Disclaimer: I do not own any of the original characters, places, or events from the Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OAV's or Manatsu No Eve. These are the property of AIC and Pioneer. I do own all new events, characters, and places that have occurred during and after Tenchi Muyo! Will of the Goddesses. Tenchi Muyo! Shadows of a Forgotten Sin "Game Plan" Kiyone was sitting in a secure room somewhere inside the base. The room itself was some sort lounge for soldiers, but the captain had been given complete privacy so that the children could rest. There was a black leather couch, which Kiyone and Achika were sitting on, three black leather chairs, one held Conner, and a few tables with chairs for dining. Conner was busy typing on his portable computer, only occasionally did he lift his eyes to look at his mother and Achika. Achika was lying in Kiyone's lap with her eyes slightly closed. Kiyone was slowly petting her hair. "Kiyone?" asked the child. "Yes?" "Will Mommy be all right?" Fear was clear in her tone. Kiyone continued to brush her hair. "Of course, honey. Your Grandma made her all better. She's just going to be sleeping for a little while, that's all." The little girl yawned. "That's good. I don't want Mommy to be hurt anymore." The door to the lounge suddenly opened, allowing Mihoshi to hurry inside. The blond, wearing a pair of slightly torn tan slacks and pink tank top, looked about wildly until she saw her old partner. "Kiyone!" "Shhhh!" the teal haired woman said quickly. "You'll wake up Achika." Mihoshi's eyes went wide, and she clamped her right hand over her mouth. "Sorry," she whispered. Kiyone took a slow breath before speaking again. "Where've you been this whole time? Don't tell me you slept through the entire battle?" "Oh, no," replied the blond with a cheerful smile. "I was in the cafeteria." "Eating," Kiyone said with a sigh. "If it's not one it's the other." "Well, I was eating until one of them came in and tried to get me," Mihoshi explained. "But then I captured him," she added happily. Kiyone raised an eyebrow. "Captured who, Mihoshi?" The GP raised her right hand above her head. "One of those big lizard guys." The only thing that kept Kiyone from jumping out of her seat was Achika. The captain carefully slid herself out from under the sleeping child and walked over to her friend. "Are you telling me that you captured a Ssl'na? Alive?" Mihoshi nodded. "Yup." The teal haired GP just stood there with her mouth open. "Wh...where is it now?" "I've got him tied up in the cafeteria," Mihoshi told her. Kiyone grabbed the ditz with one hand and started pulling her to the door. "Conner, look after Achika until I get back." She stopped and looked over at her son. "And don't go exploring." "Sure, mom. No problem," he replied without looking up from his computer. Kiyone quickly pulled Mihoshi out into the hall. She thought about locking the door to the lounge, but decided against it when she realized that Conner could hack the locking program with ease. Satisfied that the children would be safe for the moment, the captain and the detective ran down the halls to the cafeteria. When they arrived, there were already several soldiers waiting outside. Kiyone nodded to all of them, and each one stepped aside to let her in. The cafeteria itself was a disaster area. Tables and benches were over turned and scattered everywhere. A multitude of foods and beverages littered the area, making squishing noises under their shoes. But in the middle of it all, was a brown scaled Ssl'na warrior bound by several laser and gravity cuffs. "H...how d...did you do that?" stammered Kiyone with a shaking hand. Mihoshi started tapping her chin. "I was in here alone eating lunch, when this guy came through one of the windows." She pointed to a broken wall of windows. "He yelled at me in some language and came at me with a sword of fire. I didn't know what to do, so I ran." "What happened after that?" pressed Kiyone. "Well," continued the ditz, "he chased me around the room for a couple of minutes turning all the tables over. Then I remembered that I hand my gun." Mihoshi pulled out her GP issue blaster proudly. "So, I started shooting over my shoulder while I ran." Kiyone slapped herself in the forehead. "Then as I was running through the kitchen, I ran into a rack holding a big pot of soup and fell down. The soup fell down, too, spilling all over the floor. Well, then the big lizard guy came in after me, but he didn't see the soup on the floor." "And he fell, too," interrupted Kiyone. "Yeah!" cheered the bubblehead. "How'd you know?" "Lucky guess," sighed the captain. "Go on." Mihoshi nodded. "He started to get up, and then he tried to hit me with his fire sword. I tried to get up and run, but I slipped on the soup, too. While I was falling, my gun went off and hit a pole that was holding a whole lot of pots up near the ceiling. The pole broke and the pots all started to fall on his head." The blond tucked her gun in her pants. "That was when he stopped moving, so I quickly found some soldiers, and they helped me tie him up." She smiled happily at Kiyone. "Can you believe it?" Kiyone was shaking her head. "No, I can't." She lifted her wrist COM up and twisted it once. "Washu, this is Kiyone. Do you copy?" "What's up, Kiyone?" came the genius's voice over the wrist COM. The captain laughed lightly. "You're not going to believe this." Less than five minutes later, Washu, dressed like an Earth surgeon, burst through the cafeteria door breathing heavily. She straightened to her full height and whistled. "Well I'll be damned. Look what Mihoshi dragged in." The Ssl'na, who had been silent up until this point, hissed at the red head. "Ishkra kal gura meil, Washu loiraga!" Kiyone leaned close to Washu. "What did he just say?" The genius was smiling. "He said he knows who I am, and that I am a devil woman." She stepped away from the GP's and walked over to the reptile. "Ishkri ni kal amma drakth juthda." "What did you say?" asked the captain again. "Basically, that he's in it up to his neck," she replied with a devious smile. "Get the guards outside," she ordered without turning around. "I have a few questions I want to ask this fellow...in my lab." _____ Dawn's light had just started to cast itself over Cylrya, when Washu came out of her lab. Her mane of red hair was pulled back into large ponytail, and she was now wearing a completely tan jumpsuit. Certain portions of the suit were stained green. The genius wiped a hand across her forehead. "Phew," she breathed. "That took a little longer than I thought." *My, but it certainly was entertaining,* commented Tokimi. *It is nice to know that those reptiles are not as strong willed as we always believed.* Ignoring Tokimi, Washu looked to her left and watched Ayeka, followed closely by Gerin and Nunar, coming towards her. "Morning, Ayeka." The Empress bowed her head slightly. "Good morning, Miss Washu. I was just coming to check on your progress with the prisoner." She stared at the stains on Washu's jumpsuit for a second. "Did you find out anything useful?" Washu followed her eyes to the stains, to which the genius gave her a wisp of a smile. "It took some persuading, but I managed to pry open his jaws, literally." Ayeka swallowed hard, and Gerin actually paled slightly. "Well, when will you be prepared to share this information?" "Just set up a meeting, and I'll be there," Washu told her. The Empress nodded once, and continued down the hall. She stopped a few feet away to look back at Washu. "If I may inquire, Washu? What is the current status of the prisoner?" A shadow briefly passed over Washu's face. "I had to dispose of him," she said flatly. "Trust me, Ayeka. You don't want a Ssl'na around, period." Ayeka paled herself, now. "Pity," she said finally. "I would have liked to question him about his race." She shrugged and resumed walking down the hall. "Don't worry, Ayeka," whispered Washu to the Empress's back. "You'll learn too much about the Ssl'na soon enough." Washu was about to go find an unused shower, when a commotion from down the hall caught her attention. A handful of Juraian medical personal were crowded around a single figure, who was doing his best to make it down the hall without collapsing under his own weight. Washu placed a hand on each hip and just watched as Riley did his best to get down the hall. "Detective Keshera," one of the doctors said in a pleading voice. "You're injuries were very severe. You must get back to bed immediately, or you may suffer more damages!" Riley, wearing just a hospital gown, grabbed the doctor by the front of his white shirt and slammed him up against the wall. "Speak to me again, and I'll give *you* an examination you'll never forget!" he growled. That said, the doctors and nurses all made great haste to get out of his way. Riley shuffled down the hall and would have kept going if Washu had not barred his path. "I didn't stitch you up just to have you go out and die, detective," Washu scolded. "Excuse me, Doctor Hakubi, but I have to get to a ship." The detective tried to get by again. Washu quickly poked him in the stomach, which caused him to double over in pain. "And what will you do when you get to a ship?" she asked, pacing around him. "Are you just going to go to Jurai and get yourself killed?" He raised himself up, glaring angrily at her. "I have to rescue Sasami." The genius folded her arms under her chest. "Not in this condition. Let's not forget that you are completely outclassed when it comes to facing her captors." Washu leaned forward until their faces were inches apart. "The people holding Sasami are basically demi-gods. If they so desired, they could destroy a planet in one action." She straightened back up and wagged her right index finger in front of his face. "What would you do against people like this? Bleed on them? Hit their fists with your face?" Riley looked back at her with a stone face. "I have to do something." Washu looked him up and down. "It's not much, but I think I can work with what we have." She took a few steps back and opened the door to her lab. "Step into my office, detective." He hesitated at first, but Riley was soon following Washu into the lab. The darkness soon gave way to Washu's personal medical facility. She led Riley over to a single regeneration bed. "Lay down," she ordered. As Riley spread out on the bed, Washu walked around the surgical laser unit. When she came around the other side, she was wearing a pair of cream colored pants, a black blouse, and a white lab coat with an ID tag that read "Doctor Washu Hakubi, MD." She stopped next to the bed and summoned her holographic laptop. "All righty then. Let's take a scan." A group of small, metal globes dropped down to spray Riley with a series of red scanning beams. Washu read the results as they appeared on her screen. "Okay. Aside from the injuries you suffered yesterday, you're in pretty good shape, Riley. Question is, what can we do to beef you up?" Riley visibly swallowed. "Beef me up?" "It's too bad your connection to space trees is so weak," she went on, ignoring his question. "Otherwise, I could just pump you full of Jurai Power." She sighed. "Looks like I'll just have to tweak you a little bit." "Tweak?" gulped Riley. He started to try and get off the bed. "Thanks, Doc, but I think that..." Washu easily pushed him back down on the bed. "Do you want to save Sasami or not?" He relented and remained down. "Let's see," she mumbled while typing. "The fact that you're Juraian makes things easier. It means you should respond positively to anything I do to you." "Oh, man," he groaned. "What have I gotten myself into?" Washu continued typing, running several theories through her computer. "It's too bad I can't give out Light Hawk Wings anymore. That would make things much easier." Then it hit her. "Hold on a second. You can't get real Light Hawk Wings, but I think I can get you damn close." A small, subspace hole appeared, and Washu reached into it. She fumbled around for a second before going, "Ah ha!" The scientist pulled out a long, black plastic case. A table rolled up to her right, and she placed the box down. Washu opened it and took out a red gem. "My daughter, Ryoko, has the ability to make copies of her gems, which are the source of her powers." She held the gem over Riley's face. "This is the one she usually uses as an earring. I think I can pump a little bit of extra juice into this, thus making it almost as powerful as the real thing." "Then what?" asked Riley. Washu gave him her cocky genius smile. "Then I stick it on you. If my guess is right, your Juraian make up should allow you to channel its power safely." Washu walked over to a glass sphere connected to a spiraling metal contraption that was attached to several cables. She dropped the gem, which proceeded to hover, into the sphere. "The power of this gem should give you just the wild card you need." The glass sphere was suddenly field by a storm of energy. The energy swirled around for several moments before finally being absorbed by the gem. Washu snapped her fingers, and the gem floated up out of the sphere and into her hand. She winced slightly from its heat. Next a robotic arm lowered itself down above the regeneration bed. Washu placed the gem in its three pronged hand and stepped back. Restraining straps suddenly sprouted from the bed and wrapped themselves around Riley. "Just a precaution," assured Washu. "The pain might make you do something wild." "What pain?" asked Riley worriedly. A three foot glass wall dropped down between them. "This is really going to hurt." She started typing on her laptop. Two more robotic hands came out from under the bed and twisted his right wrist up. One held the wrist down while the other sprouted a small laser. "Don't I get anything to dull the pain?" cried the detective. "Might hurt the bonding process," was all Washu said. "Brace yourself." She tapped a key, and the hand with the laser shot out a thin red beam. Riley gritted back a scream as the laser made a small incision in his wrist. The hand holding the gem quickly descended to insert the red item into the opening. Almost immediately red electricity started running up and down Riley's arm. Roughly ten seconds later it was over. The straps and hands retracted, leaving Riley breathing heavily from his place on the bed. Washu tapped another key, and a glass cover came down to seal Riley in. He made a surprised cry as the bed began to work its magic. The bed turned capsule was suddenly filled with a blue light that lasted for a minute. When the light faded, the glass cover lifted away. Riley slowly sat up without any trouble. He flexed his hands and twisted his upper body. "Wow," was all he could say. Finally, he looked at the gem now imbedded in his right wrist. "Try using it," suggested Washu with giddy smile. "How?" "Can you feel the power in the gem?" she asked. He nodded. "Use it like it was an extension of your arm. Just picture yourself extending your arm with it." "Okay." Riley opened his right hand. The gem glowed briefly, and suddenly a red energy saber sprouted from his palm. The detective gripped it and made a few test swings. "Amazing! You're a genius, Washu." Washu dolls A and B popped up on her shoulders. "You damn straight!" they both cried before promptly disappearing again. "With that gem you can create energy weapons, blasts, and temporary shields," she explained. "It's just the basics, but I think that's all you will need." Riley gave her a cocky grin. "Lady, knowing the basics can win you the game." _____ Rei had to suppress her growing urges to start blowing things up. Over the night, her body had healed itself to a point where she felt that there was no longer a need for her to be in bed. A brief memory of Hiro escaping the hospital during the night only infuriated her more. Then she realized something. "Why can't I just leave?" She looked down at the fuzzy creature sitting at the end of the bed. "Right, Ryo-ohki? If Hiro can leave, then why can't I?" The cabbit blinked at her. "Meow meow." "Right," she said, not really knowing what Ryo-ohki had said. The raven haired teen slid out from under the bed sheets. It took her a few moments, but Rei finally found some of the clothes that had been dropped off for her. She winced a few times, but she was eventually able to pull on a pair of blue jeans, a black sports bra, and a yellow tank top. She ran her fingers through her long hair and shook it once. Ryo-ohki scampered up her left arm to take up her perch on top of the teen's head. Before the pair left, they stopped over at Ryoko's bed. "I'm just going out for a little while, mom," said Rei, with a gentle stroking on her mother's arm. "I'll be back soon." Ryo-ohki meowed at her sleeping mistress. Having checked on Ryoko, Rei and Ryo-ohki left the recovery room. "First things first. We find Hiro." "Meow?" "Why?" huffed the teen. "Because he ditched me in there, that's why. He's probably in his room eating junk food and watching TV while I was laid up in there." Her stomach growled. "First I give him a piece of my mind. Then we get some breakfast." "Meeeow!" agreed the cabbit. Rei had just stepped out of the room housing Washu's mini-hospital, when Ukarit came striding down the hall. The gangster was holding a basket of fruit in his arms. "Hello there, little Masaki. I was just on my way up to see all of you." "Is that for me?" Rei's eyes were staring at the fruit basket. She licked her lips once. Ukarit looked at it. "Uh, yeah. It's for everyone up there..." Rei snatched the basket out of his hands and tore the plastic covering off. "Mom's the only one left up there," she said before biting into a yellow fruit shaped like an apple. She handed something up to Ryo-ohki, who ate it without hesitation. "So, kiddo," asked Ukarit as he dusted off his hands. "Where're you off to in such a hurry?" "Phind Hiro," replied Rei with a full mouth. She swallowed before going on. "Then to kick him in the head." "Uh huh," said Ukarit with a knowing nod. "Want some company?" Rei smiled at the pink man. "Someone's going to have to bring him back here when I get finished with 'em." The small group was soon walking down the streets towards the building where the Masaki family had been staying. Rei continued to eat the fruit as they went along. "So," she asked finally. "Where were you during the fight? You don't look that hurt." "Leah, Somar, the Twins, and I were in one of the hangers," he answered. "When the Ssl'na busted in we made a break for one of the shuttles. Leah got banged up a little bit when she tried to take one of 'em on, but a well placed grenade gave us all enough time to get on board. Once inside we turned the shuttles guns on them." He chuckled heartily. "I don't care how tough those scaly bastards are, a ship grade plasma gun will turn anyone to dust. We spent the rest of the fight providing cover to the troops on the ground." The basket was now empty, and Rei dropped it in a trash disintegrator. "At least someone didn't get the crap kicked out of them." "Ah, don't worry about it, kiddo," Ukarit told her. "We all get the shit kicked out of us at one time or another." He reached out and patted her on the left shoulder. "Hell, you're still one of the strongest fighters I've ever seen. I'd always put my money on you." Rei started laughing. "You're a compulsive gambler. You'd bet on anything if the odds are good enough." The gangster started laughing with her. "Can't argue with that." They continued to talk as they walked through the city. It wasn't too much longer before they reached the building where all the members of the Masaki family were staying. Not trusting the lifts in the building, they decided to take the stairs, although for Rei all she did was float up the seven flights. The group, with Ukarit breathing a little heavily, finally arrived at Hiro's room. Rei pounded loudly on the door. The raven haired teen was all ready to start yelling at her twin the moment he opened the door. When the door actually opened, Rei's jaw dropped. Leah was standing there, only wearing one of Hiro's black T-shirts. The trouble shooter looked equally as shocked as Rei. She looked past the wide eyed Rei and Ryo-ohki to the man standing behind them. "Uh, hi, boss." Hiro, wearing only a pair of red and green boxer shorts, suddenly appeared with his arms wrapped around Leah's upper body. "Who is it?" he asked before looking up. "Ahhh!" he cried when he saw Rei. Everyone just stood there in the entrance to the room, shocked into complete silence. The quiet was finally broken by beeping from Ukarit's communicator. He grabbed the item from his belt and raised it to his mouth. "Go ahead." "It's Somar, boss. Just got the word from the Empress. There's a meeting in an hour. She wants you to get together as many people as you can." "I don't think that will be a problem," replied the gangster. _____ Tenchi was pensive. All he could do was pace back and forth next to the conference table. "You're going to pace yourself through the floor," commented Mayuka. "I can't help it," he said. "I just have a bad feeling about things." "Tenchi, please sit down," suggested Ayeka from the head of the table. "Pacing will not bring anything closer to a conclusion." Taking her advice, Tenchi seated himself next to Mayuka. "Calm yourself, Tenchi," Yosho told him. "You will need a clear mind for the tasks ahead, and if you are distracted, the worst could happen." "Thanks, Grandpa," he replied half heartedly. "I'll keep that in mind." The door to the conference room opened. Ukarit entered first, followed by Somar and the Twins. Next to enter was Rei. Finally Hiro and Leah walked in. Tenchi immediately picked up a strange vibe between his twin children. Rei kept looking at Hiro, and the cyan haired teen would blush ever so slightly. Deciding to deal with it later in private, Tenchi dismissed it for the time being. Not five seconds later, Washu, along with Riley, entered at last. The genius was dressed in all black with a long, high collared, black coat over the rest of her clothes. Everyone in the room watched as she seated herself at the center of the left side of the table. Ayeka nodded, and Washu cleared her throat. "We survived yesterday," stated Washu. "Unfortunately, Gabriel has everything he needs, now." "What is he doing exactly?" asked Admiral Judroa. "Were you able to get anything from the prisoner?" Washu nodded. "Thanks to the efforts of Mihoshi," the blond giggled, "we were able to question a live Ssl'na. I can definitely say that he was Touched. In the end, though, that didn't help him at all. You remember what I told you about the Eye of the Universe." Everyone nodded. "From what I got from the lizard, I am confident in saying that Gabriel has found a way to get back there." She let that statement hang for a moment. "Sasami is the key." Everyone started whispering to each other, all except Riley who just sat there stern faced. Washu continued to speak. "From what I can put together, Gabriel has constructed some sort of ship. The ship is purely a conductor with Sasami at the center. Between the ship and Sasami, Gabriel hopes to create a portal to the Eye." "Can we stop him in time?" asked Yosho. "Depends on what you mean by time," Washu told him. "Can we get to Jurai? Yes. Using a Light Hawk Wing generated portal, we can get our fleet there same as we did during the Goddess War. Our problem comes in the form of getting to Gabriel and the ship once there. There are three hurdles surrounding Gabriel. One, his guardians, two, the Ssl'na, and three, the Touched Juraians." Washu slowly looked at everyone around the room. "We have our own warriors that are strong enough to take on his four guardians. When it comes down to it, our army can go toe to toe with the Ssl'na. The problem lies in dealing with the Touched Juraian fleet. Since Ayeka has declared that we are not to harm them, we can't just go in blasting. What we have to do is come up with a way to neutralize that fleet with a minimal loss of life." "Minimal loss of life?" Ayeka repeated. "There can be no loss of life." "We have to be realistic, Ayeka," Washu tried to explain. "There may be a way to save the majority, but there will inevitably be losses." Ukarit whistled and sighed. "Man, it's too bad that the enemy fleet isn't like those demon tree ships that Ziasha created during the last war. I'd love to be able to take out a single control center again that'd shut 'em all down." "That's it!" exclaimed Washu. The genius was on her feet with a wild look in her eyes. "Ukarit I could kiss you!" The pink man straightened in his chair and grinned. "Really?" Washu pretended to ignore him and went on. "We can't shut all the enemy tree ships down, but I think I can come up with a way to slave them all to one control center." "Wait a second," interrupted Kiyone. "Do you mean you can force the entire enemy fleet to follow the commands from a single ship in our fleet?" Washu shrugged. "Well it doesn't have to be a ship. The control center can be anywhere with transmission range, but yeah, I can make it so that we can move the enemy fleet safely away until we are finished dealing with Gabriel." Ayeka was beaming from her end of the table. "Make it so, Washu." The genius was typing on her laptop again. "I've already got my computer working on it, but even with the fleet out of the way we might not get to Gabriel's ship in time. Even now he is most likely making preparations to open the portal." Tenchi finally leaned forward to speak. "Washu, is there any way we can get to the Eye before Gabriel?" Washu flashed him a smile. "I was just about to come to that. There is no conventional way to get to the Eye. When my sisters and I were goddesses, we could travel there any time we wanted to. As gods, it was our right. When she came over, Tsunami retained most of her immortal power. When she and Sasami merged, that power completely passed to Sasami as well. Therefore, Gabriel will use that power within Sasami to create a doorway to the Eye." "So where does that leave us?" asked Kiyone. "Tokimi's dead, and you don't have any power left." "There might be one way left," Washu told her. "It's a long shot, but we'll have to try it." She looked over at Ayeka. "Deploy the fleet and prepare for a ground assault. The Ssl'na told me that all the Juraian military is manning their fleet. The planet itself is guarded by an army of Ssl'na." The Empress nodded. "Right. Admiral, recall the fleet. Commander, mobilize our ground forces. The enemy fleet will be herded away by Washu's slave program, where the main portion of our fleet will keep them guarded. Then a ground assault force lead by myself will attack the planet and wipe out the Ssl'na infestation." Judroa and Yosho rose and saluted. "Yes, Empress." A steely look overcame Ayeka's face. "Gentlemen, ladies, it's time to go to war." _____ Washu grabbed Tenchi, Rei, Kiyone, and Mihoshi as they were leaving the conference room. "You three come with me." "Where are we going?" asked Kiyone in an irritated voice. "You'll see," said Washu over her shoulder. The genius led them into her lab and directly to the workshop. She had them all stop directly in front of a ten foot, metallic door frame connected to a five foot computer terminal. Washu immediately started typing at the terminal. "This should only take a minute." Rei was walking around the doorframe. "What is this thing, Grandma?" "It's my Dimensional Doorway," announced the scientist. "Will this get us to the Eye?" asked Tenchi. "You wish," Washu said sarcastically. "Sorry, but no amount of normal dimensional travel can get us to the Eye. This thing is going to help us get something that can break the rules of dimensional travel, though." She finished typing and stepped back. "Mihoshi, come here." "Okay, Washu," chimed the blond. She walked over and leaned on the terminal. "What do you want me to do?" Seconds after the words left her mouth, the ditz slipped. Mihoshi flayed her arms wildly in an attempt to catch herself. In the process, her hands repeatedly slapped the terminal keyboard. Washu smiled as coordinates began flashing across the screen. The blond GP finally regained her balance and stepped back to Washu. "Gee, I'm sorry, Washu. Can I still help?" Washu reached out and patted Mihoshi on the shoulder. "You already did." Next she tapped the coordinate seek key. There was an explosion of light inside the doorway, which eventually became a door of colored light. "Rei, I want you to stay here and keep an eye on the Doorway until we get back. Tenchi, Mihoshi, and Kiyone come with me." "In there?" gulped Kiyone. "Why do I have to go, Washu?" The genius walked behind the captain, smiling the entire time. "Because he likes pretty girls." Before Kiyone could say anything, Washu pushed her into the colored door. "Wwwwaaaaaassssshhhhhhuuuuuuu!!!!" echoed Kiyone's cry. "Now," Washu purred as she turned to the others, "doesn't that look like fun? Okay, who's next?" Tenchi and Mihoshi looked at each other. Tenchi waved a hand towards the doorway. "Uh, ladies first." Mihoshi gave him a shining smile. "Wow, thanks, Tenchi. That's so polite of you." The ditz happily walked into the doorway without argument. "Washu?" offered Tenchi. Washu smiled sweetly. "Thanks, Tenchi. You always were such a polite boy." The genius stepped through the doorway. All at once she felt her very being broken down beyond its basic molecular structure. Then as suddenly as it began, the feeling vanished, and Washu found herself standing in a long hallway lined with doors on both sides. There was a stumbling sound behind her, announcing Tenchi's arrival. Washu moved in front of the group and turned to face them all. "Now don't touch anything! That especially means you, Mihoshi," ordered Washu. "These doors lead to every known dimension in the universe, including Hell dimensions." "I don't want to go to a Hell dimension," whimpered Mihoshi. Kiyone grabbed her old partner. "Then don't touch anything." With Mihoshi in a secure hold, she nodded to Washu. "Okay, lead on." The former goddess started walking down what looked to be an endless hall. "So what is this place, Washu?" asked Tenchi. "It's a focal point of space and time," she explained. "Like I said before, this place connects to almost every dimension in the universe. Except the Eye," she added quickly. "The Eye exists outside of time and space. There are only two known ways to get there, and the other one should be here." One moment they were walking down the endless hall, and then suddenly there was a door before them. Washu knocked once. "It's open," came a man's voice from inside. The genius turned the knob and entered. What they found on the other side was an elderly man in the center of a cozy little library. Two of the three walls of the room were filled with books. The farthest wall was nothing but a large fireplace with a warm, crackling fire generating both a pleasant heat and light. The floor was wall to wall brownish red carpet. In the center of the room was a red lounge chair with enlarged arms and back. Next to the chair was a small coffee table with several books on it. The elderly gentleman was standing in front of the chair, smiling pleasantly. His head was completely bald, and his wizened face sported a bushy gray mustache and a pair of completely purple eyes. He wore a pair of loose white pants with a similarly colored shirt and a burgundy robe over them. Washu continued into the room as if she had always been there. "Hello, Zeke," she greeted happily. Zeke bowed slightly. "Hello to you, Lady Washu. It has been quite a while since your last visit." His smile became a seedy grin. "You're looking quite well." Washu shrugged. "Mortality's been good to me. Unfortunately, I'm not here to catch up on old times. I need the Time Runes." "I'm sorry, dear Lady," he said while shaking his head. "I just loaned them out." "Dammit," cursed the genius, yet she began to chuckle at the same time. "I guess we're not the only ones with a universe threatening problem, huh?" Zeke chuckled as well. "Believe it or not, the universe is always in danger. It's an alternate reality, but the danger is just as great as Gabriel." Washu, intrigued, raised an eyebrow. "The Chaos," was all Zeke said. "Ouch," said Washu with a pained expression. "I wouldn't want to be the one dealing with that." She loosed a long sigh and wiped her forehead. "Then I guess there isn't anything you can do to help us." *I knew this would be a waste of time,* complained Tokimi. *This old fool is nothing but a watcher. He's no help at all.* Zeke leaned forward slightly, squinting. "Ah, Tokimi. I almost didn't see you there." "Tokimi!?" Tenchi, Kiyone, and Mihoshi said in unison. Washu spun around with her hands raised. "I'll explain later." She turned back to Zeke and bowed her head. "Thank you for the time, old friend." Zeke mimicked her bow. "A pleasure as always, Lady Washu. Nice to see hear from you as well, Tokimi." *Go back to your duties, old man,* snapped the goddess. *You do not get paid to talk with your betters.* Zeke only laughed lightly at her remarks. Washu was almost out of the door, when he said one last thing. "There's only one place he can open the portal, Washu. And take door 5748 to get home." The former goddess paused for a moment. Washu smiled over her shoulder at the old man. "Thanks for the tip," she said before closing the door all the way. _____ Tenchi and the two GP's were waiting in the hall for Washu. "What was that guy talking about, Washu?" he asked as soon as she was in the hall. "Tokimi's alive?" The genius gave them a sheepish grin. "Sort of. To simplify it, her essence is inside my head and has been since you killed her physical form." She brushed past him. "You've got to be joking," Kiyone said. "You mean to tell us that Tokimi's been living in your head for the past twenty years? How long have you known this?" "Only a few weeks," replied the red head. "Now, let' see. Ah, here it is." Washu opened one of the doors. "Come on, we don't have time to waste." She stepped into the door without any more explanations. "I'm getting to old for this," groaned Kiyone. She grabbed Mihoshi and followed the genius. Tenchi just shook his head, took a deep breath, and went through the door, too. He wasn't very surprised to find them back in Washu's lab. The scientist was already powering down the Dimensional Doorway. "So, what happened?" Rei was asking. "It was a bust," Kiyone told her. "Not exactly," corrected Washu. "I think I know where Gabriel has to go in order to open the portal." She paused for a moment. "Yes, Tokimi, I know that. Now shut up and let me finish." "This is going to take some getting used to," muttered Tenchi. A console chair lowered down from above, and Washu hoped into it. "I want you guys to go and get ready for what's coming. I have to get that slave program completed, otherwise Ayeka's forces won't stand a chance." "Do you need any help, Grandma?" Rei asked enthusiastically. Washu shook her head. "No, honey. I'll work faster on my own. You go with your father and prepare for the fighting. You, your father, brother, and sister are going to have a real fight on your hands once you reach Gabriel's ship." Tenchi put an arm around his daughter's shoulders and started guiding her out. Kiyone and Mihoshi went with them, and they were all soon standing in the halls of the base again. "Come on, Mihoshi. Let's go get ready." "Okay, Kiyone," replied the blond. "Do we have enough time to get something to eat?" she asked as they walked down the hall. Tenchi and Rei started in the opposite direction. "Dad?" "Yes?" "What's going to happen now?" asked the teenager. "I'm going to be honest with you, Rei," he said. "We're going to try and stop Gabriel. There's a chance that some of us won't come back, though. I know you've seen a lot in the past few weeks, but the things you are about to see will be pretty rough." Rei looked down at the floor as they walked. "So, lots of people are going to die." "Yes," he replied. "People are going to die. Maybe even some close to you. Rei, you must be prepared emotionally for the possibility that even I or your siblings may die today." She sniffed and wrapped her left arm around his waist. "You can't die, dad. You're the strongest fighter I know." Tenchi smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Thanks. I needed to hear that." They entered the lobby of the base, where Tenchi stopped. "Now, go find your brother and sister. I want you three to start mentally preparing. We're going to be facing Gabriel's Light Hawk Warriors, and I want you three to be as focused as possible." Rei stepped back and bowed deeply. "Yes, sensei." She raised herself up and flew off in search of her siblings. With Rei gone, Tenchi went to take care of his own mental preparation. It didn't take him long to reach the mini hospital and Ryoko's room. When he entered the recovery room Achika was sitting in a chair next to the bed, with Ryo-ohki on her head, reading a book out loud. "And...so the...ad...adventur...adventurous space pirate found the tr...treasure chest..." The child stopped reading and looked up at her father. "Hi, Daddy," she said cheerfully with her small legs wiggling over the edge of the chair. "Me and Ryo-ohki were just reading Mommy a story. I know I like it when you read stories to me while I'm sick." Tenchi couldn't help but smile at his youngest child's optimism. He knelt down in front of her. "That's very sweet of you, honey. I know that Mommy's enjoying your story very much. I need to be alone with her for a moment, though. Why don't you take Ryo-ohki and wait outside? I'll be there in a second." Achika closed her book and floated off the chair up to Ryoko. The little girl leaned down and kissed her mother on the cheek. "Bye, Mommy. I'll come back and finish the story later." She dropped to the floor lightly and scampered away humming a tune with Ryo-ohki. When he was alone, Tenchi took the seat next to the bed. He reached out and took his wife's right hand. "I just came by to let you know I'm going out for a while. Don't worry, though," he said with a laugh. "As soon as I kick Gabriel's ass, I'll be right back." He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. "I promise to look after the kids. No matter what, we'll all come back from this one. I'll make sure of that." Tenchi placed her hand gently back on the bed, stood, and kissed her still lips. "I love you," he whispered. _____ Hiro found himself sitting on the roof of his apartment building. A brisk wind blew past, tussling his hair. His ears twitched at the sound of someone else joining him. Leah seated herself down next to him on the roof's edge, letting her legs dangle free. Hiro wasn't quite sure what to say, so he just let them sit there in silence. "Everyone's almost ready to go," Leah told him. "Word has it you're part of the group going after Gabriel." "Yup." He let that hang for a second. "You been assigned anything yet?" She shook her head. "No. There's one more briefing in half an hour. Ukarit says he'll volunteer us once everything's been laid out." "Hmm," was all Hiro said. Finally, he decided to say what both of them were dancing around. "What about us?" He barely caught her sniff. "What do you want me to say? Do you want me to say that I'm going to worry about you? That I'm afraid that you might die?" Hiro smiled and put his left arm around her shoulders. "No." Leah responded by laying her head on his shoulder. "Good, cause I'm not." He squeezed her with his arm. "Me neither." There was a rush of wind as Rei suddenly floated up to their eye level. "Come on, lover boy," she said with a smirk. "Dad wants us to run through focusing exorcises." She winked at them before flipping around to fly back to the ground. The pair watched her for a moment. Leah slid over slightly so that she could look Hiro in the eyes. "Go on," she urged. "You need all the focus you can get." She leaned forward to kiss him briefly. "I'll see you at the last briefing," he told her. The troubleshooter nodded and got up to leave. Hiro flashed her a grin and teleported to the ground. _____ Gabriel entered the bow of the Ark and smiled contentedly. "Perfect." The very front of the ship had been specifically constructed as a focal point to create the portal to the Eye of the Universe. The entire immense chamber was perfectly polished to a shine all around. In the very center was a huge circle with a twenty foot diameter. Fifteen feet in front of the circle was a ten foot metal slab with an indentation in the shape of a humanoid. The slab was then connected to a terminal directly in front of it. Gabriel snapped his fingers, and his minions entered with the prisoner. Zorin and Ashra held the Princess Sasami between them. The princess didn't struggle against her captors, but simply let them lead her. They came to a stop next to Gabriel. "Place her in the machine," he ordered. The two men walked her over to the slab. Sasami was then placed into the humanoid indentation. There was a white flash around her, which succeeded in holding the aqua haired woman in place. Gabriel slowly walked over to the bound princess. "How does it feel to be the key to my perfection?" he asked. "Your vengeance has consumed you to the point of madness," she answered. "That is where you are wrong, Lady Tsunami," he growled. "Not only will I get revenge on you and your sisters, but I will at last gain the perfection that you denied me." Her eyes dropped sadly. "I pity you, Gabriel." "Quiet!" shouted the entity. He levitated over to her and thrust his right index finger in her face. "Don't you dare pity me, Tsunami!" He dropped back to the floor. "Is the fleet deployed?" he demanded of no one in particular. "It is taking up position now, my Lord," informed Zorin. "Are the Ssl'na in place?" "They are awaiting orders in the city," said Ashra. Gabriel spun around and walked back to the terminal. He began typing on the keyboard. "I want Rashoch, Clay, and Timerra on board immediately. Once the Ark has powered up, we are leaving for Nexus." _____ The final briefing was an exhibition of weapons and equipment. Ayeka stood at the head of the table wearing her Juraian battle garb. Shoytal and the Royal Guard were all wearing Juraian light armor with color insignias at their left shoulders. Kiyone and Mihoshi were suited up in blue and gray light body armor. Judroa and Yosho were still in their uniforms. Ukarit was dressed in his black vest and pants, except with a trench coat as well and an assortment of weapons. The Twins looked the same, as always, and Somar wore a gray jumpsuit. Leah was dressed in a black pair of pants, a sleeveless black shirt, a dark blue vest, and long sleeveless dark blue coat with handguns holstered at her hips. Riley was leaning up against a wall in his GP uniform minus the brown jacket and a metal breastplate in its place. The doors opened, and Washu followed by the Masaki family entered. The genius was still wearing her all black outfit from earlier. The Masakis, though, were ready for war. Tenchi, Hiro, and Rei were already in their Light Hawk Armors. Mayuka was in a black jumpsuit with dark blue sleeves and a dark blue diamond on her chest and back. "We're out of time, so let's get this over with," barked Washu. "My subspace sensors have picked up a strange reaction coming from the Juraian system. Whatever he has to do to open the portal to the Eye, Gabriel has started." She looked to Ayeka. "Is everything ready?" The Empress nodded. "From what you have been able to provide us, we have divided the attack into four groups. The fleet will be commanded by Admiral Judroa with Commander Yosho as his second. Our fleet's purpose will solely be to ward off the enemy fleet once it has been slaved to our control." She nodded to Washu. "We have a new problem here," began the scientist. "I tried to introduce my slave program into the Juraian network. Unfortunately, Clay has set up a series of protection programs. I could crack them, but that would take time we don't have. Therefore, someone is going to have to break into a Juraian communications center and upload the program from there." "The success of the slave program is crucial to our victory," continued Ayeka. "Volunteers?" as if she needed to ask. Ukarit raised his hand without hesitation. "We got this one, Empress." "We're going, too," added Kiyone with a gesture to Mihoshi. "We're better suited for a strike team than on a ship or a ground assault." Ayeka smiled gratefully. "Detailed layouts of the chosen COM station will be provided, and Miss Washu will give you the program. Anything else you need will be provided." She took in a deep breath. "Once the enemy fleet has been detained, we will commence an assault on the capital. Miss Washu has provided us with what information she could. At current count, there are said to be at least eight hundred thousand Ssl'na warriors in the city." The Empress's eyes thinned. "This is unacceptable." Shoytal rose from his seat. "After the attack yesterday, we have pulled together six hundred thousand knights and soldiers for the attack force. Her Majesty and myself will be leading the assault. The rest of our forces will be manning the fleet, should we be forced into a space battle. We must make sure that Gabriel will no longer have an army to use against us." "And lastly," Ayeka went on, "there will be the move against Gabriel, himself. A team lead by Lord Tenchi will go after Gabriel's ship aboard Ryo- ohki. The rest of us must make sure that nothing gets in their way. After all, their success will decide everyone's fate. Any questions?" No one moved to speak. "Then let's go. Good luck." _____ Kiyone was fitting several plasma grenades on to her belt when she heard someone move behind her. "Shouldn't you be with Ayeka?" she asked without turning around. The captain's strong resolve threatened to melt as her husband's arms wrapped around her waist. "Your team is about to head out," he said in a low voice. "I had to wish you good luck." She turned around suddenly in his arms, grabbed his face, and kissed the knight fiercely. They parted, leaving their foreheads touching. "Don't you dare die on me today," warned the teal haired beauty. Mastir smiled warmly. "I wouldn't think of it." He leaned in, and they shared another passionate kiss. _____ Hiro was walking across the landing pad in back of the base. Ahead of him was Ryo-ohki, her black, crystalline hull shining in the sunlight. The green strips of silk cloth on his Armor snapped in the air as he moved. The teen looked to his left and happened to spot the cruiser that Ukarit had commandeered. The name "Sure Bet" had been painted in red along the sides of the Juraian cruiser. Hiro altered his path and headed towards the ship. Ukarit was standing next to his latest toy, smiling his green toothed smile. "She's not much, but she's still something," the gangster told the teen as he approached. "So, when are you guys taking off?" asked Hiro. "Same time as the fleet," replied the pink man. "We're going to use the same ID trick that they used to rescue Ayeka. It should buy us at least one minute of no shooting." He loosed a hearty belly laugh. "How about you guys?" Hiro watched the ship. "We'll be part of the second wave. Aunt Ayeka doesn't want to take any chances that we'll be hit in the initial attack." Both men turned their heads at the sound of footsteps coming down the cruiser's ramp. Leah stopped at the bottom and looked at the pair for a moment. Ukarit took a big breath and exhaled loudly. "Well, I think I'd better take one last look at things before we take off." The gangster slapped Hiro on the back and nodded to Leah as he walked up the ramp. Hiro and Leah stared at each other quietly for several moments. The troubleshooter was the first to break the silence. "Good luck, Hiro." He started to scratch the back of his head. "Yeah, you too. I...uh better get going." The teen had only gone a few feet, when a pair of hands suddenly spun him around. Leah pressed her lips up against his in an extremely passionate kiss. Hiro responded in kind and returned with a kiss of his own. She finally pulled back and punched him lightly in the chest. "Be careful, hot shot." That said, Leah ran back up the ramp. "You too," whispered Hiro. _____ Tenchi, his two eldest daughters, and Washu were waiting below Ryo-ohki when Hiro came running up. Tsunami's Knight was about to have Ryo-ohki beam them up, when another person ran over to them. "Wait!" cried Riley as he came to a skidding stop. "I'm coming with you guys." Tenchi was already shaking his head. "No you're not, Riley. We'll be going up against Gabriel's best warriors. Each of them has the power to summon Light Hawk Wings. All you'll do by coming is get yourself killed." The GP took three steps forward, placing himself in Tenchi's face. "Sasami is on that ship!" he said passionately. "That's reason enough for me to go." Tenchi looked the detective directly in the eyes. For a brief moment, he saw himself twenty two years ago reflected in those eyes. Kagato had kidnapped Ryoko, and Tenchi had been possessed with the same determination to save her as Riley was displaying now, no matter how dangerous it was. He finally cracked a smile and nodded to the other man. "Okay, Riley, you're in," he said. "But you're going to be on your own. The rest of us are going to have our hands full." Riley flashed him a cocky smile. "Don't worry about me." He raised his right wrist and pulled back the sleeve of his shirt. Tenchi's eyes widened at the sight of Ryoko's back up gem. "Washu gave me an upgrade." Tenchi looked over at his mother in law, mouth open in an attempt to speak. She merely shrugged. "Oh give me a break, Tenchi. Like you didn't see this one coming. Now, let's get a move on, or Sasami won't be there to save." She clapped her hands, and Ryo-ohki teleported everyone to her bridge. When they reappeared, Tenchi dropped himself into the pilot's chair. He waved his hand over one of the floating crystals, creating a view screen with Ayeka in the center. "We're ready when you are, Ayeka." The Empress nodded. "The fleet is in position above the planet, Tenchi. The Strike Team is also ready. Just open the portals, and the attack will commence." "Right. Good luck." He closed the screen and placed his hands over Ryo- ohki's control spheres. "Okay, Ryo-ohki! Let's go!" "MMMMMMMMEEEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!" The cabbit battleship rocketed off of the landing pad up through the atmosphere. The scene above Barella III was one most of those gathered on the bridge had never seen. Thousands of Juraian tree ships filled the local space. Hiro actually whistled at the sight. "Washu, please take the controls," said Tenchi as he got up and walked over to stand next to the twins. "Are you guys ready?" he asked. They both nodded. "I've done this before, dad. Rei's the one with no experience," Hiro told him with a smirk. "Shut up, Hiro!" snapped Rei. "At least I can fly without Light Hawk Wings," she said finishing the statement by sticking her tongue out at him. Tenchi, smiling the whole time, waved his arms in a calming motion. The fact that the two of them were arguing meant that they were very focused. If either one of them hadn't taken a shot at the other Tenchi would have been worried that they might be distracted. "That's enough, you two. Now, just do it the way we practiced. And pace yourselves, we'll have to hold the portals open until the enemy fleet has been secured." "Yes, sensei," the said in unison. All three of them closed their eyes and took slow, steady breaths. Almost immediately blue, green, and purple portals began to open up all around the fleet. The Royal Pride, with the Sure Bet flying close by, led the way through the first of the portals, beginning the final assault on Jurai. To be concluded... Notes- crunch time. Oh, and to anyone here who reads my Lunar fics...*wink wink*. All comments please go to Roas1@hotmail.com