Tenchi Everlasting: Episode 1: Yet Another New Face By Vrag Leonharte shortbus548@aol.com Author's Note: Yes, this is yet another new series, mine. This story IS a SI fic, and I know it's probably not good, but hey, give it a chance. I always think of my character whenever I'm watching Tenchi in Tokyo, so this is pretty much an experiment. If all goes well, I WILL write another. Oh, and FYI: <__> means that a character is speaking another language, *__* means a character is thinking that phrase. Enjoy! Disclaimer: I DID NOT COME UP WITH THE NAME TENCHI MUYO!, or anything else regarding him in this fic, whether they be names or otherwise. They are all property of AIC and Pioneer. So, having said that, PLEASE, PLEASE, do not sue me, as I have no money, no way to get money, and people will never buy anything Tenchi Muyo again. The song "higher" I guess, belongs to Creed. The term "lightsaber" belongs to George Lucas. However, I did come up with this plot, and with Nitsuj. I don't mind if anyone uses Nitsuj, just please don't make him look like an idiot. And, please do not use this plot; it took me a long time to write. Yet Another New Face Space. Cold and empty. But that doesn't matter. Nitsuj likes it that way. Crowds are too annoying. Annoying and loud. Setting: A cockpit in a spaceship. The song "Higher" can be heard in the background. A boy who is about 17 Jurai-years old sits in the cockpit. Earth can be seen out the windowshield. Nitsuj: *God, that's beautiful.* Nitsuj is wearing black leather armor, his semi-long brown hair tied in a loose ponytail behind his head. Nitsuj: *I think I'll get closer. Maybe take some pictures.* It was probably a strange twist of fate, but at that time, a small meteor hit the hull of the ship, taking the controls away from a Novice. But Nitsuj wasn't a Novice. Nitsuj wrestled valiantly with the controls, trying to make some kind of a landing. Swearing profusely, the last thing he saw before he blacked out was the ground, and off his periferal vision, a house with a red roof. ******In the Masaki Living room.......******* Aeka: Leave Lord Tenchi alone, you MONSTER WOMAN!! Ryoko: You know what Tenchi? I think Aeka is actually JEALOUS of us! Buisiness was as usual in the Masaki Household. Mihoshi: Oh, Kionay! Space Police Policeman is on! Kionay: *So what? I'm just gonna hide outside.* Tenchi had the same idea. They met in the front yard, both out of breath. Tenchi: Oh! Oh, hi, Kionay. Kionay: Hi, Tenchi. You hiding from the others? Tenchi: Mm-hmm. God, I wish they would stop all that! (looks to the sky) Oh, well. Then, Kionay puts on a seductive smile. Kionay: Oh, Tenchi, why don't WE run off to Tokyo together? Tenchi: (gulp) Kionay? Kionay: (laughes) Oh, come on, Tenchi! I was only kidding. Tenchi: (sigh) I wish you wouldn't do that. (looks back up) Hey, what is that? Nitsuj's spaceship was coming in for a landing. Kionay: Damn, I'll be suprised if anyone lives! The whistling of the spaceship could be heard now. Ryoko and Aeka stop bickering to come out to investigate. Pretty soon, everyone is there. Ryoko: Aw, hell. I'll kill whoever's in there if it's another dumb broad coming to seduce my Tenchi! Aeka: Me too! Sasami: Aw, come on you guys, what're the odds of another girl coming to the Masaki house and falling in love with Tenchi? Tenchi: Please don't say that, Sasami. Washu: Incoming! The black spaceship then hurtles to it's immediate doom, crashing into the lake, hitting the metal of even more wrecked ships. Yosho: You know, we really should consider making a gateway to another dimension over there. The water's getting pretty polluted. Tenchi: Ohh, not another chore! (weeps) Washu: Good idea, Katsuhito! Mihoshi: Um, guys, shouldn't we be getting to save whoever fell in the lake? Aeka: Nah, they'll probably be getting out in a few minutes. They failed to see the shadows of Nitsuj and a box on the ground, getting smaller and more focused. Nitsuj: All: Huh? (looks to the sky) Nitsuj then fell on Kionay, knocking the two of them out. A small crate landed about six feet away from where the group was standing. Ryoko: Oh. Great. It's a guy. Tenchi: *whew!* Sasami: Well, we might as well get them inside. Tenchi: Right! (picks up Kionay) Grandpa, would you put this guy in the living room? Yosho: Um, okay. *Don't know if I can lift him, though.* Tenchi: Thanks. I'll just put Kionay in her room. (walks off) Sasami: I guess we've got another mouth to feed, right Ryo-oh-ki? Ryo-oh-ki: Meow! Yosho: (grunt) (walks, well, really staggers, into the house) Washu: I'm gonna see about making this guy a new room. Sasami: (notices the crate) Oh, miss Washu! That thing fell with him! Washu: Put it beside him. He'll see it when he wakes up. Sasami: Okay! **********About three hours later********** Kionay is sitting in the living room, looking at Nitsuj. She doesn't know what to make of him, except he'll probably be staying at the Misaki house. Nitsuj wakes up. Nitsuj: (groan) (sits up) (notices Kionay) Kionay: Huh? Are you talking to me? Ryoko, Tenchi, and Sasami walk in. Tenchi: Huh? Is he up yet? Kionay: Yeah, but I don't know what he's saying. Nitsuj: Ryoko: My, he seems violent. Sasami: I'm scared, Tenchi. Tenchi: (blinks) What did you just say? Nitsuj: (notices crate) Nitsuj starts rummaging through his crate. Ryoko: Just ignore us? How dare he! He's not only violent, but rude too! Kionay: What's he doing? Nitsuj pulls out his GPS. Nitsuj: Sasami: Ahh! It's a weapon! Tenchi: Hi-yah! Nitsuj only had time to read the word 'Japan' on his GPS before looking up to see Tenchi kick him in the face, knocking him out for the second time that day. Ryoko: Let's take him to Washu. She'll know what to do. Sasami: Yeah! **********In Washu's Lab************ Kionay: And it's like he was just speaking another language, entirely! Washu: Hmmmm, that's easy enough to fix. I'll just implant this chip into his brain, and he'll be able to speak and understand Japanese! Tenchi: Would you? Washu: Yeah, just put him on this table here. (gestures) Tenchi: Okay.... Tenchi does so, and the gang waits. Washu hasn't moved at all. Ryoko: Well, aren't you going to do it? Washu: Nope! My machine's already done it! Sasami: That fast, huh? Washu: Yep! And now to revive him. (puts injector into Nitsuj's neck, and squeezes) In seconds, Nitsuj's conscious. Nitsuj: Whoa, somebody get the number of that bus? (looks at group) Hi again. (looks at Washu) You're new. Cute, too. Washu: Why, thank you! Nitsuj: Huh?! Now you understand me?! Sasami: Yep! You're speaking Japanese now! Nitsuj: What? No way! I'm just speaking regular old English! Washu: No, you're not. Just listen to yourself. Nitsuj: 'Listen to myself', what a load of....Hey! I really am speaking Japanese! Washu: Told you! Nitsuj: Great. A tweleve-year-old genius taught me to speak Japanese while I was asleep. Just perfect. (looks back at group) May I now ask who you all are? Tenchi: Sure! I'm Tenchi, sorry about that kick to your head. Nitsuj: Don't worry about it. Tenchi: That's Ryoko, Washu, Kionay, and Sasami. Sasami: And this is Ryo-oh-ki! Nitsuj: Oooookay. I'm Nitsuj, and I'm outta here. How do I get out? Washu: Through that door over there. Nitsuj: Thanks. (gives a slight wave) Later. (walks out door) Tenchi: Washu! Why'd you just let him leave! It's getting dark! Washu: Don't worry. He's not going anywhere. Nitsuj's voice: AHHH! MY SHIP! ^#&@^$ #&$^# @!*# @^!*&#$#@# #^@%! Tenchi: Oh, yeah. I forgot. Sasami: (eyes wide open) I think my ears are about to fall off. Nitsuj waked back into the lab, turned to face Tenchi, and sighed. Nitsuj: I assume that you own the house, Tenchi? Tenchi: You could say that. Nitsuj: Do you mind if I stay here for a while? Tenchi: Not at all. (smiles) Welcome. Nitsuj: Thank you. (looks at Sasami) Oh, man, I forgot about you. (stoops down to her level) I'll try hard to break that habit, okay? Sasami: Okay! And if you slip, Aeka'll punish you! Nitsuj: Who? At that moment, Aeka ran into Washu's lab. Aeka: Oh, Tenchi! Tenchi! Did I hear what I thought I just heard? Tenchi: Mm-hmm. Aeka: Well, shame on you! Sasami heard you and- Nitsuj: Excuse me, ma'am, but it was my fault. Aeka: YOU! TRYIN' TO GET TENCHI IN TROUBLE! WELL, TAKE THAT! (swings a frying pan, just to have Nitsuj summun a shield and shatters the pan) Nitsuj: My, you're violent. (turns off shield) But I don't care. I'm leaving in a week. (leaves lab) Aeka: How rude! Washu: It's almost as if he's deliberately being rude. I wonder why? *Good thing I also implanted that memory moniter. Now I'll know everything he thinks!* Ryoko: Ahh, who cares? Just leave him alone. *I understand, Nitsuj.* Washu: Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! ***********Later that night********** Nitsuj is on the roof, lying on his back and looking at the stars. Nitsuj: *Damn, damn, damn! How the hell could I lose control of my ship and crash in freaking JAPAN, of all places!?* Ryoko phased onto the roof, looking very sad. She had just seen Aeka flirting with Tenchi, and decided to come to the roof because she was too tired to fight. Ryoko: Oh, it's you, Nitsuj. Nitsuj: Wassap. Ryoko: What're you doing? (sits down beside him) Nitsuj: Nothing, really. Just looking at the stars. It may sound silly, bt I'm hoping for it to snow. Ryoko: Brrr. I hate snow. It's so cold. Nitsuj: Actually, that's one of the reasons why I like it. It's nice to go into a warm house and sit by a fire after walking around in the cold weather. Ryoko: If you say so. I myself prefer spring. Nitsuj: Hmm. *Why is she saying this?* Ryoko: Is that all you can say? Nitsuj: I guess. *What is she getting at?* Ryoko: It's getting cold. I think I'll go in. (gets up) Nitsuj: Wait, I think I have a blanket in my crate. *What am I doing? Stop it!* (searches in crate) Here you are! Ryoko: Thank you. (wraps up it blanket and sits back down) So, what do you have in there? Nitsuj: ........Nothing. Ryoko: No, really, what do you have in there? Nitsuj: I'm serious, nothing. Ryoko: I don't believe you. Yoink! (snatches crate and begins rummaging through it) Nitsuj: Hey! Stop! Ryoko: Hello, what's this? (pulls out a ligtsaber, a silver belt, a green shirt, and some shorts) What are these for? Nitsuj: Well, I can't wear my armor every day! Ryoko: You know what I mean. What are these things for? Nitsuj: (sigh) Bad memories. Ryoko: Oh, okay. I'll just put these away- Nitsuj: God alone knows why I'm gonna tell you, but I will tell you. (sighs) I used to be a Juraian Knight. Ryoko: Used to be? Nitsuj: Mm-hmm. I was Elite. They gave me a lightsaber that will cut through anything and deflect any energy directed toward it, and an invisbility belt. Ryoko: An invisibility belt? What's that? Nitsuj: If whoever has it on pushes a certain button, it would make them completely invisisble. Even to heat sensors. It would be as if the air itself was breaking your bones, not some Knight. I also went to a scientist to improve myself. He injected me with some chemicals to slow the ageing process. I also gained the power to fly, create force-fields, and great strength from him. (scoff) What a joke. Anyway, after my sister was murdered, I went crazy in battle. I even killed some of our guys at times, and you know what? I didn't care. Ryoko: How awful, Nitsuj: I asked to be kicked out, numerous times, but each time they said that I was the best, and they wouldnt let me go. So I faked my death and ran away. Like a coward. Ryoko: That wasn't cowardly, you saved lives. Nitsuj: And in doing so, I lost honor. Since then, I've never fought. Not once. Just let people wail on me, and take the pain. It's not like they could kill me. Ryoko: Nitsuj, don't feel bad. A long time ago, a monster named Kagato had me under his control- Nitsuj: Wait! Did you just say 'Kagato'? Ryoko: Yes, why? Nitsuj: It was him. He was the scientist who made me this way. (looks down) Made me a monster. Ryoko: Nitsuj, you're not a monster. When I was under Kagato's control, he made me destroy entire planets, children and all. So you see? We're two sides of the same coin. We're the sa- Nitsuj: No, Ryoko, we're not the same. You had no say in the matter, you were a puppet. I had all the freedom in the world, and I still did those terrible things. Please don't ever compare yourself to me, I like you too much........ Ryoko: Nitsuj.... Nitsuj: Oh, why am I saying this!? This is stupid! That's the most I've ever told anyone about myself in years. Ryoko: Maybe it's because we're...... friends? Nitsuj: Friends? Ryoko: Mm-hmm. You know, friends. People who care for each other and can tell each other their secrets. Nitsuj: ................ *Whatever.* How can I be a friend to someone I had just met ten minutes ago? Ryoko: I dunno. Well, it's getting late. I'm going to bed. (yawns) Good-night. Nitsuj: Later. *I guess what'll happen is what'll happen. What a weird girl.* Ryoko teleports to the stairs and starts walking up to her room. Ryoko: *Poor guy. I hope he'll be all right.* Ryoko reaches the landing and bumps into Tenchi. Ryoko: Oh, hi Tenchi. Tenchi: Hi, Ryoko. You going to bed? Ryoko: Mm-hmm. Tenchi: Okay, then. Good-night. Ryoko: 'Night. Oh, Tenchi? Tenchi: Yeah? Ryoko: I think Nitsuj'll be staying with us. Tenchi: Oh, okay. On the roof, Nitsuj is wraped up in the blanket Ryoko was under, asleep. It begins to lightly snow. The End. Send all flames to shortbus548@aol.com but please, be gentle, this was my first try. Also, I'm sorry that Ryoko was out of character, but she just had to be, ya know? And besides, it's my universe, so I can make people any way I want to! I could make Washu mentally retarded! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha! (Hey, there's an idea....)