Disclaimer: I do not own any of the original characters, places, or events from the Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OAV's or Manatsu No Eve. These are the property of AIC and Pioneer. I do own all new events, characters, and places that have occurred during and after Tenchi Muyo! Will of the Goddesses. Tenchi Muyo! Shadows of a Forgotten Sin "Trade Off" "ETA in ten minutes," came Mastir's voice over the ship's intercom. Mayuka took a deep, steadying breath. Kiyone entered the rear of the small cruiser. She, just like the rest of the strike team, was dressed like a Juraian soldier. "How're you holding up, kiddo?" "I'm a little nervous," replied the young woman. "You do this kind of thing all the time. Is it ever any less scary?" The teal haired GP smiled and shook her head. "Sorry. No matter how hard you try, fear is just something you have to live with. Hell, if you weren't afraid then I'd be worried." Her smile vanished to be replaced by a serious look. "Fear is the thing that keeps us alive down there. It raises the instincts." Mayuka picked up Tenchi-ken and stared at it for a moment. "I hope Gerin got our message in time. What do we do if he's not ready for us?" Kiyone tied her hair into a small bun and placed a helmet on her head. She lowered the dark visor as she responded. "Go to plan B." "What's plan B?" asked Mayuka as she placed a helmet on her own head. "Run in blindly and hope for the best." _____ Gabriel paced at the foot of his throne while staring at his four minions. Rashoch, Zorin, Ashra, and Timerra stood before their master with their heads bowed, well all except for Rashoch. The entity stopped pacing and gazed displeasingly at them. "With the exception of Timerra, each one of you has failed in the tasks I gave you," he rumbled. He stopped in front of Ashra. The lithe man lifted his face, which was now covered in a blank, gray facemask with only slots for his eyes and nose. "You, bested by a mere Galaxy Police Officer." Next he looked to Zorin. "Beaten by a boy." Finally he stopped in front of Rashoch. "And you. I reveal your heritage to you so that you can have to upper hand against Ryoko, and what happens? You still lose." Rashoch glared at him. "I had her!" he shouted. "I would have killed her, too, if he hadn't lost to that kid!" he added with a thumb jerk to Zorin. Gabriel huffed. "Be that as it may, Ryoko Masaki is still at large along with her son and the gangster Ukarit." The doors to the throne room opened and a messenger slipped inside. He ran up to Gabriel holding a data pad. "I have a message for you, your Majesty." "Speak," he commanded. The messenger bowed quickly. "Scanners have picked up indications of a fleet heading towards the planet, sire." Gabriel raised an eyebrow. "Markers?" "Juraian, sire." "The rebels," chuckled Gabriel. "It is about time." He looked to Timerra. "Bring Ayeka to me." _____ Verka grunted as he sat in his cell with Nunar. They'd been here for several weeks now, and not once had an opportunity to escape presented itself. He rose from his bed and started pacing. "Pacing will not do any good," Nunar told him in his whispering voice. "Something is about to happen, Nunar," replied the large knight. "I can feel it." The sound of the cell door unlocking caused both knights to look over. The door slid aside to reveal three soldiers. Nunar stood and walked over to stand beside his friend. Two of the soldiers entered the cell with their force lances raised. Both Verka and Nunar jumped back as the third one suddenly fired his lance into the backs of his fellows. The third soldier stepped over the downed ones and removed his helmet. "Hey, guys," said Gerin with a broad smile. "I've got us passage booked out of this place. Wanna go?" _____ Ayeka carefully inserted three forks into her glove. After a little more work, the forks were secured to her make shift gauntlet. The next time someone came to take her out for a "walk" she would give them a punch they would never forget. She lifted her head and looked out the window. Down below the tower, she could a lot of activity going on. Next she looked to the sky to see several battleships rising into space. "Something is happening," she whispered. No sooner had those words left her mouth, then did she hear the sound of her door unlocking. As fast as she could manage, the Empress pulled her "gauntlet" on to her right hand. Ayeka stood, wearing a purple and white kimono with a dark blue sash, just as Timerra walked into the room. "Your presence is requested, Lady Ayeka." "What does your master wish with me this time?" she questioned while slowly walking towards the woman. Ayeka kept her hands behind her back. "My Lord Gabriel simply wants you to watch as your pathetic followers try to rescue you," replied Timerra. She was about to say something else, when a commotion from outside the room caused her to pause. Both Ayeka and Timerra looked around just as two guards came running into the room. They were trying to say something to Timerra, but a several shots from a force lance followed inside, dropping them. Soon three other guards came running into the room with powered up force lances. The moment they saw Timerra, the three of them opened fire at her. The force shots rebounded harmlessly off of a shield that suddenly appeared in front of her. Ayeka felt a rush of wind as Timerra waved her hand and sent the three guards flying across the room into the wall. "Fools," she spat venomously. Seeing what could be her only chance, Ayeka rushed her captor. Unfortunately, as she raised her forked glove to strike, the forks fell from their slots to the floor. Ayeka stopped two feet from Timerra with her right fist raised. Timerra turned around and looked the Empress up and down. "And just what were you planning to do with those?" she asked with a smirk and a look from the forks to Ayeka's raised fist. Ayeka looked from Timerra to her right fist once. Then, before the other woman could react, she brought her left fist around in a hook that connected with Timerra's jaw. Gabriel's minion teetered to her left, and Ayeka quickly followed up with a right upper cut that left Timerra sprawled out on her back unconscious. The three guards slowly got back to their feet and made their way over to Ayeka. They each removed their helmets to reveal that they were in fact Gerin, Verka, and Nunar. "Wow," commented Gerin. "Nice hook." The three knights quickly went to attention and saluted the Empress. "Royal Guard Escort Service here to take you on a one way trip off of planet Jurai," the red headed knight informed her. The Empress gave them a favorable grin. "Excellent work, gentlemen. When does our ride arrive?" "It should be here momentarily, Ma'am," replied Gerin. Ayeka looked down at Timerra once and headed for the exit. "Then let us not be late." She stopped to grab a force lance from one of prone guards before taking the point. _____ Admiral Judroa sat pensively in his command chair on the Royal Pride. "Getting some readings from the target location, sir," informed one of the bridge officers. Judroa punched up a screen in front of him that displayed the readings. "Just as we expected. A sizeable portion of the opposing fleet is there." The view screen vanished, and the Admiral opened up a COM channel to the fleet. "This is Admiral Judroa to the fleet. Preliminary scans show a large enemy fleet waiting for us at Jurai. I know this battle will be a tough one, and that many of us will not survive the day. Despite this, know that I have the utmost belief in your abilities as soldiers who are loyal to Her Majesty. Good luck, and may Tsunami be with you." "Ready to come out of hyperspace at your command, sir." Judroa tapped his right index finger twice. "Now." _____ Once again in its long history, the space around the planet of Jurai became awash with the fires of hell. The two Juraian fleets, both well aware of the other, clashed with the might of two titans. Battleship armaments traded fire with all their power. The death toll was already sky rocketing moments into the conflict. The first generation battleships on both sides dealt out death to weaker ships, while the second and third gen ships simply tried to survive against the hellish onslaught. It took everything Mastir had as a pilot to steer the small cruiser through the chaos without getting himself and his companions turned to ash. It was even harder since, at the moment, their ship was showing up as an enemy blip to both sides. "Look out!" "No wait! Don't go there!" "Ahhhh! Turn! Turn!" "Mihoshi!" he shouted. "Will you stop doing that!" The blond cringed into the copilot's seat. "Sorry." "Thank you," he breathed. "Kiyone! Start up the program!" "Gotcha!" shouted his wife from the rear. "We're running red!" she announced seconds later. Almost immediately the amount of blasts aimed a the cruiser halved. "Much better," commented Mastir. "Okay, send the first signal!" "Done!" came Kiyone's voice again. "Proceeding with self inflicted damage!" There was the sound of a console exploding from the back. "We're damaged! Take us down!" "Strap in, then! We're going down." Mastir checked the coordinates for the capital city and turned the ship towards the planet. _____ "Signal coming in, sir. It's from Lord Mastir." Judroa steepled his hands in front of his face. "Tell the fleet to start the fall back. Once we regroup at the point 02458, we await the second signal." "Yes, sir." The Admiral nodded to himself. Now was the hardest part of any plan...the wait. _____ The cruiser settled down in one of the hangers located near the Palace. Mayuka watched as Mastir and Kiyone prepared to disembark and, hopefully, meet up with Gerin. "Now, I want you two to stay inside the ship no matter what," Mastir was telling them. "As soon as we find Gerin and the Empress, we'll need to get out of here immediately." "Once we've made contact with them, I'll send you the signal to recall the fleet," added Kiyone. "Just have the engines running when we get back." "No problem, Kiyone," replied Mihoshi cheerily. "You can count on us," agreed Mayuka. The Segreys each picked up a plasma rifle, powered them up, and looked over at their comrades once more. Kiyone looked like she was about to say something, but shook her head and headed for the exit instead. Mastir nodded at the other two once more. "Just be careful, you two," he told them before following his wife. Mayuka followed them to the exit hatch. Once they were gone, she closed and locked it from within. She sighed wistfully as the lock panel blinked at her confirming the door was secure. "I hate being on the bench," she whined to herself. _____ Gabriel watched carefully as the rebel fleet broke off and escaped into hyperspace. "I want reports on all damages suffered during the attack," he ordered the aides around him. "First find out if the Ark suffered any damage." "Yes, Emperor!" they said in unison. As two of the aides left, a third one ran up to the entity waving a data pad. "Your Majesty!" The aide was just running past Rashoch, when the madman's right hand shot out to grab him by the back of the head. It only took a small snap to break the Juraian's neck. As the body fell to the ground, Rashoch took the data pad. "Interesting," he said with a light chuckle. "It appears we have a small insurrection within the Palace." Gabriel turned to him. "What?" "A small band of Palace guards appears to have already killed several people in an attempt to get out of the Palace," replied the madman. "And you're going to love this next part. Witnesses say that Ayeka is leading them." Gabriel opened his mouth to respond, but stopped mid breath. A smile slowly spread across his face. "Very unexpected." Rashoch stepped up waving the pad. "What do you want to do about that purple haired bitch?" "Leave her for now," answered Gabriel with a wave of his hand. He turned his pupil less gaze to his minion. "I've just found a better bargaining chip." The entity moved past him towards the doors. "Come. We have a guest to greet." _____ Ayeka and her three companions came running around the bend of a hall with force blasts following close behind. "Really great idea, Gerin!" shouted Verka. "Let's cut through kitchen. No one will notice us going through there!" "Hey!" the red headed knight shouted back. "Lunch just ended! I thought they would be too busy cleaning up to notice us going through." "Quiet, both of you!" ordered Ayeka. "We'll quibble about this later. Right now we need to get out of here alive." More blasts flashed by her head. The Empress reached up to tug at the ring around her neck. "If only I could get this damned ring off." They came upon an intersection in the hall, but thought better of taking that path when two soldiers spotted them and started running in their direction. "Keep going!" warned Ayeka. She fired a quick shot from her force lance without looking back. More blasts answered her single shot. "Gerin!" she shouted. "Do you have any idea where we are supposed to go?" The knight fired a couple shots over his shoulder. "Sort of!" "Great," she muttered. "Just great. They might as well have sent Mihoshi to rescue me." All four of them began to crouch run as the sound of heavy plasma fire echoed down the hall from behind. However, Ayeka was the first to realize that while the fire continued to be heard, not a single shot seemed to be aimed at them. Ayeka and her guards turned around to see the two soldiers who had just spotted them leveling an unrelenting wave of plasma fire at the pursuing guards. When the firefight was over, the two soldiers turned and ran towards Ayeka and the others. Each one warily aimed their force lance. "Whoa!" said one of the soldiers from within his helmet. They both raised their still smoking guns to signify peace. "We're here to help." Ayeka nodded, and her three knights lowered their lances. "So, there are still some loyal to me within these walls," she said carefully. One of the soldiers removed his helmet. "I have always been loyal to you, Empress," said Mastir with a smile and a bow. "Now, and forever." "Well if it isn't Ambassador Mastir Segrey," chimed Gerin with a huge grin. "Politics get too boring?" "Joke later, Gerin," snapped the other soldier as he...or rather she removed her helmet. Kiyone tossed her helmet aside and replaced the clip in her gun. "You couldn't have waited for us?" "Hey!" Gerin chirped defensively. "They were about to take Her Majesty to the Emperor. We had to move before it was too late." Ayeka, overjoyed at seeing Kiyone and Mastir, waved a shushing hand at Gerin. "It's all right, Gerin. The important thing is that we are all together, now." She flashed Kiyone a smile and nodded. "I believe you have a car waiting for us?" Kiyone powered up her fresh clip with a savage grin. "Right this way, Empress." They were all about to move on, when Mastir quickly stopped Ayeka. "Allow me, Majesty," he said as he suddenly ignited his silver bladed sword and made a slice at her neck. Ayeka only gasped lightly as the two haves of the collar fell to the ground. Her following breath was sweetest one she had taken in weeks. The power of the Royal family swelled within her body like a spring of fresh water. There was a shimmer as her force field came to life around her. "Now," she said confidently, "let us proceed." _____ "Sir. We've just received the second signal from the rescue team." Judroa rose from his chair and walked to the edge of the command platform. "Order the fleet to take up positions and prepare to return to Jurai. Then send the signal to our ship at Druz to begin the jail break." _____ *Mayuka...* Mayuka's head shot up at the sound of the voice. *Come to me, Mayuka...* Before she knew what she was doing, the young woman was opening the exit hatch and walking out into the hanger. "Mayuka?" called Mihoshi from within. "Mayuka, where are you going?" But she was already on the move. Not a single soldier paid her any mind while she ran through the busy hanger. There was some sort of fight going on in the distance, and they were all running towards it. Something deep inside told Mayuka that the she needed to pay attention to the outcome of that fight, but the urge to go to the voice was stronger. She exited the hanger and found herself running down an outdoors hall with pillars in place of walls. More soldiers ran past her towards the hanger, but again they didn't pay the running woman a moment's notice. Mayuka followed a path through the pillared hall until she found herself standing in a courtyard. Outlined with green grass, flowers, with paved paths making a cross through the center, and a gushing fountain in the middle, the courtyard would have been a nice place to have a picnic any other day. Now, though, Mayuka suddenly had a bad feeling about her situation. That sudden urge to find the voice vanished almost immediately upon arriving in the yard. Instinctively, she gripped Tenchi-ken tightly in her right hand. "At last we meet face to face, Mayuka Masaki," came a deep voice from in front of her. "Who's there?" she asked while taking a step back. She tensed even more when Azusa stepped out from the shadows at the other end of the yard. Just behind him was the man Rashoch. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mayuka," greeted the Emperor. "I have been awaiting this moment for quite some time." Mayuka watched both men warily. She was about to respond, when she took a closer look at Azusa's eyes. They were all white. "You're not Azusa, are you?" He laughed. "Very perceptive of you, child. No, I am not Azusa. My name is Gabriel, and I am merely borrowing his body for the time being." Something started to boil within Mayuka. "Why have you done all of this?" she asked while taking several bold steps forward. "Why have you destroyed my family?" "Revenge, my dear," he admitted. "A great wrong was done to me a long time ago. I am merely seeing that justice is served." Power surged through Mayuka, and she ignited Tenchi-ken. The blue blade snapped to life, giving off a soft hum. "Justice? I'll show you justice by putting an end to your plans right now!" she cried and charged him. Using the power of Jurai to enhance her abilities, Mayuka made it to him in several strides. She lashed out with precise slashes, but Gabriel was some how able to side step each attack. She threw out a series of roundhouse kicks followed up by a combination attack at his stomach. Halfway through her first slash of the combination Gabriel merely gestured with his right hand, and Mayuka was thrown back through the air twenty feet. "You are really going to have to better than Juraian parlor tricks if you even hope to stand against me, child," he taunted. "Just let me kill her," snapped Rashoch. "I'd love to see the look on Masaki's face when I tell him I killed one of his little girls." He started giggling wildly. Gabriel took several steps towards Mayuka. "No, Rashoch. I will handle this myself." He leveled his pupil less gaze on her and smiled. "Come, Mayuka. Attack me again." The eldest of the Masaki children jumped back to her feet to attack again. She feinted twice at his shoulders and finally lunged for his chest. Gabriel merely stepped back and waved his hand, sending Mayuka soaring through the air into one of the pillars. "I told you, Mayuka. Your Juraian tricks are no match for me." His smile grew thin. "You know what you have to do if you even want to stand a chance." Mayuka struggled back to her feet. "What are you talking about?" she growled. "Can't you feel it deep inside you?" asked Gabriel. "The raw power begging to be released. Look deep inside yourself, child. Remember what you really are." His words seemed to pierce her flesh and go right for the soul. All at once, Mayuka understood him. "No," she gasped. It churned deep within. Mayuka lifted her eyes to him. "I will never let it out." Gabriel laughed lightly. "You have to, Mayuka. It is the only way to beat me. Embrace the power." It surged against her soul. "NO!" screamed Mayuka. "I am not a demon! I am a human being!" "Ha!" he barked. "Do you really believe that? You are a combination of Light and Dark. The Darkness is as much a part of you as the Light. It is and always will be. Your parents may have told you that the Light is stronger within you, but that was a lie. The Darkness is just as strong, and maybe even stronger. It thrives on your emotions. It grows in strength the more you feed it." Tenchi-ken's blade disappeared as Mayuka grabbed her head with both hands. "NO! That's not true! I'm not a demon! I'm not a demon!" Tears were now running freely down her cheeks. "Yes you are, Mayuka," purred Gabriel. "All you have to do is accept it, and the power will be yours." He flicked his right wrist, and she was lifted into the air and slammed down on the ground repeatedly. "All you have to do is embrace it, Mayuka." The air was expelled from her lungs with every hit. Every breath was a struggle. Eventually, Mayuka realized she wasn't taking time to breathe at all. That was when she felt the Darkness call out to her. It promised the power to defend herself against this attacker. It promised the power to save her family and the universe. All she had to do was accept it. So she did. _____ The sudden explosion was even enough to force Gabriel to cover his eyes. When the light was gone, he smiled with satisfaction at the results. Hovering twenty feet away from him was the new and improved Mayuka Masaki. The Juraian soldier uniform she had been wearing had been vaporized by the sheer amount of power expressed by her transformation. The flesh on her face was ash gray, and her bluish black hair was longer and standing on end. Her brown eyes were now entirely red, and her mouth was home to a set of fangs. Her body was now a mass of black scales covered in purple fur with sharp claws for hands. "Bravo, child," complimented the entity. "Bravo." The demon roared and released a black cone of power at him in response. Rashoch teleported to safety, but Gabriel just raised his right hand to block. The power blast parted around him, and succeeded in decimating everything behind him for at least two miles. She roared again and flew at him in a berserk rage. Gabriel, smiling all the while, easily side stepped the demon's deadly claws time and again. He was, however, caught off guard when she teleported behind him and landed a kick in his back. Gabriel stumbled forward, but quickly regained his balance. He took to the air as another of the demon's roars echoed around him, followed by random blasts of black power in all directions. The entity glanced quickly at the destruction being raught by his latest creation. In a mere few seconds of rampage, the city was already in flames. Buildings and whole districts were a flame from the demon's powerful attacks. She roared once more and flew right up at him. Gabriel remained still long enough to catch one of her claws. He lifted her easily over his head and threw her to the ground like a doll. "Such raw power," he observed. "Beautiful. Unfortunately, playtime is over, my new pet. Time for you to take a little nap." The demon pulled herself back up to scream at him from the ground. Gabriel only pointed his right hand at her. She raged and threw herself at him once more. It took no effort for the entity within Azusa to release his counter attack. A pair of white beams of power shot from his hand, crossed each other once, and arced around once before impacting on the demon from both sides. Everything within a mile was momentarily surrounded by the resulting white light. _____ Ayeka led the way, taking most of the blasts with her force field. Following Kiyone's directions, it was not long before they were able to make their way to the desired hanger bay. Traitorous soldiers fell to her might left and right as she flew past with her companions following close behind. Between the sheer power of the Empress and the skill of her people, the common soldiers and guards were no match. She finally let her force field dissipate when they arrived at the open hatch of the cruiser. The group made a hasty rush inside the ship, with Kiyone quickly shutting the door behind them. "Shields up and get us out of here, Mihoshi!" she called up to the front. "But..." "No buts, just do it!" shouted the teal haired GP. Ayeka threw herself into a seat as the cruiser blasted its way out of the hanger. There were no other ships to stop its escape because Admiral Judroa's fleet had returned right on schedule. The cruiser broke through the atmosphere to be greeted by the same firefight it had left earlier that day. Once it was behind the Loyalist Fleet's defensive line, the cruiser sent out the "all safe" signal to the Royal Pride, and entered hyperspace. Everyone on board released a sigh of relief once they were safe. "Phew," breathed Gerin. "I thought we weren't going to make there for a while." "Well, we did all make it," Ayeka told him. "And now we will..." "Wait a minute!" interrupted Kiyone. "Where's Mayuka?" Ayeka jumped out of her seat. "What? Mayuka was with you?" All heads turned towards the cockpit and Mihoshi. The blond swallowed hard. "I tried to tell you guys back in the hanger, but you just told me to get out of there. I thought you would have realized that she wasn't on board." "But where did she go, Mihoshi?" asked Mastir from the door to the cockpit. She shrugged. "I dunno. One second she was near the door, and then it was open and she was running across the hanger. Then you guys came running in here yelling for me to take off." She sniffed once and looked around. "It all happened so fast, that I just acted." Ayeka dropped back into her seat, pale from the realization of what had just transpired. Even though she was no longer a prisoner, they were no better off than they had been before. Gabriel still had a bargaining chip to hold over their heads. And it was perhaps even stronger than what he had held before. No longer was he just holding a prisoner or one of the adults. Now the creature held one of their children. The Empress leaned against her seat and sighed sadly. Ryoko was not going to take this very well at all. "May Tsunami be with you, Mayuka." _____ Gabriel touched down next to the body and picked it up with his right hand. She was still breathing. "Tough little thing," he commented. Rashoch walked up to him with a sneer on his face. "Ayeka escaped. Want me to go get her back?" he asked eagerly. "No," answered Gabriel with a shake of his head. "We have something better, now." "Then what do we do?" asked the madman with obvious impatience. Gabriel looked at him coolly. "First, my dear boy, you go and tell Masaki what the new rules of our little game are. And after that, we simply wait for everything to fall into place before we make our final move." To be continued... Notes- Things are starting to heat up. Seems that the good guys are no better off than before. All comments please go to Roas1@hotmail.com