TENCHI WAKUSEI, BOOK ONE: "NO DREAMS FOR TENCHI" By Joe Meadows (gpabn@yahoo.com) NOTA BENE: This novel (comprising 24 chapters, a Prologue, and an Epilogue) is a sequel to the "Tenchi Muyo Television Series" ("Tenchi Universe"), with some "Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki!" original OAV series characters and elements included where--in the author's opinion--they don't conflict with "Tenchi Universe." For example, in order to flesh out a family background for Ayeka and Sasami, rather than create new characters, I used the existing parental figures of King Asuza and Queen Misaki from the OAVs. In order to bring the Galaxy Police more into the story, I re-instated the Grand Marshall as Mihoshi's grandfather and used an existing character from the Tenchi Muyo mangas, Chief Tor Bodai. And so on. AIC and Pioneer LDC, whose kind indulgence I am counting on, own the copyrights on the original Tenchi Muyo characters. The character of Chief Tor Bodai was created by Hitoshi Okuda for the Tenchi Muyo manga series and is also copyrighted by AIC and Pioneer LDC. All truly new characters are my creation. Those characters and the actual story are copyright 2002 by yours truly. The lyrics for both versions of the theme song for "Speed Racer," the Beatles' "Abbey Road" album, the Beach Boys' "Surfing USA," the theme to "The Brady Bunch," and "Amore" are copyrighted by their various owners. The events that comprise the "Tenchi Universe" series are discussed in this novel; consequently, spoilers lurk within. Be warned. Please check out the "Chapter Notes" at the end of some of the chapters. Feedback is very welcome! I can be reached at gpabn@yahoo.com and thanks for taking the time to read this novel. ------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER EIGHT No Need For A Rescue ____________________ Tenchi awoke with the smell of freshly brewed tea in his nostrils. It was a wonderful aroma to wake up to. He blinked his eyes open. Sasami stood there in the tent, holding a tea tray. She smiled down at him. "Sasami!" Tenchi quickly got his bearings. He and Tris had spent the night in the tent. That accounted for the sun-splashed orange walls and all the outdoor sounds seeping in. And little Sasami was being a sweetheart. That accounted for the tea. Tenchi sat up. "You really didn't have to do this, Sasami. Tris and I planned to go in the house for breakfast once our visitors have eaten." "That's okay, Tenchi. I know we decided you should eat inside. But I think you and Tris deserve a morning cup of tea after giving up your room for those awful girls and having to sleep outdoors." "Well, it's not so bad, Sasami. This is very sweet of you." Sasami smiled again. "I like doing it, Tenchi." "Speaking of that wise guy--where's Tris?" "Ohhh...he's outside the tent. He's puffing real hard and holding his side. I asked him if he was hurt and he said something about death losing its sting." Tenchi grinned. "He's still running up the temple steps every morning. You'd better serve him his tea outside, Sasami." "All right, Tenchi." "Come on! It's breakfast time," Kiyone called loudly at the closed door of the visitors' bedroom. "What's wrong with them now, Kiyone?" Mihoshi, standing beside her partner, asked. "Who knows?" Kiyone knocked on the door. "Come on! Breakfast!" "Yes," Mihoshi added. "Don't you girls want to eat?" It had been a struggle to get the two little dears up out of bed (Viatrix, the dominant one, had taken Tenchi's bed, leaving Beah with Tris's futon) and into the Grand Baths earlier that morning. The girls had been obviously impressed with the massive bath palace, but acted as if it were only their due. Then, after they had bathed, they had gone back to the room to dress and had not reappeared. Breakfast was on the table now and getting cold. Lord Yosho and Nobuyuki had already eaten their breakfast and departed for their respective areas of responsibility. "We don't wanna go to that dining table anymore," Viatrix's voice came from behind the door. "Everybody looks at us mean and talks mean-- especially you!" "I do not! Besides, if you don't come to the table, you won't get breakfast!" Silence from behind the door. Kiyone detected motion behind her. She and Mihoshi turned. Ayeka and Sasami stood there. They were curious as to why so few had showed up for breakfast. They already had a pretty shrewd idea. Ryoko had stayed behind in the dining room, drinking tea and thinking hard thoughts about the new houseguests. "Why can't you serve breakfast to us in here?" Viatrix's voice asked plaintively through the door. "That little kid could bring it." Sasami grimaced but kept silent. Kiyone's cheeks reddened as anger suffused her entire being. Breakfast brought in—-for those brats! She beat on the door. "You'll come out of there right now or you won't get any breakfast!" Mihoshi said, "Kiyone, why don't..." "Not now, Mihoshi! Those girls are coming out--now!" Kiyone kept beating on the door. "Are you two going to come out, or—-" "No! You and Mop Head are mean to us! We want breakfast served to us in here!" Viatrix's voice replied. "Like fun, you will--!" Kiyone's fists began hitting the door again. "I'm warning you—-" Suddenly, Kiyone stopped her tom-tom routine on the door. Ayeka had laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Of course you shall have breakfast served in there, dear," Ayeka called out, so that Viatrix and Beah could hear her. Kiyone turned and stared at Ayeka, dumbfounded. "But Ayeka—-" Ayeka just shook her head. She turned to her little sister. "Sasami dear, please finish your breakfast and then prepare two trays for our guests. I will help you bring the trays in to them." Sasami nodded. After a quick glance at Kiyone's still flushed face, she scooted off. Mihoshi stood quietly, watching her partner and the Princess, her blue eyes mirroring her relief. Ayeka moved to the door. "We shall bring breakfast in to you shortly, dear." "That mean cop isn't gonna bring it in, is she?" Viatrix's voice demanded. "I and my little sister shall bring in your breakfast, dear." There was silence. Then: "Well, all right. We know we can trust you, Princess." Ayeka turned from the door. Kiyone began, "Ayeka—-" The Princess briefly held a finger to her lips. Then she murmured, "It is time we had our own breakfast." She led the way to the dining room. Kiyone and Mihoshi followed. Kiyone's expression made it clear she was still smarting a bit from the incident. Ryo-Ohki pranced happily in the tall grass. The cabbit was chasing butterflies; not catching them of course, for the cabbit had a kind heart and no taste for insects. She soon found itself at the great orange thing, where two of the friendly tall beings had reposed the night before. Ryo-Ohki had snuggled between them while they slept and grabbed some sleep, too. The cabbit wondered why all the tall beings didn't sleep in great orange things. Sitting on the blanket before the tent, Tenchi and Tris watched Ryo-Ohki gambol on the lawn. "Yep, all the carrots you can eat and pretty women petting you," Tris remarked. "No wonder that Ryo-Ohki's a happy cabbit." "What a life!" Tenchi agreed. "Speaking of carrots...when do we eat?" "Oh, when our visitors finish eating—-not enough room at the table, otherwise. Sasami will come and get us." "We've been forced out in the cold and our bellies are empty," Tris groused. "My love meter for those two little darlings is at minus-two." "I hear you...especially after that midnight concert. I still can't believe they blew my speakers! I worked a part-time job at one of the grocery stores in the village to buy that stereo." Tenchi was still slightly steamed. "That's tough. Say, didn't you mention that you brought back a kind of kareoke machine from some planet or something like that?" "Yeah. Mihoshi finally wore it out. She loves kareoke. She'll get you to take her and Kiyone to a kareoke bar one of these days--count on it." "Something else to look forward to," Tris muttered. "Of course," Tenchi glanced at him slyly, "some guys don't need a kareoke machine to do kareoke." "No," Tris grinned. "Just a nice hot shower!" "Yeah, well, just don't give up your day job, buddy. The only label you'll ever record on is Capital Punishment Records." Tenchi laughed. "And that's only if I can swing a duet with Brittany Spears," Tris cracked. "Yeah? I have just the song for you two, then—-"What's Talent Got To Do With It?"" They both laughed. Ryo-Ohki flounced up to them. She collected come nice pets and some dandy ear-ruffling. No food was offered, however. The cabbit bounded away for the house. "If you find any food in there," Tris called after the cabbit, "bring us some, will ya?" At the breakfast table, the women consumed their breakfast in near silence. Ayeka and Sasami ate very quickly and very sparingly. Then Sasami left for the kitchen to prepare the breakfast trays for the two visitors. "You seem upset, Kiyone," Ayeka remarked. "Upset! That's a pretty mild way of putting it." Kiyone's face was flushed with residual anger. "Nursemaiding those two little brats! Now we're serving them breakfast in their room. I'm supposed to be a Galaxy Police officer, not a nanny! It doesn't seem to faze you, Ayeka, but—-" "Not faze me!" Ayeka spoke vehemently. "Kiyone, what I would dearly love to do is take each of those little vixens and spank some good manners into their sassy backsides! That is what I would do if I had my wish." Ryoko put down her teacup. "Wow...I like that picture!" she said to Ayeka. Ayeka ignored her. "But if I did that, I would not be helping my good friends, Kiyone and Mihoshi. Would I?" Kiyone look at the Princess for a long moment. The anger slowly receded from her face. She managed a rueful grin. "No, I suppose you wouldn't be." Ayeka spoke quietly but meaningfully. "The purpose of this--charade-- is to avoid treating those girls as if they are in jail, until their father can come for them...so he will hopefully not proceed with the High Commissioner to lay charges against you and Mihoshi. That is correct, is it not?" "Yes, Ayeka," Mihoshi replied. Kiyone nodded. "Kiyone, you need to understand that at times we must smile at people we would much rather prefer to attack and to break bread with those we consider an enemy. That is playing the political game. I know it well. If you do not learn to play this game, at least a little bit, you will not get far at all. I have seen countless careers crushed at court, the careers of those who could not hold their tempers or keep their thoughts to themselves at a crucial moment." The dining room was silent now. Then Mihoshi said softly, "She's right, Kiyone." "I know she's right, partner." Kiyone now smiled wanly at the Princess. "Thanks Ayeka. You're a real Princess...and a real friend." "I hope I am your friend...and yours, too, Mihoshi." "Of course!" Mihoshi said, looking immensely pleased. "Me, too?" Ryoko grinned. Ayeka eyed her narrowly. "Actually..." Then she smiled. "I was going to compliment you, Ryoko. No flying, or walking through walls, or verbal attacks, since those girls came. You have done very well." "Aw, Jeeze, Princess," Ryoko said. "You're not doing so shabby yourself." "Well...! My cup runneth over." Sasami walked in from the kitchen. "The trays are ready, Ayeka." "Thank you, dear. Let us go serve our guests--the little brats!" Ayeka said, rising from the table. Both she and Sasami left the dining room for the kitchen. "You know," Ryoko said. "I hate to say this and don't quote me...but the Princess can be a real class act sometimes." "None classier." Kiyone smiled. After taking in the breakfast trays (and enduring a screed about Detective Split Ends that Ayeka ended by reminding Viatrix and Beah that they could still be taken to jail if they didn't behave), Ayeka started to walk back to the kitchen with Sasami. Then something occurred to her. She stopped. Then she walked into the living room and continued on to the front picture window. She looked out. "Sasami," she called. "Lord Tenchi and Tristram are just sitting out there. Are they not going to have breakfast?" Sasami hustled into the living room. "Oh, gosh! I was supposed to go get them after the two girls had their breakfast!" "Well, you can call them in now, dear. Of course, you could serve them outdoors...rather like a picnic!" Sasami laughed. "But I think not. You had better call them in before they start chewing on the grass, dear." Sasami laughed again. "Yes, Ayeka." She started for the door. The Princess looked thoughtful. Hmmmmm...that was an idea. "That's gotta be Earth, man. See...just one dinky moon," Munt Yo'ost said, peering through his viewscreen on the main console. Ginkar Ter'tran checked the navcom. He was picking up the sector's nav buoy transmissions—-he had hacked into those, too, of course. "Has to be. The coordinates are right and tight." Munt leaned back in his cockpit seat, and stretched. "Just one punk moon...what a podunk planet. Looks nice and blue, so it ain't no arid place, that's something." "Yeah, that's something," Ginkar agreed. They piloted their hot-rod techie geek ship past Earth's moon. They were close to that big blue ball...the ball that contained those two high-caste chicks...and fame and fortune, too. Munt frowned. "Say, Gink..." "Yeah?" "This ain't a big planet, but it's big enough, you know? How're we gonna locate the babes?" Ginkar grinned. "Hey, puzzle it out, soft-top. The cops brought 'em here to this hole. They gotta stay with 'em. This hick planet ain't in the Union, is it? So the cops gotta tread real careful, right?" "Right." "So, they have to dock their cop ship outside the planet so it can't be seen. Probably in some sort of passive orbit. So we skim this rock for the cop ship." "I'm in synch so far. But how're we gonna tell just where on this dump the babes are at?" "Listen...the GP uses control devices to call their ships like everyone else. Those devices also tell 'em about squawks from the bosses and stuff like that. That means the devices gotta maintain a constant uplink with the ship. And that means a transmission beam from the ship to the cop who's got the control cube, or whatever the device is." "Right and tight! So we just read the beam and it'll give us a fix on the cops." "You're on it, Munt-man. And where those cops are, the babes are. We'll just teleport down near them and rescue the babes. That's the story and that's the glory." There was another high-five between the two teen boys. "But what about the cops?" Munt asked. "Hey, I told you. They're where they ain't got no pull. They can't arrest nobody or nothing on that planet. If the babes want to come with us--and they will, natch--those cops can't do anything but watch. You heard the cop-squawk yourself. The chicks aren't under arrest." Munt nodded. "That's one case of the bad news for the cops!" "And one case of the good news for us." "There might be some Earth types around 'em. They gotta be pretty savage." "We can handle any of those apes!" Ginkar Ter'tran said dismissively. Most of what he said had been correct. Not all of it. There was a smidgen of misconception buried in Ginkar's situational assessment. Just enough of a misconception that would once again prove the wisdom of Robert Burns's contention that the best laid plans of rodents and intelligent bipeds (including techie geeks) tend to go "a-gley." "A picnic?" Tenchi put down his teacup slowly. He looked at Ayeka. "A picnic-- for those two?" Tris groaned and lowered his chopsticks, all appetite gone. "Say it ain't so, Princess." "I do say so," Ayeka said, quietly but firmly. Seated at the dining room table, Tenchi and Tris were enjoying a belated breakfast...enjoying it, that is, until Ayeka told them of her plans for their afternoon. She and Sasami had been very solicitous of Tenchi and Tris, ensuring that their food and tea were re-warmed, and chatting about nothing in particular. Then, once Tenchi and Tris had all but finished eating, feeling like whole young men again, she had made her "suggestion." They should have known. Mihoshi and Kiyone had disappeared upstairs, not even waiting to greet them. Ryoko had lingered only long enough to roll her eyes at them, shake her head, and then head for the living room and one of the couches for a little post-breakfast nap (the ceiling beams, of course, were banned to her for the nonce). The two new houseguests were nowhere to be seen, probably holed up in their bedroom. "I'd sure like to know why we should," Tenchi said. "That is easily answered, Lord Tenchi. We want to help Kiyone and Mihoshi, do we not?" "Well...yeah." Ayeka looked at Tris. "And I am certain Tristram wants to help them as well." "Uh-huh. Sure." "Well, then! It is crucial that these girls have at least one pleasant experience while they are here...and we are not able to persuade them to come to the table for meals. But a picnic lunch would work out splendidly. They will be outside in the fresh air, they can see and experience the lovely grounds here, they will not feel threatened because of the open space--and Kiyone and Mihoshi can keep an eye on them." Ayeka smiled charmingly. "Now, I am open to suggestions." Tenchi and Tris looked at each other. The Princess had them boxed in. And she had done it so nicely! Jurai was going to get a formidable ruler someday. Tenchi gave it a try anyway. "My suggestion is--forget about it!" Ayeka did not lose her smile, but there was steel beneath it now. "Do you propose, Lord Tenchi, that they just sit in that room and we keep serving meals to them there? They really might as well be in prison. What will they say to that father who has all that influence with the High Commissioner?" "The food was good?" Tris ventured. Ayeka looked at Tris. That look was eloquent. Tris shut up. "Aw..." Tenchi knew he was licked, but didn't take any joy in the knowledge. "Lord Tenchi?" "Oh...okay." "That is so very nice of you, Lord Tenchi." Ayeka beamed. "I think it will be a lovely treat for the girls." Tenchi really wasn't sore about giving in. Besides, it would probably help his two favorite Galaxy Police officers. "So, we'll do it at lunch time?" "Yes, Lord Tenchi." "Is there something Tris and I can do to help?" Tenchi glanced at Tris. Tris was pantomiming that he was loading a gun and pointing it at his head. Tenchi looked back at Ayeka. "Why, yes. I think a spot by the lake would be charming. Perhaps whilst you perform your outdoor chores, you and Tristram could find the best spot and ensure the lawn is nice and even there and that there are no stones, and so on. Then you could spread that blanket you are using at your tent site. We shall have our picnic on that." Tris pulled the imaginary trigger and then his head dropped as an imaginary bullet entered his non-imaginary skull. "We can do that Ayeka. Me and the basket case here." "Thank you, Lord Tenchi...Tristram." Tenchi and Tris (who had risen from the dead) muttered, "You're welcome," or words to that effect. Ayeka rose majestically. "We shall be ready with baskets of food and several Thermos bottle of tea in, shall we say...three hours?" "That's fine Ayeka," Tenchi said. With a final beatific smile, Ayeka left for the kitchen to plan the menu with Sasami. Tenchi said, "Tris...don't say it." "I'm not about to say anything. I love picnics. There's food, sun, leaves in your drink, and ants in your potato salad. This is one picnic where I'm rooting for the ants, though." Tenchi groaned. "Outside, wise guy! We've got work to do." In their temporary bedroom, which they had labeled "The Slammer," Viatrix and Beah listened to Ayeka's sweetly delivered proposal through the door. "I don't know..." Viatrix looked at Beah. Beah shrugged. "It is so nice outdoors today. So very warm and pleasant. It will be quite enjoyable, you shall see," Princess Ayeka's coaxing voice issued through the closed door. "Will those two mean cops be there?" Viatrix asked. "Everyone will be there," Ayeka answered. That was not technically correct. Lord Yosho had amiably passed on the picnic. "I'll leave such a festivity to you young people," he had said. He would have a late lunch after the picnic (it was a day for off-schedule meals). Nobuyuki was, of course, at work. And Washuu had not expressed keen enthusiasm for the picnic, either, having seen all she wanted to see of the two girls. "Hmmmm...that means those two cute boys will be there, huh?" On the other side of the bedroom door, Ayeka's face registered annoyance. But she kept her voice cheery. "Of course." "Well..." Viatrix's voice was hesitant. In the bedroom, she turned to Beah. "You wanna?" Beah said, "I know I'm gonna want lunch. The food's really okay here. Better than at school, anyway." Viatrix turned back to the door. "Okay, Princess. Just keep Split Ends and Mop Head away from us." "I am glad you have assented, dear." Princess Ayeka's voice sounded pleased. "Both of you will enjoy our little picnic, I am certain." "Uh-huh." Ayeka withdrew from the door. She snorted quietly, and made a quick strangling motion with her hands, allowing herself to vent for a moment. Then she sighed and walked away. Inside the bedroom, Viatrix said, "A picnic! They must really think we're babies!" She threw herself on the bed, and bounced on it. Then she thought of something. That cute guy, Tenchi, slept on that bed. Viatrix grinned. She could go for him in a big way...yes, she could. Beah nodded. "But I guess that's all there is to do in this dump. I don't understand why that Princess Ayeka hangs out around here." Viatrix thought she knew why. She bounced on the bed a bit more, grinning slyly. "Man! For such a backwater planet, they sure have a lot of network infrastructure!" Ginkar exclaimed. He had decided to hack into Earth communications, just for grins. He had managed to pick up an enormous flow of protocol-dependent message packets sent over wiring (crude, man) and also microwaves (not so crude, man) and even via satellites (getting there, man). This network system seemed to operate all over the planet. The system was unwieldy and pretty inefficient, but it was a bit more advanced than he or Munt would have expected. It was, of course, the Internet. "Their video programming sucks, though." Munt, who had hacked into a satellite's cable TV channel downlink, was looking at the viewscreen of his own personal module. The viewscreen displayed several species of Earth creatures apparently contesting a water hole with fangs and claws. "Man...weak." He aimlessly fiddled with his input control. Suddenly, the viewscreen was filled with shapely females wearing extremely skimpy apparel, soaking in a tub filled with bubbling water. "Hey, Gink! Earth chicks!" "How do they look?" Ginkar asked. "Hot!" "Man..." On a telex display, Ginkar was reading one of the message packets his cracker app had opened. It was by no means anything sensitive, except perhaps to the participants of the chat room the packet was meant for. The electronic message, from a bored housewife in Queens, New York, to an equally bored farmer in Coralville, Iowa, detailed the former's red-hot lust for the other and the methods she proposed to assuage that lust. "Munt! You oughta read this. This chick is dying for it. Earth girls are easy!" Both young men were enthralled. Despite their bragging to themselves and other techie geeks, neither had exactly achieved much in the area of romance. To such frustrated males, the notion of "easy" women (usually inhabiting an exotic place) was galvanizing. Of course, such notions were usually without foundation. On the other hand, post- adolescent gonads require very little foundation. "Maybe we oughta hang around this rock," Munt mused. "Think of how these native women would react to a couple of advanced rad-and-bad zappers! They'll beg us to take them along!" "Later," Ginkar decided. "First, let's rescue the babes, and get 'em back home. Then we can come back!" The two again high-fived each other. Things were just getting better and better. Having helped Tenchi pull some weeds and do a bit of trimming (he was the Okayama trimming champ by now, he figured) before setting up the picnic spot, Tris had left him to walk back to the house for a cold drink. He was nearly at the front gate when he noticed Princess Ayeka. She was out on the lawn conversing with those two big old flying and talking wooden lawn ornaments, Azaka II and Kamidake II. She smiled at him as he came up to her. "Hello, Tristram." "Hi, Princess...Ayeka." He recalled she had asked him to call her by her first name. "What's the haps?" "Beg pardon?" "I mean, what's up?" "I was simply informing my Guardians that we would all be by the lake this afternoon. It is advisable to let them know such things." Ayeka did not elaborate. Tris did not probe, either. The Guardians were still a big mystery to him, along with all the other lesser mysteries of the Masaki extended family. Looking at Ayeka, he noticed that she appeared a bit drawn in the bright sunlight. He wondered if she got enough sleep. Dumb question! After last night's impromptu rock concert, who had been able to? The right-hand Guardian's pilot light blinked. "Good morning, Tristram Coffin. It is a fine day, sir." "We saw you attempting to scale those steps. We trust that you are quite recovered, sir," the other Guardian added politely. "More or less, thanks." Tris found himself talking to the lawn ornaments. ""Sir?"" he asked Ayeka. "I instructed my Guardians to regard you as a person of some importance," Ayeka explained. "Well, thanks. But my father was a "sir." I'm sure not." "It is best this way, Tristram," Ayeka told him. And it was. For one thing, her Guardians would not instantly attack Tris if he ever forgot himself and touched Ayeka without her first initiating the contact. Ayeka feared the rather impulsive and demonstrative young man might well do that sometime. It was wise to take precautions. "Right-o. Say, I've wondered...why the "two" after their names? Were their daddies Guardians, too?" Ayeka laughed. "In a way, Tristram. The original Azaka and Kamidake are actually supreme Juraian warrior-knights who were released from their slumber to help us defeat the renegade Prince Kagato. They both are now back on Jurai, both are married, and they still rather enjoy playing Earth-style video games." Ayeka seemed to find this last bit vastly amusing. "When these two Guardians were revived for me—-Miss Washuu and Kiyone and Mihoshi performed that task, by the way--I decided to avoid causing confusion by naming them thusly. Do you understand, Tristram?" "Sure...yeah." "You really do not, do you?" Ayeka asked knowingly. "Well...no." Ayeka nodded. "I can imagine how strange and alien all of this must seem to you. It was difficult for Lord Tenchi to comprehend, at first. Our worlds are vastly different, Tristram." "Well, yeah, I suppose. But it must be a very nice world you come from, Ayeka...since you come from it." The Princess smiled dazzlingly. "That is a lovely thing to say, Tristram. I think I shall tell you something." "What's that?" "I am really quite glad you are Lord Tenchi's friend. It has taken me a while to feel this way about you. I do hope you understand about...what happened before." "I sure do. Thank you, Ayeka." She smiled again. Behind her, the two Guardians blinked their pilot lights, seemingly with approbation. "Oh, that's a great plan, Kiyone!" Mihoshi clapped her hands. The two Galaxy Police officers were upstairs in the communal bedroom. Since the picnic was looming, they had foregone their chores, at least for today. To pass the time, Kiyone had told Mihoshi about an idea she had been mulling over for a few days. "Yeah, I thought it might appeal to everyone." Kiyone smiled. "I read in the local paper that the beaches were opening early because of the warm weather. Like you said, Tenchi mentioned there is a nice one only a couple of hours away. You said you'd like to go to the beach and I think everyone else would, too. So, let's do it while Tenchi is home for Spring Break." "When, Kiyone, when?" Mihoshi was thrilled with the idea of a beach trip for all of them. "Tomorrow?" "Now, hold on, Mihoshi," Kiyone cautioned. "I haven't asked Tenchi yet and if he agrees, he'll need to clear it with his grandfather and his father. You know it's quite a thing to have all of us out in public like that." She smiled inwardly. And there was nothing more "public" than a beach! "Why is that, Kiyone?" Kiyone shook her head with fond exasperation. Her partner's enthusiasm sometimes seemed to cloud her thinking. It was so like Mihoshi to ask an obvious question like that! "We're not exactly like a bunch of local girls going out on an excursion, Mihoshi. We're...you know! Just a little bit different? Right?" Mihoshi slowly nodded. "Yes, that's right. We're all so much like a family here, I sometimes forget." She raised a hand and touched one of her pointed ears. She looked a bit downcast. "Don't let it bother you, partner. But Tenchi and his grandfather and father have to be willing to take the chance--that we'll all behave, that Ryoko won't go zooming in the air after a beach ball, that Washuu won't bring that console of hers along and whip up a beach hut out of thin air, that...well, lots of things." "But Tenchi and his grandfather and father trust us—-you and me-- don't they?" "Of course they do. After all, we lived on our own here on Earth in an apartment we paid for." Kiyone grinned mirthlessly. "And practically starved in! We never raised any suspicions from the locals. Ayeka and Sasami can handle themselves anywhere. Ryoko and Washuu, on the other hand, have almost never left here to go outside the grounds. That's where the concern might be." Kiyone now sat down on her futon. Mihoshi did likewise on her futon, picking up Trissy as she did. Mihoshi had instructed her plush pooch that morning to guard her futon, a bit of silliness that she loved but generally got under Kiyone's skin. Mihoshi still looked a bit perturbed. She absently petted Trissy. "On the plus side, we've all gotten a bit older...a bit wiser...since we first came here," Kiyone added. "I think I wised up a little today myself. But we shouldn't get our hopes up until Tenchi and his father and grandfather give us the green light, Mihoshi." Mihoshi brightened up. "They will! They're so nice. And look how well we've all behaved with those awful girls here. Ryoko's been very good and patient, for her. And Washuu's kept away from the girls, mostly. Maybe that will help with Tenchi and Lord Yosho and Mr. Masaki. You think?" "I think. Lord Yosho has said good things sometimes come from bad things," Kiyone reflected. "Maybe that will happen in this case. I sure hope so." Kiyone sat quietly now, staring at one of the bedroom windows, at the brilliant sunshine that streamed through the blinds. "Are you thinking of...what will happen to us when the girls go back, Kiyone?" "Yeah. Bless that Ayeka! If we can squeeze through this without an official reprimand...a second one..." Kiyone bit her lip. "I don't know what I'll do if I get dismissed from the GP, Mihoshi." "You won't get dismissed! Neither of us will! It'll be a nice picnic, the girls will start acting nice, and they'll say nice things to their folks about us. I'm sure of it!" Kiyone smiled wistfully at her partner. "I know one thing, Mihoshi. If I had a tenth of your optimism, I'd be a lot happier person." "I'll give some of mine. I'll give all of to you. There's lots of it!" Mihoshi laughed. Now she held out Trissy. "Do you want to pet her? It makes me feel better." Kiyone looked at the lop-eared, woebegone plush pooch. It was kind of cute and appealing, in a way. Her dopey looks kind of grew on a person. "Okay...just this once." She hesitantly gave the stuffed toy a few pats. Well, its plush fur was nice and soft, anyway. Mihoshi smiled, looking pleased. "I think she'd wag her tail if she could, Kiyone." "She'd better not or I will crack up." Kiyone looked at the sun- drenched window again. "Maybe I'll go see what that goofball is doing..." "There! See it? That's a cop ship—-no bleeking doubt, man," Munt announced. Ginkar looked up from where he had been reading another rather scorchy chat room message packet he had cracked. These Earthlings sure didn't have any inhibitions...man!...although he didn't really understand what an "afternoon delight" was. He looked at the viewscreen and saw the red spacecraft floating in space not very far off. "You called it tight and right," he agreed. "It's an old model, man. Avatar class. Just right for cops stuck in this hick place. Let's do a scan on it and locate that uplink beam. Then we'll know where to plant our bad asses." "Done and done, man." Munt's fingers flew expertly over the scanner's control pod. "When we have the coords, we'll check out the situation on the ground. That new optic imager will give us a clean scene. We'll need to see where they've got the babes stashed. The place won't be wrapped up tight 'cause they're supposed to treat 'em nice. Probably using some local hut." "Yeah. Gotta be a real snarky place, being on this podunk planet," Munt agreed. "The coords are coming up now. In a few minutes, we'll be down there with the babes. They'll be so glad that we're taking 'em back to civilization...man...party all the way home." "That's what I'm thinking too, man. It won't be long now." By the shimmering lake with its huge, towering tree rising tall and majestic from the silvery water, the picnic blanket lay almost flat on the ground. But not flat enough for Kiyone. "Look at that bump over there...that's probably a rock. Go check it out," she ordered. "Slave driver," muttered Tris. He dutifully walked over to where the blanket did seem to rise a bit too high. "Tenchi and I picked up every single solitary rock in this whole area," he told her, lifting up the blanket. "I oughta be back at the house with him now, but no, someone isn't satisfied. Anyway, this is probably just a..." He looked. "What is it?" Kiyone asked sweetly. "A rock," Tris muttered. "My, my." Tris picked up the rock and lowered the blanket. He rose. He tossed the rock up and down in his hand. He looked speculatively at Kiyone. "Don't even think about it," she said. "A guy can dream," he said back. He tossed the rock into the lake. Kiyone laughed mockingly. She felt wonderfully better now. She walked on the blanket, feeling around with her bare feet. She had kicked her sandals off. "Let's see what other non-rocks you missed," she murmured. "Let me know if you step on one. Say one "ouch" for a small rock and two "ouches" for a big rock." "Oh, you'll find out all right." Her smile was sugar sweet now. "I just hope you can swim." Tris sat down on the blanket. He crossed his arms. "Indian squaw heap big pain. Me find another one, treat Big Chief plenty good, you betcha." Kiyone walked up to him. She raised her right leg and prodded his chest with a bare foot. "Big Chief, huh?" She pushed harder with her foot. Tris toppled on his back. "Big Chief fall down, you betcha," she said. Tris just stretched out on the blanket. "Big Chief just lay here. Dream of Hiawatha...and Pocohantas." Kiyone sat down beside his supine form. "Dreaming of cartoon women. That's lame." "Pocohantas was a real person, I'll have you know," Tris told her. "Of course, she was a cartoon, too. You know what I say about that?" "I'll bite. What?" "The way they drew her...I'd Poke-a-hantas." He chuckled. Then he stopped chuckling, rather suddenly. "Ow!" "More like I Poke-a-you," Kiyone said, examining her knuckles with satisfaction. "This never happened to Crazy Horse." Tris rubbed his bruised shoulder, tenderly. Kiyone stretched out beside him. She leaned over Tris, so that her long, dark teal hair tickled his face. "It's your own fault, clueless. You're supposed to tell a girl you dream about her." "Oh, is that it?" "Uh-huh." "Keep dispensing those pearls of wisdom. I'll take notes." "You'll take another shot...or a kiss. You decide." Tris decided. They kissed. Kiyone slipped her arms around Tris's neck and snuggled against him. His arms encircled her. She kissed his nose. "That's some nose you got there, idiot. Any more like that at home?" "Just the dog's." "Idiot..." They were finishing another kiss, this one slow and languid, when a shadow loomed over them. "Just can't take you kids anywhere!" Tris and Kiyone quickly parted and looked up. Ryoko stood over them, grinning. "Ryoko, your timing is impeccable," Tris told her. "Just about an hour early, though. Come back then." "Can't. Gotta go get that Kiyone and that Tris. That's what Tenchi said. I've just his obedient servant." "How come?" asked Kiyone. "The brats are hungry. They want to eat now," Ryoko said. "Maybe we ought to see if those brats can swim," Tris suggested. Ryoko chuckled and shook her platinum head. "Come on, you two...no fair having fun when nobody else is." "Okay, okay." Kiyone rose. Tris stood up, too, wincing a bit and rubbing his bruised shoulder again. "You're going to have to teach me that left jab, girl," Ryoko said to Kiyone as the three of them walked back to the house. Fortunately for their peace of mind, Kiyone and Tris had no idea that others had observed them beside Ryoko. Peering from behind a tree, Munt and Ginkar watched as the two hot babes and the lanky dude walked back toward that wooden structure that must be what Earthlings lived in. The two techie geeks had teleported down into the wooded area of the Masaki grounds, showing surprisingly good sense in that regard. "I told you Earth girls were easy," Ginkar said. "No question, Gink, my man," Munt agreed. "They aren't too picky either." That pleased him as it did Ginkar. "But what was that hitting stuff?" Ginkar wondered. "If she digs that dude, why does she hit him?" "Must be how they do it on Earth." Ginkar shook his head. "Man, I don't know if I want to connect with these Earth babes. Looks kinda painful." Munt nodded. The brats—-that is, Viatrix and Beah--were actually out of their room when Kiyone, Ryoko, and Tris walked into the house. They made faces at Kiyone, ignored Ryoko, and smiled fetchingly at Tris. "It's nice that you boys thought to put on a picnic for us," Viatrix said. She batted patently false eyelashes at Tris. "So nice..." Beah cooed. Tris looked a bit nonplussed. "Well, that's fine, girls, but nearly all the work was done by Sasami and the others. Me, I just hunted for rocks." "And not very well, either," Kiyone murmured. Viatrix and Beah looked at the Galaxy Police officer with disdain. The lady cop wore just a pair of navy slacks and a cream-colored blouse with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. She was barefoot, too. Hardly any makeup. Just plain-looking earrings for jewelry. Both girls felt that Detective Split Ends didn't need just a makeover, but a major reconstruction, before she'd attract any guys. At least that odd woman with the big, spiky platinum hair showed some style-- she wore a tight black body stocking beneath a short gray silk tunic—- and she had interesting shoes, small black bootlets, actually (Ryoko had once again neglected to exchange her street shoes for house slippers). The girls thought she still needed some makeup, though. Tenchi walked into the living room where they all stood. The girls made the same teenaged moves on him as they had on Tris. He looked at them quizzically. Then he said, "I think we'll all need to carry something outside. Why don't—-" "Not us, surely, Tenchi," Viatrix breathed to him. "After all--we're guests." "That's right." Beah smiled archly. "Guests." "Uhhhh...of course." Tenchi nodded. Above all, these rather trying girls really were guests and it was very important that they have a good time. "I'm certain the rest of us can carry it all. Sasami certainly cooked up a storm. You'll see." He smiled at the girls. "It so important for little kids to have a hobby," Viatrix approved, quite the sophisticate. "Yes," added Beah. "It keeps them from bothering the adults." Suddenly they all heard something clatter, loudly and pointedly. The sound came from the kitchen. Sasami had sharp ears. "It's so hard to grasp large objects with such little hands at that age." Viatrix sighed. She smiled winsomely at both Tenchi and Tris. Beah followed her girlfriend's lead. Ryoko took a step toward the girls, not exactly smiling at them. "Ahhh...let's go in the kitchen and grab some stuff," Tenchi said, a bit nervously. "Yes, let's," Tris agreed quickly. "You'd better," Kiyone muttered. Ryoko nodded her full agreement. Ginkar and Munt, still crouched behind the tree, watched the group depart the house, most of them carrying bowls and cups or covered dishes or Thermos bottles of tea. The only ones not carrying anything were Viatrix and Beah. The two teen girls were each walking beside the heavily laden Tenchi and Tris, talking to them a mile a minute and generally flirting with them. This did not set well at all with the two Souiisian techie geeks. "Well, there are the babes. But look...they're jawing with those two swabby dudes," Munt muttered. "Yeah. Looks like that one dude ain't content with that teal-haired chick. He wants Beah too, the creep." Privately, Ginkar admitted to himself that he would be more than happy having just the teal- haired chick pay attention to him. Some dudes had all the luck. "And that new dude...looks like a drood with those eyes...he's making time with Viatrix. He needs a fist facial," Munt growled. "That's tight and right!" Actually, Tenchi and Tris were chatting with Viatrix and Beah on the way to the picnic spot out of politeness and because they had little choice. The two girls clung to their already burdened arms like glue. Neither young man had any idea that they were, in fact, cruising for a bruising--or at least a fist facial. "So you're the man of the house around here," Viatrix said to Tenchi. "I'm sure that's a big job, keeping all these women in line." Tenchi laughed nervously, imagining the reaction that comment had drawn from at least a few of the women. "No one keeps anyone in line, Viatrix. We all get along just fine." "I'm glad. I knew you were in charge the moment I saw you. These women must pester you awfully, but I'll bet you're looking for something different." Tenchi laughed again, a bit more nervously. It seemed a long walk to the picnic blanket. Beah said to Tris, "We're so glad we have you big strong men to look out for us, Handsome." Tris raised an eyebrow. "Really? Then who's going to look out for the big strong men?" Beah laughed. "You're funny...cute boys are always funny." "Funny, all right," Kiyone muttered behind them as she carried Thermos bottles. "Hilarious." In her wake, Ayeka and Ryoko, similarly burdened, glared at Viatrix. Behind them, Sasami and Mihoshi, carrying their items, brought up the rear. They both looked a bit worried. "Hey, they're gonna eat out here. That's food on that blanket." Nothing much got past Munt. "Figures the natives on this podunk planet would eat with the bugs and all," Ginkar opined. "Those new chicks look pretty fine...even the little one." "Wonder if they hit, too?" "Don't know, Munt my man, but we may find out. They don't look too jazzed about something." "You see anything like cops around?" Munt asked, still a bit nervous about the impending rescue. He saw that the group had settled on the blanket and were commencing to eat. "Naw. Just the babes, the chicks, and the two dudes. Nothing that looks like the law. The cops must've zipped for a while. Probably part of the nicey-nice act for Viatrix and Beah." "That's gotta be right. Those two dudes ain't cops. Besides, the one cop yakin' on the GP line we hacked was a chick. The big chick and the little chick there in the robes ain't cops...look kinda like the royal chicks on Jurai." "Can't be...royal Jurai chicks on this hick planet?" Ginkar chuckled. "You read it and said it, Gink!" Munt chuckled, too. "Must be local royals. Now, that crazy-looking chick with that big hair and that tight outfit...she can't be a cop. She's gotta be some wild Earthling chick. And that teal-haired chick ain't no cop...cops don't lay around necking with dudes on duty. That blonde and tanned chick, now...look! She dropped that sauce on her lap. Now she's tipped over her drink trying to wipe it off. She's no cop!" "See? No cops. No problems," Ginkar said. "Even better than we planned." "Only problem is those two swabby dudes, going for our chicks." "Yeah, that's steaming me, too." >From their vantage point behind the tree, the two techie geeks now studied Tenchi and Tris, who (through no fault of their own) were seated on the picnic blanket with Viatrix and Beah. Neither of those two swabby dudes looked particularly muscle-bound. That, along with the fact that Viatrix and Beah were actually trying to feed Tenchi and Tris, prompted Ginkar and Munt to make a fateful decision. "This is going to be more than a rescue," Ginkar said venomously. "This is going to be a Earth dude teachin' session." "Yeah," Munt muttered. "We'll teach 'em what fists are used for besides eatin'!" Evidently, Tenchi and Tris's fists were not for eatin' either, since Viatrix and Beah kept attempting to force-feed the two young men themselves. The two girls had read somewhere that men love this. Men don't. "Here, Tenchi," Viatrix cooed. "Have another dumpling...oops! I'm sorry about your nice shirt. These—-what do you call them?--oh, yes, chopsticks--are a bit much for little old me." "Yes," Ayeka muttered to Ryoko. "They do require some basic motor skills." "I'll show her how to use chopsticks," Ryoko muttered back, "to pick up her teeth!" "That's all right, Viatrix." Tenchi's hand held the back of his head while he laughed unconvincingly, a sure sign he was nervous. He glanced at Ayeka and Ryoko, both of whom looked coldly back. "Wouldn't you like another carrot stick?" Beah asked Tris, aiming one toward his mouth. "No thanks. Ryo-Ohki has the concession on those." Ryo-Ohki, who had joined the picnic, meower-ed affirmatively. Too late. Tris was now eating carrot, whether he wanted to or not. "Don't be upset," Kiyone said to Ryo-Ohki, stroking the cabbit's long, fluffy ears. "The big, strong man can't help it. The big, strong man can't even feed himself." The last two participants in the picnic were feeding themselves, but not enjoying it particularly. "I don't like this, much," Sasami whispered to Mihoshi. "I don't like it at all," Mihoshi whispered back. She was still upset at spilling soy sauce on her nice denims with all the zippers and snaps. She was glad she had decided not to bring Trissy. The plush pooch would have found very little to wag her tail about at this picnic. "You men are so helpless sometimes," Viatrix laughed softly, as Tenchi tried to swab the dumpling stain off his shirt with a napkin. The picnic was already adding to the laundry chores considerably. "You need a woman to take care of you." "I can take care of myself, thanks," Tenchi said shortly. Viatrix seemed unfazed by his manner. "I could wash that for you." "Yeah...in the lake," Ryoko muttered to Ayeka. "Maybe she'll fall in!" Beah was being equally adorable to Tris. "You sure look funny with that carrot piece on your cheek," she tittered, wiping it off. Tris raised an eyebrow at her. "I'll have you know that I did not come here to be tittered at," he said. "The big, strong man hasn't heard half the tittering he's going to hear," Kiyone cooed to Ryo-Ohki. "Has he?" Just when things couldn't have gotten any worse from Tenchi's and Tris's point of view, they got worse. Ginkar and Munt decided to make their move. The two teenaged techie geeks broke from the cover of the tree, sprinted to the picnic spot, and fell upon Tenchi and Tris. Tenchi received Ginkar's attention, whilst Munt paid his respects to Tris. Tenchi and Tris, rising just as their peripheral vision picked up the two shapes hurtling toward them, were forced off the blanket and onto the grass. Quickly, sensing a fast and easy victory, Ginkar and Munt weighed into them, arms swinging, fists flying, breath chugging (techie geeks don't get a lot of exercise as a rule). The women and Sasami also rose. So did the two teen girls. The girls recognized their would-be rescuers. "Oh, gack!" The creepiest boys in their school! What were they doing here? "Go away!" The women watched the sudden dual title card bouts with amazement and consternation. Fistfights are not generally an accepted part of the picnic experience. "Who are those two clowns?" Kiyone asked, perturbed mightily. Ryoko glanced shrewdly at the two teen girls, who were flushed with anger and wringing their hands. "Don't know. But I bet I know who does." "Stop it!" Mihoshi wailed at the two scraggly interlopers. "Don't you hit Tenchi or Tris...I'll arrest you!" In her dismay, she had forgotten that she couldn't. "Calm down, Mihoshi," Kiyone told her. "I think our boys can handle this." "They knocked over the vegetable salad!" Sasami moaned. "I spent all morning making it!" "Oh, dear," Ayeka said, nonplussed by the sudden end of the picnic. Then she detected movement behind her. She turned. Azaka II and Kamidake II were hovering a few feet away, ready to blast if anyone made a move toward the Princess. "Shall we assist Lord Tenchi and Tristram Coffin, Princess?" Azaka II inquired politely. "It would be our pleasure," Kamidake II added. "No," Ayeka said, smiling slightly. "I do not think that will be necessary." Meanwhile, the fight, such as it was, began to heat up. Ginkar bulled himself at Tenchi. From the way the swabby dude backed up, Ginkar knew he was yellow. The perfect type to beat to a pulp. He got in a lucky punch, grazing Tenchi's jaw, stingingly. It was a mistake. Although Tenchi Masaki had defeated the most powerful (and the outright nastiest) villain in the galaxy, he had been taught to avoid fighting whenever possible. Tenchi was amiable, quiet, very slow to anger, extraordinarily forgiving, and had a high tolerance level (which explained his friendship with Tris). In short, Tenchi was almost too good for this wicked old world. Except for one thing...he was a flesh-and-blood nineteen-year-old male, and he had not been raised to turn the other cheek just to receive another punch in the jaw. Tenchi dropped into his combat stance. He cocked his fists. Ginkar laughed at the stupid Earth move and came in swinging. Tenchi's fists shot out like rapid-fire artillery. Four "shuto" punches—-two in the stomach, two in the face—-hit Ginkar. The sharp, hard, powerful blows poleaxed the techie geek. He tried to recover with a bear hug. All he received for his pains was more pain--a roundhouse (or "yoko geri kekomi") kick that slammed into his left side and sent him reeling. Ginkar plunged down to the grass and lay there to painfully contemplate the fact that Earth girls may be easy, but Earth guys weren't. "That-a-boy, sweetums!" Ryoko cheered her hero. "Kick him again! He's not bleeding enough yet!" "Yes, well done, Lord Tenchi!" Ayeka cried. "That is the way to punish him for spoiling our picnic!" "Tenchi, yay!" Mihoshi cried. "Hey...look at Tris!" "Go get 'em, Tiger!" Kiyone shouted out adoringly. "Wow..." said Sasami. Like Tenchi, Tris had been brought up not to fight unless it was unavoidable. His father had taught him to use his dukes and his mother had reprimanded him when he did. It was a typical American upbringing. Accordingly, he also backed up and tried to avoid Munt's punches. He tried to talk to Munt, but Munt wasn't listening. Munt was pleased by this apparent cowardly reaction, just as his techie geek buddy had been. Just for fun, he kicked Tris in the shin. Tris hopped, inadvertently imitating Ryo-Ohki. Munt laughed. Tris stopped hopping. He saw red. As mentioned previously in this chronicle, Tris had grown up in the mean streets of childhood, where he had been taunted by that accursed nickname "Trissy." He had stopped the taunts with his fists. Now the old anger filled him, and so did his old form. He immediately dropped down and jabbed Munt directly in the solar plexus. Munt stopped laughing, as the air rushed out of him. He doubled over. Tris rose. Munt was in the perfect position. Tris executed a textbook uppercut, his fist whistling in the prescribed arc, so that his up-rocketing fist met Munt's down-drooping chin. Tris's punch lifted Munt fully to his feet, actually raised him in the air a tad, and sent him sprawling to Earth. Seconds later, Munt lay spread-eagle on the turf, dazed, defeated, dizzy, and damning Gink for cooking up this scheme. "I do not believe it," Ayeka said wonderingly. "That's the way to teach that guy some manners, Tris!" Ryoko laughed. "What a punch!" "Did you see that?" Mihoshi asked Sasami. "Tris lifted that guy in the air. It was so neat!" "Just like on TV!" Sasami agreed. "Cool!" "Oh, you angel!" Kiyone cried. "That's my Tiger!" Tris observed the now prone Munt with some amount of interest. Then it was Tris's turn to examine his knuckles with satisfaction. The old Sunday punch. It never failed. A small distance away, Tenchi also contemplated his fallen foe. He did not look triumphant by any means, but he also did not look entirely unpleased, either. A few lingering frustrations had been vented and in a most satisfying manner. "You know, Princess," Ryoko muttered to Ayeka. "We could have stopped this fight cold with a couple of force beams." "I am so glad we did not intervene," Ayeka muttered back. "Our dear boys deserve a little victory." Ryoko nodded. Tenchi had sure made her proud of him...the honey boy. And that Tris! He had really shown her something again. "Inefficient but effective," Azaka II rendered its judgment on the fighting techniques displayed. The Guardians had returned to their usual posts by the front gate. "You are correct. The humans seem to take pleasure in observing such combat, however...even the Princess," Kamidake II noted. Plaudits aside, it had proved to be a rather quick dual bout. Paying customers would have demanded their money back. The late Bruce Lee, who knew something about personal combat, once commented that any street fight that lasted more than five minutes could only happen in the movies.(1) He was right. Tenchi and Tris each hauled their respective fallen opponent to their feet. Each of the teen techie geeks from Souiis struggled. Each had their arms pinned behind their backs, somewhat painfully. Tenchi and Tris were not overly generous in victory. Ginkar and Munt seemed the type to slip in a sucker punch if so allowed. Kiyone and Mihoshi proceeded to take charge. Clearly, the two interlopers were not from Earth. This was police work now. "I am Detective Makibi of the Galaxy Police, and this is Detective Kuramitsu," Kiyone said formally. She produced what looked like a pen. The "pen" instantly dropped a hair-thin screen that displayed her Galaxy Police credentials. She retracted the pen-ID and returned it to her jeans pocket. "Who are you two?" she demanded. Ginkar and Munt glowered but held their tongues. "Where do you come from? Which planet?" Eloquent looks of truculence but no spoken answer came from the two. "Search them, Detective Kuramitsu." "Must I?" Mihoshi looked dubiously at Ginkar and Munt. Neither looked particularly clean after their trip from Souiis in a makeshift ship that did not have proper bathing facilities factored into the design. "Yes, Detective Kuramitsu. Do it." Mihoshi did it, efficiently but not happily. She handed Kiyone a control cube. "This is a control cube for your ship...isn't it?" Kiyone asked. "You can't arrest us here!" Munt had finally decided to bless the proceedings with his input, although he didn't exactly answer the question put to him. He saw now that he and Ginkar had figured wrong. The teal-haired chick and the blonde chick were cops, after all. "You can't make us talk, cop!" "Maybe not...but we can sure break your arms," Tris told him pleasantly. He tightened his grip on Munt's arms. Munt moaned. "He's bluffin', man," Ginkar said. "No, I'm not, man," Tris said mildly. "I'm not with these civilized folks. I'm a savage Earthling who just learned to walk upright the day before yesterday, and I like to break arms." Kiyone's eyes glowed at him. Ginkar's eyes glowered at him. Munt's eyes closed as the pain increased. Tenchi just watched, holding Ginkar tightly. He knew Tris would not go too far...and they needed answers. "You know, I'm enjoying the hell out of all this." Ryoko smiled. "I really am. But you're arm-twisting the wrong twits." "Huh?" Tenchi asked. "What do you mean?" Ryoko walked up to Viatrix and Beah. "I watched these two brats when those bozos first arrived. They recognized them, all right." "We did not!" Viatrix yelled. Beah remembered her part. She stuck out her tongue at Ryoko. But Ryoko, the legendary space pirate, could not be buffaloed...not by Galactic Depository vaults, not by Galaxy Police dragnets, and most certainly not by two rather pitiful teenaged girls. She crossed her arms as she confronted Viatrix and Beah. "If you think that Tris is mean," she said icily, "just wait until I start in on you. Now talk!" Looking into Ryoko's glittering golden eyes, the two girls knew she was not kidding. "Listen, you two," Kiyone said to Viatrix and Beah, taking control of the situation again. "If I have to, I'll take these boys into custody and run them through a scan on our ship. We'll find out who they are and what connection they have to you, never fear." Viatrix and Beah looked at each other. It was hopeless, they knew. Besides, they were in the clear. "They're just two boys from our school," Viatrix said. "We hardly even know them." "Yeah, they're awful...from the geek brigade," Beah amplified. "The worst!" Kiyone now turned to the two pinioned boys. "Do you want to tell us your names now?" The two techie geeks appeared more cooperative. The less than adoring words from their would-be rescued admirers had knocked some of the stuffing out of them. "Ginkar Ter'tran." "Munt Yo'ost." "That's better," Kiyone said. "And you are both from Souiis?" "Yeah," Munt answered. Tris had greatly eased up on the pressure, but the young techie geek wasn't going anywhere. "Say, "Yes, Detective,"" Kiyone instructed him. Munt grimaced. "You can't arrest us here! We know that!" Kiyone walked up to him. "I can't arrest you here on Earth for an Earth offense, that's true. But for a Union offense...I assume you have the required authorization to be in a restricted area?" Munt did not reply. He looked a bit sick. "Of course you don't. So I'll be obliged to search your ship. Those girls called you geeks. On Souiis, that's short for "techie geeks." I wonder how much illegal scanning and hacking equipment I'll find on your ship?" "Don't say nothing more, Munt," Ginkar advised, but a bit less brashly now. "He won't need to," Kiyone said. "The illegal equipment you used to sneak in here and to find out where these girls were being quartered will speak loudly enough." "That's right," Mihoshi said. "We don't like being hacked and cracked. It's mean. It's also illegal." Now both boys looked sick. "If you're going to hurl," Tris advised Munt, "please don't do it facing the wind." "So these are your boyfriends," Ryoko said to Viatrix and Beah. "Gack! They are not!" Viatrix was aghast. "You make us sick saying that!" Beah added, looking a little green, in fact. Ryoko laughed mockingly. "But I don't believe you." She walked slowly toward the section of the picnic blanket where Princess Ayeka stood. "No, you're lying. Why would even boys this stupid risk years in galactic prison on a wild-goose chase? No, they didn't just up and come here on their own. They're too dim for that. I think you contacted them and asked them to come and take you away from the mean old Galaxy Police." "That's a lie!" Viatrix shouted. "A big lie!" Beah amplified. Ryoko walked past Ayeka. She covertly winked at her. Ayeka then realized where Ryoko was heading with her tactics. It was Ayeka's turn now. The Princess smiled grimly. This was going to be a distinct pleasure. "And I do not believe your tawdry lies, either," Ayeka told the two girls. "As First Princess of Jurai, I have a duty to support the efforts of law enforcement. This is clearly a conspiracy to thwart the ends of justice by attempting an escape from lawful authority through illegal means. You girls are now in very deep trouble." "You have to prove what you say!" Viatrix shouted again. Then she remembered to add, "Princess." Beah began to blubber, on cue. "Shut up, Beah. You know it's not true. She can't prove anything!" Ayeka laughed. "My dear! It is not I who will have to prove it. It is for you to disprove it. I am convinced. I will so report to the Galaxy Police--to the Grand Marshall and the High Commissioner, as well." Viatrix visibly crumpled. The Jurai royal family held the ultimate influence in the Galactic Union. Princess Ayeka's sentiments would carry enormous weight. Even Viatrix's Daddy couldn't match such pull and wouldn't even try. Beah sobbed. "Shut up, Beah!" Viatrix said again. "How could we have contacted them anyway?" she added, suddenly seeing a ray of light. "Our ship was totaled by these two cops. And there's nothing around here to communicate with." Kiyone stepped forward and squelched that ray. "After you blundered into our warning shot, the force of it shut down your engines and broke the mandatory hold we had on your comm equipment. While Detective Kuramitsu and I were gaining access to your ship, you had plenty of time—-and battery power—-to contact your boyfriends." Viatrix visibly gave up. It was enough, she knew. She didn't even contradict the word "boyfriends," although it made her want to gag. Beah continued to sob quietly. The two teen boys hung their heads. They didn't both to contradict the teal-haired cop. They knew they were screwed, royally screwed—-so to speak. Tenchi looked at Beah and Viatrix...and at Ginkar and Munt. "They're really just kids. Stupid kids. But just kids." He released Ginkar. Tris did likewise with Munt. "That is a point, Lord Tenchi," Ayeka said. "It seems a shame to wreck such young lives, and to go through all that red tape..." Four teenaged heads rose. Beah stopped crying. They all seemed to sense that a chance was going to be offered to them. "I think," Ayeka continued, "that since these boys came all this way, they should not leave empty-handed." Tenchi, Tris, Kiyone, and Ryoko grinned covertly as all four pairs of teenage eyes locked on Princess Ayeka now. Then Sasami grinned, too...she caught on now. Mihoshi frowned a bit, but then she saw a glimmering of what was happening. She smiled. "If you boys will take these girls with you...and go straight back to Souiis...and do it quickly enough to prevent Viatrix's father from going to the expense of having to send a ship," Ayeka speculated aloud. "And if you girls tell the truth now to your parents and the Galaxy Police officers on Souiis...how you tried to escape in your cruiser from the Galaxy Police and simply blundered into the warning shot...and also tell how fairly and well you have been treated since then..." Ayeka pursed her lips. "Yes. I could be persuaded to suggest to the authorities that the matter be dropped." The expelling of four teenaged breaths was audible, mingling with the twittering of birds, the soft hum of insects, and the muted splash of fish breaking the surface of the silvery lake, then diving deep again with some of those insects in their mouths. Not all picnics had been interrupted. "Do you find that satisfactory, Detectives?" Ayeka asked. "We do--if your suggestions are followed to the letter," Kiyone answered. Mihoshi nodded her assent. She really didn't want the poor kids jailed, no matter what they did or tried to do. Viatrix and Beah looked at each other. They nodded, too. Ginkar and Munt didn't even bother to nod. It was obvious that they would grasp the straw that Princess Ayeka had offered them. "Of course, we'll first search your ship and confiscate your illegal hacking and cracking equipment," Kiyone told Ginkar and Munt. "And then we'll escort you and your passengers out of the restricted area. Right?" Now Ginkar and Munt both nodded slowly, defeated. Earth girls weren't easy. Earth guys weren't easy. GP officers weren't easy. Princesses weren't easy. The only thing that was easy was getting caught. "It was great of Ayeka to go with Kiyone and Mihoshi on Yogami to add her report to theirs," Tenchi said a little while later. "She really saved the day." "Yeah," admitted Ryoko. "This isn't for general publication, but the Princess did real good." Tenchi, Tris, Ryoko, Sasami, and even Washuu (who had been monitoring interspace communications, had heard part of the report transmitted from the Yogami to GP Headquarters, and had left her lab to investigate) sat at the dining room table. They were having a late lunch to compensate for the aborted picnic. In the kitchen, the picnic containers were piled up by the sink. Most of the food had been salvaged. And Sasami was brewing some fresh tea. The little girl sang as she measured the tea leaves. She was so proud of her big sister! She heard Tris say to Ryoko: "The Princess sure did a great job as the clean-up batter. But you put the men on the bases, Ryoko." Tris's voice was admiring. "Huh?" asked Ryoko. "Oh, yeah, baseball. Well, thanks, slugger!" She smiled at Tris. "Hey, you're the slugger! You and Ayeka. You ladies carry Louisville Sluggers and you don't have to choke up on the bat, either." "Really? Well, thanks again!" Ryoko really did not follow baseball, even Japanese baseball, that closely, but she knew a heartfelt compliment when she heard one. "Enough baseball talk, please," Washuu requested. Sasami entered the dining room with the freshly brewed tea. She sat the teapot on the table. "Do you think that Kiyone and Mihoshi will be treated okay by the GP? They won't get in trouble now?" she asked, seating herself at the table. Washuu nodded. "From what I heard, I predict smooth sailing. Maybe even commendations for those two." "I'll drink to that," Tenchi said, pouring tea. "Hey--speaking of drinking--let's have a party to celebrate tonight. Sake and everything!" Ryoko's eyes sparkled. Tenchi grinned. "Why not? Of course, I'll have to ask Dad and Grandfather--" "Ask Grandfather what, Tenchi?" Lord Yosho walked into the dining room. It was time for his post- picnic lunch, as pre-arranged that morning. He smiled at the group. "I had not expected company with my repast, but it most welcome." He sat down at the table. "Well, Grandfather--listen to this." Tenchi detailed the morning's and afternoon's events, including Washuu's preliminary estimate of the probable results. Yosho smiled broadly. "That is excellent news, indeed. It is the outcome that I had hoped for." "It is, Grandfather?" "Yes, Tenchi. These were just children causing the upset. You do not want to heavily punish or incarcerate children. They learn no lessons that way, only resentment. I believe that the girls and boys involved will learn a valuable lesson from this. And thankfully, our two Detectives will have no stain on their records from this unfortunate episode." "Well, I'll go along with you there about Kiyone and Mihoshi, Lord Yosho," Ryoko said. "But I doubt if those four dimwits learned anything except that they got away with it. That's the only bad part of how it all turned out." "Indeed? I really do believe that the lesson will stick with those youngsters, Ryoko," Yosho told her. "It is certainly an uncomfortable time they will have to endure with their parents and the authorities." "Well, maybe they will learn something from this, Lord Yosho. But I wouldn't make book on it." "Yet Ryoko, that is what we do all our lives--make book on people, as you express it. Sometimes our wager is wasted. Most of the time, however, it is not." Yosho smiled at her and turned to Tenchi. "Didn't you want to ask me something, grandson?" "Yes, Grandfather." The hidden meaning of his grandfather's words was not lost on Tenchi. He hoped they were not lost on Ryoko. "We'd like to have a small party tonight, when Ayeka and Kiyone and Mihoshi return. We'd also like to serve sake, if that's all right." "Quite all right," Lord Yosho agreed. "A party is a splendid idea. It is a time for celebration. I'm certain your father will agree." "Thanks, Grandfather," Tenchi said. "Of course, you and Dad are invited, too." "Well, we would certainly make an appearance. But this party is for you young people." "You're the greatest, sir," Tris told Lord Yosho. "That's no lie!" Ryoko added. Washuu said, "I might even attend this party." "Please do, Washuu," Sasami pleaded, smilingly. "Of course she will," Tenchi said. "Tonight, we all celebrate!" As it turned out, there was quite a bit to celebrate about. When Kiyone, Mihoshi, and Ayeka walked into the house some hours later, all three were smiling widely--Kiyone's smile was the widest of all. "Good new, I guess," Tenchi said, grinning. They all stood in the living room, including Washuu. "Very good news, indeed, Lord Tenchi," Ayeka confirmed. "After I made my report and the girls finally told the truth, the High Commissioner personally praised Kiyone and Mihoshi. The Grand Marshall was not available when we communicated with his office, but his executive officer also commended our Detectives." "Wow!" said Washuu. "That doesn't happen every day." "It was so nice!" Mihoshi's eyes were shining. "The Commissioner said such sweet things and told us we needn't worry about an investigation. He called me by my name, twice!" Mihoshi was obviously thrilled. "Even better," Kiyone added, her face radiant. "Chief Bodai came on the comm line while the High Commissioner was talking to us and Ayeka. The Chief requested, in front of all of us, that the incident that got us busted down in grade be re-investigated." "Now, I'll say "wow,"" Tris said. "Wow!" Kiyone smiled at him. "The High Commissioner said he would ask the Grand Marshall that Chief Bodai be chosen to head up the re- investigation. Chief Bodai vowed to start from scratch! No pre- conceived notions." Kiyone was all but dancing. "It could mean we get our rank back! Reassigned to Headquarters!" She stopped and smiled at Ayeka. "You made it happen, Ayeka. I owe you—-I and Mihoshi owe you—-so very much." She walked over and hugged a surprised Ayeka. The Princess had not quite recovered from that when Mihoshi hugged her, too. "Oh, my." Ayeka smiled and shook her head. "I just did what I could do..." "But you did a lot, big sister!" Sasami told her fondly. "Everybody here did a lot. I am just happy it turned out so well," Ayeka said. "Don't I get a hug, too?" Ryoko asked. "You sure do!" Kiyone walked up to Ryoko and hugged her. Then Mihoshi hugged the space pirate also, almost knocking her down in the process. "Steady girl," Ryoko told her. "I'm not that ugly stuffed mutt, you know." Mihoshi just laughed delightedly. "I thought the High Commissioner was going to have a heart attack when he saw Ayeka with us through the viewscreen!" Kiyone grinned. Mihoshi giggled. "Didn't his face turn red, though!" "Bet that just made his day, all right," Washuu said. Ayeka looked demure. "Possibly it did catch him by surprise. But he was quite fair in his dealings with us. I fear that Viatrix's father may have some heavy weather ahead, though, with the High Commissioner. Poor man." "Hah!" Ryoko said. She was now floating in the air, a few feet above the floor in fact, not because she particularly needed to but because she could now. "That chump raised that brat. He deserves what he gets!" Ayeka did not agree, but she did not bother to contest Ryoko's assertion. "And another great thing...those two brats are gone! We're free of them!" Ryoko floated higher, grinning with relief. This time Ayeka did agree with Ryoko--one hundred percent. "That's so great," Tenchi said to his grandfather and to Tris. The three of them stood together now a small distance away, observing the women. "It is a happy outcome, Tenchi, and not before time for our two Detectives," his grandfather agreed. "Yes, sir. Finally getting a break, those two," Tris said. "It's enough to make me believe in Santa Claus again." "When did you ever stop believing?" Tenchi jibed. "When I was sixteen. I checked my Christmas stocking that year and no swimsuit model! The welcher! I'm still waiting for the aircraft carrier I asked for in grade school, too." Tenchi looked at Lord Yosho. "Why did we ask him to stay on, again, Grandfather?" Lord Yosho only smiled. At that point, everyone separated to go about his or her business before dinner. Tris decided to take this opportunity ask Washuu about how she got herself blackballed—-twice--from the Royal Science Academy (Tenchi had mentioned it to him). Someone grabbed his arm and stopped him, however. It was Kiyone. "Come with me, you," she said. "Coming quietly, officer," Tris told her. She led him down the hallway to Tenchi's and his room. Yes, it was their room again. He and Tenchi had wasted no time after cleaning up the picnic mess and having lunch to take down the tent and store it away and then put their bedroom back in order. Spending one night in a tent had convinced the two young men that they were not boys any more. They valued their comfort now. Following Kiyone, Tris noted how she filled out her Galaxy Police uniform. The tight uniform pants and form-fitting tunic looked particularly fetching on her. She had doffed the rather silly looking brimless cap and her silken teal hair hung in soft dark waves down her back. Kiyone was a desireable and beautiful woman even in her uniform. He could have done without the hand weapon in the shoulder holster, though. They reached the bedroom. Kiyone went right in. Tris followed, sliding the door shut behind him. Tenchi wasn't there, of course. Tris looked at Kiyone inquiringly. Kiyone smiled at him. She walked up to him. She kept smiling at him, her eyes aglow. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Tris could figure out where this was leading. "What if Tenchi walks in—-?" Tris did not finish. Kiyone's lips stopped him. It was a while, a warm, lazy while, before they broke. "Let him," Kiyone said. They kissed again. "Well..." Tris caught his breath when their lips parted. "Take a guy to his bedroom and just think you can have your way with him. I like it." Kiyone looked at him with those wonderful violet blue eyes. She moved her head so her lips found one of his ears. "Everything is working out so great, Tris," she murmured in that ear. "I know," he said. "Your comeback has begun." "Yes, I'm very happy about the reprieve and the re-investigation, of course. I'm walking on air, Tris. But it's not just because these wonderful things are happening. It's also because I have a guy I can share them with...the same guy who supported me and made me laugh and feel so good when things seemed so rotten...a hopeless, wonderful idiot who really impressed me today." "Well, we idiots have our moments." Kiyone softly kissed his ear. "You know, Tris, I've thought about what you told me about your parents. I kind of wish there was a drive-in movie around here." "Yeah, drive-ins never caught on here. Something to do with population density and land prices. Too bad. When you want to have a necking party with your favorite girl and Daddy-san gives you the keys to the Toyota...where do you go? In all the time I lived here, I've never figured it out." They both heard Sasami's voice announcing dinner. But there was time for one more kiss. "Let's go have dinner," Kiyone said afterward, taking his hand. "I'm starving!" After a triumphant dinner provided by Sasami to mark the triumphant day, the celebration--in the form of a sake party--began. The party went well into the wee hours. Midnight had come and gone long ago, but Tenchi, Tris, Kiyone, Ryoko, Ayeka, and Mihoshi still sat on the living room couches, laughing and talking and sipping from their chokos (sake cups). Both Lord Yosho and Nobuyuki had long since retired politely, Washuu had stumbled back to her sub-dimensional lair (she knew her sake limit), and Sasami had been sent to bed...which meant that she sat in her nightgown at the top of the stairs, listening. She petted Ryo-Ohki and fed the cabbit carrot sticks left over from the picnic. Ryo-Ohki was in cabbit heaven. The seating arrangement was as follows: Tenchi, Ryoko, and Ayeka on one couch, and Kiyone, Mihoshi, and Tris on the other. They had all swapped places several times and each had shared a song or a story with the other. But, as the evening wore down, social gravity took hold and Tenchi found himself wedged between Ayeka and Ryoko. Not that he minded. Tris had been amazed at the amount of rice wine Ayeka had put away. Ryoko, of course, drank like a stevedore, but the Princess matched her, cup for cup. A line of little white bottles stood like sake solders on the living room table. Any would-be wolf who tried to get Ryoko or Ayeka drunk for immoral purposes would have found himself under the table long before either of them showed the slightest effect. Mihoshi and Kiyone didn't hold their sake so well, which was all right, too, because it was, after all, a party. Tenchi had only begun imbibing recently (as a college student, he felt entitled to). Accordingly, he and Tris had sipped at their cups judiciously, which meant they were feeling no pain within a short time. In fact, so painless did they become that they started a song competition between themselves. Tenchi sang the original Japanese lyrics and Tris countered with the American lyrics to the old anime both had watched as kids: "Mach Go Go Go" (better known to Americans as "Speed Racer").(2) They each sang their version faithfully and badly. When they finished, Tenchi and Tris gave themselves a round of applause. The women just looked at them. "Oh, yay! Sing it again!" Mihoshi bounced on the couch, somewhat erratically, spilling her and Kiyone's sake in the process. She loved both versions of the song immediately. "Don't you dare!" Ryoko warned Tenchi and Tris both. "Mihoshi!" Kiyone started to scold as she felt sake splash on her dressy slacks. Then, warmed by alcohol and the day's triumphs, she let it go and poured herself and Mihoshi some more sake. Mihoshi gulped down her cup of rice wine. She was thirsty after her cheering. "Let me understand this," Ayeka said quite formally to Tenchi and Tris. "You two are singing about a car that does not exist." "Does too!" "Yeah!" Ayeka dropped the discussion. It was pointless to argue with drunken children. "I know a song!" Mihoshi announced. "Oh, God," Ryoko muttered and swigged more sake. Mihoshi stared to stand up and swayed a bit. Drinking sake as if it was water was the culprit. She slumped back on the couch and bumped into Kiyone, who involuntarily dumped more sake on her lap. Kiyone looked at her sake-soaked slacks and laughed, helplessly. The sake had really loosened her up. Mihoshi looked at her partner's sake- splashed slacks and began to shed sake-fueled tears. "I'm sorry, Kiyone! Your nice slacks!" "Don't worry, Mihoshi...they're just slacks. Don't cry. What is your song?" Mihoshi immediately brightened. She smiled at Tris. "It's from American TV! It's about a big family--just like us!" "What? "The Addams Family"?" Tris cracked. "No, that's not the name of the family! It's such a sweet song!" Mihoshi sang-—the theme to "The Brady Bunch." She only got as far as the story of a man named Brady who was raising three sons solo--(3) "Not that song again!" Kiyone groaned, clamping her hand over Mihoshi's mouth. "Please, Mihoshi!" "Thank you, Kiyone. Bless you," said Ayeka. That seemed to be the general sentiment all around. Kiyone then unstopped Mihoshi's mouth. Mihoshi looked disappointed. Then Ryoko decided to put on an aerial demonstration. "Watch me!" she giggled. She floated up to just below the ceiling beams and then started loop-the-looping, over and over again. It was a beautiful thing to watch; the space pirate did it so effortlessly, just up and down...up and down...up and down...up and...then, holding her mouth, a greenish-faced Ryoko zoomed away to the toilet, quick. Ayeka laughed so loud (a really brassy laugh that Tris would never have believed came from such a dignified young woman) that she tumbled to the floor. She lay on the floor, still laughing. "Can't hold her sake!" was the gist of Ayeka's comments about Ryoko's sudden departure. The party was clearly on its last legs. Tris was fully in sympathy with Ryoko. Just watching her looping- the-loop had made him queasy. He decided to sit, very quietly, and lay off the sake. Tenchi looked at him and nodded, understanding. He had already decided: No more sake for him. "Do you think Ryoko's all right?" a worried little voice spoke from the top of the stairs. Ayeka stirred herself from the floor. "Sasami! Go to bed! Go to sleep!" "Can't! You all are making too much noise!" "Go to bed anyway!" "Awwww..." Finally marshaling his groggy reserves, Tenchi stood up from the couch, a bit unsteadily, and helped Ayeka rise from the floor. Ayeka gave him a loving smile. "Thank you, Lord Tenchi." "You're welcome...Ayeka?" The Princess sagged into his arms. Tenchi thought it was pretty understandable, considering all the sake she had consumed. "Why don't you go to bed, too, Ayeka?" he suggested, speaking a bit slowly and thickly. "No...no, Lord Tenchi," Ayeka said, snuggling against him. "Do not want...those awful dreams...I would much rather...stay here with you...you are so nice and warm...Lord Tenchi..." At the other couch, Kiyone, Mihoshi, and Tris stared at the Princess, all three of them taken aback at her forwardness. The sake had done its sneaky work, even to Ayeka's iron constitution. "I could never...have a bad dream...ever...with you near me, Lord Tenchi," Ayeka added, slurring her words just a smidgen. Naturally, Ryoko returned from the bathroom at that moment, looking somewhat pale. She eyed Ayeka, who was still leaning against Tenchi and smiling contentedly. "Who did you say couldn't hold their sake?" Ryoko asked Ayeka. Fortunately, the space pirate chose to be amused. "What do you mean, Ryoko?" Ayeka took bleary-eyed notice of the space pirate. "You're all over Tenchi like a cheap shirt. That's not your usual style." "I am not all over Lord Tenchi! He was simply assisting me." "It looks to me like you were helping yourself." Ryoko grinned. She walked over to Ayeka, took her from Tenchi, and sat her down on the couch. "We wouldn't want you to fall again, Princess." "I did not fall!" Meanwhile, on the other couch, Mihoshi yawned hugely. Then she rose, unsteadily, walked to the other end of the couch, and plopped down beside Tris. Now he was between her and Kiyone. Kiyone didn't notice. She had laid her head on Tris's lap. Her eyes were closed. Mihoshi now also leaned against Tris, her blonde head resting on his shoulder. She closed her eyes. Tris was beginning to feel like a mattress. "They really can't hold their sake," Ryoko observed, referring to Kiyone and Mihoshi. "Luckily, they have that big lumpy thing to lean against." "Ryoko..." Tenchi said, but with a grin. "From over here," Ayeka said, "it looks like a nice lumpy thing." She smiled at Tris. Then she leaned against Tenchi, letting her head loll on his shoulder, and closed her eyes. "Hey..." said Ryoko. She sat down on the other side of Tenchi. Now her platinum head rested on his other shoulder. She smiled and closed her eyes. Tenchi looked at Tris. He grinned. "Hey, from one lumpy thing to another...why don't we get these girls to bed?" Tris nodded, started to rise. But Kiyone and Mihoshi's combined mass held him down. "Fat chance," he told Tenchi. "Who's fat?" Kiyone murmured from his lap. "Please don't move, Tris," Mihoshi requested, her eyes still closed. "I'm trying to sleep." Tris started to shrug and couldn't even do that. "Guess I'm stuck," he told Tenchi. "Yes, you are," Kiyone sleepily agreed. "Boy, are you. Someday I'll just tell you just how stuck you are." "Well, I'm not." Tenchi started to rise. Ayeka and Ryoko both held him down. "Yes you are, Tenchi, sweetums," Ryoko said. "You're stuck with us." "Indeed you are," Ayeka told him. Tenchi looked at Ayeka, then at Ryoko. Both still had their eyes closed, their heads resting on his shoulders. "Now what do we do?" Tenchi asked, glancing at Tris. He groaned. Tris's eyes were closed, too. "Great...just great..." But Tenchi smiled as he said it. A few hours later, Sasami woke up. It was early morning, she saw by the pale light that glowed through the blinds. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She turned to check on Ayeka. Her futon was empty. Then Sasami noticed that all the other futons were empty, too. Could they still be partying? But no...the house was still and quiet. Sasami rose and slipped on her robe and slippers. She walked from the room, yawning. She descended the stairs, still yawning. She walked into the living room. She stopped. Everyone was sacked out on the couches. Tenchi had fallen asleep, too. Sasami smiled sleepily. She walked over to the couch where her big sister sat. Ayeka slept quietly, resting against Tenchi. In fact, she seemed in the deepest of slumbers. She did not stir at all. Sasami was glad. It seemed those horrible dreams had finally played themselves out. Sasami yawned, again, mightily. Golly...looking at all the slumbering forms made her very sleepy, too. It was way too early to make breakfast...too early to be up, really. She smiled again. Then she sat down on the couch beside Ayeka, leaned against her big sister, and closed her eyes. In no time at all, she was asleep once more. ____________________________________________ CHAPTER NOTES: (1) Bruce Lee also insisted that the martial art he practiced was not karate. When asked his opinion of those who tried to impress others by breaking boards with their hands, he answered, "Boards don't hit back." (2) The two versions of the theme song for this venerable anime reveal something interesting about the two cultures that composed them. See for yourself. The translated lyrics for "Mach Go Go Go": Mach number five Mach number five Mach five, five, five Step on the accelerator till Earth's end, young power go, go, go Number five Mach machine, everyone watch its power If it starts running, won't get behind Let's go, good people's highway Mach number five Mach number five Mach five, five, five Even wind shivers the hair pin curves, young life go, go, go White body Mach machine, pride and courage Chest is burning with energy Speed towards a victorious finish Mach number five Mach number five Mach five, five, five The lyrics for "Speed Racer": Here he comes, here comes Speed Racer He's a demon on wheels He's a demon and he's gonna be chasing after someone He's gaining on you so you better look alive He's busy revving up the powerful Mach Five And when the odds are against him and there's da-angerous work to do You bet your life Speed Racer's gonna see it through Go Speed Racer Go Speed Racer Go Speed Racer, go He's off and flying as he guns the car around the track He's jamming down the pedal like he's never coming back Adventure's waiting just aheeeeeeeeaaaaad (Tris's voice cracked here) Go Speed Racer Go Speed Racer Go Speed Racer, go! (3) In case anyone doesn't know these lyrics, here they are: It's the story Of a man named Brady Who was raising three boys on his own (Mihoshi giggled here for some reason) They were four men Living all together And they were all alone—-(Kiyone's hand did its work here)