NOTE : This is a slight remake of my fanfic I wrote a while back.  When I say 
slight, I mean just changed the name of my character in the story, and fixed 
some few errors.  Sorry for all the trouble.  This is a fanfic of pure 
fiction.  I did not write this as a means of making a profit.  Tenchi and 
all related characters belongs to AIC and Pioneer.  However, this story 
and the additional characters belongs to me, so please don't sue or anything, 
mm kay.  This is a continuation of the OVA series, but I also took some 
topics from the TV series as well.  ENJOY!!




Ron Head


No Need for Mercenaries!/
A New Threat

Dialogue Key : 
"~~~" for characters speaking
(~~~) for characters thinking

    It is morning in the Masaki household.  Everything is calm and peaceful, 
just as you would expect from a typical spring day.  The bright sun is 
shinning, the birds are chirping, and the wind gently brushes against the 
trees.  The two Guardians, Azaka and Kamidake, take their usual spot near
the entranceway to watch over the family.  Breakfast went by as usual.  Ayeka and 
Ryoko got into another fight, this time it started when Ryoko was making 
passes at Tenchi, which of course pissed off the first crown princess of Jurai.  
The fight escalated until part of the sofa was destroyed.  They immediately 
stopped fighting, and Tenchi went to school, sore and angry at the two women.

    Tenchi waits at his bus-stop, looking sad and angry.  Several school girls
and one businessman were also waiting beside him.  His mood seems to effect the
rest of the people around him.  Tenchi sighs, and looks up at the sky.  Sometimes 
he wonders why he puts up with them.  (All they do is devour food and destroy 
the house!)  It makes him so angry that they can't go a day without fighting.  
(At least I would be at school, where I could find some peace and quiet.)

    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****

    Back at the house, things quieted down.  Sasami is washing the dishes 
and Ayeka is sweeping the front porch.  While the two Jurain royalities 
continue to do their chores, Ryoko is lounging on the ceiling, reading some 
of Sasami's mangas.  Although she doesn't read them to find ways to get 
Tenchi, she became quite interested in them.  Tenchi's father is at work, 
complaining about his job and how far away it is.  Tenchi's grandfather is 
at the shrine, doing what his usual daily routine.  Mihoshi was reported 
back to Galaxy Police headquarters again.  And as for Washu, she's in her lab 
working frantically on her transparent computer.

    Washu was locked up in her lab for the last week trying to solve the 
puzzle to the strange memory loss of both Zero-Ryoko and Dr. Clay.  The only 
time she came out of her lab was for meals, and even then she brought all of 
her food with her so she could continue to work.  The others didn't want to 
bother her since they thought that she was working on some sort of top-secret 
experiment or something.

    On the screen of Washu's translucent computer is a bar graph with 2 bars 
on it.  One was green, the other was red.  The red bar represents Zero-Ryoko's 
memory bank, and the green bar represents Clay's memory bank.  Both bars are 
about the same length, each at about 85% working capacity.  Washu stops 
typing, and slumps down on her floating cushion, a depressed look on her face.  
"Why can't I figure out how this memory blockage was put in?" says the red-
headed scientist to herself.  She folds her arms and leans back.  Washu never 
met a problem she couldn't solve, a question she couldn't answer, an object 
she couldn't fix, until now.

    Suddenly, two Washu puppets appeared on the genus's shoulders.  "Come 
on, Washu!" said Washu puppet A in a squeaky, high-pitched voice.  "You could 
do it!"  "Yeah Washu!" said Washu puppet B in an equally squeaky tone.  
"You're the greatest in world!"

    "That's universe, ya lame-brain!" snapped back Washu in an harsh voice.  
Both puppets sighed.  If there is one thing that outweighs Washu's intellect, 
it would be her ego.  "Yeah, but it's true.  I am the best there is, but this 
is impossible!  I think I recognize the name Tokimi, but I myself don't know 
or remember anything about her."  She sighs, and looks up at the ceiling.  
It was true, when she heard the name Tokimi from Dr. Clay, she remembered 
things she never knew or experienced.  It was almost like she had a past 
life that she knew nothing about before.  This has been bothering her for 
quite a while now, and she honestly didn't know what to do.

    Then, in a flash, something came to Washu.  A startling revelation fell 
upon on her.  She snapped her fingers and a smirk began to appear on her face.  
"That's it!" she proclaimed in success.  She went back to typing, a large 
smile now forming.  After several minutes, she stops typing and stands up, 
striking a pose.  "I did it!  All I have to do now is wait for the data to be 
compiled!"  Both Washu puppets begins to clap.

                     "You are great, Washu!'  screamed Washu A.
                     "The best ever!  Yahoo!!" exclaimed Washu puppet B.

    Washu started to laugh maniacally, proud of her achievement.  "Piece 
of cake!"  Both puppets stop clapping.  "Uh, Washu..?"  "Yes?"  "I thought 
you said that solving it was impossible."  The smile was whipped away from 
Washu's face after that statement.  She looks at the little puppet with a 
menacing, leering look.  "What did you say?"  The puppet swallows hard, a 
large sweat drop starting to form on it's head.  "Uh, I mean it was impossible 
to think that the greatest genus of all time couldn't solve it."  The smile 
came back to Washu's face, utterly pleased with herself.  "That's what I 
thought."  Both puppets sighed again.

    Washu sat back down on her cushion, waiting for the results to be 
completed.  As the bar graph was nearing completion, and Washu was 
leering towards the screen in anticipation, a large flash of red light was 
emitted from the screen.  The light was almost blinding, filling the whole
lab with a red aurora.  She blocked her eyes from the brightness.  Soon, 
the red flash died down, and when Washu looked at the screen, she found to 
her horror that the bar graph was missing.  In fact, all of her information 
and back-up files on the memory blockage was gone, totally erased.

    At first, she just stood there, her jaw was hanging in disbelief.  She 
couldn't believe it, all of her hard work and preparation, went down the 
toilet.  She closed her eyes and tried to contain herself.  "Dammit," she 
says softly to herself.  She snapped her fingers, and the glazed, see-through 
computer disappeared.  Both puppets sighed, knowing all too well what happened.  
(Back to old drawing board.)

    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****

    Somewhere deep within the sol system, in a Jurain space station, Ayeka's 
parents watch the routine antics of the Masaki house.  Inside the throne room 
of the space station, the queens of Jurai stand near King Ayhzua as he sits 
in his high throne.  He rests his chin on his hand as he watches an image of 
Tenchi's house.  He wasn't really paying any attention to the image, unlike 
his wives Lady Masaki and Lady Funaho.  Both ladies have grown quite fond 
of the young boy, as all the extraterrestrial women seem to do when they meet 

                     "Looks like Tenchi has his hands full, eh sis'?" asked 
Lady Masaki.
                     "Yeah, I suppose he does," replies Lady Funaho, nodding 
her head.

     Lady Funaho looks at another image to her right side.  It was an image 
of Washu, as she sits on the floor crying her eyes out.  "I feel sorry for 
Washu," said Lady Funaho with a worried voice.  "Why is that sis'?" 
replied Lady Masaki.  "Well, Washu worked really hard trying to figure out 
what caused the memory loss on both Dr. Clay and Ryo, I mean, Zero-Ryoko.  
But she just can't seem to figure it out."  Lady Funaho sighs deeply.  "Too 
bad, that information could have been useful to us."

    "Don't you agree dear?" asked Lady Masaki with a loving voice to her 
husband.  King Ayhuza just sat on his throne, his eyes fixed on an image of 
Tenchi at school.  Lady Masaki blinked her eyes several times, a confused 
look was on her face.  Lady Funaho puts a hand on her shoulder.  "I don't 
think he was listening," says Lady Funaho.  "He's more interested at getting 
back at Tenchi."  Lady Masaki sighs.  "Poor Tenchi," says Lady Masaki in 
a tender voice.

    It has been a week since the king of Jurai has stationed himself in the 
sol system.  There in the large, almost mammoth, space station are some 
of Jurai's highest royalties.  Emperors from other branch families, relatives, 
and some of Jurai's most noblest knights.  King Ayhzua had stationed himself 
here so he could find ways of making life a living hell for Tenchi, and to get 
his daughters to go back home with him.  Lady Masaki and Lady Funaho agreed 
to stay to support the king, but in reality they were there to make sure that 
nothing happens to the young boy.  They hopped that one day young Tenchi 
would take up the throne of Jurai, and maybe even marry their daughters.

    King Ayhzua taps his fingers against the armrest of his throne.  A 
menacing look was all you could see in the purple-hared king.  Both wives 
sighed and looked back at the image.

    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****

    Lady Tokimi's realm.  It is a dark, mysterious place filled with spiral 
patterns of many galaxies far away in the deep reaches of space.  Inside, 
the strange goddess's servant D-3 appears before her.  D-3 is just as puzzling 
as Lady Tokimi.  His appearance would give the impression of age-old wisdom, 
but his menacing eyes and his wavy-styled hair mixes darkness with that 

    "I have prevented Washu from discovering the mind-blockage, Lady 
Tokimi," said D-3 in a haunting, echoing voice that almost fills the entire 
realm.  "Good work," replies Lady Tokimi, her voice much more softer and 
delicate, but still eerie as it fills the room with an echoing presence.  
D-3's expression, although never-changing, shows a rather strange look of 
concern.  "She almost found out, Lady Tokimi."

    The goddess does not answer.  Her entire demeanor was unreadable.

                         "Next time we won't be so fortunate."
                         "I see," responds Lady Tokimi at last.
                         "Shall we initiate our move, Lady Tokimi?"
                         "No, D-3."

    At first, the servant was silent.  He didn't understand why she refused 
to set their plan in motion.  Finally, D-3 mustered enough courage to question 
the goddess's judgment.  "But, why, Lady Tokimi?  If we continue to allow 
Washu to stay there, along with Tsunami, she will surely find out that it was 
we who planted the memory blockage on Dr. Clay and Zero."

    "I know," answered Lady Tokimi.  "But if I send you after Washu, the king 
of Jurai will surely detect you since he stationed himself in that solar 
system."  D-3 was silent for a moment.  He understood why she didn't want to 
start the plan.  "Then, what shall we do?" asked D-3.

                 "We shall change the plan, D-3.  We will need someone to get 
rid of the king, or at least hold him hostage."
                 "But how will we do that?  The king of Jurai has more power 
and resources than anyone in the universe."
                  "Except for me."

    D-3 didn't say a word.  He knew how powerful Lady Tokimi is, and he 
knows that she could get help from anyone and anything in the universe.  
But not even she could stand up to the entire House of Jurai.

    "We will get someone who is capable in handing these matters," said Lady 
Tokimi, breaking the silence.  "But who?" asked D-3.  "You decide, D-3.  
And make it a wise choice, too.  If we could get rid of King Ayhuza, then 
we could get the gems from Washu and Ryoko."

    D-3 thought for a moment.  He couldn't think of anyone to use.  Dr. Clay 
was rather incompetent, and Zero was now melded with Ryoko, so that was 
out of the question.  Then a name struck him like a lightning bolt.  "I know 
the perfect person, Lady Tokimi.  Do you know anyone by the name of Sei 

    "The mercenary?" responds Lady Tokimi.  "Will he be of any use against 
the House of Jurai?"  "Maybe," said D-3, "he is supposed to be the best 
mercenary there is.  I'm pretty sure he could handle it."  "You know this man 
very well, don't you, D-3?"  D-3 remains quite, not answering Tokimi's 
question.  "Very well, then.  I expect results D-3.  Don't fail me like you 
did with Clay."

    "Yes, mam."  Then D-3 disappears.  Lady Tokimi looks at the sol system.  
"Sisters, why are you there?" said Lady Tokimi to herself.

    ****    ****     ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****

    After school, Tenchi rushes out of his last class and races to his bus.  
(Boy, math is sure as a hell boring.  I thought I wouldn't make it through 
another problem.)  Tenchi almost fell asleep in class again.  Lately, all of 
Tenchi's teachers noticed that the young boy has been slacking off a bit.  
They knew he took time off, using a flu as his excuse, but he seems so 
distant and worried when he came back, almost as if something lingering was 
on his on his mind.  Well, actually, in reality, something is.

    Tenchi has been thinking a lot about how his life has changed over the 
last couple of months.  He went from being a shy, high school boy to being 
the crown prince of Jurai since he was Yosho's successor.  On top of all that, 
he lives with five gorgeous alien women who are obsessed with him, some 
more so than others.

    He sits down in an empty seat on the back of the bus.  He leans back and 
relaxed, closing his eyes.  He wasn't really looking forward to going back 
home.  Although most men would be trilled to go to a house filled with women 
who are madly in love with you, Tenchi was almost afraid of going back.  His 
welfare is always on the line when he is at home.  Because of Ayeka's and 
Ryoko's fighting, Washu's experiments, and the unexpected crashes from 
Mihoshi's space ship as she comes home form her job, Tenchi never went 
through a day without praying that he wouldn't die or get hurt in any sort 

    He has to admit though, his life got a lot interesting since he released 
Ryoko from her cave.  He often wonders why he did it in the first place.  
(Was it because I was so interested with that darn cave, or is it something 
else?)  Tenchi shrugs, and looks out the window.  The road zips by, causing a 
blur of gravel and dirt.  He looks past the road and at the mountains.

    (Summer would start soon, and that would mean more dull months training 
with grandfather.)  Looking at the mountains always reminded Tenchi about 
his obligation to his training.  He was glad, in a way, that his grandfather 
trained him so hard, because without that training, he wouldn't have stand a 
chance against Kagato and Clay.  Then he sighs, remembering all the bad 
memories of his battle with Kagato.  It wasn't an experience he would want 
to go through again.

    He waited patiently until the bus made it's last stop.  He got off the 
bus and walked home.  The walk from the bus stop to his house was always 
a long one.  The scenery of the mountains always captured his attention, though.  
It was always beautiful, despite the season or weather.  Spring is when it 
looked the best.  The flowers were in full bloom, cherry blossoms filled the 
air, and the sun sparkles off the small lake in front of the house.

    Finally, Tenchi made it to the entranceway.  Azaka and Kamidake greets 
the young boy.  "Good evening, Lord Tenchi," says both Guardians.  "Good 
evening guys," replies Tenchi.  "How was your day, Lord Tenchi?" asks Kamidake.  
"Oh, you know, the same old boring stuff, doing class work and that sort of 
thing."  "Oh, I see."

    After being greeted by the two wooden Jurain robots, Tenchi goes inside.  
"Hi guys!  I'm home!"  "Oh, welcome home Tenchi!" greeted Sasami.  "Dinner 
will be ready soon!"  "Okay."  Tenchi looks around the house.  He notices 
that the couch was fixed.  Half of it was destroyed earlier when Ayeka and 
Ryoko fought.  "Did Washu fix the sofa?"  Sasami nods her head.  "Yep!  
Although, she's not in her usual cheery mood."

    Before Tenchi could respond, Ryoko teleported behind the young boy and 
gave him a big bear hug.  Ryoko startled Tenchi, almost causing him to fall 
forward.  "Good evening Tenchi!" proclaimed Ryoko her most cheerful voice.  
"Ryoko, how many times do I have to tell you not to scare me like that?!" 
protested Tenchi.  "A lot."  Tenchi sighs, knowing all too well what this will 
lead to.

    "Miss Ryoko, keep your filthy hands off of my Tenchi!" screamed the high-
pitched voice of Ayeka.  A look of fear was on the face of Tenchi.  "Oh boy, 
not again," said Tenchi to himself.  "Hey princess," hissed the space pirate, 
"when was Tenchi yours, may I ask?"  Ayeka started to grit her teeth.  "That's 
none of your buisness!  Leave Lord Tenchi alone right now!"  "Are you gonna 
make me, 'little princess'?"  "Now girls, please don't start this again!" 
protested Tenchi.

    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****

    Somewhere deep within space, far away from the sol system, a 
space ship zips past the stars in near-light speed.  The space ship is silver 
trimmed with white.  It had a sleek design that resembles one of the Galaxy 
Police ships.  Inside the large space craft, sits the mercenary Sei Shikyru.  
He is around his twenties, still young and athletic looking.  He is wearing a 
beige colored trench coat with patterns of a dragon on the sleeve and collar.  
His appearance gives off a brash personally, due to his light, golden brown 
beard and hair.  Two long bangs hung in the front of his face, while the rest 
of his hair is pull back into a ponytail.  His eyes are hidden behind a pair 
of dark sunglasses.

    In front of him is a computer screen with a picture of Tenchi Masaki.  
Next to the picture is all of his physical information, such as age, height, 
weight, etc.  "So this is the boy I'm after," says Sei to himself.  He presses 
a button on his dashboard.  "Computer, relay all information that concerns 
this boy's associates."  "Acknowledged," said the computer in a synthesized, 
female voice.  Another image appears, this time it had a whole list of names 
that ranges form Tenchi's classmates to his relatives.

    Sei presses another button on his dashboard.  "Computer, show me all 
of his associates that are not from his home planet."  "Acknowledged."  
Another image appears in front of the list of names.  This image had six 
names on it.  They are Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, Mihoshi, Washu, and Yosho.  
"Lady Tokimi told me this boy had a lot of alien women living with him.  
I guess he's supposed to be some type of inter-galactic pimp, or something."

    He looks through all the information regarding the six people.  Finally, 
after reading all the info he could stand, he pops his knuckles and begins 
typing.  "Computer, get all back-up information on Kiyone."  After several 
beeps, the computer responds.  "Acknowledged."  All the images in front of 
Sei disappears, and a new screen appears.  It has several of Kiyone's pictures, 
information about her past, and her past records in the Galaxy Police.  
"Mihoshi used to have a partner named Kiyone.  But it appears she disappeared 
in the ultra-energy matter incident."  He pauses for a moment.  He remembers 
that incident quite well.  (But all the reports and newspaper headlines stated 
that First Class Detective Kiyone was dead.)

    "Computer, are their any legal documents regarding the death of Kiyone?"  
"Checking…no confirmed documents of First Class Detective Kiyone's 
death found.  All the reports on Kiyone's death were false statements used 
to keep the media from investigating into the ultra-energy matter incident."  
"Ah-ha.  I see.  Then if Kiyone is still alive, she could prove to be useful.  
Computer, get coordinates in which the explosion occurred in the ultra-energy 
matter incident."  The image disappeared, and a full scale map of the 
solar system in which the explosion occurred appeared.  "Coordinates 
confirmed."  A blinking red dot appeared on the map with several numbers 
around it.  "Ok then, computer, set all courses to those coordinates."  "Yes 

    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****

    Deep space, the location in which Kiyone is trapped.  The remaining 
ultra-energy matter caused a force-shield around the area which keeps anyone 
from detecting the lone survivor inside.  Since the Galaxy Police didn't want 
to cause an inter-galactic incident, they told the media that only one person 
died in the explosion.  No one attempted to find out if the statements were 
true because the contaminated ultra-energy matter might have already killed 
anyone who survived.  But that information was also false.  Kiyone was still 
alive, surviving on the remaining rations floating around in space from the 

    Life has not dealt Kiyone a good hand.  Not only did she had the 
misfortune of being Mihoshi's partner, but she solved the one mystery that 
could have promoted her.  (If it wasn't for that stupid Mihoshi!)  Kiyone was 
getting very frustrated.  She kick a piece of debris that was floating around.  
It bounced off the force-shield and boomeranged back at the green-hared 
detective.  Kiyone groaned as she held her head, feeling the stinging pain 
that was throbbing all over her forehead.

    Kiyone sighed, knowing everything she could do would be hopeless.  She 
often wondered what happened to Mihoshi.  (She probably got a promotion 
for doing absolutely nothing!)  She sat down, crossing her arms, and looked 
down at the piece of machinery she was sitting on.  (Damn that Mihoshi!  Damn 
her to hell!!)  Hatred was already boiling inside of Kiyone.  She looks around 
again, and sees her gun that was floating nearby.  It was low on power, 
since she spend nearly three hours shooting at the force-shield.

    Tears were starting to form on Kiyone's eyes.  (It's hopeless!  I'm going 
to be trapped here forever!  I'm gonna die an old maid and everything!)  She 
started to sob, feeling mixed emotions of anger, frustration, and despair.  
(Most of the food rations are gone too, and it would only be a matter of 
time before I starved to death out there!)

    Suddenly, she heard a familiar noise.  It was the sound of a rocket engine.  
(Could it be…?)  She looked, and hope and happiness shined on the young lady.  
(It's a ship!)  The silver colored space ship stopped for a moment, and fired a 
laser beam at the force-shield.  After several seconds, the force-shield 
evaporated into nothingness.  A big, bright smile was forming on the face of 
Kiyone.  She started to jump frantically and waved her hands.  "Here I am!" 
screamed Kiyone.  "I'm right here!"

    The ship moved in.  It hovered over the GP officer.  Kiyone began to cry 
again.  This time, it would be tears of joy, not sadness.  She would never 
again sulk and complain.  She would go back to doing what she did best, 
being a Galaxy Police officer.  A bright green beam flashed at Kiyone.  Soon, 
she started to float towards the space craft.  A door opened, letting Kiyone 
in.  She climbed aboard.

    Everything was pitch-black.  "Hello," said Kiyone in a joyful voice.  The 
lights went on inside the space ship.  She covered her eyes at first, until 
she got used to the brightness.  She looked forward and saw the back of a 
chair.  "Listen, thank you very much for rescuing me."  Kiyone bowed before 
her savior.  "I am First Class Detective Kiyone of the Galaxy Police.  Thank 
you very much again."  She bowed again, showing how much she appreciated 
being rescued.

    The chair turned around, revealing the mercenary, Sei.  Kiyone was 
confused for a moment.  She thinks she recognized the man, but she couldn't 
tell because of the sunglasses he was wearing.  "Do I know you?" asks Kiyone.  
"I've been looking for you," replies Sei in a deep voice.  "Really, now that's 
a first."  She looks around the cockpit.  It was refreshing to see a change of 
scenery.  "So, why did you rescue me.  Was there an award, or something?"  
Sei shook his head.  "Nope.  I need you for something."  A look of disgust was 
on the face of the detective.  "Hey, now listen creep!  Don't you try anything, 
buster!  I will arrest your ass for…"  Sei interrupted before she could say 
anything more.  "Not that!  I was wondering…"  He turned his chair, his back 
now facing Kiyone.  "Do you want to see your old partner Mihoshi again?"

    Rage started to boil inside Kiyone again.  (Yes.)  She wanted to see her 
again.  She wanted to tear her limb from limb for causing all of her pain.  
More thoughts of mutilating Mihoshi entered inside the mind of the green-hared 
officer.  She quickly restrained herself and calmed down.  "Sure I do," said 
Kiyone.  Sei took off his sunglasses, revealing his eyes.  They were a dark, 
navy colored blue.  "I thought so, Kiyone."  Soon Kiyone realized who saved 
her.  "I know you.  You're that mercenary, Sei Shikyru.  You're wanted all over 
the universe!"  "So I am."  She reached inside her holster to get out 
her gun, when she realized she left it floating around in space.  (Okay, plan B.)

    Kiyone took up a fighting stance.  "Come on, buster!  I'm ready!"  A 
smirk appeared on Sei's face.  "I don't think so."  The entire cockpit was 
filled with a thick, pink fog from the air vent.  "What the..?"  She began to 
choke on the pink smoke.  It filled her lungs, causing her to cough intensely.  
She could barely breathe.  She felt dizzy, barely able to stand.  She collapsed 
on the floor, fainted from the knock-out gas that was released.  Sei, wearing a 
gas mask, looked down at the GP officer.  He presses a button on his dashboard.  
The air vents open up, releasing the pink fog.  After Sei took off his mask, 
he turned to the keyboard and started typing.  "Computer, set all courses for 
the sol system."  "Yes sir."


Author's notes : Well, what do you think?!  This is my first time writing a 
fanfic, although this was like the hundredth time I worked on this particular 
story.  Please send me any comments about my writing.  You could e-mail me 
at or at  Also check out me and my 
friends' webpage at www.  on the 
look-out for chapter 2 for my epic saga!
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