Discliamer: The characters of Tenchi Muyo are owned by Pioneer and AIC, save
one... MY character, which I know you'll come to love, Kento Samas!

So to those who do own the Tenchi Muyo characters, don't bother to file a
lawsuit. You'll get no money from me, since I have none what-so-ever. It'll
just waste your time, my time, and we'll probably get sued ourselves by our
lawyers for wasting THEIR time. Besides, I'm writing this in appreciation of
the series. So be flattered, not furious.
Author's Note: I plan to mix the stories of all three Tenchi series into my
fanfic series, "Tenchi N' Kento" (Taadaa!). This is my first time doing a
fanfic, so cut me some slack. Anyway, hope you like it.

An aircraft soared high in the sky on a long, tiresome journey.

Destination: Japan.

Inside the plane, it's passengers eagerly awaited to land after more than
two days of flying over open ocean. All, however, except one. In the back of
the coach-class seating, a lone young man sat in his unlit seat next to the
window. He wore a large, thick, brown winter coat with a brown hood that
covered his whole head and face, and brown gloves completeing his mysterious
appearance. He barely moved for the most of the trip and was rarely heard to
say anything. But when he did speak, it sounded nothing more than low, faint

grunts, gurgles, and mumbling. All of which intimidated a young married
couple that sat to the right of him.

"Attention, passengers." the filght attendant then announced, "We are now

one hour away from our destination of Okayama Airport. Passengers on the
left side of the plane will be able to see now, the continent of Japan."

The passengers on the left side took the opportunity to look out the window

and view wonderous land of the rising sun. Though small from their height,
they were nevertheless astounded. However, that could not be said for the
young man in back. As he looked out to the window, his grunting and mumbling
began once more.

"Mmmmmm-mmmmmmm...... mmmmuuhhhhuummmm" he began. "Uhhmmmuhh..."

The frightened couple leaned away from him as he continued.

".......Jjjjjjaaaaaaaapppppppppaaaaaaaaannnnnnn........" he slowly groaned.

Then he began reach into his coat pocket but stopped when he noticed the
shaking couple looking at him with fear in their eyes. All they could see
inside the brown hood was a empty void which then began to show a sign of
exsistance within it: Teeth. Teeth that was arranged into a sneer, an angry
sneer which frightened them more. The husband then pressed the attendant
button repeatedly.

"Yes, sir? Can I help you?" the attendant asked. She then saw the sneer of
the stranger as well. She blinked, frozen with intimidation like the couple.
Then he spoke.


"Uhhh.... when will we land? It-it'll be another 58 mintues, sir."

With that knowlege, the young man skulked back into his oringinal postion,
relieving the others. He then resumed to reaching into his coat pocket and
pulled out a small photograph. In the photograph; a young man surrounded by
six different women.



                               Tenchi N' Kento

                                  Episode 1

                            No Need for a New Guest





It's a beautiful afternoon at the Masaki household. Spring was in the air
and school was a week away. Sasami was in the kitchen preparing dinner.
Ayeka and Ryoko was outside along the lake in their usual
battle-to-the-death over some forgotten issue. Washu was stationed as usual
at her lab, inventing something either to benefit or destory all mankind, or
just for the sake of inventing. Tenchi, however, had special plans. He and
his father completely remodeled his room a week before so that another bed
could be put in, making the other girls wonder who would occupy it, and
today that question would be answered. Tenchi readied himself in his room to
take a trip with his father when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in."

It was Sasami who entered the room with her signature smile and Ryo-Ohki
upon her head.

"Hey, Tenchi!" she greeted. "Dinner's almost rea..." she stops her
announcement when she noticed Tenchi looked like he was dressed to go out.

"Tenchi, are you going out?" she asked.

"I'm heading to the airport with my dad." he explained. "A friend's going to
be staying with us for a while."

"Oh! So that's why you have the extra bed. Where is he coming from?"

"He's coming all the way from New York in America."

"Wow, America!" Sasami gasped. "That's so far away."

"Miyaaa!" Ryo-Ohki agreed.

"Yeah. He's been on a plane for a couple days. So he'll probably be too
tired to eat." *Knock-Knock* "Come in."

It was his father who then entered the room.

"Ready to go, son?" asked Nobuyuki.

"Yeah, dad."

"Oh, Tenchi." Sasami spoke up. "What does he look like?"

A sweatdrop then formed on his forehead.

"Well, uhhh...." Tenchi hesitates to answer as he went to his desk drawer,
pulled out a small photograph, and gave it to Sasami. In the photograph were
three young men; the first on left was a huge, overwieght young man with a
shaved head who seemed to have someone in a headlock, though the face
couldn't be seen through their long black hair. The second in the middle was
a dark-skinned man outfitted in a way some would consider looking like your
stereotypical street-hood: oversized jersey, skull cap, sagging pants which
greatly showed his stripped boxer shorts, gold rings, gold chains, and a
smile that gleamed with many gold teeth. And finally the third on the right
was a tall, slim young man wearing a white cowboy hat, plad shirt, blue
jeans, and leather cowboy shoes complete with spurs, no less.

"Miyaaa?" said a befuddled Ryo-Ohki

"Uhh, Tenchi, I'm confused." Sasami noted. "Which one is he?"

"Well, uhhh, Heh-heh..." stuttered Tenchi, scratching his head. "To tell you
the truth, I really have no idea. In the letter, he said to try and guess
which one of these guys was him."

"Oh! I get it!" Sasami realized. "He wants to surprise you!"

"That's what I figure, too."

"I knew it! Okay, Tenchi. I'll save your dinner 'til you get back and get
everbody together to meet him, Okay?"

"Great!" smiled Tenchi. "Thanks, Sasami."

Moments later, Tenchi and Nobuyuki get into the van, ready to take off.

"Take care, Sasami." Nobuyuki tells her. "We'll be back in a couple of

"Okay! Take care, Tenchi!" said Sasami, waving good-bye.

"Miyaaaa!" follwed Ryo-Ohki.

With that, the Masaki men took off to pick up their guest.

An hour later, Sasami served dinner to the remaning residents. Katsuhito
calmly ate his dinner as he always did, dispite the chaotic argument between
Ayeka and Ryoko. Ryo-Ohki sat beside Sasami, both unable to eat as they were
trying to figure out who would be living with them. That curiosity soon
reached Ayeka and Ryoko, ending their argument.

"Hey, Sasami. What's wrong?" Ryoko spoke first.

"Your not eating, Sasami. Is something the matter?" Ayeka asked with great

"Nothing's wrong." Sasami them. "I found out who was going to sleep in the
extra bed in Tenchi's room..."

"OHHHH, I KNEW IT!" then shouted Ryoko with such glee. "Tenchi's finally
allowing me to sleep in HIS ROOM, IN MY OWN BED!!"

"STOP DILUDING YOURSELF!!" Akeya objected loudly. "You already have a room
of your own AND a bed! My Tenchi would never allow a demon such as you in
his room, let alone give you a bed there." then changing her mood from anger
to passion. "I, however, know deep in my heart and soul that my darling Lord
Tenchi loves me very much..." tears began flow from her eyes as she delves
further into her own world. "And though we are not yet married and can't
share the same bed, he has done the next best thing by selflessly adding a
new bed in his room so he and I can be close toghether, day and night!"


"That's quite enough, you two..." Katsuhito said camly which silenced them
immediately. " *slurp* Well, has the day come already?" he thought out loud
as he sipped his tea. Then he smiled to himself. "Hmmmm... Must be getting
old." he joked.

"I assume you know what Sasami is talking about." said Washu, who was silent
all through the meal.

"Indeed. *slurp* As we speak, Tenchi and Nobuyuki will be returning with new
guest who will be staying with us for a while. *slurp* And HE will be
staying in Tenchi's room."

"Ohhhhh..." sighed a dejected Ayeka and Ryoko.

"So who is he?" Washu again questioned since Ayeka and Ryoko were petrified
with distress.

"He's a young man on an exchange program from the United States. Other than
that, I have no idea."

"You DON'T KNOW what his name is, or what he looks like?!"

"Tenchi took great effort to kept his identity a secret. Besides, he never
gave me a reason to question his judgement about the company he keeps.

*slurp* So it should be quite a surprise who it is."

"America, you say?" said Ayeka and Ryoko, snapping out of their trance.

"Ohh... I've heard things about that country." Ayeka stated with worry.
"None of it good. It's a country filled with corruption and greed, choas and
absolutly no moral fiber what-so-ever. I have a bad feeling this stranger
will only cause misery and suffering to my darling Lord Tenchi. And we don't
even know what he looks like!"

"Ayeka..." spoke up Sasami, being totally forgotten in the conversation. "I
do have a picture Tenchi ga..."

"Picture!?" snapped Ryoko, interrupting Sasami. "What picture?! Where is

"I-It's right here..." showing them the photo. In a flash, the photo was
snacthed away from her by the quick hands the infamous space pirate and both
she, Akeya and Washu looked at the photo. But upon their examination, all
three leaned back in disgust.

"Uuggghh, are they for real?!" groaned Ryoko.

"Sasami, what is this?" Ayeka asked, looking at the photo.

"Tenchi said his friend wanted him to guess which one of them is him."

"Are THESE the only choices?" Wahsu asked Sasami sternly.

"Yes, I'm afraid..."

Now they had something to worry about. All three of the young men in the
photograph looked like noone Tenchi would ever become associated with. And
yet of these three, one would end up staying at their home? Heaven help
them! They looked over the first "candidate" and shuttered at how it might
be with such a potential human trash-compactor.


"He'll eat us out of house and home!" stated Ayeka.

"He'll eat all the carrots in the field!" stated Sasami.

"Miiiiiiyyyyyyaaaaaaaaa!!!" Ryo-Ohki cried out in fear at such a thought.


"He'll probably eat.... US!!" then stated a terrified Ryoko.

"We have enough garbage disposals in the house already, I.E. Mihoshi,
Ryo-Ohki, and you too, Ryoko." stated Washu. Ryoko's snarl replaces the fear
she once had. "So, it's least likely this one will be coming here. But, of
course, that's just a theory."

But being "just a theory" didn't give them much reassurance as they moved to
the next "candidate".

"Look at him!" Ayeka spoke aloud. "Why would Lord Tenchi even CONSIDER
having such a... such a... THUG?!" her eyes then wandered toward Ryoko. "Oh
yeah, YOU'RE here..." she said in lower, sullen voice. Ryoko sneered as she
raised a fist, ready to strike a fatal blow upon the first princess of

"Do you really think Tenchi wouldn't want him to stay here, Ayeka?" asked
Sasami. Ayeka couldn't answer. No matter how long she lived with Tenchi;
knowing what he eats, what chores he does, what he wears, how he trains and
how he acts, she couldn't predict how he thinks. Perhaps, she thought,
somewhere deep down inside, Tenchi might acually prefer the perverbial
"Thug's Life"? No! It can't be! Can it....?



"It's not!" Washu spoke up, silencing Ayeka's tantrum. "The process of the
exchange program takes only the best and brightest from a country's schools
to represent them in other countries. So it's highly unlikely that someone
like that would be in the exchange program. Of course, that's ALSO just a
theory. I know back in my days in the academy, that there have been
instances of students put in an exchange program just to get rid of them..."

"Oh!" said Ryoko, wearing a mischievous smile. "So I guess you were put in
an exchange program a few times yourself, huh?"

Ryoko's comment, though amazingly humorous to her, had a grave costs as she
laughed herself into a watersprite form, thanks to most annoyed genius in
the universe.

"So that leaves only him..." said Sasami as she looked upon the final
"candidate" in the photo.

"Hmmm... Your typical cowboy, it seems." Washu assesses.

"Washu, do you think he'll be O.K.?"

"Perhaps. All cowboys are interested in is riding the open plains on
horseback and twirling lassos... and herding cattle... and... shooting

Washu then listened to her own words: Riding open plains? They're surrounded
by trees. And twirling lassos? They only used those to round up stray cattle
and there's none here. Then she blinked. A strange thought appeared into her


Washu shuttered at such a thought. Then she remembered what else she told
Sasami: Herding cattle? Where would he get cattle here? And if he did, where
would he put them?



A large sweatdrop formed on her brow. Her own words that she used to calm
Sasami ironicaly got made herself nervous upon further thought. But then her
last statement sunk back in: Shooting guns?!


"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!! MY LABRATORY!!" Washu shouted outloud, then realized
she was heard by everyone else who gave her a puzzeled look as she looked
around. She cleared her throat trying to compose herself and looked toward

"O-On second thought, Sasami, perhaps he's NOT the best person to stay
here." she then told her with a cracked smile.

"Are you girls quite done jumping to conclusions?" Katsuhito then asked them
after finishing his meal.

"We are not jumping to conclusions!" Ayeka retorted. "We are very concerned
for Lord Tenchi! Can you be so sure that Tenchi knows him so well as to
bring him here? He might be bringing home a potential killer! You can see
the conseqences of what we have to deal with HER!" pointing a finger towards
Ryoko, the watersprite. "I fear for my love's saftey!"

"Kappa! Kappa, Kappa, Kappa, Kappa. KAPPA!" Ryoko snapped at Ayeka.
Katsuhito then got up and began to walk towards the front door.

"Well, whatever thoughts or feelings you might have for this unknown person,
don't forget that he IS our guest. And we will treat him as any other guest,
despite where he comes from. So I trust you will all act like well-mannered
ladies... That means halting your 'disputes', or at least taking them
elsewhere. Does everyone understand?"

"We understand, grandfather." Sasami nodded as did the others.

"Mmmmm, so I guess we should make preparations before they return." Washu

"Indeed..." Ayeka agreed. *Honk-Honk* "Oh-no, they're back already!"

"Let's welcome our guest, shall we?" then stated Katsuhito. With that, he
left to greet their new guest followed the others, all except for Washu, who
was stopped by Ryoko's yapping. Whoops! Forgot she left her as a


Meantime outside, Tenchi and Nobuyuki were removing their new guest's
luggage when they were met by the others coming down the path.

"Welcome back, Tenchi!" greeted Sasami, running up to him and giving him a

big hug. "I saved you your dinner and kept it warm."

"Ha-ha, thank you, Sasami." Tenchi replied, looking embarrassed. "That's
very kind of you."

"....Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...." a voice moaned from inside the van.

"What was that?" gasped Ayeka.

"What?" wondered Nobuyuki, hearing then the moaning once more. "Oh, that
would be our guest. He's been on the flight for two days, so he seriously

"I'll help him out, dad." Tenchi told him. This was it the girls thought;
the moment of truth. They would finally find out the identity of their
guest. With sweaty brows and tense nerves, they anxiously awaited for him to
emerge from the van. But when the young man was helped out and was in plain
view to everyone, they face-faulted. There he was in a large, thick, brown
winter coat with a brown hood that covered his whole head and face, and
brown gloves, completing his mysterious appearance.

(N-No way!) Ryoko whispered.

(I can't tell WHAT he looks like...!) said Ayeka.

"Everyone," Tenchi then announced, "I'd like to introduce you, my penpal,
Kento Samas."

"........Uuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnngggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh..........." Kento moaned.

His stance was a bit slumped over as Tenchi helped him keep balance. The
women tried to find some sign of identity. Any sign at all. Then, Sasami
noticed the size of the winter coat. It's huge! Could that possibly mean


(Oh-no. It's the "Eating Machine"...) Sasami feared.

(Miyaaaa...) wimpered Ryo-Ohki as Sasami held her close and tight. Ayeka and
Ryoko then noticed something herself: He was holding in his hands a large
stereo. They remembered from many movies about gangs who loitered around
public places with a large stereo blasting loud, melodious noise which they
consdidered "music". Could it possibly be that...?


(Ayeka, you don't think it's...)

(Yes. It's as I feared, it's the thug...) Ayeka trembled as did Ryoko.

"Kento," Tenchi turning his attetion to him, "Let me introduce you to rest
of the household: This is Ayeka, her sister, Sasami, Ryoko, Washu, and my
grandfather, Katsuhito."

"Hello, Kento." greeted Katsuhito. "One behalf of everyone, I bid you
welcome to our household."

Kento lifted his head a bit to look eye-to-eye at the group before him. And
with great effort, despite his lack of energy, managed to mutter a form of
appropriate greeting.


(Howdy...?) Washu blinked. (It couldn't possibly...?)


Washu then shook her head. (Get a hold of yourself! Worrying over one
word... That doesn't mean anything! Nothing at all!) Washu's words didn't
help relieve her one bit, however. He is, of course, very exhausted. And who
knows how he'll act when he regains his strength. It's that thought that
kept the possibility of it being any one of their dreadful choices in the
girl's "Guessing Game".

"Well, it's getting late. Let's get you inside so you can rest." Nobuyuki
then suggested.

"Yeah, good idea." said Tenchi. "Come on, Kento. I'll help you to the

With that, Tenchi took his guest to the house while Nobuyuki remove the rest
of his luggage from the van. Giving it a quick glance, he knew it would be
more than he could handle.

"Could any of you help me out with thes..." but as he looked over get

assisstance, he found that the "welcoming party" had already left along with
his son and guest. Apparently, but not so surprisingly to him, it'll will be
a difficult task getting all the luggage at once, by himself.

(Back, don't fail me now...)


It took only a few minutes for Tenchi get to Kento inside the house. Despite
traditional house-manners, Tenchi escorted Kento upstairs without removing
thier shoes at the door. He knew his grandfather wouldn't mind on this
occasion. He opened the door to his room and led him inside.

"Well, here we are." he told him. "Your bed's over here, and here's the
balcony. We have a great view of the lake. I know your gonna like it here,


"Tenchi...!" his grandfather called out to him.

"Oh, Grandpa..." he then turned to Kento "Are you gonna be OK, Kento?"

".......Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh......" he moaned, but then gestured to him
to go on. Tenchi figured he would be fine and sat him on the bed before
leaving to go to his grandfather.

"Yes, grandpa?"

"How's our new guest doing?"

"Fine right now. He'll do a lot better with some re... *Thud.* ...Huh?"

Tenchi ran back to his room followed by Katsuhito, Ayeka, Ryoko, and Sasami.
As he entered the room, Tenchi took a step back at the terrifing sight;
there laid Kento, face-down on the floor. The others arrived and their
reactions were more or less the same.

"Oh, Tenchi..." gasped Sasami. "...is he...?"

"Let ME find out?" then answered Washu, who followed the crowd. She went in
and looked over Kento breifly before returning to them.

"Is he O.K., Miss Washu?" Ayeka asked her.

"He will be... as soon as he gets some needed sleep."

A big sigh of relief came out of the mouths of all.

"Guess he never made it to bed." Washu smiled. Tenchi went over to the bed
and got the pillows which he then placed under Kento's head. Then, he took
the blanket and covered him with it.

"Sleep well, Kento." he said quietly before leaving him to rest. The night
went on as usual. Tenchi and Nobuyuki ate their dinners, though Nobuyuki had
to reheat his. Ayeka, Ryoko, and Sasami sat on the couch enjoying a comdey
program on TV while Washu returned to her work in her lab. All of the girls
trying to put their nightmarish thoughts of Kento's identity out of mind.
Soon the whole household turned in for the night. All was quite and
peaceful, that is it would if it wasn't for the loud snoring made by the
slumbering brown bear laying on the floor of Tenchi's room which kept the
girls shaking in thier futons. It would be a long, rough night before the
dawn would come. But with dawn's light, they knew their new guest would
awaken, and his mysterious indentity will finally be revealed to all...

                                 The End


Well what do you think? Hope there aren't too many misspellings. Wondering
what Kento look's like? If you want, you can E-Mail me and cast your vote on
who you think it might be along with your comments. Write to me at
cap@webwizzards.com. OH! I almost forgot! I gotta give you a little preview
of my next episode. O.K., no problem.


                        Preview of the next episode


Tenchi: Kento finally wakes up, and WOW! You won't believe what he looks

Washu: Not even I could calculate this possibility!

Tenchi: But now the real challange begins on trying to keep the household
secret from him.

Washu: Nothing that my new Nur-Ray can't handle. He sees anything he
shouldn't see and ZAP! He won't remember seeing it! I'M SUCH A GENIUS!!!

Tenchi: But it seems Kento has a secret of his own.

Ayeka: Lord Tenchi, was is with that little smirk of his...?

Tenchi: Coming up in the next "Tenchi N' Kento" episode is "No Need for
Secrets". A most revealing episode, indeed.

Ryoko: (...It's unquestionably hush-hush...)