Disclaimer: The characters are property of AIC and Pioneer. Only three characters are mine. Please do not sue me. I am not doing this for money. I am writing this for fun. Enjoy the story. Tenchi Muyo! Ryoko's Precious Secret Chapter 8: Tears and Hate "Ryshu, mommy is here. Please wake up." Ryoko whispered to her son's ear and continued to cry. Everyone in the Masaki house could only watch mother and son on the floor. Tenchi moved forward, but he felt a cold wind. He felt cold and looked around the room. He could hear the whispers of people screaming in fear. "Do you hear my song, Tenchi?" A familiar voice that brought his hatred out asked. "Where are you?" Tenchi asked, not realizing that he was in a dark void. "I am inside of you." It said as its voice echoed through the void. "This is how Kagato looked before he became my servant. I know you would like to take his place." "Never." Tenchi said grinding his teeth in anger. "Oh, but you will. You cannot understand my power. You are my child." It said aloud in a caring voice. "I am not your son." Tenchi yelled back. "You are. You, your friends, and every other life form are my children. I am your god." It said with pleasure in its voice. "You can't own everyone." Tenchi said trying to summon the light hawk sword. "You know denial is the first step to recovery." Chaos echoed. "What are you talking about? Let's fight." Tenchi cried in rage. "You do taste good. Yes, you will do nicely." It echoed. Tenchi stopped at summoning the light hawk wings. He heard a female's voice speak in his head. ‘Tenchi!' She called. ‘You must never hate, otherwise, you are no better than it.' "Ryoko." Tenchi said to himself. "You are right. That is how he got Kagato." Tenchi said. "I will not fight you." Tenchi said in a peaceful gesture. "But you will. It just may not be now. Enjoy fantasy land, while you can. I will be back to take you to reality." Chaos said laughing, and the void vanished. Tenchi looked around and saw that no one even noticed he spaced out. He could only stare at Ryoko as she got to her feet carrying her son in her arms. She teleported to the steps and walked to her room. Tenchi stared back at the others, and turned around to run after her. Ayeka looked up at her new love. He was looking back at her. They turned around together and walked outside, and stood silently beside each other listening to the rain. Washu walked back to her room. She knew her medical equipment could not help the little boy. This was a god's spell. She gave Sasami a glance. Sasami nodded her head, and followed Washu into the lab with Ryo-Ohki running behind her. They walked into Washu's lab, and closed the door. (In Ryoko's room) Ryoko could only stare at her son. He was so cute and innocent. She reached over and closed his eyes. She did not know what to do. Her mind link is not working. It is like her only son is dead. She broke out in tears at the thought. "Ryoko. It is me, Tenchi" Tenchi said knocking on the door. She was too tired to get up, and was crying that she could not speak. She could not cry inside and began to let the screams of her emotions out. Hearing Ryoko cry out loud, Tenchi slid the door open. He looked at the crying Ryoko on her knees. He walked to her. He got to his knees and put her head on his shoulder and caressed her in his arms. "I am here, Ryoko. We will bring him back. I promise." Tenchi whispered in her ear, and stroked her soft cyan hair. (Outside the Masaki house) "This rain does not seem natural." Ayeka said to Gratin-Lar. "That is because it isn't. This is the storm of evil." He said looking at her eyes. "What do you mean?" She asked cuddling into his chest. "Even planets are alive. And when a planet cries, it is crying for a loved one or the happiness for the people living on it. But, this is when a planet is afraid. Only evil from hell, underworld, or whatever you want to call it. Can make a planet cry like this." He said rubbing Ayeka's cheek with the back of his hand. "It is here, isn't it?" Ayeka asked with fear in her eyes. "Chaos is here." "Yes, my sister, and the demon are here. In fact, it is right in front of us." He said plainly not moving his eyes from whatever he was looking at. Ayeka slowly tuned around and saw nothing. She was now afraid. This thing can only be seen by a god. This must be for Gratin-Lar could see it. "Where is it?" She asked. "I am right here." A female's voice said. Ayeka still did not see it. She thought she heard a female's voice, but Chaos had an inhuman voice. Just as she was about to look away, a beautiful woman appeared in front of them. She looked like Washu except her hair was gold, and her eyes were as gold as her hair. She was wearing a similar goddess outfit as Washu, but it too was solid gold in color. Her cloak was black. "It has been a long time, brother." She said with a wicked smile. "Yes, it has been a long time." He said not showing in emotion through his voice. "Did you tell Washu the truth? Or, should I, after Ryoko and Ryshu are mine?" She asked with a hiss. "You are not well sister. That thing has poisoned your heart and mind with its lies. Let me help you. You are listening to a creature that can beg for mercy at your feet. This is not how a god or goddess should act. We do not serve one mortal as a servant. We serve and help them with their lives. I am going to say this one more time. Let me help you." He said with a sad look on his face. "Gratin..." She said with a tear falling from her face. "Help me." "I will." He said and walked toward her. "No, you won't." She said, as the cold, evil smile returned to her face. Her voice also returned to the inhuman voice. "I almost lost her thanks to you Gratin-Lar. I will have to kill you one of these days, but first I have to tell Washu the truth, don't you think?" It said still in the goddess's body. The goddess's gold eyes turned empty and black fire surrounded it. Then, it vanished. "Come." Gratin-Lar said to Ayeka. "We must get to the lab. Chaos is going to tell her the truth." "What is the truth?" Ayeka asked running behind him. "My sister, and Chaos had a child, and Washu is that child." He said. Ayeka felt faint, but fought it and could think about Washu's mother later. She had to know more first. "But, how?" She asked as they reached the lab door. "My sister is female, but Chaos is neither sex. But, it can make itself masculine. When it joined my sister, it wanted to have a child. It casted a spell into her womb. That is why Washu looks so much like her. She practically is a perfect clone." He said opening the door. They ran into the lab. (In Washu's Lab) "Sasami, can you and I together heal the boy?" Washu asked. "I don't think so. There is too much dark energy around him." She said. Sasami stopped and listened to Tsunami speak. She listened as the goddess told her that Washu's energy is dark. Tsunami told her Washu's past, and Sasami felt Washu had to know the truth. "What are you thinking?" Washu asked the day dreaming Sasami. "I think Tsunami needs to tell you the truth." Sasami said staring Washu in the eyes. "What do you mean?" Washu asked in curiosity. "Tokemi did not tell you the truth of you history." Sasami said. "Go on." Washu said in interest. "You are not Tsunami or Tokemi's sister." She said and paused to see if Washu would react. "What are you saying? I have known you two my entire life." Washu said in anger. "Tokemi found you abandoned on a barren planet. You were only a few months old. She felt your power and decided to raise you." Sasami said. "If that is the truth, then how was I born?" Washu asked in frustration that she was learning this just now, and during this crisis. "I don't know. Even Tsunami cannot tell you." She said still looking into Washu's eyes. "Maybe, I can answer your riddle, Washu." A female's voice echoed the room. "Who's there?" She asked and summoned her energy sword. "You don't remember the sound of my voice. And you call yourself a goddess." The voice said. "Remember what?" She asked while looking for the owner of the voice. She waited for an answer, but could only hear footsteps walking toward them. Ryo-Ohki began to hiss, and ran toward where she heard the footsteps. "Ryo-Ohki, no." Sasami cried. "Hi there. You are a cute cabbit. Come here." The voice said soothingly. Washu could only stare at the darkness, and heard Ryo-Ohki scream in pain. She could take anymore. She walked toward the voice. Sasami saw Washu move forward and followed. Washu stopped when she saw the owner of the voice. The owner looked a lot like her. The only difference was she was gold in the hair and had empty eyes. "There you are. I have come to you. Do you want to know your true place in the world?" The stranger asked. "I know my place." She replied. "I think not, or you would be by my side." The stranger said. "I would never be by your side. I don't even know who you are." Washu said in anger. "I am hurt. You don't even know your own mother and father." She pouted. "What?" Washu asked in astonishment. "That can't be. You cannot be both my parents. "But, I am. Thanks to my partner. I was able to produce a child without the help of a man." She said. "If that is so, than who is your partner?" Washu snarled. "Me." The woman said, but the voice was becoming a low and familiar voice. "Chaos." Washu said in fear. "Give her a prize. She is just too smart." It laughed as the darkness surrounded the goddess. It changed into the familiar shadow figure that attacked them outside. "My own mother was tricked by a demon like you." Washu said in disbelief. "I am afraid so. Do you know who else you are related to?" It asked. "Yes, I do. I am related to Gratin-Lar." She said still having trouble to cope with who she was. "I told him to tell you the truth when you first met, but he wouldn't listen. I think you should have a little chat with him for not telling you your identity." It said. "I didn't tell her for a reason." Gratin-Lar's voice echoed through the lab as he appeared out of the darkness with Ayeka behind him. "It better be a good reason." It replied. "It is." He said with a smile on his face. "If I told Washu the truth, she might go and join your evil forces. I couldn't have that happened, so I stole her from you, and took her to a planet that a goddess I could trust would find her. That is why I did it. She does not need to be blind about what evil can do, like you are." Gratin-Lar said in disgust. "You are getting a smart mouth." It replied and a fireball shot out of its dark body. The fireball went straight toward Gratin-Lar. Gratin-Lar put up his shield to block, but fell to his knees after he blocked it. The power of Chaos was too strong for him to destroy on his own. Ayeka ran to him and tried to help him to his feet. Chaos floated toward them. "I think it would be best to kill you now. After all, it would be one of my greatest achievements. Killing you with the girl, you love. Good bye, my brother." It said and brought it shadowy hand out. It began to cast a spell, but was interrupted by a sword slashing through its arm. "That was very stupid." It said. Washu could not believe that the arm did not fall off, or that it did not even feel any pain. She put all her strength into that attack. "I guess you must learn your first punishment, dear." It said. "But not now, I have an appointment and I just can't be late." It hissed and vanished in a black flame. "Where is it going?" Washu asked. "I can feel it. It is upstairs." Gratin-Lar said still trying to regain his strength. "Ryoko!" They all said at once and ran toward the door. "Washu stay here. You are about to feel weak. The memories I took away from you are going to flood through your head all at once. I trust you to be strong and not to be influenced by the power within them. Sasami stay with her." He said not leaving his eyes from Washu's. She was like a daughter to him. He took Ayeka's hand and ran out the door. (Back in Ryoko's room) "Isn't that sweet?" Said the evil voice with hate. "Chaos." Ryoko said to herself and pulled away from Tenchi. She looked up and there was nothing. She felt cold arms surround her. She looked down to see black reptilian arms around her. She wanted to scream, but the cold breath behind her frightened her that she could not move. She looked at Tenchi. He looked confused. ‘Why can't he help?" She thought. "Ryoko." He said in a whisper and got to his feet. He walked toward her. He stopped and froze in fear at what he saw. Black arms with scales surround her waist. He didn't know what it was, but he couldn't move. "Tenchi." It hissed. "Do you know who I am?" "No, I don't. Let Ryoko go." Tenchi screamed at what he thought was a servant of Chaos. "I am the true form of Chaos." It hissed in what appeared to be laughter. "Do you want Ryshu back, Ryoko?" She couldn't move, but with all her effort she whispered, "Yes." She could feel tears in her eyes. She wasn't going to let it win by making her cry. "So beautiful. You are one of my better demons that I created. Oops. I forgot. You were created by my host's daughter, Washu. I just gave you life. How does it feel to be known as a demon, or spawn of evil?" It hissed in her ear. She turned her head in disgust and began to feel sick in her stomach. She finally felt strength return to her. "I don't give a damn about my race, or that my race was created to serve evil. I have a choice and I choose to live my life for good, not evil." She said in anger. "You sound like the heroine in a movie. Well, this is not the movies." It hissed and threw her into the wall. Tenchi heard a crack as Ryoko hit the wall and ran to attack Chaos. He didn't know why he could not move before, but when Ryoko hit the wall, he felt power flow through him. "Love is strong. I will give you the boy back. The question for you is when." It hissed. "Who are you?" Tenchi asked realizing that he cannot hurt it. "I told you. I am your god." It hissed violently. "What are you?" Tenchi said. "You can see me. I am impressed. Never thought a snake could have arms and legs. Do you like my hood." It hissed in pleasure. "I am just a giant black cobra with arms and legs. Oh, and I forgot about my precious tail." It said stroking the tail that surrounded it. "That is not what you look like now, is it?" Tenchi said for he saw more than the snake. "You see my power." It hissed in astonishment. "You are filled with surprises. So why am I in this form, if this is not my true form." "Because.." Tenchi started as he realized what Chaos is. Kagato told Ryoko. He can hear him speaking about Tenchi being one with the light hawk sword. The creature before him was once the true form of Chaos, but its evil power has probably morphed it into an even more frightening creature. Like his true form is when the light hawk wings are summoned. "No need for an explanation. I can read your thoughts. After all I am god." It hissed and took a bow. "You are not the god, or a god. You are evil. Now, who are you?" Tenchi asked in rage. There was more to the identity if Chaos than it showed. "The question is not who am I, but where am I?" It hissed and vanished with no sign of teleportation. "Ryoko." Tenchi called as he ran to the familiar sight of the unconscious Ryoko. He picked her up in his arms. She seemed to be okay, but there was blood from her forehead. The wound was healing. Tenchi smiled and carried her to the bed. He laid her beside Ryshu. Tenchi could not think of anything, but what Chaos said. "What could he mean?" Tenchi asked to himself. "It is not who am I, but where am I." The sentence and voice of Chaos echoed in his head. "I will find you, and end the evil that has plagued the universes since the dawn of time." Tenchi said. "Do you hear me? I will solve your riddle, and destroy you." He screamed. To Be Continued... I hope you liked it. If you have any problems understanding the plot, e-mail me and I will try to explain what is going on so far. It was hard to finish this chapter, but I did it. E-mail me at washu@saiyan.com for your comments on my fan fic. Thanks for your support and stay tuned for Chapter 9: Quest. Enjoy.