Disclaimer: The characters in this fan fic belong to AIC and Pioneer. Only three characters are mine. Please do not sue me, and do not use any of my ideas without my permission. Enjoy the story. Tenchi Muyo! Ryoko's Precious Secret Chapter 6: Rescue Ryoko regained consciousness. She stood on her left leg and lifted herself to her feet. She didn't know how or why she was not wrapped up in thorns, but she was free. "Mommy." A familiar voice from behind her said. Ryoko turned around in hope it was her son. She felt warmth in her heart. She found peace in herself again. She looked at the cyan haired boy. It had to be he. His eyes were like hers, and he had the same smile. "Ryshu." She said in disbelief. "I love you, mommy." He said and ran into her arms. She embraced him and felt the cool wind, and held him tight. She looked around her to see the shadow float towards them and stopped. A hand came out of the shadow. It was flesh. Then, a leg appeared from the blackness. When the figure was out of the shadow, the blackness around it vanished. Ryoko looked closer, and saw Tenchi. "Ryoko. I am here to save you. Ryshu and I finally found you." He said and gave her a wicked grin. She looked into her son's eyes to see emptiness. She backed away in fright. She did not who to trust, and ran from the confused boy and man she once loved. "Ryshu, get her." Ordered Tenchi. The boy growled in rage, and ran with an energy sword in his hand. He saw Ryoko and stabbed her in the back. She gasped in shock, and fell to the ground. She looked up to see Tenchi standing above her with the light hawk sword in his hand. "Goodbye, Ryoko." He said coldly. She could only stare. She was too tired to run, or even scream. She accepted her doom, and closed her eyes. "Goodbye, mother." She said in a whisper to herself. (On Ryo-Ohki) "Tell us how you got into this." Tenchi asked the man in black. "I can only tell you that the thing you are after is my sister. She was tricked by that demon, Chaos. I knew he was a tricky bastard. He was smallest in power of all the demons in the universe. He had to be crafty to survive, but why did he take my sister, and not me?" Gratin-Lar said in despair. "Anyway, it got to her, and took over her body and abilities. I tried to stop it from fully assimilating with her, but it was more powerful than I thought." He was said in sadness, but had lost all of his tears for her in the past. "What is the…" Tenchi was about to ask, but was confronted by a black gloved hand signaling him not to say anything. "I am not finished." Gratin-Lar said coldly. "I have been trying to catch it and release her from its grasp, but I had my opportunity when it was in Washu's lab at the academy. I could not strike it without killing the child that lay before it, and the sight of a goddess in the mortal plain surprised me. The last time I saw you was when you and your sisters defeated Chaos's evil gods and goddesses. I let it go. I was amazed that it did not kill you, Washu. It must like you and your family. That is why it is torturing you. It tortures everyone, but you, it takes great pleasure." He said staring Washu in the eyes. Washu stared at him back, and tried to seek in her mind what he said the demon wanted of her. She remembered the time she loved that thing. The love was fake. It was to get to her. She began to feel sick, and left the bridge. "Where are you going, Washu?" Tenchi asked. "I have to go rest awhile. I must prepare to save Ryoko. She is now the only child in my family I have. I do not want to lose her to the thing that stole and made my life a lie." She shouted in anger, but not at them. She was mad at herself and Chaos. "Ayeka, you can control Ryo-Ohki." She said and walked out the room. "I will." She said and grabbed little Ryshu by the hand and led him to the controls. "What does this thing look like? Is that shadow it?" Tenchi asked not taking his eyes off Gratin-Lar. "I can only describe it as your worst fear. It has grown powerful, and is probably the biggest demon in the universe. I do not know how big, but I can tell you that it is your worst fear. You might have trouble understanding this, but demons do not have a certain form when they get as powerful as Chaos. Their forms morph into anything that your mind cannot begin to comprehend, but what you see is different for another person that looks at it. I can only guarantee you that when you see it, you will try to run away from the sight of it." He said looking at the floor below him. "I see." Tenchi said, as he was already afraid of what his greatest fear could be. "Everyone come here at once." Ayeka yelled. Everyone on the bridge got to their feet, and ran to the Jurian princess in the center of the bridge. "What is it, sister?" Sasami asked. "I found Ryoko. She is on that abandoned red planet; you call Mars." Ayeka said looking at Tenchi. "Why so close?" Tenchi asked. "It has to be a trap." "I am afraid not. This is no trap. Chaos wants us to find her." Gratin-Lar said. "Why?" Sasami asked, while Ayeka nodded her head in agreement to her. "Chaos does not need a reason for its actions. It just does it because it believes that it is a god." Gratin-Lar said staring at Ayeka's eyes. He had never noticed her beauty before, but he cannot let love get in his way. He had to stop Chaos and free his sister. He rubbed his glove hands together, and walked to the window. Ayeka met his eyes, and felt warm all over. She did not know why, but she became attracted to him after he looked at her. She looked at Tenchi, and looked back at the controls. He nodded in agreement. She got up, and walked toward the black stranger. Tenchi took the controls, while Sasami was comforting little Ryshu. The boy has not said a word since they left earth. He was so worried and scared without the presence of his mother. "Lord Gratin-Lar." Ayeka called softly as she walked closer to him. "Please, call me Gratin." He replied in his hard voice. "Are you all right?" She asked as she lay her hand on his shoulder. It felt warn and hard. He was a muscular man, no doubt about it. He shrugged as she did so. She did not know why she did it. It just felt right. He felt her hand, but was too weak by her kindness to throw it off. He and she were made for each other. He had no doubt about it, but it had to wait. He tried to fight it, but felt his cold heart feel warm again. "Ayeka. What is happening?" He asked in a gentle voice. "I do not know. It just feels right." She replied. "What is troubling you, and is there any way I can help?" Ayeka asked in concern. "What I have to do to rid the universe of this evil is what worries me! I am not sure, if I can do it now that I met you and your friends, and you have helped me by the love you have given my heart just now." He replied and turned around to look at her eyes. He caught her hand as it left his shoulder and stared at her beauty. "What is it you have to do?" She asked in a whisper, as she was lost in the moment of their being together. "You must not tell anyone." He said softly. "I will keep it between us." She said in a promise. "I have to kill Ryoko." He said as the hatred for Chaos returned. She pushed herself away from him and could only ask, "Why?" "Chaos is immortal, but it can be sealed away for eternity. But, I have to destroy the life form that has his evil energy. You see, if we destroy the Chaos before us than Ryoko will morph into another Chaos. We have to kill her to stop him." He said coldly. "How?" Ayeka replied in fear of killing the woman who was the only parent of the child on the ship. She hated Ryoko at times, but killing her for something she did not do was unthinkable. "I know it is hard to do, but it has to be done." He said lifting Ayeka's chin so that her eyes could meet his. She nodded and began to cry; he grabbed her and let her lean on his shoulder. Tenchi heard her cry and looked over his shoulder to see Ayeka leaning on Gratin-Lar's shoulder. He thought it was good that she found someone to harass besides him. But, why was she crying? He decided to let them be alone. He noticed how they were staring at each other and let it be that. He then looked to the other side to see Yosho meditating on the floor. He has been preparing for battle since they left earth. His thought was broken with Ryo-Ohki's cry. He looked at the screen to notice that they were closer to Ryoko's location. "Everyone get ready. We are going to save Ryoko. We should be over her coordinates in a few minutes." Tenchi ordered and looked at Sasami. "Why don't you and Ryshu go get Washu!" He suggested and watched them run to get Washu. "Here we come Ryoko." Tenchi said to himself. Ryoko did not know what to believe anymore. Tenchi was about to kill her and the image of Tenchi and Ryshu vanished. She looked up and heard the laughter she will never forget. She turned around, but could not get to her feet. She saw the owner of the laughing voice. It was Kagato. "Come Ryoko. It is time for our favorite lesson." He said with a smile. "No!" She screamed in fear. "You…you…are…dead." She mumbled. "That is what you think." He said as he reached for her robe. He opened her robe, and began to do what she hated the most of his lessons. She tried to go into her dark world, but could not. "You are going to have to enjoy it this time." He replied with a wicked smile. "NO!!!" She screamed, hoping for someone to hear her. (On Mars.) "There is the cave. She is inside." Tenchi said. "Sasami, Ryshu you need to stay here." Gratin-Lar said trying to sound sincere. "But, I want to see my mommy." Said the worried little boy. "I am afraid this is something you should not see. Your mommy is not going to be a pretty sight for a while." Gratin-Lar said honestly. "But?" The little boy said as tears fell down his cheeks. "He is right, little Ryshu. You will see her shortly. I promise." Washu said as she lay her hand on the crying boy's shoulder for comfort. "Take care of him Sasami." She said and walked with the others into the cave. Sasami pulled the crying boy to her, and let him cry in her arms as she watched them vanish into the darkness of the cave. "Look. I see a light ahead." Tenchi said. They walked toward the light to see an unbearable sight. Ryoko was tangled in thorns that formed the Christian cross. She was being crucified, but only in nail size thorns. There was blood leaking all over her naked body. "This is a sign of an evil force." Yosho said. "We have to get her down." Tenchi said and cut the thorns from her body. Ryoko began to see the world of terror vanish as well s the Kagato on top of her. She saw darkness, and then saw light as she saw Tenchi using the Tenchiken to cut the thorns away. She could not say anything. She could not even raise her head to look around her, only stare at the blood bleeding off her feet. Tenchi cut the last thorn vine away and caught her in his arms as he landed on his feet. He could not stand to see her like this. She was in so much pain. He could feel it, both menatlly and physically. He kissed her to show her that he was real, and not going to hurt her like the nightmares before her. Ryoko was so frightened. ‘Could this be another fake.' She thought. ‘I must get away.' She was too weak to struggle and could only grunt in pain. She closed her eyes, and then felt something warm against her mouth. It made her cold body warm. She opened her eyes to see it was Tenchi. She allowed it and relaxed comfortably in his arms. "That is good Ryoko. Let me help you." Tenchi said and carried her out of the cave with Yosho following from behind. Ayeka could not believe what she saw. He kissed her. She was not going to let this happen, but she looked at Gratin-Lar. ‘Or am I?' she asked herself in thought. He looked at her, and said, "Chaos is not here. It just was playing with Ryoko. We must go to the unholy Chaos Temple, and destroy that unholy place and Chaos with it." He said and took Ayeka's hand and led her out of the cave. Washu was so angry at Chaos. Seeing the scratches and holes on her daughter's flesh made her so uncontrollably angry that she had to look away. "You will die for this Chaos. You hear me." She screamed "You will die." To Be Continued… I hope you liked the sixth chapter. You probably thought this was the end, but I have a lot more planned. This is only the beginning. E-mail me what you think of it at washu@saiyan.com, and enjoy the next one.