Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 20:06:46 EST

Standard Disclaimer: The characters appearing within are the property of AIC

and Pioneer, and are used without permission. Please don't sue. I am not
making any money on this, and it's done out of love for the show.

Thanks to Bryan Weber for not saying anything about me taking his disclaimer

and of course M.C.L. to all the Juggalos and Ninjas reading my stories. Oh
and M.C.L. to the Cobras, X-men and Counts and everybody with clown love.

The training has ended and Jynx was ready to teach Washu how to do his
magic. The training was not as hard but much more frightening.

"Ok Washu, you wanna do this the fast way or slow way?"


"Alright then, sit down, close your eyes and relax."

Washu complied and sat down on the edge of her bed and relaxed. She felt
put one of his hands over her heart and the other over her eyes.

"Ok Washu, are you still with me?"


"Ok now when you open your eyes, your worst fears and greatest hopes will
come to you, you won't be able to see anything past them understand?"


"If at any time it gets too hard or weird let me know. I'll stop the process

right away. I'll be able to hear you even though you won't be able to hear


Jynx lifted his hand from Washu's eyes and the first thing she saw was
Her skin was paler than usual and her eyes didn't seem to be focused on

"Ryoko? What's wrong?"

"Washu? Don't you remember? You made a mistake and I was killed. But I never

died. I live on, and we're gonna be together forever!"

"No! Ryoko leave me alone! Go away!"

Ryoko disappeared as her cold, ghostly hand was about to grab Washu's neck.
The next thing she saw was Jynx and Sasami, the young Sasami standing in a
flower garden on Jurai. The next thing she knew Jynx kissed Sasami in a way
she never saw him kiss Kiyone, it was much more passionate. Then she Sasami
replaced with a mirror image of herself. This image was less disturbing or
sickening but she wished she could have stared at the couple forever.


Washu remembered that Jynx could hear her and stopped herself from saying
anything she'd regret. The dead Ryoko was behind her and she didn't know it.

The dream Jynx walked up to her.
Washu turned around and saw Ryoko and started to back away.

"Washu don't be afraid."

Jynx's word's comforted Washu and she became confident that Ryoko wouldn't
anything. Instead her and Jynx started fighting. Jynx stabbed right through
Ryoko's face and she shot a beam right through Jynx's heart. They both fell
to the ground permanently dead. Washu dropped to her knees and started to
uncontrollably. She became sick at the sight of her fallen loves. The man
wished was her's and her daughter. She decided to try to be strong and stood

up and turned away from the bodies. A sharp pain went through her body and
she was lifted a good 3 feet in the air. She looked at the ground and saw a
great deal of blood leaving her body. A sharp sensation went through her
back. She started to grow a set of wings like Jynx's but smaller of course.
Suddenly she woke up. She looked around the room and saw blood on the floor
and Jynx sitting in a chair with a pad of paper and a pen. Jynx smiled at
Washu and sat his things d! ! own and lifted Little Washu off the bed and
her to her feet.

"Washu....look behind you."

Washu turned to see the grey wings above her shoulders.



"I...I did it!"

"Yes you did Washu, now understand, you can never die unless your heart is
pierced understand?"

Washu didn't say anything just stared at Jynx with a smile on her face. She
leaped forward and squeezed around his waist. She still wasn't tall enough
reach his neck.

"Well, Washu you did good and when you sleep, spells will come to you. The
time spell is a wee bit different. That takes at least 67 years of intense
training to achieve this spell."

"Jynx...I saw the most horrible things, but at the same time I saw the
greatest thing ever."


"I saw Ryoko but she was dead, I saw you, kissing Sasami and then you fought

the zombie Ryoko to save me and you both died."

"Hmmm, those were your greatest fears?"


"Washu, their's no such thing as zombie's, I don't know why you'd think I'd
kiss Sasami. Do you thing because I talk to her a lot and stuff that we're

"No, it's that I saw you hug her yesterday...I know that a hug isn't much
proof but it was the way you held her, it was like you we're in love."

"Washu...I do love Sasami. It's not that kind of love though. You know what
kind of relationship we have. She's my sister."

"I know but, I also know on Jurai that a brother and sister being together
husband and wife is acceptable on Jurai."

"Yes it is and you make a good point. Except that after I was expelled from
the planet, I took on most Earth and Hell traditions. I don't love Sasami
that way."

"Jynx......I....I love you."


"I love you."

"Oh Washu, don't put me in this position. I like you as a friend but I love
Kiyone. She's my wife."

"I see...I'm sorry Jynx but I had to tell you."

Washu turned away ashamed at what she had said and walked slowly to her

"Washu....don't be sorry. I'm glad you told me. Truth is, if I didn't marry
Kiyone I'd most likely would have ended up marrying you."

Washu turned back to face Jynx. She ran to him again and jumped as high as
she could. She was able to reach his neck now and hung on his neck. She
reached her head forward and kissed Jynx on the mouth. He made no effort to
stop her but instead held her in his arms and kissed her back. She lowered
herself back down, smiled at Jynx and walked away again.

"Thank you Jynx."

"I'll see you later Washu."

The rest of the day went on being pretty uneventful. Jynx stayed up late and

ended up sleeping on the couch. He sat in the living room for a great while
thinking about his kiss with Washu. He liked it an awful lot. It was like
nothing that he'd ever done with Kiyone. The pleasant thoughts went away
Kiyone and Mihoshi came home from work and she laid down next to him on the
couch. She propped her head up on his chest. She spoke of her day and he
her about his. Except for his cheating on Kiyone of course. The thought his
him like a bullet in the face when she went off to bed.

"How could I have done that? How could I have cheated on Kiyone? I love her,

not Washu. Is that right? Do I really love Washu and just mistook my
friendship for love? What about all the passionate moments we've had?"

The thoughts ran through his head as fast as possible. He didn't know what
do. He was so confused. But who could he talk to? All of his friends we're
friends with Kiyone and would most certainly tell her what happened if he
decided he did really love Kiyone. He didn't know what to do. He could have
gone insane from the thoughts but did find a solution. He realized what the
truth was. He loved Washu and not Kiyone. His kiss with Washu had something
in it that his kisses with Kiyone didn't. He realized that their was an
emptiness in his kisses with Kiyone. What could he do now? If he left Kiyone

and went with Washu it wouldn't be ver honorable, if he stayed with Kiyone
wouldn't be happy. He knew what he had to do. He slept that night as if he
we're a man condemned to death. The next day he went to Washu's lab and
her typing at her keyboard.


"Oh hi Jynx. ya doing?"

"I'm fine. Hey yo can I talk to ya for a sec?"


"Washu I thought about real hard and I realized a lot a' stuff."

"Like what?"

"Washu....I love you."

"What? You do?!"

"Yeah, I figured that out after you kissed me. It just held something that
Kiyone's didn't. Her's seemed...I dunno, empty."

"Jynx.....what are you going to do. You know just as much as I do that we
can't be together. Your married and I don't think you want to cheat on

"No I don't. But I can't just leave wouldn't look good."

Right about then Kiyone came around the corner and she heard everything that

they said. She wasn't crying or even seemed hurt. More like saddened that
wasted so many years of her life.


"Jynx you don't have to explain."

"No Kiyone....I think you do deserve an explanation."

"You just don't love me. It's not your fault, or Washu's it's just the way
things are."

"I'm sorry Kiyone......."

"It's OK, it's OK. I just wish that somewhere there's someone who cares
me more than anyone else."

"Well........not to imply anything, Mihoshi seems to like and care about you

more than anyone else."


Kiyone then realized that she was meant to be alone all her life.

"No your not Kiyone."

"Not what?"

"Meant to be alone. You'll find someone, just don't give up."

Kiyone smiled and went upstairs.

"I have a bad feeling about all this."

"You should."

The next day Tenchi was at the door sword in hand ready to fight Jynx for
Kiyone's honor.

"Jynx, I'm sorry but this is the way my grandfather did it and so I think I
should do the same."

".....fine. K showed mercy and didn't off Yosho right away. Don't think I
won't kill you."

"Well, it's time."

Jynx drew only one sword and as Tenchi pulled his sword high over his head
for his first attack, Jynx sprang forward and stabbed him in left shoulder.
Tenchi yelped in pain and fell to his knees holding his wound.

"Tenchi, that was pathetic!"

Tenchi began to climb back to his feet but as soon as he did Jynx walked up
and slugged him in the gut. Tenchi lost his breath and started to fall
forward. Jynx caught him in his right arm and proceeded to powerbomb Tenchi
onto some concrete. That was it. Tenchi was out of it but not dead. He just
stared at the sky, the pain was overwhelming. Jynx drew his sword back and
prepared to lob off Tenchi's head.



"No Jynx don't!"

"You are no threat or worry to me. Little child."

Jynx waved his hands and Sasami was a little girl again.

"Jynx, please. Don't kill Tenchi. Please.

"Little late for that bullshit now eh'?

Jynx's sword came down but instead of hitting Tenchi's neck it almost hit
Sasami right in the back. She was lucky and he stopped his sword right
contact. Sasami stood upright and looked into her brother's eyes with tears
in hers.

"Hmmm, Tenchi your lucky. You owe Sasami your life."

Jynx spread his wings and prepared to fly off to Jurai to reclaim his throne

as Prince of Jurai. A ring of fire surrounded him and he took off. A small
piece of paper fell from his pocket as he left. It was a letter addressed to


"Dear Sasami,
    I'm sorry. I was never there to be your brother but I think Ayeka did a
fine job of teaching you and being around. I hope someday, if you ever
to Jurai that we can somewhat catch up on the times. I know I've caused a
of problems for everybody so I plan on making everything right. I'm going to

give the option of infinite youth and immortality to all your friends. As
soon as they read this letter a spell will be put on them. A simple "yes" or

"no" will activate or deactivate the spell. I know that a lot of people have

died including Ayeka. In the night morning if you check her room she will be

there. Please I hope everyone will forgive me for the sins I have cast down
upon all of you. Oh and Tenchi will be fine if he sleeps even if it is only
for a short while the wounds will heal in his sleep.

Fondest Wishes
-Jeremy "Jynx" Jurai

-Ok that's it. I'm finished. I love writing but only when people read it.
you dig? I only got 1 piece of email saying "Hey man that was a good fic. I
really enjoyed it." Not saying that I didn't/don't appreciate it but c'mon.
Now I plan on either writing a new series if I a wee bit more feedback or
writing and directing an Independent Film just for fun. It's been fun though

I hope at least one person enjoyed my writing and I'll C y'all in the walls.
