Disclaimer: The characters in this fan fic are property of AIC and Pioneer. Only three characters in this fan fic are mine. Please don't sue me. I hope you like it. Since this is the final chapter, I read it again and felt that there was a lot of details left out, so I am revising it. Enjoy. Tenchi Muyo! Ryoko's Precious Secret Revised Chapter 9: Quests and Endings Ryoko sat up to see two golden eyes staring at her. She stroked her cyan hair back and smiled at the eyes. She couldn't believe it. It was like a dream. "Ryshu." She said as a tear of happiness slid down her cheek. "Mommy." The boy said in the same tone. "He woke up about five minutes ago." A man's voice said from behind. Ryoko turned around to see Tenchi. He was sitting in a chair behind her with two figures standing beside him. One was Gratin- Lar and the other was Ayeka. Tenchi was frowning. In fact, everyone in the room was frowning except for Ryshu. "What's wrong?" She asked puzzled by their sad faces. "Why so gloom?" She was answered in silence. "I am going to check on Washu and Sasami." Tenchi said and got up to leave the room. Gratin-Lar and Ayeka followed him in silence. "Tenchi, what is wrong?" She asked again, but in a harsher tone. He stopped and turned to look at Ayeka. She nodded her head in agreement. "Come on Ryshu. I will tell you a story." Ayeka said signaling the boy to her side. "Okay." The boy said and ran toward Ayeka's side. The three left the room. Tenchi stood still in silence. He couldn't figure out a way to tell her the truth. Ryoko just stared at him. "Ryoko." He said softly. He decided to move closer to her. Tenchi walked to the bed and sat beside her. Ryoko's eyes never left his the entire moment. "I love you very much." He waited and looked back at her eyes. She nodded her head for him to go on. "You know I would do nothing to hurt you. Right?" He asked hoping she understood. "I know." She said still looking into his eyes. She wanted to kiss him right there, but her fear of love stopped her from making a move. "But, what is bothering everyone?" She asked again. "I can't tell you." Tenchi said and turned his head. "Tenchi¬" Ryoko said, but could not finish her sentence. "Ryoko, I don't want to hurt you, but telling you what I have to say will hurt you. Please, don't ask me to tell you." He begged to her and faced her one more time. "Alright, I won't ask you again." She agreed and watched him get up and leave the room. (Outside Ryoko's room) "Did the hero destroy the evil man?" Ryshu asked Ayeka. "Yes, he did. The hero and his friends returned to the castle and lived the rest of their lives in happiness." Ayeka said, trying not to tell Ryshu that it actually happened. The evil man was Kagato, and the hero was Tenchi. The friends were Ryoko, Washu, Mihoshi, and her. Just as she finished her story Tenchi stepped out of the door. "Why don't you go visit your mother?" Tenchi asked and watched the little boy run into his mother's room. "Let's see how Washu and Sasami are doing." (At the shrine) "It is a beautiful day. Isn't it, Yosho?" A woman's voice said behind him. "Is that you my love?" Yosho said sitting on the steps of the shrine. He immediately turned around to see his dead wife standing before him. "Hello, Yosho. I have come back to take you home." She said with a caring smile. "What do you mean?" Yosho asked in confusion. "I missed you so my love." She said. Yosho felt a warning in his instinct and replied, "You can't be." "But I am my love." She said and took a step toward him. "Stop!" Yosho yelled. "You are not my wife. How dare you impersonate her. Is this the only way you can try to kill me, you demon?" Yosho screamed in anger and got to his feet and prepared for battle. "No. This was just for fun. It did have you fooled for a few seconds. You can't deny it Yosho. And besides, I don't have to perform tricks to kill you because I am God and I can dispose of you and your family anytime I want to." The woman replied with the unhuman voice of Chaos. "Then, why don't you try it." Yosho said grinding his teeth. "Don't tempt me. Or should I say, ask and you shall receive?" It said and laughed as the shadowy form of Chaos wrapped around the woman. Yosho had enough and jumped into the air. He pulled out his bokken and came down with a strike. "Pathetic." Chaos said and raised its shadowy hand and Yosho went flying back by an invisible force that was released from Chaos's hand. "Where did that come from?" Yosho said as blood leaked out of his nose. (Ryoko's room) She could feel it. Chaos was near and it was summoning her. She looked at her son's eyes. "Go to Tenchi, and hurry, my son." She said as tears of sadness fell down her face. They are reunited at last and are forced to separate for the last time. Whether or not she would see him again, she did not know. But, deep inside she felt it would be the last time. She hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear, "I will always love you, now go see Tenchi." "I love you too, mommy." Ryshu replied and left his mother's embrace and ran out of the room. When he was gone, Ryoko morphed into her battle suit and teleported to the source of Chaos, the shrine. (Washu's lab) "Tenchi." Ryshu called. "What is it?" Tenchi asked as the boy jumped into his arms. "Mommy told me to go see you." He said with a big smile on his face. "Ok." Tenchi said with a smile, but he was really wondering why would Ryoko send him away. "Oh no." Tenchi said and looked to see Sasami looking for Washu. She was gone. So it has begun. The final battle. "Where did she go?" Ayeka asked. "To Chaos." Gratin-Lar replied. "It is the song of Chaos. Can't you hear it?" "What do you mean?" Tenchi asked. "Chaos is summoning its children. It is what gods call a song." Gratin-Lar replied. "Ryshu, stay here with Sasami." Tenchi begged. "But Tenchi?" Sasami asked in puzzlement. "Please, Sasami. We will all be okay. I promise." He said and ran to the lab door. "Take care of yourselves." Gratin-Lar said and ran behind Tenchi. "I love you Sasami and I will return." Ayeka said and ran behind Gratin-Lar. "Be careful." Sasami said holding the boy in her arms. (Tenchi and the others running toward the shrine) Tenchi could not believe it. There was something going on up there. People were screaming in pain. He could not help, but think of Ryoko. After he laid her on the bed, Gratin-Lar and Ayeka came into the room. He remembered asking Gratin-Lar how to kill Chaos. The answer was for him to kill Ryoko, and then dispose Chaos. He had to kill her. He didn't want to and hoped they could run away, but now that Ryoko is fighting Chaos it is almost as if she is destined to die. Either Chaos will kill her, or she will kill it. He could not get out of his mind her destiny and was nearing the top to the shrine. Ayeka could only remain silent when Gratin-Lar told them. This was hell and Tenchi knew he had to live with it for the rest of his life. (The Shrine) "Chaos!" Ryoko screamed. "At last my children have come. Pay attention Jurian. This is my victory and destiny." Chaos said and the shadowy arm turned into a shadowy blade and it floated to Ryoko. The two battled. Chaos swung upward slashing Ryoko's flesh across her chest. She fell to the ground screaming in pain. She was replaced by another being possessing the same sword. Washu swung for its head, but was blocked. "There you are. Now you are mine." Chaos said. "Never. Now die!" She screamed in anger. She swung her sword above her head and was met by a blow to the head. She fell to the ground and began to hear a voice in her head. Her evil nature was trying to take over. She could not serve this monster, and fell unconscious. Tenchi saw three bodies laying on the ground. He looked up to see Chaos. "Tenchi." It hissed. "What do you want from us?" Tenchi asked and had the light hawk sword summoned. "My daughter." It replied. "She is going to destroy this mortal plain for me." "Never." Tenchi said and began the attack. Chaos was too fast. He would not last long. "Sister fight it." Gratin-Lar said and joined Tenchi in the battle. "You just will never understand Gratin-lar. She is mine." Chaos said. "Stop." Ayeka screamed and fired bolts of energy at Chaos that were repelled and shot back at her. It then opened up its free hand and shot Tenchi back to the ground, and continued to battle Gratin-Lar. "Two down, one to go." It laughed. "I won't go down easily." Gratin-Lar replied and the two vanished from sight as the fought faster than the speed of light. "Where are they?" Tenchi asked as he got to his feet. "Ryoko." He said and ran to the fallen Ryoko. "It is all right Ryoko. I am here." "So am I." Chaos said. Tenchi jumped back and continued the attack. Chaos was toying with him before, but was not this time. Chaos was moving so fast that he could not see it. He felt a stinging pain on his side. Tenchi looked down and saw that he was bleeding. He knelt down on one leg. "That is right; bow before God." Chaos laughed. "Leave us alone." Tenchi screamed. Tenchi closed his eyes for the finishing blow, but opened them when he heard a clang sound. He looked up to see Ryoko holding one hand on her chest, and the other holding her energy sword blocking Chaos. "I am not afraid of you anymore." She said. "How touching. I think you still are because look behind you." Chaos said and lowered its shadowy blade. Ryoko slowly turned around and to her horror saw Kagato with a sword in hand. "Let's fight Ryoko." Kagato said and the two instantly began to fight. "Foolish girl. You are fighting injured against one who is more powerful than you. You can't win." "Maybe not, but others will because of my sacrifice." She said to Kagato and blocked his attack for her head. "What's the matter Chaos, cannot fight your own battles?" She yelled. "I can fight my own battles, but this is more fun. I just love watching two enemies fighting to the death. Who will win? Kagato or Ryoko. I have an idea. How about neither? Everyone knows I will come on top. You die. I win. Kagato dies. I still win." Chaos explained laughing at the joy of everyone's suffering. Ryoko blocked another one of Kagato's attacks. She was losing strength. She looked at her enemy's eyes and could have sworn he blinked at her. She did not know what was going on. They fought and she was slowly pushed back to Chaos. "Now." Kagato screamed and jumped over Ryoko and began to fight the dreaded Chaos. "I knew when Tenchi broke my spell when he cut you in half. Pity, but I will have to kill another disobedient servant." It said and blasted Kagato with a flame attack that put him on flames. Kagato screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Kagato did some movement with his arms and a cool wind blew around him blowing out the fire. "An impressive trick. You learned something from me after all, but not good enough." It said and Kagato flew backwards into a tree branch. The branch cut right through his chest and Kagato disintegrated until his body was gone. "Next." Chaos yelled. Ryoko got to her feet and charged, but felt a sharp pain in her head and fell backwards as the invisible force his her in the head. She fell to the ground. "Come my Ryoko. I will make everything better." Chaos said and picked her up as a fire appeared behind him. "Let her go." Washu screamed. Chaos turned around to face her, and said, "Don't you have a job to do?" It asked as its eyes glowed an empty white color. Washu's eyes turned empty white as his and she turned around to her friends. She hoisted her arms into the air and the sky turned red. "That's my girl." It chuckled and walked through the fire and it vanished as quick as it appeared. "Washu?" Tenchi asked looking at the empty-eyed Washu. An energy ball formed in her hand and she fired it at Tenchi. Tenchi jumped back at prepared the light hawk sword for an attack. She raised both hands and began to fire energy balls rapidly. Tenchi could not block them and was blown back down the steps of the shrine. Gratin-Lar saw all that happened as he fought an illusion of Chaos that vanished as soon as Chaos and Ryoko left. He looked down as he saw the terrifying sight of Washu attacking Tenchi and then moving toward the closest person near her. He looked closely and saw it was Ayeka. He concentrated and a dark purple energy ball formed in his hand. He threw it towards Washu. It landed by her feet. She fell down on her back as the blast knocked her off balance. "Washu, listen to me. We care about you. Fight it. Chaos is doing the same thing it did to your mother. Do not listen to it." Gratin-Lar yelled and flew back to the ground and landed in front of Ayeka. Washu summoned her energy sword and charged. Gratin-Lar blocked her sword from taking out his legs. He used his elbow to knock her back. She flew back into a tree. It did not phase her. She jumped back and fired an energy ball at Gratin-Lar. He jumped and fired one back. It hit, but Washu did not scream. It was too late. Chaos was controlling her. She is like a machine. "Washu, please wake up." He screamed. Washu jumped and levitated up toward the sky. She threw her arms into the air and the red sky began to turn into flames. The burning sky began to spin around her. Gratin-Lar did not like it. She was going to send this world into a burning inferno. He jumped and flew to her. He formed an energy ball and let it explode in her face. She fell to the ground, but he caught her before she hit the stair case to the shrine below. He laid her on her back. He put his hand over her eyes and began to chant a spell. A bright, white light shined from his hand and glowed on her face. As Washu's face glowed the red sky disappeared and everything was back to normal. "Washu." Tenchi yelled and ran toward them with his hand on his side. "Gratin-Lar." Ayeka called and walked slowly toward them. Washu opened her eyes and sat up holding her head. "What happened?" She asked. "With your memories of whom you are returned, Chaos could control you." He said. "All you had to do was believe it was your parent." "I didn't hurt anyone, did I?" She said placing her hand over her mouth in hoping that the answer was no. "I stopped you and brought you out of the darkness you were in before anyone was hurt." Gratin-Lar said with no enthusiasm in his voice. "But I did not save Ryoko. He took her to his hell." He said with regret. "We have to save her." Tenchi said with determination in his eyes. "You are brave, but foolish. You cannot take on Chaos when you are not one hundred percent ready to fight. What makes you think you can beat him with a wound like that?" Gratin-Lar asked. "Well...I..." Tenchi stuttered. "Exactly, you can't." He replied. "Your bravery will only end in everyone dying." "I have to try." Tenchi said. Gratin-Lar stared into Tenchi's brown eyes for a few minutes without anyone saying a word. The boy was going to do it alone, if he must. Gratin-Lar smiled at this boy who was weak in power compared to the gods, but had more courage than any of them combined. "Why are you smiling?" Tenchi asked in frustration. "Because, nothing I say will make you change your mind. I just have a few more thing to say, so hear me out." Gratin-Lar said. "You are the most courageous being that I have ever met, and for that it has been honor to meet you." "Than..." Tenchi said, but was interrupted with a hand in his face. "Let me finish." Gratin-Lar said. "I will go with you. Maybe we will win after all. Besides, just as you have to save Ryoko, I have to save my sister." Tenchi nodded in agreement. "I will come too." Ayeka said. "Count me in." Yosho said in pain. "I'm game." Washu said. "I am afraid not this time, Washu." Gratin-Lar said. "He will try to turn you against us again. We cannot fight you both to win. Please understand." He said placing his hand on her shoulder. "I understand. I will stay here and protect Ryshu and Sasami." Washu said with no disappointment in her voice. "Tenchi, just bring my daughter back to me." "I will." He said. "Okay. Stand behind me. We are going in." Gratin-Lar ordered as a dark purple gate opened releasing flamed from the center of the void. They were about to walk in, but Gratin-Lar began to chant again and the group began to glow in a green light. "That should heal all of your wounds." Gratin-Lar said and they walked into the void and it vanished. "Good luck. You will need all the luck you can get." Washu said standing by the shrine all alone. (Chaos's domain) "Welcome guests to my humble home." Chaos greeted. "Where is Ryoko?" Tenchi screamed. "I'm hurt. You didn't come to see me. Off with you, then." It said waving them off. "First, Ryoko, then you die." Tenchi said grinding his teeth. "Good, you came to see me after all." Chaos laughed. "I am not going to ask you again. Where is Ryoko?" He yelled again. "I can tell we aren't going to have any fun, before business. But, very well. We will play later." It said and pointed its black transparent hand above them as a figure appeared above them. "Ryoko." Tenchi yelled hoping to her a reply, but received silence. "She can't hear you. She is about to be one with me. My old host has no more energy in her soul to feed off of, but Ryoko is fresh and will be my...new...host." It said with pleasure. "You let her go, now." Tenchi ordered. "Pushy, aren't we?" It said sarcastically. It then began to grunt in pain. "It is over Chaos." Gratin-Lar said. "I see. You want your sister back, then fight her." It said and the shadow vanished releasing the golden woman they saw earlier. Her eyes were as empty as Washu's. "I am going to bond with Ryoko, and her son will serve me." Chaos laughed and flew to take Ryoko. "Litres-Lar." Gratin-Lar called her name and ran toward her. Tenchi looked up to see a darkness moving toward Ryoko. He immediately summoned the light hawk sword and began to fly toward the darkness. "Chaos." He screamed and slashed at the darkness. "That was very foolish." It said and the darkness took a form. It was huge. Tenchi landed on the ground. Two black, scaley bat wings formed. Then, Tenchi saw two arms form with three fingered hands and sharp claws. Two legs that looked identical to the arms stretched out of the darkness. A head began to rise out of the darkness. It had two horns of a goat on its head, and had the head of a cobra. Its tail was that of a serpent's, but it had a spiked mace at the end. "Now, do you want to fight me, boy?"Chaos hissed. " I am ready." Tenchi said and the battle was on. Tenchi blocked the giant arm that slashed for his head. Yosho jumped in and was taking on the arm. Ayeka was in shock at the size of this beast. It had to be at least eighteen feet tall. She shook her head and joined in on the battle, but was confronted be its tail. Gratin-Lar took advantage of his sister's weakened state now that Chaos abandoned her for Ryoko. He fired a blast for her feet. She lost her balance and was distracted. He formed his light saber and flew toward her. Litres-Lar regained her balance in time to see her brother flying toward her. He was about to finish her off, but saw the fear in her eyes and pushed her backwards. He put his sword in between and pinned her. He looked back at her eyes. They were golden. Chaos left her, but it absorbed all of her life energy. `She is dying.' Gratin-Lar thought. Ryoko could see the battle below. The thorns that held her in the air were connecting her to Chaos. She could feel it's mind. She began to feel fear of it again. Gratin-Lar had his sister pinned and was trying to break Chaos's spell. Tenchi was about to be run through by Chaos's claw. "No!" Ryoko screamed and energy released from her body. It worked the thorns that held her were gone. She held her chest and flew down to save Tenchi, but a mind connection from nowhere stopped her. "It is me Ryoko. I know you hate me for all of the things I have done to you. If I had control of myself, I would have never hurt you. There is nothing I can say to make you feel better. It hurts for me to even tell you how to beat Chaos. At first, Litres-Lar had to die to kill the vile thing, but she was already one with it. But, you still have your own will. You can die and end this before it is too late, or prepare the hell you will go through in Chaos's mind. You will not even see the outside world; only its insanity. I am also afraid that either way you will not see our son's hell as he thinks Chaos is you." Kagato finished, but Ryoko interrupted him before he spoke. "He is not our son, he is mine. You did not care if I died or lived." Ryoko said as hatred for him grew as they talked through the mind link. "I am sorry." He said. "How can you talk to me? You are dead, and you never had the ability of telepathy." She asked impatiently as the thought of Tenchi about to be slain entered her mind. "This is true, but death has a lot of advantages that the living could never provide. I can only do it once. I chose to use it now, and save the mortal world from the destruction Chaos will do to it." Kagato said. "How did this happen?" She asked. "During the beginning of time, when the mortal plain was just created, a goddess met a demon. The demon promised the goddess ultimate power and wisdom. She agreed, but first she had to open the demon realm and release it. Chaos was, one of the weakest demons is strength, but the smartest demon there. With her strength and its knowledge, it could destroy the mortal plain for no reason. Litres-Lar went to the chamber where the key that held the demons in hell rested. She grabbed the giant ruby, that was the key and shattered it. The only way to bring the key back together is to have the host of the demon, that mind linked with her to open the gate, die. And now..." Kagato stuttered. Ryoko could not see him, but she thought she heard him crying. Ryoko spoke back to him and finished the sentence he was going to say, "I have to die." She said and felt weak. It was not the wounds on her body, but the fear of death. "I am the new host, aren't I?" She asked. "Yes, you are. I am sorry Ryoko for everything I put you through." Kagato said in regret. "Goodbye, Ryoko. I must be going, and good luck." The voice said and the link was broken. She immediately looked around for Tenchi. She saw him and Chaos in the same position before she blanked out. She immediately flew in front of Tenchi and Chaos to block its deadly blow. She stood in front of Tenchi and was prepared to block its deadly strike, but she couldn't do it without saying goodbye and turned back to face Tenchi and blew him a kiss goodbye. Tenchi saw her sad face and ran toward her; he didn't want her to face destiny. She turned back to Chaos and ran toward it. "You want me, you got me." She screamed. Ryoko jumped and her heart was ran through by Chaos's claw. She could only scream in pain, but so did Chaos. "Ahhhhhhhhh! Curse you Ryoko. This is impossible. I was about to be reborn." Chaos screamed again as a heavy wind blew the creature closer to a black void behind it. "I will not go back. Litres-Lar freed me and I will not go back." It grabbed on to two pillars. "You cannot be rid of me. I am in you all." It said and began to laugh. "Then, take it back with you." Tenchi said and began to concentrate his Jurai energy. He felt it and released it. A white light flashed and surrounded the evil Chaos destroying the pillars and left the unholy creature screaming as it was traveling through the black void. "Go to hell, Chaos. You hear me go to hell, and never return." Tenchi yelled and ran over to dying Ryoko. Ayeka looked over and saw Gratin-Lar. She walked toward him and looked at his sister. "I am sorry for my sins, my brother. I have done a terrible thing. I brought misery to this universe. Chaos was bonded with Ryoko when it pierced her heart, don't worry it is in hell forever." Litres-Lar began to cough violently and breathed slowly. "I have no more life energy left. I will see you in the stars, my brother. By the way, I noticed you found you soul mate, congratulations. Just forgive me, before I die." She pleaded. "I forgive you." He said trying not to cry. She then closed her eyes and vanished in a golden light. Ayeka hugged her love and they got to their feet and walked over to the weeping Tenchi and Yosho, who had his hand on Tenchi's shoulder. "Don't die, Ryoko." Tenchi cried. "I am afraid the decision is not mine." She whispered in pain. She closed her eyes and tried to breathe again. "Is it over?" "Yes, it is. You did good, Ryoko. You got it." Tenchi said as tears fell down his face. Ryoko could not stand seeing him this way. "Tenchi, I know that you love me, and I never told you the truth, but I...love...you too. I was afraid to with Chaos around. I was afraid I could not defend my son, if I fell in love with you. Now, I love you." She said as tear began to fall down her face. "Tell Ryshu mommy loves him. I just wish I could see him again. I knew from the start it had to be this way, but I was afraid to leave everything behind. Tenchi, can you kiss me. I know you have before, but not with me confessing my love?" She asked. "I love you Ryoko." He kissed her on the lips. He sat up again and cried out, "I don't want you to go." "My dreams have come true. I know I will not be able to share them with you, but it least we were together and not at all. I bet the stars are beautiful tonight." She said and closed her eyes. "Ryoko. Ryoko. RYOKO!!!" Tenchi screamed and cried on her chest. Everyone watched and shed their tears for the cyan haired girl and man she loved. They lost a friend today, and she will not be forgotten. "Gratin-Lar, Grandpa, and Ayeka, thank you for your help, but it was useless." Tenchi said with tears falling down his face. "Stand up, boy." Yosho called. "Ryoko would not like to see you cry like a baby. It is over. We sealed Chaos back in hell. Besides, Ryoko liked it when you smiled. Keep smiling and she will always be with you." Yosho felt bad yelling at Tenchi, but he must lean to live on. "Grandpa, take this." Tenchi said holding the tenchiken in his hand. "I will need it when we return, but I am going to carry Ryoko back to Earth with us. I think I know where she would like to be buried." He said still in self-pity. Yosho walked over and took the tenchiken. Tenchi gathered Ryoko in his arms and stood to his feet. `She is still light as a feather.' Tenchi thought, and began to feel tears fall down his face as he was already starting to miss her. They all stood and watched as Gratin-Lar opened the gate. "Its open. Lets go home and celebrate a victory, and mourn the loss of a loved one." He said as a tear fell down his cheek. Tenchi felt better seeing that tear fall down Gratin-Lar's face. He felt happy to know that he was not the only one crying over Ryoko's death. They walked through the void all with their heads down because they lost a friend today. (The Next Night) `I had a hard time telling Washu what happened with Ryoko, but Yosho did not let me finish. Instead, Yosho told me to get some sleep. Yosho told Washu the story and comforted her afterwards. Ayeka and Gratin-Lar told Sasami, Ryshu, Mihoshi, Mayuka, and Nobyoki, who just returned after Tenchi and them left, the story. They all cried in sadness.' Tenchi thought as he remembered their return. "And now we are all getting ready for your funeral." Tenchi said looking at a photo of him, Ayeka, and Ryoko, but looking at Ryoko in the picture. "I miss you, but grandfather is right. I must live on and raise Ryshu. He is with Washu right now. He had trouble coping with your death more than any of us, but he will be okay. I will raise him like you because he will always be like you." Tenchi said and began to cry. He placed his hands over his eyes and let it out. "I missss...you....Ryoko." "Tenchi, lets go. It is time." Yosho called from downstairs. Tenchi took a deep breath and wiped his tears away with his hand. "I'm coming." He yelled back and left the room. They walked to the cave together; crying most of the way. Ayeka was in Gratin-Lar's arms. Mihoshi held Mayuka and was walking beside Nobyoki. Washu held Ryshu's hand and walked beside Yosho. Tenchi walked in front of everyone. They stopped at the cave entrance. Ryoko was laying on a ceremonial board. `She is so beautiful.' Tenchi thought. He looked around to see the torches around her, burning brightly. `Grandpa and everyone did a great job setting up the funeral. I wish I helped, but grandpa said I had to cope with my emotions and suggested I wait to do the fields for a few weeks. He said that he can do them.' Tenchi thought as he could only stare at Ryoko. Yosho stood behind Ryoko, and began the sermon. `The words he and the entire family expressed were wonderful. They did not leave out a single detail of our happy memories with Ryoko. Then, it was my turn.' Tenchi thought. "What can I say that you all have not already mentioned?" He said and begin to cry, but regained his composure and continued what he had to say. "I loved Ryoko more than I thought I did. I just found out a few days ago when we learned about Ryshu and Chaos. I almost lost her so many times in my lifetime that I can't even count the times. But, this time I thought I lost her and realized that I did not lose her. She is still with me, with us all. She is here." Tenchi said and placed his right hand over his heart. "I know we will miss her, but just remember the good times we had and she will always be there for us. With that said I have only one more thing to do." Tenchi said and walked over toward the still Ryoko. He knelt down and kissed her on her stiff and cold lips. "Goodbye, my love. You will always be in my heart." He said. "Ryoko." He began to cry, but got to his feet and stood with the others. Yosho and Gratin-Lar grabbed the opposite ends of the board and carried Ryoko into the cave. When they couldn't see them anymore everyone took a torch and walked back home. Tenchi stayed alone in the dark. "Ironic that I cried here twice in my lifetime, when my grandmother died, and now you, Ryoko. I love you. I figured you would want to be buried here in the cave where we met. The stars are shining bright tonight; I know you would have loved to see them. Goodbye, my Ryoko." Tenchi said and kissed a stone at the side of the cave and walked away as tears still fell down his face. (In a dark room) "I can feel this boy's power. He defeated Chaos. I am impressed." Said the man with short blond hair. He pulled some strands away from his face. "This girl with strange hair is dead. This could pose a problem, but I think I can still continue my plan." He said and opened his eyes and spun his chair to face another man in a U.S. Army uniform. He had short black hair. "Sir, you are the President of Nimbus Industries, what do we do?" The black haired man asked. "We restart the process, Lanch." He said. "I understand, Mr. Nimbus." Lanch said and waited to be dismissed. "Good, and is our new research lab ready?" Nimbus asked Lanch. "Yes sir." Lanch said. "Excellent. Gather your security team and begin the mission." Nimbus ordered. "Yes sir, Mr. Nimbus." Lanch yelled and saluted. He then, turned around and left the room. Nimbus put his hands together and closer to his face. He gave a wicked smile and began to laugh. "Everything is going according to my plan. Nobody can stop Nathaniel Nimbus." He said and continued to laugh. THE END This is the end of Ryoko's Precious Secret, but I am working on a sequel to this story. For those who love Ryoko, is she dead? Only the next series will tell of what happens. E-mail me of what your opinions are at washu@saiyan.com. I know a lot of your opinions would be, "How could you kill Ryoko? And who is this guy that appears at the end?" And to answer that question, read the sequel when it comes out. I hope you like it and keep reading my fan fics. Thank you.