Hello Everybody I am new at this so I hope my fanfiction interest some of you readers.My style of writing a story is much like a script.It kinda help put people into that japanese anime atmosphere you know.Sometime in my story you'll see this( ) and this [ ] some of you probally know this allready but the one that dosen't This sign ( ) means their doing an action for example ( pulls out a chair and sits on it)and other means thier thinking it in their head like this for an example [I will never let him win] Oh! sometimes you'll see this (Dj mystik-sweet honesty song plays)you got go on napster to hear those songs.Like I said I'm trying to get people into that japanese anime atmospere.I will include new characthers If Gensao allows it I'll draw out the new characthers and send them to him and maybe he could put it on the page for you to look at.For more Info on this e-mail me at laotianthug@asianavenue.com or herokenshin@yahoo.com oh yea I forgot to include one thing and thats please don't sue me some characthers later on that appear are mine but the rest belongs to someone else. Ok on with the story.The story starts right after the last episode of Tenchi universe so it goes into another era not Tenchi in tokyo thats a different story but starts right after Tenchi universe.So the name this new era is TENCHI WORLD.There are two different Asake and Kamadake the gaurdian ones and the knight ones [not to let you guys get confuse]the G.stands for Guardian and the K. stands for Knight.In this scene Kiyone and Mihoshi are back at their apartment on earth.Please enjoy(^-^); TENCHI WORLD EPISODE ONE-NO NEED TO END NOW BY:BJ SOMCHAY Kiyone:Oh I can't beleive this!(puting all the boxes of stuff on top of the other boxes)How could we get demoted and and get stationed back here again!? Mihoshi:Maybe because we........ Kiyone:I don't want to hear that story again!!! Mihoshi:Oh Ok. Kiyone:We'll have to put that T.V. here. Mihoshi:(sitting down eating junk food from the boxes and then looks at Kiyone)Huh what did you say? Kiyone:Mihoshi!!!Arent you going to help me. Mihoshi:Sorry where did you want the t.v. at again? Kiyone:(points at the wall by the window) Mihoshi:Ok.(picks up the T.V. buts slips on the junk food wrapper that she left on the floor and ended up breaking the T.V.)OOOOPS!!!! Kiyone:Mihoshi you are so clumsy!!!!Now we have to go and buy a new T.V. tomorrow. (the scene swithes to Tenchi's house) Grampa Masaki:Welcome back Ryoko.Things haven't been the same since you disapeared. Ryoko:ahhhh You know me I would always come back to Tenchi(wrapping her arms around Tenchi) Tenchi:(face blush) Noble Yukie:Thats my son always been the ladies man (upon hearing a spaceship land outside they all ran outside to see) Ryoko:I knew she would come back.(smiling) Tenchi:Ayeka....... (Ayeka teleports to the ground Then Ryoko wrap her arms around Tenchi) Ayeka:Tenchi my love I'm back huh(see's Ryoko's arm around Tenchi)Hey you keep you hands off of Tenchi!!! Ryoko:I knew that stench was you. Ayeka:(upon hearing that comment she was about to explode but then starts laughing in an evil way)hahahahahaha.Your insults won't get to me this time. Ryoko:Is that sooo. Tenchi:Hey you two stop arguing!! Ayeka:It appears that Lord Tenchi is right we will have a truce.......For now. Ryoko:Same here. Grampa Masaki:Well thats good to hear now why don't we all go inside and have some dinner. Noble Yukie:Yea I'm starving that reminds me isn't Sasami with you Ayeka? Ayeka:No she's not. (everybody hears another spaceship landing) Tenchi:Who is this. (somebody teleports to the ground) Tenchi:..........Sasami!! Sasami:Tenchi!!(hugs Tenchi) Tenchi:Its good to see you again Sasami. (four others teleports to the ground) G.Kamedake:Its good to see you again Lord Tenchi. K.Kamedake:Yes it is My Lord Tenchi(bows down) Tenchi: No no no need for that. K.Kamedake:Yes my lord. G.Asake:When we found that note that Ayeka left behind we knew she be here. K.Asake:Yes thanks to Sasami's quick thinking. Grampa Masaki:Well Its good to see you Asake and Kamadake and uhhhhh Asake and Kamedake.Now lets all go inside. Sasami:Right I'll cook. (They all went inside meanwhile Kiyone and Mihoshi are still unpacking) Kiyone:Mihoshi could hand me that hammer?(placing the picture right on the wall) Mihoshi:(Pulls the hammer out from the bottom box of stacks)This one?(^-^)(the stacks of boxes falls)oops. Kiyone:Mihoshi!!!!!!! (after many minutes they finally got done unpacking they both lay down to rest) Kiyone:That was tiresome well lets get some rest(goes to sleep but gets interupted when Mihoshi tap on her shoulder)what is it. Mihoshi:Lets go visit Tenchi. Kiyone:Tommorow I'm tired. Mihoshi:C'mon lets go. Kiyone:No I'm tired. Mihoshi:(eyes glitter Cutey face)C'mon pretty please. Kiyone:I said Noooo! (they end up going any ways upon the steps of Tenchi's house they here arguing) Mihoshi:......Tat voice It sounds Familiar its Ryoko and Ayeka. (they enter through the door then Ryoko and Ayeka stop arguing) Tenchi:Hey Kiyone hey Mihoshi.Won't you guys join us for dinner. Mihoshi:We love to know that we havent ate for 2 days.cause of our...... Kiyone:Shut up!!!(her voice goes back to calm)why we love. Tenchi:Great. (washu enters the room) Washu:Hey everybody I see you guys made it already. Tenchi:Washu?When did you get here? Washu:along time ago I was so busy with my projects i did'nt have time to talk to you guys. (everybody sits and eats While they were eating Ryoko leans towards Tenchi's ear to whispher something) Ryoko:See Tenchi there is no need to end now. The End Tenchi:Hey everybody its me Tenchi on our next Episode of Tenchi world Kiyone finds out that a famous space pirate is around her patrol system. Kiyone:yes If I catch him maybe they would repromote me. Tenchi:Its been rumored that he might be the new characther.Who is this Unknown man and why is he around here.Coming up is Episode2 no need for a new Characther. Ryoko:He's unquestionalby new.