Tenchi and all related content is owned by AIC and Pioneer and what I am doing 
with them is purely to make a story I wanted to write about what could happen in 
the Tenchi Universe. This is mostly based on the OAV version. The concept of 
Sami-Ohki is a sort of blend of the names Sasami and Ryo-Ohki. This takes place 
a little while after episode 13 in the OAV series.

"Mysteries Abound"


"No way! Sasami can't be Tsunami! I saw them apart. Sasami was kinda scared at 
the time, and wouldn't look at her. She was only around six at the time, so she 
couldn't understand." Misaki cried.

"Do you never wonder about the rune on her forehead? That is the mark of 
Tsunami's doing. Did you not notice that Tsunami also has a strange rune marking 
on her forehead?" Washu countered.

"Well, I did sort of notice something different about her after Ryoko's attack 
on our planet. Yes, it WAS that rune on her forehead. Her caretaker found her 
wandering around our great Tree hall. I was worried that something might have 
happened to her there and checked her all over. The rune was the only thing I 
found. And I had never noticed it before. I thought that it might have had 
something to do with the new appearance of Tsunami. It was that same day I went 
to meet her with Sasami. All of this is sort of making sense. Sasami was afraid 
of Tsunami?"

"That's right. She thinks of herself as Tsunami's creation. She did die, but 
managed to assimilate with the tree to save herself. As to why she thinks of 
herself as Tsunami's creation, I really don't understand it myself. Was there 
anything especially 'special' about the tree before Tsunami appeared?"

Emperor Asuza rubbed his chin and said, "Well, this is getting into some very 
private Juraian matters, but the fact is that Tsunami was the first tree to tap 
into our computer systems and exposed its sentience. Then we noticed the other 
trees exhibiting the same traits. We always thought of the trees' light beams to 
be simply decor, or at least thats what my ancestors told me, and then we 
learned they could use it as a form of communication. Thats how we learned about 
their power and their power to turn into ships. That, basically, was the start 
of the Juraian Empire. Now I must insist that all what I have told you be kept 
an absolute secret. Then that space pirate, Ryoko, attacked Jurai and Yosho went 
off to drive her off. It worked...Jurai was at peace again." With that, he gave 
Katsuhito a cold glare. "But that doesn't mean I will accept him as heir to the 
throne. Nor his grandson, Tenchi. I simply cannot allow it. They are not of pure 

Lady Fuhano spoke up, "It was that day when Ryoko attacked Jurai when we noticed 
their power to use Light-Hawk Wings offensively, also. We had always used them 
as defensive measures. Many things had changed on that day. 1) Sasami 
assimilates into Tsunami. 2) We realise that Ryoko's power was enough to get 
through our Light-Hawk shields, thus rendering us powerless to stop her. 3) 
Yosho's Tenchi-Ken was powerful enough to defeat HER and take her gems. 4) The 
Tenchi-Ken was originated from Tsunami's tree. And 5) Tsunami, the human form, 
appears. Many things are starting to link up. However, why Kagato wanted Ryoko 
to attack Jurai is somewhat beyond me. I learned that Ryoko had no direct 
control over herself at the time, so it is easier to pardon her. However, HOW 
Kagato gained control of her is still a mystery. Unless you care to explain, 
Little Washu?"

"Well, it was sort of a matter of me relying on my partner too much that when he 
decided he no longer needed me, he took Ryoko and then buried me on the other 
dimension right of my own powerful ship. You never knew he was my Science 
Academy partner, did you? That's right. I needed him to help me with some of my 
experiments. But I never noticed when he became too powerful and fooled me 
enough to trap me in that stasis crystal. Then he locked the dimension so that 
it went only one way. However, he was not fool enough to try stuffing whatever 
he thought useless in there with me, as something like what Detective Mihoshi 
managed to do, set me free, would never happen. It was pure luck that she 
dropped her cube and flipped over to set me free. If she hadn't, Tenchi and 
Ayeka would most likely be dead and Ryoko, Tsunami, as well as Sasami, would be 
under Kagato's control."

Mihoshi nodded, "That's right! Umm...how did that other one-way dimension thingy 
work again? I never got that."

Washu groaned, "Ohh, forget it already, Mihoshi. It doesn't matter anymore. The 
Souja is destroyed and that other dimension no longer exists."

Lady Funaho turned to her, "Speaking of dimensions, how come no other person 
from the Science Academy have never manage to recreate what you have done? You 
have created dimensions of your own whim, and created Ryoko, the Souja, Ryo-
Ohki, and many other incredibly powerful things and seem to just dismiss them 
without a thought. It's as if you were more powerful than all them together. It 
just seems strange. I mean, you even have an extra-dimensional labratory which 
you practically could open a hole to from wherever you want. How do you do it? 
Not even Dr. Clay could emulate everything you have done."

Washu's first reaction was all too typical, "That's because I am the number one 
Genius of the Universe!" Then she sobered up quite suddenly, "I never really 
thought about it. Because I graduated from the Science Academy so rapidly, I 
guess I thought of myself as a great scientific genius. I can't remember 
anything before it. ARGH! WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER?" Then she suddenly teleported 
out of the room. In a moment, everyone heard her lab door open.

Tenchi scratched his head, "What was that about? Well, I did wonder about her 
beginnings. But I never suspected a reaction like this. I guess I'll go check on 
her. See if she needs any help or anything." He got up and excused himself. 
Walking over to the door, he found it still open. Entering, he went in and found 
Washu at her holo-computer typing like mad. Her face was that of intense 
determination. He looked over her shoulder and saw that she was looking through 
all types of historical documents. Dates, yearbooks and other things scrolled up 
and as quickly was replaced by more. "Ahem...uhh...Little Washu? Uhh...do you 
need any help?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you, Tenchi. This is something I have to do on my own. 
There HAS to be some form of Birth Certificate or something! An elementary 
school picture...anything! Or maybe a scan of my picture of me as a 
youngling...that's it..." She hit some new keys and her face started going 
through some intense matching profiles. "Damn, nothing before the Adademy...What 
is up with my life! I can't have started to exist RIGHT at the Academy! Where 
are the application forms? My previous school records? There's NOTHING! ARGH!" 
She slammed her hands through her keyboard, phasing through and deactivating it. 

"I just can't find anything...wait a minute..." She started it up again and 
Tenchi saw she input a single name, Tokimi. "You remember Dr. Clay, right 
Tenchi? He mentioned something about a Lady Tokimi before and I never had heard 
him call someone by a title. He is the sort who thinks himself as all powerful. 
Why did he call that Tokimi 'Lady'? And why is that name so blasted familiar to 
me? It's weird, Tenchi." She sat back and cracked her knuckles, "I wake up as a 
student at the Science Academy. I have no previous records before that. There's 
a name I somewhat knew before that, but can't place a finger on it. Dr. Clay 
called the person of that name by a title, of all things. My powers at creating 
dimensions, the gems, Ryoko, Ryo-Ohki, the Masses...the Masses! I created those 
things! And how was the Tenchi-Ken compatible with the gems? Tsunami. What is 
the connection with the gems and the power of Jurai? Ryoko could go through the 
sheilds when almost nothing else could. They must be of some sort of the same 
power. Then that connects with Tsunami, who started all of the Jurai's Empire. 
Then that connects with Sasami. I must see her...and why can't my instruments 
detect her? Why could she block Ryo-Ohki's thoughts from Ryoko that day at the 
hot springs? Excuse me, Tenchi, I have to go find her." She turned around, "Oh, 
I see all of you came, too. Did you hear much about what I said?" Tenchi himself 
was surprised at the stealth that the others came in. Mihoshi and Noboyuki were 
lying on the floor bound and gagged like she was that same night and crying. 
Everyone else had a very sober expression on their face. Noboyuki's was that of 
dignified hurt.

"Well, I...I never thought about it, but it seems that you just appeared out of 
thin air." Lady Misaki said obtusely. She got an elbow by Lady Funaho and cried 
"Ow! What did I do? Oh...Sorry Little Washu."

"Oh, its alright...This is just a little setback. I'll figure it out eventually 
I'm sure." She then turned and went out the door back to Tenchi's house with a 
positive air about her, all previous frustration forgotten.


When Washu and the others went out searching for Sasami, this time it was Tenchi 
who found her first. It was on the other end of the lake near his house. 
"Sasami?" he asked quietly.

She sniffed and looked up. He stood right next to her and had concern and loving 
care all over his face. "Yes Tenchi?"

"Do you want to talk about it? I mean about your feelings about the matter 
between you and Tsunami?" He had to be blunt or else she would never come to 
terms about it.

"N..No, not really...I...I mean I WANT to but I'm just too scared to do anything 
or else she may think I'm not good for her anymore and...and...I'm just 
scared..." She looked down.

"I really don't think Tsunami would ever think you are not good for her. I mean, 
she kept you alive, if not in body, then in at least spirit and mind. If you 
wont admit your fears to her and at least let her have a chance to explain in 
full about her plans with you, then you will always live in fear about what she 
thinks...and what she plans with the future with you and her...when you grow 
older...I'm sure you will see things much differently...you will still be you, 
but with a new understanding." He said all this quietly while scanning around 
the area, knowing Washu's habit of listening in on important conversations. 
Sasami still had her head down and the tears were beginning to stop. He heard a 
thump behind him and he turned to see what it was, a thought coming into his 
head. Sure enough, Ayeka had been shoved out from behind the bushes and hastily 
picked herself up from the ground. He gave Washu a quick glare that was trying 
to convey the message that he had it all under control, but didn't see any sign 
she saw him.

"I agree with Lord Tenchi. You will still be you. I know I am repeating what he 
said, but that is the way we all feel about you and your future.  And besides, 
you have changed quite a bit without Tsunami's interference already. I think she 
wants you to just live your life the way you want it to be." Ayeka said.

"But why do I have some of these memories I never knew I had?" Sasami said, 
tears starting up again.

"That is because when you both finally assimilate into one, you will have all of 
your memories as well as Tsunami's memories." Ayeka replied.

"How can I tell the difference between the two?"

"You know what you know, and you know what Tsunami knew. I'm sure that your 
memory of Lord Tenchi's conversation with Tsunami gives enough evidence for 
that." Ayeka said off-handedly.

Surprised at what that could mean, Sasami said, "Huh? I don't understand."

Ayeka knelt down to her level and looked her in the eyes, "Yes you do. How do 
you know that the memory you have is Tsunami's?"

"Well...I know it's Tsunami's because I wasn't aware when Tsunami said those 
things to him." Confused, Sasami began thinking hard about the implications her 
sister were trying to explain.

"That's IT! You figured it out. You, Sasami, weren't in control, and you know 
that. Tsunami said those things. But think about this, you know this because 
Tsunami wants you to adjust when you finally assimilate Tsunami into you. She is 
just giving you a taste of what it is to be Tunami, how Tsunami thinks. Of 
couse, that is selfish of her and she should stop," Ayeka gave a quick glance at 
the reflection in the lake nearby and gave a meaningful glance at Tsunami. After 
a moment, she continued, "and let you think the way you always do."

Hearing this, Sasami went on the defensive toward Tsunami, "But we already think 
a lot alike. I mean, she tells me things and I always have the same sort of 
ideas. Just...different...somehow..."

Ayeka took this as Sasami was accepting Tsunami and pressed on, "That's because 
you are young. Tsunami is sort of an older version of yourself." Realising she 
may have let the cat out of the bag, she knew she couldn't stop now. "Why else 
would she have the same color hair and eyes? She knows that she would eventually 
cease to exist and her essence would live through you. She doesn't want to 
affect your life in any way. She used to be just another ordinary Juraian tree 
ship without you. She lives BECAUSE of you. Not the other way around."

"You mean, I'm your REAL sister?" She began to brighten up considerably. 
"SISTER! I don't want to feel that way ever again!" She ran up to her and hugged 
her tightly. "I always felt that I was made by Tsunami. If what you say is true, 
then I AM your sister and I love you very, very much!" She hugged tighter. She 
began to cry in happiness.

Ayeka held a small smile of victory to herself that Sasami didn't run straight 
at Tenchi again. Thinking of Tenchi, she looked around and found Tenchi had 
snuck off without their notice. Knowing how polite and understanding he was, she 
silently thanked him for is kindness. This was what Sasami needed, support from 
her sister. 

She glanced down at her sister and consequently at the reflection in the pool. 
She supressed small laugh, Tsunami now had the same cabbit ears but still looked 
as noble as she used to. However, she held a small regret that Sasami would 
always look that way and would probably be teased by the other royal families 
about her appearance. Was it possible that she could revert to 'total' Sasami? 
Or would she remain part Sami-Ohki forever? Maybe Washu could figure out a way 
to perhaps temporarily change her appearance, when she needed to, to look 
normal. Maybe Sasami could do it herself? Taking a chance, she asked as 
nonchalantly as possible, "Sasami, is it possible for you to make your ears look 
normal? I mean, you don't want the other royal families to laugh at 
your...appearance...do you?"

Surprised at the suddenness of the question, Sasami looked at her reflection. 
Seeing Tsunami's ears, she understood the logic in it. If that was what she 
would look like in the future, maybe she could try to change herself. She closed 
her eyes and concentrated hard. She felt her ears shifting. Opening her eyes, 
she saw Tsunami's appearance looked as it always did. The only difference was 
the spiky hair. On a sudden compulsion, she changed into a cabbit and saw that 
Tsunami also turned into a cabbit. She changed back and found that it wasn't 
hard at all to shift all the way back to total Sasami. It was just a bit of how 
she felt she wanted to look. Maybe it was like how Ryo-Ohki does it when she 
changes to toddler or to a young girl. She giggled. She never took the time to 
look at her reflection in a pool when she was a cabbit. In fact, she never took 
the time to look at herself anytime when she found out what its secret held. 
Now, she found she no longer had the fear of Tsunami. <That is because now you 
know the whole truth.> Tsunami said suddenly in her mind, <I didn't create you. 
You created me, in a sense. You wanted to survive that day and used my power to 
keep yourself alive. You just brought me along for the ride and I thank you for 
it. I love the life you have given me. Someday, when you finally assimilate with 
me, you will know a great power and a great responsibility. But that will have 
to wait for a while longer. For now, that power is still my responsibility. My 
eldest sister is getting close to figuring it out too. Until we speak again...> 
It was the first time Tsunami had spoken to her about something so personal to 
her. Was she a true tree? Or something else? It sounded as if it were something 
bigger than being one of the Juraian Royal Trees. And something about her eldest 
sister? Were there more than one? Does Tokimi have something to do with it? 
Sasami shuddered and dismissed the idea. Now, she just wanted to be happy with 
her sister. Any thoughts of Tokimi still brought terrible nightmares to her. She 
decided she still liked having the ears and brought them out.

Ayeka gasped as the long ears once again protruded from her sister's head, 
"Sasami! I thought you had it! Oh well, we'll probably have to get Washu to make 
some sort of holographic image or something like that for you to use."

Sasami giggled, "That's not it! I like it like this for now. The ears are sort 
of comforting. I don't know. But I can make myself look like total Sasami if I 
want. It's sort of like how Ryo-Ohki can make herself any age she wants to make 
herself, you know. I still like having part of Sami-Ohki in me, it reminds me 
that I am just a big mixed bag of different people...and THAT'S who I am." She 
jumped up on a rock and stood up proudly, "I am 'Princess Sasami', 'Sasami', 
'Sami-Ohki', AND 'Tsunami'! And no one else is!" She jumped down and began to 
walk back to the house. Ayeka gave a small giggle and was relieved that her 
sister was all okay with who she was. 


Arriving at the house, they found the rest of the household already back at the 
house and finishing up taking care of the dishes. Washu was already at work 
making plans for a couple of temporary rooms for their guests and Misaki was 
watching with great interest. She kept reaching over to her laptop and pointing 
at something she wanted changed. Washu kept countering her suggestions and 
finally snapped, "Hey! I can't do EVERYTHING! This is much too rich! I think 
that while you are here, you ought to live like we do. Tenchi's house is just 
the sort to get away from all the royal richness and that kind of 
stuff...here..." she typed a few buttons and the great imperial room vanished 
and a simple room much like the rest of the house took its place. 

Misaki's face brightened, "Ooh! That's PERFECT! Just the way I want it!"

Washu's facefaulted, "But you were the one who wanted the acre-wide room with 
the great four-poster beds and rich furnishings and all that." she murmured.

Misaki clapped Washu on the shoulder, "Oh, you're just so kind to offer all that 
to me, but when you changed it into the same sort of room this great place has, 
I just couldn't help but feel that this is just the sort of room for me. It's 
not often I get to relax in a nice old-fashioned country home. In fact, I can't 
remember any time we had a room that wasn't all royal and all that. It does get 
a little boring after a while." and she went in.

"<Sigh>...Well, I'll bet His Imperial Majesty won't be content with this kind of 
setting..." she brightened, "But he has no choice in the matter. I get to choose 
what he gets! He needs some good old-fashioned country settings to ease the 
stress of running an empire. Too bad for what he 'wants'." she cackled and set 
to work making a room for him.

Ayeka smiled at Sasami and they both burst out laughing at the same time. It was 
getting late and they needed to go to bed. Ayeka still remembered the little 
spherical guardian that always nagged her like her mother about when to go to 
bed and what she could and couldn't do. She still tried to do everything that it 
would always tell her to do, even now that it was no longer active from the 
crash with Ryoko. She and Sasami went to bed. As they were getting ready to 
sleep, Sasami asked if it was alright for her to get a room to herself. "What 
about me? Who will keep me safe if you were to go away? What if the bed-bugs 
attack?" Ayeka cried in mock horror.

Sasami giggled, "I'm sure Washu could fill the room with so many pesticides even 
the imaginary bed-bugs couldn't survive in it. Or she could fill the room with 
chocolate mousse. I heard somewhere that bed-bugs couldn't survive in something 

"But I'll eat all of the mousse and get all fat and ugly and then the bed-bugs 
would get me then."

"No they won't! You will be so full of chocolate that your blood would be 
measured in the extreme sweetness range and they couldn't possibly even get near 

"WHAT? You mean you won't mind a fat old Ayeka for a sister?" Ayeka mocked.

"No, you wont be fat! You could NEVER be fat. Not my sister!" Sasami said 
seriously, then smiled, "At least, not while I can help it! I would put you on a 
diet of only carrots like Ryo-Ohki and never let you have anything else!"

"Oh the shame, to be reduced to eat only carrots for the rest of my life..." 
Ayeka faked wiping a tear from her eye.

"Don't worry. There's LOTS of things you could do with a few carrots! You won't 
be bored with them. Ryo-Ohki likes them a lot, you know..."

They looked at each other in the eyes and simultaneously burst out laughing. "Oh 
Sasami! You are getting to be a big girl now. I think it could be arranged, but 
maybe later when mother leaves with the others. I hope she forgets about 
bringing me along to finish my lessons..."

"Not a chance!" Misaki said from the doorway. "I was just about to check on how 
you two were doing when I overheard you say that...Thank you for reminding me at 
least. Shouldnt you be sleeping now? It's 11 minutes past you bedtime! And here 
you are, still chatting away with Sasami when she also should be getting her 
sleep. Tsk, tsk, tsk...it seems you have forgotten your duties as Princess...and 
that Ryoko person needs some serious help. It took me the last 7 minutes to get 
HER to go to bed as well. I found her in front of Tenchi's bedroom trying to get 
in when he was trying to sleep and brought her to her senses." She looked down 
and saw them watching her, "As for you, why are you still awake and listening to 
what I am saying? GET TO BED!" After saying this, she turned quickly and left 
the room.

Ayeka and Sasami lay down. Sasami changed into a cabbit and curled up on the 
pillow. Ayeka reached over and pulled the blanket over her. Then she too fell 

Later that night, unnoticed by anyone, Ryo-Ohki snuck in and in human-form, went 
under the blanket and fell asleep next to Sami-Ohki.


The next morning, Asuza, Funaho, and Misaki said their farewells as did Ayeka 
and Ryoko. Misaki said that the training would probably only take a month or so, 
as long as they behaved. She gave them a sharp glance and they both 
straightened. Bowing gracefully, Ayeka was transported up to Asuza's ship. Ryoko 
attempted to bow too, but overbalanced and nearly fell. With tears in her eyes, 
she blew Tenchi a kiss and was transported next. Asuza went with the minimum of 
good-byes. Funaho also gave a graceful bow and disappeared into her ship. Misaki 
gave Tenchi one last hug and tearfully waved goodbye to the rest of the 

Tenchi looked up at the rising ships, "Knowing Ryoko, they may be there a little 
longer than usual. I guess things will be a lot quieter around here now that 
those two are gone. But I'm still going to miss them, nonetheless. It's kinda 
weird, isn't it Sasami? The kind of people who, while they are around, you feel 
as if you can't stand them. But when they're gone, you miss them. I'll bet 
Kiyone is kind of like that. She wishes Mihoshi doesn't exist when she's her 
partner. But when Mihoshi gets into trouble and it seems as if she is going to 
get killed, Kiyone steps up to help save the day."

Kiyone got angry, "Now just a darn minute! If my so-called 'partner' would at 
least keep her head down when trouble brews instead of causing it all, I 
wouldn't HAVE to save her butt every time. And the reason I do is that if I 
don't save her, my job would also be in jeopardy. They'll ask questions like, 
'Why couldn't you have saved the General's granddaughter?' and 'Are you SURE you 
did everything to prevent anything to happen to her?' and if she ever died with 
me as her partner, all chances of promotion go down the drain." She began to get 
very flustered about the imaginary scenarios that were going through her head.

"Now take it easy, Kiyone, I was only using you as a sort of example of hating 
people who you actually like deep down inside. And I'm sure that Mihoshi has 
kept you from a promotion for a long time. Why havn't you ever sent in a 
transfer request?"

She blushed red, "Well..uhh...I guess...I guess it's because I've gotten used to 
the life here. It's calm, peaceful, and...and...there's your hospitality, of 
course..." She blushed redder, then shook herself off, "And of course, if I did, 
I probably would get stuck with an old rival of mine who was a complete skank 
and everyone thought we were the best of friends. It was because we always 
studied so hard together and we got in the top 5 in the class together. But we 
hated each others' guts, that's for sure. And if it isn't her, then it probably 
would be..." and she started rambling on about all the people she might get 
stuck with and how horrible they each were.

Tenchi listen for about 3 more people when he interrupted, "Now, that is why I 
think deep down inside, you actually like Mihoshi. Listen to yourself talking 
about how horrible all those other people were, whether they are rivals or 
perverts or whatever. Mihoshi just gets into trouble a lot, and consequently, 
you do too. But I've seen you two work together. You guys work as a great team. 
If you and Mihoshi ever really tried, then I'm sure you two would be the top 
First-Class Detectives in the universe."

Mihoshi perked up, "Yeah, I'm sure we could be the best detectives in the 
universe if we really tried. And I do seem to have some troubles with my conduct 
grade. But I am trying to fix all that, really! And I think I've just got my 
cube all figured out!" She flipped a few sides a couple of times and a cup 
clattered beside her upside down. "Well, I found the cup, now how to get the 
saucer?" She flipped some more. The broken cup disappeared. "Whoops! That's not 

"Mihoshi! You turn it to the left with the right side up and then turn the 
bottom counter-clockwise 3 times THEN you turn the front side a quarter turn! 
Well, that's the first time I ever saw you get a cup at least. It's usually just 
junk or a box of tissues or some other thing. Congrats!" She clapped her on the 
shoulder. Realising what she had done, she wiped her hand on the seat of her 
pants and slipped away into the house. 

Tenchi grinned and looked at the disappearing sub-space portal. Now what was 
Washu up to? He looked around and saw that the little genius was nowhere to be 
seen.  Probably in her lab doing something as usual and too preoccupied to 
realise that some very important people were leaving. He went back inside and 
opened the door to her lab. He nearly bonked his head on the other side of the 
small closet. Bewildered, he looked around. It was just the same old closet that 
used to be there before Washu came. He looked around and saw a little object on 
three legs with a sign hanging from a button saying, "Hey Tenchi! Press this, 
and I will explain all what is going on."

He pressed it. The machine was a little holo-graphic projector of Washu and she 
looked right at his eyes. "Hi Tenchi, I know that the doorway to my lab is 
closed. That's because I closed it myself. I'm sorry, but you remember about 
that day when I tried to find out about my past. I have to investigate this 
thoroughly and that means no distractions. And I need to bring my lab with me to 
wherever I go. I may have a lead, but I need to have a little chat with Dr. 
Clay. He should know the wherabouts of Tokimi and from there, I think I can 
figure out what in the world is going on. And just last night, I had a very 
strange dream involving Tsunami. She mentioned something about Goddesses and 
sisters. I don't know what that meant exactly, but somehow it triggered some 
interesting yet fragmented memories. I don't know where this may lead, and I 
dont know how long it could take. But I promise to you that I WILL come back!" 
The holographic Washu looked sad and seemed about to burst in tears, something 
Tenchi had never seen before. "And you can play the next part of the message to 
the others when you break the news. Good bye for now. Signed, Little Washu, the 
Greatest Scientific Genius of the Universe" Then the image flickered and 

<Goddesses? Sisters? What did this have to do with Tsunami?> Tenchi thought to 
himself. Everything seemed to fall apart. He hoped it was only going to be for a 
few weeks at most. There was the problem involving Sasami. Now Ayeka, Ryoko, and 
Washu had left. What next? Kiyone and Mihoshi getting transferred out of the 
solar system? He hoped not. He had grown to love them all in a special way. Of 
course, he would never mention that to them, and he didn't love them in <that> 
way, but he loved them as family. He was sure all the others did too, no matter 
the differences. But what has happened has happened and there was nothing he 
could do about it. They would all be back anyway. Ayeka and Ryoko were just 
getting some lessons in manners (well deserved, he thought in the most private 
of his mind) and Washu was figuring out something about her past. No big deal. 

Now to the things he COULD do...Well, Sasami was here long enough to arouse 
suspicion about why she wasn't in school. He did see her demonstrate her ability 
to her parents before they left that she could hide her ears when she wanted to. 
She promised to them that she would let out her ears only while with people who 
'knew' who she was. Asuza extracted a more strict promise from her that she 
would only allow herself to be seen like that while in the Masaki grounds and 
never in front of any strangers. It was fortunate that her ears matched her 
normal hair so well that it was extremely difficult to tell the difference even 
in close quarters. And the switching was so minute that she could quickly change 
when she realized someone was nearby and be unnoticable. That meant she could 
have a normal schooling here on earth. Tenchi hoped that she wasn't so smart 
that it would put her apart from everyone else in school. But from what he had 
seen, she was just a normal young girl. She would fit in well. 

Darn! He wished he had thought of that before Ayeka left so he could request 
permission to let her in an Earthling school. But he didn't see anything for her 
to object to. And going to school would let her have some new friends while her 
sister was gone. Suddenly, the holo-projector turned on and he realized he had 
been talking aloud while shut up in the closet. Washu appeared and said, "Well, 
I think that's a great idea! Yeah, I set up this projector to send me the latest 
news in the household so I can keep up to date with what's going on. I'm here 
live and in person here on the Washu-only Network and I have got a great 
proposal for YOU. I've gotten through the Japanese security system and set up 
Sasami as your sister. Birth certificates and everything she needs to get into 
school without suspicion. So, just dial 1-800-Yes-Washu to accept this great 
offer! No charge! And you get this great little stuffed doll of mine ABSOLUTLY 
FREE! Dial quickly!" A phone with the numbers 1, 8, and 0 and a great big button 
labeled "Yes Washu" appeared beside the projector. 

Grinning, Tenchi reached down, picked it up and dialled. "You know, if I dial 
this, it would be a long-distance call from here to the United States. The 1-800 
thing in toll-free there, but not here."

The holographic Washu put her hands on her hips and scowled at him, "Well, 
excuse me! If you want to be that way, then fine, Sasami doesn't get into school 
and won't have any friends except you and Ryo-Ohki." She turned her back to him

Tenchi put up his hands defensively, "Hey! Hey! I was only kidding! No need to 
get angry about it! Little Washu, I'm sorry! Forgive me?"

She turned her head, "Only if you become my guinea pig when I get back! Dial 
'Yes-Washu' now..." Tenchi smiled wanely and pressed the button. "That's my 
boy...Okay! It's all set up. Sasami Masaki. Transferring from an imaginary 
school with a grade level of 6 into the local school. She will begin classes 
next Monday. Here's the things she will need for class. Uniforms, athletic gear, 
books, the usual stuff." Suddenly, the closet was overly crowded. "Now you take 
care of her for me. I contacted Ayeka and the others on their way to Jurai about 
what she will be doing while they're gone, and Ayeka agrees with it. She says 
now that she thinks Sasami should live a normal life while they're gone. And 
she's somewhat shocked that I am also leaving. My, what language...unfit for a 
princess...and there goes Misaki rounding up on her for using that kind of 
language in her presence. Well, I guess I'll better be off. Goodbye Tenchi! I'll 
be sure to leave a couple of notes every now and then and you could do the same. 
We will never be more than a universe apart. Bye!" The image disappeared a 
second time, but with a lighter air.

"Well, I guess I'd better break the news to Sasami." He turned and worked his 
way out of the closet...


Author's notes:
Well...I tried to keep it a serious chapter, but it still had to have some of 
the good old comic relief. And it did end up being just more of a normal 
lifestyle type of chapter than a chapter about the great mysteries of the Tenchi 
Universe. So now Sasami is going into a school as Tenchi's sister, she can 
change herself into a total human when she wants to, she is now content about 
herself and what she will become, and she is thrilled about it. Not too many big 
secrets for her now, except for the fact that she is a Goddess. But that will 
come later. I'm planning for Ayeka, Ryoko, and Washu to take a couple of years 
to finish up whatever they are doing. Of course, Ryoko will be holding up the 
process of becoming more polite quite a bit and Ayeka will lose her temper with 
her for a few times, so that takes care of that side of the matter. Now for 
Washu...she's got a lot of work to do to figure out who (and what) she is, but 
she's got some big hints from Tsunami to help her out, even if she doesn't get 
it at all. What happened in the dream will be coming up in the next chapter. The 
setting for the next chapter will be set about 2-3 years in the future. Don't 
worry, Tenchi will be so busy taking care of Sasami and with college to really 
worry about Ayeka and Ryoko. And through Washu, he can sometimes contact them 
when he needs to. Mihoshi and Kiyone are still in the picture. This may also be 
a good opportunity to introduce a new character of my making...this won't be a 
self-insertion sort of fic, but my pet-name will be in it. Piemur is a character 
from my favorite author Anne McCaffrey and I do not own the name nor any other 
names involved with it (including the origin, Pern) but it will not be based on 
the actual society that lives there. You'll see what I mean when I write 
it...Anyway, send comments to Piemur1@lycos.com...one last question: What is 
Sasami's chronological age not including the 700 year time-freeze? And I dunno 
what to call the last chapter, so I will save it for later.