Ryoko's Secret A fanfic written by Dale Chapter 1: The Beginning of Trouble As dawn breaks the surface of the lake, Ryoko is seen flying just above the lakes surface. But the question is where is she going and why. "I winder when Tenchi will get up." Ryoko whined. She decided to take a flight over to Tenchi's window and have a look. "Damn, it's only 3 in the morning, I wonder what I can do till he wakes up." Ryoko flies towards Ayeka's room. "Oh this is too perfect." Ryoko squealed as she passed through the wall. "Now, where can I find her make-up?" she wondered, but as soon as she asked it hit her on the head. "Damn, what the hell hit me on the head. Oh there it is. Time to get to work." As she set into her work she began to think of how perfect this was. When, Ayeka woke up she felt a little funny and looked in the mirror. "AHHHHH, where is that devil woman??!!" Ayeka screamed when she saw her face, unaware that the "devil woman" was hovering just below her window laughing so hard to bust her sides. "I really need to do things like that more often, I wonder if Tenchi is up yet." As she flew back to his window she heard Ryo-Ohki just below. "What the hell do you want?" she yelled. "Meow!" Ryo-Ohki purred. "Look Ryo-Ohki I don't have the time to feed you now. Go and wake up Sassami!" Ryoko snapped. When she got to Tenchi's, Ryoko noticed that his bed was empty. "Damn must have just missed him." And with that she teleported to the living room to see what everyone was doing. "Hey Ayeka, I love the way you did your face up this morning." Still laughing from her little prank. "You did too Ryoko? So I am not the only one. YAY!" exclaimed Mihoshi. "DAMN IT RYOKO! I AM SO ANGRY ABOUT WHAT YOU DID TO MY PRECIOUS SKIN!" Ayeka screamed. "I am glad you like it Ayeka. Maybe Tenchi will like it too. You never know." Ryoko replied, still laughing. At that moment Tenchi entered the room and looked at Ayeka's face. "Miss Ayeka what happened." He asked. "I will tell you Tenchi. IT WAS THAT DEVIL WOMAN RYOKO!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "Whoa there princess lets not jump to conclusions." Ryoko said. "Ryoko I am sorry but this time you have gone too far. You have to leave the house for awhile." said Tenchi "But Tenchi why?" Ryoko weeped. "Ryoko, there is an old shack near grandpa's temple you can live there for awhile, now go." Tenchi exclaimed. "Ok Tenchi, I will go, but who is going to keep me company?" Ryoko asked almost crying. "I don't know but you can come back in 3 days. Then and only then will you be allowed back in this house." Tenchi said. "Tenchi," Sassamia said "Don't send her out of the house give her on more chance. Please???" She pleaded. "Why Sassami, why should Ryoko stay?" Tenchi asked. "Because we should give her one more chance, or." she continued, "we can let Washu experiment on her let she tries to do on you." "Ok Sassami but only because you trust her." Tenchi reasoned. "WHAT!!! I would rather take the shack near Yosho's temple than let Washu experiment on me." Ryoko yelled.