only one month , you all shall feel my fury , and specially you , little runt , because i have returned from darkness eternal only to see that you die by my hand . And the ship continued its journey , towards earth , towards REVENGE.