When Two Worlds Colide: A Crossover between Tenchi Muyo and Pretty Sammy By Angela Nebedum ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pretty Sammy Universe (for those of you who've never seen the show) -------------------------------- In the Pretty Sammy universe, Tenchi and the gang were all born human beings. Tenchi and Sasami were sister and brother in this universe; Kiyone and Mihoshi worked in the music store Tenchi and Sasami's mother owned; Ryoko is as she has always has been like in the original series, except she is a bully and starts fights; Aeyka is the school class President, always with female servants around her to tend to her needs, even in school, Aeyka starts fights with Ryoko whenever Ryoko tries to steal "her" Tenchi away. And Washu is still the resident genius, except she is 12 years old, comes from America, has a college degree, and teaches at Tenchi and Sasami's school, and she lives by herself in an apartment building. In Pretty Sammy, Tsunami had been choosen to become the new Queen of the Magical Kingdom of Juraihelm. Tsunami had a rival for the crown named Ramia who would do anything to get the crown for herself. In order for Tsunami to gain the crown she had to choose a girl to become a Magical Girl, for a trial basis to see how good the girl was with her magical powers. If the girl was proven worthy Tsunami would be given the crown and become the new Queen of Juraihelm Tsunami choose Sasami Masaki to take on the role of the Magical Girl, and Sasami became Pretty Sammy. Tsunami then gave Sasami a male guardian cabbit, named Ryo-ohki who was to teach Sasami how to use her powers to fight evil. Now back to Ramia. Like I said before. Ramia is Tsunami's rival for the throne. She choose a young girl named Misao to become an evil Magical Girl named Pixy Misa. Ramia sent her younger brother Rumiya to Earth to hypnotize Misao and turn her into Pixy Misa to cause trouble in the city. Sasami was able to stop her, but Pixy Misa always escaped and Rumiya changes her back to Misao. Misao has no memory of her life as Pixy Misa, but in real life she and Sasami are the bestest of friends. Rumiya has the power to change from human to a purple falcon with red stripes on his cheeks, and a single feather sticking straight up on top of his head. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1: The Meeting Somewhere in another universe: A battle is being waged against Pretty Sammy and Pixy Misa. Watching from a magical crystal ball in the Kingdom of Juraihelm, was Ramia who was cheering Pixy Misa on in trying to destroy Pretty Sammy. Tsunami was watching the fight in her own room and was begining to worry about the outcome of this battle. "Pixy Misa has become a whole lot stronger since the last time Sasami had fought her." She says to herself. "I just hope that Pretty Sammy will be able to defeat Pixy like she has always done before in the past." Rumiya is in his falcoln mode and cheering Pixy Misa on. "Go on Pixy! Give Pretty Sammy something to remember with your new attacks you've been learning in magic!" As he is shouting at Pixy Misa, he stops and begins to feel guilty for what he's been doing to Misao, and wishing he could make it up to her if he could, but didn't know how. Pixy Misa shoots out a beam of energy at Pretty Sammy, that has enough power in it to knock Sammy and Ryo-ohki off their feet. "Ow.... Pixy! I'll get you for that!!" Pretty Sammy gets up and attacks Pixy Misa, using every ounce of her powers. "Pretty...." Pixy Misa sees what Pretty Sammy is about to do, and she begins to power up for one final attack, while taking out her bow and arrow. "Pixy....." She calls out. "Girl...." Sammy shouts out as the heart at the end of her wand begins to glow brighter and brighter. "Power..." Pixy Misa cocked arrow begins glowing brighter by the second. Meanwhile Rumiya and Ryo-ohki have stopped to watch the fight and realizes what is begining to happen. It has happened before when Ramia and Tsunami used to fight as the Magical Girls years ago. "Sammy!!! Stop! If you use that kind of power, it'll create a magical backlash with no telling what would happened." Ryo-ohki shouts out the warning to Pretty Sammy. "Pixy! Don't do it! If you release that power at the same time Sammy does, there is no telling what would happen to all of us!" Rumiya cries out. But their warnings come too late. "Blast!!!!!" Sammy yells out the final part of her attack. "Crash!!!" Pixy does the same. As everyone watches in horror, the two attacks hit each other head on, causing an explosion that ripped apart the fabric of time and space itself and Pretty Sammy, Pixy Misa, Rumiya, and Ryo-ohki found themselves all being sucked through the vortex. "Ru, what's going on!!" Pixy Misa has to yell to be heard over the noise and sound as she is hanging on tightly to a tree while Rumiya is trying to hang on to her. "Ryo-ohki and I both tried to warn you girls," Rumiya yells, "that something like this might happened with you two being so close to each other when you released your attacks!!" Sammy comes flying through the air and manages to snag onto a tree branch and caught most of what Rumiya had said. "Are you trying to tell us this is our fault, Rumiya?" snags Ryo-ohki out of the air as he comes flying by and holds him closely to her body. "Ryo-ohki you never told me something like this could happen!" "How was I supposed to know this was going to happen? The last time this happened was when Ramia and Tsunami used to fight one another when they were Magical Girls years ago." Ryo-ohki shouts. "After what happened last time, we never thought we would see something like that again in this life time." The tree was begining to be pulled out of the ground by the suction from the vortex. "What's going to happen to us if we get pulled through?" Sammy asks both Ryo-ohki and Rumiya, while she and Pixy Misa are holding on as tightly as they can to both the tree and the animals in their arms. "I don't know. We might be sucked into another dimension or time." Ryo-ohki answers. "If we do, the four of us need to work together to find our way back home or find someone who can help us get home. And we must stay together if we go through. We might be sent to different places if we are not together." Pixy Misa and Pretty Sammy just look at each other when Ryo-ohki this to them. Then they both look back at the vortex. "Pixy, I will call a truce if you will." Sammy offers to Misa. "Merci, Sammy but I will have this truce with you if you wish, but I warn you, once we get through this and find a way home we will be enemies again, right Mon Ami?" Pixy reaches out a hand as a peace offering to Sammy. Sammy just stares at Pixy, then she tucks Ryo-ohki under one arm, and reaches for Misa's to shake it when the branch she was hanging on to suddenly snaps and starts to go flying again straight toward the vortex.. As she is flailing her hands around, and hanging onto Ryo-Ohki at the same time, a rope suddenly comes flying out as lassoes her around the waist. "Thinking about leaving without us, mon ami? That is unsporting of you." Sammy turns to and sees that Pixy has anchored herself with another rope to the tree. Laughing as she holds onto Sammy with her rope, the tree she tied to was completely uprooted from the ground and was sucked into the vortex. As they fall through the vortex they see things go by them with the tunnel, Pixy is still holding onto Sammy and Ryo-ohki, while Rumiya was trying hard to keep a good grip on her with his talons. As they are moving they loose consciuosness. The tunnel suddenly opens up in front of them, and the magical rope holding them together broke and the group began falling in opposite directions. Pixy and Rumiya land in the shallow end of a lake that had what looked like a tiny island in the middle of it with a huge tree, and a bridge leading toward it. While Pretty Sammy and Ryo-ohki land near a carrot patch. Sammy's costume disappears and are replaced with the clothes she was wearing earlier that day. Ryo-ohki was draped over her stomach out cold like her and the others. A few minutes later a small brown cabbit comes hopping up to the strange forms, curious about what she had seen fall out of the sky, and was shocked to find herself looking at the body of Princess Sasami, and what looked to be her with Sasami. Ryo-Ohki changed her form to her humanoid form to see if Sasami was okay, and to check out this other version of herself lying on Sasami. That was when Ryo-ohki discovered that she was holding a male cabbit in her arms. Ryo-ohki put the cabbit back on Sasami's stomach, changed into her human form and hopped back to the house to get some help for the Sasami and the cabbit. 10 minutes later, the entire household had reached the carrot patch and were all just as suprised as Ryo-ohki had been to see another Sasami and Ryo-ohki. A young girl with long spikey ultra pink hair pushes her way through and examines Sasami, checking her vital signs, and also checking on how badly hurt she is. Then she has the others bring Sasami and Ryo-ohki to her lab to run some tests on them. (To Be Continued) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone!!! I hope you all enjoyed my fanfic. If any of you have any comments about it, please write to me to ask me about anything you want and send it to my e-mail address at: ne21041@gte.net. Where do you think the story is going to go next? What's going to happen to Pretty Sammy, Pixy Misa, Rumiya, and Ryo-ohki when they wake up and meet their alternate selves. Read the next fanfic to find out.