TENCHI WAKUSEI, BOOK ONE: "NO DREAMS FOR TENCHI" By Joe Meadows (gpabn@yahoo.com) NOTA BENE: This novel (comprising 24 chapters, a Prologue, and an Epilogue) is a sequel to the "Tenchi Muyo Television Series" ("Tenchi Universe"), with some "Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki!" original OAV series characters and elements included where--in the author's opinion--they don't conflict with "Tenchi Universe." For example, in order to flesh out a family background for Ayeka and Sasami, rather than create new characters, I used the existing parental figures of King Asuza and Queen Misaki from the OAVs. In order to bring the Galaxy Police more into the story, I re-instated the Grand Marshall as Mihoshi's grandfather and used an existing character from the Tenchi Muyo mangas, Chief Tor Bodai. And so on. AIC and Pioneer LDC, whose kind indulgence I am counting on, own the copyrights on the original Tenchi Muyo characters. The character of Chief Tor Bodai was created by Hitoshi Okuda for the Tenchi Muyo manga series and is also copyrighted by AIC and Pioneer LDC. All truly new characters are my creation. Those characters and the actual story are copyright 2002 by yours truly. The lyrics for both versions of the theme song for "Speed Racer," the Beatles' "Abbey Road" album, the Beach Boys' "Surfing USA," the theme to "The Brady Bunch," and "Amore" are copyrighted by their various owners. The events that comprise the "Tenchi Universe" series are discussed in this novel; consequently, spoilers lurk within. Be warned. Please check out the "Chapter Notes" at the end of some of the chapters. Feedback is very welcome! I can be reached at gpabn@yahoo.com and thanks for taking the time to read this novel. ------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO No Need For A Miracle _____________________ "Stand by for action, partner!" Kiyone said. Her voice was charged with excitement and anticipation. She studied her viewscreen intently while managing to punch up the coordinates she wanted Yogami to follow in attacking the mind monster of Professor Klove. "There goes Ryoko, flying over to that damned blob. We'll let her get the first shots in and then we'll hit it with everything we've got!" The Galaxy Police officer's face was hard and purposeful. When she heard no response from her partner, Kiyone looked up from her viewscreen, irritated. She glanced over at Mihoshi. The latter was staring at her with a worried expression. "What's wrong, Mihoshi?" she asked impatiently. "Kiyone," Mihoshi asked timidly. "Are you sure this will work? Yogami wasn't meant to do things like this." Despite her impatience to begin the battle (and to show the others, especially Ryoko, what the Yogami could do even against monsters from another dimension), Kiyone relented a little. Mihoshi, after all, was right. Attacking terrestrial targets was the job for specially designed Galaxy Police tactical vessels, whose wings, fins, and overall design were maximized for use in an actual atmosphere with its attendant problems with air friction and gravity. At best, the Yogami could cruise and maneuver adequately in a planetary atmosphere. So Mihoshi's obvious reservations about using their ship to attack Klove's creature were well founded. Kiyone couldn't fault her for that. Yet, as far as Kiyone was concerned, if the Yogami could fly in Earth's atmosphere, she could fight in Earth's atmosphere. They would be pushing the Yogami's performance envelope, yes, but the ship could take it, Kiyone was certain. Besides...they couldn't just sit back and watch that monster destroy their friends. And even beyond that was the specter of a new intra-galactic war, a possible conflagration too terrible to contemplate. Klove had to be defeated. The only way to do that was to distract the entity and allow Tenchi to get close enough to slay it with Sword Tenchi. Despite Ryoko's boasts, Kiyone was certain the space pirate even in overdrive couldn't provide sufficient distraction. They had to use the Yogami, too. There was no other choice. "Of course it will work!" Kiyone told Mihoshi confidently. "You've seen the automatic course I've plotted for the attack dives." In this mission, Kiyone would act as Starcraft Commander (pilot) and Mihoshi would serve as Weapons System Officer. Those were the duties each was best at. "Yogami will dive at that thing at the twelfth declension and pull up at ten parsecs, which is where you must fire all of our quasar beam cannons." Yogami's four cannon pods were fully deployed, each one with its individual barrels extended, ready for use. It would add to their air drag but that couldn't be helped. Hopefully, she had compensated enough for that in her programming of the ship's attack scenario. "When we pull up from that dive, we're going to be almost squashed," Mihoshi said. She was referring to the gravitational force (g-force) that such an abrupt change in direction would generate on them. She was right, of course. "Sure, but our seats are programmed to counteract g-forces, Mihoshi," Kiyone reminded her. Each of the pilot seat's bolsters and armrests would automatically wrap around their arms and legs when excessive g-force was detected, squeezing their extremities to ensure sufficient blood remained in their heads to prevent them from blacking out. "We'll be able to handle that all right." "Uh-huh...but we're going to get awfully close to it," Mihoshi pointed out. "Yeah, but we have to. As it is, you'll have only an instant to fire and hit the target." Now Kiyone smiled at her partner. "But I know you can do it, Mihoshi." Mihoshi looked at Kiyone a moment. Then she slowly smiled back. "Yes, I can, Kiyone. And I will. After all, we have to...don't we?" "Yes, partner. We have to." "Right." Mihoshi turned her attention now to her Weapons System console, punching touchpads, inputting coordinates for the cannons' fire-control program. Her face was expressionless, neutral--no, more than that--her expression was determined. Kiyone's own expression warmed as she contemplated Mihoshi. Her partner had conquered her timidity. She was a Galaxy Police officer now, in every sense of the name. She would do her duty, just as Kiyone would do hers. Now the teal-haired Galaxy Police officer returned to her navigation module. She began to input commands to Yogami's flight control system. She paused, just for a moment, to touch the plain gold ID bracelet around her left wrist. Then she increased the ship's throttle. In the blue sky of early afternoon, the red starship picked up speed, hastening toward the battle with Professor Klove's mind monster. "Go get 'im, Blue Eyes," Tris muttered, his eyes glued on the sleek red shape of the Yogami as it followed Ryoko's zooming figure toward the house-sized, flesh-colored, one-eyed creature. He had his fists clenched. He stood with Tenchi and Washuu. Lord Yosho sat next to them on the grass, his face drawn and pale with pain, but his expression serene, his eyes sharp and glittering. Ryo-Ohki nestled against his uninjured side. Lord Yosho gently petted the scorched cabbit. Immediately behind them was Princess Ayeka, lying unconscious in the grass, with her two wooden Guardians blinking worriedly a few feet from her. Sasami knelt by her sister, staring tragically at how pale and wan Ayeka appeared. The little girl softly stroked her sister's forehead. It was still warm, and Ayeka still breathed. But her body heat was slowly fading. Sasami shivered with fear and sorrow. In a short time, Ayeka's forehead would be cold to the touch. She would be dead...and so would they all. Sasami shook her pigtailed head firmly to dispel the fatalistic thoughts. Ryoko and Kiyone and Mihoshi and Tenchi were still in the battle, she told herself. They would win! They just had to! "They're going to have to hit that thing hard and fast," Tenchi said. He held Sword Tenchi with its blazing blade aloft, ready to sprint to the entity when an opportune moment arose. It was at his suggestion (order, actually; with his grandfather injured, Tenchi was definitely in command) that everyone had moved as close to Ayeka as possible. He didn't like to...it did seem somewhat cowardly. But with the battle going against them, closeness to the Princess was an edge (for the moment) and they all needed to grab and hang on to any edge they could get. "They will, Tenchi," Sasami spoke up. "They'll tie that awful monster up in knots." Both Tris and Lord Yosho murmured agreement. Washuu didn't say anything. The redheaded scientific genius was tapping furiously at the keyboard of her translucent console, intensely concentrating on what she was doing. She seemed oblivious to what was going on around her. And there was a lot going on around her now. Ryoko swooped in first. She worked her hands, quickly. Two red glowing fireballs appeared in her gasp, suspended between her hands. With a curse that Tenchi and the others could hear, Ryoko rolled those fiery orbs right at the mind monster's gelatinous midsection. Both fireballs exploded blazingly against the rubbery, blubbery mass, covering much of the entity with blinding, seething proton fire. The blob shuddered, the eyeball rolled upward, and a long, low sound resembling a groan rent the air. When the entity reached for Ryoko with its flaying tendrils, the space pirate simply teleported away. The blob was suddenly attacking empty air. "Damn! That sure hit that thing night in the breadbasket," Tris said, enthralled. "Ryoko's fireballs sure seem to be having a bigger effect now." "Yeah," Tenchi agreed. "Maybe it's a cumulative effect or something." He glanced at Washuu to see her reaction, but the super scientist was still bent over her console, tapping away like a woman possessed. Tenchi shrugged. He turned back to the battle just as he heard Tris exclaim, "There goes Yogami!" The huge red starship seemed to pause in the air a split-second or so. It hovered with its small stabilizer rockets. Then it dived steeply, its bright crimson fuselage gleaming in the brilliant sunlight. The Yogami split the air with a scream as it accelerated its power dive. It hurtled straight for the tendril-waving, pulsating mind monster. The Yogami became a red streak. "It's going to hit—-" Tris gasped. Then, at the last possible moment, the Yogami pulled up from the steep dive, climbing, gaining attitude at a terrific clip. Just at the moment its trajectory put it closest to the entity, all four of the Yogami's quasar beam cannons erupted, blindingly. Over a dozen beams of burning-bright incandescence jolted from the individual barrels of the cannons--and smacked into the squirming fleshy blob with a crackle of cosmic lightning. The blob shook violently and the sound from it resembled an obscene, grating gasp. It seemed to actually shrivel as the Yogami passed over it. Its tendrils snapped at the Galaxy Police cruiser, but missed by meters. "Wow!" Tris marveled. "Those beams hit that thing like pile-drivers! Looks like they crushed it a little, even!" "Sure does!" Tenchi agreed. "Maybe quasar beams are one thing that the blob is vulnerable to! It's really reeling!" >From where he sat, Lord Yosho studied the mind monster's massively adverse reaction to the attack by the Yogami. Professor Klove's mental creation from the Dream Dimension did seem to have collapsed into itself, somewhat. He frowned, started to say something, and then thought better of it. Washuu was also silent. All her attention was devoted to the rapid calculations she was making via her console. "That's what I call flying!" Tris crowed. "Sierra Hotel!(1) I wish Dad were here to see this!" Kneeling next to her older sister, Sasami smiled hopefully. Kiyone and Mihoshi were so wonderful! They would come through for sure! In Yogami's cockpit, both Mihoshi and Kiyone would have agreed with that assessment. Their faces were flushed from the g-force generated by the power drive and power climb and their pilot seats' bolsters and arms rests had just released their limbs from the necessary squeezing. It hadn't been pleasant, not a bit. But they were both grateful to have survived--and Kiyone was also ecstatic at the results of their attack. "Do you see that thing just curdle up when Yogami's cannons hit it?" Kiyone asked, elated by their instant success against the seemingly invincible mind monster. "Uh-huh. I was surprised," Mihoshi said. "Surprised? You know Yogami packs a hell of a lot of firepower! That Ryoko won't admit it, but we've got the best weapons in the galaxy—- quasar beam cannons!" "Well, maybe they are stronger than force beams, Kiyone...but that much stronger?" "Sure!" Kiyone said confidently. "And not just stronger—-different, too. Obviously, that blob thing isn't invulnerable to all weapons from this dimension. Ryoko and Ryo-Ohki softened it up and we're going to smash it to smithereens!" Kiyone was pumped, pumped up high. After contemplating a fight that would largely be more distraction than destruction, the prospect of actually damaging the entity was heady, indeed. She and Mihoshi might even destroy it all by themselves! Think of the credit they'd receive—-the kudos! She had been silly to consider this a possible suicide mission—-this was a victory mission, and that victory would be sweet! "Okay, Mihoshi," Kiyone said, her tapping fingers re-inputting the navagational coordinates into the Yogami's data banks. "We're going in again. Ready?" "Ready!" Mihoshi had finally caught her partner's enthusiasm. She adroitly re-keyed the firing sequence into her Weapons System console. "Let's go!" As he watched Ryoko and the Yogami return to their attack positions, Tenchi heard Washuu address him. He turned to her. "Washuu, did you see--" he began. "No, Tenchi, no time—-if they're distracting that blob, that's all that matters," Washuu told him firmly, finally looking up from the screen of her console. "You're the one who has to kill it—-" "But it looks like Ryoko and the girls in Yogami are killing it." Tris shoved his oar in. "Let me finish, Tris! Tenchi, I've finally done it—-I can help now!" "Really? How?" Tenchi asked. "I've gathered all the power from my lab's main solarite generators. That power is now locked into a transmitter that I can manipulate from here. It's almost impossible to do, since solarite power outside of the specially designed containment unit is terribly unstable, but of course I—-" "Yes, yes," Tenchi said impatiently as he watched both Ryoko and the Yogami circle overhead for another attack run at the blob. "What does it all mean, Washuu?" "It means I can create a power-plasma bubble and place it around you. It'll give you protection from both that blob's tentacles and its globules." Now all of them, including Sasami, stared at the petite scientist. Aside from Lord Yosho's usual calm expression, their faces mirrored awe and admiration at this seemingly eleventh-hour scientific salvation from Washuu Hakubi, certified genius. "That is tremendous, Professor Washuu," Lord Yosho said. "That may very well tip the scales in our favor." "Washuu!" Sasami clasped her hands as a surge of hope filled her. "That's it! That blob's a goner," Tris enthused. "Way to go, Washuu!" Tenchi added warmly. Washuu smiled modestly. Then she held up a hand. "Well, I have to tell you this, too...the plasma bubble probably won't survive more than a few dozen hits. It's going to drain almost all my power reserves to keep it powerful enough to resist those flying globules even for a short span of time. This is the Jurai power we're dealing with. And you can't use Sword Tenchi when you're encased in the plasma bubble—- no way it'll survive those globs and being punctured by that sword's Jurai power. So it's a defensive mechanism--to be used if you need its protection." She saw that the eager expressions had evaporated. It aggravated her, especially after all that hard and brilliant work. "Well, it's protection for Tenchi! Best I can do!" she snapped. "Of course it is a wonderful invention, Professor Washuu," Lord Yosho said paciically. "It could prove to be a lifesaver, and that is tremendous in itself." "Thanks, Grandpa." Washuu grinned with some of her old perkiness. "Anything else we should know about this bubble thing you devised?" Tenchi asked her knowingly. He saw that Ryoko and Yogami were poised for another attack. Ryoko paused to wave at them. He waved back. Ryoko blew a kiss at him. "Well..." Washuu hesitated. "The fact is that this plasma bubble is an envelope of highly radiant energy, Tenchi. It's not exactly what I would call user friendly. All that power will probable feel a little unpleasant when you're enveloped in it." "How unpleasant?" Tenchi demanded. "Well...sort of like thousands of electrified ants crawling all over your skin." "Washuu!" Tenchi shouted, appalled. "But it's just a side effect. It shouldn't do any permanent damage." "Shouldn't? Shouldn't?" Tenchi took a step toward Washuu. "If you think you're going to use that bubble on me—-" Just then, Tris exclaimed, "There goes Ryoko!" They all turned to watch. Ryoko streaked blurringly toward the blob, which was still considerably crumpled-looking. Now it was waving its tendrils feebly. She held out both arms. Radiant red force beams jumped from her outstretched hands and slammed into the squirming mass of the entity. The latter let out another bellow. They all heard Ryoko laugh with glee. More and more force beams blasted from her hands, hammering the pulsating, blubbery form of the mind monster. When she was within range of its tendrils, she again teleported out of harm's way. The mind monster missed her again. "That's one sick-looking blob!" Tris noted with delight. "I'll say!" Tenchi agreed with equal delight, forgetting about Washuu and her plasma bubble for the moment. "It really looks hurt!" Sasami agreed hopefully. "And here come Kiyone and Mihoshi again in Yogami!" The Yogami had regained her pre-attack position, hovering with the aid of her stabilizer jets. Now the sleekly pointed nose of the Galaxy Police cruiser pointed downward and its rear afterburners roared. Again, the precipitously steep dive, down, down, to the frantically undulating flesh-colored blob behemoth. Again, seemingly at the last possible moment, the starship broke the dive, climbing rapidly, while unleashing a torrent of quasar beams from its extended cannons. The beams hammered the entity, crackling and flashing, white-hot, against that obscene blubbery mass. The entity again tried to ensnare the ship with its tendrils and failed miserably. It had also visibly shrunk into itself again, making noises that were faintly reminiscent of groans. The Yogami, triumphant again, streaked away from the mind monster. "Yahoo! That thing's getting its ass whupped," Tris said. "Look at it. It was ugly before, but now it's ugly and sorry-looking." "Yeah, it's hurt and hurt badly," Tenchi agreed. "It's about time! Ryoko was right. We have the firepower to defeat it." "Looks that way, all right," Washuu said. "Don't know why quasar beams should prove to be so much more effective against it than Ryoko's fireballs and her and Ryo-Ohki's force beams, though." "That is a good point, Professor Washuu," Lord Yosho noted quietly. "Maybe it's just something that works better," Sasami guessed. "We don't know much about it, do we?" "No, we don't," Washuu admitted ruefully. "I sure don't know enough about it. I'm trying to gather as much data about it as I can, but there are other priorities, you know...like trying to keep us alive." She placed heavy significance on that last sentence. Tenchi looked at Washuu. He knew what she was hinting at. "We understand, Washuu. If you can come up with something to help us, that's what you need to do. But that plasma bubble! I'll pass." "But, Tenchi—-" "I said, I'll pass!" Tenchi was getting testy. Being cooped up on that spot, worrying about how injured his elderly grandfather really was, dreading the possible arrival of his father into harm's way at any moment, and anticipating the dangerous task before him--all these combined to strain his normally easy-going nature. But Tenchi had a firm grip on himself and he quickly recovered. "Sorry, Washuu. It's a tremendous thing you've accomplished, I know. If I don't succeed, well...okay. We'll need your invention then. But I'm going to succeed—-and I don't want anything slowing me up. Right?" Washuu nodded. "Right, Tenchi. Like I said, it's just defensive." "Sounds pretty offensive to me—-ants in the pants!" Tris grinned. The others chuckled at the weak joke...even Washuu. "It's time to finish this," Tenchi said, watching Ryoko and then the Yogami circle back to their attack positions once more. "When they attack that thing again—-I'm going in, too." He hefted Sword Tenchi. Its burning, blazing blade seemed as indomitable as the young man who wielded it. "Very good, grandson," Lord Yosho approved. "Do not make my mistake. Join into battle with the entity just as the others are doing likewise. That way, it will have three enemies to defend against at the same time." "You didn't make a mistake, Grandfather," Tenchi protested. "It was just bad luck." "We make our own luck, Tenchi," Lord Yosho said quietly. "I have told you that many times. I have trained you as well as I can. You are ready for the battle, grandson. You must rely on that and forget about my failure. That is all the luck you need." "Yes, Grandfather," Tenchi said just as quietly. No one else spoke. Most of them were visibly tense and anxious. As soon as Ryoko and Yogami attacked the mind monster, Tenchi was going to risk all for one quick lunge of his incredible power sword into that huge roiling mass of evil and corruption and hatred. Yet there seemed no reason for anxiety. As Ryoko dived in toward the entity, the latter seemed to actually cringe at her approach. It shrunk into itself even more, its huge yellow eye rolling with agitation, its tendrils snapping at the diving form of the space pirate seemingly with more timidity than threat. It was a truly theatrical show. So theatrical that Tris muttered, almost unconsciously, "Kabuki." He was referring to the ancient Japanese theater, where the actors wore masks and everything was pantomimed ritualistically. Tris had only sat through an actual performance once...it really wasn't his cup of tea, although he respected the tradition behind it. Tris had no idea why he said what he did and quickly disregarded it. Everyone else seemed to either ignored Tris's comment or just assign it as another silly outburst from him. Except Lord Yosho. He frowned. The word was more than just an inconsequential utterance, he felt certain. He tried to discern its hidden meaning, "Okay. Right after Ryoko zaps that thing and Yogami joins in, I'm off," Tenchi said. "Perfect," Washuu said, looking up. "That's exactly the right moment. You'll whip that blob, Tenchi!" She looked back down at her console. There might have been a hint of moisture in her eyes. "Good lucky, buddy," Tris said, keeping his voice light. "When you get back, we'll go get the stuff for the pizza, right?" Tenchi grinned at Tris. He appreciated his friend's upbeat approach to what might be their last moments together. "Right! You still have that shopping list, Sasami?" "Shopping list? Oh...yes, Tenchi," Sasami replied softly. "You come back to us...okay?" "That's a promise, Sasami." Tenchi glanced at his grandfather, who seemed lost in thought. He shrugged. Grandfather didn't need to tell him anything now. Everything had already been said. Now they all watched Ryoko once again zoom from above the treetops toward the mind monster. She laughingly unleashed two fireballs that covered most of the entity with blazing flame. Then she pummeled its gelatinous bulk with a brace of force beams. The entity's flaying tendrils missed her as usual. She laughed once more. They could hear her shout: "That's the best you can do, Ugly? Think I'll let Kiyone and Mihoshi finish you off. I've wasted enough time on you, already!" She quickly zoomed above the entity to get a ringside seat for the Yogami's attack. Tenchi grinned. That Ryoko! Yes, she deserved a kiss or two...or even three...right after this battle was over. Now he braced himself. The Yogami, with a scream of power and speed, dived toward the entity. Tenchi began to run. Quickly, his sprint became a distance-eating dash. He was in superb physical condition. He had trained to razor sharpness. His mind was fully on his task. Sword Tenchi blazed like a beacon in his grasp. He ran and ran, heart pounding, blood singing, toward the mind monster. In seconds, he was halfway there. >From where he sat watching his grandson's run at the enemy, Lord Yosho straightened suddenly with realization. Kabuki! Masks! False faces! Deception! He yelled, "Tenchi! Come back!" But his grandson couldn't hear him. The Yogami's roaring dive toward the entity drowned out his voice. The starship reached the limit of its dive, firing its cannons as it did. White-hot quasar beams pounded the entity. The red Galaxy Police cruiser pulled up from the screaming dive, climbing rapidly. Tenchi was close to the entry now. Just a few seconds more, and—- And then everything went to hell. With a thunderous roar that sent out vibrations that everyone could feel, the entity suddenly, monstrously, expanded back to its normal—- abnormal—-size. Still climbing for altitude, the Yogami nearly hit it. Ryoko suddenly found herself eyeballs-to-eyeball with the mind monster of Professor Klove. It wasn't a fond look they exchanged. Ryoko tried to teleport, but one of the blob's tendrils wrapped around her. She screamed as her writhing body was again encased in flashing incandescence. The pain was searing, excruciating--another tendril wrapped around her--then a third. Ryoko screamed again. "God—-Ryoko—-" Washuu gasped. "She's got to get away from that damned thing—-got to break free—-" "If only she can..." Lord Yosho murmured. "If only..." To Tris, watching the scene with alarm, it sounded more like a prayer than a speculation. "Break free, Ryoko!" Sasami pleaded, standing up from where she had been kneeling beside Ayeka. "Please!" But the space pirate only struggled in the searing grip of those galvanizing tendrils, seemingly in vain. Then, a moment later, another catastrophe occurred. A tendril snapped. A glowing green globule hurtled into the air from it. The glowing glob smacked squishily into Yogami's aft, right into her rear exhaust. The Yogami, no more than fifty feet in the air now, shuddered. When the glowing green slime evaporated from her rear exhausts seconds later, only a weak glow was emitted by the thrusters. Yogami lost speed rapidly and had to employ her side stabilizer rockets to right herself. "What?" Tris shouted, floored by the sight. "How—-what about their shields--?" "Damn, that Klove is a cagey bastard!" Washuu groaned. "He hit Yogami in the one spot her shields can't cover—-her rear thrusters. Her exhaust plume has to have a way of escaping the shields or the ship would be surrounded by its own exhaust. So there's the tiniest aperture in the shields' coverage—-and Klove found it!" "Of course he did," Tris muttered helplessly. "Can--can they stay airborne?" Sasami asked anxiously. "Just barely. That glob attack knocked out most of their thrust—-it all but quenched their reactor core," Washuu said, staring at the viewscreen of her console. "That's the source of nearly all of Yogami's power. They've got to get away from that blob—-now!" And disaster still wasn't through with them yet. With two foes no longer a threat, the mind monster rolled its glaring eyeball toward the rapidly approaching figure of Tenchi Masaki. It began to snap over a dozen tendrils at once, sending a flood of the deadly green globules at Tenchi, who was only fifteen feet away. With a curse and a inward groan at the catastrophe, his heart sinking as he saw the Yogami crippled and Ryoko squirming in the entity's grasp, Tenchi had to start swinging Sword Tenchi in a wide arc to deflect the barrage of globules—-just as his grandfather had done. He had failed...just like Grandfather. Back at the spot they shared with the unconscious and slowly sinking Ayeka and her two Guardians, Lord Yosho, Washuu, Tris, and Sasami simply watched, horrified, impotent, confounded by the stunning and calamitous turn of events. Their new optimism, their surging hope, all was quashed. They numbly listened to Ryoko scream and scream in the mind monster's searing grip. It took a lot, one hell of a lot, to make Ryoko scream like that—-she had to be dying, horribly, in the killing grasp of those tendrils-- just as Professor Klove had promised she would. The Yogami could barely make any headway with most of her rear thruster engines gone, thanks to the invading plasma globule. And Tenchi was obliged to swing Sword Tenchi quickly, almost blurringly so, in order to deflect the rain of green globules splashing and flaring all around him. His face was a rictus of concentration that also mirrored his inner torment at hearing Ryoko in so much horrible pain and being unable to help her. Huddled against the folds of Lord Yosho's kimono, Ryo-Ohki cried and cried at her mistress's screams. Lord Yosho's eyes closed tightly at the sight of the disaster. Then he opened his eyes. "Professor Washuu," he said quietly. "Please employ your plasma bubble to assist my grandson. He can advance no further. He must retreat now." "Yes, Lord Yosho," Washuu said miserably. Lord Yosho had just announced their failure, a failure that would likely soon lead to their demise. Washuu marveled that she had lived so very long and had done so many things, just to die on this hick planet. Then suddenly she thought of Nobuyuki. The great scientist was glad that Nobie was away from danger...yet she also wished he were there for her to hold a final time. Ryoko's anguished screams shook Washuu badly. She suddenly realized how much she truly liked-—and yes, loved—-the sassy space pirate. Please don't let her suffer long, Washuu prayed, but to what she prayed to, she really didn't know. Then she steeled herself and began working at her console. She could at least help Tenchi return to them. Again, Klove had outfoxed them, Washuu knew. The force beams and fireballs and quasar beams had hurt the entity, but not seriously. It had only been shamming, cagily. Klove had manipulated them like game pieces, luring both Ryoko and Kiyone and Mihoshi in the Yogami closer and closer to him so he could inflict the maximum damage on them. He had also lured Tenchi to him, spoiling the only chance the young Juraian Prince had to attack with Sword Tenchi with any real hope of success. Now Washuu was about to use up nearly all of her power reserves to help Tenchi retreat from the mind monster, the incredible cerebral creation from the Dream Dimension. Then she was finished too, just like the rest of them. Clinically, she couldn't help wondering how Klove would kill her. She felt certain it would be interesting, if unpleasant. She depressed a final touchpad. Suddenly, a wavering glow settled around Tenchi. The green globules slammed into it and slid off it, wetly—-it was rather as if the young man were encased in a transparent plastic blister, one that the horribly corrosive globules could not penetrate. Her invention was a success! A costly success, though. Tremendous power had to be expended every second to keep such a stupendously strong force field in operation. Washuu watched dully as the power meters on her console's screen registered full power...nine-tenths power... "Tenchi!" she shouted. "Sheath your sword! And run back here as fast as you can! I can't keep the power in the bubble up much longer!" "Yes, grandson, hurry!" Lord Yosho called. Anxiety was etched on his normally placid face. "Hurry!" "Meow-er!" Ryo-Ohki also urged. Tris and Sasami were silent, both praying with everything they were worth—-not only for Tenchi but also for Ryoko, whose screams had tapered off now, frighteningly--and for Kiyone and Mihoshi aboard the badly damaged Yogami as well. "Ow! Yeow! Damn it! Washuu!" Tenchi was trying to hurry. But the hundreds of tiny eruptions of pain on his exposed skin had him hopping and rubbing himself, frenziedly. Washuu had been correct about the effect of the plasma bubble on him—-he felt as if he were being eaten alive by ants--fire ants. Their electric bites itched and stung, abominably. But somehow, he managed to hop-run back the group, still jerking and jolting in pain, rubbing himself in a dozen placed with his free hand, the hand not holding Sword Tenchi. He had obeyed Washuu and sheathed Sword Tenchi, fortunately--his pain-induced gyrations might have caused him to inadvertently puncture the protective bubble. Washuu saw with alarm that her lab's power banks were down to one- half of capacity. The equivalent of an entire civilized planet's power output had been expended in a moment! Damn that Jurai power, the power that made those globs so potent! It made even her mighty power banks seem puny. "Run like hell, Tenchi! I'll be out of juice in a few minutes!" Cursing and yelping and rubbing himself, Tenchi somehow managed to run, hoppingly, a bit faster. The rapid-firing glowing green globules kept plastering the transparent energy bubble that encased him and kept sliding off. Finally, Tenchi made it to safety--he was within a few yards of the small group that watched his painful gyrations anxiously. The barrage of globules ceased abruptly, as the entity evidently noted that it was in danger of hitting the Princess if it continued. Azaka II and Kamidake II almost lifted from the grass. But the threat to Ayeka didn't materialize and they remained in place, talking fretfully to each other and imploring the Princess to awaken. Of course, she didn't. Her shallow breathing and her now-waxy skin indicated she would never wake up again. Sasami now sat beside her big sister's prone form on the grass and grieved silently, both for Ayeka and for Ryoko, who was now hanging, limp and silent, in the mind monster's tendrils. The little girl had run out of tears, it seemed. But not out of grief. Just a few seconds after the barrage of green globules stopped, the shimmering essence faded away from Tenchi. The plasma bubble had burst, more or less. He groaned with utter, thankful, shuddering relief, ran a few more yards, and all but collapsed at Tris's feet. Tris grabbed him, steadied him. As he did, Washuu saw on the viewscreen of her portable console that her main power banks were now empty. If she were back in her sub- dimensional lab, she could fire up the immense dynamos and recharge her power stores. Of course, it would take a little while to do so. Funny...that was one function that she hadn't created a remote access for so she could activate it from the console. Of course, she hadn't seen the need for it. Oh, well--another mistake on her part. Now her console was running on its own battery stores. Those would last a little while...probably longer, she reflected fatalistically, than she would herself. Lord Yosho rose painfully and hobbled over to his grandson. He gently took Tenchi from Tris and embraced his grandson, briefly. "Grandfather," Tenchi panted. He was soaked with sweat, and tiny fiery red pinpoints dotted his face, hands, and forearms from being encased in the plasma bubble. "You shouldn't be walking." "Yes, I should, grandson," Lord Yosho said to him. "I must be on my feet. No matter what happens, no foe must ever find a Juraian Prince on his knees." He embraced his grandson again and released him. "You did your best, grandson. We must now be prepared for what fate has in store for us." "Yes, Grandfather," Tenchi said. His voice was hoarse but firm. He was another Juraian Prince who would meet his enemy on his feet. He looked past his grandfather at the now inert and silent form of Ryoko, still being held by the entity's tentacle-like tendrils. God, I'm sorry, Ryoko, he thought. Sorry was a horribly inadequate word, but it was the only word he had. Ryoko was gone and Ayeka was all but gone. The two women who had meant so much to him...gone. Tenchi felt completely empty inside. The only thing to fill that void was duty--duty to his friends who remained alive. He must continue fighting to defend them, even unto death. "Sorry about putting you through all that, Tenchi," Washuu apologized. "I didn't have time to develop a buffer—-" "Don't apologize, Washuu," Tenchi said. "You saved my life. That thing meant to kill me. It would have, too, if it weren't for your invention. You're the greatest genius in the galaxy—-you truly are." "Some genius!" Washuu said forlornly. "Out of power! I can't do a damned thing now...except monitor what's going to happen next." "Professor Washuu," Lord Yosho said, "please contact Yogami and instruct our Detectives to depart immediately. That obscenity will be robbed of a few victims at least. And we can still defeat Professor Klove's overall scheme." "Right!" Tenchi exclaimed. "They can tell the GP and the Galactic Union what really happened here. That should stop any suspicion that Ayeka was responsible." He paused a moment to contemplate the Princess's still, quiet form lying on the lawn. Was she still breathing? Yes...the smallest movement of her bosom could be detected. Thank God! "We can prevent a galactic civil war, at least." "Yes, Tenchi...and for that greater good, our lives are a small payment," Lord Yosho agreed. How true, Tenchi thought morosely. And poor Ryoko had paid with her life first. Tenchi was wracked with sorrow. He hadn't been allowed to even say goodbye to that wild, wonderful free spirit, that truly lovely and extraordinary woman. He hadn't even had a chance to tell Ryoko that he—- Suddenly there was a piercing scream—-no, not a scream, a high- pitched shout-—a shout of triumph. And it came from the entity—-but not from the entity—-from something else--someone else-- "Ryoko!" Tenchi shouted, flabbergasted, ecstatic, and overwhelmed with joy. Mustering all her powers, her indomitable courage, and her protean love for Tenchi, Ryoko now broke free of the tendrils that held her. The space pirate darted into the air above the mind monster. No, she wasn't dead--it seemed she could do a little shamming, too. She streaked away from the entity, avoiding the tendrils that snapped and grasped at her. She teleported just before a shower of globules saturated the spot she had occupied a second ago. Far from the entity now, Ryoko reappeared. Her sheath dress was in tatters and her exposed skin gleamed with red stripes of fiery inflammation. Ryoko looked as if she had just survived a jaunt through a meat grinder. But she was alive and airborne. She grinned shakily, and blew another kiss at her Tenchi. "Meow-er!" Ryo-Ohki scampered from Lord Yosho's feet. "Meow! Meow!" The cabbit literally hopped with euphoria. "That blob tried to get fresh with me, sweetums!" Ryoko called. "But I told it I only have eyes for you!" "Ryoko! Thank God!" Tenchi shouted, joyfully. He felt tears moisten his eyes. He blinked them away. "Damn, Ryoko!" Washuu exclaimed, her voice catching a bit. "You're just flat out amazing!" "You sure are, Ryoko!" Tris agreed. "You're the best! The best!" Lord Yosho nodded, his face beaming. He agreed with Tristram's assessment absolutely. Staring up at the resurrected space pirate, little Sasami discovered she did have a few tears left, after all. She shed those happy tears now, overjoyed that Ryoko hadn't been killed. Hearing Tenchi, Tris's, and Washuu's return shouts, Ryoko grinned at them and gave them the thumbs-up sign. She pointed to the blob and made a nasty face. Then she made motions with her hands. Clearly, she was going to rest up a moment and then attack Klove's mind monster again. The space pirate was determined to keep on fighting. "Ryoko is an indomitable warrior," Lord Yosho observed meditatively. "Such a warrior can never be defeated, not truly." "That Ryoko's a scrapper all right." Washuu nodded in relieved agreement. "Now, if she'll just get aboard Ryo-Ohki and get the hell out of here...that'll be four survivors." "Right!" Tenchi bent down to pick up Ryo-Ohki. But the cabbit just scuttled away from him. Then Ryo-Ohki stopped and regarded Tenchi with love and understanding...and also with an unshakeable resolution. Tenchi tried a few more times, but Ryo-Ohki kept scampering out of his reach. "What wrong with her?" he demanded, frustrated, grabbing at the cabbit again. "Oh, Tenchi," Sasami said sadly. "Ryo-Ohki won't leave us—-because she knows that Ryoko won't. Don't you realize that?" Tenchi stopped. He nodded his head slowly. "Yeah...I guess I do, Sasami." "I should have realized that, too," Lord Yosho said, somehow still standing upright without assistance despite the massive burn wound on his side. "Ryo-Ohki's devotion is absolute. She will share our fate...as will Ryoko." "Well, that makes it cozy," Washuu said ironically. "No one gets out of here alive! You know, that damned Klove probably is counting on that—-Ryoko's love for Tenchi to keep her here fighting him to the death, rather than her scooting off. He's had psychiatric training, so he understands emotions, although it's certain he doesn't value them." "But there's still Kiyone and Mihoshi!" Tris pointed out. His fear had subsided greatly now; he was resigned to what seemed to be the inevitable. His only concern was that Kiyone and Mihoshi survive. It was about the only thing preventing him from just curling up into a ball and waiting for Klove's mind monster to flambé him. "Weren't you going to call them and tell them to scram out of here?" Lord Yosho and Tenchi nodded in agreement. "If you would please put through that call now, Miss Washuu," Lord Yosho requested. "Right, Grandpa." Washuu began to punch touchpads on her console keyboard. "Maybe they'll see sense and scoot. Maybe not, though. They won't want to leave us like this, that's for sure." She stared at her viewscreen. "Let's check their status first...Yogami's down to about a fourth of her thrust now, thanks to that attack. It should be enough for them to escape Earth's gravity, though, and—-" Before she could finish the sentence, Washuu's speculation was rendered moot. As the Yogami continued to limp away from the entity, attempting to gain more altitude, the mind monster gave what looked like a contemptuous flick of one of its tendrils. Instantly, a pulsating green globule blasted from the tip of the tendril. A heartbeat later, that globule found the tiny exhaust aperture in the ship's shields. It hit the Yogami's rear thruster exhausts again with deadly accuracy. The red starship shuddered again—-and her glowing rear thrusters were suddenly dark. The Yogami had now lost even that one-fourth of her normal thrust. "Damn it—-no!" Tris cried, fear welling in him again. Washuu looked up from her console. Her expression was grimly tragic. "That last glob completely quenched Yogami's reactor core. They need to re-ignite it--and they don't have time. And they can't use their escape pods--not enough time for that, either." "No Washuu!" Sasami pleaded. "Do something!" "Washuu," Tenchi demanded anxiously. "Can't you—-?" "I'm out of power, Tenchi," the petite scientist told him softly, remorsefully. "And now so are Kiyone and Mihoshi. I can't help them. No one can. They're fifty feet in the air now—-and they're going to fall to Earth—-and nothing can stop them." As if to underline her assessment, with a final sputter of thrusters that refused to function, the Yogami dropped like a stone. The red starship hurtled to the ground. She was a sturdy vessel, constructed of the strongest alloys in the galaxy. When she hit the ground she likely wouldn't be too badly damaged, wouldn't crack open...but her two occupants wouldn't be so fortunate. Inside the Yogami, those two occupants were facing certain death in surprisingly different ways. Kiyone sat in her pilot seat, looking helplessly, hopelessly, at the heads-up displays that told her the ship's engines had flamed out, that reactor re-ignition would take ten more minutes, that they were dead ducks—-her hands gripped the armrests so tightly her knuckles were white. She felt the sudden lurch and then the plummet. She stayed put--by the time she made it to the escape pods, it would be too late. Now she looked at Mihoshi. She wanted to say something, something affectionate maybe, before they died together. But—-she saw that her partner was frantically pushing touchpads on her console, her pretty tanned face rigid with concentration. "Mihoshi, what are you doing? This is it, damn it, don't you realize we're going to die and--" "No we're not, Kiyone!" Mihoshi punched a touchpad. Kiyone felt a tremendous lurch--felt herself compressed deep into her seat--and also felt her stomach turn somersaults. But—-the ship had stopped falling! "Mihoshi—-what—-how—-?" she sputtered, astonished. "I took manual control of the power grid—-I diverted all the back-up battery power for the life-support system—-we don't need it now because we're so close to the ground. I diverted the battery power to the stabilizers," Mihoshi explained breathlessly. "Good God!" Kiyone was stunned. Taking control of the Yogami's power grid—-those hundreds of miles of circuitry—-and overriding the mandated flow of battery power to the life support system—-that was an impossibly complex task. Kiyone's head swam just at the thought of attempting it from her console. But it wasn't impossible—-their engines had flamed out, yet they had stopped falling. The side stabilizer rockets had to be working, somehow. Mihoshi had done it! That dizzy, wonderful ding-dong had done it! The teal-haired Galaxy Police officer felt a new sensation—-awe. Awe for her bubble-headed screw-up of a partner. "Mihoshi—-you wonderful—-!" Kiyone started to praise her fulsomely—- and then the ship dropped again! "What the hell-—Mihoshi--!" "We—-We don't have enough battery power to keep the stabilizers on long," Mihoshi explained apologetically as they hurtled down. "I can only turn them on for a few times, for a few seconds—-so we'll have to drop and stop." "Stop! Stop now!" Kiyone demanded. The sensation of falling so rapidly made her dizzy, not to mention sick to her stomach. "Okay!" Mihoshi punched the touchpad again. The ship stopped plummeting. Kiyone and Mihoshi were pushed deep into their seats again from the g-force. Kiyone felt as if her stomach was laying on the bridge's floor somewhere. "Only a second, Kiyone—-then we'll have to drop again—-we're almost out of battery power—-" Kiyone began to reply—-and then, sure enough, they dropped again. It was a hell of a ride—-the question was whether they'd survive it. Mihoshi had to time it perfectly and use the stabilizers wisely. They likely had only power enough for one more stop. If so--and they stopped again too soon—-they'd have a fatal fall remaining to Earth. If she waited too late—-they might hit the ground before the stabilizers could buoy up the ship. For the first time in a long time, Kiyone prayed. Tris had been praying, too, for Kiyone and Mihoshi, as he watched their ship drop like a stone. Then he stopped praying and just stared—-as did the others—-as the crippled starship suddenly stopped in mid-air with all the grace of a drunken goose. But it did stop. "Oh, thank—-" he began. Then he saw the Yogami fall again. "Damn!" he shouted. "What the holy hell--!" "What's happening?" Sasami cried. "Washuu—-?" Tenchi knew whom to ask. Washuu was frantically tapping away at her console's keyboard. She whistled appreciatively when she read the viewscreen. "That's what I call inspired! They diverted Yogami's battery power from the life support systems to the ship's stabilizer rockets. That's why they're stopping." "Well—-okay," Tris said, confused. "Then why are they still falling?" "Because they only have a limited amount of power in the batteries—- only enough to fire those stabilizers for an instant and only for a few times. But it may be enough to save them. That's one hell of an example of seat-of-your-pants programming, I must say. That Kiyone!" Although her comments were heard, they weren't entirely absorbed by the others. The Yogami was falling again, after a second momentary pause. Gasps and cries of dismay rose from the group as they watched the Yogami plummet to Earth again. Suddenly Ryoko loomed overhead. "What the hell are they doing?" she demanded. "Are they nuts?" "Damn it! Why don't they fire those goddamn stabilizers?" Tris swore. He seemed angry, actually angry, at Mihoshi and Kiyone for not saving themselves. Tenchi would have found the situation kind of comical another time, another place. He gripped his buddy's shoulder, trying to calm him down a bit. "Hold on, cutie," Washuu told him. "They have only enough battery power for one more stabilizer firing. They have to time it just right-—" Then, less than fifteen feet above the ground, the Yogami halted once more, as her stabilizer rockets spurted again. The ship again hung in the air momentarily—-then it dropped to Earth. "Kiyone!" Tris yelled helplessly. The Yogami slammed into the ground, massively. The force of the red starship's immense bulk pounded the sod and threw up billowing dust clouds. The ship dug deep into the turf. The ground shook with the impact. The dust clouds slowly dissipated. The Yogami lay on the ground, apparently undamaged. But she was alloy and polymer, not flesh and bone. And that had been a long, hard drop. "Are they alive?" Tris all but jumped with agitation, his face a contorted mask of anxiety. "Are they—-?" Washuu held up her hand as she scanned her console screen. Then she grinned with fathomless relief. "You can put it back in neutral, cutie. They're alive! I'm reading their body heat signatures clearly inside their ship. They're not only alive, they're moving around in there." "Oh, thank God!" Tris felt suddenly weak...weak as a newborn kitten with relief. Tenchi patted his shoulder, with a grin wide enough to split his face. Behind him, Sasami's eyes teared with joy. Washuu looked a bit misty eyed as well. Lord Yosho smiled broadly. "Damn, that's great!" Ryoko said, hovering above them all. "That's one hell of a rotten landing, though. Bet they got headaches that won't quit!" The Yogami had settled some thirty feet from the group, quite near the lake. The soft spring sunlight made the spacecraft's red hull glisten. Staring at it, Tris spotted the exit hatch on the Yogami's starboard side that faced them. "They'll be coming out of that," he pointed. "That hatch there. I'll just go meet them—-" Tenchi grabbed him, tightly. "No, you don't!" "Huh? Let go!" "No!" Tenchi's voice brooked no argument. "Listen, bonehead. You leave this area and that monster will roast you with those glob things. You saw how accurate it is—-it threw them straight at me and Grandfather. You stay here!" "But—-" Tris struggled in Tenchi's grasp. He was finding out how strong Tenchi was-—especially when he sought to save a friend from his own stupidity. "Tris, they don't need you with them," Washuu told him, her voice as firm as Tenchi's. "What if you pull one of your usual boners and fall? They'll have to stop and try to help you. Then all three of you will be toast. Just let them get out of their ship and make their way here to us the best they can. That's the only way, cutie." Tris, despite his extreme, heart-pounding anxiety for Kiyone and Mihoshi, knew they were talking sense to him. He had to admit that tripping at critical times was an old story with him. "Okay, you're right," he said dispiritedly. Tenchi released him. "Yeah, you stay there, goofball!" Ryoko called down to him. "I'll just fly over to Yogami and—-" "Look out!" Lord Yosho, who had kept his eye on Professor Klove's creation, suddenly called out, urgently. Ryoko turned her head in the direction of the mind monster. "Yikes!" She zoomed toward the heavens and teleported from view. Immediately, the sky overhead seemed filled with scores of the glowing green globules. But they weren't aimed at Ryoko, not this time. They were meant for the Yogami—-and its occupants. Like computer-guided artillery shells, the green globules soared into the air, then arced downward in a perfect trajectory toward the crashed Galaxy Police ship. Those globules slammed into the ship's hull. They burst gelatinously on that hull, spreading their corrosive liquid fire. Tenchi and the others held their breaths, fearing the worst. Yet the fiery slime did not penetrate the hull. "Yogami's too strong for that stuff!" Tris crowed. "That blob's wasting its time!" "Yeah, thank goodness!" Tenchi agreed, relieved. "Good to know something can stand up to those damned globs." "Well, Yogami is constructed of the strongest alloys known. Ryo-Ohki's more organic in her makeup—-more vulnerable to a corrosive plasma," Washuu pondered. "That could explain it." "Who cares—-as long as they're safe in there," Tris said. "Maybe...maybe Kiyone and Mihoshi can get Yogami going again!" Sasami said hopefully. "They can still get away!" "Could be," Washuu nodded. "It'll take a little while to fire up the reactor and then get the thrusters warm..." Washuu was an expert on the Yogami, having repaired her more than once. She kept punching touchpads, analyzing Yogami's operational condition and also keeping tabs on the movements of Kiyone and Mihoshi within. "Those two are getting around just fine in there," she added. "They were badly shaken no doubt, but I'll bet they weren't really injured. Their pilot seats are designed to absorb impact." "Thanks, Washuu," Tris said gratefully. He knew that the redheaded scientist had tossed out those last few sentences especially for his benefit. Then he frowned as he saw more of the glowing green globules smack wetly against Yogami's hull, again seemingly without effect. "That's weird," he noted. "I thought that blob thing was intelligent." "It is intelligent," Washuu said. "Remember, that thing is really Klove's mind—-his brain waves, materialized into form and substance." "Well, he must have had a brain dump," Tris countered. "That thing keeps raining those globs on Yogami even when they aren't doing diddly squat to it. That's pretty dumb." "Yeah, it sure seems like that blob's wasting its energy," Tenchi agreed. "Not that I'm complaining, mind you." "I sincerely hope that it is indeed wasting its efforts," Lord Yosho murmured. But he looked worried. The barrage of green globules was steady now, becoming a constant splatter of the horribly corrosive but seemingly ineffectual plasma weapon on the red Galaxy Police cruiser's fuselage. "It does seem odd," Sasami noted. "It doesn't stop. I wonder why?" Staring at her console's screen that displayed the Yogami's vital statistics, Washuu's face suddenly grew troubled. "Uh-oh. Klove does have a reason for pelting Yogami with those globs--damn it!" "What reason, Washuu?" Tenchi queried. "Those plasma globules radiate a lot of heat as well as corrosive power," Washuu explained, her voice distressed. "All those globs hitting Yogami's hull have raised its temperature—-about fifty degrees higher!" She glanced up from her console. "Look—-you can see it." They all now regarded the Yogami. Indeed, the ship was emitting a haze that distorted the air around it—-indicative of a very high temperature. "Fifty degrees higher? They'll roast in there!" Tris exclaimed. "And the temperature just rose another five degrees," Washuu reported. "I get it now. Klove could just melt Yogami's hull with those globs at full intensity. But he's using a lower intensity—- just because he wants to parboil those two, the sick bastard! He's enjoying himself, and he's conserving his own energy, too." Still more green plasma globules splattered on the Yogami's hull, courtesy of the mind monster. Tris imagined he could feel the heat now radiating from the Yogami. He felt sick. "Again, Professor Klove had out-maneuvered us," Lord Yosho said quietly but sorrowfully. "Our two Detectives must leave Yogami or perish from the heat within--yet by escaping the heat, they will expose themselves to Klove's weapons." "Exactly, Grandpa," Washuu said glumly. "Talk about being between the devil and the deep blue sea!" "Hell!" Tris said. "That's exactly what it must feel like inside Yogami," Washuu agreed, shaking her head. "Temperature's up another ten degrees." "They've got to get out of there!" Tenchi said, appalled. "Oh, no! No!" Sasami cried, as a terrible thought came to her. "Maybe they can't get out—-maybe the exit doors are stuck from all the heat!" "God, no!" Tris groaned. "Ryoko! Ryoko!" Tenchi yelled anxiously, noting that she was no longer with the group. If anyone could help—- Moments later, the platinum-haired space pirate appeared a few feet above him. Tenchi had interrupted her rest, high up in a tree where the mind monster couldn't see her. "Yes, sweetums—-what is it?" "We think Yogami's hatches may be stuck," Tenchi told her tersely. "Kiyone and Mihoshi have to get out of there! Yogami's becoming an oven because of those damned glob things. Can you—-" "—-get a hatch open?" Ryoko finished for him. "Well, I guess so, Tenchi. Once all those globs stop flying around the ship." But the globule barrage showed no sign of abating. Still, Ryoko readied herself to streak to Yogami once it did. She hoped she wouldn't be too late. Suddenly the side hatch of the red starship slid open. An instant later, the figures of Kiyone and Mihoshi, looking somewhat mussed in their work shirts and short-shorts, scrambled out. "See? That hatch works just fine, sweetums," Ryoko told Tenchi. "Run! Run Kiyone! Mihoshi! Run over here!" Tris shouted. Both Kiyone and Mihoshi started running all right-—they ran like cheetahs, somehow avoiding the corrosive slime from the plasma globules splattering against their ship. They sprinted like Olympic hopefuls. Their bare legs flashed, their bare feet pounded the turf, their arms pumped frenziedly. But they ran around Yogami, not toward the group, but away from it—-and toward the lake. "Hey, stop—-no, no, don't stop! I mean—-come over here!" Tris shouted again, totally confused at what he was seeing. Meanwhile, noting that its prey had left the red-hot death trap it had devised, the mind monster now directed its globules at the two fleeing Galaxy Police officers. But Kiyone and Mihoshi both ran a serpentine pattern and the entity's aim was not equal to the challenge—-it was just too far away from them for total accuracy. "Could that landing have knocked them silly or something?" Ryoko asked, still hovering above Tenchi, as she watched Kiyone and Mihoshi sprint toward the glistening lake. "I don't know," Tenchi replied, nonplussed. "Why would they run away from the only safe spot around here?" "It doesn't make sense," Sasami said fretfully. "Oh, I wish they were with us now!" "Perhaps there is method in their apprent madness," Lord Yosho suggested mildly. He stepped forward, wincing at the pain in his side, so that he could observe the antics of the two Galaxy Police Officers more clearly. "That's right, Grandpa!" Washuu said, grinning. "Now I know what those two are up to." "Huh?" Tris asked. "What?" "Just watch," Washuu told him. Kiyone and Mihoshi reached the bank of the lake now. Without a moment's hesitation, both of them dove into the blue water and disappeared. "What the hell?" Tris shouted. What had been confusing before was now even more so. "What a crazy time for a swim!" Ryoko commented. "They must be bonkers." "No, they're smart—-damned smart," Washuu insisted. Lord Washuu nodded, his injured body relaxing with his relief. Several glowing green globules smacked into the water right where Kiyone and Mihoshi had dived in. The globules raised some steam but otherwise did no damage. Then the heads of Kiyone and Mihoshi popped up from the surface of the lake a distance away. More green globules came at them. Their head disappeared under the water. The globules slammed into the water where their heads had been, again sending up plumes of steam. Then Kiyone's and Mihoshi's heads popped up again, many yards away. "You see, that mind monster of Klove's can't see into the lake...any more than we can," Washuu explained. "I get it!" Tris was giddy with relief and admiration for the two smart and plucky Galaxy Police officers. "When that blob sends some of those plasma things their way, those two just dive under the water and come up someplace else. That lake's too big for even that damned blob to cover it all." "That's right, cutie." Washuu nodded. "Of course, now they're stuck there in that lake. They don't dare move from it or those flying globs will get them. But they're safe for now. That's one heck of a brainy girlfriend you've got there—-and her partner's no slouch either." "You said a mouthful, Washuu!" Tris agreed. "Then they meant to do that?" Ryoko said. "They figured all that out before they left their ship? Well, damn...how about that?" "That's so smart! Hurray for them!" Sasami clapped her hands. Beside her, Azaka II and Kamidake II blinked happily as they talked to each other, commending the two Galaxy Police officers for their ingenuity. "Yes, Sasami. Hurry for them!" Tenchi agreed. "Our two Detectives are resourceful, indeed," Lord Yosho murmured gratefully. "That is good. Resourcefulness is what we all need now." "What do you mean by that, Grandfather?" Tenchi asked, sensing the elder Juraian Prince's comment was meant to be more significant than it sounded. "Our Detectives have finally out-witted Professor Klove, if only in a minor way," Lord Yosho pointed out. He was right. The mind monster had ceased flinging its corrosive green globules at the lake. It seemed to realize that, for the moment, attacking the two women was fruitless. "That's what we must do also if we are to survive and stop Professor Klove's scheme to destroy the Galactic Union." "Survive?" Washuu queried. "I hate to be a wet blanket, Grandpa, but we're just about out of options. Sure, Ryoko can still fight—-" "You bet I can still fight!" Ryoko snarled above them. "That creep gave me a mussing up, that's all. It's personal now. I'm going to kick its flabby butt! Watch me!" "And I can still fight, Washuu," Tenchi said. He hefted Sword Tenchi. "As Grandfather said, this sword has the supreme Jurai power. I'm sure I can kill that damned thing. I just have to get close enough to do it." "How, Tenchi?" Washuu asked him. "Ryoko alone can't distract it enough for you to get close—-" "Who says I can't?" Ryoko demanded. "I say you can't!" Washuu snapped, raising her head to glare at the hovering space pirate. Her expression softened as she surveyed the platinum-haired woman. God, Ryoko was a mess! "Listen Ryoko, stop kidding yourself. You go over there in your weakened condition and that thing will really kill you this time. Meanwhile, Tenchi makes a suicide run and he dies. Then what?" "Well, Washuu, I'll just have to--" Tenchi began. "Listen here, Washuu!" Ryoko interrupted Tenchi angrily. "You're forgetting about the Princess's Guardians, aren't you? They won't just stand by and watch us all get fried. They'll finally get their wooden asses in gear and—-" "They're programmed just to guard Ayeka." Washuu sounded weary. The roller coaster of triumph, tragedy, hope—-and then black despair—-had wrung her out, as it had done the others. "That blob won't touch Ayeka. It won't get near her. It doesn't need to in order to kill her--we talked about that already, Ryoko. God damn it! I'm tired of repeating myself. I'm tired of—-" "Are you tired of living, you worthless hag? Don't worry—-your death is nigh!" The flat metallic voice startled all of them. They looked in the direction it had come from—--where the mind monster squatted in the distance. "Ah, that dulcet tone...those sweet sentiments," Tris muttered caustically. "Sounds like Klove has found his tongue again." "Crap!" Ryoko groused. "It's bad enough having to look at that ugly turd. Do we have to listen to it, too?" "You won't have to listen long, space pirate!" the voice rasped. Now they could see a kind of slit--a wet, obscene, slobbering slit-- appear in the blubbery mass of Professor Klove's mind monster, just below the huge red-veined eye. "I tire of your stupid antics. I thought you would provide more sport, but no, you make obvious moves that a babe in arms could counter!" the entity's voice told them. "We are still very much alive, Professor Klove," Lord Yosho responded calmly. "We have not surrendered and we will not." "Bravado from an old man who could not even approach me unscathed!" The mind monster's voice was contemptuous. "You have survived this long only because I chose to toy with you for my amusement. I have waited long for this day. But your stupidity bores me now. It is time to kill you all and set the spark that will engulf the galaxy in strife and war." "You speak of stupidity, Professor Klove," Lord Yosho countered. "Yet, how wise was it to throw everything you achieved away to conduct experiments on helpless children? How wise was it to relegate yourself to a nonexistence and to turn from science and discovery to slaughter and destruction? Any normal person has led a richer and more fulfilling life than you, Professor Klove. They have known joy, happiness, love, and contentment. What have you known, Professor Klove? Hatred and horror and coldness. No, you accuse the wrong persons of stupidity, I believe." Tenchi and the others stood quietly when Lord Yosho finished. The Juraian Prince's quiet but powerful words infused them with warmth and a kind of understanding. For just a second—-but for that second—-all of them, even Tris Coffin, could look at the horrible, ugly, and obscene entity that was truly the mirror of Professor Klove's own mind and soul with pity. Yes, they might die...but they would die having known some of the pleasures and treasures that a life filled with friends and loved ones provided. That was the primal difference, the joy of a life truly lived, that separated them from the kind of cold, calculating, manipulating sociopath that Professor Klove represented. Evidently Lord Yosho's words also had some affect on the entity itself. It seemed to inwardly roil with rage and wrath, its slimy, pulpy, flesh-colored mass squirming with agitation. "Enough!" the voice bellowed. "Now die!" Then there was a sort of low, thundering rumble. The entity seemed to quiver, violently. Then—-it moved. Slowly, inchingly—-but it moved. It moved toward them. "That tears it!" Washuu said flatly. "I was kind of hoping...well, it was just a hope. It can move. It'll come up close and use its tentacle things to grab each of us. That explains why some of the other victims were found dismembered. Taking us out that way, the Princess's Guardians won't be triggered to attack. Hell...even if they do attack, Klove can destroy them too, no doubt. It'll still look like the Princess was responsible for all the carnage. If we run, we'll have the honor of being toasted by one of those plasma globs. First it'll deal with us, then it'll move to the edge of the lake and attend to Kiyone and Mihoshi. That's the way it scopes out, anyway. If anyone has a plan, I'm listening." "Thanks for the pep talk, Washuu!" Ryoko grated. "I'm not going down without a fight and neither is my sweetums--are you, Tenchi?" Ryoko swooped down to the group and landed alongside him. Before Tenchi could speak or even move, she embraced him and planted a lingering kiss on his lips. "There...that's for luck, lover, and maybe goodbye if the optimist over there is right," Ryoko said softly, parting from her true love. "I'll get in position now, Tenchi. You wave at me and I'll start hitting old Ugly with everything I've got. You pick your time and come in for the finish. All right?" Tenchi, a little shaken by the sudden embrace and kiss, slowly smiled at Ryoko. "All right," he said. "We'll go down fighting anyway, Ryoko." "Yes, we will, lover." Ryoko's golden eyes glowed at Tenchi, her wonderful, manly Tenchi. And he was a man, now...what a man! She stopped down to pet Ryo-Ohki a moment, making the cabbit purr with happiness. "You stay put, Ryo-Ohki," Ryoko ordered. "You're in no shape to fight. If things go the wrong way, you scoot off. That's a command. Understand?" "Meow-er." The cabbit sounded resigned. Then Ryoko straightened. Without another word, she soared above them. In a few moments, the bloodied, battered, but unbeaten space pirate was in position, hovering high above the mind monster. The latter had already moved an appreciable distance toward the group. It moved slowly but steadily. It would soon be upon them. "Well, it's a plan," Washuu said. "I guess it's all we have." She closed her console, for what she was certain would be the final time. The only good thing about all this was that Nobie still hadn't returned. She hoped he wouldn't be too devastated at what he would find when he did. Lord Yosho nodded. "Yes. Yet, I feel...there is something else. Something that we should recall..." He shook his head. "I am mistaken, I suppose. It may be simply that I want a solution to appear. I know we are all praying for a miracle. Well, why not? Miracles do happen." "I...I hope they do, Lord Yosho," Sasami said in a small, sad voice. She was again kneeling beside Ayeka's body where it lay on the grass. The little Princess was resolved to be with her big sister at the end. She looked at Ayeka's still, silent form. Sasami couldn't tell if Ayeka was alive or dead. Well...perhaps it really didn't matter now. At least Ayeka wouldn't suffer. There was comfort in that. Tris glanced behind him. He saw Mihoshi and Kiyone standing in the lake, near the bank. Where they stood, the water only came up to their thighs. They both held their blaster pistols. Kiyone waved at him. He forced a grin and waved back at her. He was half tempted to leave the group and try to join Kiyone and Mihoshi in the lake. But he wouldn't. He wasn't going to make it that easy for Professor Klove. "Cripes," Washuu muttered as the mind monster lumbered slowly, coming closer and closer to them. "Wish that blob would get on with it. It moves slower than a old man with bunions." "Patience, Professor Washuu," Lord Yosho said calmly. "It will be upon us soon enough." Tenchi knew how Washuu felt. He tightened his grip on Sword Tenchi. All he had to do was raise it and the fiery blade would appear. Then he'd nod at Ryoko and the final battle would begin. It was a battle he and Ryoko were sure to lose. He was loath to take that step, even though a suicidal attack on his enemy was part and parcel of his cultural upbringing. Like Grandfather, he just couldn't accept that it had to end like this. There must be a way to defeat Klove. But how? "Man," Tris muttered. "Getting offed by something that's just a damned dream! If we had to have a dream come to life, there's about a dozen of my own dreams I'd much rather nominate. Of course, you'd have to leave the room, Sasami." Tris grinned weakly at the little Princess where she knelt beside Ayeka. Sasami looked up at Tris. "Oh, Tris," she said. She smiled a little. Tenchi had to grin. His buddy...naturally, he'd be cracking jokes even at the end. "Yeah, I'd rather have even Pretty Sammy again than that ugly old blob," Tris kidded with Sasami. "Really!" Sasami actually laughed. "Yes, I wish this were a dream and I could become Pretty Sammy, and—-what's wrong with you, Tris?" The American had evidently lost his mind. He was jumping, actually jumping, up and down, his face dominated by a grin so wide that it surely would cleave his cheeks. "Pretty Sammy!" he shouted. "Pretty Sammy!" Sasami shook her head. She looked confused and concerned for Tris. "Tris?" Tenchi said, certain that his friend had finally gone around the bend. All of this was too much for Tris, of course. It was almost too much for even—- Then, suddenly, a crazy, idiotic, impossible notion blazed in Tenchi's mind. It was stupid! It was nuts! But--it might work! He began to jump, up and down, with Tris. "Yeah!" he yelled. "Yeah!" "What the hell has that goofball done to my sweetums?" Ryoko shouted. The space pirate had been hovering in the air, waiting for Tenchi to signal her. Instead, he was jumping up and down with that Tris, both of them looking like fruitcakes. It was as if Tris had gone nuts and then Tenchi had, too. Maybe Tris had crazy kooties! And he gave them to Tenchi! Lord Yosho seemed startled—-then he smiled. "Could it be? Such a fantastic notion...yet all of this is fantastic." Washuu had caught on, too. "It's absolutely crazy!" she shouted at the jumping, gleeful Tenchi and Tris. "It's bloody insane! Stop jumping, you two! It won't work." "How do you know?" Tenchi asked her, grinning and still jumping. "Yeah! You can't even make a decent force field," Tris added, keeping right up with Tenchi. Ryo-Ohki began to hop happily with the two young men. "Why, you—-" Washuu sputtered. Now Tenchi and Tris stopped jumping. They laughed uproariously. Washuu grinned at the two loonies. Then she laughed, too...she couldn't help herself. "You're right," she said. "We might as well give it a try. Why not? What do you say, Grandpa?" "Yes, we should." Lord Yosho smiled. "I had thought there must be a solution. Of course, I expected something a bit less...fanciful." "What's fanciful about it, sir?" Tris asked, finally quelling his laughter. "You just use a dream to fight a dream--that's all. It's as logical as property taxes." "It's a goofball idea and you know it," Tenchi said, grinning. He patted Tris's back. "A goofball idea from my goofball buddy. But, yeah...it just might work." "What might work?" Sasami asked, perplexed. "I don't understand what you're all talking about." Washuu smiled at the little Princess. "I'll explain it to you, Sasami. After all, you're a big part of this nutty notion!" "I am?" Sasami asked. "That's great! I'm ready to help! But what's it all about?" Ryoko appeared above them. "What's going on? Have you all cracked up? We gotta get ready to fight that blob!" "I'm about to explain, Ryoko," Washuu told her. "Okay, but don't take too long," Ryoko advised. "Old Ugly ain't fast, but he's coming all the same." "Right." Washuu turned to Sasami. "You know you have the Jurai power in you, Sasami. It's not something you get, it's something you were born with—-it's your blood heritage. Right?" "Sure," Sasami said. "I know that." "Of course you do. And you know the reason you can't use your power right now, don't you?" "Uh-huh. I have to be formally crowned. At my coronation, I'll be taught the techniques and the mental and spiritual katas I must follow in order to...but what does all of this have to do with right now, Washuu?" "Damned good question, Junior Princess," Ryoko said, annoyed with Washuu for wasting everyone's time. Washuu ignored Ryoko. "But when you dream, Sasami, you do become someone who knows how to channel her inner power into a weapon. Right?" "You mean Pretty Sammy? But that's just make-believe. She's a character I made up and I sometimes dream about becoming...like one of the pretty magical soldiers I watch on TV." Sasami was still confused. None of this seemed pertinent--not with Professor Klove's mind monster coming for them. "When we got mixed up in that Dimensional Tuner of yours I imagined I became her for a little while--kind of like I did with your Dream Machine." "Yes, and if you could become her, you would be able to use that persona to harness your Jurai power. At least, that's the theory," Washuu said dryly, glancing back at Tris and Tenchi. "Hey, did that goofball come up with this? That's classic!" Ryoko laughed. "Be quiet, Ryoko," Tenchi requested. Ryoko stopped laughing. "Yes, sweetums." "Look Sasami, that blob is supposedly from some sort of Dream Dimension," Tris said. "If it is, and it's come into our dimension, then it had to leave the door open or something—-" "You mean leave the portal open, cutie," Washuu corrected him. "That's right, in a way." "So, if Sasami could go into a dream state, she's be in the Dream Dimension, and as Pretty Sammy, she could go through that same portal," Tenchi finished for his buddy. "And fight that Klove on an equal footing—-with her Jurai power," Tris amplified. "Golly..." Sasami was stunned. "I...I will fight him, of course. But is it possible?" "We cannot know, Sasami," Lord Yosho told her. "But it may work. It is really a questionable proposition, as Professor Washuu has pointed out. But if it should work..." "I'll do it!" Sasami said firmly. "I'll try anything." "Good girl!" Washuu smiled. "Boy, Junior Princess, I don't know..." Ryoko began, her voice doubtful. "Ryoko," Tenchi said. Ryoko subsided. "But--how can I possibly fall asleep now?" Sasami asked, taking the practical tack. "With that monster coming toward us and all that's going on?" Now Tris stepped forward. "Kitten, you'll have to trust me and concentrate real hard. But if you're willing to try..." Sasami smiled. She understood now. "Of course, Tris. I trust you. I'll cooperate completely." Ryoko now realized what was being proposed. Yipes! Letting that goofball hypnotize the Junior Princess? Fighting Klove's blob monster head-on sounded safer than that! She started to say something, but noticed that Tenchi was giving her that very special look once again. She kept silent. Tris walked up to Sasami and kneeled in front of her. He dug into his pocket. He wished he had that alien ring to use, but there was no time for Ryoko to go get it from her stash. At least he had a shiny new 500-yen cupro-nickel coin. He pulled the "Nihon Koku" out. "Now, kitten...just look at the coin and concentrate. That's right. Just concentrate on its shiny surface...concentrate..." Standing thigh-deep in the lake, Kiyone and Mihoshi watched the mind monster suddenly become mobile and lumber toward Tenchi, Lord Yosho, and the others. The two women had resolved not to use their blasters until they could get a close shot at the entity. Well, now it seemed they would get that chance...for what it was worth. "Well, that does it, partner," Kiyone said dolefully. "Now that the monster can move, I don't think there's much hope. I'm sure Tenchi and Ryoko will give it one last try...but it'll likely fail. Might as well face facts." "Uh-huh," Mihoshi said absently. The water felt kind of cool and nice, but she hated having her clothes soaked. She knew her maroon hair ribbon had unraveled and her blonde hair was plastered all over her face and back. Gosh, she must look a sight! And the mud around her toes felt kind of icky. She recalled Ryoko's comment that the fish doodled in the water. She wondered if she had drunk any of it while she was swimming underwater. Yuck! She was a poor swimmer and really had to thrash to get anywhere. She noticed that Kiyone was looking at her narrowly. "Did you hear what I just said?" Kiyone demanded. "Um...no," Mihoshi admitted. "I said it's probably curtains for us! Pay attention!" "Yes, Kiyone." Mihoshi's lower lip trembled. Kiyone relented. The last thing she needed was a crying jag from Mihoshi. If that happened, Kiyone thought she might start crying, too. It was just so damned hopeless! And there was no way she could get to Tris—-not even for a last kiss or a final chance to tell him she loved him. They would die apart and he would never know...oh, damn it to hell! "Listen, when that thing gets to us, we're going to empty our blasters into it. Probably won't do much but at least it'll hurt it a little. Then I'm going to stand right here. Mihoshi. I'm not going to swim from it anymore. To hell with that! You do as you wish." "I'll stand right here with you, Kiyone," Mihoshi said softly. "Like I told you once...we're partners forever." Kiyone looked at Mihoshi. Of course the ding-dong would stay with her. Mihoshi was her best and truest friend. She had finally come to realize that--right at the very last minute. Just like she had realized her true feelings for Tris and the way she should have lived her life...all too late...damn, she was going to cry! "Okay, Mihoshi," she said huskily, averting her face. Mihoshi regarded Kiyone tenderly. She wanted to hug her, but she knew Kiyone would think it was wrong at such a time. She wished she could hug Trissy one more time...her stuffed puppy dog who had needed a friend...and Tris, too. That last thought made Mihoshi think of something else. "Kiyone, what were you going to say to Tris? You know...just before we attacked that blob thingy?" Kiyone now turned to face her. Her cheeks had reddened. "None of your business, Mihoshi!" "Were you going to tell him you love him?" Mihoshi's voice was soft. She didn't see any reason for Kiyone to hold back. Not now. "I..." Kiyone shrugged. Ayeka knew and even Ryoko knew. What difference did it make now, anyway? "Yeah, yeah, I was." "What took you so long? You've been in love with him for a long time, Kiyone." "Huh?" Kiyone glared at her partner. "What makes you think that?" "Because you have," Mihoshi said simply. "I fell in love with him when he took me to that lovely restaurant and bought me Trissy. But you're the one he liked best. You acted like you didn't care but then you two had that funny race and...well, everyone could see you were in love with him." "Everyone?" Kiyone was appalled. "Sure. Tenchi's Dad even asked me when you two were going to get married! He's so funny sometimes..." "God...!" Kiyone, her face flaming, closed her eyes. Disaster! Ruination! Everyone knew, all the time—-even before she did! Embarrassment and chagrin seethed though her. Now she wanted to die. Oh, come on, you monster—-kill me! See if I care! "But I guess you wanted Tris to tell you he loved you first," Mihoshi was saying. "That makes sense. I'd want him to, if it were me. Of course, it may be a long time before he does. Boys are funny like that." But kill Mihoshi first, monster, Kiyone now thought, eyes closed, as she absolutely burned with embarrassment. Please! "Hey! Look! Tris is jumping around!" Mihoshi sounded startled. "Huh?" Kiyone opened her eyes. "See? He's jumping. Oh, no, maybe one of those glob things hit him—-" Now Mihoshi sounded anxious. "Don't be stupid! If he was hit by one of those things, he'd wouldn't be jumping around—-he'd be dead!" Kiyone eyed the boy she loved. "Just what the hell is that idiot doing? Hasn't he embarrassed me enough? I'll kill him myself if that monster doesn't!" "Gosh! Now Tenchi is jumping, too! What's going on, Kiyone?" "I don't know--but that clown is behind it, mark my words," Kiyone fumed. "Can't even die with dignity, that big stiff, and now he's set off Tenchi, too!" Kiyone made up her mind. "Come on!" "What?" "I said, come on! We're going to settle that idiot's hash!" Kiyone began to slosh through the water, toward the bank. "But...that awful blob thingy...those globs..." "It can go to hell and those globs, too!" Kiyone swore. "I'm going to go see what the hell is going on over there and then I'm going to give that goofball such a kick! That monster will probably thank me! Now come on!" Kiyone, a veritable lake goddess in her fury, just about parted the water with a look that clearly intimated that no lousy H20 better mess with her. She finished wading through the water and climbed onto the bank. She headed over to where Tris and the others seemed to be having some sort of discussion while that blob monster moved toward them. With a worried look, Mihoshi followed her partner. Tris, with Tenchi's help, slowly lowered Sasami to the soft grass. The little girl's eyes were closed and she breathed slowly, softly, immersed in deep hypnotic sleep. They laid her beside her still and silent older sister. Tris prayed inwardly that it wasn't a foreshadowing. At any rate, placing Sasami so close to Ayeka would insure that the mind monster wouldn't attack the sleeping child for fear of hitting Ayeka...at least, not until it came a lot closer. Ryo-Ohki walked up and sniffed at the sleeping Sasami. The cabbit could not understand why two of the tall beings were sleeping when so much was happening. Azaka II and Kamidake II shared the cabbit's puzzlement. "Wow, Tris!" Ryoko said admiringly, still hovering in the air. "That was smoking! You put her under in nothing flat!" Tris nodded. Sasami had been very cooperative. Now was the moment of truth...more likely the moment of failure. "Sasami," he said quietly to the sleeping little girl, "you can hear me, can't you?" "Yes, Tris," Sasami said, eyes closed, her childish voice drowsy. "You know the terrible crisis we're facing. Our powers can't save us. We're facing death from that monster. Only Pretty Sammy can save us." Lord—-he sounded like the narrator of a particularly cheesy anime. "Do you understand?" "I...understand." "We need you to transform into Pretty Sammy. Then you must find the opening in the darkness that monster is using to attack us. You must go through that opening and fight him. It's asking a lot, but we know Pretty Sammy can do it. She can, can't she?" "Yes..." Sasami's sleepy voice agreed. "Pretty Sammy can do anything." "That's right. Now, transform into Pretty Sammy and find your way to us." Sasami was silent. Tris looked at her a moment, then he rose. Tenchi did likewise. "You did your best, Tris," Tenchi told him. "You did good, buddy. We'll just have to see...if it works." "Yes," Lord Yosho said. He was still standing, although his wounded side must have been giving his torrents of excruciating pain. "You did very well, Tristram. Now it is up to Sasami." "Well, yeah, Grandpa," Washuu said. "And it's also up to whether I'm right about the Dream Dimension, and whether anyone in a dream state can enter it and—-" "Okay, Washuu, we get the message," Tenchi said. "We'll just hope for the best." He walked up to his grandfather and accepted Sword Tenchi back from him. "But we'll also prepare for the worst." "Yeah! You're the biggest wet blanket I ever saw, Washuu. You've got the Princess beat, you know that?" Ryoko charged. "Don't mess with me, Ryoko," Washuu told her, nettled. "I'm in no mood." "Yeah? Well, I know what you're in the mood for." Ryoko grinned slyly. "You want Tenchi's Dad to hold your hand and maybe give you a big smooch!" Washuu growled. She took a step toward Ryoko. Ryoko just floated higher and laughed. "Look! Isn't that Mihoshi and Kiyone coming toward us?" Tenchi intervened. He had just glanced in the direction of the lake. "It sure is! What are they doing? They were safe in that lake!" Tris was both amazed and perturbed as he observed Kiyone and Mihoshi out of the water and walking toward them. They were still a little distance off. "Safe for a while, anyway," Washuu agreed, appearing just as puzzled as Tris. "Well, not any more. Wonder what's up?" "That damned blob's going to attack them!" Tris said angrily. "Yeah, they're big targets out there," Ryoko observed. "Big wet targets." "I think not," Lord Yosho said. "Since they are coming up to us, I believe that Professor Klove's creation will be content to have us all together for the final act." He appeared to be correct. Klove's mind monster keep edging closer and closer to them but it didn't bother to hurtle the glowing green globules at the fast-approaching Kiyone and Mihoshi. "Jeeze, look at Mihoshi! Lost her hair ribbon. That pile of hair's about covering her face. Now that's a new look for her. I like it!" Ryoko laughed. "Yeah, that dip in the lake sure didn't pretty those two up any," Washuu agreed, chuckling. Typically, the two women had forgotten about their spat. "They sure don't look happy—-especially Kiyone," Tenchi commented. "She looks royally ticked off. Wonder why?" "If Kiyone's in a tear, it has to be because of a certain goofball," Ryoko said with a knowing grin. "What did I do?" Tris demanded. "You got about half a day to spare?" Ryoko asked him. "If so, I'll tell you!" "Aww!" "There's that brilliant conversation again," Ryoko noted. Tris was tempted to hand Ryoko a hot one, but he instead studied Kiyone's angry face. She was glaring right at him. Yeah, he had to be the cause, all right. But what did he do? "Well, at least we'll all be together," Washuu said. "It'd be kind of bad if we weren't, I guess." She thought of Nobie. "'Course, I'm glad your father's not here, Tenchi...you know what I mean." Tenchi was thinking of his father as well. "I don't know if Dad can handle...well...what he might find." He looked down. "He's not that strong, you know. Poor Dad." Tenchi looked as if he were near tears. His grandfather gently touched one of his shoulders. Ryoko bit her lip. She hated to see her Tenchi so sad. She was tempted to settle to the ground and comfort him. Then she looked at Ayeka, laying so very quiet, not moving the tiniest bit. Washuu had confirmed that the Princess was still alive, just barely. Well, Ryoko had said fair fight and she meant it. She had stolen a kiss from Tenchi but that would be it. As long as the Princess lived and was unconscious, Ryoko wouldn't take advantage of the situation again. "You're beginning to sound like Washuu, sweetums," Ryoko told Tenchi. "Your Dad's going to come home and we'll all be here to greet him, and—-" She stopped as a blinding light—-a blinding pink light--filled her eyes. She closed her eyes and averted her head. The pinkish incandescence was coming from the vicinity of the mind monster. Damn it! What new weapon did that pile of crud have now? Some days a girl couldn't catch a break at all—- Suddenly Klove's metallic boomed out. "Who are you? Answer me!" Then, incredibly, impossibly—-a little girl's voice answered: "I am Pretty Sammy! You are attacking the people I love, you monster! In the name of love I shall chastise you! So there!" "What the flaming hell?" Ryoko opened her eyes. "Cripes!" She closed her eyes again. It couldn't be—-couldn't be! She slowly opened her eyes again... A glowing figure—-glowing with a pink radiance—-stood before the tendril-waving, massive one-eyed blob. The figure was in the shape of a little girl. The figure held a baton-like thing that looked like some sort of scepter. At the top of it was a lustrous jewel in the shape of a heart. The small figure spoke again. "You are ugly. You are mean. You would hurt Tenchi and everyone. I will stop you!" The voice, somewhat distorted, was undeniably Sasami's. In fact, anyone looking at Sasami at that moment would have seen her lips forming those words in her hypnotized slumber. "Hot damn!" Tris shouted. "All right!" Tenchi yelled. "Now I have seen everything," Washuu said. "And you can quote me!" Ryoko groaned. It was Pretty Sammy! And the little pest was going to show her up and save the day! Up until now, Ryoko had figured that Tris had just been blowing smoke and her sweetums had been taken in by it. But it had worked! Ryoko swore inwardly. She'd almost prefer death to being rescued by Pretty Sammy. Almost, that is. That sentiment was not shared by the others. Tenchi and Tris whooped. Lord Yosho simply smiled. Ryo-Ohki pranced at the elder Jurian Prince's feet, meow-ing with happiness. Washuu shook her head. Like Ryoko, she had also doubted the plan would work. It wasn't exactly the scientific solution she would have preferred, but it was a solution—-maybe! "Listen, Tris, Tenchi," she said to them. "She might be able to actually hurt that thing if she really can call upon her Jurai power. But she's going to have to fight against her older sister's power, you know. We'll still need more firepower." "And you got it!" Ryoko grinned. This was more like it! Now she could get more licks in and not be a damned spectator. "Right, Ryoko!" Tenchi said. "You attack that monster, too. Just keep it busy. I'll still come in with Sword Tenchi." "You got it, lover!" Ryoko was excited and ready for battle again. Lord Yosho nodded. "Yes, that is the way now. It is so very appropriate—-Professor Klove created that portal from the dream world into our world in order to destroy. Now, it may well destroy him." "With our help, Grandfather," Tenchi added. "Yes, grandson. With our help." Meanwhile, Mihoshi and Kiyone had paused, some yards away from the group. "Catch me, Mihoshi," Kiyone groaned. "I'm going to faint!" "Huh? But why?" Mihoshi asked. "Don't you see--it's Pretty Sammy! She's going to save us!" "That's why!" Kiyone groaned again. The mind monster also seemed nonplussed by the sudden turn of events. Professor Klove clearly had not expected some other dream-made-flesh to use his Dream Dimension portal. "Leave now, brat!" the mind monster snarled at the small glowing figure. "Or I will destroy you, too!" "No I won't!" Pretty Sammy said. "You shan't get past me!" "You are nothing but a child's dream! Nothing!" "I am Pretty Sammy! You will soon be nothing!" "What? Then die, you miserable brat!" The mind monster began to whip its tendrils toward the small luminous figure. Glowing green globules spat out from the tips of the whipping tendrils. Those globules slammed burningly, flaringly, into the ground. But Pretty Sammy was not there. "Here I am!" Pretty Sammy had moved with fantastic speed. She now stood beside the mind monster. She raised her scepter. The heart gem blazed. "Frizzom frizzom froom! Sweet love power! Attack!" Blinding bolts in the shape of hearts blasted out from the gem and pounded into the blubbery mass of the entity. The mind monster bellowed with pain and this time it wasn't shamming. Clearly, the heart power beams were wounding it. It tried to hurl more green globules at Pretty Sammy, but she zipped away again—-only to reappear once more, this time a distance away from the mind monster. She employed the heart beams again. The entity shuddered with agony. "That's the way! Give it hell!" Ryoko yelled. She had to admit—-she liked Pretty Sammy's style. Now it was her turn. Ryoko swooped toward the now cringing and flustered mind monster. "Sweet mother of the galaxy!" Now Washuu was whooping. "Pretty Sammy—-I mean, Sasami—-is channeling her Jurai power! She hurt that ragged assed son of a bitch! Holy hell! We might just win this battle!" "We will," Tenchi said confidently. "Nothing this impossible could have happened without reason, Washuu." Lord Yosho nodded, smiling. His grandson's wisdom was profound. Tenchi had grown, finally, into his rightful place—-both as a Juraian Prince and as the defender of the Earth and the galaxy. Ryoko reached the mind monster as it cringed at another shower of burning beams from Pretty Sammy's heart jewel-topped scepter. The entity again flailed its tendrils at the glowing figure of the little girl-cum-magic warrior and again, Pretty Sammy scooted away before deadly contact could be made. Now Ryoko rolled two fireballs at the entity. The mind monster shuddered at the additional fiery pain. "I know you missed my love taps, Ugly!" Ryoko laughed, her fighting blood up again. "Well, I'm back! Now, eat this!" She raised her hands. Searingly bright force beams jolted from her hands and punched the entity with protean power. The sound coming from the blubbery mass sounded almost like a scream. It whipped its tendrils at Ryoko but she had already teleported away. Then she appeared in the opposite direction. She laughed tauntingly. "Why don't you tell us again how you're going to kill us--you miserable walking booger!" A distance away, Mihoshi grimaced. "Yuck!" But then she thought about it. "I guess it does look like a booger—-a big one. Huh, Kiyone?" Kiyone did not reply. She was still staring open-mouthed at the glowing figure of Pretty Sammy. "Kiyone?" Kiyone slowly shook her head. "That goofball! He hypnotized Sasami so she would become Pretty Sammy. And there she is...and she's really hurting that monster." Her voice was charged with wonder—-and warmth. "That darling--that hopeless, darling idiot!" "So that's what he did!" Mihoshi smiled fondly. "How about that?" Suddenly Kiyone was all business. "Let's go over there." She pointed to a spot some yards away from the group that would give them a clear view of the battle. "And then we'll use our blasters on that blob. We'll get in this fight too, by damn!" "Right!" The two Galaxy Police officers scurried to their attack positions. "Between the two of them, Ryoko and Pretty Sammy are giving that blob merry hell," Washuu reported with satisfaction. She happily popped open her translucent console. She tapped a few touchpads and peered at the screen. "Oh, yeah! I see his power signature's dropped ten percent already! Pretty Sammy's power beams are weakening him. Way to go, Sasami!" "Yeah, just a few more attacks and I'll go in." Tenchi said. He was girding himself with the mental force of Bushido, becoming battle- ready. He could feel the aura of his Juraian heritage suffuse him. He knew this was truly the time for him. Whatever happened, he would go in and would not come back out...unless the enemy was destroyed. "That's the spirit, buddy," Tris told him. The American was still a bit surprised—-and shocked—-that their ploy had worked. He had already pinched himself twice after seeing Pretty Sammy materialize before his eyes. He should have known, though. Sasami Jurai was more than a great cook and a little sweetheart. She was a warrior and a true Princess of Jurai. "Remember, Tenchi," Washuu advised, tapping at her console, "we don't know yet how Sword Tenchi will affect that blob. It's still from another dimension and with all that concentrated Jurai power—-well, you need to get away from it after you make your thrust. You might end up in a world of hurt otherwise." "I get you, Washuu." Tenchi nodded. Suddenly he and the others turned as two bright beams shot out beside them. They now saw Kiyone and Mihoshi standing a distance away. The two Galaxy Police officers were aiming their hand blasters at the entity and firing at it. Hitting it, too. "All right!" Tris approved heartily. "Kiyone and Mihoshi are joining the rumble. More bad news for Professor Klove!" "That's great!" Tenchi grinned. "Good for them!" "Yeah, well, those hand blasters will only sting that blob a little. But every little bit helps," Washuu observed. "It certainly does," Lord Yosho agreed. "Meow-er!" Ryo-Ohki added her approval. The mind monster was indeed having a bad time of it. Pretty Sammy—- that is, the dream projection of little Sasami's mind—-kept ravaging the pulpy entity with those scalding heart beams. Meanwhile, Ryoko swooped and dived, discharging fireballs and force beans, adding to the mind monster's misery. Every time it tried to grasp those two tormentors with its tendrils or hit them with a plasma globule, both just eluded it. Now it was being stung by Kiyone and Mihoshi's hand blasters, too. It flung a glowing green globule at the two Galaxy Police Officers, but in the heat of battle its aim was not perfect. Kiyone and Mihoshi just dodged the globule and kept on firing. "Okay, pal," Tris said. "That blob seems pretty distracted now." Tris didn't want Tenchi to risk his life again, but he knew it was necessary. Now seemed the best moment. "Right you are, buddy," Tenchi said. "Wait for the moment all of them attack Professor Klove's creation at the same time," Lord Yosho advised, "and then strike, grandson." "Yes, Grandfather." >From where she stood working on her console, Washuu nodded. It sounded good, sounded possible. Then she heard a soft rustling noise behind her. She glanced back. "Holy cats!" she exclaimed. Now the others looked back also. The sight they beheld transfixed them. Princess Ayeka had her eyes open. She was slowly, painfully, rising, somehow managing to sit up. "How in the world--!" Tris marveled. "Of course! That blob's losing power! It's slackening its hold on Ayeka!" Washuu said. "She's breaking free!" "We prayed for a miracle," Lord Yosho said quietly. "And we have received it." "Ayeka!" Tenchi went to her. Ayeka looked up at him. She smiled at Tenchi with great weariness and a greater love. "Princess! You're awake!" Azaka II proclaimed. "We hope you enjoyed your slumber, Princess," Kamidake II added politely. Tenchi wanted to hug Ayeka, to hold her close—-he was soaring with relief and exultation at her revival. But there was no time for that. There was something he had to get her to do, to say—-before she possibly succumbed to Professor Klove's ultra-hypnosis again. "Ayeka--listen to me!" Tenchi said anxiously. "Professor Klove is attacking us with a monster. We're barely holding our own. We need help!" He prayed Ayeka would understand him—-could understand him—- Ayeka blinked. Her eyes were still a bit glazed and she was tremendously weary and ready to drop back into black oblivion in a heartbeat. But her iron spirit forced her to fight the mind control, to concentrate on what Lord Tenchi was telling her. She looked past him and saw the horrible creature, now being attacked by Ryoko and some strange being. She recognized the creature with a shudder. She nodded, weakly. Then she spoke: "Azaka! Kamidake!" Ayeka raised a trembling hand toward the living embodiment of the nightmare creature that had plagued her dreams for so long. "Attack!" "Oh, yes, Princess!" Azaka II said happily. "Thank you, Princess!" Kamidake II added. Immediately, the two large wooden cylinders fired their rockets. They rose into the air. A second later, they jetted toward the mind monster. Ryoko watched the two Guardians zoom in to join the fight. "Hey, this party's getting pretty crowded!" But she smiled. She knew that the more attackers distracting the mind monster, the safer it would be for her Tenchi. The two Guardians blinked their acknowledgement of Ryoko, paused to blink uncomprehendingly at the glowing figure of Pretty Sammy, and then turned to the task at hand—-Professor Klove's mind monster. They hovered before the house-sized, battered-looking fleshy blob with its flailing tendrils and its great yellow eye. That eye took them in. It saw the two Guardians' front cabinets slide open. Now it was staring at two sets of four force beam cannons apiece. An instant later, those eight cannons blazed. The blob recoiled, groaningly, as the eight force beams rocked it, massively. "Bet that hurt!" Ryoko said, laughing. The entity grabbed for the two wooden cylinders with its tendrils. But Azaka II and Kamidake II jetted away rapidly. At that moment, Ryoko unleashed another pair of glowing red fireballs at the entity, instantly plastering it with scorching proton flame. The entity shuddered. "See? My friends will punish you, too, you bad monster!" Pretty Sammy told the entity. "Love power—-punish that monster again!" The shimmering diminutive figure raised her scepter. Once more, heart-shaped rays spiraled from the radiant heart jewel. Those rays pummeled the pulpy mass of the blob, resoundingly. The entity shivered and shook like gelatin in a mixer. Its yellow eye rolled. It was in terrific pain. To add to its torment, Kiyone and Mihoshi kept needling it with their blasters, firing beam after beam into the squirming bulk. Azaka II and Kamidake II swooped down again, cabinets open, force beam cannons flashing. More force beams plowed into the entity with brutal force. Ryoko tossed in two more fireballs, laughing as the blob shuddered again at the pain of the blazing flame searing its slimy skin. Meanwhile, Ayeka was still sitting up, shaking her head, trying to clear it. She couldn't quite succeed; Professor Klove still enthralled her somewhat, still had a tap into her, but she was regaining control of her mind and her soul, slowly but very surely. Tenchi stared at her, gratified beyond measure. Again she smiled at him lovingly. It filled him with a steely determination. He raised Sword Tenchi. The burning-bright power blade again flared into existence. Then, without preamble, he began his final run at the entity. "Good luck, buddy!" Tris called. "Yes, good luck, Tenchi!" Washuu added. She closed her console and walked over to the Princess. She helped Ayeka rise to her feet. "Keep fighting him, Ayeka," she advised. "I know it's damned hard—- but fight him—-expel him!" Lord Yosho watched his grandson sprint toward the mind monster. "You are ready, Tenchi. This is your moment. Take it. And Godspeed." Tenchi had picked the perfect moment for his run. The mind monster, in addition to truly being hurt, badly hurt, for the first time since it had materialized from Professor Klove's subconscious, was also finding its hands—-its tendrils—-filled with trying to deal with so many enemies. Pretty Sammy was the worse. Each and every attack with her heart beams not only wounded the entity but also sapped its power and, consequently, its tap into Princess Ayeka. But Ryoko's fireballs and force beams also were quite painful, especially now that the entity was so weakened. The constant force beams from Azaka II and Kamidake II also pounded it heavily, adding to its agony. Even the sniping rays from the blasters of the two Galaxy Police officers felt quite painful now. The entity didn't know which enemy to attack first, so it just flailed at all of them, discharging the glowing green globules, but so distractedly that its enemies easily dodged them. Its tendrils grabbed nothing but empty air. The mind monster wasn't impotent by any means, but it was confused and rattled. And it had a serious design flaw. Professor Klove had fashioned his nightmare creature with the object of making it as horrible and frightening as possible in order to initially get the greatest feedback from his test subjects. He succeeded in that respect. But with only one eye, as massive as it was, the mind monster could only keep so many targets in focus. Thus, battling almost fruitlessly with Ryoko, Pretty Sammy, Azaka II and Kamidake II, and Kiyone and Mihoshi, the mind monster simply wasn't aware of the tiny figure of the slim young man racing toward it, carrying a terrible swift power sword. Not until that figure was upon it. "Its eye, Tenchi!" Lord Yosho called. "That's your target!" Tenchi heard his grandfather. He was at the base of the massive fleshy blob, so close he could see the glistening mucous covering it, the roiling pulsations beneath its rubbery skin--and he could smell its foul, fetid odor. The odor of death. The odor of the grave. Tenchi steeled himself and made a tremendous leap—- "Wow!" Tris exclaimed. He couldn't believe Tenchi could jump so high—-he was Olympic gold medal material, for sure. It must have had something to do with carrying Sword Tenchi, he guessed. "Strike, Tenchi!" Lord Yosho called. "Strike!" High in the air and hurtling down fast, Tenchi saw the huge yellow eye with its curiously vapid black pupil and the web of red veins loom before him. He thrust Sword Tenchi forcefully into that pulpy yellow orb—-plunging into it, lunging into it, with all his skill and might. A second later, the air was rent with a high keening sound, a veritable scream of agony from the entity. An eye-searing flash of fiery incandescence blasted Tenchi. Sword Tenchi was doing its duty. Shutting his eyes, he thrust Sword Tenchi in deeper, deeper, impaling the evil mass with the full power of the house of Jurai. Gripping the sword tightly by the hilt, hanging from it in mid-air now, Tenchi could actually feel the fiery shaft of pure cleansing energy scour the internal organs of the mind monster, burning, destroying, dissolving, obliterating the diseased, seeping, roiling guts of it—-it screamed again, terribly-- "AAAHHHHHRRRRRHHHRRRRRRRRR--!" --Tenchi felt himself blown back from the shuddering fleshy mass by the force of that scream, but he held onto Sword Tenchi with an unbreakable grip. He collapsed on the grass before the massive creature. Sword Tenchi's blazing blade disappeared. It had done its work. He quickly tumbled backward, rolling and rolling, putting distance between him and his wounded enemy—-he remembered Washuu's admonition. He could hear scream after paralyzing scream wrenched from the entity, but he felt no pity for the monster, only relief that he had struck the killing blow. For there could be no mistake. From its screams, the mind monster of Professor Klove was mortally wounded. But it was wrong to think of it that way. It was a malignant cancer, a boil of hate and spite that Sword Tenchi had lanced with the full, protean, pure-white power of the Juraian dynasty. Somehow, amidst all his tumbling, Tenchi heard Pretty Sammy's childish voice, flush with victory: "That's what you get for being so mean, you awful monster! Love triumphs!" Once he adjudged he was far enough away, Tenchi rose, shakily, to his feet. He looked at the entity. Its eye was destroyed, utterly. The ocular orb was now only a bubbling, spurting yellow splash on the entity's squirming flesh- colored form. The blob's pseudo mouth was opening and closing as it keened and keened with dreadful anguish. It shook its tendrils, but no plasma globules issued from them. Professor Klove's mind monster was no longer able to attack or even defend. All it could do was suffer and die. Tenchi experienced no triumphat the sight--just gratitude that a great evil had been vanquished. Now he experienced a bit of anxiety as he watched the mind monster shudder mightily and begin to collapse within itself, for real this time. The shimmering halo all around it was now crackling with blue sparks. It looked pretty unstable...and pretty dangerous. He turned to run from it-- Then he felt a pair of soft but strong hands grasp his shoulders. Now he was rising in the air. He groaned, knowing the source of his sudden ascent. "Ryoko!" "That's me, sweetums." Ryoko's voice was gleeful. "You were wonderful, Tenchi! You stuck that sword right in Old Ugly's eyeball. He's finished, and good riddance! Listen to him scream—-isn't it lovely? I knew you could do it, Tenchi. We did it—-you and me. That's the life for us, lover. You and me, fighting creeps and monsters." "Uh-huh," Tenchi said dryly, as Ryoko carried him to just below the treetops. "Just you and me...not to mention Azaka II and Kamidake II, and Sasami, and Grandfather, and Washuu, and Ayeka, and Tris, and Kiyone and—-" "Oh, they helped a little. But it was you and me, sweetums, really. That's the way it was meant to be. Don't you realize that?" "What I realize is," Tenchi told her, "that monster looks like its going to come unglued. We better get away from it—-" "Of course, sweetums. That's why I picked you up." "Okay, then you can take me to Grandfather and the others. We need to talk about what's happening to that monster. We still might not be out of danger." "But, sweetums..." Ryoko was disappointed. Now that the Princess was on her feet again, Ryoko saw this as a golden opportunity to get a little wooing time with her Tenchi up in one of the trees. Of course, she was kind of a mess, but Tenchi wouldn't mind—- "Ryoko!" The space pirate sighed. "Yes, sweetums." Now, obediently, she carried him, still grasping him by the shoulders, over to the small knot of people still standing in the spot they had occupied for so long. Tenchi saw, with immense relief, that Ayeka was standing upright without assistance. She was staring down at the sleeping form of her little sister with a puzzled look on her face. Tenchi glanced back. Azaka II and Kamidake II, sensing their enemy was vanquished, had flown back to their usual posts just outside the front gate. The shimmering figure of Pretty Sammy had disappeared. Tenchi turned his head and looked down at the group of people below him again--his family. Yes, his family...all of them. Ryo-Ohki, her fur still blackened, was nonetheless hopping with joy. Tenchi noted that Kiyone and Mihoshi had put away their blaster hand weapons and joined the group. They stood very close to Tris. In fact, Kiyone was slowly stroking his back with her fingernails. Her eyes sparkled at she looked at him. Tris was rubbing his side, but not looking all that upset. Tenchi had to grin—-no doubt, Tris had received a jab and then a kiss from Kiyone. His grin faded as he glanced at Grandfather and Washuu. They both looked worried. "Thank goodness you brought him, Ryoko!" Washuu said when he and Ryoko were within earshot. "We gotta get out of here!" "Huh?" Tenchi asked. "Why?" "Because that blob's dying and it doesn't have access to Ayeka's Jurai power anymore," Washuu explained, her voice strained. "It can't maintain the buffer it's using to isolate this dimension from its own dimension. When it fully collapses and dies, the two dimensions are going to touch for a nanosecond." "And that's bad," Tenchi guessed. "That's bad. It means a hell of an explosion when those dissimilar elements meet. We gotta get as far away as we can! Now!" "Got you, Washuu!" Ryoko now zoomed away, carrying Tenchi, toward the lake. "Ryoko! Wait!" Tenchi cried. But Ryoko didn't wait. She flew herself and Tenchi past the lake and into the wooded area beyond. "That is so typical of that woman!" Ayeka said, enraged. "Using this perilous situation to have Lord Tenchi all to herself!" No one could doubt that the Princess was back to normal, despite the great weariness that still showed on her face. "Whatever." Washuu shrugged. "Like I said, we gotta beat feet. If we all hurry, we can put Yogami between us and that blob. It'll give us some protection, anyway. Grandpa, lean on me, will you?" "With great pleasure, Professor Washuu," Lord Yosho replied amiably. The two of them, rather a comical sight with the taller Shinto Priest leaning on the diminutive super scientist, began to trot toward the downed Yogami and away from the collapsing mass of the entity. "Come on, you guys!" Washuu turned her head and called to the others. "Get organized and get going!" Now Kiyone took charge of the situation. "Mihoshi, you help Ayeka. Tris, you carry Sasami." "Right!" Mihoshi moved to stand alongside the Princess. "Well, let me awaken Sasami first," Tris said. "Forget it! Carry her, I said!" "But Kiyone—-" "Tris Coffin, you're going to do what I say from now on! You got it?" Tris nodded. "Yes, Officer." "Get cracking, you!" Tris walked over and kneeled beside Sasami. He gently picked up the sleeping little girl who had saved the day for them all. "Let's go!" Kiyone led the way at a sprint. Mihoshi, letting Ayeka lean against her, was right behind her partner as she dragged the Princess along. Just a few steps behind was Tris, carrying Sasami. Ryo-Ohki scampered beside them. Washuu and Lord Yosho were just ahead of them. "Wish I knew how long we have," Kiyone panted. "Because then I could have—-" Suddenly a blinding flash blazed from behind them. The air around them was seared with white-hot gusts. The ground shook as if in the throes of a great earthquake. A kind of force-wind, incredibly strong, slammed into them and sent them sprawling. The ground rumbled, mightily. Leaves and limbs, torn from trees that were bent almost to the ground, filled the air. The concussion of the two dimensions meeting and imploding was terrific. It flattened everything, trees, bushes, and people. The very air seemed to punch the landscape like a giant fist. Then the leaves and branches and plants torn out by their roots that filled the air like confetti settled as the explosion dissipated. The debris covered the ravaged ground. The rumbling ceased. Stillness reigned over the land. The sun poked though the clouds, its rays caressing the lake and causing it to glisten brightly. Birds not blown away by the inter-dimensional blast began to twitter in those trees still left standing. And nothing moved. Nothing at all. ________________________________________ CHAPTER NOTES (1) Actually, "Sierra Hotel" is the G-rated version of the traditional fighter pilot's shout of approval. I'll leave the R-rated version to the reader's discernment.