Disclaimer: All characters and units related to the Tenchi Series are owned by AIC and Pioneer. The author owns Sanjou, Zynd, and Vor. Names, places, persons identical to those in the story are purely coincidental. This series is essentially based off the first two Tenchi series (Muyo! and Universe), but more from Muyo! So please don't hassle me for inconsistencies or varying from stories. Now, with the legal stuff out of the way, it's time to tell the story. Timelines and the Past. Morning came. Sunlight filtered into the room of Tenchi, causing him to turn and roll over with a soft groan. He really didn't want to get up today, it was a Saturday and he didn't have to go to school nor did he have to work. Well, except for training with grandfather. Tenchi was about to fall asleep again when an explosion rocked the house. Tenchi blinked and shot straight, his head instinctively turning towards the door. "Oh what now?" Tenchi groaned, throwing off the covers and rising up off the bed. Just then, the door to his room suddenly flew open and Ryoko charged in, eyes locked on Tenchi, who was still in his boxers. "Tenchi! Good Morning!" "Ryoko! Stop it!" "But Tenchi...I just wanted to say 'Good Morning'..." "Get out of here! Let me get dressed first!" Ryoko pouted and suddenly faded from view, allowing Tenchi to get his breath back and finally slip on some clothes. Why did Ryoko have to be so annoying? You'd think that after a year she'd get the clue. Slipping a white cotton t-shirt on over his head and buttoning his pants, Tenchi finally made his way towards the door, exiting and closing it shut behind him. He still had to figure out what was going on. Turning, he began to walk down the hallway to the stairs when he heard commotion going on downstairs. "I swear Ryoko, you are so barbaric and rude!" a voice that belong Aeka hissed. "Oh quiet down princess, I was just saying hello to my Tenchi..." Ryoko responded, adding a bit of allure to her voice to make it sound much more. "He's not -your- Tenchi!" Aeka responded. Then all hell broke loose, once again, the two began their fighting and bickering. Until another explosion rocked the house. Tenchi, not expecting the explosion, suddenly found himself falling down the stairs and landing with a 'thud' on the bottom before the front door. Ryoko and Aeka blinked at each other and paused in their fighting. Ryo-Ohki and Sasami suddenly burst through the kitchen door, wild eyes looking towards one place where they all assumed the explosion had come from---Washuu's laboratory. At that moment, Kiyone found her way downstairs, still dressed in her nightshirt and her galaxy police pistol in hand. "What was that!?" Kiyone asked, reaching the bottom of the stairs and deftly avoiding Tenchi upon the ground. Tenchi groaned and stirred some, shaking his head as he slowly returned to his feet, barely overhearing Sasami and Aeka. "I think it came from Miss Washuu's laboratory." Aeka responded to Kiyone while Sasami crept up to the door and knocked softly on it. "Washuu? Hello?" Silence. Sasami looked to Aeka, who shrugged and looked back to Ryoko. Ryoko also shrugged, looking to Kiyone, who just stared at the rest. Tenchi, who had fully recovered to his feet, suddenly broke the silence. "Well, I guess we could check it out..." Everyone looked at Tenchi and nodded, moving out of the way so he could come and open the door. After all, he was the man in the house, wasn't he? Tenchi gulped some and moved forward slowly, the wooden floor creaking underneath his feet. Suddenly and without any notice, a voice chimed in, causing everyone to jump and scream out. "Good Morning Everyone." Nobiyuki said, suddenly popping up out of nowhere. Small explosions lit up around him as Ryoko, Aeka, and Kiyone unloaded on him, figuring him to be a bandit or something. "Hey, hey, hey! Quit it! It's just my dad!" Tenchi yelled out, calming the three down before they actually killed him. Tenchi whirled around just to see the smoke clear and Nobiyuki sitting there, skin blackened and a puff of smoke escaping from his lips, just before he fell over and passed out. "Oops. Sorry 'bout that..." The three chimed in as Tenchi groaned and dropped his head. Tenchi muttered some words and sighed, turning around just as another explosion erupted. All of them fell to the ground and just blinked to each other, turning back to the Washuu's door. Yep, it was definitely from there. Tenchi and the rest scrambled to their feet and lined up from behind Tenchi. Tenchi gulped and reached for the door, grasping the handle and opening it ever so slowly. One by one, each entered the dark void that would take them to the Washuu's dimensional laboratory. Right afterwards, they were there and they all blinked in surprise, looking around wildly. Washuu's lab was in shambles. Everything was a mess and most likely on fire and smoke. "Miss Washuu!?" Aeka called out first, the others yelling soon afterwards looking for their resident mad scientist. More silence. But in the faint distance, Tenchi could've sworn he had heard some fighting and yelling going on. Obviously, Washuu wasn't alone. Gripping the ancient Juraiian sword, Tenchi looked to the others and spoke. "We need to split up. I don't think Washuu is alone in here." Tenchi said, only to be interrupted by a child's voice. "Hi. Who are you?" Tenchi whipped around and looked about the lab, not seeing anything at first. The others did also, scanning to see where this voice had come from. After a moment, Kiyone gasped and pointed towards a dimly lit stretch of the lab. "There! D-d-do you see that?" The others looked to where Kiyone was pointing and sure enough, there was a small child standing half in the shadows. Only, that this child had solid yellow glowing eyes. A step forward to enter the light and Kiyone had her pistol raised, finger on the trigger. Tenchi yelled a loud 'no!' and put his hand on Kiyone's arm, causing her to look at him and blink. "It's just a kid, Kiyone. No need to shoot." Tenchi said as Kiyone nodded, but still held her pistol. Unbeknownst to them, Sasami and Ryo-Ohki had made their way over to the small child to greet him. "Hello. I'm Sasami and this is Ryo-Ohki. (Meow)" Sasami cheerily said and smiled at the young boy. The others gasped and were about to say something, when the boy responded, extending his small hand to Sasami. "Hi. I'm Zynd (pronounced 'Yin')." The boy responded, a smile upon his voice. Sasami's pink eyes and face lit up and she accepted the Zynd's hand and shook it, turning back to the rest. "See! He's friendly! So let's go find Washuu!" Tenchi and the rest breathed a sigh of relief and looked to each other. Yep, Sasami did it again, she turned a positively dangerous situation into nothing. Ah well, wasn't it always that way with her? But this moment was short lived as another explosion rocked the lab and Washuu suddenly appeared, racing through the air only to smack against the far wall. Everyone gasped or yelled and Ryoko, Sasami, and Zynd all raced towards the fallen body of Washuu. However, upon nearing it, Washuu suddenly raised her head and coughed. "Oh, now you all come..." Washuu said before spotting Zynd and scooting up against the wall, a horrified look on her face. Ryoko paused and looked to Zynd, who looked confused and merely looked back to Ryoko. 'Just what the hell is going on?' Ryoko thought as she turned her gaze from Zynd as she heard Tenchi, Aeka, and Kiyone yell, pointing to the shadows in front of them. Another set of two glowing, yellow eyes were moving in their direction. Kiyone raised her weapon and began firing, Aeka rushed over towards Washuu while Tenchi ignited the sword. Ryoko growled and summoned up an energy ball, waiting for the fiend to move from the shadows. Sasami was supporting Washuu when she felt Zynd sit down beside her. She had noticed Washuu's reaction to Zynd and merely looked at Zynd, who smiled and patted Sasami on the shoulder reassuringly. "Daddy's mad. Seems Washuu brought us here by mistake." Zynd grinned and explained, suddenly moving from them as Aeka knelt beside them both. "What did he say to you, Sasami?" "His Dad has been doing all this." "His Father!?" Aeka gasped, wide eye and turning to watch the impending battle that was about to happen. Ryoko had gone to join up with Kiyone and Tenchi, Zynd and Ryo-Ohki had shuffled up behind them, the furs upon the latter ruffling up. However, they waited for nothing, those yellow eyes seemed to have never moved from their position in the darkness. Only a voice, cold and bitter escaped the shadows. "Now, Washuu, are you going to tell me what I want to know or do I have to destroy your lab further?" "Grrr, I'll get you for this coward!" Ryoko growled and let loose the energy ball towards the shadows, charging in afterwards. "Ryoko! ~gasp~ don't!" Washuu managed to speak. "Ryoko!" Tenchi and Kiyone yelled, about to proceed in after her. A loud smack and 'ugh' was heard as Ryoko's body suddenly exited the shadows. She flew through the air as everyone watched, her body smacking against the far wall and plummeting to the ground. "And now Ryoko? Damnit, Washuu! What the hell is going on!?" The voice from the stranger demanded. "Daddy! Would you just stop!" Zynd yelled out, causing everyone to turn and look at him. "Zynd! Get away from them! You don't know if they have diseases or something!" "No, Daddy! Sasami and Ryo-Ohki are my friends!" "Friends!? Hardly." "They are so!" An audible sigh and a mutter in a strange language was soon heard. Soon, the eyes began moving. Tenchi gripped the hilt of the master key while Kiyone discharged a clip and inserted another one. The shadows suddenly parted, allowing a shaven-headed, handsome man who looked to be in his early twenties to be seen. Dressed in midnight blue coverings with a blade upon his back, the stranger seemed to be a warrior. A brief turn of his head to Tenchi and Kiyone, the latter getting a raised eyebrow since she was still dressed in a nightshirt. "Alright, Zynd. I won't hurt them." The figure said, but that didn't mean Tenchi would deactivate the sword nor Kiyone would lower her pistol. They both were still locked on the man, making sure he didn't do anything sneaky. Sasami and Aeka helped Washuu to her feet as Ryoko stirred and clutched her head. Ryo-Ohki rushed off to check on Ryoko, giving her small licks to try and soother her pain. Zynd rushed off to help out Ryo-Ohki with Ryoko as the figure shook his head, watching his son help out the space pirate. "Okay, fine. So will someone tell me what's going on here?" The figure restated, looking to each of them for any sort of answer. "Well, it seems like you were attacking Little Washuu and destroying her lab..." Tenchi found himself saying to the figure, only to gulp and receive a deadly glare in response. So much for telling the truth it seemed. Tenchi's sword deactivated and Kiyone lowered her weapon, either not really feeling they'd do much of anything right now. Seeing as what that man did to Ryoko in one blow. "I told you I don't know, Sanjou (pronounced Sanjoo)..." Washuu spoke weakly, one hand clutching her ribs as she was being supported by Aeka and Sasami. "Yes, well, I've heard that before, Washuu. Let me guess, another invention went wrong and I and my son suddenly arrived here?" Washuu nodded slowly and groaned some. Sanjou laughed, figuring that was the reason, broke the moment of silence. Everyone blinked and looked at him. What was so darn funny about all of this. "Well, why didn't you say so?" Sanjou replied, the others groaning and falling to their feet, well, everyone except Washuu and Zynd. "Then why'd you destroy my lab, you dead rat!?" Washuu began ranting and going wild while everyone else filed out the laboratory. Sanjou remained and amused Washuu by twisting around everything and promising to clean up the mess as soon as possible. Meanwhile, everyone exited Washuu's lab and passed out on the couches in the den, utterly drained. Nobiyuki had finally come to and came to his feet, looking around and scratching his head. Shrugging, he moved off towards the kitchen and went to see if breakfast was ready. "I'll get breakfast ready..." Sasami said, slipping off the couch and heading off towards the kitchen, Ryo-Ohki in tow. The rest nodded their thanks and found themselves looking at Zynd. Opening his eyes, he noticed them and smiled. "Hi." "Ummm, hi." Ryoko responded. "Excuse the monster, Zynd. But how did you get here?" Aeka asked, ignoring a glare and face from Ryoko. "I don't know. All I remember was me and daddy were walking through our portal and next thing we know, we're in Miss Washuu's lab." Zynd explained, innocence in his voice. Aeka turned to look at Tenchi and Kiyone, who could only shrug and look confused. They didn't know what Washuu had been doing, so Sanjou's answer of her invention failing had to be the reason. "I see. How do you know of Miss Washuu?" Aeka asked once more, Ryoko, Kiyone, and Tenchi all looking on behind her. "I see her every now and then at home." Well, that wasn't the answer they were looking for, but it would have to do. Ryoko grumbled something about the man and phased out, asking to be called back when breakfast was ready. Aeka smiled to Zynd and turned to Kiyone and Tenchi, a confused look on her face. Tenchi and Kiyone had no answer and merely shrugged back to her. Obviously, they were going to have get answers from the man called Sanjou. "I'll go help Sasami in the kitchen..." Zynd suddenly said and hopped off the couch, heading towards the kitchen as the rest smiled and plopped back down onto the couches, relaxing until breakfast was called. Kiyone rose to go upstairs and change, plus to wake Mihoshi up and drag her down to breakfast. Funny how loud explosions didn't wake her up, Kiyone grumbled. "Well, what now, Lord Tenchi?" Aeka asked softly, turning to look upon her hopeful husband one day. "I guess breakfast, Miss Aeka. And then we'll find out what just happened?" Tenchi said, rising from the couch to move to the front hall to call grandfather. Aeka just smiled and nodded, settling back into the couch and going over the early morning happenings. "Another normal day..." she sighed. Breakfast came a half-hour later. Everyone filed to the breakfast table, save for Washuu and their new guest, Sanjou. Tenchi figured he was still either arguing with Washuu or rebuilding the lab like he promised. But the point was they had two new guests in the Masaki home, and both were men. Tenchi was partially glad for that, seeing as he didn't need anymore women trying to fight over him. Everyone was his or her typical self at breakfast: Grandfather eating his breakfast in peace, Tenchi being fought over by Aeka and Ryoko, Kiyone being increasingly annoyed by Mihoshi, Nobiyuki merely watching everyone, and Sasami, Zynd, and Ryo-Ohki giggling and laughing like the young kids they were. All that was missing was Washuu trying to get some samples from someone at the table. With breakfast ending, everyone began to go about doing their daily routines. Grandfather left first to return to the shrine but before he left, he instructed Tenchi to come see him for training later in the day. Nobiyuki, having received a phone call from work, had to leave for work. Tenchi left to tend the fields, leaving the girls and Zynd to have the run of the house. Aeka, Ryoko, Mihoshi, and Kiyone all left to go to watch TV and read in the den, leaving Zynd, Ryo-Ohki, and Sasami at the breakfast table. "Well, it's time for me to clean up, I guess." Sasami spoke, rising to gather together dirty dishes and glasses. "I'll help!" Zynd grinned and proceeded to help her, gathering anything she'd hadn't already grab. In one trip, they had all the dishes off the table and returned to the kitchen, Ryo-Ohki meowing and scurrying after them both. "Thanks, Zynd. This is much easier than having to do it myself." "Really? I thought the other girls would help?" "Yeah right, they're all too busy with Tenchi or watching TV to help me out." Sasami sighed, placing the dishes in the sink and proceeding to begin to wash them. Zynd placed the rest of the dishes in and looked around for a stool to stand on, so he could help out Sasami. Ryo-Ohki jumped upon the island piece and began meowing and batting a paw at a basket of carrots. Upon getting one, Ryo-Ohki sat contently and munched on her carrot as Zynd realized what he should do to help. He began levitating himself and hovered up to Sasami's height, smiling brightly to her and grabbing a towel to dry the dishes. "Much better. I'll dry." He said. "Wow! You can fly like Ryoko?" Sasami responded, excited by the prospect. "Well, to a certain height." "Oh...well, that's good enough, I guess..." Sasami said, handing him a dish to clean. Zynd took it and began drying, placing it in the dry rack when he was finished. "But I can make others do it also!" He responded, offering a wink and a slight chuckle, which brought a blush and giggle from Sasami. "Cool! Let's do that after we're done here!" Sasami exclaimed, beginning to hurry up in washing the dishes as Zynd nodded emphatically and hurried also, drying as quickly as he could and placing the dishes into the dry rack. It didn't take them long afterwards to finish up, but after doing so, they quickly raced from the kitchen, Ryo-Ohki in tow, and headed for the front door. "Bye Aeka! Zynd and I are going outside to play!" Sasami said as she ran past the four other girls in the den/television room. Aeka briefly looked up and smiled, not really paying attention since the television was on. "I'll go with you guys..." Kiyone suddenly spoke up, pushing herself up off the couch and heading towards the front door to meet them. "I'm interested in finding out some things." Kiyone wouldn't mention that she'd also like to spend some time away from Mihoshi, because it would just make Mihoshi want to come. "Umm, okay. I guess you could come." Zynd and Sasami both said, stopping at the front, looking from each other to Kiyone. Well, they guessed Kiyone could have fun with them, but once Sasami heard those words 'finding out some things', she knew she'd want to question Zynd. Sasami sighed and opened the front door, just as Mihoshi began to ask why Kiyone was leaving. Kiyone, ever resilient, just shook her head and assured Mihoshi she'd be back before lunch time. Mihoshi, satisfied with the answer, returned her gaze to the television to watch with Aeka and Ryoko. 'Thank goodness. I just need some peace and quiet away from the girl.' Kiyone thought, following after Sasami and Zynd. Once the door was closed, Kiyone began to speak again. "I just needed to get away from Mihoshi and with you two going outside to play, I had to use you as an excuse." "Oh! Okay! Bye Kiyone!" Sasami said as she took off towards the forest, Zynd and Ryo-Ohki chased after her, eruptions of giggling and laughter (not to mention meowing) filling the air. Kiyone smiled and watched the two disappear out of sight before turning the corner and walking off towards the shrine steps, book in hand. Finally, the peace and quiet she wanted was here. "Okay, are you ready?" Zynd asked Sasami, who nodded quickly in response. "Uh huh!" "Here we go!" Zynd exclaimed, concentrating to levitate both himself and Sasami. Within moments, both were hovering above the ground. Sasami couldn't believe it. She was actually flying! All by herself, too! She would have tried to go higher, but she felt a hand on hers. Looking down, she saw Zynd's hand in hers, and she blushed. Zynd grinned that childish grin and squeezed gently, concentrating to send them higher. At about ten feet, he stopped and looked around. 'Well, ten feet should be high enough for now.' He thought, 'I don't want to scare her.' Sasami exclaimed and looked to Zynd, giggling. "Can we move around?" "Sure we can! Just watch!" Zynd grinned and surely enough, they dashed forward at a quick pace. Dodging tree branches and other things, they soon broke the forest line and were out over the lake in front of the Masaki home. "Just don't let go, Sasami. Or you'll fall." Sasami nodded and squeezed Zynd's hand tight. She certainly didn't want to fall into the lake and get wet before having to make lunch. Zynd yelped slightly at the sudden squeeze but managed to smile back to Sasami. Continuing flying over the lake, dipping and rising to tread the water, Sasami and Zynd seemed to have forgotten something. Well, they did till it flew past them. Ryo-Ohki zoomed past the two meowing and weaving through the air like a small airplane. Zynd and Sasami chuckled, watching the cabbit. Soon, all three began flying throughout the area around the Masaki house and shrine. Before they both knew it, Noon rolled around and Sasami had to get to making lunch for everybody. Zynd nodded and diverted them back to the front door of the house, landing swiftly just as Kiyone walked up. "I see we have another flyer in the household now." Kiyone chuckled, having watched them for a bit from the shrine steps. "It was fun, Kiyone! You should try it sometime!" Sasami exclaimed as Zynd slid open the front door and awaited the rest to enter before him. "Perhaps another time, Sasami." Kiyone said, entering with Sasami, Ryo-Ohki plopped on her head like normal. Zynd followed after, almost slamming the door in Tenchi's face. "Oops. Sorry about that Tenchi. I didn't see you there." Zynd apologized, sliding the door back to its full to let Tenchi in. "It's okay, Zynd. I didn't exactly announce myself." Tenchi chuckled, stepping inside and nodding his thanks to Zynd, who now closed the door behind him. Zynd walked up beside Tenchi and entered the living area, pausing suddenly as Ryoko, Aeka, Mihoshi, Kiyone, and Sasami were all huddled around Washuu, who was bandaged around the ribs. Tenchi and Zynd looked to each other, then back to the rest of the group. "What's going on, everyone? Washuu, are you alright?" Tenchi asked, striding forward to meet the others, Zynd following closely behind. "Yes, Tenchi, I'm quite alright. I'll heal quickly. It'll take much more than -that- to hurt me for good." Washuu declared, then groaned slightly in pain. "So, Miss Washuu, will you tell us how you know Zynd's father?" Aeka asked. "Yeah, Washuu, how do you know the beast?" Ryoko echoed, still slightly peeved from getting it handed to her earlier. "Alright, alright, since I know you're all dying to know..." Washuu began, settling herself into the couch comfortable before starting once again. "Well, I was down in my lab testing my new invention, the parallel timeline tunnel. I clicked in the coordinates I wished to visit and the next thing I know, Sanjou and Zynd appear in my lab. Frankly, I was shocked. Sanjou has been dead for over 7,000 years." "What!? You mean you brought a dead man back to life, Washuu!?" Aeka exclaimed, the others gasping and blinking to each other. "What's a parallel timeline tunnel?" Mihoshi asked, confused as normal. The others groaned and dropped their heads, shaking their heads at Mihoshi like usual. "What? Did I say something wrong?" "Never mind that, Mihoshi. The thing is, Sanjou isn't from this timeline. He's from a different timeline, a timeline that still has him alive." "A different timeline, Miss Washuu?" Tenchi asked. "Like a parallel universe?" "Something like that, Tenchi. In Sanjou and Zynd's universe, their empire has beaten the Juraiian Empire in a galatic war." "Impossible! We are the most powerful beings in the universe!" Aeka retorted while Ryoko groaned and shook her head. "Whatever, princess." "Oh shut up, Ryoko! We put you to sleep for 700 years did we not?" Aeka spat back. "Actually, it was a half-Juraiian, Aeka." Washuu interjected, becoming annoyed by the fact her story was being interrupted. Aeka was about to retort but Washuu shot her and Ryoko a glance that would make them speak otherwise. "If you two are done, I'll finish what I've found thus far." Aeka and Ryoko both nodded and fell quiet. Washuu grinned and continued on. "Well, now where was I? Oh yes. Sanjou's empire had defeated Jurai in a Great War, much like Jurai's defeated his long ago in this timeline." Washuu paused, shooting a glare to Aeka, who was about to speak say something proud about her people. "So, the reason I know Sanjou and vice versa is that I'm still alive in his timeline and I've met him in the past. Seems I'm the head of his empirical science department." Washuu boasted proudly, raising her head and laughing manically. "So, Mr. Sanjou used to fight for the Vor Empire?" Aeka suddenly asked, interrupting Washuu's laugh. The others looked to Washuu as well, who could only smile and nod in return. "Correct, Princess Ayeka. Sanjou is the same Sanjou your people feared and respected in the history books. 'The Great Destroyer' has returned." Washuu spoke, adding a bit of boom and spook to her voice. Aeka gasped, while the others blinked at her, especially Ryoko, Kiyone, and Tenchi. Obviously, they didn't know what Washuu or Aeka knew. "This is horrible! That man must be destroyed at once! He'll kill us all!" Aeka demanded, beginning to stand and rant on how they all must destroy the foul man and such. Zynd just blinked at Aeka, slowly backing away from the rest as it seemed to him that all of them would probably hurt him in the process. "Aeka! Sit down and shut up! This isn't the same man!" Washuu suddenly snapped back at Aeka, who quieted down. Sasami, who had noticed Zynd backing away, went up to him with Ryo-Ohki and smiled, reassuring him that they wouldn't harm him nor his dad. 'Washuu better be right' Sasami thought as she turned her large pink eyes towards the mad scientist. "Sanjou, believe it or not, in his timeline has brought peace to the galaxy." Washuu started, bowing her head and taking on a serious tone. "He has formed a galaxy senate and all worlds have representation, including Jurai. But that's all I know, he threw me out of my own lab before revealing the rest of it to me. I think the rest of it would upset you all." The rest blinked at this, Aeka most of all. That man called Sanjou was not the same person her people had survived a notorious onslaught against three thousand years ago. Not the same man who had fought and destroyed, only to be killed in an accident involving his empire's prototype battleship. Her people both cheered and mourned the death of the warrior, seeing it as unfit for one such as him. Though he fought against the Juraiian Empire, he did so honorably. Which is why the history books often marveled him while making him out to be the enemy. Luckily, the war between them ended with the Vor vanishing mysteriously, never to be seen again. Silence followed soon there after, only to be broken by Washuu. "So when's lunch?" Everyone groaned and fell over, leaving Washuu to grin widely and chuckle. Throughout the day, everything ran without a problem. Sanjou remained in Washuu's lab throughout the day, barring anyone from entering. Washuu, being barred herself merely laid about the couch all day while she tended to her own wounds. Aeka and Ryoko stayed with Washuu, watching TV and helped her out with her wounds. Kiyone and Mihoshi left for patrol, Tenchi to the shrine for daily practice and teaching with his grandfather. Nobiyuki eventually came home and went to his library. Zynd, Sasami, and Ryo-Ohki off to play and make lunch. Dinner eventually rolled around and everyone returned to the table to eat the meal Sasami and Zynd prepared. Mihoshi and Kiyone talked about their patrol, Aeka and Ryoko their TV soaps and arguing about Tenchi, who couldn't do anything but sit there and take it. All the while, Grandfather and Nobiyuki sat there, listening intently while Washuu ate in silence. Who knew what Sanjou was doing to her lab? But somehow, she trusted him to repair it. He wasn't the same man this timeline said he was. Dinner went on without a hitch and everyone eventually went to the den, watching TV and settling in for the night. Grandfather stayed for an hour or so before retreating to his room at the shrine for the night, bidding everyone a goodnight before he left. Sasami, Ryo-Ohki, and Zynd, utterly exhausted from playing and cooking, turned in early, Tenchi offering to set up a bed in his own room for Zynd. Nobiyuki and Tenchi also turned in, the former mentioning something about having to work again tomorrow. Washuu left soon after, setting herself up in Ryoko's room seeing as she was still unable to get into her own lab. Ryoko, Aeka, Kiyone, and Mishoshi stayed up another hour before turning off the television and heading up the stairs to bed as well. Bidding each goodnight (except for Ryoko and Aeka, who had to growl theirs) the four went their separate ways and settled in for the night. Night fell over the Masaki house, the lights going off as peace and quiet finally returned to the house. That is, until around 1am, when Washuu's lab door opened and out walked Sanjou, those solid yellow eyes glancing around the empty den/table room. A slight blink of his eyes and he snorted. "Well, I'm done, Washuu." He spoke softly, shaking his head and retreating back into those doors to get some rest before morning rolled around. "Another typical day on Earth, I guess." Sanjou last said before the lab door closed. This concludes the story, 'Timelines and the Past' as told by the ChatBastarde. Tune in for future installments.