HLok hlok@hotmail.com TENCHI MUYO IN LIFE Part VII REG Washu asks questions about homosexuality of Henrii and Tenchi. They all go to shopping in a mall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DISCALMER: I do not own all the characters like Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi, and so on in this fanfic, or anything that is own by AIC and Pioneer. Well except for Commander Henrii Lok. I do not want a lawsuit because I just can’t afford to pay that much money. If you want to use Commander Henrii Lok please ask me first. In this part is has something that could upset you. I try to make it as real as possible. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NO NEED FOR HOMOSEXUALS Around 3:00 am Washu exited her bath and thought to herself, Henrii is not gay right, either Tenchi? Hmm I need to test it out to see if they are gay are not. Washu had and evil grin on her face. At about 9:30 in the morning Henrii turned over and saw Washu looking at him. “Hi Henrii,” said Washu. Henrii looked over to see the other bed. “Hey Washu, looks like you didn’t sleep on your bed,” said Henrii. “Yeah, I was scared and I needed someone to sleep with,” said Washu. “Well I better take a bath,” said Henrii as he got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. The phone rang and Washu picked it up. “Hello?” “Morning Tenchi.” “You want to eat breakfast at the restaurant.” “Ok.” “Its me and Henrii.” “He is in the bathroom.” “You couldn’t contact the room where Ryoko and Ayeka are in.” “Go and check it out.” “Bye,” Washu hanged up the room and out came Henrii from the bathroom. “You finished already?” said Washu. “Yeah,” said Henrii drying his hair. “Do you want to eat breakfast with Tenchi at the restaurant downstairs?” said Washu. “Sure why not,” said Henrii as he was drying his hair with a towel. After Henrii dried up and Washu dress up. They went downstairs and went into the restaurant. “Hey Washu and Henrii!” said Tenchi. “We are over here!” said Sasami waving her hand and went into a room in the restaurant. Henrii and Washu went in and Washu closed the door, and sat down and looked at the three sleeping girls. “Hello morning everyone,” said Henrii. “Morning Commander,” said Funaho. “Good morning everyone,” said Washu. “Morning Washu,” said Funaho. “So why is Ayeka, Ryoko, and Mihoshi sleeping right now?” asked Henrii. “Oh when Tenchi went into their room, the room was a mess and Tenchi had to pay the damages, and Mihoshi spent most of the night writing stuff to buy for today,” said Miaski. “I found Ayeka sleeping on a broken bed and found Ryoko sleeping on a table,” said Tenchi “How much is the damages Tenchi?” asked Henrii. “100,712 yen!” said Tenchi. “Damn that huge,” said Henrii “Yeah now I don’t have any money any more,” said Tenchi. Henrii went into his pocket and pulled out a Juri fifty cent coin. “I wonder how much I can get out of this,” said Henrii. “Probably not a lot,” said Funaho. “Oh well, I will see how much I get out of it,” said Henrii as he left the room and restaurant he went up to a currency exchange stand. Henrii return and dropped 279,283 yen on the table right in front of Tenchi and closed the door of the room. “Wow!” said Tenchi. “Yep a Juri fifty cent coin is worth a lot of money,” said Henrii as he sat by Washu. “Henrii, Tenchi I have been thinking a lot lately,” said Washu. “You always think a lot Little Washu,” said Henrii. “I want to ask you a question for both of you?” said Washu pointing to Tenchi who was eating beacon and Henrii. “Go ahead,” said Tenchi. “Shoot,” said Henrii. “Are you two gay?” asked Washu. Tenchi spit out his breakfast onto his plate. “What are you talking about Washu,” said Henrii. “Yeah Washu,” said Tenchi. “Well it’s just that you not like most humans on this planet. You guys were given chances that men on this planet would take it in a split second. And you seem not to take it and brings up the question are you two gay,” said Washu. “NO!” said Tenchi as some beacon bits spits out of his mouth. “NO!” said Henrii. “Henrii you probably surround by all men during your training, right?” said Washu. “Yeah so,” said Henrii “Well you could become gay,” said Washu. “No thats not right, you can't just say that if you were train with men doesn't mean you become gay or something” said Henrii. “Well take my tests then Henrii,” said Washu. “Fine, I will take your test!” said Henrii looking at Washu. “The first test will be a kissing test, all you do is kiss one of us,” said Washu looking and Henrii with a smile. “Umm how can that determine if your gay or not!” said Henrii. “Just do it,” said Washu. Henrii looked around he saw Ryoko and Ayeka dead tired. He saw Sasami and Ryo-Ohki and thought to himself to young to experience a kiss. Funaho and Miaski are married and he looked over where Mihoshi was and see her sleeping with a huge list in her hand. Henrii quickly turned his head to Washu and placed his hand on back of Washu’s head and brought Washu closer to his lips. Sasami covered Ryo-Ohki’s eyes and Miaski covered both Sasami and Ryo-Ohki’s eyes. Henrii’s lips presses on Washu’s, Henrii worked on Washu’s lips giving it a smack and slowly placed his tongue into Washu’s mouth. Washu was getting hot and her shoes fell off from her feet and her toes where pointing to the sky. Washu placed her hands on Henrii’s back to move him closer to her. They kissed for about five minutes and Henrii let go and a small string of salvia coming from their mouths. Henrii and Washu wiped their mouth. Miaski let go of Sasami’s view and Sasami let go of Ryo-Ohki view too. He looked into Washu’s green eyes and said to her. “Wow!” said Henrii scratching back of his head. Mihoshi woke from and said to them. “Isn’t that nice!” said Mihoshi holding her hands together and fell back to sleep. Everybody was looking at Washu and Henrii. Washu straighten up and said to Henrii. “Now for the next test, you have to do this too Tenchi,” said Washu. “Huh?” said Tenchi. “Now Henrii, there is more test for you,” smiled Washu. “Ok what is it,” said Henrii. “A making love test,” said Washu. “A making love test? You mean. Are you sure this can determine if you are gay? Or are you trying to up us into bed with you?” Said Henrii. “Yes err I mean no. Just to see who would you choose,” said Washu smiling. Henrii got up and placed his hand on Washu’s shoulders and Washu smiled larger and got up. Mihoshi woke up all of a sudden and said. “Oh, oh oh!” said Mihoshi. “What is it Mihoshi?” said Tenchi. “A brainthunder!” said Mihoshi. “A brainstorm? That I likely to happened very hundred years with Mihoshi,” said Washu as she was getting ready to leave with Henrii. “Well what it is?” asked Henrii. “Washu can make invention that you but on your head to see you guys are gay,” said Mihoshi. “Hey good idea Mihoshi, It would be faster than making long, hard, and exotic love to Washu and can get the results faster than taking these tests, don’t you think so Washu,” said Henrii. Washu was moving closer to Mihoshi to grab her neck. “Yeah it a good idea not to have to make long, hard, and exotic love with you Henrii,” said Washu in a sarcastic way. “Hey I think I can whip one up,” said Henrii as his computer came from nowhere and started type. A portal opened and came out a helmet with all kinds of gizmos. “What’s that?” said Sasami. “Well it’s a device that see who are you attracted to,” said Henrii. He placed it on his head and the machine started to work. Electricity went all around Henrii’s head and on top of the helmet was a screen to show the data. Ding it went and Henrii asked to see what it said. “What does it say?” asked Henrii. Tenchi looked and said in surprise. “Well it says that you are straight and you like Washu,” said Tenchi as he smiled at Henrii. Henrii turn his head to see Washu looking at the ground and looked at him with her green eyes and jump onto Henrii like a tiger hunting for its prey, and started to kiss him. The helmet fell off from Henrii’s head and landed on the floor. “I love you too!” said Washu. “Umm Washu can you hold for one second?” said Henrii with his lips being pressed by Washu’s. “I will wait for life for you,” said Washu as she stops kissing Henrii and started to hug him. Henrii pickup the helmet and said to Tenchi. “Ok Tenchi your turn,” said Henrii. Funaho tapped on Ayeka and Ryoko on their shoulder and they woke up. “What’s going on,” said Ryoko rubbing her eyes. “Yeah what’s going on,” said Ayeka yawning. “Oh hi girls you are awake,” said Tenchi turning red. “Well Tenchi is about to put on this helmet to see who does he loves to most,” said Henrii. Ryoko and Ayeka eyes opened wide and Ryoko said to Henrii. “Lets not waste any time! Put that helmet on my Tenchi to prove that he loves me the most!” said Ryoko. “I don’t really want to do it,” said Tenchi scratching his head. “Are you sure Tenchi, do you want to prove that you are not gay,” said Henrii. “Fine, I will do it,” said Tenchi. Ryoko quickly pickup the helmet from Henrii’s hand and placed it on Tenchi’s head in the opposite direction. The electricity surged around Tenchi’s head. The screen started to print words out. Hopes were risen from Ayeka and Ryoko as they slowly read what the screen on the helmet. It said straight and Ryoko. Ryoko jumped up and down laughing with joy and hugged Tenchi. Tenchi turned the helmet around so he can get some air. Ayeka broke down in tears and open the door of the room and ran away from the restaurant. All of a sudden on the screen it changed from Ryoko to Ayeka and Ayeka to Sasami, and so on. NO NEED FOR A MALL AGAIN “Ayeka!” said Tenchi. “Commander get my little Ayeka back!” said Miaski. “Acknowledge!” said Henrii as he ran out of the restaurant. Washu was looking at the screen and saw random names just appear. Something must be wrong with this thing thought Washu. It must have been damaged when it fell on the floor. Outside of the hotel Ayeka was waiting for a cab, crying. Henrii opened the door and said to Ayeka. “Ayeka come back, please,” said Henrii. “I don’t want to, so just leave me alone!” said Ayeka. “No, I won’t leave you alone!” said Henrii. “Just do it! I command you Commander!” cried out Ayeka. “God damn it Princess Ayeka!” said Henrii grabbing Ayeka’s shoulders and turned her around to look at her. He saw frustration, sadness, and depression in Ayeka’s purple eyes. “If you love Tenchi you would respect his heart!” said Henrii. “I love Tenchi but his heart is going to wrong direction!” cried Ayeka. “It’s not going the wrong direction! If he loves Ryoko he loves Ryoko! You had it made for you, that you get whatever you want! Well this is real and you have to earn it! There is still hope for you, Ayeka. He is just a seventeen-year old guy! He isn’t planning to marry in a few days! Right now Tenchi probably likes Ryoko! Through all the pain, sadness, and depression you are going through there is still hope for you and Tenchi,” said Henrii. “You are right Commander,” said Ayeka. “You have time to make Tenchi your man, all you need to do is to be open to your feelings and boom you will get him,” said Henrii. “Yes you are correct,” said Ayeka as her hope rising. “Let’s go back inside ok,” said Henrii. “Ok,” said Ayeka. Henrii placed his arm over Ayeka and brought her back into the hotel. They heard a Ryoko screaming. “What do you mean that this machine has an error!” screamed Ryoko at Washu. “Well I kissed Henrii and the helmet fell on the floor, I think it's broken and when Tenchi wore it. It just prints out bunch of names,” said Washu. “There is hope,” said Ayeka under her breath. Washu turned her head and saw Henrii bringing back Ayeka to the restaurant. “Honey I think this machine is broken,” said Washu waving her hand. “Really, did it break when it fell onto the floor,” said Henrii. “Yes it’s showing random girl's names,” said Washu. “Well just great, I will just throw it away,” said Henrii as he picks it up from the table and threw it into a portal. “Why did you do that for? Why don’t make another one?” said Ryoko. “Well its broken and I don’t want to be bother by it by fixing it. And I think Tenchi is glad that the machine broke and that we are not trying to see what’s in his mind,” said Henrii. “Please can you make another one, Henrii please,” said Ryoko on her knees holding Henrii’s hand. “Its all up to Tenchi, I already did my test,” said Henrii. “Umm I don’t really think I want to go though that again,” said Tenchi. Henrii looked at his watch and it said it was 11:30 am. Ayeka was relieved that the machine was broken and that’s why its said Ryoko first. “I think we better go and check out of this hotel, because it is 11:30 right now,” said Henrii. “Yeah you are right,” said Tenchi. Everybody got up and Tenchi used the money from the coin that Henrii exchanged for, to pay the bill. They left the restaurant and Tenchi went to the clerk to check out. When Tenchi return everybody got into the van and started they trip to the mall. When they arrived at the mall they all searched for a parking lot in the mall. They circle and circle the parking lot for hours. Until they finally found one which was located on Z98. “Finally we got a parking space!” said Tenchi as he exited the van. “Yea!” said everyone exiting out of the van. “I want to shop till I drop!” said Mihoshi. “Same here!” said Miaski, Funaho, Ayeka, Sasami, Ryoko, and Washu. “Miya!” said Ryo-Ohki in her little girl form. All of them headed for the elevator to take them to the bridge. They arrived at the bridge and saw a huge sign welcoming them into the mall. “Wow!” said Henrii. A couple of schoolgirls exited out of the mall laughing and saw Henrii and Tenchi looking at the sign. The girls started to talk and giggled, Henrii looked at the girl and smiled at them. The giggle even more and ran away giggling. Henrii turn his head and saw Washu looking at him. “What did I do wrong?” said Henrii looking innocent to Washu. “Nothing lets go in,” said Washu smiling. As she took Henrii by the arm and went it. Inside everybody was wowing and staring with joy. “Whoa what a mall!” said Mihoshi as she started to run. Tenchi grabbed Mihoshi just in time before Mihoshi ran away like the wind. “Hold on Mihoshi. Let see what time is it right now, oh look it just 2:43,” said Tenchi. “Should we all split up and meet here at 9:30?” said Henrii. “Yeah good idea meet here at 9:30, ok,” said Tenchi. “Ok!” said everybody as they quickly left Tenchi in the dust. He saw Henrii on the floor being dragged by Washu until he was out of view. He looks behind him and saw Ryoko and Ayeka standing like statues. “You want to go with me?” said Tenchi. “Sure Lord Tenchi,” said Ayeka as she placed held Tenchi’s arm. “Yeah!” said Ryoko as she pushed Ayeka away and held Tenchi’s other arm. Ayeka got back up and pushed Ryoko. “Why me,” said Tenchi. NO NEED FOR SHOPPING At the food court Sasami and Ryo-Ohki was walking around to see what is there to eat. There was a lot of starring because most people have never seen a girl that had gray and white hair and looks like an animal. “What do you want to eat,” said Sasami. “Miya!” said Ryo-Ohki. “I don’t think they serve carrots here.” “Miya miya?” “I’m sure Ryo-Ohki. Oh look a ramen stand do you want some ramen?" said Sasami “Miya,” said Ryo-Ohki shaking her head no. “You might like it.” “Miya miya,” said Ryo-Ohki. Sasami came up to the man in the ramen stand. “Can I have one bowl of ramen please,” said Sasami “2,135 yen little girl,” said the man. “Here you go Sir,” said Sasami. The man flopped down a bowl of ramen on the counter and said. “Here you go,” said the man. “Thank you,” said Sasami taking the bowl of ramen. She showed it to Ryo-Ohki. “Miya.” “Look there are carrots in here,” said Sasami. Ryo-Ohki looked into the bowl and started to pick out the carrots. “Miya!” “Ryo-Ohki now eat the noodle.” “Miya miya,” said Ryo-Ohki shaking her head no. “Come on Ryo-Ohki just try, its not going to hurt,” said Sasami. Ryo-Ohki grabbed a noodle and started to eat it. She looked at Sasami and spit out the noodle right back into the bowl. “Miya!” “Oh Ryo-Ohki,” said Sasami. Henrii was sitting on a chair with his head down and his arms crossed. He and Washu were in a lingerie store. Henrii was sleeping until a tap on his shoulder waked him. He looked up and said. “What is it………” said Henrii as he saw an adult Washu in red lingerie and shed started to pose. “Hello Henrii,” said Washu in a sexy kinda way. “Err……” “Do you like it Henrii?” “Umm err yeah it looks nice on you Washu,” said Henrii as he fell off his chair. “Thank you Henrii,” said Washu as she blew him a kiss. Henrii got back up onto his chair and looked at Washu doing some more posing in different lingerie. At a casual clothing store Funaho and Miaski were looking at some earth clothes. “Look at all these clothes,” said Miaski as she loud pumping music in the background. “Look at this is this very cute,” said Funaho as she held a skintight shirt. “Yes its very cute,” said Miaski as she continues to look for some more clothes. A girl in pink hair came up to them. “Do you need any help?” “Oh look Funaho it’s a Vortrani!” said Miaski smiling while holding mini shorts. “Yes indeed,” said Funaho looking around. “Vortrani?” said the girl. “Do you need anything?” said Miaski. “Oh no just wanted to say do you need any help?” said the girl. “Yes, here you go,” said Miaski as she placed the clothes she likes onto the girl’s arm. “Anything else?” said the girl trying to balance herself. “Yes, here you go Vortani girl and quickly take it to the counter so we can pay for these clothes,” said Funaho as she placed more clothes on top of Miaski clothes. “Ok,” said the girl moving to the counter. She placed all the clothes on the counter and started to scan all the clothes. Miaski and Funaho walked up to the counter and said. “So how much for these clothes?” said Funaho. “Grand total is 99,099 yen please,” said the girl. “Here you go,” said Funaho as she gave her credit card. The girl looks at it and continues to look at it. “Umm I don’t think we except a Gold Jurian Express,” said the girl. “Oh ok here take one of the two,” said Funaho as she got out two another credit card and gave it to the girl. “Umm I don’t think we can take a Visiata or a Disoveren, let me go and check with the manger,” said the girl as she left the counter to get the manger. “I can’t believe it Miaski, they won’t take Visiata, Disoveren, and the Gold Jurian Express,” said Funaho. “Yeah, those cards are well known thought out the galaxy,” said Miaski. The manger is a fat businessman and argues to Funaho and Miaski till Funaho just paid him with a one cent Juri coin that was equal to 100,000 yen. “Since that is all over I want your finest men to carry our stuff,” said Miaski. “Wait a sec sister, my men are not slaves…” said the manger as Funaho toss him another Juri one cent. “Maikeru!” cried the manger. “Its Mike, what is pop?” said Maikeru who was a skinny boy wearing all leather clothes, dark shades, and blue highlights in his hair. “Maikeru take these bags to their car ok, I hope you can do something that simple you lazy bum!” said the manger. “Yeah yeah whatever,” said Maikeru as he took all four bags off the counter. They all left the store. Sasami and Ryo-Ohki were outside of the food court and Sasami was holding the ramen bowl. Henrii was holding two bags full of clothes from the lingerie store and Washu said to him. “Thanks for paying Henrii and staying with me,” said Washu. “Yeah,” said Henrii and all of a sudden they heard a scream. “What was that!” said Henrii. “I don’t know,” said Washu. At the food court a man running naked stealing things from the women. He stole Sasami ramen bowl. “Hey mister! You just stole my, oh just nevermind, oh my..” said Sasami as she saw the man’s naked butt. Girls chased the man because he stole their bags, however he was fast enough that he couldn’t be caught. He quickly took the bags of Miaski and Funaho from Maikeru. “Hey what’s up with that! Dude, someone get him!” said Maikeru. “For all the trees of Juri is that man naked?” questioned Miaski. “Yeah but not very impressive, get Henrii to stop him!” said Funaho. “I don’t know where he is right now!” said Miaski. Henrii was looking around to see where did the scream come from. Washu took the bags from Henrii and started to look inside. Washu thought to herself that maybe I should wear this when Henrii and I are about to… “Hey Washu look there is a man naked coming this way!” said Henrii. Washu looked and shunned her eyes. “Ewww that guy penis is all crooked and stuff!” said Washu. All of a sudden the man took the bags that Washu was looking in. “Hey!” said Henrii as he started to run after the thief. Washu opened her eyes and didn’t see her bags of lingerie and Henrii. “Hey where did my lingerie go and my Henrii?” said Washu saw a huge crowd of girls following behind the thief. Henrii was gaining up with the thief and grabbed his neck, which made him turn around, and Henrii punched him out cold. Everybody who chased the thief watched Henrii beat up the man. “You know how much I paid for those linger… I mean clothes!” as he was beating up the man. “Please stop I beg you!” said the man. “Crime doesn’t pay it just hurt like hell!” said Henrii as gave a kick into the man’s stomach. “Please stop,” said the man. “Alright!” Said Henrii as he picked up the man by the neck and threw into the police hands. “Get me away from that man!” said the thief, as he was handcuff and lead off the mall. Everybody cheered and all the girls swarmed around Henrii giving him hugs, kisses, and squeezes of the rear. Washu saw all the girls around Henrii and started to stomp her way there. “Watch out!” said Washu “Hey!” “Make way!” “Ouch!” “Coming through!” “Watch it lady!” “Girlfriend going to her boyfriend!” “Ouch!” “That guy is mine!” Said Washu as she reached to Henrii. “Hey Washu!” said Henrii. “Come on Henrii take our stuff and lets go!” said Washu. “Alright Washu, hey don’t go there!” said Henrii as he smiled at a girl. Henrii took the two bags and followed Washu. Maikeru found the four bags on the floor that was stolen from Miaski and Funaho, and took it. NO NEED FOR GIFTS Tenchi was walking in a department store with Ryoko and Ayeka. A lot of guys who are about Tenchi’s age made a passes at Ryoko. Ryoko just flicked them off and held onto Tenchi’s arm. “Oh look Lord Tenchi!” said Ayeka as she was looking at a black western wedding tux. “What is it Ayeka?” said Tenchi. “Look at this suit! It would make you look very handsome Tenchi!” said Ayeka. “Its kinda nice,” said Tenchi. Ayeka started to daydream about Tenchi in that tux dancing with her at a wedding. “Oh Tenchi!” said Ayeka out loud. “Ayeka are you there, hello?” said Tenchi. Ayeka turn bright red from embarrassment. “Hey look at this Tenchi!” said Ryoko as she gave Tenchi baggy jeans and a extra large shirt. “What are you trying to do with my Tenchi!” said Ayeka as she gave him a polo shirt, belt, and khaki shorts. “I’m turning Tenchi into a real guy!” said Ryoko as she pickup the clothes that Ayeka gave Tenchi and dropped it on the floor. “Why you… I’m trying to make Tenchi a better looking person,” said Ayeka trying to keep calm. Ryoko was surprise that she didn’t attack at her. “Well, Tenchi would probably never wear it, and it would be food for the moths, aren’t you so kind!” said Ryoko “Girls…” said Tenchi. “Quite!” said both of the girls. Tenchi felt that he was a small midget and turn pale white. “I’m going to refine Tenchi to be a handsome gentleman than a punk like you,” said Ayeka. “At least I’m not so god damn picky on stupid little things!” said Ryoko. “Who are you caling picky!” said Ayeka. Tenchi picked up the clothes that Ryoko dropped on the floor and went to the changing room with Ryoko’s choice of clothing and Ayeka’s. “How in the world Lord Tenchi is in love with you!” said Ayeka. “Because! I’m a beautiful and full of life. Unlike you, you don’t have a life and just plain ugly!” said Ryoko. “Grrr…” said Ayeka as she tried to keep calm as much as she can. She raised her hand and slap Ryoko twice. Ryoko slap her back twice. Before Ayeka was about to slap Ryoko again Tenchi came out of the dressing room and said. “Hey Ayeka!” said Tenchi from the dressing room. Ayeka lowered her hand and saw Tenchi wearing what she had chosen and her eyes began to glow. Before she can knew it Ryoko slap her hard enough to make her fall onto the floor. “Eat that Ayeka!” said Ryoko. “Ryoko! Ayeka!” said Tenchi as he ran to see what happened to Ayeka. Ayeka was on the floor and saw Tenchi coming to her. She started to pretend to cry for pity from Tenchi. “That woman attacked me!” cried Ayeka as she placed her head in Tenchi chest crying. “She attacked at me first Tenchi!” said Ryoko. “You girls shouldn’t be fighting in the first place!” said Tenchi angerly. “I’m sorry Tenchi!” said Ryoko starting to cry and she teleported away from them. “Ryoko where are you going!” said Tenchi. He looked at Ayeka who stopped crying and now resting on Tenchi. “Tenchi?” said Ayeka. “What is it Ayeka?” said Tenchi as he looked into Ayeka’s purple eyes which was glowing. “I l… I… lo” said Ayeka. “I what?” said Tenchi. “I like that shirt you should buy it,” said Ayeka. Sasami, Ryo-Ohki, Washu, and Henrii were walking in the mall looking for more stuff to buy. Henrii was already carrying eight shopping bags already and was getting tired of shopping. All of a sudden Ryoko appeared in front of them and ran to Washu crying. “Washu!” cried Ryoko. “What is it dear?” asked Washu. “Its all that Ayeka’s fault! Now Tenchi loves her more than me,” said Ryoko crying in Washu shoulder. “There there let out a good cry baby, Henrii you would be sweet and take the girls into a toy store again, I want to talk to my Ryoko,” said Washu. “Alright, come on girls, lets see, lets go to that toy store over there,” said Henrii. “Yeah!” said Sasami. “Miya!” said Ryo-Ohki. The girls started to run to the toy store as Henrii walked to the toy store carrying the all the bags. Ryoko and Washu sat down on a bench and started to talk telepathically. “So what is the matter Ryoko?” “Its all that b*tches fault, Ayeka!” “Oh I see.” “Yeah and I’m worrying that Tenchi would fall in love with her than me!” “Huh really.” “I would kill myself if he chooses Ayeka, I just don’t know what to do without Tenchi.” “So you want to win Tenchi’s heart right?” “Yes! Can you make something to make Tenchi fall in love with me.” “No, I don’t want to give my love potion it just brought a lot of heartache to me.” “Oh, I need do get rid of Ayeka for good.” “I don’t think killing her would do any good. It would just make Tenchi hate you even more.” “What can I do anyway!” “Umm have you been on a date?” “A date? What is a date, like today date?” “No when two people go out with each other because they want to know each other more.” “What do you do?” “Well you ask the person for a date and go places together.” “Oh.” “Hey I will ask Tenchi to go on a date with me. You must join us so you can help me.” “Excuse me.” “Bring Henrii, you seem to like him,” said Ryoko with a smile. “Well I don’t know, he might be busy.” “He on vacation!” “I know just that…” “Well just bring you and him along,” said Ryoko. They heard laughter and turned their heads to see Henrii holding a huge teddy bear and a total of 10 bags in his arms, and Sasami and Ryo-Ohki laughing and running around Henrii. “Hey Washu look what I got for you!” said Henrii. “Oh Henrii!” said Washu as he eyes widen with joy and she hugged the soft bear. “Yeah the lady who owns the stores said to Henrii he can have to bear if she squeeze Henrii butt!” said Sasami laughing. “What?” said Washu. “Miya miya miya miya miya miya!” said Ryo-Ohki. Washu looked at Henrii. “Well I did it for you,” said Henrii scratching his head. “Alright,” said Washu as she quickly glanced at Ryoko. “So everything all right with Ryoko, Washu?” asked Henrii. “Yeah, hey Henrii would you like to go on a date with me?” asked Washu. Ryoko was watching Washu and trying to listen what she was saying. “Sure I would love to,” said Henrii. “Alright how about 8:00 tomorrow then?” “That’s great but where,” said Henrii. “I will decide on it ok?” “Ok,” said Washu as she kissed him on the cheek. Ryoko teleported out and Washu smile and said under her breath. “Good luck.” Tenchi was trying on some more clothes that Ayeka picked out for him. He was looking at himself in the mirror and Ryoko teleported behind him. “Oh Ryoko you are back!” said Tenchi as he turned around to Ryoko. Ryoko tried to remember what Washu say to Henrii. “Yeah, hey Henrii would you like to go on a date with me?” said Ryoko. “Henrii? What? Date?” said Tenchi confused. “Say sure I love to, come on say sure I love to,” whispered Ryoko. “Sure I love to?” said Tenchi all confused. “Alright how about 8:00 tomorrow then?” “What's going on Ryoko?” said Tenchi. “Just say that’s great but where,” whispered Ryoko. “That’s great but where?” said Tenchi even more confused. “I will decide on it ok?” said Ryoko. “Alright then,” said Tenchi starting to slowly leaves. “Say ok,” said Ryoko. “Ok,” said Tenchi. Ryoko kissed him on the cheek. And teleported back to Washu with a smile now on her face. “Was Ryoko here Lord Tenchi?” said Ayeka holding something behind her back. “Yeah I think she asked me or Henrii on a date,” said Tenchi. “Did you say yes or no?” asked Ayeka.. “I think I said yes,” said Tenchi. “How could you!” said Ayeka as she dropped her present to Tenchi on the floor and started to run away. “Ayeka wait!” said Tenchi as he picked up the present, which was filled with, fine chocolate in a heart shape box. And started to go after Ayeka. End of Part VII ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any comments or questions please e-mail me at hlok@hotmail.com There is more to come!