(Part Fifteen - Situational Dreams ) For the next few days, it was interesting bliss... I had Tsui lauding over me with renewed vigor, especially in the cooking department... Sasami was making a true gourmet chief out of her... at least the family was eating very well.. Kagato and Maymay sure are alike here... eating almost in giddy competition... I also had to apparently make MANY paintings of Tsunami, some of which.. well... would have fit in a Paris gallery perfectly.... As well as have a new coaching partner in my training sessions... with Azusa being the teacher more than Yosho as of late... I was starting to get suspicious of this... But it was the sparing session with Guardian Assentu that opened my eyes to what was going on... I was being prepared for something.... What was not clear yet... But yet more details kept my attentions disrupted... the nuptial kind... I had been bombarded with literally ALL the girls pouring over about every wedding book and magazine they could lay a hand on... I sure didn't expect THIS amount of gusto with the preparations... But I made sure to steer clear of those proceedings... citing a non-interference policy... more like self-preservation... Tenchi did about the same... Azusa and Yosho just chuckled at the two of us... until the Washu/Misaki war picked up again... not even Azusa dared intervene.... But I got one preparation out of the way... I requested of Azusa... most reveredly of course, for a simple Jurai type costume of some sort... I never expected the response I would get for that one.... But not until later, I just got a simple nod of approval... so I left it at that... didn't think more on it... a mistake there as well.... Anywho.. About the only other things going on were the simple chores, watching the Tenchi games, get involved in my own..... watch Mihoshi try not the frazzle Kiyone... always a treat... and focus on my being.... Something would come to change all that... It started in my dreams one night... Floating in a bluish haze... the dream seemed to follow my other dreams.... Except the intensity of the detail was more than ANYTHING before... Mom..... dad..... It ended abruptly with a SEVERE bolt out of my bed, Tsunami was beyond startled... apparently my power inside was boiling over... making me glow.... I dropped the aura almost immediately upon realization... and just embraced Tsui.... Gently describing the dream, and my fears... I.... was scared.... The rest of the night was uneventful... and I described the dream to the family in the morning at breakfast... considering my face was of pure worry, making inferences unavoidable... Tokimi and Gaia looked actually confused... not so Azusa... I didn't know what this meant... And after a few more Ayeka/Ryoko tussles, I attended my daily duties... attempting to shake off the dream, and the meaning it was trying to scream in my head... mom... dad.... did... they? I didn't get the chance to wonder.... The activities were broken up by a strange event... a rumbling sound... I assumed nearly automatically that it was a Jurai ship of some kind... It was more than that.... It was a strange warship, similar in manufacture... but with strange glowing markings on it... I reached the area the rest of the family gathered... not wanting to be left out this time... there was something about this that said..... familiar.... It was the sight on the faces of Misaki, Funaho, and Azusa that caused me to be on guard... A simple figure teleported to the surface.... It was a representative of the Grand Council... Almost like the next thing I knew we all were on Jurai Prime itself.... It took a few days... a week I believe... but.... It almost seemed like a complete blur.... My first impression of Jurai... magnificent... I could see why Tsunami had chosen this world... But... maybe it was just me... but it seemed all.... Intrusive.... To the royal family members... I assumed it was the vacation syndrome that Ayeka had described her stay on Terra.... and that the rest of the royal family was feeling the effect... Bruinuae was less affected than the rest... but it was DEFINITELY Tsunami that ended that train of thought.... She... was scared.... I was getting my fill of all this... and it tasted bitter.... Then... we reached the Palace council room... hundreds of titanic tree branches meshing as a floor for a simple throne chair overseeing a circle of depressed seats.... I could see what looked to be enormous air filters from the air conditioning system... I admitted awe... Tsui just chuckled... but not very heartily.... I also assumed from the trip from Earth, that the Juraians simply wanted their master back... and we were along for the ride to be gracious guests.... I NEVER expected myself to become a major topic... Tenchi came up of course... the involvement of the Princesses certainly... but apparently my history from the time I met the Misaki clan... the Kain battle.. Kagato event... involvement with the goddesses... and of course Tsunami.... Among other things... gained LARGE notoriety among the Jurai sphere here... I then learned that my displayed powers were too unusual to allow exposure to the outside world... I was essentially being told to remain on Jurai... against my obvious wishes.... For once... my rebellious side took over, backed up by much of the Misaki clan... I was in danger of becoming a guinea pig of some kind... everything became TENSE at that moment... Then a new sensation that had developed took over... resolve.... I looked at Azusa as an equal, and asked directly what HE thought... Azusa had yet to interject into the argument yet... I think that was the idea... test.... I could have battled my way out... I took the diplomatic approach instead... I needed to know if my power was too dangerous as accused.... To get answers I had laden inside for much time... A different voice answered... one I had thought dead.... Then a second.... The same thought.... ...mom..... dad..... (End Part Fifteen)