Disclaimer: This story is fanfiction and not intended to infringe or contest any copyrights set forth by the owners of the Tenchi series nor characters of the series. No profit is to be made from this story. Author's note: Hello. If you've chosen my story to read: Thanks! I'll try not to disappoint you. My sole purpose is to entertain at least one person with my story. Hopefully that's you. This happens to be the very first fan-fic I've ever written. I've revised it a couple times until I was satisfied with the charm and quality of the story, all the while trying not to stray too far from the humor and feel of the series. I based this story upon all of the Tenchi sagas I've had the pleasure of seeing thus far, mixing my favorite occurrances from each. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out once you get into it. Cupid is an original charater invented by me.(Names can be decieving) I threw him in to give a new situation to my saga much like the Tenchi series adds someone to each of it's sagas (i.e. Kiyone, Sakuya, etc.) Any comments would be well appreciated. This first episode is a little whacky. Just an introduction of some of the characters. Thanks and enjoy. (ends author's notes) Tenchi Dimensions- Episode One "Cupid and Carrot Cake" The air was sweet with the aroma of spices and the sky was clear blue, garnished with fleets of pure white clouds. This was a perfect day for a festival to be held, Cupid thought. Though he didn't quite grasp the occasion it seemed to be vegetable themed, obviously a time for farmers to display and sell their best of crop. No matter what the occasion was, Cupid felt good because at this moment while he sat sipping vegetable tea and eating carrot cake in the festival food court, he felt at total peace with his surroundings, secure in the fact that his identity was unknown in this city called Okayama, or this world for that matter. He smiled at the thought as he spooned a piece of carrot cake. Just as it reached his open mouth, he heard an unfamiliar sound to his left side that he could only compare to a high pitched moan. Slightly startled, he turned his attention to what seemed to be a furry little girl who stared back at him like a lost puppy. Needless to say, her appearance came as a surprise. *Is this the way some of the people in this world look?*, He thought to himself. Well, he had to admit she was cute none the less. "Miyaa..." There was that sound again. Though he couldn't make it out, he could tell she was pleading for something from the look in her eyes. "Um... You lost, kiddo?" he inquired. "Miyaa, miyaa." The girl replied, nodding her head. She then began to rub her belly. "Miyaaa." She said once more, long and pleadingly with her vision locked on his carrot cake. "Oh... So that's what you want? It figures. Girls like you always go for the carrot cake." Poor thing. She looked like she was starving. And though Cupid could feel his own stomach growling, he couldn't think of himself before a helpless child. "Ok, here you go. It's all your's." he pushed his plate to the opposite side of the table and she hopped in the seat across from him gleefully and began wolfing the cake down, not concerning herself with using a fork. "So..." began Cupid, amazed at her appetite. "You really like carrot cake, huh?" "Miyaaa!" the girl paused to say between chomps as she ravaged the plate. Cupid began to worry that she might choke the way she was throwing cake in her face but before he could advise her to chew, she had already finished it off. And with that, she sat back and let out a sigh of satisfaction. "Happy?" asked Cupid. "Miyaa, miyaa!" she replied. "You know, you really shouldn't take food from strangers. It's not safe. Lucky for you, I'm a decent person. Guess I better help you get found. On account of that whole decent person thing again. By the way, my name's Cupid. What's yours?" "Miyaa." "Hmm... How did I know you were gonna say that?" he responded, not knowing that was her way of saying "Ryo-Ohki". "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way. Are your parents somewhere in the festival?" Ryo-Ohki shook her head no. "So, you came here by yourself?" Ryo-Ohki nodded. "That's not too-- Ah well, I'm not one to lecture. Just try to be careful. You do actually have parents, right?" Ryo-Ohki nodded her head followed by shaking it no. "Uh... O-K... Do you at least know which direction your house is?" "Mmm... Miyaa." She replied with a nod. "Good. Now we're gettin' somewhere. Well, I guess we should get goin'" he said as he got up from the table. He put his hand out and Ryo-Ohki took hold. What could a little, tiny side quest hurt? He couldn't let a cute little lost girl with a speech problem wander the streets. He suddenly remembered that he made a vow never to work for free now that he was on his own. Oh well, he'd make an exception for helpless children. Not two steps into his new found quest began the sound of people screaming in terror. Cupid gazed back and forth until his eyes came across something unusual in the distance. Could his sight be deceiving him or was he really seeing what looked to be two seventy-foot vegetables? "What the?!.. Uh... This place is gettin' a little weird now." He rubbed his eyes with the back of his fists and sure enough, he still saw what he saw, rampaging the veggie festival at that. How ironic could you get? All of a sudden some fat farmer in blue over-alls grabs Cupid by the jacket. "Run for it! (huff, huff) Special fertilizer! (huff, huff) Never thought... Such evil! It was a mistake! You gotta believe me!" he raved, yanking Cupid by the collar. "What the hell are you talking about?!" replied Cupid, pulling away. And could you please get out my face? There's an invention called mints you need to see about." "No time to explain!" said the farmer. " Just head for the hills!" Cupid saw this as his first opportunity to make a little cash on his journey and so he made a proposition. "Listen, I can get rid of those monsters for you but it's gonna cost ya." "Yeah right!" the farmer replied, incredulously. "You couldn't even whoop one of those monster's turds!" "Ok then" said Cupid. "If I get rid of those things I get to name my price." The farmer thought about it for a few seconds. There was no way the kid would pull it off. But at least he could say he attempted to fix things and clear his concience. He agreed. "Deal. But I say there's no way you'll succeed. Look at those things! And you better get em' both or it's no deal." "No problem." Cupid answered and he turned to Ryo-Ohki. "I'm gonna take care of this real quick and when I get back I'll buy you all the carrot cake you can eat, so just stay here, ok?" "Miyaaa!" Ryo-Ohki said with much approval. Cupid knew she would stick around for that. He didn't want her to go wandering off while he settled the situation. He smiled and rubbed her head and then headed off toward the big cucumber and celery who were scooping up victims randomly out of the fleeing masses. Cupid stopped in the middle of a dirt road, about eighty feet from where the monsters were and stood patiently waiting for them to take notice of him. It didn't take long before they noticed the one guy who wasn't running and the big cucumber lunged it's fist full force at Cupid. Ryo-Ohki and the farmer stood watching as a cloud of dirt ascended from the impact, which they knew surely marked the end of the young man. Ryo-Ohki's eyes began to well up with tears. "Miyaa?.." "Yeah that's right little girl." the farmer responded. It looks like your friend there bit the dust. What a stupid kid but I tried to warn him." But before the farmer could continue rubbing it in, he noticed a figure still standing in the mist of the clearing dust. It appeared Cupid had stopped the giant fist cold with the palm of his hand and he wasn't even budged an inch. The farmer's jaw dropped at the sight of this and then dropped even lower as he realized he might actually have to pay the kid and probably go bankrupt. Ryo-Ohki sounded off her great relief with a round of meows. The cucumber, greatly angered at being humiliated in front of the celery executed a barrage of one-two punches while Cupid blocked each one with his hand like it was slow motion. After about thirty punches, Cupid got bored with the cucumber's stubborn attempt of the same move and took hold of it's fist. He then proceeded to rip it's arm out the socket, causing juice to spew out. The cucumber let out a roar of pain and attempted to bash Cupid with it's remaining arm. Cupid disappeared then reappeared a split second later above the creature, landing on it's head. He clinched his fist and a ball of light formed around it. Then Cupid lunged his fist down into the top of the cucumber, causing the upper half of it's body to explode into slush. The lower half toppled over and Cupid dropped to the ground, unharmed. After witnessing this, the celery decided to make a run for it but Cupid didn't give chase, instead he stood there watching it make it's escape. The farmer was relieved to see Cupids lack of enthusiasm. "Ha,ha! I won't have to pay him a cent if the celery gets's away! Go celery, go celery!" He yelled out, dancing and cheering. When the celery was about a mile away, Cupid created a ball of energy in his hands and chucked it in the air. It sailed up, arched and beaned the celery dead center on the head. Green chunks could be seen flying up in the distance. "Noooo!" cried the farmer, dropping to his knees as crowds of people ran to sweep Cupid off his feet, carrying him on their shoulders and chanting. Cupid scanned the crowd until his eyes met with Ryo-Ohki's adoring face and in return he gave a warm smile. All the carrot cake you can eat, kiddo! Then I'll take you home." Next Episode: "No need for Cupid's Arrow"