Tenchi and all its characters are owned by AIC and Pioneer. I do not own any copyrights to them. I wrote this fan fiction because I love Tenchi. I think Tenchi is one of the best series ever made. This is a work of love and I will appreciate any info, C&C, spams, anything. If the powers-that-be want to use my story, they are more than welcomed to it. Just give me credit. The Unofficial AniManga Mayhem Online Http://home.sprintmail.com/~renechavez/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CloudQuest Productions Proudly Presents Tenchi Muyo! A Call to Love, Sadness, and Life A Fan Fiction By Rene Chavez (bskcase@mindless.com) Chapter 1 A Call to a Beginning The sun rose in Tenchi's room. The fresh air flowed in from his window as he slept on. Tenchi felt the sun's beam into his face and turned away. He was beginning to wake up but wanted to savor a few more moments of his restful sleep. Slowly, his senses began to awaken. He began to notice the birds singing from a nearby tree. He could hear the lake next to his home rustling in the wind. For a moment, he resisted opening his eyes. He took in all the peaceful surroundings, breathed, and let the bliss overwhelm him. Tenchi finally opened his eyes. The sun illuminated his room. He pushed the covers away and sat up. Tenchi looked at his alarm clock; it was still early in the morning. Nobody was going to up for at least a half-hour. Tenchi walked over to his balcony and stared at the beautiful sunrise. The lake gave out a radiant glow. Tenchi leaned against the balcony and admired the sunrise. Everything was quiet and peaceful. A loud crash echoed through the entire house. Suddenly he could hear Ayeka and Ryoko screaming. Tenchi lowered his head. "Why me?" he asked himself. Suddenly, his bliss turned to misery as he was reminded of reality. Ayeka and Ryoko stood face to face with both hands clenched. They stood their ground in the middle of the living room. "You know I was planning this! How dare you try to ruin this special moment, you thief!" shouted Ayeka. The two gave each other dirty looks. "I thought it was trash," replied Ryoko. Her fangs were beginning to show. "It is a special Jurian gift, you dolt! You have no idea how difficult it was to create it," said Ayeka. She quickly glanced at the trashcan. A paper wrapped packaged lied inside of it. Ayeka looked at it and notice a small tear in the wrapping. Ayeka became angrier and started to charge her force field. "It still looks like trash," replied Ryoko. Sensing Ayeka's power increase, Ryoko began charging up her energy powers. Ryoko and Ayeka were about to release their powers when suddenly Tenchi through himself in between them. "Stop it!" he yelled, "What's wrong with both of you? You want to blow up the house?" Quickly, Ryoko and Ayeka dispersed their powers and took a step back. "Eek!" spurted Ayeka and quickly ran to the trashcan. She picked up the package and ran toward the kitchen. Tenchi looked at her with confusion. A sweat drop formed on his head. Tenchi has been living with these people for over two years and still couldn't figure them out. Ryoko grinned and disappeared. She suddenly appeared behind Tenchi wrapping her arms around his chest. Tenchi wanted to jump from the sudden scare, but Ryoko's grip was too strong. "Happy birthday, Tenchi," she whispered in his ear. "Thanks, Ryoko," said Tenchi trying to be as polite as he can. He felt like he was in the grips of a giant predator with nowhere to run. Tenchi began to get stiff and was slowly sweating. "I have a present for you, Tenchi," she whispered seductively into his ear, "would you like to go back into your bedroom and unwrap it now?" Tenchi was beginning to sweat. No matter how many times he's been in her grips, he still feels sudden jolts of terror. "Tenchi!" a voice echoed from the other room. It was Sasami. Tenchi quickly slid out of Ryoko's arms and ran into the kitchen. He quickly ran in and bowed to Sasami. "Ohaiyo, Sasami," said Tenchi. An expression of relief and gratitude appeared on his face. Sasami walked up to him and hugged him. "Happy birthday, Tenchi" said Sasami. Tenchi smiled. Sasami's hugs and radiance always brightened his mood. "Thank you, Sasami," he said. "I've made your favorite breakfast," said Sasami. Tenchi took a quick whiff. The food smelled great. "That looks great Sasami," said Tenchi. The food was actually making his mouth water. Ryoko stood behind him resenting Sasami. The little girl just smiled knowing that Tenchi was pleased. "Ryoko, would you like to help me in the kitchen," asked Sasami. "Uh, sure, Sasami," said Ryoko. She always wanted to appear helpful around Tenchi. "Breakfast will be in just a minute," said Sasami as she took Ryoko back into the kitchen. Tenchi sat down at the table. "Why me?" he asked himself. He lowered his head a little more. "Tenchi-sama," spoke Ayeka. "Huh?" Tenchi looked around and found Ayeka standing by the doorway. She fixed herself up in her usual attire. Ayeka held a wrapped package. She bloomed with a radiant smile. Tenchi got up and bowed to her. "Good morning, Miss Ayeka," said Tenchi. He always felt a little uncomfortable being around royalty. Ayeka walked up to him and stood elegantly in front of him. Her smile radiated and Tenchi could feel her being excited about something. "Tenchi, in honor of your eighteenth birthday, please let me present you with this Jurian treasure," Ayeka handed the present to Tenchi. "Thank you very much, Miss Ayeka," Tenchi bowed and accepted her gift. In the time he spent with her, he never really seemed to see her this excited. He suddenly remembered being visited by Jurian ships a couple of months ago. The ship left almost as soon as it arrived. "Was this the reason for that little visit a while ago, Miss Ayeka?" asked Tenchi. Miss Ayeka giggled and nodded. Miss Ayeka and Sasami were very secretive about the visit. "They were just here for some family business" giggled Ayeka when Tenchi questioned her about it. He shrugged it off and put it out of his mind. He became used to such things over the years. Tenchi slowly began unwrapping the present. It felt heavy and by Ayeka's reaction with Ryoko, it was probably delicate. Tenchi knew he had to be careful. Ayeka's eye lit up as Tenchi finally finished opening it. It was a statue of him. Tenchi took a deep breath. The statue was fourteen-inch version of him standing over a crystal star. He was wearing a Jurian ceremonial outfit with a sash around his shoulder displaying the Light hawk symbol. The detail and work of the statue was remarkable; it was an exact likeness of Tenchi. "Miss Ayeka, this is beautiful," said a stunned Tenchi. Ayeka bowed, pleased with Tenchi's reaction. "It is a special present created just for you," she said, "it was made by the finest Jurian sculptors from the most precious stones and paints in the entire galaxy." Tenchi suddenly felt humbled, "Miss Ayeka, I'm not worthy of such a present." Ayeka moved closer and put her hands on Tenchi's statue. Tenchi felt her hands on his. The statue's crystal base began to glow. Tenchi looked at the light, it was the Light Hawk wings. Ayeka's eyes met Tenchi's. "Yes, you are worthy," she said in a low voice. Tenchi felt a glow of warmth. He couldn't tell if it was from the statue or Ayeka. Tenchi looked into Ayeka's bright eyes, "Miss Ayeka, what does the li." "Oh, how wonderful," said Sasami. Ayeka moved away from Tenchi. Both their faces were blushing red. The light from the statue disappeared. "Do you like your present, Tenchi?" asked Sasami. Tenchi placed the statue on the table. "Yes, very much, thank you," said Tenchi. Ryoko walked in holding a plate in each hand. "Isn't it nice, Ryoko?" asked Sasami. Ryoko noticed the Tenchi statue. "Where'd that come from?" asked Ryoko. "Ayeka had it made," said Sasami. Ayeka gave a slight blush and gave Ryoko a quick smirk of victory. "It's a beautiful statue because it's Tenchi's image on it," said Ryoko while giving a cold stare at Ayeka. Ryoko and Sasami put the plates on the table and soon everybody began showing up for breakfast. Tenchi kept the statue close to him. Noboyuki and Washu walked in. "What a beautiful statue, Tenchi," said Noboyuki. "Thanks, dad. Its Ayeka's present," said Tenchi. "It is so detailed," said Noboyuki. He then sat down and started in on his breakfast. He was usually in a rush in the mornings. Washu looked over the Tenchi statue. "So that's why you wanted all that info on Tenchi's dimensions," said Washu. Tenchi tensed up a little remembering all the times he had been strapped down to one of Washu's contraptions being analyzed and studied. Tenchi didn't mind it so much, except for when she would eventually try to extract a "sample" from him. He dreaded the thought of what would happen if she ever got one. Washu stood up, pulled out her holographic keypad, and began analyzing the statue. "Not bad," said Washu, "It is a 99.9 percent likeness of him." Tenchi blushed a little. I was strange having a statue of him staring back at him. "The crystal base is very interesting, it is an extract from a royal Jurian tree sap, extra rare materials, princess. I see you went the extra mile," said Washu. "It was nothing, Washu," said Ayeka. She glared at her motioning her to shut up. Washu smirked, "You know, I heard about these statues. They reserved for." "Special friends of the Jurian family," interrupted Ayeka. Sasami giggled at Ayeka's response. Washu smirked, "Yes, you could say that." Washu disconnected her keyboard and sat down. She started eating and laughing to a silent joke. Tenchi looked around. Ayeka was quietly eating. A strong blush of red crossed her face. Sasami was her cheerful self, while Washu just nibbled at her food. Ryoko picked at her food while glaring at Ayeka. Noboyuki finished his coffee and ran out. Everybody seemed to know something that Tenchi didn't. He took it all in and finished his breakfast. He had to go to school. He would worry about it later. He stood up and gave his bows and good-byes. Everybody wished him a good day. Tenchi picked up his statue and walked upstairs to his room. He placed the statue on his mantle next to a picture of his adopted "family." He sat down on his chair and put his books into his backpack. He stopped and looked over the mantle again. He looked at the statue. "It is impressive," he thought to himself. He then looked over at the picture. They all stood together in front of grandfather's shrine. Ayeka and Ryoko each wanted to stand next to Tenchi, while Sasami and Washu stood in front of him. Noboyuki and Katsuhito stood at the side, while Kiyone and Mihoshi sat at the other. They were all smiling. He remembered what fun that day was when they all had a picnic. "Remember these days, Tenchi," said his grandfather at the picnic. "You will see many things, feel many more things, but these moments never return. Treasure them," he said. Tenchi didn't pay too much attention to his words, but he thinks he is now starting to understand what he really meant. Ryoko finished her meal and disappeared. She reappeared on roof and watched him walk away. She lied there for a while until she completely lost sight of him. "That statue was beautiful," she had to admit it to herself. To her, anything with Tenchi was beautiful. She suspected something about that statue and she knew just who to talk to about it. Tenchi found himself uninterested in his courses. The teacher was going over the lesson, but Tenchi just couldn't get interested into his classes lately. Washu was too good of a tutor. Tenchi already knew most of the material covered. He was facing graduation. His friends wanted him to go with them to Tokyo University, he found himself no interested in going. He always had excellent grades, but in reality, he did not want to be too far away from his home. Tenchi realized some time ago that he was not meant to have a normal earthling life. He may have to leave the planet someday and never come back. The thought depressed him a little, but felt a small comfort knowing he would never be bored. There was another college nearby he was thinking of attending. But even then, he did not know what degree to pursue. Everybody seemed to be so ahead of him in planning. He gave up a long time trying to be a normal kid. Having two beautiful alien women fighting over him day and night, dealing with the world's greatest mad scientist, and being friends with two Galaxy Police officers have kept him on his toes. Not to mention the occasional space warlord or demon trying to destroy or conquer the universe he somehow ended up dealing with. He realized he had to accept his chaotic life. He wished he had a little more control. "Life is a series of events we are faced with," Tenchi remembered what his grandfather said one time. "We don't control the events, we can only try to handle them the best we can," said his grandfather. "If only it was so simple," thought Tenchi. Washu heard a chime on her doorway. She paid it no mind while she looked over her data on her holo-computer. "I'm a little busy right now," said Washu. She had calculated who would visit her. "I need to talk to you," said Ryoko in a serious tone. Washu continued to tap on her keyboard. "Is that so?" she asked, "What about?" She liked to play with her. "You know damn well why I'm here, Washu!" said Ryoko. Ryoko stood behind Washu almost ready to attack. "Say the secret word," said Washu. Ryoko was getting very angry. She hated when Washu made her do this. There was no other way for Ryoko. "Please, mom," said Ryoko, almost spitting the words out, "There, happy now." Washu stood there and observed her. Her secret computer scanners revealed an intense rise in her body chemistry. Ryoko's face was turning red. "Ok, it's no big secret," said Washu. Ryoko stood a little less tense. "It's a Jurian statue of Tenchi in a traditional ceremonial outfit," said Washu. Ryoko crossed her arms. Washu stood there a moment observing her reaction. Washu tapped a few keys on her keyboard and a holographic projection of the statue appeared. "Tenchi is wearing a traditional Jurian 'wedding' ceremonial outfit," said Washu. Ryoko almost fainted. Washu smiled, her secret computer readout on Ryoko was going off the scale. "Young love," Washu thought. Ryoko was white as a ghost. "The statue is gift presented to a person on their birthday or Startika symbolizing one's intent of a more devoted relationship," said Washu. Ryoko stood there. Her anger was beginning to boil over. "Basically, Aeka has announced to the entire Jurian royal court that she intends to marry Tenchi. The crystal amber from the statue's base is considered on the most valuable material in the entire universe. It is almost unheard of being presented with a statue. The princess must have really made some royal waves when she had it made. Tenchi and Ayeka's names are probably the talk of Jurai by now," finished Washu. Ryoko stood there shocked over what she heard. She was actually speechless. Washu looked at her. Ryoko's anger was turning into sadness. "Could I have lost Tenchi so easily?" she asked herself. Washu felt a little sorry for her. "Ryoko," Washu was felling a maternal pinch, "You know she was bound to do this. You have to admit that she's just as dedicated to him as you are." Washu had a point and Ryoko knew it. They both loved Tenchi, but sooner or later, it had to come to this. Ryoko was holding back her tears. Washu walked up behind her and put her arm around her shoulder. Ryoko felt a pain in her heart. Would Tenchi accept Ayeka's proposal? They would marry and leave to be with the Jurian court or stay here. Either way, she would lose Tenchi and have to leave back into the empty space. She was alone most of her life, but after meeting Tenchi, she dreaded the thought of ever being without him. She would no longer be able to stay. It would be too painful seeing Tenchi embrace Ayeka with the loving eyes that Ryoko dreamt he would have for her. Ryoko stormed off and left. Washu went back to working on her experiment. "Young love," Washu thought again. It has been so long since she ever had any feelings for anybody. She stopped and looked at herself. She never realized how much she envied Ryoko and Ayeka. She paused for a moment and tapped some more keys on her board. A holographic picture of Tenchi appeared. "What makes you so irresistible?" she said. She realized how much he has grown. He was no longer the na‹ve boy who released a demon and was captured by a princess. Washu thought about the things she could teach him and the fun they would have learning. She then remembered the one thing she learned in her many years in this galaxy: anything could happen. "Tenchi is young," thought Washu as she pulled up a giant mirror and looked at herself. "He might come around. After all, I am a woman and they're just girls." Washu smiled at her reflection. The mirror imaged blinked and blew Washu a kiss. Washu smiled at her image and went back work. Tenchi was at his desk talking to his friends Tokuda and Tahari. He has been quiet for most of the conversation. Their talks would eventually lead them into sex. "I heard Tukori is getting married after graduation," said Tahari. "Why?" asked Tenchi. "Lets just say that his future bride-to-be has a wealthy father," said Tokuda, "He made himself a nice deal." Marriage into wealth he thought. That prospect didn't seem to far from him. "I don't think that's a right way to go," said Tenchi. "You got a point there," said Tokuda, "Who wants a wife that's richer than you. She might even go around and order you around." Tenchi was beginning to feel uncomfortable. "Give me a woman who know how to have fun," said Tahari, "If you know what I mean." Tokuda snickered at Tahari's comments. Tenchi thoughts then wandered to Ryoko. "Then you would have to worry about whether or not she would tear your throat out," said Tenchi openly. Tokuda and Tahari stared at Tenchi. Tenchi stared back and snickered. Both his friends began to laugh. "You're a funny guy, Tenchi," said Tahari. Tenchi gave a pretend laugh and started reading from his book. "I am so alone," Tenchi thought to himself. Ryoko appeared in the middle of Tenchi's room. She would often lie down on his bed and wonder how it would feel having Tenchi sleep next to her. She would often pick up his scent and enjoy his presence. Ayeka would come around looking for her, but she would manage to disappear before she entered his room. Ryoko suspected Ayeka does the same thing when nobody is looking. "Why couldn't the princess just go back home to her royal palace and pick any other guy in the universe," Ryoko thought. In the entire universe, she was the only one in existence. It was a fact that Washu has stated on many occasions: there is only one Ryoko. There was also only one Tenchi. They were hundreds of royals, but only one Tenchi. Ryo-ohki wandered into Tenchi's room. "Miya," said the cabbit. Ryoko picked her up and placed her on her stomach. The cabbit began to purr and fall asleep in Ryoko's waist. "Why couldn't Ayeka go and find some prince or something and stay away from her life," said Ryoko. She turned and looked at Tenchi's mantle. The statue stood there next to a portrait of the "family." She still couldn't believe Tenchi called it a family portrait. She had a hard time accepting Washu as her mother, but having Ayeka in the "family" made her sick. "How could I be so cursed," thought Ryoko. She took a step back and started charging her energy powers. "One small concentrated blow would shatter that statue into a million pieces," she thought. She was about to release her energy ball but then realize what she going to do. She was going to blow up Tenchi. Even symbolic, she couldn't bring herself to do it. Even in a Jurian outfit, he still looked so beautiful. Ryoko lied back down on the bed. Tenchi scent was faint, but still present. Tears appeared from her face. She did not ever want to be without Tenchi in her life. She would rather die than be alone ever again. She remembered every time she held Tenchi. Every time Tenchi held her in his arms. His eyes looking at her with concern and warmth. She needed to do something, but what could she offer Tenchi. Ayeka was always worried about the Jurian Royal family not accepting Tenchi. Azusa, for some reason, hated Tenchi, but his two wives adored him. Ayeka avoided talking about her father and Tenchi. Obviously, the Jurian royalty has recognized Tenchi as a possible groom for Ayeka. Lord knows they were probably suspicious of Ayeka and Sasami choosing to stay in an underdeveloped planet in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, Ryoko had an idea. If Ayeka made a love token, Ryoko had to make one of her own. "What do I make?" asked Ryoko. She thought about going to town and buying something, but that seem so impersonal. Suddenly, inspiration struck her. She looked at the clock. Tenchi wasn't going to be home for another five hours. She picked up Ryo-ohki. "C'mon, we have to go," she told the barely awake cabbit. She just had enough time. Tenchi was practicing his tennis game. His battles with evil space bounty hunters, mad scientists, and the advances of a space pirate and princess made him very agile. His grandfather as even acknowledging his skill with the sword. So far, he was undefeated in his tennis class. The coach wanted him to join the team, but he didn't have the desire. He thought about how Ayeka, Ryoko and the rest would go see him play at the tournaments. He cringed at the thought of the damage they could cause if they were placed in public with a large crowd. Tenchi saw the tennis ball coming his way and quickly swung his racket. The ball returned and his opponent was not quick enough to reach the ball in time. Tenchi won another game. A sound of cheers hit him. He turned around and noticed he had a group of female admirers. Tenchi smiled at them and walked back into the locker. "When you have a princess, space pirate, mad scientist, and a galaxy police officer after you, how do you fit in high school girls into your life?" Tenchi thought. Mihoshi and Kiyone were enjoying the Masaki's bath when Sasami walked in. "How are you girls doing?" asked Sasami. "Mihoshi got us fired again," said Kiyone. Mihoshi faces blushed a little. Kiyone gave her a mean looked. "It was an accident," replied Mihoshi, "I had no idea French fries were so volatile." "They're not," said Kiyone. She still had a hard time accepting the fact how low her career has sank. She wanted to go out and fight criminals from all over the galaxy. Instead, she ended up partnered to an airhead and assigned to patrol a underdeveloped planet. Kiyone sunk her head a little lower at the thought. "Where's Ayeka?" said Kiyone. She wanted to change the subject. "She went to the market to pick up some things," said Sasami. Sasami entered the tub. "You will be staying here for dinner right?" asked Sasami. Mihoshi smiled, "Oh yes, we couldn't afford any foo.." "Thank you, Sasami," interrupted Kiyone. "Tenchi would be so happy. He rarely sees you both since you moved out and with all your jobs and patrols," said Sasami, "It's his birthday today." Mihoshi gave a surprised look. "It is! Oh, I wish somebody told me. I would have brought a present," she said. Kiyone sunk her head a little lower. "We don't have any money to feed ourselves, much less buy presents," said Kiyone. Mihoshi thought about it for a moment. "Oh yeah, I forgot," she said. Kiyone sunk lower. Her nose was just barely above water. "How did I go so low," she thought to herself. "Tenchi needs a scarf," said Mihoshi. She paused and gave a thought about Tenchi. She imagined giving a beautiful scarf to Tenchi. Tenchi would be so pleased he would ask her out. She then envisioned Tenchi and her spending time in the couch, like how couples do it on TV. Everybody looked at Mihoshi as she stared blankly into nothingness. Her face was blushing red. Ryoko suddenly appeared in front of everybody. "Hello ladies," Ryoko said. She was hovering over them. "Sasami, where's Ayeka?" said Ryoko. "She went to the market," said Sasami. "I'm going to be stepping out for a few hours," said Ryoko, "but I'll be in time for the party." Sasami looked at her curiously, "Where you going?" Ryoko gave her a sly grin, "Just doing some last minute shopping." Ryoko gave everybody a wink, floated across the wall, and went through it. Nobody liked it when Ryoko was up to something. They suddenly looked up and saw Ryo-ohki in ship form. The ship was speeding up toward space. Ayeka was still on cloud nine. She was afraid Tenchi would react negatively or even dare reject her present. She was proud that she was able to present it without Ryoko interfering. She went up and down the aisles picking things from Sasami's list. She thought about how much she was going to miss shopping. She actually started enjoying Earth life. "Maybe Tenchi and I will live here," she thought. Juria was in peacetime and her father still had many good years as ruler. They could raise a family and live happily on Earth. Plus, she would get to finally get rid of Ryoko. Ayeka thought about Ryoko for a minute. "She could stay with us," Ayeka thought, "as long as she know who Tenchi is married to." Ayeka finished her list and headed down the checkout counter. While she waited, she spotted a few magazines. "How to keep your man," advertised one. Ayeka picked it up and started reading it. She looked at another article, "Hot Sex for Hot couples." Ayeka paused a moment and looked at some other magazines. She stopped and thought for a moment, then started picking all the magazines and placing them on her cart. Washu was in the living room watching her favorite soap. In her laboratory, a sudden beep appeared in front of Washu's screen. Then a warning signal turned on. A sudden message appeared on the screen: Space/Dimensional Rift Imminent. A large concentration of energy began registering. A sudden flash of light roamed the laboratory. All the instruments began to shutdown. Then slowly began to turn on again. Any information on the sudden Space/Dimensional Rift was erased. Washu walked into her lab. She was holding back her tears. "How could Vernedad leave Mishu for a wretched witch?" she said. She took a deep breath and sat down in front of her computer screen. She had plenty of work ahead of her and began typing away. Ryoko traveled to the asteroid belt. "Let's see, I know I left it around here somewhere," she said. "Miya," replied the ship. The ship then began doing a full sensor sweep. Ryoko stood on the deck of Ryo-ohki. She was growing more impatient. "Miya," echoed the ship. Ryoko looked at the screen. "Oh yeah!" she said. Ryo-ohki moved to the location on the computer screen. A small asteroid floated in front of her. She looked closer. A small metal container was welded to the asteroid. Ryoko floated up and disappeared. She instantly reappeared over the metal box and pulled out her laser sword. With a quick slice, the box opened revealing a small black bag. Ryoko grinned and grabbed the bag. She then floated back into her ship. "Ryo-ohki, let's go back home," she said. The ship then powered its engines and started heading back to the blue planet out in the distance. Tenchi was going over some books at the library. He was caught up in all his classes, so he decided to see if there was anything worth reading. He looked over some books he found in the returned pile. Tenchi read the one on top of the pile, "How to succeed in Love and Marriage." He placed the book down. "If only they would come up with one about 'How to succeed in keeping two alien women, who are in love with you, from killing you and destroying your house,'" he thought to himself. He thought it best to go over the magazines instead. Sasami, Kiyone, and Mihoshi were setting up the birthday decorations. "I still wish we could have brought something for Tenchi," said Mihoshi. Kiyone closed her eyes and wished she wasn't there. "How can you be so dense?" said Kiyone. Mihoshi stared blankly at her. Sasami finished setting up the table. "C'mon, Tenchi doesn't care about that," she said. Sasami gave them both a cold stare letting them know better than to argue. Kiyone suddenly realized that Sasami has been really working hard on Tenchi's party. Suddenly, a flash of white light filled the room. Sasami and Mihoshi cried out. Kiyone tried to move but they all instantly froze. Kiyone could swear she saw a hand reach out to her and pull her away, but the light was blinding her. The light flashed and they all disappeared. Washu picked up a surge of energy from her readings. "This is not good," she said. She quickly typed some commands, but the light suddenly beamed in from nowhere. "Oh shi.." Washu didn't finish her sentence. She quickly disappeared. Ayeka found her way into the road. "Hello, Azaka, Kamadake," she said. "Greetings, your highness," said Kamadake. "Did you have a nice time shopping?" said Azaka. Ayeka smiled, "I actually like shopping. I like choosing my own..." The light flashed through the land. Ayeka, Azaka, and Kamadake were gone. The groceries floated in the air for a second then quickly fell on the floor. Ryoko was about to reach Earth's orbit when her computer's sensors picked up a strange reading. "Miya," bellowed the Ryo-ohki. Ryoko looked out and saw a strange blinding light flashing from the Masaki home. "Ryo-ohki, give me a full sensor swee.." Ryoko never finished her sentence. The blinding light reached from outer space and struck her and Ryo-ohki. Instantly, Ryoko and her ship were gone. Tenchi walked out of the bus and into his home road. He strolled down the woods when a bright light struck him. Volts of pain struck him. Tenchi screamed as he floated into the air. He felt like he was being torn into pieces. Tenchi closed his eyes and lost consciousness. The Masaki home was now quiet. Washu's lab was slowly shutting down. The party decorations hung while food was cooking in the stove. Suddenly a figure dressed in black appeared in the kitchen. A hood covered his head. The man took a few steps into the kitchen. He raised his gloved hand and released a beam of blue energy from the house. The stove and all the lights in the house turned off. The man then walked into the living room and disappeared. To be continued.