"Commence search" Ayeka commanded as she stood in front of her royal tree that was the heart of Ryo-oh, her ship. "Search underway Princess" said Azaka. There was a moment's pause as the search was underway, then an information window appeared in front of Ayeka. "Search complete" Kamidaki said. "And?" Ayeka asked impatiently. "The nearest planet which would be a suitable world for the key has been detected on Fringe planet no 53. Earth Princess" "Earth?" Ayeka blinked "well it is out of the way, set a course" "But Princess, that area is within the non-interference Zone agreed by the High Council of Jurai. To enter that would need confirmation with-" "We have no time for that, just make a course to that planet with all speed!" Ayeka snapped "and make sure we are not shadowed!" "Understood Princess," said both the guardians. "We must find them at all costs," Ayeka said to herself as she stepped backwards into the Cryo-sleep chamber, embedded in the Royal tree. "Cryo-sleep process commencing" Kamidaki said as the chamber frosted up. "ETA to destination 18hrs and counting down" Azaka added. **** "Right come on now mate" Gary said to himself, picking up what remained of his Dim-e "work ya bastard!" he cursed as tried to fit them on only to find the metal fittings had fused together. "Buggeration!" he shouted in frustration, throwing them in his rucksack. He had made a visit to his ship, (or what was left of it after the collision with Ryo-Ohki) to see what he could salvage. All communication devices were blown apart from the emergency communication box, only to be used in severely dangerous situations. "Oh well" he smiled as he patted the small black box "Guess I'll be leaving for home soon". The smile developed into a laugh as he took his shoes off in the Misaki house vestibule, slipping on his comfy slippers. "Hey how's it going?" Tenchi said as Gary walked into the living room. "Just come back from the crash site" Gary said with a grin as he produced the black box to Tenchi. "Cool what is it?" "Its an emergency comms box" Gary said as he sat down at the table "or in other words my ticket out of here". "Cool, when are you gonna use it?" "Well may as well use it now" said Gary as he placed it in the middle of the table "Now we press this button here and....you beut!" said Gary with glee as a fuzzy display came up. "Now what do we do?" "Send a distress call to all ships within the box's radius". The Cryo-Sleep Chamber was opened and Ayeka slowly and gently awoke. "Princess Ayeka" Azaka began "we have detected an urgent distress call" "Distress call?" Ayeka blinked "quickly answer it!" A video screen appeared in front of the Princess. "This is Executive Investigator Thach calling on any ship within radius to answer this call" "DS Thach?" Ayeka said. "Pardon?" Gary said, the display now up and running "Who am I talking to?" "I am Ayeka, 1st Princess of the Royal House of Jurai and owner of the Royal ship Ryo- oh" "Princess it is an honor to be speaking to you" "Thank you Investigator, now what trouble are you in?" Ayeka smiled and nodded in appreciation. "Well Princess, my ship has crashed on this planet and I request transport to the nearest Galaxy Police precinct HQ" "Granted Investigator" Ayeka smiled. "Thank you Pri-" Gary said but was cut off Suddenly. "Hey what are you doing Ryo-ohki!" Gary shouted as a paw appeared in front of the camera. "Ryo-Ohki?" Blinked Ayeka "If Ryo-Ohki is there then that means..." "Whatcha doing Tenchi" said Ryoko as she appeared in front of the camera, tail knocking it off the table. "Knock it off Ryoko!" shouted Tenchi "I'm eating breakfast". After that the feed was cut off. Ayeka stood there in shock. Ryo-ohki and Ryoko there on that planet? Impossible! "We have no choice" Ayeka said to her Guardians "Executive Investigator Thach must have been taken hostage by Ryoko, it is our duty therefore to apprehend the criminals Ryoko and Ryo-ohki and try them under the law of Jurai!" "As you wish Princess" the Guardians chimed. "Then make all haste to Earth!" "Aww Ryoko!" Gary said glumly "you broke it!" "I didn't mean to!" Ryoko said "I thought I lost Tenchi-boy here for a second". She smiled as she hugged Tenchi's brains out. "Aggg" Tenchi muffled into Ryoko's shoulder "Okay hug time over, hug time over!" "Oh so soon?" Ryoko said sadly. "Yes so soon!" Tenchi nodded "I'm trying to eat breakfast!" "Well!" Ryoko grumped "you don't want to be around then that's fine!" "Hey Ryoko I don't think he meant that" said Gary as he rubbed his head. "I know exactly what he meant!" Ryoko turned away from Tenchi phasing through the outer-wall. "Oh Ryoko wait!" Tenchi shouted getting up and running out. "All I want to do is to be rescued!" Gary sighed, all alone. Ryoko was floating away as Tenchi ran outside. "Ryoko wait up!" Tenchi said. "What do you want?" Ryoko mumbled turning round. "I didn't mean offend you, I was just eating breakfast that's all." "That's okay, I just kinda went a bit overboard then" Ryoko smiled sheepishly. Tenchi smiled "Where are ya from?" "Well" Ryoko paused for a second "I wouldn't really like to go into that" "Painful?" "You could say that" said Ryoko as she sat down, looking down at the ground. "Oh" Tenchi nodded "Hey what's that fancy gem on your left arm?" "Oh this?" Ryoko said "this is what gives me my powers". "Really?" Tenchi said "all in that small little red gem?" "Yep" Ryoko nodded "but I only have one, there are three in all, I lost two when I last got captured" "When was that?" "Oh all of about 700 years ago" "What?" Tenchi gasped, "You are that old!" "What do ya mean that old?" Ryoko glared. "Oh nothing" Tenchi hehed nervously. "Well it is a bit strange" Ryoko said "me just arriving out of nowhere" "I get it now after I've realized what you are" "Huh?" Ryoko blinked. "As in not someone from the local funny farm" "So you don't mind me hugging you and watching over you and that stuff?" Ryoko asked with hope. "No I don't mind that at all" Tenchi sighed "Just don't do it while I'm eating". He gasped as Ryoko reappeared, her arms around him. "I'm so glad!" Ryoko giggled. Tenchi just sighed as he was hugged again. **** "Entering Earth's orbit now Princess" Kamidaki said. "Good, prepare loudspeakers" Ayeka said. "Flying over target area in 10 seconds" Azaka said as Ryu-oh passed through the clouds of the upper atmosphere. Gary had done his house chores and was heading up those ancient steps once again, book in hand. "Lovely day" Gary smiled to himself as he turned onto one of the many hillside tracks. He stopped for a second to sample the air, the wildlife, and the natural fauna. Breathing in deeply. He opened his eyes and looked to the side as he head a twig snap. There he saw a small girl, dressed in a traditional dress, wearing a light red, summer coat, and a hood (which was connected to the coat) over her head. "Strange" he thought as the girl walked near him "that coats looks like something off-world" "Morning" Gary nodded "are you on your way to the shrine". "Shrine?" came a voice from under the hood "There's a shrine here?" "Yeah, the Misaki family shrine I think" Gary smiled, dropping to one knee "Say what's with the hood and coat on such a brilliant day as this" "Oh this?" the girl said, "I was wearing this when I got here". She flipped her hood up, her two, light blue pigtails falling down into place, her nice, young face exposed, the symbol of her status on Jurai on her forehead shining in the sunlight. "Oh?" Gary said suddenly "Are you?" The girl nodded with a giggle. "2nd Royal Princess of Jurai Sasami!" "Yep" "Wow" Gary said, kind of speechless, blinking for a second "Princess I apologize" he said as he bowed his head in respect and admiration "It is an honor to be in your presence". Sasami giggled, "I'm here with my sister, she said it would be a very nice planet" she looked out over the valley "and she's right it looks fantastic" "Well Summer and autumn are the best times of year to visit this place I hear" Gary smiled "pray tell me, do you know where your elder sister is?" "Ayeka?" Sasami said, "She's with her royal guardians in Ryo-oh!" She pointed to the massive ship floating above the area. "Oh Christ!" Gary said in shock, quickly picking Sasami up (much to her amusement) "Come on Princess, we're going for a very fast piggy back ride!" Sasami's giggles could be heard all the way down as Gary ran down the steps. "Ryoko I know you're in there!" Ayeka said as her voice reverberated around the countryside. "What?" Ryoko said as her head phased through the roof "She's here!" Ryoko fell back through the roof. "That's was who Gary was talking to this morning!" she said to herself "He must've tipped her off!" "What?" Tenchi said as he looked outside "What's happening?" "I've been busted, we need to get out of here!" "We?" Tenchi blinked "What's with the 'we' stuff?" "Listen for a moment!" Ryoko snapped, "the other two gems are on this planet" "Well I was going to tell you that we have two gems here in the shrine, all part of a legend" "Legend" Ryoko gasped, grabbing Tenchi. "What legend tell me!" "Well there was this very large, fearsome monster that came down from the heavens. It wreaked havoc among the people of the land, destroying lots of things. Then a great army from the sky appeared and captured the monster." "And did I leave anything?" "That was you? 700 years ago?" "Just answer the question." "Oh the legend says that this great army slew your arms off, releasing your life source to the Earth. It came in the form of two gems and..." "And?" "Well they're held with the Misaki family sword in the Shrine's cave" "Excellent Tenchi!" Ryoko smiled, kissing him on the cheek "common we need to get to the cave!" "Oh no that's where we stop!" Tenchi cried "Grandfather has told me never to go in there!" "So this is a matter of life and death!" "Wha-what do you mean?" Tenchi asked slowly. "That woman up there in the ship, she's an ogre, she's worse than an ogre in fact, she's like the devil, yeah that sounds good the devil!" "Oh well couldn't we talk to her" "No she shoots first, and asks questions later" "Now that reminds me of someone" Tenchi glared at Ryoko. "Oh common if we're going to the cave then lets go!" said Ryoko as she grabbed onto Tenchi "hold on" she smiled as they phased through the wall. Just as Tenchi and Ryoko left the room, Gary and Sasami burst in through the door on the opposite end of the room. Gary collapsed, gulping in air like it was going out of fashion. "Yay!" Sasami cheered, "go Gary lets do that again!" "No please" gasped Gary "no more!" "Oh where are your friends Gary?" Sasami said as she looked around. "They were here, they must be somewhere round here!" Gary panted as he got up. "Princess, two humanoids have exited the building" Azaka said. "Zoom in, who are they?" Ayeka commanded. "They are Ryoko and a slim, young, male" "That must be them!" Ayeka said to herself "Ryoko give yourself up now!" she said though the loudspeaker channel. "No way!" came the reply "I've already had enough crap from you people" Ryoko shouted, much to Tenchi's alarm. "Fine" Ayeka said, "open fire!" Ryu-oh let forth a fierce barrage, tracking Ryoko and Tenchi as they made their way up the hill. "Why me dammit!" Tenchi shouted as the lasers blew up chunks of land around them "Why meeeeeee!" "Oh put a sock in it" said Ryoko as she dodged and weaved the laser blasts. "Princess" Kamidaki began "we have detected three powerful sources of energy in a cave near a Shine building" "They are?" "Two ancient power gems and what appears to be the master key Princess" "So that's what she's up to!" Ayeka snarled "Getting her gems back and stealing the most treasured item in Jurain heritage". She stepped off the platform "Not if I have anything to do with it". "This way?" Ryoko asked as she dragged Tenchi up the tree-lined path. "Yes, yes!" Tenchi shouted, "Why did you have to say that?" "Well its the truth!" Ryoko smiled. "But it wasn't the right thing to say in the situation!" Tenchi protested. "Shh here we are!" Ryoko smiled as they rushed at full speed into the cave, heading into the murky depths. "Can't your sister just stop and talk to me before she goes off re-landscaping the local countryside!" Gary said as he ran along, jumping over the massive craters left by Ayeka's barrage. "I can't do anything its her mission" Sasami giggled as she sat on Gary's shoulders "Mission?" "Since the master key disappeared over 700 years ago" "So you're?" "Yep over 700 years old" Sasami smiled. "Wait the master key as in the tool used to control all of Jurai's ships?" "Uh-huh" "What happened to it?" "It was lost in a great battle between Jurai and a famous space criminal, also Ayeka's half-brother disappeared after the battle" "So?" Gary panted as he leapt over another crater. "So Ayeka went out to find her half-brother and the master key" Sasami finished. "Bloody hell! We need to get there in time!" Gary said, sprinting now back up the hill. "Why?" Sasami said "is there something wrong?" "Lets just say that Ryoko and Ayeka have a long running rivalry" **** "So this is the artifact room?" Ryoko murmured, looking around at the rocky interior "sure is dark." "Yes, the sword is kept in the specially made box there and the gems are held in that case specially made of gold and sapphire," said Tenchi as he pointed out the two in the darkness. "Well thank you Tenchi, excuse me now while I reform the gems into my body" Ryoko smiled as she moved her arms towards the case. Ryoko gasped as they hit an invisible force field, having to draw her hands back in pain and surprise. "I knew you'd go for your gems criminal!" said a voice coming from the other end of the room. Suddenly all the torches in the room (which were out before) spluttered into light, revealing Princess Ayeka, flanked by her guardians. "Wha-" Ryoko began, and then stopped as she saw logs appear around her. "The logs" Ryoko murmured. "Its over Ryoko" said Ayeka, her eyes narrowing. As Ayeka said that, the logs sent forth their binds, wrapping themselves around Ryoko before she could do anything. "Azaka! Kamidaki! Hold her there!" commanded Ayeka as she turned to Tenchi. "Uh let me go you bitch!" Ryoko struggled. "Boy" Ayeka said, ignoring Ryoko's cries, "tell me why have you got three of the most powerful items in the Universe?" "They are?" Tenchi blinked "I mean I knew the gems were special but I never knew that the sword had anything to do with anything" "You have the sword?" "Yes it's over ther-" "I must have it!" Ayeka said, "It is a lost artifact of the Planet of Jurai" "Huh?" Tenchi blinked "now I've heard everything!". "Hand it back to me or you will be arrested along with your monster woman" Ayeka said firmly. "But that sword has been in my family for 7 generations!" pleaded Tenchi "and she's not my woman!" "7 generations?" "Yes a man called Yosho or something came from the sky with it and its been here ever since" "What?" Ayeka blinked "and what happened to Yosho" "I don't know!" Tenchi said. "You tell me now!" Ayeka said "I must know!" "I'm telling you I don't know" "Very well" Ayeka said "Azaka!" "Yes ma'am" said the Guardian as it moved towards Tenchi. Just then Gary and Sasami fell through the door, Gary out of breath (again). "Investigator!" Ayeka said, surprised "what are you doing here?" "Here to stop you from making a terrible mistake!" he said, looking up "agg! No call your Guardian off!" he cried as Azaka closed in on Tenchi. "Yes stop!" shouted Tenchi, covering his face. Suddenly the Sword box exploded in a flash of light, and in front of Tenchi, appeared the master key, floating in mid air. Azaka then suddenly stopped for no reason. "Azaka! Capture him! Answer me!" shouted Ayeka "What?" she gasped, "the key responds to his commands! Intentional or non-intentional!" Ayeka paused for a second "then that means that" she shook her head in disbelief "No, impossible!" she looked over at where Ryoko should have been "ohhhh! Where's she gone!" she fumed. "Princess listen" Gary said, "Ryoko isn't a criminal anymore" "What? I can't believe I am hearing this!" cried Ayeka. "I'm being serious!" Gary said quietly. "That beast should be taken back to the isolation chamber where she belongs!" Ayeka said "and what exactly were you doing in those 5 months?" "Don't ask" was all that Gary said. "Erm excuse me?" Tenchi said "what's this?" he asked pointing to the glowing sword. "Oh" Ayeka said softly "That is the Master key, what is your name boy?" "Tenchi ma'am, Tenchi Misaki" "If you can control the sword then, you have the blood of Jurai flowing inside of you" "What so that's the master key?" Gary asked. "Yes, this key was taken from my people over 700 years ago along with my half-brother Yosho, I vowed to find Yosho and the master key and return it to my people and have been looking ever since with my sister Sasami" Ayeka explained. "Yosho disappeared after the battle of Hangara over 700 ye-" Gary started. "But how did it get here?" Ayeka asked. "Its in the legend, the leader of the army from heaven had a powerful sword that could cut through rock" "That was Yosho, my brother" "But I do not know what happened to Yosho, all I know is that he arrived here 700 years ago with the sword" "The master key!" Gary exclaimed "along with Ryoko's gems!". "I've got to find Ryoko and get some answers" said Ayeka, wiping a tear away. "No Princess I need to sort this out, please just calm down for a moment" Ayeka said quietly "Back off Investigator". With that she turned to her Guardians "Azaka Kamidaki, return me to my ship, we're going to find Ryoko" Before Gary could do anything Ayeka disappeared as she transported herself to her ship. Gary turned to Tenchi "try to turn that Sword off while I get Sasami to safety!" he picked Sasami up again "common you" he smiled. "Yay!" Sasami giggled as she was carried out. **** "Common Ryo-Ohki!" Ryoko said "we're leaving this place now before that Ayeka knows what happened!" She looked down at a photo of Tenchi with her that was taken the day before and smiled. "Thank you Tenchi" she said quietly. Ryo-ohki meowed sexily. "Oh be quiet you!" Ryoko said "I like him as a friend!" Ryo-ohki meowed again. "Yes I'm sure and no you can't read my mind!" Suddenly Ryo-ohki shuddered violently. "What the!" Ryoko said looking up at the vid screen. "Ryoko you can't escape this time, I have you in my sights!" Ayeka said. "Damn you!" Ryoko cursed, "You just won't quit will you!" "Not until you answer this question!" Ayeka said as her eyes narrowed "What happened to my Brother Yosho?" "I don't know little girl!" Ryoko said, "How should I know?" "Because he was the man who defeated you and imprisoned you!" Ayeka glared. "Oh was he now." Ryoko said sarcastically "oh NOW I remember what happened!" "Well?" Ayeka shouted, hands shaking. "Oh its gone again!" Ryoko said teasingly "Guess you'll never know" Ayeka clasped her hands so tightly, a small droplet of blood appeared out of her palm. "That's enough!" she shouted in rage "Azaka, Kamidaki...full speed ahead" Ryoko blinked as she saw Ryu-oh speed up towards her. "Ah I know what's she's up to" Ryoko grinned "Ryo-ohki" "Miya?" a crystal with Ryo-ohki's face on it asked. "Ramming speed" Ryoko said coldly. The two ships headed right at each other at the highest speeds they could muster. Both of their owners staring right at each other through their holo-screens, neither giving way, neither showing no quarter. Then the ships hit. Both Ayeka and Ryoko grimaced and held onto something for the expected stomach churning impact, splinters that would go everywhere and the possible decompression of the main areas. All they got was a slightly rough bump. "What?" Ayeka and Ryoko both blinked as they looked around. Everything was in its proper place on both ships. They then quickly switched to outside monitors. "I knew it!" Ryoko cursed. "Oh this is just brilliant!" Ayeka glared. By some massive fluke, the two ships had found a way to exactly slot into each other, wedging themselves into each other without doing any significant damage to the other. "I can't move!" Ayeka said, trying reverse power, to no avail. "Same here" Ryoko sighed. She looked at the Crystal. "I knew you'd pull a stunt like this" "Miiiiiiiya!" laughed the Cabbit. "Ships identify yourselves" came a new voice over the communications net that Ayeka and Ryoko shared. "I am First Princess Ayeka of Jurai" Ayeka said as she looked at the new face "We have been in a crash officer". "I am Ryoko, the space pir- ahem I mean trader" Smiled Ryoko. "Oh you've been in a crash!" said the Galaxy policeman "I am 1st class detective Mihoshi, the officer patrolling this precinct" "Can you assist us?" "Well I will have to be quick, I was on my way to assist another law enforcement officer stranded on this planet" Mihoshi explained. "That was the same assistance call I received" Ayeka said. "Well its time to get us dislodged Officer" Ryoko smiled as she sat back. **** "Sasami" Tenchi said, "I never knew you were such a good cook" "Yeah!" Ryoko cheered "Rubadubdub thanks for the grub!" Sasami blushed at the praise she got. "Well now" Katoshito said as he eat "I guess we have three new people who are coming to stay" "Yes" Princess Ayeka said "I thank you Mihoshi for being a fine, responsible Galaxy Police officer. "Why thank you" Mihoshi blushed, "I wouldn't have come by if it wasn't for Investigator Thatch's call here" "Oh well I needed to get a message off to the Law committee" Gary nodded "I add my praise to you Mihoshi" "Wow thank you!" giggled Mihoshi "If I may say so, my grandfather speaks very highly of you" "You're grandfather?" Gary said, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah my Grandfather, the Marshal" "Y-you're granddad is the Marshal of the Galaxy Police?" "Yes that's what I just said wasn't it" Mihoshi threw a blank stare into nothingness "wasn't it?...I'm all confused now!" "Well at least nobody was hurt in the crash" Nobiyuki changed the subject as he drank some tea. "Yeah" Tenchi said as he got up "Well thanks for the dinner Sasami, I think I'll go to bed, I've had too much excitement for one day" "Goodnight Tenchi" Ryoko smiled, winking over at Tenchi which made him nervous. "I'll be making my way back to the shrine," Katoshito said as he got up. "Seeing as everyone has finished I'll help Sasami with the washing up." Smiled Gary. Soon everyone left the table, leaving two people. Ayeka and Ryoko. They were silent as they finished their cups of tea. "You never did answer my question Ryoko" Ayeka said. "What about what happened to your Brother?" Ryoko said. Ayeka looked over and said nothing. Ryoko sighed "I don't know Ayeka, he got me and that was that for 700 years". Ayeka said nothing and got up. "I wouldn't worry, he's probably dead now anyway" "That's not true" Ayeka murmured, "he's got to be alive, he can't be dead!" Ryoko just shrugged and finished her Sake. "Sir" Mihoshi called in through the kitchen. "What did you call me?" Gary asked with a laugh then he knocked his head "Oh of course, I've been here too long" "Should I call you sir...sir?" Mihoshi asked nervously. "Nah, well not right now" Gary said "We're off duty right?" Mihoshi nodded. "Then you can call me Gary" he grinned as he put out a hand. Mihoshi took it and shook it firmly. "Great thank you Gary" Mihoshi smiled sweetly. "Now what did you have to tell me?" "Well I should be making a report to Headquarters any time now" Mihoshi explained "do you want me to mention you?" "Well I am a higher ranking officer detective" smiled Gary proudly. "Well I'll get the a communications link set up with Yukinojo via my watch" winked Mihoshi. Sasami watched as Mihoshi worked her magic. "At last!" Mihoshi said with a sigh of relief "I thought it was broken for a moment" "Now we can get our report sent out" Gary said as Mihoshi pressed the flashing light. When she pressed down on the watch a small screen flicked up facing Mihoshi. "Detective Mihoshi!" shouted the figure in GP uniform "where have you been?" Mihoshi smartly came to attention and saluted, despite the fact that she didn't have her uniform on. "I 1st class detective Mihoshi communicating on fringe planet no.53 sir" Mihoshi said professionally. "Well that explains your absence" the commander said, calmer now, he looked over Mihoshi's shoulder to see Gary finishing his tea. "Investigator?" the Commander said in alarm "Detective sergeant?" "Oh!" Gary said, caught off guard "Yes sir Executive Investigator Thach has been marooned on this planet, though I have managed to send an emergency message off to Committee HQ" "Well we've got a message for you Investigator" the commander said as he read out a sheet of paper "from the Chairman of the committee himself" "Yes?" "Following your successful peaceful ending to the Ryoko problem, the Committee has decided to reward you with..." "Yes sir" said Gary, flooded with visions of a new cushy chair or a 50% pay increase maybe even a fancy title to go along with his new job. Nah the chair looked much more attractive. "With a reassignment of command of the Fringe Sector, duties mainly lying with Sol" the commander finished. Gary's mouth went wide "Any increases in pay, benefits, anything?" "None that I've been informed of, no" the Commander said "The officer that will be assigned to serve under your command you will be Detective 1st class Mihoshi" "Not even a new Leather chair?" Gary pleaded. "Don't be so vain investigator!" barked the commander "Signing off". The screen went dead as the transmission ended. "Wow!" smiled Mihoshi "hear that Gary we're partners now!" Gary sadly was on the floor, fainted. "Poor Gary" said Sasami as she waved a fan over Gary's face "this feels very familiar" she thought to herself. "All I wanted was a new chair, just a new bloody leather chair" Gary whimpered. "Well...um" Mihoshi thought, putting a hand on Gary's shoulder "You've got me for company so keep a smile up!" Gary nodded with a smile "We've got Yukinojo to keep us up to date with what's happening so now we can enjoy our holiday" "Vacation" corrected Mihoshi warily. "Yeah whatever" Muttered Gary. Fin