I don't own any of these characters. They all belong to Pioneer and AIC. The only character I own is Simako Tenoko. So don't sue me. Washu has my wallet in her subspace lab. TENCHI UNIVERSE 2 PART 3: Hello, Samiko Tenoko ! By Dan Stewart A slim, green spaceship, much like Kiyone's Yagami, with the name Tajiri painted on the side, zoomed through space. It's target? Earth. " This is First Class Samiko Tenoko filing a message for the Comander Sarnnd. Headqaurters come in. This is First Class Samiko Tenoko filing a report. Come in, please. " The only reply was static. " Damn ! I knew that this piece of junk needed a new upgrade. But nooooo. Why should I, a lowly woman need a new upgrade? I'm not important ! ! " She cried out as she slammed the piece of machinery back into place. " You need to learn to keep your temper, Detective." Samiko turned around quickly. " Oh ! Sector Chief ! I was trying to get a message to the Commander. " She explained nervously. How long has he been standing there?! " My message didn't make it through. Heh, heh. " She laughed nervously. " As I can see. Please tell me the message, Detective Samiko. " He said calmly. " With all due respect, I would like to talk to the Commander personally. " Samiko laughed nervously again. " Yes. I shall see if you can, Detective. Hold on for a moment. " The hologram flickered for a second. Then the Commander's face appeared. " Yes, Detective Samiko Tenoko ? " Samiko flinched unconsciously when he said her full name. " It's Okay I don't bite.. anymore ! " He opened his muzzle and laughed a bit. Then looked a bit embarrassed. " Your Sector Chief said you had a urgent message for me ? " He asked with unnerving calmness. " Yes, Commander. I received a message from First Class Detectives Kiyone and Mihoshi, that Princess Sasami wanted to come see the Galaxy Police Headqaurters, and I was wondering..." She faultered. " You wanted to know if you could go and take her here, even though both Princess Sasami and her older sister, Princess Ayeka, had already been transported back to the Planet Jurai ? " He smiled. " No, um, actually, They called from Jurai to talk to Kiyone and Mihoshi. Both Princesses were going back to Earth anyway, but besides that, I did kindof wanted to see both detectives, not to mention, our old house in Okayama, Japan ! " Samiko smiled sheepishly, she put her tanned arms behind her long black hair and then on second thought, her soft, brown eyes got all big and watery, " Please Grandfather ? " The Commander looked shaken by that, " Of course, say hi to them for me, okay, Pinky ? " He smiled slyly. Samiko got up and looked clearly mad. " Grandfather ! I told you not to call me that !? I'm 16, now ! " Sarnnd smiled again. " Then don't call me Gandfather. O.k.? " Samiko smiled back and said, " O.k. Daddy's father. " She giggled and started waving. " Bye ! " " Bye, detective. Over and out ! " The holgram flickered off. " I guess, It's off to the Planet Earth ! " She pressed a button and her spaceship zoomed to the Solar System. ? * * Commander Sarnnd laughed as the hologram of his granddaughter went off. He then looked at a picture on his desk. It was of his granddaughter and her parents. Draal Tenoko, her father, and his son, had his muzzle open in laughter. His arm was around Chisa Ono, her mother . Chiso was leaning against Draal, smiling. He then looked at his granddaughter. She was leaning on her father also, whose other arm was on her head entangled in her, flowing, black hair. She looks so much like her mother. It was funny, that she looks like a human, like her Japanese mother. The only thing from her father was the soft brown eyes. The human DNA from her mother was stronger than his son's. But she was very pretty just the same! Then he remembered when he got the phone call, made by the Sector Chief, that told him the horrifying way they died. So he got Samiko. He made sure she got a loving home, but it was hard being the commander of the GP and the ' father ' of a bouncy five year old. Then Samiko met Mihoshi. What a pair they were. He smiled. Even though Mihoshi was ten years older, she still was a great friend for Samiko. Then Sarnnd sighed when he thought of when Mihoshi graduated, and how upset Samiko was. That was when she decided to be a GP officer. He called in to the main office and told them he wasn't feeling good. He kept thinking of his Samiko as he closed his eyes to go to sleep. ? * * Tenchi Masaki was winding up the garden. " I don't know what to do with all these carrots. I guess I could sell them, but who would buy them this late in the season ? Well, * sigh * I better get back home. " He picked up his basket, full of carrots, and hauled it all home. ? * * Kiyone Makibi was lying in her bed when she heard a loud noise. " Mihoshi !? What are you doing now !? " Kiyone yelled, ready to be answered with a whiny apology, but instead was rewarded with a yell. " Hello ? Is any one here ? " She jumped up and ran to the front door. As Kiyone opened the door, She heard an excited scream from Mihoshi. " Hi Samiko !! " That made her open the door with greater force. Out on the porch was a small woman, about sixteen, about 5'4. She had long, shiny black hair, which went down to her waist. Her soft brown eyes shining with anticipation. " Hi, Kiyone ! How are you ? " She was interrupted, as Mihoshi came thudding out of the kitchen. " I saw your spaceship landing and I knew it was you! I've missed you ! " Samiko ran into Mihoshi's arms and hugged her tightly. " I've missed you, too ! " She cried. " Grandfather said I could come ! " ? * * As Tenchi neared the house, he saw a large, green spaceship in his front yard. Remembering the last time, he ran swiftly to the house. Upon entering the house, Tenchi was greeted with the sight of a small, Japanese woman about fifteen hugging Mihoshi. " Excuse me, but who are you ? " Tenchi asked carefully. He stepped into the living room. The woman looked up and smiled. " Tenchi ! Is that you ? I haven't seen you since, Preschool ! " She ran forward and hugged Tenchi tightly. " I still don't know you. Who are you ? " Tenchi said quickly. Pushing her away. " Oh, so sorry, Tenchi. I kinda got caught into the moment. Heh heh. I'm Samiko Tenoko. You and I were in preschool together. " The woman said, smiling. She bowed. " I've come to see Mihoshi and Kiyone ! " " Sorry, Samiko. But I still don't know who you are. Sorry. " Tenchi laughed for a moment. " You mean the Crowned Prince of Jurai doesn't know the Galaxy Police ? " She frowned and faked a sad face. " WAIT! You mean your in the GP ! Aren't you a bit young ? You look fifteen. " Tenchi smiled sheepishly, while rubbing his hand through his hair. " Actually I'm 16 and yes I'm in the GP. As to have you remember me.. Hold on. I have a picture that might help you remember. Here it is ! " She pulled out a picture. It was a copy of the one Sarnnd has. " Here you go ! " Samiko hands it to Tenchi. Tenchi takes it and looks at it for a moment. On there is a small, woman with a five year old girl and an alien that looked like a humanoid lion. " I recognize the girl now. I remember you! You always followed me around! Who is this guy ? " He points to the alien. Samiko looks over to the picture. " Oh. That's my father and mother. He was Operative Draal Tenoko she is Chiso Ono. She lived in Okayama. Remember the pale faced guy that came with my mom to pick me up ? " Samiko looked up. Tenchi's face went blank, and then smiled in recongnision. " Yay! I remember ! " Samiko looked back down. " That was my father. He always wore a mask in public. Only Grandfather, Mom and I knew his real face. " Her face dropped as she thought of her father and mother. " Where are they now, Samiko ? " Tenchi asked. Samiko looked up at him, her face full of tears, turned to Mihoshi and said, " Mihoshi.. I'm tired now. Where shall I sleep ? " She sobbed while running to Mihoshi. The only reason she was standing up was because she was held up by Mihoshi as they climbed the stairs. Tenchi turned to Kiyone, his face full of confusion. " What was wrong ? " He asked, his voice full of concern. " Tenchi? Please sit down with me. " They both walked to the couch in front of the T.V. Upstairs they could here someone crying uncontrollably and someone else talking slowly and quietly. " Tenchi. You know how sad you are about your mom ? Just imagine losing both parents. How sad would you feel ? " She asked Tenchi. " I would feel horrible, Oh I didn't know. " Tenchi replied, turning to Kiyone. " Now imagine not just losing both parents, but watch them die ? " Kiyone turned to face Tenchi, her face written all over with pain. Tenchi felt sorrow for Samiko. " That is just horrible. I have to go apologize to her ! " He started to go stand up, but Kiyone pulled him down. " No. The only person she has ever told about this is Mihoshi. Mihoshi was the one who helped her come back to life. You see, Samiko lost the will to live. Her grandfather, the GP commander saw this and fell ill, too. Mihoshi met her by accident, actually. They have been best friends since. " Kiyone stopped and stood up. " That is enough excitement for one day! Let's go to bed. I should get a whole night of sleep since Mihoshi should be with Samiko tonight, Good night, Tenchi ! " With that Kiyone stretched and walked up stairs. Tenchi decided to check on Samiko anyway. As he opened the door, he wondered what to say. When he peeked in, he saw Samiko asleep with Mihoshi asleep at her side. Then he noticed that both of their faces were tearstreaked. He slowly shut the door and walked to his room. Meanwhile a ship oddly resembling Ryo-oh-ki, shut off the moonlight on the quiet house and then slowly disappeared a voice said, " I'm waiting for you, Tenchi...." It slowly echoed through the still night air.. Please tell me how it was. Not to mention, how the series is so far. Also could someone answer my question? Did Yosho die? Please answer. Next is Tenchi Universe Part 4 Hello, Jurai!