Hey!  I'll give 'ya two guesses as to who the charachters of Tenchi Muyo!
belong to!  No, not me, guess again.  That's right!  Tenchi Muyo! and it's
characters belong to AIC Pioneer!  There, there's the legal stuff, so don't
sue me or anything.  I'm broke anyway.  BUT the events and plot of this
fanfic belong to *ME*.  That means that I own this fanfic and taking it
without my consent is strictly prohibited.  Okay, so heres the story...

Sho-ro Muyo!  No Need for Crying---Part One
by kaeru chan

    Tenchi crawled into his bed thinking about, well, nothing but getting to
sleep.  He had spent a day training with Ryoko under his slavedriver of a
grandfather.  His whole body ached and all he wanted was to close his eyes
     "TENCHI!"  The scream hit him like a pile of cabbit doo.  Damn, didn't
the world ever leave him alone?  He walked down the hall, dragging
his aching feet.
    "What?  Who called me?" he yelled through the house as he walked.
    "Lord Tenchi!  Oh, where are you?!"  It was Aeka.
    "I probably should've guessed...," his voice trailed off as he entered
the kitchen to find a distressed Aeka standing in the middle of it looking
like an abslolute wreck.
    "Oh Lord Tenchi I'm so glad you came you see I came downstairs to see if
Sasami was here because she wasn't upstairs and she wasn't here and,(she
takes a gasp of air) OH I DON'T KNOW WHERE SHE IS!!!"  Tenchi absorbed this
as the First Princess of Jurai stood panting after the barrage of words she
had just thrown at him.
    "Have you checked by Funaho's lake?"  was all he said.
    "Well, no.  I didn't think of that. You're probably right.  She most
likeley is having trouble sleeping again.  OH TENCHI!  You're so, so- I
don't know what I'd do without you!"  With that, she gave a very stunned
Tenchi a quick hug and raced out the door to prove the theory correct.
Tenchi just stood in the middle of the kitchen for a second, trying to
muster up the strength to drag himself back upstairs.

    Aeka arrived at the lake where her bother's spaceship tree towered out
of the water to form a peaceful green canopy.  She found Sasami, just like
Tenchi had said.
  "Sasami..?"  Her sister's voice startled her, but the young princess was
relieved to see that it was someone she trusted, and not one of the people
in her dr-...in her nightmares.
    "Sasami, what is troubling you?  You haven't slept for almost a full
week.  Are you having bad dreams again?"
    "Aeka, if I tell you, will you promise not to let anyone else know?"
    "Certainly Sasami, but why would you want to keep it a secret?"
    "Well," Sasami started,"I, I don't want anyone to worry.  I'd feel awful
if I put the family in a stressful situation."
    "Oh Sasami, it's alright.  Everyone will love you, no matter what you do
or think you do wrong."
    "Thanks Aeka.  Well, for a long time now, I've been having this same
dream.  Ryoko's there, and Tenchi, too, and then something awful happens..."

    Tenchi had managed to pull his worn out body up to his room and into his
bed.  He fell asleep the instant he hit the sheets, not even bothering with
the comforter.  Ryoko had heard the commotion, and decided to see what the
problem was.  SHE knew where that sweet little girl, tormented by her own
mind, went when she was about to go over the edge of an emotional
breakdown.  She wondered why Aeka couldn't just ask her, who she KNEW had a
link with Ryo-ohki who always followed Sasami around.  She snorted.  *It's
obvious*, she thought to herself.  *She's too good for me.  I'm just a lowly
space pirate, what do I know.  Jeez.*  She phased into Tenchi's room,
knowing full well that he was too tired to even put himself to bed.  She
hovered over him, righting his head on the pillow and covering him with his
comforter as she did so.
    "He looks so peaceful, yet serious, when he sleeps,"  she noted
quietly.  "Hmm...," she sighed as she teleported to her own bed, exhausted
after all the training.  She reminded herself to do something rotten to
"old" Yosho as she drifted to sleep.

    "There's a horrible smell, like something, something, um...dead," Sasami
explained to her sister back at the lake.  Aeka could see that this one word
pained her deeply.  Sasami never liked to see anyone hurt, much less dead.
She hated to think of things having to do with pain.
    "Well, suddenly, Tenchi and Ryoko start to scream and yell, but not
loud, like they're being strangled by weak hands.  Then K-," she stopped her
explanation and started to choke on her tears.
    "Sasami, it's okay, I'm here."  The little princess looked at her loving
sister and the tears subsided.
    "Well, Kagato appears, and the smell gets stronger.  It gets into Tenchi
and Ryoko and they, they, they stop screming!  Oh Aeka!  I'm so scared!
What if it means that Ryoko and Tenchi are going to die?!"  Sasami suddenly
burst into tears and collapsed onto Aeka.  She sobbed and the warm tears
soaked int Aeka's nightclothes as the blue-haired child sat trembling all
over.  She was on the verge of crying, too.
    "Come, Sasami, let's go to bed and think about it in the morning when
everyone is awake."  She led her sister onto her feet and to her bed.  Aeka
sang to her and told her it would be alright until she finaly stopped
shaking and fell asleep.

    In her lab, Little Washu woke up to find a suprise.  Ryoko was floating
above her, asleep.  The tiny genius got up, stretched, and prodded her
daughter awake.
    "Good morning sunshine!" she said cheerily as Ryoko sat up in mid-air
rubbing her eyes.  Ryoko descended to stand on the floor and stretched until
Washu thought she would rip herself limb from limb.
    "Morning, uh," she saw the look that Washu gave her, "MOM!"  The little
scientist practically shone with rays of happiness at this, and promptly
gave Ryoko a motherly embrace.
    "Okay mom, that's enough!  I've really got to talk to you!"
    "What's the matter sweety?"
    "I've got a slight problem," she began as Little Washu let her out of
her death-grip, "You see, I'm worried about Tenchi.  He's been acting very
worn out lately.  Ever since that battle with, you know, Kagato, he's been
very tired, he's not been like himself when we train.  What do you think's
wrong with him Wa- uh, mom?"
    "Well, I'll need to do some tests on him,*heehee*, but I'm sure he's
just worn out from all the excitement lately.  Bring him to me and I'll give
you any results I find.  Okay?"  This seemed to be enough to satisfy Ryoko,
and she phased out and returned with Tenchi, who was still asleep.  She let
go of his arms and he fell onto an operating table, where a dozen metal arms
held him down in a dozen different places.  Tenchi, of course, was still to
tired to even wake-up, and he slept while Washu typed in numerous figures
onto her transparent holotop.

    Sasami was asleep, for the sun was just coming from behind the trees,
and she was being wrought by horrible preminitions...again.  In her dream,
she is helping Tenchi and Ryo-ohki pull carrots in the field.  They are
laughing and having fun watching the little cabbit try to lift a heavy
basket full of the orange veggies.  Ryoko is lounging in a tree across from
them, munching on an apple while she watches the clouds.  Then, a bolt of
lightning hits the tree, throwing Ryoko towards them.  The Souja appears and
a coldness creeps across the carrot furrows.  An evil laugh splits the air,
and Kagato appears, looking straight at Tenchi, who has gone to Ryoko and is
helping her up.  Kagato readies a massive green sphere of bright energy and-
    "AAAH!"  Sasami sat bolt upright, sweat rolling down her face and back.
It took a minute for her to realize where she was, but she figured out that
she was safe, and left her room, running downstairs to take her mind off
things by, you guessed it, cooking something.  But the hairs on the nape of
her neck won't seem to go down, and ice-cold shivers are running up and down
her spine, causing her to shiver.

    Washu emerged from her laboratory shortly after brekfast, to a very
cocerned Ryoko... and Aeka.  It seems that she had noticed the space pirate
pacing in front of the door to the subspace, and demanded to know
the facts.  Ryoko, not caring for anything but her love's well being, had
told the snooty bitch to go away, and, Aeka being the person she is, just
had to say to piss her enemy off.  "Mom" handed a printout to Ryoko, who
almost at once dashed into the lab to find a half-awake Tenchi, moaning and
groaning about his sores and aches and pains.  He brightened up at Ryoko's
face, though, and she soon had him in the kitchen sitting down to some of
the rice porridge and tea Sasami had made for breakfast.  Aeka quickly
scooted in on the opposite side of Tenchi, and began to butter some toast
for him when he realized what time it was.
    "Oh my God!" he exclaimed through a mouthfull of rice, "I have to get to
the fields!"
    "But Tenchi!  You haven't been feeling well, and Wash- I mean mom's
printout says that you have to get some sleep!  You used up alot of energy
keeping the Light Hawk Wings going for so long!  What if an emergency comes
up and you're too tired to do anything?  I can't defend this place by
    He shot her a broad wink.  "I'll be fine," he said, "I promise I'll rest
when I get back."
    "Lord Tenchi, please don't overwork yourself," pleaded Aeka, "Why don't
you let us help you?"  He thought for a moment, realizing finally how tired
he really was.
    "Okay, you guys can come help.  I don't see any problem with it, and
besides, the company will be nice," he said.  Aeka and Ryoko's eyes suddenly
got very big and teary, but that only lasted for a few seconds before
they gave eachother warning glances, then they went back to looking like
puppies in a pet shop window.

    The entire household was at work, except for Mihoshi, who was,
*ahem*, sleeping on the couch.  Yosho was at the shrine, Nobiyuki was at the
office, and Tenchi and the girls were in the carrot fields.  Ryoko, who had
felt she had done her part by sending a jolt of energy through the rows of
carrots, loosening the dirt from them and making them much easier to pull,
was relaxing on a high branch of a tree.  Aeka and Ryo-ohki were pulling
stems off the carrots that Tenchi and Sasami threw over to them.  Washy was
experimenting with different plant foods.
    "Lord Tenchi, we've almost got a full basket!  Would you like me to take
some to the house?" asked Aeka in a sing-song voice.
    "Yeah, that would be great!  It's not too heavy for you?"
    "Oh no," she replied as she walked off toward the house in front of
Azaka and Kamidake, who were levitating the bushel of carrots between them.
Ryo-ohki watched after them longingly for a moment before she realized that
there were more carrots being thrown in a pile near her.  She put them in
an empty basket, filled it up in no time and was trying to lift it.  That's
when Sasami remembered.
    "Um, Tenchi?  I think we have enough carrots for a while, so why don't
we go home?"
    "Why, Sasami," he asked, noticing the sudden look of worry on her
usually cheerful face.
    "Well, I just think we should go.  I have this very bad feeling that
something is going to happen and-,"  Before she could finish, an
earsplitting rumble split the air, and she looked behind her where Tenchi
was already running to help Ryoko who was sprawled on the ground.
    "AAA HA HA HA HA HAA!"  There was that laugh.  Sasami knew wha was
coming next, and she yelled for Tenchi to draw Tenchi-ken and defend
himself.  He did so, and Ryoko, after composing herself, formed the red ball
of energy in her palm that she squeezed into a glowing sword.  The laugh
came again, this time, it was louder and echoing.  It was the unmistakeably
vile and insane laugh of Kagato, the man who was supposed to be dead.
Tenchi didn't believe that it could possibly be him, until the Souja, or a
ship like it, hove into view.  Then came the madman.
    "Greetings, oh Masaki family!" he said wih a horrible twisted
smile,"I've come back from the 'dead', happy to see me?!"
    "Leave here now, Kagato, or I will have to kill you AGAIN!"  Tenchi
threatened him with the Master Key, but Kagato didn't budge an inch.
Instead, he completely ignored Tenchi and his sword, brushing the warning
off like an annoying insect.
    "Professor Washu, what a pleasure to meet you again, do you like what
I've done with the Souja?"  he asked in a greasy voice.
    "I don't care what the hell you did to it," she replied rather calmly,
"It will never be as good as the original."
    "You seem rather confident, but just wait until I use it's new power to
oblittereate your family!"
    "HA!  Don't you realize that these two," referring to Tenchi and
Ryoko."will just humiliate you again?!"
    "Impossible!" he bellowed,"I beat your poor excuse for a creation last
time and I can do it again!  And as for the boy, well, I'll just let you
wait and see!"  He began to laugh insanely and fired a small barrage of
green energy spheres.  Ryoko blocked some with her sword, and hit some away
as if they were nothing.  She looked for a place to attack Kagato, but he
had dissapeared.
    "He's not using his full power, not even close.  That bastard's got
something up his sleeve, I know it."  As she said this, Tenchi moved around
in front of her to the spot where Kagato had been.
    "WHERE HAVE YOU GONE!?" he yelled to the sky.  He stood on the
spot while a large lazer beam engulfed him in reply.
    "HAHAHA!  That was too easy, but knowing this boy, he is still half
alive.  Well, come on!  HAHAHA!"  Kagato laughed as the dust and smoke
cleared to reveal three Light Hawk Wings projecting from Tenchi.
    "My my, so here he is!  Well boy, come and get me!"  Tenchi made no move
to attack.
    "What's the matter?  I'm threatening your very existence and you don't
see fit to kill me or even attack.  That's not enough motivation?  If not,
I'm sure this will be!"  Kagato turned and fired a powerful blast at
    "NO KAGATO!"  Tenchi was upon him in an instant, slashing away with his
Light Hawk sword.
    "Amazing!" exclaimed Washu, punching keys on the holotop.  Sasami and
Ryo-ohki were crouching behind her.  *I feel awful* was all Sasami could
think, but her thoughts were interrupted by a beam from the Souja.  The
three of them were being transported onto the ship!
    "Don't want to have you contacting Tsunami, princess."  Kagato had
stopped Tenchi's attacks for the moment, and Ryoko was running across the
field with her sword over her head.  She leaped into the air and sliced the
arm that was restricting Tenchi off.  It disintagrated, and the madman
screamed in pain.  In a matter of secons, though, he had created a new one,
and he was soon coming in contact with two swords at once.  He pushed Tenchi
and Ryoko backwards, gaining the upper hand.  Right, left, right, over,
under, lunge, the blows kept coming, barely missing open areas of his two
combatants.  He swung down hard and the three swords locked together.
Kagato pushed away even harder than he had swung, and he managed to knock
his opponents back a couple yards.
    "Damn, he's strong," Ryoko said with a hiss.
    "We can't go on forever like this," said Tenchi, obviously winded.
    "Can you keep him busy for a second?"  Ryoko gasped to Tenchi.  He
nodded to her and Kagato came rushing in for another attack.  He met with
them, and Ryoko quickly teleported herelf behind him.  Kagato remembered
this little move, and swung backwards, cutting deep into Ryoko's side as she
brought her blade down.  She screamed in agony and fell to the ground, her
sword flickering and finally going out completely.
    "Now that that little pest is out of the way, I will have no trouble
disposing of YOU!" he yelled in triumph.  Tenchi's face twisted into a look
of pure hate and anger. he would kil Kagato.  He was royally pissed (no pun
intended).  He let out a long and deafening yell, and the ground began to
shake.  There was a blinding flash, and Kagato shielded his eyes.  He was
pushed back by a sudden blast.
    "What the hell is going on?!" he asked to no one in particular.  The
light and noise dimmed, and as he uncovered his face, he beheld three
colossal Wings sprouting from Tenchi, who was in his familiar Light Hawk
outfit.  He stood in front of Ryoko, protecting her from any attack with the
    "So, you might actually put up a fight now.  Good, killing you will be a
challenge this time!"  Kagato spread his arms.  A thousand small red lights
shown from the Souja.  They were lazers, and he was planning to fire them,
all of them.
    "HAHA!  Fire!" he screamed, and a thousand streams of red light
hit Tenchi's position, causing a crater to form around it.  Tenchi was
    "Give it up Kagato, or I will give you a worse death than the one you
will already get!"
    "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!!!!" was his only response.  He jumped into the air
and landed far across the field from Tenchi.
    "If you won't die that way, maybe you'll fall to THIS!  Come to me,
Souja!" he called to the heavens.  The large ship began it's descent,
picking up speed as it did.  Tenchi closed his eyes and concentrated hard.
The Souja was nearing closer.
    Inside the ship, Ryo-ohki recieved a message from someone.  She thought
it sounded like Tenchi, but that was impossible.  He didn't have a link with
her, did he?  No matter, she thought, she merely did what the voice told her
to.  She ran to the front ot the ship and grew into her spaceship
self, creating a large hole in Souja's hull in the process.  Washu and
Sasami climbed aboard her, and she took off, out of the ship and into the
sky.  *Good* thought Tenchi.  *They're safe now.*  Souja was still falling,
though.  Tenchi once again began to concentrate, and the air vibrated with
the power pulsing through it.
    "NOOOOO!!!!"  Kagato was outraged and filled with pain from the pressure
that was in the air around him.  The sip neared the Light Hawk Wings, and
Tenchi let forth all of the power he could summon.  Then the Souja
imploded.  There was no fire, and no release of energy, just the giant ship
being smashed into its own molecules.  Kagato's scream could be heard in
space, on Ryo-ohki, and her passengers cringed at the bloodcurdling sound.
It was over.  Tenchi relaxed his mind, and the Wings absorbed int him, and
his outfit changed back to his usual clothes.
    "Goodbye, Kagato."  Tenchi turned and ran to Ryoko.  She was laying in a
puddle of dark blood, and Tenchi's eyes filled with hot tears at the sight.
Battles had their prices.  He knelt down beside her, the redness soaking
into his jeans.  Gently, he picked her up in his arms and stood.  The tears
were running down his face by now, and he let them flow freely.  He pressed
his hand against the gash below her ribs.  Blood ran through his fingers,
bringing even more tears.  Tenchi hugged her close to him, and began to cry
    "Don't cry," came a faint whisper in his ear.  He jerked his head back
to look into Ryoko's tear-streaked face.
    "Please Tenchi, don't,"  she clasped the hand that was over her wound,
"It hurts me to see you cry, more than this," she said, indicating the gash.
    "Ryoko!" Tenchi said, squeezing her hand back, "I thought you were
dead.  I was afraid I would lose you.  I couldn't stant losing another
person that I-," he stopped short.  "Another person that I loved," he said
after a moment.  Ryoko looked at him. He was loking straight into her amber
    "I won't die unless I know that I'll be meeting you on the other side,"
she whispered to him.
    "Likewise," he said, and kissed her, first on the forehead, and then
moving down to her lips.  She kissed him back, because, as we know, she
loves him, too.  Tenchi knew that he loved her now, as he always had.  The
two wished it could've lasted forever, but Ryoko pulled back, letting out a
little groan.  The swordthrust to her side had done alot of damage.  Tenchi
realized this and began to run toward the house, Ryoko slowly slipping into


Well, did you like it?  I know it wasn't that good, but don't flame me too
bad, it's my first.  I'l start writing the next part very soon.  Believe me,
this is only the beginning.  Don't worry, I won't make the next part so
long.  Speaking of the next part...

    In the next installment of "Sho-ro Muyo!", Ryoko's in trouble.  Will she
live?  Can she survive her devistating injury?  What's happened to Aeka,
Washu, and Sasami?  Only "Sho-ro Muyo! Part Two" has the answers.  Coming
soon, promise!