Disclaimer: I do not own any of the original characters, places, or events from the Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OAV's or Manatsu No Eve. These are the property of AIC and Pioneer. I do own all new events, characters, and places that have occurred during and after Tenchi Muyo! Will of the Goddesses. Tenchi Muyo! Shadows of a Forgotten Sin "On the Run" Sitting in the navigator's chair of the Phoenix Star's bridge, Sasami remained quiet as the cruiser came out of hyperspace at the edge of the Ginta system. The COM beeped, and Riley tapped his earpiece. "Ginta III, this is the Phoenix Star requesting docking space at the Ni-Trita spaceport." He was silent a moment while a response came through the earpiece. "Thank you very much. Phoenix Star out." "Well?" asked Sasami after a moment. They'd been traveling this route for two days, and she was itching to get off the ship. Riley spun around in his chair. "We've been given permission to land. It'll just be a little while more." He gave her a half smile. "Are you sure you want off my ship, princess? I really think you shouldn't be out there on your own." Sasami responded with a small smile. "Thank you, again, detective, but as I have already told you we shall soon be parting ways. My presence has already brought hardships on the Galaxy Police. I do not want anyone else to suffer in my place." She stood and moved towards the exit. "I'll be in my room until we land." _____ The suite was made up of a large bedroom, a den, and an impressive bathroom. Ayeka sat atop the cream colored linens of her bed and looked out the window of what was in reality her cell. The sun's warm rays streamed in through the window, but Jurai's beauty could not hide the true darkness that was beating within the Palace. Clean and dressed in a fresh violet and blue kimono, the Empress simply sat there silently. Thoughts of her family walked through her mind, creating a warm feeling deep inside that allowed her to find the strength to keep going. Her left ear twitched as the door to the suite opened and shut. A figure stopped at the entrance to the bedroom. "The Emperor awaits you in the dining hall, Lady Ayeka," said the voice Ayeka identified belonging to the woman Timerra. She slowly turned her head to calmly stare at the other woman. Keeping her dark pink eyes on Timerra, Ayeka eased herself forward onto her feet. She straightened her kimono, folded her arms within her sleeves, and walked forward. Timerra stepped aside. "After you, Lady." Ayeka glided past her without a word. The two of them walked in silence down the Palace halls. Using the stairs it took them several minutes before they reached the dining hall. The hall was the size of an auditorium with a fifty foot long, oval table in its center. The walls were lined with ancient space trees that gave the room a fresh scent. At first glance Ayeka saw that there were only two places set at the immense table. Of course one of them was occupied by her father. No, that was not her father. She had been a prisoner inside the Imperial Palace for three days now, and on each day the Empress had been brought to dine with the being that inhabited the body of her father. This being called Gabriel had not taken very long to reveal himself to her. And for some reason he wanted to dine with her at least once each day. Ayeka slowly walked to the seat left of the entity. A soldier pulled the chair back, and Ayeka seated herself. Gabriel stopped eating momentarily to greet her. His all white eyes looked at her with what had to be mock. "Good evening, Lady Ayeka. And how are you fairing tonight?" Her eyes returned an icy glare. "The same as I am every night, sir, disgusted by your mere presence." He chuckled while resuming eating a piece of undercooked meat. As the food passed his lips, he let out a satisfied moan. "One can so easily take for granted such things as the sense of taste when they are no longer there." Ayeka looked down at the plate of food before her. "Why do you bring me here day after day?" she asked finally. "I enjoy your company, my dear," he replied after swallowing. "You will eventually be executed, Ayeka, but until that day I need you as healthy as possible." His following smile caused the bile in her stomach to churn. "After all, you are one of the only things keeping the Masakis in line. Of course I could eradicate them at any time, but only at a great cost to my forces and myself." "You cannot keep me nor my family at bay forever, Gabriel," she said menacingly. "I know Ryoko will not stay silent on Earth." Gabriel sipped at his wine. "Your confidence is amusing, Ayeka. Unfortunately it is also misplaced. You forget that you are only one of two aces up my sleeve. If you or Ryoko so much as threaten action against me your husband, brother, and Tenchi will suffer the consequences." Cold rage flooded Ayeka's senses. Instinctively she clawed for a hold of her Jurai Power, but a burning sensation from the black ring around her neck was the only response. Therefore, she did the next best thing. Ayeka quickly grabbed the knife to the right of her plate and lunged for Gabriel's throat. A roar of anger escaped her lips as she was halted inches from her target. "You continue to amuse me, my dear," chuckled the being inside her father. "Remember that any harm you do against me will actually be visited upon your father." Ayeka felt herself levitated into the air and away from the table. "Timerra, it seems the Lady does not wish to finish her meal. See her back to her room at once." Timerra disarmed Ayeka and lowered her to the ground. As soon as her feet touched down, the Empress was freed from her paralyzing state. Knowing the difference between when to fight and when not to, Ayeka let herself be escorted out of the dining hall and back to her "suite." Drawing on all of her royal composure, Ayeka kept her temper in check during the walk through the Palace. Timerra was silent as well, keeping her eyes forward. When they finally arrived at her room, Ayeka quietly and calmly walked inside. Timerra shut the door without a word, leaving the Empress to her private thoughts. She slowly continued into the sleeping chamber. With every step she took, a small smile started to spread across Ayeka's lips. She stopped in front of her bed and reached into her left sleeve to produce a silver fork. When she had attacked Gabriel, neither the entity nor his lackey had noticed her take the fork as well. "Bit by bit," Ayeka whispered, "I will create an opportunity to escape my prison." _____ Patience was one of Sasami's virtues. Unfortunately, it was wearing very thin at the moment. The princess was once again sitting at the Phoenix Star's navigator's station as the GP cruiser finally began the final docking procedures at the Ni-Trita spaceport. Riley merely sat in his seat whistling an obnoxious tune that was really beginning to grate on her nerves. Finger's drumming like small pile drivers into the arms of her chair, Sasami loosed a drawn out grunt as a sign of her displeasure. "How much longer can this possibly take?" she asked for the tenth time in five minutes. "Do you want to draw attention to us?" countered Riley over his shoulder. Sasami ceased her drumming and folded her arms. "No," she replied quietly. "Then we can't go flashing around our ID's to speed up the docking process," he continued. "If you don't want anyone to notice us, then we have to do things the way normal space travelers do." "I don't see why we are docking here in the first place," said Sasami. "I'm not staying on Ginta III. In fact, I'll be summoning my ship as soon as I get off of this thing." Riley looked over his shoulder at her. "Despite your personal plans, the Star needs to refuel and stock up on supplies." A light started flashing on the COM unit. Riley reached out and tapped the COM on. "This is the Phoenix Star. Go ahead." "This is Ni-Trita control, Phoenix Star," came a nasal male voice over the speaker. "Docking procedures are now complete. You have two hours. Have a nice day." "Finally," Sasami grumbled as she got up from her chair. The door to the cockpit opened, and the princess quickly headed for the exit hatch. Footsteps echoed behind her, signifying Riley's pursuit. "Wait a second, Princess." Sasami was forced to stop as he grabbed a hold of her right arm. "At least let me buy you something to eat before you go running off into space." She turned her head to look at the detective. The man gave her a half smile that caused a small smile to creep onto her face. "Fine," she relented. Sasami removed her arm from his grasp and continued down the hall. "I'm not a cheap date, though," she added with a small laugh. In was not too much later that the two of them were seated in a spaceport cafe. The cafe was located on the perimeter of the spaceport itself so that the patrons were not all specifically visitors to the port that day. The detective and the princess sat at a circular table under a blue and white umbrella watching numerous alien races pass by. The air of Ni-Trita was slightly humid, but an occasional breeze served to alleviate the discomfort. Sasami added a little bit of sugar to the cup of tea in front of her as Riley continued speaking to her. Riley placed his green colored drink back on the table. "So tell me something. I understand that tree ships can do strange things, but since when can they just be summoned from anywhere in the galaxy?" Sasami sipped a little of her tea. Not quite hot enough, but pleasant nonetheless. "My ship is a...special case." "Really?" he said quietly. "What kind of ship is it? Battleship? Yacht? Cruiser?" "Well," she started to say. How could she explain that her ship was THE most powerful Juraian battleship? "I guess you could say it could hold its own in a fight, but still packs all the comforts of home." Riley's mouth opened to ask another question, but anything he might have said was cut off by loud calls from inside the cafe itself. Both of them looked towards the inner portion of the small restaurant to see a large group gathering around the Vid Net screen. Riley got to his feet and motioned for Sasami to stay. "Sit tight," he said. "I'll see what's going on." _____ Riley carefully snaked his way into the crowd until he could get a good view of whatever was on the Vid Net. He had to hold back a string of curses when he finally saw the screen. There was a live feed being shown of roughly a hundred Juraian battleships taking up positions around Ginta III. A Juraian officer soon replaced the picture of the ships. Any hopes of staying inconspicuous vanished when a picture of Sasami appeared next to the officer's head. "A reward of one million Juraian credits will be given to anyone who can give information that will lead to the capture of the Princess Sasami," the officer was saying. Not bothering to spare the scene another second, Riley quickly, yet carefully, extracted himself from the crowd and walked back to where he had left Sasami. The princess was still seated at their table and now watching him closely as he neared. The detective scanned the street to confirm that almost everyone was tuned in to a view screen. He slipped his hands beneath his coat and turned off the safeties on his blasters. "What's the matter?" asked Sasami when he was close enough. Riley stepped behind her chair and pulled it out. "I think it's time to leave," he said while taking her by the arm. They started to move, but Sasami stopped short and pulled him around to face her. "What's going on, Riley?" "A Juraian force just took up orbit around the planet," he told her while keeping a wary eye on their surroundings. Several pedestrians were now looking in their direction. "They're sending a planet wide message with your picture and a one million Juraian credit reward attached to it." Sasami's face went white. "Oh, no," she breathed. "I have to get out of here immediately." "Right," agreed Riley. He took her by the arm again and started moving. "That's why we need to get you out of here, now, but on the Star." She was about to protest, but he cut her off. "Your ship will definitely tell them that you're here. Then we'll have the entire Juraian fleet here instead of just a few ships." The princess closed her mouth and nodded. "I see your point," she said after a moment. Without further argument, the two of them headed for the Phoenix Star's docking bay. At every turn there were groups of aliens gathered around view screens. Despite her serious face, Riley could see Sasami shaking ever so slightly. The blue walled corridors of the spaceport were now teeming with conversations about the Juraian ships in orbit. Keeping his left hand holding's Sasami's and his other on a blaster, Riley did his best to hurry them along with attracting too much attention. They had finally reached the docking ring holding the Star, when they ran head long into a humanoid traffic jam. The final leg of their hurried trip was blocked by at least two hundred aliens and humanoid species milling about. "Damn," hissed Riley. He looked over at Sasami and managed a small smile. "Just try and keep your face down." She gave him a small smile and nodded. And so the two of them carefully waded into the sea of bodies. Unfortunately, as it is with many things in life, fate stepped in. Not a quarter of the way into the crowd, Sasami tripped and stumbled into a group of ursanoid aliens. Riley spun around as he felt her hand leave his grasp. The princess landed right into the arms of one of the bearish aliens. When she lifted her face up, it was only a fraction of a second before recognition registered on the creature's face. "Hey!" he started to shout. "Hey! It's the..." His final words were lost as Riley slugged him in the maw. The alien was rocked back into his fellows, sending them scattering in all directions. The scuffle had succeeded in drawing a decent amount of unwanted attention from the rest of the crowd. The detective grabbed his charge by the hand and quickly pulled her a long. "No time to be subtle anymore!" he said over his shoulder. He led them through the crowd with total disregard for everyone. Aliens of all shapes and sizes were shoved aside by the detective in his mad dash for the Phoenix Star's docking bay. The farther they progressed, however, the more shouts of recognition rose up in their wake. Riley breathed a sigh of relief as he spotted the archway leading to his ship. That sigh turned into a curse when he spotted ten Juraian soldiers standing near it. He and Sasami pulled up short, but just a moment too late. One of the Juraians had already seen them. "There!" he shouted with a gesture from his force pike. "Sasami, get down!" cried Riley as he pulled out his blasters and began firing. His opening volley of shots succeeded in dropping three of the soldiers, but the remaining seven aimed and loosed their own series of shots from their force pikes. Riley dropped to his knees and rolled right. He was back on his feet instantly and weaving his way towards his foes. At the start of the firefight, the crowd had taken whatever cover was available leaving Riley solely alone in the corridor. Riley got off a few more shots before making it behind a vid-phonebooth. Force blasts from the pikes rained all around him. "Just once," Riley said to no one in particular, "I'd like a peaceful assignment. Something like giving out parking tickets." The glass around the booth shattered, sending shards everywhere. "Meter maids never get shot at!" He raised both his blasters up, took a few quick breaths, and ran for the bathroom doorway ten yards away. Force blasts followed him all the way there, and the GP answered with blind shots over his shoulders. Somehow, he made it to the bathroom entrance without any new holes in his body. With sufficient cover for the moment, Riley took a second to try and catch a glimpse of his charge. "Sasami?" he called out. No answer. He cursed silently for not keeping better track of the princess. "The captain's going to roast me alive." He was just starting to steel himself for another attack run, when a heavy rumbling noise made him pause. That was when Riley noticed that the Juraians had stopped firing at him. The detective peeked around the edge of the entrance just in time to see the Phoenix Star's V shaped hull explode out of the docking bay into the corridor. The Vector Class cruiser plowed through the hall sending chunks of metal and stone falling from the ceiling, and causing the Juraians and all other bystanders to run for their lives. Riley only smiled. He holstered his guns and ran for the ship while pulling out his control cube. A couple of quick taps on the pink object, and the detective teleported himself to the Star's bridge. His smile broadened when he found Sasami seated in front of the ship's controls. The princess was busy doing her best to pilot the ship literally through the spaceport. She started mumbling Juraian curses while punching several buttons. "Having problems?" asked Riley. "Where are the NAV computer controls on this thing?" she asked quickly. Riley walked over to the pilot's seat and motioned for her to move. "Let me take the controls." Sasami hurriedly vacated the chair and resumed her normal seat at the navigator's station. "Fine by me." The detective easily dropped into his chair and strapped in. "Buckle up," he told his only passenger. "This is not going to be a smooth ride." He grabbed the throttle and threw the ship into gear. _____ The Phoenix Star exploded out of the spaceport aiming for the heavens. Sasami didn't need to be an expert to know that the blips on the radar screen were all Juraian battleships. It took a few seconds, but she was eventually able to call up a visual of the ships. "All the battleships are third generation," she told Riley. "That's still plenty strong enough to turn us to space ash, Princess," he replied. Ten of the hundred battleships began targeting the Star. "Hell, one would be enough." Sasami watched the view screens as the tree ships released lances of yellow energy at them. Several of the blasts scored direct hits, but the Star's shields held out. "We won't be able to hold out against fire power like that for too much longer," warned Riley. "If you have anymore tricks to save us today, I'd sure be open to hearing them now." *There is one way,* Sasami thought. *But that will definitely call attention to us.* Her hands were now balled into fists. The ship was rocked by another series of blasts. There were now twenty battleships following them and more on the way. *But what good will it do us to die here?* "Riley," the princess said calmly. "Set whatever hyperspace coordinates you need to." She unbuckled her safety straps and stood. "And don't be alarmed by what's about to happen." If Riley had a reply to that last statement, he didn't even bother to voice it. One moment the space ahead of the Phoenix Star was empty. Then, suddenly, the battleship Tsunami filled their eyes. The majestic, silver hulled ship phased into real space and opened up her batteries on their pursuers. Blue green lances of energy vaporized fifteen of the twenty battleships in the blink of an eye. The remaining five returned fire, but Tsunami's hull was not even blemished by the yellow beams. Sasami took a deep breath and started speaking. "Juraian battle group, this is the Royal Battleship Tsunami. Break off your attack immediately, or else." Thirty more of the battleships came around the crest of the planet and opened fire. Tsunami's ten Light Hawk Wings opened up to absorb the attack. "Don't say I didn't warn you." The Light Hawk Wings vanished, and Tsunami opened fire on the advancing force. "You can get us out of here, now," Sasami told Riley. The detective's face was a portrait of awe. "Whatever you say, ma'am." With the flip of a switch the Phoenix Star jumped into hyperspace away from Ginta III. _____ The beeping of a COM signal pulled Gabriel out of his thoughts. He reached out and tapped the control pad on his throne. "Yes?" "This is Ashra, my lord." "Have you found the Lady Tsunami, yet?" asked the entity coolly. "One of my task forces recently encountered the princess at a space port on Ginta III." Gabriel began tapping his fingers. "And?" He could hear Ashra swallow. "She...she blasted her way out in what was reported to be a Vector Class Galaxy Police cruiser with the aide of the battleship Tsunami." A sigh escaped Gabriel's lips. "Were they able to track her hyperspace jump?" "For the most part, master," replied Ashra. "What are your orders?" Gabriel ceased his finger tapping and folded his hands. "I want *you* to follow every possible lead there is. Keep your ears and eyes open, Ashra. She may already have gone into hiding. Her guilt will eventually draw her out, but I want you to find her just in case. Time is not a luxury these days." "As you command, Lord Gabriel." There was a click and the COM unit quieted. "You cannot run forever, Tsunami," whispered Gabriel as his pupilless eyes gazed about the throne room. "Your conscience will not allow it." He laughed quietly to himself and returned to his inner thoughts. _____ Druz. The fabled Juraian prison planet where only the Empire's most sinister criminals were sent. Druz. Thought to be only a feared rumor among the seedier inhabitants of the galaxy. Druz. Tenchi, Shoytal, and Yosho's new home. The ship carrying the three men shuddered slightly as it docked with the prison planet. The three of them were shackled to the floor of a small room somewhere in the ship's lower levels. It was not long after the ship's landing that the door to the room slid open. A handful of Juraian soldiers entered and roughly pulled the three prisoners out. Each man kept his cool as they were pushed down the halls of the ship towards the exit hatch. At the hatchway, their chain shackles were removed and replaced by laser cuffs. A soldier smacked the hatch release, and Tenchi got his first look at Druz. Painful light poured through the hatchway, forcing the three prisoners to try and shield their sensitive eyes. When his vision finally refocused, Tenchi saw everything, or more precisely, nothing. Endless desert stretched for miles all around. Golden sand dunes glittered under the light of the planet's three suns. The three prisoners were shoved out of the hatchway onto the sand. Each was momentarily shocked as the dune before them rose up to reveal a small, metallic dome. A new door opened up on the dome and something stepped out. It was a fairly large reptilian alien standing about eight feet tall. Its bronze colored scales glittered in the sunlight. It smiled at them, revealing rows of sharp teeth within its oblong maw. Red eyes looked them over once, while a hot wind blew past rustling the black dreadlocks that fell from the back of its scalp to its shoulders. The alien wore a pair of black pants, no shoes, and what looked to be a steel vest with oversized shoulder pads. "I am Sso'Traknal, the warden," it said in a gruff voice. "Welcome to Druz, gentlemen." To be continued... Notes- Are we wondering what the hell is going on yet? Good. All comments please go to Roas1@hotmail.com