Disclaimer: The characters are property of Pioneer and AIC. Only two characters are mine. Please don't sue me. I am not doing this for money. I am doing it just for fun. Tenchi Muyo! Ryoko's Precious Secret Chapter 5: Evil They all ran outside to have room to fight It has been raining since Ryoko lost all of her life energy and has not let up. "Leave us Washu." The voice ordered as it followed behind them.. Washu shook her head in disagreement, and summoned her energy sword. The wind began to grow stronger, but no one else could feel its force but Washu. She screamed in fear as she was blown into a tree. She was alive, but dazed. "How can you be able to blow a goddess, like me, into a tree with ease?" The red haired scientist asked in a weak voice. "Because I am God to you. And I am more." Said the voice. An image appeared above them. Washu recognized the man that was floating above them. The blond curly hair, the pointy chin, and his dark brown eyes. It was the man that stole their child. "Did you miss me dear?" The man said in a passionate voice to his old wife. "Where is our son?" Washu screamed in rage. "Oh, him. Here catch. I saved it for you. I knew you would wonder about the kid, but you just seem to keep trying to remember what happened that day." With that the man though the head of a child at Washu's feet. "No!" She screamed it was her son. "I had to kill him. He could have my ability in power, and there was only room for one." He said with a smile. Washu looked at the man with hatred and got to her feet and crossed her arms across her chest. She closed her eyes and began to summon her ancient magics. A yellow light surrounded her and vanished in a flash. "Magnificent. You think you can beat me in your goddess form. You were always beautiful in your natural form. That long red hair, your tall slender body, and those emerald green eyes. But, your armor and clothing is impressive. Your brown pants and tight long black boots. And that black tunic with the silver upside down triangle symbol. That is new, a cold belt with a diamond buckle. You were always the fool to were a black cloak in battle. Pity. I have to teach you a lesson." Said the man and disappeared from sight. A shadow appeared in his place and the creepy inhuman voice spoke,"You don't even know who you feel in love with. Now, good bye my dear Washu." Washu felt a surge of wind pick her up, and saw black energy strands coming for her. There was nothing she can do. She was hit straight on and fell down to the ground. Blood was falling down her ears and eyes. She fell unconscious. "You leave her alone." Tenchi screamed and pulled out the Tenchiken sword. He summoned its energy and stood ready to fight. "I already own you boy. This is not your fight. All I want is Ryoko and that ugly kid of hers." Said the black shadow in a whisper. "Who or what are you?" Tenchi asked in fear. He could feel the power of this thing through Ryoko's and his new mind link. He could not believe it. The power was unlimited and deadly. ‘But, how come Ryoko and Ryshu can feel the power?' Tenchi thought. He looked over towards Ryoko and Ryshu, they were too scared to move. He has never her seen afraid before. He knew that this was a foe he might not be able to beat, if Ryoko is so scared that she cannot move. "I am you. I am all of you. I am your nightmares. I am your hell. I am your god. Here my name, and run for your life, for I am Chaos." The voice laughed. "Chaos? Why do you want Ryoko and her son for?" Tenchi asked already fearing the answer. "You know the answer, boy. Now, leave before I give you Washu's punishment." The voice said in loud frustration. "Never. I will not let you take them alive." Tenchi said and jumped at the shadow with his sword ready to take the figure in half. He stopped in midair and could not move. He tried to squeeze through whatever was holding him. It was useless, the thing known as Chaos was too strong. Tenchi then felt heat all around him. It got hotter and hotter. Tenchi could only scream in pain. He went unconscious and fell to the ground. Blood began to leak out of his ears and eyes as well. Ryoko looked around to see Ayeka and Ryshu running into the forest. "Thank you, Ayeka. Take care my little Ryshu." Ryoko said as she felt the cold wind around her. "You are mine. I could go get the child, but it is better to ler him suffer over your death. Don't you agree, my dear Ryoko?" It said as it levitated her to him. "Put her down." Katsihito yelled. He had the Tenchiken in his hands and was ready to fight. "Pathetic." It said and let the wind surround Katshito, and watch him fall unconscious. Ryoko could not understand. They would try to fight, but will fall unconscious as soon as it found them a threat. There were no spells casted, so why were they falling unconscious and bleed out of their ears and eyes? "Stop." A voice yelled. Ryoko looked around. It was Tenchi and he was holding the light hawk sword. She felt that this thing could be defeated. "I was waiting for you to transform. You and Tsunami always think alike. I am impressed that she would choose you to save the universe. How does it feel to have the powers of a demigod, boy." Chaos spoke with a calmness in his voice. Tenchi could not say a thing, so he attacked by launching forward. But, when he struck the shadow figure nothing happened. Instead, the voice was laughing uncontrollably. "You just do not get it. I am a god. Your feeble weapons are no match for me. Now, join your friends and forget about her." It said in a warning voice. Tenchi felt the heat again and realized that he has lost this battle, and began to scream in pain again before he fell unconscious. "Come, Ryoko." It said and with that the two of them vanished. And the rain clouds vanished as soon as they left. Ayeka held Ryshu in her arms and walked over to where the others lay. Everyone was wet due to all the rain, but it stopped an hour ago. She had ran away with the boy. She held him in her arms and just ran, but the boy was still in shock. After an hour, they return and see everyone regaining consciousness. She takes the boy to Tenchi looks at him. He is rubbing his body all over and checking his clothing. "Are you okay, Lord Tenchi?" Ayeka asked as she put her hand on his shoulder. "I don't know. I should be burned or something, but there is not a scratch on me accept for the blood leaking out of my ears and my eyes." Tenchi replied, but in a shaky voice. "That is because we were fighting the devil. That is Chaos. I made a deal with him and did not even know it." Washu said, still in goddess form. "What are you saying?" Tenchi asked as he was looking at the scared little boy with Ayeka at his side. "I am saying that Chaos attacks through your mind. It can attack physically, but mental is more effective. It disables your opponent from even thinking to fight. It is a very deadly style of attacking." Washu said as she wiped the blood from her eyes with a white cloth she pulled out of her left boot. "Who or what is Chaos?" Ayeka asked. "It is neither man nor female. It was a demon. A very intelligent, but weak demon. It decided to take form with an minor god or goddess. It could not take control of the higher gods and goddesses because they do nothing for the mortal plain. They are just their to hear our prayers. It made a bargain with a goddess. He would supply her with the knowledge, she will supply him with the power. It tricked her, and stole her spirit and body and is known as Chaos. My sisters fought his gods that he formed. You call them the evil gods and goddesses. We beat them, but Chaos disappeared and we had peace for many generations. Then, I decided to live a mortal life and here I am." Washu said not looking up at anyone. "Ryoko!" Lord Katsihito yelled and ran over to a dead, naked body. Cyan hair was laying right beside the body. It was pulled out. Her body was ripped open and organs pulled out and lay beside her. Tenchi could not say anything, but it made him sick to look at all the blood. He was so angry at this Chaos. Chaos started all of this. He just sat there and wept silently at the body of Ryoko. "T e n c h i." A distant voice called in his head. ‘Ryoko.' He answered in thought. ‘Yes. I am alive. He left that clone as a message to you not to follow, or you will look like that.' Ryoko replied, but she sounded in pain and weak. ‘Where are you?' Tenchi asked in worry. ‘I don't know. It is so dark and hot. I am tied up and have these thorns that are binding me poke me. It hurts to much to think. Tell everyone that I love them especially Ry...sh....uuu.' Ryoko grunted and her voice faded away. "Ryoko." Tenchi screamed aloud. Everyone turned toward Tenchi. He could only stare back. He could only think about saving Ryoko. Tenchi finally decided to speak, "Ryoko is alive, but barely. Chaos is torturing her for the pleasure of her suffering. This is a message for us not to dare challenge him again." "What are you going to do?" Lord Katsihito asked. "I am going to save Ryoko." Tenchi replied. "Then, I will come with you." Katsihito said and began to age to a young man. "Grandpa." Tenchi said in disbelief. "I am sorry for lying to you all, but I had to. If you knew the truth, then I would never have peace. Now, I need to use all my energy to beat this evil. So to save time, just call me Yosho." Said Yosho sternly with a serious expression across his face. "I will come too." Said Washu. "Count me in." Ayeka said. "I want to save my mommy." Said the little boy who just woke up from the shock. They waited for one more person to say something, but it was so quiet. "Where is Sasami?" Yosho asked in worry. "I am right behind you." Replied the young Jurian Princess. "I passed out due to the power of that thing. It was the Tsunami side of myself that feared it more than anything, and I could hear her thought. I believe it was, "Chaos." Sasami said in mass confusion as she patted the shaken Ryo-Ohki. "Come. We shall free the universe of it's virus for good." Said Yosho. "You are not going anywhere." Called a man's voice from behind the group. Everyone turned around to see a man with long blonde hair put into a pony tail. His skin was well tanned. He was dressed in all black. He wore black leather boots, britches and tunic with a thick black leather belt. He also had a black silk cape. "Who are you?" Tenchi asked with an orderly voice. "I am a man who seeks vengeance on an ancient evil." Said the black stranger. "You mean, Chaos." Interrupted Washu. "That is correct." Replied the stranger. "Then you are the goddess's brother, also known as the Demon Slayer. You must be Gratin-Lar." Washu said. "Very clever, Washu, but I want to destroy Chaos myself. I know how to kill it. I saw the key." Gratin-Lar said coldly. Washu knew what had to be done, but she just couldn't tell the others. She decided to say nothing and watch what happens. "You know we aren't going to stop, because you want to settle a score." Tenchi said in anger. "Don't threaten me, boy. I can kill you where you stand, but if you want to come along, fine. Just don't get in my way. I know where Chaos is at, but it will be a long and harsh trip. Gratin-Lar said. "Let's go." Tenchi yelled. Ryo-Ohki changed into her spaceship form and they all left the earth. Tenchi and Yosho stared at the planet as it became smaller and smaller to them. They waved goodbye to the planet that they might never see again. This was evil they were fighting, and he was waiting for them. "Do you like you treatment, Ryoko?" Chaos asked in his inhuman voice. Ryoko heard him, but was too weak to speak. "Answer!" It yelled and began to torture her again. "I didn't give you life to be such a weakling. Pathetic." It looked at her bondage and tightened the bondage where the thorns dug deeper into her flesh. She screamed in pain, continued to think about her son. This was torture enough. She could not stand the images of her son haunting her. Chaos knew that hurting her physically will not make her suffer, so he attacked her mind with the thought of the one she loved most, her son. Chaos was so proud; it's specialty was torturing the mind. "They are coming for you, but I am waiting. My gift to you will be their rotting corpses, including your son." Chaos said and began to laugh. ‘No!' Ryoko scream in her head, she could not yell, and began to cry as tears fell down her cheeks. To Be Continued... That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed chapter 5. There were a few surprises after all. This is not the end. Chaos is the toughest opponent they have ever fought, but can you kill him. After all, he did not get an injury or bruise from Tenchi's light hawk wings. Stay tuned for chapter 6. Just e-mail me what you think at washu@saiyan.com. Thank you and enjoy the series.