No Need To Start Dating by Mitch NO NEED FOR TENCHI is owned by AIC/Pioneer LDC, INC. Created by  Masaki Kajishima and Hiroki Hayashi. Used without permission. It started so innocently. Well, maybe it wasn't so  innocent. It was the time known as the "age of consent" for  Tenchi. The young prince was having his eighteenth birthday.  True to form, Ryoko was teasing him, Ayeka was congratulating  him, Sasami was happy but treating it as if it were another  birthday, Mihoshi was happy but knew better about the day's  significance, Yosho and Nobuyuki were happy for obvious reasons,  Washu just smirked, and Kiyone felt happy for him but also  concerned. He's going to have some difficult times, she thought, like  he isn't already. She remembered her eighteenth birthday. Her  parents treated it like it was the zenith of her life. They were  probably right. Becoming a woman was rough on her, but being a  man might be tougher on Tenchi, especially in his position. She looked at Mihoshi and began to wonder about her. She had been glancing at Tenchi in a way that wasn't regular for her.  She seemed...interested in him to say the least. Kiyone tried to  shrug it off and eat some of the cake Sasami made. She then  noticed Ryoko trying to feed Tenchi some cake and getting a rise  out of Ayeka. And the cycle continues, thought Kiyone. Kiyone was relaxing outside during the firefight between  Ryoko and Ayeka. It wasn't over the cake, it was over the last  of the ice cream. Kiyone smirked. She was a cop and yet the  space pirate's antics always got on the princess' nerves. Life  is strange, thought Kiyone. She heard the door creek open.  Mihoshi was coming outside. She didn't seem to notice Kiyone,  however. Instead, the blonde detective joined Tenchi on the  front porch. ----- "Tenchi?" "Hmmm. Oh. Koban-wa, Mihoshi." "Nice night." "If you excuse the explosions in the background, hai." "-giggle- At least things aren't boring around here." "I don't know," said Tenchi, "I almost forget what 'quiet'  sounds like." "Gomen-nasai..." "Iie, that's okay. It's been a while since you've lived here." "Hai, but nothing's really changed. Unless...Tenchi, have you actually...dated Ryoko or Ayeka?" "Uh, iie. Why?" "Just...curious. Hai, that's it." Mihoshi almost seemed nervous. "By the way," she added, "do you have any plans for this year?" "Unless you count my eagerness to get a driver's licence, not really. I'm just glad I've lasted this long all things considering." "You're a survivor. You have your whole life in front of you." "All I hope is that I make the right choices." "I'm sure you will," said Mihoshi quietly as she stood up and left him in a bewildered state. ----- Kiyone wasn't trying to listen, but her good ears picked up everything, even when she tried to block it out. She read between the lines of what Mihoshi said and came to a conclusion. I hope you know what you're dealing with, partner, Kiyone thought. ----- Something's different, thought Kiyone as she was trying to sleep. It was a quiet night, but something felt wrong. Mihoshi wasn't snoring. She turned to her partner. Not only was she not snoring, but she wasn't sleeping either. "Mihoshi, you okay?" "Hmmm. Oh. It's...nothing, Kiyone." "Something's bothering you, isn't it?" "Well, maybe I'm not sleepy..." "Mihoshi, you're never 'not sleepy'. There's something on your mind. Isn't there?" "H...hai." Kiyone was quiet for a minute before she continued. "You're starting to like Tenchi, aren't you?" "H...hai!" Mihoshi started to cry. "I...I'm not sure how it started, but...I'm beginning to wish he was more than a friend. It's that...he's so nice and cute and...but...he probably wants Ryoko or Ayeka. Besides, I don't want to fight with them over him." You wouldn't survive, thought Kiyone, secretly relieved that Mihoshi didn't want to be in the crossfire of those two. "Kiyone, would me?" "Me? I...well, you know my love life..." "Well," explained Mihoshi, "I haven't been that good with mine either..." Kiyone remembered the heartbreaks that Mihoshi had in her academy days. Actually, Mihoshi had a couple of honest boyfriends and even some intimacy in a couple of her relationships. She was hurt badly in each break-up. Kiyone knew what that felt like, but Mihoshi took her's worse. Was it because Mihoshi was so trusting or because she was sensitive? Either way, Kiyone didn't want to see her partner hurt again. Besides, it usually took a week for Kiyone to hear the last of Mihoshi's "sob story". "Well," said Kiyone, "I don't want you to be hurt again, but I don't want Tenchi to be forced into anything. That wouldn't be fair." "You're right," Mihoshi said sadly. "However," added Kiyone, "I don't think there's anything wrong with giving him another option. I'll give you one suggestion and it's something Ayeka and Ryoko probably haven't tried." Š "What's that?" "Talk with him. I don't think those two ever tried to discuss their situation with Tenchi." "But...what if he says iie?" "Well," said Kiyone, trying not to sound too disappointing, "at least it would be his decision and not forced on him." "Well," said Mihoshi, "I'm just afraid he won't take me seriously and...laugh at me." "If I know Tenchi," said Kiyone, "he'll be more considerate than that. Just get a chance to talk to him, don't come on too strong, and watch out for Ryoko and Ayeka. No matter how small you'll hint, they'll take it the wrong way." "Thanks, Kiyone," said Mihoshi as she hugged her partner. Kiyone noticed that it wasn't as strong as her usual hugs. This must really have been bothering her. ----- Tenchi was finishing his work in the fields and was heading back home. Grandpa was off on a retreat and his dad was into his work these days. He missed them, but he felt more freedom right now. Things were more boiled than usual with Ryoko and Ayeka and that kept Tenchi's hands full already. At least now, he could go inside and sit down. Sasami would be watching one of her Anime shows right now. He would probably join her. Inside, Tenchi was half surprised to see Mihoshi on the couch with Sasami. He didn't know when she arrived. Also, he didn't see Kiyone anywhere. Well, he thought, might as well join them. On the couch, only Mihoshi seemed to acknowledge him. This was strange since they were watching her favorite show. Tenchi chose to concentrate on the show, even though he had little idea of what was going on. Afterwards, Sasami left to make dinner. "So," asked Mihoshi, getting Tenchi's attention, "how was your day?" "Surprisingly uneventful," answered Tenchi, "not that I want someone from Jurai to burst in and kidnap Ayeka or anything." "Hai, so des," said Mihoshi, "I've gathered that on this planet, people only dream of having adventures like ours." "Well," said Tenchi, "at least mine was kind of boring until you guys showed up. I don't know if I was wishing for a more exciting life before then, but I know it's more dangerous than exciting than most people think." "I don't know," said Mihoshi, "patrolling the solar system gets pretty dull after a while. You know, seeing the same nine planets over and over. I'm surprised the people here haven't seen anything beyond them yet." "Be careful," Tenchi jokingly warned, "or you'll get 'Ayeka syndrome'. She's always complaining how backward my planet is." Mihoshi chuckled. "Hai, so des, but this place isn't bad. It's more complex than most worlds I know and you don't have any interplanetary trade gaps to worry about." "Hai," Tenchi responded, "I guess I'm lucky. Say, Mihoshi, is Kiyone around?" "Iie, it's just me. Why?" "Just wondering. She's almost always with you." "Well, she does know I'm here." Š "Oh, hai. So, will you be staying for dinner or...?" "Sure, why not. I'll call her about it." "Hai. You're welcome to it. It'll be just like old times," said Tenchi. "I guess," said Mihoshi as she stood up to head toward the phone. Mihoshi seemed to be acting strangely, almost more serious than usual. Maybe something was troubling her. Well, Tenchi figured, maybe she'll feel better after dinner. He just hoped that it wasn't something too serious. ----- During dinner, Mihoshi realized how much she missed living with the Masaki family. She loved Kiyone and all, but she missed the pusado-family routine of this place. Being a single child, she grew up wanting sisters. That was one reason she was always hanging on to Kiyone. If this family was any indication, sisterhood would be a pain and a blessing at the same time. She wondered if Tenchi ever thought the same way about it. ----- Tenchi noticed Mihoshi lost in thought. Contrary to what some people believed, she was a women of intelligence. It was her good nature and ditsyness that made people think otherwise of her. Something was on her mind and Tenchi was becoming curious about it. "Mihoshi?" Tenchi asked, "you okay?" "Hmmm? Hai, Tenchi. It's just that I'm noticing how much I've missed living here." "Don't worry," said Ryoko, "you haven't missed much except Ayeka embarrassing herself now and then." "What is that meant to imply?!" inquired an enraged princess. "Like you don't know." Tenchi, Sasami, Washu, and Mihoshi finished their dinner quickly and left the room. ----- Mihoshi was feeling guilty about her reason for coming, She didn't want to "steal" Tenchi from Ryoko and Ayeka, not if Tenchi really wanted one of them. Still, she wanted some time alone with him. How bad could that be? Sasami and Washu probably did that all the time. She devised a plan and looked at the listings. Maybe there was a movie playing in Okayama that both of them would like to see. ----- It had been a rough afternoon on Tenchi. He had to break up fights between Ryoko and Ayeka about three times that day, Washu lured him into collecting genetic samples from, and he had to help Sasami fetch Ryo-ohki from the carrot fields. Tenchi was resting in his room, half-expecting Ryoko to show up and seduce him. Instead, he got a phone call. "Moshi moshi, Masaki residence." "Konnichi-wa, Tenchi!" "Konnichi-wa, Mihoshi." She sounds better today, Tenchi noted. "Uh, Tenchi, I was wondering, after I get off of work, how about we see a movie?" Š "Hmmm? Sure, why not? Uh, I don't know how to inform the others..." "Oh, don't worry about it." ----- At the theater, Tenchi was getting tickets while Mihoshi was getting the popcorn and drinks. Mihoshi felt extremely happy receiving quality time with Tenchi. So happy, in fact, that she failed to see the man in front of her as she head toward Tenchi with her beverages. She bumped into the man, spilling the popcorn over him. Then, in her surprise, she tossed the drinks into the air, where they fell on two janitors. Mihoshi's confidence faltered. "Gomen-nasai...!" "Mihoshi, it's okay. It wasn't too big a mess and it can be cleaned up easily. Besides, Grandpa's always getting me to eat healthier anyway. Let's just enjoy the movie." "Hai." ----- Ryoko was bored. She decided to go see Tenchi. She often wondered why he would always spur his advances. Couldn't he see that she wanted him? Actually, she didn't just want him physically. She actually cared for Tenchi and worried for him. Ryoko phased into Tenchi's room. He was gone. If he's with Ayeka..., thought Ryoko, grumbling with envy. She went to Ayeka's room and found the princess looking at an old hologram of Yosho. "Alright, princess, where is he?" "Aaah! Ryoko! Don't you ever think of knocking?" "Takes too much time. Now, where are you hiding Tenchi?" "Tenchi? I haven't seen Lord Tenchi since this afternoon...DON'T OPEN THAT CLOSET!" "Aha! So, he -is- here...!" Ryoko opened the closet, but didn't find what she expected. She stood in silence. First, because of disbelief and secondly, in amusement. "Hmmm. Looks like you're not as innocent as I took you. Not as hopeless either." Ayeka ran up and shut the closet door. "IF YOU BREATH ONE WORD TO ANYONE...!" "And lose my reputation as the only bad girl in the house? Nah. We'll call it even if you help me look for Tenchi." "-sigh- All right." "I just feel sorry for all the cows who are now part of your leather collection..." "Oooh!!!" ----- Sasami was preparing dinner. She felt sad that Tenchi wouldn't be there tonight. Oh well, she hoped he and Mihoshi were having fun. She then noticed Ryoko and Ayeka entering the kitchen. "Sasami," asked Ayeka, "do you happen to know where Tenchi is?" "Oh, hai. He told me to tell you guys that he and Mihoshi went to a movie earlier." "Woah woah woah! Tenchi went out with...Mihoshi?!"Šexclaimed Ryoko. "Tenchi and...that officer...?" stammered Ayeka. "Well, what's the big deal about it?" asked Sasami. "They just wanted to go have some fun." "Without telling us?" asked Ryoko. "I just told you," said Sasami. The two women just stood there looking sad. "You two okay?" Ryoko sighed. "There's nothing to worry about," she figured, "Mihoshi's harmless." "Hai," said Ayeka, "she is perhaps the least of our obstacles." "Um, obstacles to what?" asked Sasami. "Oh, nothing Sasami, nothing," Ayeka covered up, "now, when's dinner ready?" ----- The movie wasn't up to Tenchi's liking and, apparently, not to Mihoshi either. Still, he was glad to spend some time with her. Her attitude had brightened considerably and she resembled her old self. Still, there was something different about her... On the way back to the house, they jokingly complained about the movie. It was amazing how they hated the same things in it. They got to the house, still laughing, and were greeted by a puzzled Ryoko and Ayeka. Nothing was brought up until dinner, when Sasami asked, "So, did you two have fun?" "Well, the movie was lame, but I think Mihoshi and I enjoyed each other's company." Ryoko looked worried. Ayeka looked worried. Sasami looked happy. Mihoshi looked almost...hopeful. Nobuyuki looked scheming. ----- Mihoshi caught Tenchi alone at some point after dinner. "Did you have fun, Tenchi?" "All in all, yeah." "Can we...try it again sometime?" "Yeah, why not?" Tenchi left, unknowingly leaving Mihoshi is a state of awe and hopefulness. End