Act 3 Scene 1 (The year is 2004. Tenchi and Ryoko are married and Ryoko is due to have her baby in a couple of months. Tenchi has accepted Ayeka's offer to take the Jurai throne. This scene starts on the morning that Tenchi and Ryoko are due to leave Earth. They are due to leave in the evening so Tenchi has to go to school in the morning. He is pondering about what to tell his teachers and classmates.) Tenchi - I'm off to school now! Nobuyuki - Bye Tenchi!! (Tenchi starts to walk to the bus stop. Ryoko is floating alongside him.) Tenchi - Ryoko, you shouldn't do that round here. I'm nearly near the bus-stop, I don't want anyone to see you flying like that. Ryoko - Well Tenchi, you've got to give some reason for why you're never going to school again. Why not give the true reason? Tenchi - Well...because they'll think I'm insane. Ryoko - Well...that is why I am coming to school with you. You'll need proof of what you say. Tenchi - I guess. (Tenchi and Ryoko both climb aboard the bus. All of Tenchi's mates start to pat him on the back. Four of his really good mates start talking to him. Their names are Megami, Tenkou, Marusu and Tentei.) Tentei - So Tenchi...we all play sports in the summer holidays but go one better and marry a girl and get her pregnant!! Tenkou - (shoves Peter with her elbow in his ribs) Tentei - Owww!!! Tenkou - Just ignore him Tenchi. (turns to Ryoko) I'm very happy for you Ryoko. Ryoko - Thank you. Megami - So Tenchi...what are you going to do now that you are married? Marusu - (puts his arms around Megami) You going to cart her off to some fancy country?? Tenchi - (smiles) Er... Ryoko - Maybe, maybe not. Tenchi - (looks at Ryoko gratefully) Megami - You two are so mysterious. You're going to have to reveal more at school. I won't leave you alone till you do. Tenchi - (smiles) Alright. Marusu - There's one thing that I want to know. Ryoko, why don't I ever see you at school? Tenkou - Well...I know the reason!! Tenchi - (gulps) You do? Tenkou - Yep. You've chosen yourself a wild girl, haven't you Tenchi? You wicked boy!! (gives him a friendly push) Tenchi - (smiles) You got me there!! All - (laugh) (15 minutes later, all of the pupils arrive at the school) Megami - I've got Japanese first. What have you guys all got? Marusu - (wraps his arms around Megami) I've got Japanese aswell. Megami - (looks at Marusu) I'm not going to be able to get rid of you, am I? Marusu - (laughs) Well...let me think about that one. How's this for an!! Megami - (laughs) Tenkou - Well...I've got Biology. Tentei - So have I. Tenchi - Me too. Ryoko - Well...I've got nothing because I'm not staying (whispers in Tenchi's ear) I'll come back at lunchtime. You just try and get all the students and teachers into the hall. Then, we can make our announcement. (Suddenly, the head-teacher's voice rings out throughout the yard) Head-teacher - There will be a special assembly before first lesson this morning. This assembly is for Tenchi Masaki and his new bride Ryoko Masaki. I want all students and teachers to be present. That is an order!! Ryoko - (looks at Tenchi) I guess I won't have to meet you later Tenchi!! Tenchi - (gulps) I guess you won't. (The bell sounds and everyone piles into the school) Tenchi - (whispers in Ryoko's ear) I'm just glad that everyone and home gave me permission to delve out this information. This will change their lives aswell as ours. Ryoko - I know. Megami - You two are too mysterious. You're creeping me out. (laughs) (15 minutes later, everyone is in the hall. The head-teacher, a Mr. Genasiki, walks up onto the stage.) Mr. Genasiki - Today, this assembly honours one of our good students. Tenchi Masaki aged 20, has taken two of the steps on a road to happiness. He has married and his wife, also one of the students here, is expecting a baby in the next couple of months. Tentei - (calls out) Way to go Tenchi!!! Mr. Genasiki - Yes, well thank you. Anyway, would the couple please like to come up on the stage. I've heard that you would like to make an announcement to the entire school. (Tenchi and Ryoko both walk up the steps onto the stage. Mr. Genasiki hands Tenchi a microphone so that all of the students can hear what he is saying) Tenchi - Well... most of you know me as Tenchi Masaki, a normal 20 yr. old boy at school. However, those of you who know me really well know that for the past 3 years, I have been living with 6 girls, one of who I eventually married. Now...what you are about to hear is true. I am not making this story up. Some of you will think that I am mad but... it is true. My biggest announcement first of all is that this will be my last day at school. I am leaving this evening... Tentei - You what?? Tenchi - I am leaving this evening. I am not taking my bride to another country, rather another planet. Tenkou - What is he on about?? Tenchi - Please listen to me, I'm not going mad, this is the truth. You see, I am not like all of you. I am not just normal Tenchi Masaki, I am actually Prince Tenchi, soon to be King Tenchi of the Planet Jurai. Mr. Genasiki - Are you making fun of this assembly Mr. Masaki? Tenchi - No, I assure you sir, I am not. Now please, if I may not have anymore interruptions I will try to explain it as best as I can. Mr. Genasiki - (nods his head) Tenchi - Anyway, I will firstly explain how all of these girls came to me and then explain a bit about each one. Firstly, Ayeka and Sasami. They are both princesses from the Planet Jurai. Ayeka has amazing Jurai power. Ayeka came to me after she heard a distress call from Mihoshi. Sasami came to me when she followed her sister. Mihoshi is from the Galaxy Police, rather like our police but it patrols the whole Galaxy and many others. She came to me after she chased Ryoko down to Earth. At that time, Ryoko was a criminal, wanted throughout the galaxy. Mihoshi was sent to capture her but immediately forgot about her mission as soon as she landed on Earth. Kiyone is Mihoshi's partner in the Galaxy Police. She came here after she was sent to find Mihoshi. Tentei - What about that cute red-headed little girl? Tenchi - Washu? Well, to cut a long story short, she is not actually 12 years old. She is 20,000 years old and a goddess. Tenkou - A goddess? Tenchi - Yeah, a goddess. That is why she can appear whatever age she wants. She is also the greatest scientific genius in the universe and has transformed the broom closet in my house into a lab. She is also Ryoko's mother. Megami - She's Ryoko's mum? Tenchi - Yep. Isn't that true Ryoko? Ryoko - (nods her head) Sadly. Marusu - What about Ryoko then. Tell us about her. Tenchi - Well...Ryoko, as I said is Washu's daughter. She is not her biological mother though. However, Ryoko has goddess powers just like Washu. The gems that you see on her neck and her wrists contain her powers. She used a be a space- pirate but she isn't one anymore. And as for Ryo-Ohki... Tenkou - Oh...that cute little creature? Tenchi - Yes, Ryo-Ohki is a cabbit, that's a cross between a rabbit and a cat. She is capable of transforming into a space-ship whenever we need to get anywhere. She is also capable of transforming into a humanoid form that can be of any age. Mr. Genasiki - Well, Mr. Masaki, is there anything else you would like to tell us? Tenchi - Well yes actually, there are a few more things sir. I haven't yet explained why I am heir to the Jurai throne. Well, because my grandfather was heir to throne. My grandfather's real name is Yosho Jurai, not Katsuhito Masaki. He came to Earth to fight Ryoko and won. He decided to stay on Earth and give up the Jurai throne. He was due to marry Ayeka but gave that up aswell. The form that he is now in is his shadow form. He has a younger form underneath. That is his true form. Also, when I was away for a long time, a couple of years ago, it was regarded as an excused absence. I was actually in space, fighting a pretend Yosho that had taken the Jurai throne. Well...I think that's about i-t... (Suddenly, a door appeared beside Tenchi. Washu, Ayeka, Nobuyuki, Sasami, Ryo- Ohki, Yosho, Kiyone and Mihoshi all walk through it) Washu - We thought that we should give you some back up help Tenchi. It will make your story more believable if people see what you are talking about. Tenchi - Thanks Washu. I don't think that anyone believes me anyway. Washu - Well, let's prove what you are saying is true. (turns to Ryoko) Ryoko, would you like to go first? Ryoko - Sure thing Washu. Washu - Hmmm? Ryoko - MOM! Megami - Does anyone know what is going on? Marusu - How...did they get here? Tentei - Is that Washu? She's all grown-up! Tenkou - And Ryo-Ohki isn't a...cabbit anymore! Ryoko - I will show you that I am really a demon and a space-pirate. Watch! (she rises up into the air) Tenkou - She's flying!!! Ryoko - (creates an energy ball in her hand. She squeezes it and forms an energy sword) Is that enough proof MOM? Washu - (nods her head) All the students - (gasp) Mr. Genasiki - What on earth is going on? Washu - Now, it's your turn grandfather. Yosho - (removes his shadow 'old man' form and reveals his true form) Tentei - God!! He's...I...not... Washu - Ayeka... Ayeka - Alright Miss Washu...(she lifts her hair up that covers her forehead and reveals her tiara. It starts to glow. Suddenly, she is transformed into her Jurai battle gear. She forms a shield and then starts to dart around the hall at lightning fast speed. 2 minutes later, she returns to the stage.) Tentei - Oh my god!! This is very strange!! Tenkou - I'll say. Washu - Kiyone, Mihoshi, can you please hold out your I.Ds? Kiyone - Certainly Washu. (she holds up her I.D as does Mihoshi) Washu - Now, can you take out your cubes and transform into your Galaxy Police Uniforms? Mihoshi - Sure can Washu...oh, now where did I put it? Kiyone - I've got it Mihoshi, I knew that you'd lose it. Mihoshi - Oh, thank you Kiyone (they both turn their cubes and transform into their uniforms) Marusu - I can't believe what I'm seeing here. Someone pinch me...owww!! Megami - (smiles) Well, you did ask for someone to pinch you! Washu - Right now, I guess that leaves me and Tenchi. I'll go first Tenchi, if you don't mind? Tenchi - Not at all Washu. Washu - Thank you Tenchi (she transforms from her adult form to her proper goddess form) Right let's see, what should I do for an encore?? Tenchi - I think they see that you are a goddess, Washu. Washu - (looks at everyone who all have their mouths open) I guess they do...(she goes back to her normal adult form)'s your turn Tenchi. Show them the power that will soon make you King of Jurai. Tenchi - (blushes) Alright...but I haven't used it since the Dr. Clay incident. Washu - Do it! Tenchi - Alright! (He transforms into his Jurai battle gear also) Megami - What's Tenchi doing? Marusu - All the time that we've known him and he's never told us any of this. Tenchi - Right here goes...(he suddenly starts to glow. 3 light hawk wings project out of him.) Tenkou - Wow!!! He really isn't just normal Tenchi Masaki!! Tenchi - (puts his hands up and the wings go over him. He is now in his proper battle gear. He holds a sword in his right hand. Suddenly, he transforms the sword into a shield and back again.) Grandfather, would you care to spar with me? Yosho - Alright Tenchi. Tenchi - (passes Yosho sword Tenchi-ken. They start to spar and everyone gasps as they look at how fast Tenchi and his grandfather move. They are also expert swordsman and seem equally matched.) Right grandfather, I think that they've had enough proof. Yosho - I guess they have (he transforms back into his 'old man' form again) Tenchi - (transforms out of his battle gear and back into his school uniform) Washu - Right Tenchi, we hope that we were of some help. We'll go now and see you at home later. Don't be too late, Ryo-Ohki won't wait forever to take you back to Jurai (she disappears through the door along with Nobuyuki, Ryo-Ohki, Sasami, Ayeka, Mihoshi and Kiyone.) Tenchi - (faces everyone in the hall. They are all completely speechless)'ve heard the whole story... Ryoko - (grabs Tenchi and pulls him up into the air) It's much more comfortable up in the air Tenchi. Now, please continue. Tenchi - Well, I don't know really what else to say. And they don't appear to be saying much either. (Suddenly, the hall turned from deadly silence to loud rumbles of chatter. Some students had their hands up, obviously wanting to ask Tenchi questions.) Tenchi - Ok (points to a small kid in the front row) Kid - Are they dangerous?? Tenchi - (smiles) No...they are powerful but they aren't dangerous. If they were, I wouldn't be here, would I? Kid - (breathes a sigh of relief) Tenchi - (points to Tentei) Tentei - Are any of the girls single? Owwww! (Tenkou shoves him in the ribs) Tenchi - (laughs) Well...all of them apart from Ryoko but I doubt that they'd go out with you Tentei!! Tentei - Damn!! Owww!! (Tenkou shoves him in the ribs again) Tenchi - (points to Marusu) Marusu - Do you think that any of them would go out with me...oww! (Megami pushes him onto the floor) Tenchi - Hmmmm, I'll have to get back to you on that one Marusu!! Mr. Genasiki - Well...Mr. Masaki, I would never have guessed that you could be the King of another planet. I guess that we should all call you, your highness now. Tenchi - thanks sir. I prefer to just be called Tenchi. I get called 'your highness' and 'Prince Tenchi' enough on Jurai as it is. Everyone - (laughs) (Suddenly, the bell rings. Everyone piles out of the hall. The assembly was so long that it took over the first lesson. So...everyone went to their second lesson. Tenkou, Megami, Marusu, Tentei and Tenchi all had Maths. Ryoko did also and she decided to stay at school for the rest of the day. All of them had Maths in the same classroom. All of the class is soon sat down at their desks. Ryoko is sat at the desk next to Tenchi, Megami is sat on the other side of Tenchi, Marusu is sat in front of Megami, Tentei is sat next to Marusu and Tenkou is sat next to Tentei. The teacher of the class is a Mrs. Fendikisa) Ryoko - (holds Tenchi's hand and smiles at him) Tenchi - (smiles back) Mrs. Fendikisa - Mr and Mrs Masaki! I know that you are soon leaving the school but that gives you no excuse to not pay attention to your last few lessons at school. Now, PAY ATTENTION!! Ryoko - (whispers to Tenchi) I should ask Washu to come here. She could teach her a thing or two about Maths. Tenchi - (smiles) Why don't you? Ryoko - Tenchi, why don't you ask her. Remember, you have my powers now. Tenchi - Oh yeah, ok. (closes his eyes and concentrates on talking to Washu.) Mrs. Fendikisa - Well Mr Masaki, will you be joining us any time today? Tenchi - (opens his eyes) Excuse me miss but I will just need silence for a few moments. I just need to talk to someone...then I will give my full attention to the lesson. Mrs. Fendikisa - (reluctantly nods) Tenchi - (closes his eyes again) Washu - Ryoko - (joins the conversation) Tenchi - Washu - Tenchi - Washu - Tenchi - Washu - Tenchi - (he closed his telepathic link and opened his eyes.) Mrs. Fendikisa - Well Mr. Masaki, that was an interesting conversation. Your lips didn't even move once. Well, now that that is done could you all turn to page 124 in the text book... (Suddenly, a doorway appeared at the side of Mrs. Fendikisa. Washu stepped out of it.) Tentei - Hey, it's Washu!! Washu - (smiles and looks at Mrs. Fendikisa) I hope that you don't mind but I am here to take over the lesson for today. It is only right that me - the greatest scientific genius in the universe, should take a lesson with my daughter and her husband in it, don't you agree? (looks at Tenchi) I told you that I'd only be a couple of seconds Tenchi!! Tenchi - (smiles) Thanks for coming so quickly Washu. Washu - My pleasure Tenchi. Now then...(looks at the textbook on Tenchi's desk) are still learning Quadratics?! That is so simple! Mrs. Fendikisa - Excuse me but how did you know that Mr. Masaki was in this classroom? Washu - Simple, he spoke to me only a couple of minutes ago. Mrs. Fendikisa - Washu - people have to learn now that when you deal with Tenchi or any of the have to except the unexpected. He spoke to me via telepathy. Tenkou - He what? Washu - He spoke to me by using his mind. It's a power Tenchi, Ryoko and me all have. It's very useful. Marusu - can just talk to each other in your head and no-one else can hear you? Washu - That's basically it, yes. Now...(throws the textbook out of the window) let's scrap that and try something new... (1 hour later, everyone piles out of the classroom, a little more than slightly confused.) Tenkou - (taps Tenchi on the shoulder) What on Earth was Washu on about? Tenchi - (smiles) To be honest, I haven't a clue either but...imagine living with her for the past 3 years. We all get that everyday! Marusu - You poor guy! Megami - (laughs) I suppose it is useful, I bet you'll ace Maths and Science if you need to use it Tenchi!! Tentei - (laughs) Megami - (face turns serious) So...are you really leaving then? Tenchi - Yeah...I'll miss you guys can always come to Jurai to visit anytime you want. Marusu - Really? Tenchi - Yeah, we can send down Ryo-Ohki to pick you up. Its a few hours away but Ryo-Ohki is very fast, isn't she Ryoko? Ryoko - Yeah, but she's faster when I steer her so I'll come down aswell. Tenkou - That would be really good, oh...I'm excited now!! Tenchi - (smiles) Come on...let's get to the lunch hall before there's no seats left!! (They all rush down to the lunch hall and grab the last table with 6 seats on it.) Tentei - Yeah!! We got the last table!! Tenchi - (laughs) Tenkou - So...whose turn is it to get lunch today?? Ryoko - I'll do it. Tenkou - You will? Ryoko - Sure. Tenchi, what do you want? Tenchi - Well...I could go for a cheeseburger and chips. Marusu - That sounds good to me. Tentei - Me too. Ryoko - Alright, 3 cheeseburgers and chips coming up (suddenly, three plates with cheeseburgers and chips on them appear on the table) There you go. (Everyone sits there with their mouths open, including Tenchi) Tenchi - I didn't know that you could do that Ryoko! Ryoko - Where do you think that the onsen came from Tenchi? I created it! It's another one of my powers which you should also have. Marusu - Cool!! Ryoko - So...Tenkou, Megami, what do you two want? Tenkou - I'll have a vegetable burger and rice, please Ryoko. Megami - So will I. Ryoko - Alright...2 vegetable burgers and rice coming up (they appear on the table) Tenchi - What are you going to have Ryoko? Ryoko - Wait a minute Tenchi...(suddenly, Ryoko's dinner appears on the table) I asked Washu to send me some of Sasami's cooking. I'm going to miss that when we leave. Tenchi - (laughs and smiles) (Everyone quickly finishes their lunch.) Tenkou - Well...I've got Food Technology next. I'm glad that this is the last lesson of the day. I'm shattered already. There's been too much excitement today! Megami - Well...I've got Food Tech aswell. Marusu - I've got Metalwork. Tentei - I've got Metalwork aswell. Tenchi - and Ryoko both have graphics. So...I guess this is goodbye for a bit you guys. Ryoko - Wait a minute, why don't they come and say goodbye to us when we leave tonight. They can come and wave us off! Megami - Oh yeah!! We can say a proper goodbye then!! Tenchi - That's a great idea Ryoko!! We'll meet you guys outside the Technology block at the end of the afternoon. All - Alright! (They all go to their lessons. Ryoko and Tenchi grab tables next to each other. The desks were single seated ones but Ryoko and Tenchi pushed theirs together so that they could be sat next to each other properly. Their teacher, Miss Bewashiaski, didn't seem to mind in the least - either that or she wasn't looking!) Miss Bewashiaski - Now class, today we are going to finish off our packaging project using 3 point perspective drawings. Now, get out your equipment and we can begin... Ryoko - Tenchi - (smiles) Ryoko - (smiles) Tenchi - Ryoko - Tenchi - (smile widens) Ryoko - Tenchi - Ryoko - Tenchi - (laughs) Ryoko - Tenchi - (smiles) (Soon, the afternoon lessons finish and everyone meets outside the Technology block as planned.) Megami - (sees Tenchi and Ryoko) Hi guys!! Tenchi - (waves) Come on then...are we all here? Marusu - Yep. Ryoko - Let's go then. Do you want to take the air or the teleport express? Tenkou - (smiles) The teleport express I think. Megami - All round. Ryoko - Alright (holds onto Megami and Tenkou's hands) Tenchi - (grabs hold of Marusu and Tentei's hands) (They all disappear and reappear outside the Masaki household) Marusu - Woah! That was cool!! Ryoko - (smiles) Come on Tenchi...we need to tell the others we are here! Tenkou - Can we come with you? Tenchi - Sure! (They all rush into the house.) Tenchi - Let's go get Washu first! Ryoko - Good idea. (she opens the broom closet door and everyone walks in) Megami - (gasps as she looks around what used to be the broom closet) Woah!! Tentei - This is some lab! Washu - (hears them all come in and smiles)'re back Tenchi. Are you ready to go? Tenchi - We need to find everyone else Washu to tell them that we are ready to leave. Washu - Well...I think that everyone is outside already, waiting for you. Tenchi - Oh right...I guess we should be getting outside then. (2 minutes later, everyone is outside and Megami, Tenkou, Tentei and Marusu are saying their final goodbyes. Megami - I'm going to miss you Tenchi (hugs him) You too Ryoko (hugs her) Tenchi - I'm going to miss all of you guys too. But can visit Jurai anytime you want. Just shout out that you want to see me...Washu will hear you and she can tell Ryoko to come down and get you. Tentei - Alright Tenchi...I hope that you, Ryoko and (pats Ryoko's stomach) this little one all have a happy life on Jurai. Washu - Ryo-Ohki? Ryo-Ohki - (appears) Meow? Washu - Transform into your space-ship form please. Ryo-Ohki - Meow! (she jumped up into the air and spread out into her space-ship form. 30 seconds later, she was ready to be boarded.) Tenkou - Wow! I wish that my budgie could do that!! Washu - (smiles) Alright, are you all ready to board? Ryoko - (turns to Ayeka and Sasami) Are you sure that you won't join us? Ayeka - (smiles) I'm sure Ryoko, but I will be there when you're baby is born. However, I have grown to like Earth so I wish to stay here. Tenchi - (smiles) Alright, come on then, let's all get on. (Tenchi, Ryoko, Nobuyuki, Yosho, Kiyone, Mihoshi and Washu all climb aboard Ryo- Ohki. Just before the door shuts, Tenchi waves goodbye.) Tenkou - See you Tenchi!! (waves) (Ryo-Ohki rises up into the air and disappears into the sky.) Ryoko - If we continue at the current speed Tenchi, we should be at Jurai in an hour and a half. Tenchi - Good. (turns to Kiyone and Mihoshi) You know, when I become the King of Jurai, I was thinking about creating a new section to the Galaxy Police. The Royal Family Galaxy Police Guards or R.F.G.P.G for short. It would even outrank your boss so it would be a big promotion. So, I was wondering whether you would consider being the first two to take the positions? Kiyone - Did you say promotion Tenchi? Tenchi - Yeah...I did. Kiyone - YES!!!! I will take it Tenchi! I...can't believe it!!! Oh yes!! Mihoshi - (laughs) Oh, this is great!!! Tenchi - I'll take that as a yes then? Kiyone and Mihoshi - DEFINATLEY!! Ryoko - (smiles) (An hour and a half later, the gang arrives on Jurai. Ryo-Ohki lands on the landing pad and everyone steps out. Ryo-Ohki then changes back to her cabbit form. The gang are led to the Jurai Royal Palace and are met by Azusa, Misaki and Funaho.) Azusa - I see you are here Tenchi (looks at Ryoko) and you aswell Ryoko. Tenchi - Yes...we are sir. I am here to take the Jurai throne. Funaho - You will make a great King Tenchi, I am sure of it. (looks at Yosho) Ah...Yosho, I see you have chosen to stay in your original form. the least you haven't waited another 700 hundred years to see me again. Yosho - Misaki - (looks at Tenchi and grabs him in a big hug) Oh...Tenchi!! Tenchi - (face-faults) Azusa - (coughs) Come on...I will take you to the coronation room. The ceremony will start shortly. (Everyone follows Azusa to the coronation room. He leads Tenchi and Ryoko to a room at the back of the coronation room and tells the others to take a seat in the coronation room.) Azusa - Now Tenchi...(points to some gowns behind Tenchi) Those are yours and Ryoko's royal robes. You must take great care with them. Underneath the robes are your official King and Queen clothes. You must wear these underneath your robes. Tenchi - Understood. Azusa - (points to a shelf above the clothes.) On that shelf are your crowns. You must wear them whilst you are in the palace but you do not have to wear them if you ever go outside. However, it is only proper that you wear your royal clothes at all times. In your bedroom, you will find many more royal outfits. Tenchi - Alright. Azusa - Now...when the music starts, you, Ryoko walk through this door. You will be crowned first. You kneel before the person who is going to crown you. When the crown is on your head, you go and sit on your throne which is the one on the far right. Ryoko - I understand. Azusa - Tenchi, when Ryoko has been crowned, you go through the door and follow the same procedure as Ryoko did. Tenchi - (smiles) Alright. Azusa - I will leave you now to get ready. (Azusa leaves the room) Ryoko - He seems a bit nicer towards you. Tenchi - Which is what I am worried about. (Azusa joins the rest of the gang and sits in between his two wives.) Funaho - Are Tenchi and Ryoko getting ready? Azusa - Yes. Misaki - Oh...sister, I am so excited about this. Funaho - Yes...moving out of the palace will seem strange, however I am prepared to move to that lovely mansion on the other side of Jurai, aren't you dear? Azusa - (grits his teeth) No, not really. Funaho - Now, I know that Tenchi is not really your favourite person but Ayeka wanted to stay on Earth, he did not force her. He is your great-grandson Azusa, Yosho's grandson. Azusa - Then, if he is Yosho's grandson, he is more than likely to be like Yosho. Funaho - Yosho is like you, stubborn. Azusa - Er... Funaho - He takes after you, you shouldn't stay mad at him. Azusa - But... Misaki - Sister is right, Yosho is here now, you should let this lie. Azusa - But he gave up the Jurai throne. Funaho - wasn't exactly all his own choice. You have to admit that there was prejudice on Jurai at that time. It was only natural that he wanted to leave that. Azusa - People from Earth... Funaho - What? Don't forget that I am from Earth aswell. Azusa - are different! Funaho - In what way? Yosho and Tenchi are also from Earth aswell. If I am different then they must also be different. Azusa - But... (Suddenly, the music starts. Ryoko walks through the door dressed in her royal clothes and robe.) Washu - She looks very beautiful in that, almost as cute as her mom! (Ryoko continued to walk and then reached the man holding her crown. She knelt before him.) Man - I now crown you Empress of Jurai. (Ryoko got up and walked to her throne and sat on it. Then, Tenchi came out of the room in his royal robe and clothes. He followed the same procedure as Ryoko and was soon sat on his throne.) Man - Now, the previous Emperor Azusa will pass the new Emperor the sceptre. (Azusa got up and grudgingly passed Tenchi the sceptre. As he sat down, Funaho nudged him.) Azusa - What? Funaho - (shook her head) Azusa - I know. (Soon, the celebrations were over and everyone began to depart from the coronation room to the hall.) Yosho - So...I see that you have finished re-decorating the hall, mother. It looks wonderful. (The hall was royal blue and white with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The floor was made of wood from a royal space-tree. The floor was covered with buffet tables filled with many kinds of food.) Funaho - (faces the guests) The Emperor has arrived, let the feast begin. (There was a table at the far end of the hall. It had 10 seats at it. The gang proceeded to the table and sat at it.) Mihoshi - (picked up one of the plates) Oh...isn't the cutlery fancy here Kiyone? Kiyone - MIHOSHI! Put that back down on the table, you'll drop it!! Tenchi - (smiled)