Tenchi Muyo: "Wings of the Light Archangel"
A  TenchiMuyo  Fanfiction novel by Ryoken (Garrison@hotmail.com)
Disclaimer : All  of these characters, except those that are new to you (duh) 
are property of AIC and Pioneer. Therefore , I can assure that i had not used 
this characters for personal gain or wealth , and never will.(okay , enough of 
the copyright crap , lets hear a story , can we?)
Acknowledgements : Thanks to Kutani for all the help , and to the  TMFFA , and 
its owner , Gensao , for helping  me write the fic , hope ya all enjoy it.

Chapter I : "Fathers Day":

More than  26000 years ago  , in  the unknown  realm.
- Lady  Tokimi , im afraid that your sisters are unable at the moment - a calm Z 
- They left the realm , didnt they Z.-the cold voice hammered througth time
- Yes my lady , im afraid they have , it looks like the Archangel leaved the 
realm too - Z answered.
- Why?-Tokimi's voice echoed with anger -Why?

26017 years later.

It was a quiet evening at the Masaki residence , nothing out of  the ordinary  
had happened that  day , and this was out of the ordinary in its own way , since 
the masaki residence hasnt seen an ordinary  morning since a long time.
Young Tenchi  Masaki was at peace ( a strange thing indeed ) minding his whole 
attention at the carrot field he was working on , paying no attention to the 
cabbit that was eating every carrot he  pulled out of the ground , nethir paying 
attention to the two girls fighting a couple of yards away from him , even when 
the fight was already  brutal enough to be declared a full scale war , but as we 
were saying , these things were normal at the masaki residence.
Well , there was just one thing that wasn't normal in the house , but it 
involved a very unormal person, lets take a look at her.
Washu was sitting exhausted at her  monitors  , snoring hardly because she  
wasnt able to sleep for a whole week because  of her latest invention.(oddly 
enough , the invention didnt last more than 3.6 seconds in this world , thanks 
to the intervention of certain blonde "bonehead").
Suddenly every monitor and alarm in the lab went off , and  Washu  inmediatly 
falled from her  floting pillow , cursing her alarm sistems as she got up , then 
, she stared at the monitors and  she didnt move a whole muscle for  ten whole 
minutes , her whole attention focused on the six words that covered everything 
around her: "Ryoken's Energy Signature Detected  and Tracked".
The alarms went off , the monitors shuted down , then  a single scream of 
emotion  breaked the hyperspace silence: 若esss!.

Meanwhile, in space a lone man  stares at the blue planet in front of him , his  
light blue hair  static , his yellow eyes shining with emotion as he said a 
simple , lone sentence : "Washu , at  last i've found you".

Back at the masaki residence , Tenchi wasnt  in a good mood at the tieme , 
because the  recent  "Ayeka v/s Ryoko : Round 724" conflict  had left him a huge 
pile of debris to sweep off , and by the end of the morning , Tenchi thought 
that this day couldnt be worse , and he knew he was wrong when  a lighthing fast 
blue shadow appeared before him.
-Ryoko , im busy , coul you just leave alone fo just one da...- Tenchi saw the 
figure before him , and couldnt finish the sentence.
It wasnt Ryoko . , it was a young man , almost his age , but taller , his short  
light blue hair  swinging in the wind , as his eyes , shining  whit  energy , 
looked directly at him.
-Tenchi masaki ,  i suppose?- The man kindly asked.
- Yes , but who asks?-tenchi asked.
- I am Ryoken , young prince , and I have came to test your strenght .
- Well , i'm kinda busy right know , could you com another  tim....
- 限Tenchi, look out!! - Ryoko screamed as she unleashed her  energy beams at 
the young stranger , engulfing everything in a cloud of dust.
- Ryoko, what are you doing , he didnt even atacked me!- Tenchi screamed
- You know that this guys energy reached me as soon as he appeared in the planet 
seconds ago , run , ill hold him off!- Ryoko scremed , her worrieness spreaded 
trought the air.

Then  , from the  cloud of dust , the young man emerged  unharmed , holding a 
huge energy blade in his hands ,  while looking  at Ryoko in silence.
-Tenchi!! , Aeka and Sasami's scream reached Tenchi , who looked in silence at 
the two fighters in front of him.
-Okay , -Ryoken said softly , lets see what you  can  do , little girl.
Ryoko  leaped into the air , her energy  sword already summoned , as her 
opponent did the same , and both their sword collided into the air, and all of a 
sudden  , the fight had gonne airbone.
Tenchi and the others watched in awe , as the  stranger easily blocked ryokos 
every attack , without losing his calm or opening his eyes , a fact that was 
driving his opponent mad.
Suddenly Ryoken popened his eyes , and with a almost unseen move , except for 
Tenchi , knocked Ryoko of balance , and then , with a mere hit of his arm , send 
her crashing into the floor , leaving a deep crater in the place.
Ryoken slowly decended , and  as soon as he touched the ground he went to the 
crater , decended into it , and returned with a badly  injured ryoko in his 
Tenchi and the rest looked in silence as Ryokens hand  started to glow with 
energy ,and he started to  mutter something , when  , suddenly , ryoko's 
injuries healed ,and the demoness inmediatly jumped in the air standind in front 
of his enemy , his eyes full of rage and doubt , unable to  decide if  she 
should attack or stay quiet.
A whole silence passed , only to be broken by a single voice.
- so , you havent changed  a bit  ,havent ya , Ryoken?- washu asked.
Ryoken slowly turned , only to look down to see a face he thought he'll never 
see again.
-Washu , it is really you?- his temblerous voice aked.
-Well. Yeah, How many scientific genius as cute as me are in the universe , you 
-Okay , the body is a little smaller than i remembered , but the ego is still 
the same , a smiling Ryoken answered.

-Washu!!  - a very angry Ryoko screamed .-Will you mind explaining us who the 
hell is this guy?
-Okay , Ryoko this is Ryoken, and he is your Daddy , Ryoken  , this is Ryoko 
,and she is OUR daughter.-a very nervous , yet calmed Washu explained.
WHAT!!- everybody except Washu screamed in shock.
Ryoko an Ryoken looked at each other , then their face went pale and both passed 
out almost inmediatly.
-Oh  dear , know i will have to give a lot of explanations now -Washu said , and 
she started to think if she really wanted to do it , but she knew she had to.

Elsewhere in the dephts of space...a huge ship travels in direction of the small  
planet we just left

The man was looking at the void of space before him with a smile ,  trying hard 
to supress  the evil emotions that flowed  within his dark soul.
- I have , now , the power  I spend my life seeking for , Proffesor Washu , and 
you , your  accursed daughter and everyone you hold dear , will be the first 
ones to be destroyed with it.
  And with a maniacal laugh  , that echoed trought the  spaceship , the figure 
set his course to the planet earth , and  waited....

End of Chapter I