Supercharged Tenchi Muyo!
                    Part 3

	Disclaimer: All characters from Tenchi Muyo are 
copyright of AIC and Pioneer.  Charger is copyright of 
me because I created him.  If you use this story on your 
webpage, please give me the proper credit.  

	Warning: There are religious references in this 
series.  If such offends you, read no further.  However, 
these references are important for the background of 
this story.  And I'm not trying to shove any beliefs 
down anyone's throat.  Also, I'm not very familiar with 
every aspect of Japanese culture so don't diss me if I 
misinterpret certain things.

	Like a ghost, the mage of light silently floated 
to the Masaki household.  His massive cloak billowed in 
the nighttime breeze.  His face fixed in a grim scowl.  
He was uncertain of what he would see next.  His tightened 
his grip on the immense "Light Katana".

	He found it difficult to believe that such a 
dangerous space pirate would reside here.  Perhaps the 
others who lived here didn't know about her dark deeds.  
Or perhaps they knew full well and were collaborating 
with her.  

	There were many questions that floated around in 
Syris' agile mind.  But he pushed them aside to 
concentrate only on one goal.  That goal was to rescue 
Charger.  For it was likely that he was in danger of 
being killed...if he wasn't dead already.

	As he neared the front gate, he came across two 
curious log structures.  Each of them had a strange 
shape painted on them.  Syris didn't bother to try 
reading them.  He was tired of all the different languages 
on this backwater world.

	Upon his approach, the things seemed to come to 
life.  The circular jewels in their top areas lit up.  
Perhaps these were eyes of some sort.  But Syris was in 
no mood to chat with the local beings.  He had a job to 

	"Good evening sir, please state your business 
here." Azaka piped up.

	"We are the Jurai Guardians.  I am Kamidake, and 
this is my associate and friend: Azaka." Kamidake said 
in his booming voice.

	"My my, what a comical pair you two make.  Now 
let me pass." Syris said.  His voice held not the 
slightest bit of emotion.

	"I'm afraid we are forbidden to let unfamiliar 
people pass at this time.  If you will please return 
after dawn, I'm sure we could arrange..."

    	"I don't care about what you are forbidden to do.  
I am Syris: the holy mage of light.  First of the Seven 
Mystics and Commander of the 5th Elite Tactical Brigade 
in the Armies of Heaven.  Your jurisdiction ends here.  
I am on assignment.  Let me pass before I use force." 
Syris declared.

	"I'm afraid threats will get you nowhere, sir." 
Azaka replied.

	"Leave immediatley, or..."

	"Or what!  Are you going to fall over and 
flatten me?"  Syris interrupted.

	The Guardians floated up and out of their platforms.  
They began to close in quickly on the mage of light.

	"We are perfectly equipped to defend our assigned 
positions." Azaka stated.

	"Prepare for annihilation!" Kamidake roared.

	"Was that necessary?" Azaka asked, a large 
sweatdrop suddenly appeared on his wooden exterior.

	 "Probably not, but I've always wanted to say 
that." Kamidake answered.

	As the two turned their attention back to their 
opponent, they found he was gone.

	"Where do you suppose he ran off to?" Kamidake 

	"He was probably terrified of our awesome power." 
Azaka reasoned.

	"Not hardly." A voice said behind them.  It was 
the last thing they heard before Syris quickly drew his 
long blade and slashed the two in half easily. 

	 As the remains of the Jurai Guardians fell to 
the ground, Syris thought "What pathetic fools these two 
were.  How ironic that Juraian Royalty entrusts their 
lives to these blunderers."

	Syris flew over the front gate.  Upon sheathing 
his blade he thought, "Those were indeed the Guardians 
of Jurai, the two that protect members of the Jurai 
Royal Family.  If I'm not mistaken Prince Yosho and 
Princess Ayeka of Jurai are next in line for the throne.  
What would they be doing here?"

	Curiosity now slowly working it's way through 
him, Syris quickly made his way toward the house.


	Charger's eyes snapped open.  There was a power 
heading straight towards them.  He could sense it clearly.  
It was overwhelming in it's strength!!  But a strange 
fact remained, it felt familiar...But the young Mystic 
couldn't let this go without investigating it first.  
Grabbing his supply bag he quickly threw off his 
skull-and-chain pattern pajamas and put on a Capsule 
Corp. T-shirt, some faded cammie jeans and his old 
combat boots.  

	Taking care not to disturb anyone, he floated 
from his room down the hallway.  The power grew stronger 
and stronger...the mage of lightning began to tremble.  

	He nearly jumped 20 feet in the air when a voice 
behind him playfully cooed "Where are you off to so 

	Charger wiped the beading sweat off his brow and 
looked behind him.  He found himself face to face with 
the space pirate Ryoko.  She gave him a little wave.

	Trying to tear his eyes away from her all-too-revealing 
nightrobe, he hissed at her "What the hell are you doing???  
You about scared me to death!  I don't think I'll be able 
to ever look at another shadow without jumping!"

	"Shh!  You're going to wake everyone up." Ryoko 

	Charger rolled his eyes.  "Did you feel that 
power?  It's heading right for us.  It's so 
feels almost familiar."  

	"So that's what was nagging the back of my head 
all night long." Ryoko observed.  "How does it feel 
familiar, Charger?"

	"I don't just DOES.  I was gonna go 
check it out and..."

	"Well that makes two of us.  I'm going with you."

	"Eh, are you sure?  Wouldn't you rather get more 
sleep?"  Charger asked.

	"Nope.  I'm WAY too curious to go to sleep now." 
The space pirate answered as she quickly materialized 
out of her nightrobe and into a simple green outfit.

	The Mystic shrugged his shoulders and headed out 
the door.  Ryoko followed him.

	There was no moon in the sky tonight.  Everything 
was pitch black, and the wind kicked up fiercely.  Ryoko 
knew they were upwind, so she couldn't detect any 
unfamiliar scents.  But she did feel the power grow as 
she went farther into the darkness.

	Charger looked scared out of his mind.  He 
clenched his teeth and scowled.  But Ryoko could sense 
his fear...what being could be powerful enough to 
frighten him so badly?

	He halted in his tracks.  "Did you feel that, 
Ryoko?  It stopped!  It knows we're here."

	"Are you sure?" Ryoko asked him.

	"I'm positive.  No, wait!  It's moving again.  
Much faster this time.  It's coming from the west..."

	Ryoko and Charger looked in that direction.  At
first nothing was there, but then they saw a pale, 
ghostly figure approach them.  As it came closer it 
began to take on a form.  It had an impossibly huge 
white cape and some strange battle armor.  It held a 
katana that was a good ten feet long!  Even though the 
being probably wasn't much taller than Charger.
	Its eyes were piercing and cold.  They were a 
bright blue color, and they seemed to glow!  Its hair 
was tied behind him in a long ponytail that almost went 
down to his feet.

	Charger's jaw dropped.  

	"S-S-Syris????"  He managed to say.

	"Indeed." The divine figure responded.  "And you 
have a lot of explaining to do, Charger." he shouldered 
his giant "Light Katana".

	"Explaining?  What do you mean?"

	"Like why the witch standing next to you is 
still breathing." Syris spat coldly.

	Charger and Ryoko shot glances at each other.  

	"Because I defeated him in open combat and he 
decided not to try his luck again.  Now let me ask you 
something, why are YOU here?" Ryoko demanded.

	"I will ask the questions here, demon." Syris 
retorted.  He looked at Charger and narrowed his eyes.  
"Surely what she says is not true, mage of lightning.  
Tell me that this is all part of your plan." Syris said.

	Charger shook his head.  "No, she's right."

	The mage of light looked furious.  His handsome 
features were twisted into a snarl.  "So you have FAILED!!!  
Is this correct?"

	"I...guess you could say that." Charger muttered.  
He bowed his head.

	"What a waste you are!!  I suppose I will have 
to kill her myself!!"  Syris roared as he brought the 
"Light Katana" down to his side.

	"NOW WAIT A MINUTE!!" Charger shouted.  "She 
spared my life didn't she?  

	"She did, but we have a job to do Charger.  
Stand aside so that I may finish her!!" Syris growled as 
he prepared to attack.

	"Enough, Syris!!  I won't let you!" the lightning 
mage shot back.  He summoned the "Chaos Blade" and held 
it in a defensive position.

	This seemed to come as a shock to the mage of 

	"How dare you..." Syris growled.  "How dare you 
defy the will of Nebulon and The Creator.  YOU ARE NO 

	Charger remembered Kronos.  Centuries ago he was 
the mage of time.  But he had rebelled against Nebulon 
and practiced black magic.  When Nebulon found out, he 
reported this to God and had Kronos cast into Hell.

	"You're out of line, Syris." Charger snarled.  
"These beings are my freinds.  I will not allow you to 
kill them."

	The mage of light laughed.  "You haven't even 
mastered the 'Chaos Blade' yet and you think you are 
powerful enough to fight me.  This will prove most 

        Syris brought his giant katana into the attack 
position.  "Show me how good you really are.  Attack!  
If you dare...Let's see if you are worthy to challenge 
the mage of light!!!" 

	Ryoko summoned her beam saber and stood between 
the two.  "I've heard enough of you!" she shouted as she 
charged headlong into Syris.

	The mage of light simply waved his hand.  
Suddenly the space pirate stopped in mid-attack.

	"This does not concern you, Ryoko.  Leave me!" 
he shouted

	 He sent Ryoko flying back into the house, 
splintering the wall and her spine.

	Tenchi was the first to hear the noise.  He dashed 
out of his room and down the stairs.  He found the girl 
smashed through the kitchen wall, bleeding.  Her eyes 
flashing, her mind consumed by bloodlust.   

	"I'M GOING TO KILL THAT DIRTBAG!!!"  She shouted.

	Tenchi managed to hold her down, but just barely.  
"Ryoko, calm down!  What's going on??" he asked as he 
watched the two mages.

	"Who's the guy in the cape?" he asked.

	"Apparently, Charger has to answer to him or 
something.  I'm guessing he's a higher caste mage." 
Ryoko answered.  "I have to help Charger!" she insisted.

	"Ryoko, if that guy is able to injure you like 
this I don't want you out there!" he said as he lifted 
her up and put her arm over his shoulder.

	As he did, Ryoko's eyes seemed to soften a little.  
"Do you mean that, Tenchi?"

	The young man smiled and nodded.  "With all my 
heart, Ryoko.  You did the same for me tons of times, 
even at the risk of your own life.  The least I could do 
is look out for you, right?  Even if my abilities are 
rather limited compared to yours."

	Ryoko kissed his cheek.  "You're so gallant."

	Tenchi shook his head.  "Just doing what's right.  
Besides, I don't think Charger's life is in any real 
danger.  Us, on the other hand..."

	Washu dashed down the hall, Ayeka and Sasami 
followed her.  

	The mad scientist wasn't especially known for 
"getting all mushy" over things, but she looked 
especially worried when her creation...her daughter...
was so heavily injured.  

        "Are you okay, Ryoko??" she yelped.  "Anything 
broken?  Can you breathe?"

	"I'm fine Washu." She answered.  "Just a little 
jolted around."

	Tenchi shook his head.  "Come on, Washu.  We'd 
better get her to your lab.  I think she might have 
critical injuries."

	"That makes two of us." Washu said.  "It doesn't 
take a medical doctorate to determine that!"

	The space pirate glared at her.  She was always 
tough, even in situations like this.  

	Washu wondered "She couldn't have inherited her 
stubborn attitude from me.  There must have been a 
miscalculation somewhere." 

	Sasami spoke up.  "Do you know who did this?"

	"Someone calling himself Syris." Tenchi answered.

	"Syris?" Ayeka repeated "The mage of light?  
The one who visited the Jurai Palace long before 
Sasami was born?  This is HIS doing???" 

	"You know this guy?" Washu asked.

	"Yes I do.  He was such a nice person.  I can't 
believe he did this!" she cried.  

	"Maybe you should go talk to him.  Perhaps he'll 
calm down when he sees a familiar face." Washu said.

	"No way, Washu!" Tenchi interrupted.  "We have 
no idea why he's here or what his motives are.  Let 
Charger handle him, I don't want anyone else putting 
themselves on the line!"

	"No need to worry, Tenchi.  Syris knows me well.  
I can handle him."

	She kissed him and said "Thank you for thinking 
in my best interests."

	Ryoko rolled her eyes as she left.

	Tenchi scratched his head and looked at the wall.  
"I hope dad doesn't wake up, he'll kill me when he sees 


	Charger's battle cry pierced the night sky as he 
brought his blade down upon Syris' own "Light Katana".  
A deafening KLANG resulted from holy light clashing 
against enchanted steel.

	The mage of light easily held the upper hand.  
With an inhuman show of strength he quickly hefted his 
giant blade into the air, sending Charger several feet 
in the air.
	Syris launched into the air, holding his "Light 
Katana" high.  He swung the massive sword and ripped 
Charger's Capsule Corp. shirt wide open.  The lightning 
mage then counterattacked with a strong left hook.  
The spikes on his glove caught the gleam of his blade.

	Syris simply caught the punch.

	Charger's eyes bulged.  That punch was strong 
enough to smash open a three-foot-thick steel door!!

	 He had never really fought Syris before, but he 
could tell that this was way out of his league.

	There was a crackling noise.  Charger howled in 
pain as Syris began to crush his hand.

	 He lifted Charger in the air with one hand, 
still holding tight to his fist.

	Unexpectedly, Charger had a stroke of luck and 
sliced Syris' back open.  The light mage let go of 
Charger and dropped to the ground.  He looked badly 
injured.  But instead of blood oozing from his massive 
wound, only light shone from it...

	Syris adjusted his giant cloak and stood.  He 
had an evil grin on his face.  The wound was gone.

	Charger gasped and looked back and forth from 
his scimitar-like blade and the mage of light.

 	How did he pull THAT off???

	Syris laughed and said "I learned that spell 
before you were created, Charger.  You could have easily 
learned it too if you had simply paid attention."
	Charger wiped some blood from a cut on his 
forehead.  "Okaaay.  Can we stop 'practicing' now?"

	"No, we can't.  You aren't done yet."  Syris 
replied as he dissapeared in a blur of white and 
appeared behind him.  Before Charger could do anything 
he felt a horrible pain in the back of his head.

	Syris had punched him there...

	The lightning mage dropped like a sack of bricks.  
His clothing ripped to shreds.  His body drenched in 
sweat.  Sores and small cuts ran througout his form in 
such a fashion that he looked like he had been thrown 
into a minefield.  His head injury spilled blood over 
his face.

	Strangely enough, Charger had red blood.  The 
crimson fluid made his hair sticky.

	Syris on the other hand wasn't even breathing 
hard.  In fact, he seemed to be bored!

	Charger staggered up, he looked like he was 
possessed by a demon.  His veins bulged.  The blood 
covered most of his face.

      	"Syris!" a voice called.

	The mage of light turned towards the sound.  
Princess Ayeka stood before him.  The lovely crown 
princess of Jurai.  But what was she doing here?

	A young girl that looked no older than ten stood 
beside her.

	A hint of a smile played across Syris' face.

	"Princess Ayeka, it's so nice to see you.  You 
look as beautiful as when I first saw you.  And is this 
your sister?  She's so adorable."

	"Why are you butchering Charger???" Ayeka 

	"BUTCHERING?  Hardly.  Charger has been in 
greater danger than this before.  Consider this...a way to 
refresh his memory, if you will."

	The mage of lightning narrowed his eyes, blood 
oozed down his face.

	"This is insane!  Surely you can honor the 
agreement made by him and Ryoko!" she persisted.  Ayeka 
was surprised that she was defending the space pirate.

	"Ryoko has no honor.  Truth is meaningless to 
her.  Besides, we cannot forget our mission.  We must 
prepare for the great battle..." Syris replied, looking 
towards the stars.

	"What battle?" Ayeka demanded.

	"You will know when the time comes.  It will 
change the course of Earth...perhaps the entire universe."

	He looked back at Charger.  "Nebulon will hear 
of this treachery.  I have no more time to waste on 
you." He said with contempt.

	He floated in the air, back towards the gate.  
As he left, he said, "I can feel strong power coming from 
your younger sister.  Train her well.  For she may be an 
important factor in the great battle."

	The mage of light floated away, bringing the 
disemboweled Jurai Guardians back to life as he exited 
through the front gate.  

	The mage of light floated away, bringing the 
disemboweled Jurai Guardians back to life as he exited 
through the front gate.  

	Charger de-ignited his blade and sat down.  The 
pain that shot throughout his body was nothing compared 
to the fear in his brain.

	Ayeka and Sasami rushed over to him.  They 
examined his injuries, the smaller ones were healing 
already thanks to Charger's regeneration powers.  But 
the huge gash on his forehead still bled.

	"I still can't believe that Syris is capable of 
such violent barbarism." Ayeka said.  "Are you alright, 

	"I'm fine I suppose...well, for a dead Mystic 

	"Don't say things like that!" Sasami chided as 
she wrapped her blanket around his head.  "You're gonna 
be just fine."

	"No, it's not that.  It's just that I'm terrified 
of what Nebulon will do when he finds out.  I'll be 
cast into Hell to rot forever just like Kronos was."

	"We won't let him.  You're like family to us, 
Charger.  And we never abandon family!" Ayeka replied.

	"I thank you for your kind words, Princess.  
But if the worst does happen, just let it happen.  No 
sense in you getting cast into Hell along with me." 
Charger said.

	The night dragged on at a torturously slow pace.  
Washu tended to everyone's injuries and sent a droid to 
quickly repair the hole in the wall.


	Syris stepped through the portal and back into 
the combat arena.  He was just about to summon the Great 
Guardian Nebulon when Siela appeared beside him with an 
accusing look on her face.

	"You monster.  How could you do this?" she 

	"Charger was slacking off and I pulled him back 
to reality.  In case you have forgotten, this is total 
war and we are on the front lines.  We have a job to 
do." Syris retorted.

	"Sometimes I wonder who is more horrible, you or 
Satan." Siela said as she glared at him.

	Syris met her gaze evenly and answered. "Sometimes 
I wonder if there are TRAITORS among us!" 


	His supply bag thrown over his shoulder, Charger 
left his room and trudged down the hallway.  It would be 
suicide if he stayed here any longer, and who knows what 
his friends would have to endure if Nebulon decided that 
they were all somehow indirectly responsible for his lack 
of obligation.

	As he went down the stairs, he saw Sasami cooking 
breakfast.  She was such a noble soul, so very wise for 
her age.

	She must have heard him descend the steps, she 
turned around and greeted him.

	"Good morning, Charger!  Um, what's the bag for?"

	The mage of lightning shook his head.  "I'm 
leaving, Sasami...for good.  I've put you all in enough 
danger already."

	"But you can't!  It's not your fault that Syris 
doesn't hold with your boundaries of what should and
shouldn't be honored!"

	"No, Sasami.  It is my fault.  Sometimes people 
have to make sacrifices for the good of those close to 
them.  Even if it means never seeing them again."

	Without waiting for an answer, Charger headed 
out the door...

	...Only to drop to his knees in shock and pain.  
There was something with a Power Rating beyond imagination 

	Something materialized in front of him.  A dark 
being with a giant cloak and blazing eyes...Nebulon.

	"L-Lord Nebulon!!"  Charger stammered.  

	"Mage of lightning, you have failed in your 
mission to hunt down and kill Ryoko.  And then you defy 
your holy obligation by allying yourself with her.  The 
typical punishment for such a grave crime would be exile 
to Hell, but I don't want to take the chance that you or 
your swordarm the 'Chaos Blade' might fall into Satan's 
control.  Thus, you will remain in this dimension, 
unable to planeshift until you prove yourself worthy in 
the great battle ahead."

	"What BATTLE???" he demanded.

	"The battle that will be a turning point in the 
War between Heaven and Hell.  The battle that will or 
will not assure us total victory at the Final Apocalypse.  
Prepare for it!"

	As quickly as he had arrived, Nebulon dissapeared.

	And so, Charger remains at the Masaki household.  
Living with the residents in a relatively peaceful life, 
but ever-vigilant.

	Miraculously, the planet Earth turns on its axis 
once again.  Part of an immense and eternal tapestry that 
is the Universe.  A Universe that was simply created at will 
by the mind of God.

	Somewhere in Hell, a demon laughs.  And the 
warriors on both sides are ready to strike...But we have 
yet to see the sign that will set in motion the greatest 
battle in history, in all it's glory and apocalyptic 
horror.  This story is far from over as our heroes prepare 
the best they can does one prepare themself 
for Armageddon?