The Return of Trakal --- ------ -- ------ Chapter 1: Resurrection. Washuu moved her laser scalpel with incredible precision, mending organs, fusing veins, arteries, and capillaries, repairing nerve and muscle tissue. Once that was complete, she began to fuse the skin surrounding these organs, working so meticulously that there was no sign of a scar once her task was completed. She moved to the right side of the surgical table and began fusing veins, capilaries, and arteries. Then, she began fusing organic muscle to its artificial equivalent, and skin to steel. Her task complete, Washuu stood back for a moment, then hooked up her life support computer and began slowly trying to pump life back into her patient. She'd taken the body originally for experimentation, but when she'd found out who he was and how he'd died, she could not bring herself to dessecrating his body and devoted herself to healing him. She smiled with satisfaction as he began breathing on his own. Once he was taking in oxygen, she'd be able to reprogram the computer implant in his brain, feeding it with the data she'd collected from the damaged implant she'd replaced. He'd have partial amnesia, but all the important stuff was intact, his identity, all his physical and mental talents; all the things that made him who he was up to a point. Silver eyes opened and stared out onto a room they'd never seen before. A metallic hand reached up, instinctively, to scratch an itch before Washuu could stop it and swatted its own owner hard enough to nearly knock him unconscious. Washuu grimaced on behalf of her patient. He studied the arm like he'd never seen it before; and as far as he was concerned, he never had. He remembered, Ratala IV, his family and friends, and the day Kagato came and took all that away. He remembered hands reaching out and picking him up, hands with no fur on them and a kindly bearded face with blond hair. There was a little girl on the spaceship he'd been on, with a blond ponytail and big blue eyes, and she'd wanted to play with him, but he was very scared and angry and didn't want to play. He wanted to kill the man who'd killed his mother. He remembered all of that, and he remembered travelling from world to world, searching (for Kagato?). He felt there had been someone else involved, but he didn't know who he or she or they were. Lt. Trakal, First Class Operative and the top member of the fabled Special Section, had forgotten, entirely, that he was a member of the Galaxy Police. Chapter 2: Ayeka, Tenchi, Sasami, Ryo-ohki, Nobuyuki and Yosho had sat down to dinner when Washuu and Trakal arrived. Ryoko, who'd just taken a sip of tea, spluttered in shock when she saw Trakal, getting tea all over Tenchi, who was too busy being in shock himself to notice. The last time he'd seen Trakal, the creature had been horribly mutilated. Now he was alive and well. "You seem terribly familiar, but I can't seem to place your face. Please, forgive me if that seems rude." Ayeka told him. "No apologies neccessary." Trakal assured her. "Perhaps you saw me in a crowd once a long time ago?" "It's possible..." Ayeka admitted. "Hello," a bubbly voice came from the door, "I hope I haven't missed dinner. I'm sorry I'm so late, but." The blue eyes that belong to the voice's owner recognzed Trakal. "Hey! I don't believe it, I haven't seen you in ages! How are you?" Trakal recognized her. It was the girl from the spaceship. She was grown up now, but it was her. "I'm okay." He replied. He saw the blue haired girl standing next to her. The second girl's hair was long and spiked and she was wearing a rather provocative outfit. "Who's the young lady with you? She's very attractive." He stood up, offering his spot to Ryoko and leading her over to it in a rather gallant manner. He kissed her knuckles, graciously, and got a shock across his muzzle. "My apologies. I should not have been so forward with a woman I had just met. But your beauty entranced me, and I became a slave to my love for you and... (he slapped himself). What am I saying? How can I love a woman I've just met? I'm sorry. I'd better shut my muzzle before I mess up again." "Good idea." Ryoko nodded. Trakal helped Mihoshi into her spot, then sat down himself. His eyes never left Ryoko. "Well well," Ayeka seemed quite amused, "I think he likes you, Ryoko." The doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Tenchi said, valiantly. "If its a salesman we don't want any." Yousho called out. "Unless it's scientific equipment." Washuu amended. "Especially scientific equipment." Nobuyuki amended. Tenchi opened the door and was immediately drawn into a frantic embrace. "Ayeka," he called, "its for you." Ayeka walked into the hallway. "It is good to..." "grrrrrrr." Ayeka went kawaii and threw out her arms. "Mommy!!!" She cried out. Misaki hugged her daughter and cuddled her. Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, Ryo-ohki, and Trakal walked into the living room to visit with Misaki. Misaki took one look at Trakal and went into her mega-kawaii mode. "Oh! How cute!!!" She cried out, glomping onto Trakal, cuddling and *petting* him. "Ayeka, why didn't you tell me you got a new pet? He's just so adorable!" Ryoko couldn't contain herself and burst out laughing. Trakal felt terribly insulted, but decided the woman was just nearsighted and didn't mean any harm. "You really should get a collar for him." She said. "You don't want the pound to pick him up if he gets out. He is housebroken, isn't he?" That was the last straw. "I am a *DRAALTHI!*" He exploded in Misaki's face. Without another word, he turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Misaki followed, oblivious to his anger. "Awwww, wassamatta?" She asked. "Oh, I know! You must need a fleabath. You poor thing." Fleabath?! Trakal tried to flea and protest but Misaki dragged him off to the onsen. Within minutes, Trakal was naked (how embarrassing!) in the bath looking very annoyed while Misaki scrubbed his fur, a little too roughly. "That's a good boy." Misaki praised. Trakal was very annoyed. Finally, Misaki rinsed him off and dragged him out of the bath, towelling him off. He pulled his clothes on and started for the door. "Wait!" she cried out. "I'm not finished yet." She hurried over to Trakal and tied a cute little ribbon around his neck. He moved to take it off and she became incensed. He decided it would be a good idea to leave it on.