Disclaimer: Tenchi Muyo and the characters of that show are the property of AIC and Pioneer LDC. This fanfic is in no way a challenge to the copyrights and/or trademarks owned by those companies. The only thing the author has any claim to is the characters and writing which he himself composes. I am not making any money off this so please don't sue me. This story takes place in the OVA universe, shortly after episode 13. Italics denote a character's thoughts, while flashbacks will be (hopefully) clearly noted. Line breaks signify a scene change. Comments, critiques, and praise are all much appreciated as I then know people actually read this. All comments can all be sent to Majingotenks0@hotmail.com Warnings: As always read at your own discretion. Possible OOC although I try to be as true as I can. Shadow Of The Kutan Episode 4: The Price Of Failure The next evening, Sasami thought it would be a good idea to eat outside since it was such a pleasant night outside. The warm air was cooled by a slight breeze and the stars shone under the clear sky. Everyone thought it to be an excellent idea, especially considering Mihoshi's recent accident. "So let me get this straight. Mihoshi knocked a display over, which fell on her and the manager, thinking that no one could be that clumsy to somehow avoid the ropes which separated the customers from the stack of televisions, apologized by giving you the new karaoke machine for free?" Ryoko asked incredulously before laughing at the picture of the blonde galaxy police officer being nearly crushed under the weight of the electronics, before thinking that they could only be that lucky. Washu laughed, "Apparently he underestimated Mihoshi cleverness." Aeka sighed, "Well at least he didn't ask us to pay for the display. Mihoshi you must be more careful." Mihoshi looked up from her meal, "What did I do?" Everyone sighed in exasperation. Tenchi changed the subject, "So Little-Washu what did you do yesterday?" Washu looked up from her own plate, "Well I studied the physical properties of various heavy machinery used primarily for recreational purposes, and the psychology of those that operate them. I also..." She noticed that no one understood a word she had said. Rolling her eyes she clarified her statement, "I went to the carnival with Professor Kadreth." She looked at Tenchi, pulling the large stuffed crab Sareno had won at the carnival out of a sub- space portal, "Look at what Sareno won for me," she cooed before pouting, "You never won anything for me at a carnival before Tenchi. I'm starting to think that my wittle guinea pig doesn't wove me anymore." A large sweatdrop formed on Tenchi's head as Aeka and Ryoko turned bright red with anger. Washu giggled at the reactions as Yosho and Sareno walked up towards the table. "Oh hi grandfather..." "Tenchi." Yosho tossed Tenchi-ken to his grandson. Tenchi looked at the master key in his hands, "What's this for?" Yosho looked up, "Now duck." Tenchi recognized the imperative tone and complied as a laser beam narrowly missed his head. Ryoko immediately leaped out of her seat, her red and black combat uniform materializing around her as she formed an gleaming, orange light blade. Aeka brought up her force field to shield the group from an onslaught of similar rays. Sareno cursed as he formed a small violet sphere of energy in one hand. Tenchi examined the attackers. They appeared to be eight metallic robots resembling large insects of various kinds. Other than the laser beams they appeared almost comical. Tenchi-ken sprang to life in his hand as he charged the group of robots, slashing down on one as Ryoko smashed another. Sareno ran towards the left to get a clear shot at one of the attackers without endangering Ryoko or Tenchi. Aeka continued to concentrate on maintaining her shield, resisting the urge to leave her brother and sister and fight alongside Tenchi. Tenchi meanwhile ducked under another deadly ray, slicing the bright blue blade of the master key through another robot. Ryoko phased out of the path of two laser beams targeting her before reappearing behind the robots, bringing her light blade down on the backs of them. Suddenly a flash of light appeared, temporarily blinding everyone. When it cleared, the group observed the remaining three insect-robots collapsing to the ground lifeless. Sareno clapped his hands together once in satisfaction, "Ahh a well placed, contained EMF pulse does quite a number on little toys such as these." A low, booming voice was heard, "Well done. You keep capable company Professor Kadreth." Sareno looked up, backing up a few steps. "Who the hell is that?" Ryoko readied her light blade. The voice continued, "I am Tyrolan, warlord of the Kutan." A large black flame appeared in front of the group. When it subsided a large humanoid being about seven feet tall stepped forwards. His black armor glistened in the moonlight as his crimson cape trailed behind him, emanating from his spiked shoulder plates. His face was obscured by the large helmet resembling a blackened skull, although his long platinum hair trailed from under it. Tyrolan lifted a hand and both Tenchi and Ryoko were thrown backwards towards Aeka and the rest of the group. The warlord smiled from under his helm, "Professor Kadreth. You have no hope of destroying me so why don't you come with me now and make this easy on yourself and your friends. Washu laughed, "And why should he go with you? Somehow I don't think that you're very good traveling company." The warlord frowned, "Your comments were not asked for Washu. You may be the self proclaimed genius of the universe, but you are not who I am here for." Sareno narrowed his eyes and sarcastically remarked, "No. She is correct. You are not exactly the best of company, so why should I go with you?" Tyrolan laughed, "It is quite simple. I have something you want. You have something I want. Meet me on my ship in three hours Sareno Kadreth." Sareno's eyes widened, "Your ship! You stealing, lying, incompetent, ignorant..." The warlord simply turned away from the ranting scientist and disappeared, "I expect you not to be late or I will test the unfinished weaponry on the Earth myself." Sareno clenched his fists as the others stood, both confused and dumbfounded. The young scientist turned and stormed past everyone into the house. Mihoshi blinked once, "Oh I remember what I was supposed to tell you! There was a big mean warlord coming here. He's on the most wanted list for attacking and confiscating numerous weapon transports and battleships and using those weapons with his followers to conquer a small section of the galaxy for himself, setting himself up as an emperor. He's potentially the most dangerous and powerful criminal right now but....but...you already know that don't you?" Ryoko glared at the Galaxy Police Officer, "And just how did that slip from your mind?" Sasami asked Aeka, "So why does he want Mr. Kadreth?" Washu ran into the house after her former student before Aeka could answer her sister, "I don't know, but I'm going to find out." Yosho merely sat stoically, contemplating this new turn of events. _______________ "Computer re-initiate simulation, but change primary assault to my initial settings, adding secondary infiltration of group two" Sareno paused, observing the results. "So what's going on?" Washu stood in the doorway her voice concerned. Sareno didn't look up, but sat down, taking off his jacket which marked him as a professor. Rolling up the sleeves of his uniform he summoned his holo-computer back into existence and began typing. In an instant a three dimensional blueprint of an expansive ship appeared in front of Washu. "Like it?" "It looks familiar," Washu examined it suspiciously. "It should, it's based mostly on your design. It's fittingly called the Soja II." The smaller scientist looked up and down the design critically, "I don't see any improvements Sareno, that's not like you." She paused, proudly admiring her past project, "However, I must admit that it does explain why they want you." Sareno smiled evilly, "That's not all they're after. The Soja is quite a piece of work....art even, but they want something else." Washu cocked her head, "Ok. Then what?" "This," Sareno typed a few more strokes, bypassing further passwords and encryption. Suddenly some additional systems appeared in red in the hologram. Washu studied it before her eyes widened slightly. Sareno eyed Washu's reaction, "Exactly. I built the prototype sub-space stardrive into the ship and added the weapons I designed based on the theory. It can probably take down multiple Jurai warships armed even with the legendary lighthawk wings if the pilot is skilled, as the beams would bypass any shield by simply rematerializing nanometers from the opposing ship's hull." Sareno continued, "Ideally someone would arm light and fast scout ships with the weapons, performing hit and run tactics on flagships as the main guns are light enough to be powered by a small ship. The range is far superior to anything else as it only requires long- range sensors to lock on as opposed to the standard weapon system. A small ship could barely get within range of a ship, disable it and retreat before anything gets close. It would turn the tide of any war as nothing would even be able to defend against such an attack. " Washu stood in near shock, absorbing what she heard. "It gets really nasty when you arm something large and with a sub-space stardrive. The ship could be devastating, able to equip multiple sub-space cannons and still be fast enough to escape any situation.....a ship such as...." "The Soja II," Washu finished for him, barely whispering. "So that's why they want it." She turned to him, "Where is it?" Sareno smiled, "That's the problem." The scientist typed a few more commands and a picture of the earth with a small blinking light orbiting it appeared. "Tyrolan is piloting it in a low orbit around earth as we speak. He had a student at the academy break into a restricted zone and steal it right out of the hanger at the academy" "What? He's got it? Then why does he need you?" Sareno's midnight blue eyes narrowed, "Well two reasons. The first being that he needs me to finish the design for them as they are incomplete at the moment as he stole the ship before the sub-space stardrive and weapons were fully operational. The second is that they require my activation code to be brought online." Washu smiled, "So you want us to help you steal back the ship?" Sareno's gaze returned towards the screen, "That or destroy it." "So when were you going to tell us?" "As soon as I finished the plan to assault the ship via a simulation test." "Is it done yet?" "Not completely, but we don't have much time. I have a plan which may work though, although it hasn't been tested yet." Washu frowned, "I wish you told me about this earlier. It might have saved us a lot of trouble." Sareno shook his head, "This is my problem, my mistake and I intend to fix it myself." _______________ Sareno nudged Ryo-oki awake, "Wake up Ryo-oki I need to borrow you for a little bit." "Meow." The sleepy cabbit rose to its feet, before being picked up by its neck. Sareno prepared to launch the ship into the air before he heard a voice behind him, "Where do you think you're going with my ship?" Turning he saw Ryoko, Tenchi, Aeka, and Washu standing behind him. "I thought I was going alone Washu." The red haired scientist smiled, "Well I can't just let my protege and new guinea pig go out there all alone can I?" Sareno scanned the group, "Where's the others?" Ryoko laughed, "Mihoshi, the old man, and Sasami are outside waiting." Sareno brushed his purple bangs out of his face, before straightening his jacket, "Ok then let's go." _______________ Aboard the Ryo-oki, Sareno mapped out an area of the Soja II, "This is where I want you to place the explosives. Remember to activate the remote control link by pushing the red button on the bombs." Washu noted the placement, "That's right up against a wall containing the sub-space stardrive." Sareno nodded, "The explosion will be great enough to react with the prototype drive. I didn't get the chance to shield it from an internal explosion in that area yet, as it was stolen before I completed it. The explosion should be able to destroy Tyrolan even if he attempts to teleport out as the explosion will reach sub space, which means..." "Which means we had better get the hell away from that thing before it goes off," Ryoko finished. Sareno moved the map over to another area, "Tyrolan will bring down the shield generators for me to be transported inside, which allows you a window to get inside where you need to be. I will keep Tyrolan busy while you install the explosives. You should encounter minimal resistance as the Soja II was not yet equipped with security devices other than what the pilot engages himself. As Tyrolan will be occupied, the chance of such is minimal." Aeka looked over the map, "What about you Mr. Kadreth?" "Don't be concerned about me. As soon as you have installed everything, come back to the ship. If I'm not back in ten minutes, leave without me as I wouldn't want you to get caught in the blast. The timer is automatically set for that time in case the remote fails." As the others reviewed the map, Washu pulled Sareno away, "Let me come with you. It will be safer that way if there are two of us in case Tyrolan gets violent." Sareno shook his head, "No. He'll suspect a trap otherwise. Apparently he's been watching my work for some time now. I don't know why he singled me out. Maybe because I'm the student of the professor who produced Ryoko, Ryo-oki, and the Soja. However, he knows that if I didn't come alone, it means that I'm am planning something. This is why I need you to cloak everyone from the Soja II's systems. You designed this ship's sensors so you know how to get around them at least as well as I do." "Ok, but promise me you're coming back." "I promise." Sareno smiled and embraced her, hoping that the promise would not become a lie. _______________ Sasami looked out the window at the distant warship, "Do you think they'll be ok?" Yosho followed her gaze, "I hope so. Come on its late. Why don't you go take a nap. If anything happens I'll come get you." "Ok." Sasami wearily made her way to a corner of the Ryo-oki where Mihoshi had already fallen asleep. Yosho looked towards the group planning to infiltrate the Soja II, "Good luck." _______________ Aboard the Ryo-oki, the others watched as Sareno phased onto the Soja II. Ryoko prepared to follow with Tenchi, Aeka and Washu, but found the pathway blocked. Aeka noted the confused look on her face, "What's wrong Ryoko?." The former pirate grimaced, "The ships been cloaked already. I can't get us there." Washu thought for a moment, knowing that Sareno must have realized the cloaking abilities of his ship. She summoned her computer and began analyzing the surrounding area. Ryoko asked Tenchi, "Tenchi what should we do?" Aeka, upset with Ryoko's inability to transport them aboard the cloaked ship answered, "Well what can we do you stupid, vile creature. In case you haven't noticed, the ship is cloaked and you can't get us there. So stop bothering Lord Tenchi with idiocy." "Who are you calling vile you spoiled little brat?" Tenchi looked helplessly at the two girls as they threatened an other all out war on the bridge of Ryo-oki. Washu, seemingly oblivious to the commotion finally chuckled, "So that's your plan. You wanted to make sure you went alone." The scientist turned to her companions, noting the argument impatiently, "This is it! We have to hurry `cause we're only going to get one shot at this!" Ryoko turned, puzzled, "Chance at what?" Tenchi asked, "What's up Little-Washu?" "Kadreth placed a tracking device somewhere on the ship after he transported on board. We can track them in the Ryo-Oki. His prerecorded message which he left me on my computer said that he shorted out the security sensors shortly after he arrived on the ship. However, we haven't much time though because Tyrolan will discover the device sooner or later and there is only a limited range so if his ship warps outside a radius of, Washu did a quick conversion in her head, thirty earth light years we may lose the signal. Ryoko stood up, "Well let's go then Tenchi." She looked over at Aeka, "Coming princess?" "Of course. I don't trust you to properly take care of Lord Tenchi" _______________ Sareno wistfully ran his hand along a wall of the ship he had built, the cold dark metal warming to his touch. The tracking device was set to turn off in a few minutes and he hoped that it would be enough for the others to get on board undetected. He knew Tyrolan would be on the bridge so he took a slightly longer route, noting that the warlord had not yet figured out how to operate the ship at full capacity. He would have to buy enough time for Washu and the others to set the explosives and escape. _______________ The dark warlord passively observed as about half of his internal security monitors shorted out moments after Sareno arrived on the ship. He narrowed his eyes from behind his helm, noting that Sareno might attempt to take back the ship. He was slightly surprised when the door to his bridge opened and the professor casually stepped inside, his expression quite serious. _______________ Tenchi whistled softly, observing the inner design of the Soja II. Although clearly unfinished, the interior was quite impressive, although Ryoko shivered slightly, reminded of Kagato's own ship. Washu observed the interior was almost identical to her own design, but the corridors were slightly narrower, "Probably due to the additional systems." Aeka looked over, "Did you say something Washu?" The scientist shook her head, "No. We have to get these explosives set and get out of here as quickly as we can. I don't know how long Sareno can stall Tyrolan." Tenchi nodded as he picked up a small black case. "Careful with that Tenchi. There's enough antimatter in there to blow a hole right through the hull." Everyone's eyes widened as Tenchi nervously cradled the case as he would a child. Washu laughed, "Don't worry. It's relatively stable right now. Let's go." Ryoko followed her, whispering to Aeka, "What did she mean by `relatively stable'?" _______________ "Greeting Professor Kadreth. I have been expecting you.," Tyrolan motioned towards a seat, "Please. Sit down." "I'll stand. Thank you." Sareno slowly moved towards one end of the room. Positioning would be important, as there were only two ways off the bridge: the door and ..... The warlord shrugged, "You know why I have asked you to come here. I want you to finish this ship." "So you can use the technology to destroy other nations," Sareno narrowed his eyes, "I don't think so. The original intent of this ship was to be for exploration." Tyrolan laughed, "Then why all the weaponry?" The professor raised a finger, "Simple. When doing research, one is bound to eventually run into conflict, be it from space pirates or from governmental forces due to trespassing and the like." The warlord adjusted a spiked gauntlet on his wrist, "Under my rule you will be free to go wherever you please. Nations will give up their secrets to you and you can have your own academy. I know you have had conflict with the academic bureau before. By helping me you can have complete autonomy from that department if you wish." Sareno laughed, "Is that all you could offer? You are asking me to sentence to death the lives of complete nations encompassing multiple systems by donating some of my greatest scientific breakthroughs to a complete madman, who is quite ignorant I might add." Tyrolan frowned, "I ask you to reconsider." Sareno's expression became serious again, "You've got to be kidding." The warlord sighed, "Fine. Then your decision is made. I must inform you that I have no intention of allowing you or your friends to live though." Sareno activated his violet beam sword, "Leave them out of this. This is between you an me. And if you kill me, this ship will never be completed." Tyrolan smiled, "Perhaps. However I am sure that a high price will be paid for a prototype of your work, despite the fact that it is unfinished. Someone will eventually be able to complete it. In any case, my army will be well funded for quite some time" A large black blade emanating an eerie red light emerged in the dark warlord's hand as he charged. _______________ A soft rumble was heard in the distance as Washu bypassed the security lock with one of her student's passwords. She looked up, concerned, "It's started. We have to hurry." Tenchi nodded and rushed into the room, only to find his breath taken away in amazement. Before him was a gigantic steel pillar surrounded by a transparent, shimmering force shield. On top of the column sat a small green and black sphere suspended a foot above it. The ambient light glittered sinisterly off the surface as it slowly rotated. Washu inhaled sharply, "So that's how you powered it. You created a concentrated antimatter mass and used the gravitational forces to warp space and time." Aeka looked on in awe, "What is it?" Ryoko narrowed her eyes, as Washu mentally explained it to her through the psychic link they shared, "It's a small black hole made of antimatter". Washu nodded, "The force of the explosion will reach into subspace due to the properties of the antimatter, but it will be relatively contained due to the lack of matter this far out into space." She looked up again whispering, "That's quite a dangerous core you've created Kadreth." _______________ Sareno phased out of the way of a blast which left a large dent into a wall and reappeared behind Tyrolan only to find his downward slash blocked by the warlord's larger sword. The scientist let loose a barrage of small projectiles, which exploded against the larger man's armor. Although the blasts barely hurt the warrior, they knocked him off balance enough that he could not completely roll out of the way of Sareno's next attack. Sareno sliced his violet blade across in a backhanded motion, grazing Tyrolan's arm. Dark black blood oozed from the cracked shoulder plate as the warlord smiled, "Very good Professor. You are a much better fighter than I had anticipated, however as I had said before, you have absolutely no chance of defeating me." Sareno watched critically as the wound quickly closed on its own, hoping that he cold keep Tyrolan busy long enough for the others to get off the ship. _______________ "Ok that's the last one," Tenchi exclaimed as the last charge along the base of the stardrive was armed. Aeka sighed as Ryoko brought Tenchi back down to the ground, "Ok then we must leave as Mr. Kadreth instructed us to". Ryoko turned to her, shocked, "What? We can't just leave him up there. We have to help him." Washu shook her head, "No we have to leave. He won't use the explosives unless we're gone. I'm sure he has a plan to get back aboard the Ryo-oki with us." Her worried voice betrayed her false confidence, but the others failed to notice. Aeka nodded, "You are right Ms. Washu we must leave....." her gaze turned to a spot behind Ryoko. The space pirate turned to see several large gun ports opening along the walls. _______________ It had been only ten minutes since Tenchi, Aeka, Ryoko, and Washu had transported aboard the Soja II, yet it seemed an eternity to those who remained on the Ryo-Oki. Yosho knew that every second counted as soon the advanced ship would detect their presence. "RRRRAAAAOOOWWW!" Ryo-Oki screamed as it continued to chase the Soja II. Sasami looked up, worried, "What is it Ryo-Oki?" Yosho turned towards the back wall, "We have company." Startled, Mihoshi turned, "Where? I don't see anyone." Yosho produced a training bokken apparently from nowhere and charged. Confused, Mihoshi and Sasami watched as the old man slashed into thin air, only to have his swing stopped short as it impacted something solid. A humanoid creature about Mihoshi's size, wearing what appeared to be a crimson and black set of light combat armor with an added face plate resembling a blackened skull, similar to Tyrolan's, materialized in front of them. One of the assassin's arms was outstretched, blocking Yosho's strike with a black gauntlet. "Very good old man. You saw past my cloaking device. I am Iotigon and the Kutan do not like infiltrators" the creature's hissing voice resounded throughout the bridge. Sasami backed up against the opposite wall as Mihoshi pulled out her control cube and frantically began manipulating it. "I'm warning you! I am a galaxy police officer and it's really bad to threaten the police!" The creature ignored her and spun out of the way of Yosho's next thrust. It raised it's other gloved hand. A hiss was heard before a short blade of energy extended from the gauntlet. Yosho calmly regarded the weapon, before adjusting his stance. The assassin charged as Yosho sidestepped the blade, bringing down his own weapon on the back of the creature's skull. Just as his bokken touched the helmet of the attacker, a bolt of energy traveled up his weapon, burning his arm as he dropped the wooden sword in pain. "Ha ha. Gotcha old man," the creature gloated as it observed it's injured opponent. Mihoshi yelled to Yosho as she tossed something at him, "Use this!" As the assassin charged, intent on skewering Yosho, the old man instinctively caught the object thrown at him as it flared to life. There was a blinding flash as the creature passed the jurai prince. The assassin grimaced as it doubled over, clutching it's stomach, "We will meet again I assure you. The Kutan are not easily defeated." The creature faded from view as it transported off the Ryo-Oki. Yosho extinguished the light sword given to him, "Well done Mihoshi." Sasami chimed in, "Yeah that was great Mihoshi!" The blonde officer blushed, "Well actually I was trying to create a gun." _______________ Aeka quickly activated her shield to deflect the incoming blasts. "Run!," Tenchi yelled as the others quickly followed. Racing down the hall, Washu realized that somehow the activated signal sent to the remote control of the explosives reactivated the security sensors. "We're almost there" Ryoko yelled as she threw an energy bolt at a gun port ahead of them. Suddenly three giant security robots materialized in front of the trio, blocking their path of escape. Ryoko continued to charge, activating her light blade and slashing at the legs of the metallic creature. Using the power of her lineage, Aeka fired a blue bolt of energy, decapitating one of the robots. The third robot knocked Ryoko out of the air, to the ground as she finished off the automation in front of her. Tenchi activated Tenchi-ken as he charged the remaining robot, "Ryoko!" The robot turned, only to have it's visual sensors blinded by a blue-white flash as the blade of the master key sliced through its head. Washu clapped as the last robot fell, "Well done." Tenchi helped Ryoko to her feet, "Are you ok Ryoko?" Ryoko blushed slightly, feeling the effects of her merging with Zero slightly, "Of course I am Tenchi but thank you..." she looked over with amusement as Aeka's face turned red with anger. Washu interrupted them, yelling, "C'mon people let's go! The sooner we get out of here, the better." She silently prayed that Sareno knew what he was doing. _______________ "AHH!" Sareno groaned as he felt his body impact against the wall, denting the dark metal. His blade vanished as his concentration faltered. He looked up to see Tyrolan gloating, "I told you that you had no chance of defeating me. Give up and I will make your death quick." Sareno felt something softly vibrate from a pocket within his torn jacket, alerting him as to the status of his friends, "I don't think so." Tyrolan laughed, "How noble and foolish. Soon you will be dead as will your friends be. I will have others dissect your work and they will discover the secret of the sub-space stardrive and weaponry." _______________ Aboard the Ryo-oki, Tenchi and the others awaited Sareno's return. "What's taking him so long?" Ryoko impatiently clenched her fists. Washu had been waiting in a corner of the bridge, observing the Soja II from a window, "He has to make sure that Tyrolan doesn't get the Soja II," she quietly answered without taking her eyes off the other ship. _______________ Sareno observed his position in the damaged bridge, hoping that the sensors were not damaged enough to prevent the completion of his desperate plan. The professor smiled as a thin line of blood trickled down the side of his mouth. He held up a small device for Tyrolan to see. "It's a remote control to some explosives I placed in strategic locations aboard the Soja II. It will detonate, disrupting the main energy core powering the ship and explode, taking us with it. The explosion of the antimatter core will be sufficient to reach into sub-space. Any attempts to teleport out will be unsuccessful as you will be destroyed in the blast anyway. You're trapped." Tyrolan paused, slightly nervous about the change in the situation, "You...you wouldn't dare. This is your life and your work." Sareno smirked, "Not anymore. I have a new project now, one which will hopefully surpass everything I've done before." Sareno laughed at the warlord, "I'll see you in hell Tyrolan, but not too soon." Sareno never looked down, but kept his gaze on the startled warlord for a moment longer before closing his midnight blue eyes slightly and prepared to finish his plan, "I'm sorry Washu. I hope this works." _______________ Outside on the Ryo-oki, Tenchi, Washu, and the others looked on helplessly as they watched the Soja II silently explode. Moments later, the shockwave flipped the small ship over as Ryoko struggled to maintain control and get way from the oncoming blast. "No....." Washu whispered silently to herself as a single tear fell from her green eyes. Tenchi placed a hand on her shoulder and the little scientist quickly turned to embrace him, sobbing softly into his chest. "I failed....I should have been there..." Aeka continued to tend to Yosho's shoulder as he spoke softly, "I think he was smarter than that." Startled, the princess turned towards the old man, "You...you think he survived that?" Yosho coughed once, "It is no use speculating, but remember, that was his ship. Someone like him may have had a few surprises on board. You never know." Tenchi looked over at Ryoko who smiled once at him after she regained control of the ship and began heading towards Earth. He looked over Washu's shoulder at the stars in the window before him, as the remainder of the trip continued in silence. _______________ End Episode 4 Author's Notes: So the first installment's almost done. I'm glad you all made it this far. One more section left to go and then I can begin posting even juicier material. (I keep telling all those Aeka and Ryoko fans to hold on) -Calico Zero Majingotenks0@hotmail.com