Tenchi Muyo in love: Venom.
By Catbert25 (Catbert25@aol.com)

I understand there is a Tenchi Muyo in love two in Japan. I haven't seen it.
This story takes place a few months after the conclusion of the first movie. 
Also this is my first Tenchi fic. I haven't seen all of the TV series but I do
have the first six Oav. I also have all the Manga [in english]. although this
is an elseworlds like tale. Still this shouldn't effect Tenchi continuity
anyway. It is a dark story, and should really pick up after I get it going.
Kudos to those who realize what is happening here. Shame on those who don't. I
love C&C:[although I'm not to worried about continuity here, hey its a fic
ok.] Send C&C to: Catbert25@aol.com

	Gino watched angrily as Kei smiled at the boy again. He hated the boy. He
always seemed to be better at things than him. He did not mind a few things.
But Tenchi Musaki was better than him at everything. The worst thing about it
was he didn't even seem to notice. He sat with his friends and smiled
oblivious to the fact that every girl who knew him wanted to be with him. Why
not? He was such a nice guy. Not full of himself like most guys. He's always
so polite. Even Kei, his Kei, Tenchi could take her away from him without a
second thought, and he knew it. Gino growled under his breath.  He watched the
seemingly clumsy and good hearted boy muddle through the day. "Sweet indeed.
He knows exactly what he's doing." he muttered under his breath. Kei looked at
him oddly from her seat. She didn't seem to know what he was talking about,
but then she was a good actor.

	Tenchi walked into his house and was greeted by Ryoko in the usual manner.
She flew into him and hung all over him. "Tenchi say it isn't so!" she cried.
	"What?" said Tenchi looking worried. God knew what could have happened since
he had gone to school. He looked around and took a quick count every one
seemed to be accounted for.
	"You aren't really going to Tokyo for a whole two days are you?" cried Ryoko.
	Ayeka grabbed Ryoko and tried to pull her off. "Get off lord Tenchi you
monster!" she cried angrily.
	Tenchi looked on helplessly as the argument continued. "It will be nice to
get away from this for a few days." he thought.

Next Day:
	Gino sat in his seat and looked at Him as he sat surrounded by women in the
back. He was trying to look embarrassed by all the attention. He kept glancing
nervously at a group of girls in the back. "They must be from another school."
Gino commented dryly as he didn't recognize them and they were wearing
	Kei grabbed his shoulder gently and turned him to face her. "What is it?" she
asked smiling at him.
	"Uh, I just don't recognize those girls back there." said Gino smiling weakly
at her. Kei looked and frowned, one of them was very well built. She rested
her head on his shoulder and tried to sleep.
	Gino frowned. "I hate you Tenchi Musaki." he said looking back a final time.
Kei was smiling as she closed her eyes. "Dreaming about him." his mind told

	Tenchi glanced back and looked at Sasami, Ryoko and Ayeka and they waved back
at him cheerfully. "How did they get here?" he wondered slightly panicked. "I
should have known this would happen." he thought sinking into his seat. "At
least they assigned our seats." he thought slightly relieved.
	Ryoko sat in the back. "I can't believe they won't let us sit next to
Tenchi." she grumbled. Her eyes wandered over to where Ayeka was sitting with
Sasami. "Who invited her anyway?" she muttered as the train began moving.
	Ayeka glared at Ryoko and settled in her own seat. "I should have known." she
grumbled. She had been planing to use the trip to get Tenchi alone for a
while, just the two of them. But then Ryoko had shown up and they hadn't
allowed her to sit next to Tenchi, also Sasami was there. Ayeka stopped.
"Sasami...what are you doing here?" she asked.
	Sasami looked up from her bag and smiled at her sister. "Me an' Ryo oki are
here to make sure you and Ryoko don't mess up Tenchi's trip with all your
fighting." she said cheerfully.
	"What?!" asked Ayeka looking at her sister in shock.
	"Well Miss Washu said..." started Sasami when Ayeka interrupted.
	"It makes sense now. With Sasami here neither one of us will be alone with
Tenchi for very long." she said with a defeated look, mostly to herself.

	Tenchi looked out of the hotel window and sighed. "Tokyo tower." he said
aloud looking at the structure in the distance. "The last place I ever saw my
mother." he thought privately as his two room mates unpacked their own things
and settled into the room. He fingered the sword in his pocket and sighed. He
was having mixed feelings about visiting the tower tomorrow. He wanted to go
but felt uneasy about it. He didn't feel safe, it was like looking at it
brought Kain back to life in his mind. He hated the sight of it. Still, he
felt it was necessary to go, it also held memories of his mother now, memories
he didn't want to forget.

The next day.

	Kei looked over the city of Tokyo and smiled. "Gino Kun isn't it..." she
turned and looked for her boyfriend and her smile faded. "Gino kun? where are
	Tenchi stood with Ryoko and Ayeka looking over Tokyo from the windows of the
observation deck. A smile crept on his face as he looked at the long since
repaired windows. Ryoko and Ayeka stood and watched him silently nearby, they
felt ashamed that they had forgotten Tenchi's real reasons for coming on the
trip. A strange girl walked up to him. The pair looked at her in suprise.
	"Tenchi san? have you seen my Gino around here?" she asked seemingly
oblivious to the look on his face.
	"Hmm,? Oh, no I'm sorry I haven't seen him." he replied smiling half
heartedly at her as she woke him from his thoughts.
	"Is something wrong?" asked Kei noting the strange look on Tenchi's face.
	Tenchi looked at her and smiled. "This place has personal memories for me."
he said and turned to look out the windows of the tower.

	"Gino turned from his place among the crowd and frowned deeply as he saw him.
To make matters worse Kei was with him. His world sank as he watched her turn
slowly away from him with a strange look on her face. "So he has her too now.
No suprise." he told himself. The class filed towards the Elevators and he
stood watching them for a moment before moving to a secluded corner of the
observation deck. He was in no mood for a tour.

	In the rafters above the class something sat motionless in the shadows. For
many years it sat in the shadows moving only to escape the eyes of men. It had
no memory of what it was save a few flashes, flashes of hate. It knew faces
and a few names. No doubt names long gone from this world. These humans were
so weak. It sat and waited. Something moved below it. Heard a single word that
drove its hate, the word was spoken like a curse. "Tenchi."

	Gino sat in his corner of the tower alone. The tower was in the middle of a
mid day lull and soon another group of students would come. He didn't care.
Let them come. He felt hatred for the one who had stolen his only safe haven,
the girl he loved, but he had seen it coming. Some how that didn't make it any
easier. "Tenchi." he said with venom in his voice.
	It came on him from above. He cried out in suprise and fear as it wrapped
around him. "You are mine weak human." said the voice that invaded his mind. A
flash of images played through his head. Women he didn't know. Some of them
had glowing weapons. The word Jurai, and finally Him. With an enormous hate
filled will he pushed the thing from his mind.
	"No my body is mine!" he cried. The thing shuddered and seemed to start
melting away from him. He felt the desperation and hate from the thing  that
clung to him. 
	It was strong once. Now even a weak human could push it away. It knew it was
but a small part of a larger being. The rest of it had been destroyed by the
house of Jurai. Now it would never have its vengeance. It felt something from
the boy. Hate. Hate for the same one as he. Perhaps all was not lost yet. With
all its strength it began to cling to the boy again.