Tenchi in Darkness Episode 2: Learning to Trust Dawn came quickly with the chirping of birds and the sound of the fresh spring breeze flowing through the trees of Osaka. It was just a perfect spring day that had descended itself upon the Masaki Shrine. The bright light danced on Akira's face through the window. His face flinched at the touch of the warm heat. Knowing he wasn't going to rest anymore, he forced his eyes open. He squinted as he sat himself up slowly. He stretched, but then buckled up on his ribs in pain. He looked down to notice that they were wrapped. Out of the corner of his eye, a crutch rested against a dresser, Akira slowly got up and limped towards it. After grabbing it, he slowly headed out the door. "Pass the rice, please." Mihoshi happily requested as she set down her cup of tea. "Certainly, Mihoshi." Nobiyuki said, giving her the bowl that was filled with the cooked white grain. The dining room was filled with the sweet aroma of Sasami's cooking. Everyone was seated, enjoying themselves. Among them was Tetsuo. He was engulfing a good bowl of miso soup. "I hope you like it, Mr. Ikari!" Sasami said with a big smile. Tetsuo calmly smiled back. "It is very delicious. You are a splendid cook, young Sasami." he replied. Sasami slowly set down her bowl down. "Mr. Ikari?" Sasami silently asked. "Yes, Sasami." "Did you know when Mr. Ozuka will be better?" Just as she asked this, Akira came limping down the stairs. Tetsuo got up quickly to help his friend down the stairs. Everyone had stopped eating to watch Akira slowly make his way to the table. He bent down and collapsed onto a cushion laying on the ground. He put his hands in his lap and kind of leaned forward towards the table to see what was on it. His eyes wondered up to notice all movement stopped to focus on him. They were just waiting for him to keel over right there. After gazing at all of them, he leaned back and sat upright. "Are you okay, Mr. Ozuka?" Sasami softly asked. Akira gave a slow nod to her. "W-Would you care for something to eat, sir?" Tenchi asked. Akira shook his head. "The pill he took already gave him a substantial energy supply, food wise. He won't be hungry for the rest of the day." Tetsuo explained. Everyone nodded in acknowledgement. The rest of the meal was eaten in silence, with Akira sitting there, watching. When everyone was done, Akira was the first to stand, throwing away his crutch. He slowly made his way outside, Tetsuo following closely behind. Tetsuo saw him standing just outside, looking towards the woods. "He's watching us right now, Tetsuo." Akira slowly said, putting both of his hands behind his back. "He's waiting for the right moment." "But Akira. His ship ex-" "He didn't die. That blast did nothing to him. It just fueled his anger." Akira turned towards Tetsuo. "I don't know how safe these people are right now. When Akagi attacks, he's not going to leave anything left." He turned back around. "Where did the ship crash at?" "It's just a couple of miles to the north." Akira noticed a ladder by the side of the house. It led to the roof. Akira slowly walked towards it. "I'll be right back. I'm going to get a better view." Akira said, climbing the ladder. He took every rung slowly until he was at the top. He grunted when he made it to the top and hoisted himself up. With a hand over his eyes, blocking out the morning sun, Akira scanned the horizon. He stopped his search due north of the house. There he noticed a big clearing of trees. It was in the shape of a ship that had skidded across the ground. That had to be the place that the body crashed at. "What are you doing up here! This is my spot!" Ryoko yelled behind him. Akira just about lost his balance and fell. After rebalancing, he turned to look at a smiling Ryoko. "Watch your step, stranger!" She said with a loud laugh. Ryoko made her way passed him and sat down on the ledge. Her feet hung out from the blue and green striped dress she had on. They swayed in the breeze as her tail moved around convulsively. Akagi made his way to the ledge and sat down right next to her. She gave him a look of disbelief. "What the hell?" She asked him with an irritant voice. "Ryoko." He said staring at her, ignoring her last statement. "The infamous space pirate. It's an honor to meet you." He bowed to her. A sly smile crossed Ryoko's stunning face. Her golden-colored eyes gleamed in the sunlight as she flung her cyan bangs behind her ears. "So, you know me, huh?" "I've known what you have done." Ryoko frowned a little. "I try not to think about that." "I'm sorry." Akira said, facing forward. "What brings you here?" "Why do you want to know?" "Just curious, that's all." "As they say here, 'Curiosity killed the cat.'" Akira smirked. "Before I answer your question you have to answer mine. What the hell are you doing here?" Akira looked at her in the eyes. "I just came here on a mission that I cannot tell you about. Confidentiality can also kill." A moment of silence. "How about you?" "That's confidential." She said, staring at him with a smile. Akira smirked again and slowly got up. He made his way to the ladder and started his slow descent. Ryoko watched him out of the corner of her eye until he was gone from plain sight. As Akira reached the bottom of the ladder, he heard two women walk out. It was Kiyone and Mihoshi. "Akira Ozuka. Glad to see you made it, sir." "It's good to be alive." He said, stepping off the last rung. "Do you two have any news about the crash?" "We were just going to check out." "No. You will not go. You will die." He said, heading towards the door. "What?!" Kiyone asked in surprise. "He'll kill you. I'm going. End of story. Tetsuo, where's my stuff?" "It's in the main hall." Tetsuo replied. Akira went in to grab a small box that had a wristband on it and an auxiliary gun that he kept inside his vest pocket. He turned around to notice Ryoko in his face. "Where do you think you're going?" "On that mission I was talking about." "Sounds like fun. Can I go?" "No." "Why not?" "You won't be able to handle it. You don't have the technology or the knowledge of what you're going against. You'll only be in the way." Akira said, brushing past Ryoko. He steadily walked out of the door and onto a path that headed into the woods. The noon sun illuminated the green floor of the grove. The winds beat the branches around listlessly, bringing in a fresh cool breeze. The day was perfect. Akira walked slowly through the grove. His boots silently touched the ground, giving no indication that he was around. His eyes moved around, trying to pick up any signs of a spacecraft or, highly presumably, any forms of life. In the corner of the eye, he saw an opening. Slowly, he pressed his hands against the brush. There, with what was left of its bridge, was Akagi's ship. Without hesitation, he strapped the small box onto his wrist and turned it on. Akira made his way through the brush and into the small pasture that the spaceship had dug into the earth. Slowly, he unsheathed his pistol and walked towards the bridge door. With a quick combination on the keypad, the door hissed, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It slowly lifted up, revealing the smashed insides. Half of it was gone, so Akira could see through to the other side of the grove where the far wall was supposed to be. Slowly, Akira made his way inside. The air was rank of fire and melting consoles. The detonation had done its job. It had destroyed almost everything. Nothing very important was left. Akira turned around semi-quickly and stepped out the doors. Within an instant as he made it outside, he was forced to the ground. Akira hit the surface hard, knocking the breath out of his body. "Tell me," a voice said behind Akira. Akira rustled on his back to see what it was. "why do we always end up in this kind of situation. You are always on the ground, and I'm about to do this!" Akagi said as he formed a sword in his right hand. Akagi laughed as he slashed at the terrified boy's face. The blade went clean through, but something was wrong. Akira was looking up and smiling at Akagi! "What in the hell?!" Akagi yelled aloud. Akira suddenly exploded into a ball of light. This blinded Akagi as he lost his sword to cover his eyes. Suddenly, Akira appeared through the bushes. "Oh that was smart." Akira said, holding his gun in front of him. "Fell for the old hologram trick!" Akagi looked Akira straight in the eyes. This is the first time that Akira had ever had a stare-down with Akagi. For the first time, Akira noticed how tall Akagi was. His stern, mean face was well accented by his red eyes. Cats eyes. Like Ryoko's. He was extremely well built. His body was accented by muscle mass. "You got me this time, boy." Akagi broke the silence with this statement. "I'm keeping my eye on you, though. I'll be there at the right time. The time will come when the Prince of Jurai will fall into the darkness." "What?!" Akira yelled at the monster. With this, Akagi shot a blast towards the ground. This blast was big enough to knock Akira down, and to allow Akagi ample time to escape. Akira got off the ground coughing as the smoke cleared. "Mr. Ozuka!" Sasami yelled from the picnic table set up on the back patio. Akira simply walked past her and said nothing. He walked straight up to Tetsuo with the wrist box. "I need you to analyze this, Tetsuo." Akira said, tossing the box towards Tetsuo. "We may have found his next target." "Okay. I'll have the analysis done by tonight." Tetsuo commented back. "What did you see?" "He was there." Akira said, throwing his gun clip down on the table. "He escaped me." "Did you hear him mention anything about his next target?" Tetsuo asked. "Affirmative." Akira responded, turning towards Tetsuo. "A Prince of Jurai, whoever that is. He sounds important." "The Prince of Jurai?!" Sasami yelled, getting up from her seat. "Yes. Do you know who that is, young Sasami?" Tetsuo asked the little girl. She had the look of worry on her face. "That's Tenchi!" "What about Tenchi?!" Ayeka asked, walking out the door. "What's wrong?!" "He's in danger." Akira told her. "We suspect that he has been chosen." "Chosen for what?" "For Darkness." Tetsuo cut in. "Darkness?" "It is Akagi's main power. Darkness is something that cannot be explained." Akira said. "It acts like a virus. Tenchi won't notice the immediate effects. He will live his everyday life normally. Suddenly, he will seem like he is getting ill. He will yell and his temper will rise to anyone or anything that gets in his way. He will feed off this anger and will gain in strength." Tetsuo finished. "W-w-what can we do?" Ayeka stuttered, trying to maintain her composure. "All we can do is watch for Tenchi, and give him this." Akira lifted up the wrist box. "This is what keeps Akagi from choosing Tetsuo or me for the Darkness. I'm going to give him an extra one." She stared at Akira as Tetsuo went inside to analyze Akira's wrist box. Before he started, he stepped outside and tossed Akira the extra one. "Whenever you see or think Tenchi is acting weird, hit this." Akira displayed the red button on the box. "When it has been hit, the red light will turn black. Now, there are some disadvantages. The box can only be activated while Tenchi is in one of his fits of rage." "Why is that?" Ayeka asked. "What the box does is store the negative energy from the Darkness. It must be done at that certain moment to ensure we have every last bit of it." "What if we don't get it in time?" Akira looked at her straight in the eyes. "Tenchi will be his." Akira said this and suddenly rolled his eyes back and collapsed. Fire. A young kid gasping for air. Claws digging into the kid's throat. A puddle of blood and water. A hand plunging the kicking boy into the puddle. The young boy's lungs filling with crimson water. Akira shot up from the hold that Tetsuo had on him. "What happened, Mr. Ozuka?!" Sasami asked in a worried tone. "Nothing. I'm just tired. That's all." Akira responded. For the first time he felt helpless. The first time since he had been chasing Akagi. What was happening to him? Preview to the next episode: ---------------------------- -The Masaki residence is filled with a paranoia. Everyone's watching Tenchi and for any symptoms of the Darkness. -Tetsuo reveals his past. Akira is still yet to unveil any trace of his. Don't miss the next exciting episode of: Tenchi in Darkness Episode 3: The Full Moon of Darkness e-mail me: y2k_cork12@yahoo.com (Feedback of any sort is well appreciated by me. Please e-mail me if you have any comments.)