[Disclaimer] AIC, Pioneer.... I'd like to make a proposal, how about your people call my people... er... once I get some people, and we can reach an agreement ending with me owning Tenchi.... ((just in case 1 of you readers didnt know, all of my disclaimers are jokeing, Tenchi Muyo belongs to AIC and Pioneer not me, but i figure i've done good if I can make you laugh!) A/N- Hey people! Little Ryoko, you've reviewed e twice, please e-mail me!! I'd LOVE to chat with ya! I finally updated my bio... it took me long enough to get my lazy butt in gear... -.-; but hey, I am the original lazy bum! er.... i was jokeing... why are you all nodding..... um... well... on with the story! Song of My Heart: Perfect Hotsuma ran through the woods, he saw Ryoko fall and he saw someone else, walking twords her, then there was a flash, and the fire seemed to cease, but Ryoko was gone, and the other person was no where either. "No...." He said quietly, the one person in the Masaki home who treeted him like a person was gone...gone. ~*~ Ryoko opened her eyes, she had fallen into a dreamless sleep, but was once again awake. Her mind still raceing with thoughts, but her headache gone. She sat up and looked down, she apeared to be wearing a dark blue midevil style dress (A/N- Go to this adress to see a pic of the dress exept for Ryoko's is dark blue instead of red: http://members.fortunecity.com/magentasky/dolls/D46.gif) she made a look of disgust, for that wasn't what she was wearing when she had fallen asleep. "Sick freek...." she mumbled quietly. "How dare he.... for his information I can change my own clothes..."\ "But you were soaked and asleep, darling..... you look lovely, that dress suits you perfectly... exept for one thing... your hair... tsk..... hm.... we'll have to do something with it so you'll look suitable...." came Taro's voice from the door. "Hey wait a second.... darling? suitable? what's wrong with my hair?! Who are you anyway...." Ryoko said confused. "My name is Taro, and you... you are now.... my one and only..... hm perhaps a bun... yes, perfect..." he said going back to the subject of her hair. "Your one and only?!!? I don't even know you! hey! that hurts!" she said as a ribbon apeared and he started pulling her hair into it, and into a tight bun. "Perfect... absolutely lovely..." He said as he finished and stepped back and took a look at Ryoko, who quietly glared at him. "Now... you are perfect...." he whispered to himself. ~*~ Back at the Masaki home chaos raged. "What happened?? what did you see!?!?" Washu asked Hotsuma trying to stay calm. Mihoshi was crying loud enough to break windows, and Kiyone screamed at her to shut up before she did so. Ayeka sat on the couch, hed sown, quietly laughing, everyone thought she was crying. "It's ok Ayeka... I'm sure Ryoko is ok.... I know you too were friends...." Sasami said quietly,patting Ayeka on the back. *Yes of course Sasami..... friend..... right...* Ayeka thought with a mental grin *Tenchi's mine now either way.... how perfect....* ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ A/N- Wow... Ayeka really is evil.... ^-^ hope your enjoying the story peoples!! love you all, but reviewers most, and Little Ryoko my 2 time reviewer, e-mail me!!