DISCLAIMER: This story is based off of the Tenchi Muyo! anime series, produced by AIC and released by Pioneer Anime America. All characters from said series are the property of such. The characters Hikaru Moriyata, and any Argelians (which will be discussed in a later chapter) are the product of the imagination of Dennis Carr, and belong to same. The character Trakal, insofar as he is developed, is the intellectual property of Karmin St. Jean. The persons and many events in this fanfic are fictitious. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, or any event other than what has obviously happened, is a coincidence. Any military or police procedure outlined throughout the fic does not necessarily depict any real life procedure or scenario. Any similarity to real life procedure/scenarios is, again, coincidental. Tenchi Muyo: Unfinished Business A fanfic by Dennis Carr and Karmin St. Jean Chapter 1:5 - Life? Somewhere in the Orochi system, on a planet called Roen, one of its sattelites were being occupied by the Argelians. All for some mineral used in the manufacture of a popular upset stomach remedy. *Well, there was titanium, too,* decided Steki. As far as anyone was concerned, this was just another day, and another stake on property that was rightfully somebody elses. It seemed like forever to some that they had been doing this, but they had, in fact, only been doing this for a decade. Take hostages, negotiate using that chip. Some didn't agree, such as the Kazakians - however, such as the case of the Roenese, they sometimes did agree. The hostages were released, and the moon they wanted was now theirs. Granted, it was by criminal means, but it was theirs. And it was Steki's paycheck, to boot. And yet, he hated every credit he earned as an Argelian - even if he was part of a race who was dedicated to interstellar mining. Especially because he remembered having a home some twenty years prior, that had to be abandoned due to the complete waste of all available resources. They were peaceful times that did not know the meaning of the words hostage or piracy, he remembered as he boarded his drop ship.... --- October 18, 1998 at 12:15 PDT Hikaru walked out of his condominium, wearing a tank top and bicycle shorts, and carrying a shinai and a small inflatale raft, eye peeled for one Tenchi Masaki - who was nowhere to be found. He was, however, to be found in his current home, the subject of yet another argument. "Tenchi, you must decide now," Aeka said, an almost pleading look in her eyes. "It's either her or me." "Oh, why would he want a hussy like you?" "And what's that supposed to mean, demon?" "Um, guys--" "This isn't about you, Tenchi!" Amidst the bickering, somehow, Tenchi was forgotten, and he used this to sneak out from between the two now very angry women to the front door, just as Hikaru walked back into his living room and closed the door. Tenchi, in turn, reached back to an end table, collected a check for rent and his own shinai which was strategically placed near said table, closed his door to a point where it wasn't quite closed, and opened Hikaru's door, which its namesake was exiting, with the ED in his right hand. Tenchi walked into Hikaru's home, closed the door, Hikaru opened Tenchi's door, activated the ED, threw it in between the two women, and closed the door all the way. As if on cue, his own door then re-opened, and Tenchi exited and closed it, now also carrying a wire basket of golf balls, while Aeka made a rather venomous comment about Ryoko scaring him off. As the two men walked down the stairs to the swimming pool, only one thing was on Hikaru's mind: "Tenchi, how the hell do you live with that on a daily basis?" He pondered for just a moment in thought, and then said, "I have no idea," just as the familiar *woosh* of an activating ED sounded, causing a draft in the balcony curtains and bringing two rather exasperated screams from the adjacent living room. "By the way," he added, "I'm surprised the neighbors haven't been complaining about all the noise." "Yeah, I wonder why." --- Somewhere in another dimension, Washu sat, monitoring two real-time analyzers - one marked "modulation", one marked "countermodulation" - and smiled as they remained in sync with each other. *Sometimes,* she thought, *the simplest of sonic physics are the best.* Satisfied that the destructive interference generator was still operational, she stood up and walked through the door, into a dark home - the Masaki residence, back in Japan. It was about 4:30 in the morning - and there was the distinctive sound of a woman vomiting upstairs, to which she changed directions in that confident fashion that only Washu was capable of maintaining. As she approached the bathroom door, she saw a very bedraggled Tanaka, who had finished emptying her stomach, and was now leaning on the counter, head planted in her hands. "Mind if I take a look at you?" Tanaka slowly removed her head from her hands, looked towards the now not diminuitive redhead, and nodded. "Sure." The two walked out, Washu following behind, who quickly took a sample from the toilet as she walked out, and only after reassuring a tired-looking Trakal that yes, his wife is fine, she'll see what's wrong with her, she took the lead, and the two women walked into the lab. As was the usual routine, Tanaka placed herself on the table, as Washu deposited the tube of vile whatever-it-was in a machine, and picked up a device to scan her patient. And again, as was the usual routine, Washu made a few odd grunts as she studied her patient, finding nothing critically wrong, and took a look at the specimin of vomit, and nodded in realization of what the problem was - and paused to ask a question. "Tanaka, are you allergic to aspirin?" "Um, no, why?" She then pressed a few buttons, and a pair of pink ovoid tablets were produced by a machine, and dropped into a small cup, which the scientist carried over to Tanaka. "Here, take these." "Um, Washu, last time you told me to do that, my hair turned green for twenty-four hours, I grew horns, and I found myself wearing a tiger-print bikini with matching gogo boots." "Sorry, sorry, but this is compatible. Besides, that was for last Halloween, remember?" She smiled slightly at the memory of the western holiday. "What is it?" "Bismuth subsalicylate." "Huh?!" "I think you call it `peputo bisumoru' here," she said, handing her a glass of electrolyte. "Anyway, you have a slight case of stomach flu, so it's really nothing I can do something about except to give you something to settle your stomach. Swallow those, wait a few minutes, then go back to bed. You'll feel better in the morning. By the way, how are you?" "Other than sick to my stomach and tired all of the time, with a sore back to boot and feet to match, just fine." "No no no, how are *you*?" Tanaka popped the pills, chased it with the electrolyte cocktail, and carefully laid herself down on the table, moaning all the way. "Just...blah. I haven't really been off of the property in a month-GAH!" Washu had used this opportunity to smear her distended belly with grease and apply a device resembling an ultrasound wand, as to check on the fetuses, and satisfied that all was well, removed the wand. "Want a picture?" Tanaka went from absolutely scared to morbidly angry to gleefully happy in about the space of three seconds. "Sure!" As she ran off the sonogram to paper, she produced another device out of a dimensional pocket - this one small and rectangular, with a black stripe across the back of its flat white body. "By the way, when I was pregnant years - nay, millenia - ago, something I noted is that if I went out to the markets, it actually helped to relax me. So," she said, pulling a piece of paper out of nowhere that had the familiar Rx insignia on it and scribbling something in unintelligible Japanese thereon, "my prescription for you is to take yourself shopping when you wake up. You'll feel better." She took the credit card, and nearly freaked out as she saw the name embossed on it: HAKUBI NAOKI "Wash-!!" She quickly stopped her. "It's my money, and it's completely legal. I saved up a few credits when I was in the academy, and that will give you access to it in the form of yen. As for the name," she added, "since Trakal doesn't really have a surname, I figured mine would work just fine, with his terran pseudonym to go with it. Spend it how you like." She looked at the card, then at Washu, and then promptly hugged the mad scientist. "Washu, you're a genius!" Washu returned the embrace, smiling gleefully at her comment. "Of course I am! Now go to bed, you'll need the energy tomorrow." As Makiya walked out of the lab, she looked at the sonogram, and noted idly that one of the fetuses were placed rather low in the womb, despite the fact that she was not due to go full term for another six weeks. --- October 19, 1998 at 11:45 Tokyo Time Yaohan Plaza, Osaka, Japan A kimono would be more feasible for a pregnant woman, however, they were just so expensive. Figuring on this, one would only be able to resort to western "maternity fashion", even if the two words were oxymoronic in nature. It was actually quite rare to find something that looked half way decent - or for that matter, didn't come in color schemes that any human could not look at without specially protective glasses. *Oh, the hell with it,* she decided. *Get a few kimonos, I'll at least be able to reuse them after I give birth. Just getting the obi around here will have to wait.* After buying a few of the traditional dresses, she wandered into the main concourse of the mall, and decided that she was rather hungry, since the stomach flu from earlier had subsided, and found her way to the elevator to go to the food level. "Hungry?" She asked the swell in her belly with a smile. As she disembarked from the elevator, she selected the food counter she wanted and got in line, and fought back the slight nausea that resulted from the peculiar odor of Japanese food with a hint of western food mixed in. --- At home, a lesson in patience was in progress - over tea. Since becoming smitten with his wife, Trakal had all but forgotten the meaning of the word `patience'. Maybe it didn't help that he was drinking tea, and had consumed several cups of the beverage, increasing his nervousness. "She should've been home by now," He muttered, punctuating his comment with a sip. "She's been gone all morning." Yosho merely sipped his tea, having said very little all day. "How can you be so calm?" Trakal stood up. "Sit down," Yosho instructed. Trakal sat back down. "When a woman shops," Yosho said, "time does not pass. She may be gone all day." Trakal took another sip, finishing off the cup. "I hope not." "Miss her already?" Yosho picked up the pot and refilled for him. Trakal nodded. "I started missing her as soon as she left." --- Tanaka started to order, then grabbed her stomach. She felt a wave of pain like she'd never felt before as she contracted once, and a look of horrified realization came over her. The pain subsided promptly, however, so this was dismissed as a false labor pain, and she ordered, and sat down to wait for her food. This didn't last long however - after retrieving her bowl of hot Tanuki udon without egg - about the only thing that didn't make her sick these days - and placing it on the table, another contraction hit. Tanaka staggered out of the mall, and flagged down a taxi. Had Trakal been human, she would've rushed herself to the hospital. But he wasn't - and she couldn't risk the doctors finding out the children inside her weren't fully human - so the only person she could trust was Washu, therefore she had only one place she could go. Tanaka hobbled into the cab, and instructed the driver to take her home. He looked back, in turn, and a thought crossed his mind. This fare is a pregnant woman, and she is clutching her stomach. "Lady, are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" He must have been a new driver. You never even *think* of saying "no" to a woman in labor, especially one who boards your cab. A much more vicious expression crossed Tanaka's face, as she tried to grab the seat to bring herself closer to the driver - and failed. "I said, take me home, and step on it! I will direct you." "Alright, alright." A short fifteen minutes later, Tanaka paid her fare, clambered out of the cab, and despite the pain, decided the driver was more qualified as a...oh, what did they call it in America? Oh yeah, an Indy Car driver. She promptly barged through the door with the day's plunderings, paused only to remove her shoes and drop her purchases, and ran over to the kitchen - or as much as you can call it a run when one is in labor. "Somebody call Washu NOW!" Both men looked toward the entrance to the kitchen, Trakal immediately took in the scene, and while Yosho sat calmly, Trakal jumped up and ran toward the phone, kicking the pillow he was sitting on in the process, and picked it up. "Um, Washu?" *Waitasecond, I should dial first.* He rifled through the paper that was stacked near the phone, found the contact number for the lot of them across the Pacific, and dialed it. --- October 18, 1998 at 21:00 PDT Masaki Condo As was customary in California, most people didn't go to bed till later than necessary. This nurtured the addiction that many Californians thought they had to caffeine, thus making institutions that sold coffee quite profitable. And thus was the case in this particular condominium. It was a typical evening, with most of everybody sitting in the living room, glued to the TV, riveted to a Japanese drama that was badly subtitled - and both Tenchi and Washu knew it, as he smiled a little every time somebody spoke, since whenever this happened, their words were accompanied by said bad translation. The surprisingly sedate mood of the evening was then broken by a ringing phone. "I'll get it!" Sasami was the first to jump up, expecting a phone call at any hour. After all, most girls just *had* to discuss cute boys at the mature age of "twelve". She was, however, quite discouraged when she heard Trakal's voice over the phone. "Sasami, tell Washu I need her immediately." She was visibly upset. "Washu, it's Trakal. Sounds important." Among the various comments that all the women made about how it must've been Makiya, since she was seemingly the only thing in his life that mattered anymore, but it was so romantic, why wasn't Tenchi like that with Ryoko, and what's that supposed to mean, you demon, Washu got up, and took the phone. "Hello?...What's going on?...Now?!...Right, I'll be there in...oh, eight seconds." She promptly disconnected, briefly announced her departure, ran through her door, which promptly disappeared from the condo, instructed her computers to prep for a childbirth, grabbed a small medical kit, and reopened the door, which now let her into the Masaki compound. "Never fear," she said, walking out of the hallway, now in her adult form, "*I* is *here*. Where's the patient?" Makiya moaned in agony, announcing her location, albeit involuntarily. She pinpointed the location, and jogged over to her quarry, finding Trakal offering some comforting words. "I got Washu like you asked, love, just try to relax." "I'm in premature labor, and you want me to *RELAX*?!" "Listen, Makiya, he's right, you need to relax. How far apart are you?" "Five." "Trakal, has her water broken?" "No." "Good, then we have nothing to worry about." As if on cue, Makiya's water broke, and Trakal and Washu exchanged worried glances as they collected Makiya and hauled her into the laboratory. Upon entry, Washu called up a multitude of monitors, inclusive of which were an EKG monitor to keep an eye on babies and mother, and a sonograph. While this happened, Washu briefed Trakal as she loaded her patient onto an OB/GYN table. "Something you'll need to keep in mind is that she will probably say things she doesn't mean while she's in labor." She paused to make sure that one woman in labor was on the table, wired a saline/electrolyte IV to said woman in labor, and continued. "I'm going to try to stop the contractions, but I can't guarantee that I can. If anything, one will come out." For what seemed to be the third time in his life, Trakal lost his cool. "Oh gods," he expleted, a pleading look on his face. "Please, Washu, don't let it be." "Relax," she said, "other than about a month and a half early, both are perfectly healthy!" She wondered, somewhat amusedly, if all new fathers were like this. *I guess I can't blame him though,* she thought as Trakal continued to attempt to comfort his wife and she watched the sonogram, *childbirth *is* a painful process.* "Washu, would you please stop watching TV and help us?!" Finally, Tanaka spoke - no, yelled, and none too politely. "I hate you both!" At this, Trakal could only look perplexed. "Yeah. I love you too. Washu, do something!" Washu, however, kept her cool, fifty thousand years of genius working overtime. "I know, honey, it's OK. Do you want some painkillers?" She contracted again, and could only feebly shake her head as her body painfully prepared itself to release a child. Trakal casually looked over at the ultrasound monitor. "You know, it looks like the draalthi child is emerging." "Um...." Washu glanced behind her to watch the monitor. "It is." --- 15:00 Tokyo time Had the lab not been between dimensions, thereby unable to release sound into any given dimension, the casual observer would assume that there was some sort of inquisition style torture in progress. Those who knew Washu, if they could hear, would think that she'd finally snapped, and move away from the door *very quickly*, lest they become a victim of the diminuitive red-head - or for that matter, whatever was screaming bloody murder in there. In this case, however, it was simply Tanaka, going through what some consider a form of inquisition style torture induced by God Almighty, nature, or the diety/force/whatever of your choice - childbirth. The best comparison I can think of to describe her pain, under the circumstances, is to quote Carol Burnett: "Take your lower lip and wrap it all the way around your head." She was very lucky however - the labor had only lasted since the mall, roughly three or four hours, and she was already pushing. She was still in pain, but at least it was almost over for now. But as most logical thought processes were overriden by excruciating pain such as this, she didn't consider this as she screamed and pushed yet again, and stopped to breathe, as Trakal encouraged her along with a "You're doing beautiful, darling." "We're crowning," Washu announced, and then directed her attention to the computer. "Incubator, stat!" "Washu, how's she doing?" "Great," she replied, noting that the incubator had appeared to her left. "Won't be much longer. Regenerator!" An odd device appeared over the bed, settling roughly one meter over Makiya's abdomen. "Um, that's not going to hurt her is it?" "No. It's supposed to regenerate the amniotic fluid, so the other child will continue to full term." "Oh. Okay." *They didn't train me for this,* he thought. "One more push, love." She pushed, screaming bloody murder all the way, and the premature child came out just enough for Washu to grab her and announce its exit, as she transferred it to the incubator. Trakal was still worried. "Is it alive?" She watched as a new monitor appeared over the artificial womb, indicating life, confirmed that it was definitely breathing, and put her head down on the top of the clear box, made sure that Tanaka was going out of labor, and only then visibly relaxing. "Yes, he is." "Washu? What... he... I...." he ran to the opposite side of the incubator, still in the middle of the lab floor. "I have a son?!" She looked up at him, smiling, and observing what most would think impossible - Trakal smiling. "Congratulations. Computer, safelight on the incubator, standard red, and isolate." All at once, the room transformed into something resembling a Terran hospital room, a tube attached itself to the arm of the premature child, and for about one meter around the incubator, there was a shaft of red light that only existed in said radius. After gaining his bearings, Trakal ran over to his wife excitedly. "Did you hear that? It's a boy!" She simply nodded wordlessly, and fell asleep, still tired from the move. "I take it you altered the light to keep his eyes from being damaged before they're properly formed?" Washu was a little re-energized at this - he was at her level, if only for the moment. "You're good," she replied, retrieving two glasses of ice water out of nowhere, and offering one to Trakal. "Washu, be honest with me," he said softly, swirling around his water around and watching it. "Is he going to make it?" "He'll be just fine. Odds of survival are roughly...oh, ninety-nine percent." She took the other glass of water to Tanaka, and realized she had fallen asleep - so drank the water herself with a shrug. After a moment of silence, he finally spoke up again. "Is it OK if I sit by him?" "Sure, go ahead," she said, and pulled a chair out of hammerspace. "I'll leave you three alone for a bit. Once I pass through, the door will let you back into your home." With that, she walked back into the condominium in California, leaving Trakal to watch his son sleep. Which he did. For hours. --- October 19, 1998 at 01:00 PDT Masaki Condo Working swing does strange things to a person. Such as make them maintain bizarre waking hours. So it was that at this hour, Mihoshi found herself staring dumbly at the television, wondering what this show on the public station was about, but these people driving around in this archaic vehicle were living in, what was it, Beverly Hills, and talking something weird, it was just so funny! Through this, Sasami had emerged from the hall to retrieve a glass of water; at the table, Kiyone was finishing up a report on her laptop, Aeka was sitting opposite her, playing with that repulsive cabbit (and enjoying it, no less!), and Tenchi was placed between the two at his side of the table, wrapping up his homework for the next day, and deciding that he'd seen more entertaining television programming in Japan. Admittedly, Bugs Bunny and the like were great fun, as were, oh what was it called, they looked like deranged puppies, one spoke fluent Japanese, oh yeah, Animaniacs, but the live action stuff was just...overdone. And then Mihoshi spoke. "Washu's not here, is she?" "You just noticed?" Kiyone looked at her eternal partner incredulously. "She ran out to her lab around nine," Sasami chimed in, filling her glass from the water cooler. "I think she mentioned something about Tanaka going into labor." "She's not due for over a month," Kiyone commented, closing her laptop. "I hope she's OK." Washu walked in at that moment, looking very worn, but otherwise...well, like Washu. Ryoko chose this moment to phase in through the roof. "How's Tanaka?" Tenchi asked, packing his books for the morning bicycle and bus journey to Fullerton. "Just fine. So's the baby." This comment captured the attention of everybody in the condo. "Which one was it?" "Is it a boy?" "He must be really happy!" "Is he going to be-" "Ryoko!" Washu stopped them all. "It's the draalthi, he's a boy." She collapsed on the sofa. "Exactly like his father, except I can't tell anything about the eyes...." Her eyes closed, and she dozed off.