Disclaimer: The TM! characters are not mine, as are other popular anime characters that will have cameos [?] in this episode; however, the Union of Byzantia and everything about it, is mine. Please do not use it w/ out permission. Otherwise, I'll have Gendou Ikari toss you into a pitch-black room, lock it, and have him sing to you "Fly Me to the Moon" for seven straight days ^_^. Author's note: the events take place post-TM! tv series, and there will be no involvement w/ Shin Tenchi until I can see the "horror" [or so I have heard] myself. Special thanks to Aldrich Bautista, Jiro Maeda, Philip Masters, Ryan Norman, Aseloth, and Jussi Nikander for the input and info. C & C is heavily desired. I have had only a few comment on this work, and I would appreciate the input. Thanks ^_^. Oh, btw, MSTing is ok as well. No flamers, please. One more thing...the plus...I've decided to sprinkle a touch of crossover with this story. Sub-plots, if you will, just to give this tale a twist of uniqueness. And now....enjoy the show! A Tale of Two Crowns, #3: No Need for Villains A TM! Fanfiction By Thor Odinson Narrator: In our last episode, our Galaxy Police Heroines, Mihoshi Kuramitsu and Kiyone Makibi were removed from the Galaxy Police force and were declared as ambassadors of the Galactic Federation by order of President Whitehall [still much to Kiyone's suprise]... Kiyone: [w/ a touch of awe, eyes glistening] Ambassador Kiyone Makibi... Narrator: And they were given the mission to perform one of two tasks. Either convince Prince Tenchi to take the Jurian throne, or have Ayeka agreee to the marraige to Emperor Leto, Seventh of The Name. However, time is still of the essence. There are only nine days left in the truce, and Kiyone is quite aware of this... Kiyone: [quite angry and at you know who ^_^]: MIIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHIIIII!!!!!! Mihoshi: [suprised] Wh...What is it, Kiyone? Kiyone: YOu have been packing for TWELVE HOURS!!! We're supposed to be on a diplomatic mission, not a FASHION SHOW!!! Mihoshi: [whining tone of voice] But what am i going to wear for the wedding? Or the coronation?? I don't want to wear the wrong thing, y'know [giggles]. Kiyone [head down in disgust, and softly]: Its hopeless. [Meanwhile, down the hall from their quarters, an arguement is commencing between two Galaxy Police officers. One, who has a mane of red hair and a fancy cape [How did that get by regs ?_?] and the other, speaking with a German accent, has reddish hair and looks slightly younger than the first one. The second girl is grabbing the first and is speaking rather loudly...] Girl 2: Dumbkoff!!! We need to go straight, this way! Girl 1: No way, Langley. We need to go left, like the cadet said. [Cadet walking off screen] Langley [formerly girl 2, pointing at the cadet]: Like, you are going to trust A BOY for directions??? Just where were you when God was distributing brains, Innverse?? Innverse [getting pissed]: Look, you better shut up or else, you WILL regret it!!! Langley [smirking]: Yeah, right. Like you can do anything to me, HAH! Innverse [mad!]: THAT'S IT!!! [begins gestures and] Fire...BALL!!!...[AND NOTHING HAPPENS]...huh? Langley: For-GOT something? Innverse [ponders for a second, then]: Ahhh!!! Dammit, I forgot about the IFF* on these power bracelets!!! FINE! We fight! [*Identify Friend or Foe--T.O.] [and the fight ensues, rumbling down the correct corridor, which was to the right.] [We now see Kiyone sitting down and reading a book when she hears the catfight rumbling outside her residence. She storms out of the apartment, sees the fight, and...] Kiyone [very loudly]: HEY!!! [insert sound of record scratch as the 2 redheads stop in mid-fight, eyes WIDE open, and both bodies still in mid-air (hey, it an anime thing ^_^), then...] Kiyone [notices their uniforms, and]: Atten-HUT! [Both redheads stand at attention. Mihoshi was starting to come out w/ her luggage, but she snaps to attention as well, and drops everything.] Kiyone: MMMIIIHHOOSSSSHHIII!!!!!!! Mihoshi [talking hurt]: I'm sorry, I thought you called for... Kiyone: I KNOW WHAT I CALLED!!! IT WAS FOR THESE TWO BRATS [pointing at Linna and Asuka]!!! Linna: Pardon me, ma'am, but are you... Kiyone: Ambassador Kiyone Makibi? The same. Asuka [looking dejected]: Mein Gott, we're dead. Mihoshi: [shaking hands w/ Linna and Asuka] and I'm Mihoshi. Mihoshi Kuramitsu. How do you do? Linna & Asuka: uh...hi. Kiyone: That's NOT how officers of the GP should be addressing themselves! Linna & Asuka: YES, MA'AM! Kiyone [glaring at Linna]: and you are... Linna: Detective Sergeant Linna Innverse, MA'AM! Kiyone [glares at Asuka]: And you... Asuka: Detective Lieutennant Asuka Langley, MA'AM! Kiyone: That's more like it. Let's see your orders. [Both ladies produce their data pens. Kiyone activates both, glance them over, deactivates them, and tosset said pens back to their owners, then...] Kiyone: If you two...[now dripping w/ sarcasm] Officers know whats good for you, you WILL start acting like proper GP personnel. [loudly] AM I CLAER?!?!? Linna & Asuka: CRYSTAL CLEAR, MA'AM!!! Kiyone: [calmer] Good. Grab our stuff. We're moving out! C'mon, Mihoshi! [grabs Mihoshi by the arm and leaves.] [Both Linna & Asuka go in to grab the luggage, grumbling censored words, etc. Asuka takes Kiyone's stuff, which consists of a standard luggage set. Linna gets Mihoshi's superpile of luggage, but is unfazed by the sight.] Linna: Feh. Child's play. [Raises her hands toward the pile and begins a chant...] O weakest bond, o greatest link, grant me power to make the bags SHRINK! [Magical energies flow from her hand and around the giant pile of luggage. The pile then glows, and shrinks to the size of Barbie doll luggage. Linna thens picks up the pile, puts it into the cape's inner pocket, looks at Asuka and says...] Linna: Last one to the spaceship drives! HaHa! [and zooms out of the Apartment] Asuka [slightly weighted down] HEY! GET BACK HERE, YOU CHEATING DUMBKOFF!! [and proceeds to chase Linna.] [Later, in another part of the station, a civilian watches the four ladies board the Federation Starship PAX PROXIMA and sees the ship leave. He then goes to a secluded area, activates his 2-way wrist holo-communicator. The image that is produced is that of a large tree, similar to the ones on Jurai. It speaks...] Holo-tree: Report, number 77. 77: M'lord 6, the women have left. Lord 6 [formerly Holo-tree]: And... 77: The rumors are true, sir. They are on a peace mission to Earth. Lord 6: Very well. Make arrangements to eliminate that ship. Understood? 77: [smiling] Perfectly, my lord. [The view changes with the end of the transmission. It now shows the office of the Jurian Ambassador, who was just speaking to 77. He starst to re-program his holo, but stops, then activates his vid-phone.] Jurian Ambassador: Miss Chani? [The vidscreen shows a green eyed girl w/ green hair and plenty of papers. She speaks...] Chani [his secretary]: Yes, sir? JA: Cancel ALL my appointments for the coming week. Something has come up. Chani: [confused] Sir? JA: [slightly miffed] Just DO it! Chani: Yes, sir. [signs off] [The ambassador then resumes the reprogramming of the holocom in his office. He finishes, then activates it. The view changes with his form shaping into a tree, and he is in a pitch-black room with other trees, each one of them [including himself] with a number that appears to be carved in their fronts. The ambassador speaks as he did before...] JA: My fellow Lords of The Twelve, I have a report for you and the Master. Tree 3: Speak. JA: Kuramitsu and Makibi have left for Earth. Tree 7: And what arrangements have you made to deal with them, 6? JA: 7, the problem is being dealt with as we speak. What of the princesses? Tree 11: Ayeka...and Sasami...shall be removed before they reach Earth...as will dear Leto... Tree 4: And what about Yosho and Tenchi?!? Just how do we plan to deal with them??? Voice [filled w/ evil]: Leave that to me! [The view shows the trees turning to face the voice. A figure slowly walks into the spotlight] All trees: Master.... [Once the figure steps into the light, we see clearly who the Master is. With white hair on his head, wire-rimmed glasses on his nose, robes, gloved hands, and an evil grin painted on his face. He speaks, his voce full of venom and hatred...] Voice: I, KAGATO, your master, swear to you this! When we are done, not only shall have the blood of Tenchi and Yosho flowing at our feet, but all the universe shall be worshiping us AS GODS!!! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO BE CONTINUED.....