Disclaimer: The characters are property of Pioneer and AIC. Only two characters are mine. Please don't sue me. I am not doing this for money. I am doing it just for fun. Tenchi Muyo Ryoko's Precious Secret Chapter 4: Fear Ryoko felt the cold darkness around her vanish. She was looking at light and feeling its warmth. The nightmare of that thing speaking to her, and her spinning in blackness, like she did at the lake, made Ryoko realize who the enemy is. Ryoko heard voices and tried to open her eyes. She couldn't tell if they were open, or closed. The light began to dim and several figures formed all around her. They were faded images, but slowly took the form of her friends. "Where is Ryshu?" She asked in a soft gentle voice. She couldn't speak very well, and was very tired and weak. She also had to tell her mother, the identity of the shadowy figure. "Mommy!" Ryshu cried as he ran to her side. The little cyan haired boy smiled and waited for his mother to open her arms, so he can give her a hug. "You can give mommy a hug later." Said Washu in a calm, but playful voice. "She needs to rest and build her strength back." Washu smiled. "Ok, Grandma." Said the little one with a smile. Washu felt excitement flow through her body. He called her grandma. ‘Finally, one of my kids who can show me a little respect.' Washu thought to herself. "Everyone out!" Washu ordered as she pointed to the door. "I guess Ryoko will need some rest. I will see how Sasami is doing." Said Ayeka as she smiled at the revived Ryoko. "By the way welcome back, Ryoko. We all missed you. I even had problems dealing with your absence." Ayeka said trying not remind everyone that Ryoko was close to death. "But, Washu." Tenchi replied. Washu walked toward Tenchi. She signaled him to walk behind a machine. Tenchi nodded his head in understanding. "Come Ayeka and Ryshu We need to let Ryoko get her rest." Tenchi said in a calm voice. Tenchi watched as Ayeka led Ryshu to the door. Tenchi slowly followed behind. He waited until Ayeka and Ryshu walked through the door and jumped behind the machine. He listened to the door as it closed and waited. "Listen Ryoko. I need to tell you something that will affect your life a great deal." Washu spoke in a soft, but worried tone. "Nothing can effect my life. Look what happened to me. I was raped by my own father and carried his and my son inside of me. And now I have been on the run because of all of that. Somebody or something wants the only thing that made me happy. I can't give ti to him." She said in her weak voice with tears dropping down her cheeks. "I know I wasn't there when you needed me, but this is a good thing." Washu replied hoping to give Ryoko a chance to let her speak. "No. I need you to listen to me." Ryoko argued back. "I will but let me tell you what has happened." Washu said in a stern voice. "Washu, listen!" Ryoko yelled to the best of her ability. "Listen to me!" Washu screamed back. "I know who is after Ryshu and me." Ryoko screamed over Washu's arguing complaints. "What?" Washu asked. "I know who it is, or what it is anyway." Ryoko said taking huge breaths to regain her strength. "Who or what is it, my child?" Washu asked as her daughter had all of her attention. "It has to be a god." Ryoko replied. Her heart was beating faster. She was so afraid of the answer that there was no hope of protecting her son or herself. "A god." Washu said in shock. She looked at Ryoko and walked toward her seat. She stopped and looked at Ryoko again. Ryoko was breathing heavily and she was sweating severely. "Tenchi!" Washu called. Tenchi came running to Ryoko's bedside. "I will be back, Ryoko. I have to go think about what you said in my private chambers." Washu said still in shock in a shaky voice. Washu turned around and walked into a dark corridor and vanished. "Ryoko?" Tenchi asked in concern. "Are you okay?" "I don't know. I am so cold and scared." Ryoko replied in a shaky voice. Tenchi looked at her. She was beautiful, but he could not enjoy her beauty. She was sick, and he had to help her. He put his hand on her forehead. "You are burning up. Here lay down Ryoko." Tenchi said as he helped Ryoko down to her back. He pushed a button on Ryoko's bedside. A mechanical arm gave Tenchi a wet rag. He layed it on her forehead. He pushed another button and watched as another mechanical arm gave him a glass of water. "Here drink this." Tenchi said as he held her head up. Ryoko slowly drank the water. It was good and helped stop the burning in her throat. She looked at him still shivering. Tenchi immediately pushed another button and watched as the mechanical arm gave him a blanket. He began to cover Ryoko with it. "Tenchi." She said in a whisper. She was getting tired. "It will be all right Ryoko, but first I have to tell you what Washu was going to say." Tenchi spoke with sincerity. Ryoko could only stare at him. She was so scared of the god that was after her. She could barely comprehend what Tenchi was telling her. "Ryoko, I revived with my Jurai powers. I used the light hawk wings to be correct." Tenchi said, but found himself afraid to tell her the truth. Ryoko could see the guilt and worry in his face. She hated it when people look depressed. "Go on." She said trying to get him to speak. She was getting too weak to wait for him to speak. "Well, this is going to be a shock to you, but we are one now." Tenchi said. Ryoko just looked at him and didn't say a thing. "Let me start at the beginning." Tenchi said as he took a deep breath and continued," It began when I remembered Tsunami could bring people back from the dead. I figured that if she can do it, then I can do it. So, I formed the light hawk wings. Then I converged the energy into my life energy. I then kissed you, but only to let the energy enter your body. In effect, you and I are sharing the same life energy. This also makes us able to read each others thoughts and feelings. I know you don't like me like the other Ryoko, so I am asking for forgiveness." Tenchi pleaded. Ryoko was mad, but it is too late. The damage has been done. She realized this, but she was not going to let him move in on Ryshu and her because they are one. "Very well." She replied with a weak smile. "But, get that idea out of your head about marriage. I am not that crazy about you." She said keeping the smile. "I understand." Tenchi said with a smile. He couldn't believe that she was reading his mind already. "Get some rest, Ryoko." Tenchi said as he watched Ryoko closed her eyes. (In Sasami and Ayeka's room) "Sasami, it is Ryshu and Ayeka." Ayeka said as she opened the door. Sasami was still in the back corner of the room. She looked miserable. Thinking that Ryoko was going to die really destroyed her world. Ryo-Ohki lay on her stomach looking as miserable as Sasami. Ryshu walked over to Sasami and looked at her. Sasami looked back at him. He was cute. He looked like Ryoko in every way. It brought more tears out of her dried eyes. Just looking at Ryshu's feline eyes brought memories of Ryoko looking down at her. Ayeka walked over to Sasami and sat down in front of her. She used her hand to lift Sasami's chin up, and looked straight into Sasami's big pink eyes. Smiling she said," My dear, sweet Sasami. It is all right. Ryoko is alive." "How? Washu said that Ryoko is going to die." Sasami said wiping the tears out of her eyes, and starting to smile with a little joy. "By using the light hawk wings. He mixed the energy from the light hawk wings with his life energy." Ayeka replied without breaking her smile. "But, Ayeka. Do you know what the process is?" Sasami asked worrying about her sister's emotions. "Yes, I do. Even though he kissed her and they are one, she doesn't love him like the clone Ryoko did." Ayeka replied with her smile getting bigger. "But Tenchi does love her." Sasami replied wondering how she was sad to happy, then into a love conversation with her sister. "That is a problem, but can be easily solved by a princess of Jurai." Ayeka claimed and began to laugh in triumph. "Can we go see Ryoko?" Sasami asked changing the subject. "We can't" replied the little boy with a frown. "Grandma, says mommy need her rest." "That is okay Ryshu. I have an idea. It is four in the morning. I am going to teach you how to cook breakfast for your mommy." Sasami cheered and looked at Ayeka. "Do you want to come, sis?" She asked. "Of course, I will come. To the kitchen." Ayeka said with a smile. They all got to their feet and marched out of the room. (In Washu's private chamber) "I started all of this." Washu said to herself and was lost in her memories. "I need to create a replacement for my misery with losing my last family." Said Washu. "I can help you, Professor. After all, we need someone to be able to hold the most powerful sword in the universe." Kagato said with a smile. "And your child will be the perfect person to do it for us." "Yes, you are right. Let us begin." Washu said with a smile. (Nine months later) "Why isn't she breathing?" Washu screamed looking at the dead baby and back to Kagato. "I don't know." Replied the young student. "Everything went perfectly." "Did it?" Asked an inhuman voice. "Who is there?" Asked the young pupil with his energy sword ready to strike. "Put that puny thing down, Kagato. You can't kill me." The voice laughed. "Want a bet. Take this." Kagato yelled as he jumped to the air and ready to strike where he heard the voice. "AHHHH!" He screamed in pain. Washu looked up to see Kagato floating in the air with blood leaking down his left arm. "For that foolish act, Boy!" The voice said as it took pleasure in calling him boy. "You will be my slave for all eternity." It laughed again. Washu couldn't stand the cold wind, and cried, "What do you want?" "I want to help you." It replied. "You can't help me." She cried and began to pray for one of her sisters to get rid of this evil source. "You are praying. How sweet! I can't believe you would lower yourself to a mortal and even pray to your own kind for help." It said laughing. "Leave me alone." She screamed. "Why do that? When I can do something much more better."It claimed. "What is that?" She asked starting to calm down to listen to the bargain the evil spirit was going to make. "I can give your precious daughter life." It whispered to her. "What do I have to do in return?"Washu asked bravely. "Nothing. Just live your lives. That is all I ask." The voice said in a hiss. "I will do it, but first let Kagato go." She begged. "Oh, very well." Said the voice in disappointment. Kagato fell to the ground. Washu ran to him holding Ryoko in her right arm. "Kagato!" She called in worry. "He will be fine. Now, let me see the child." The voice ordered and she did so. A shadow appeared before her. It walked toward the child and black mist surrounded the baby. The child immediately began to cry as she felt her first breath into the new world. "Enjoy my gift, Goddess Washu." It said and was never hear from again. Washu looked around she was in her private chamber, and the clock on the black wall read 8:30. She now knew who it was. It was time to tell everyone the truth, especially Ryoko. "I made a bargain with the devil himself. The funny thing is that he can't be a god. All of the Evil gods were destroyed twenty-one thousand years ago." She said to herself as she opened the door and left. Ryoko was alone in Washu's lab. She was dressing into jeans and a yellow long sleeved shirt. Then, she heard footsteps and turned around to see Washu walking towards her. "I need to talk to you, but we better talk this with the others." Washu said in bitterness. Ryoko looked at her mother. Washu's emerald eyes lost the sparkle in them. They were dim and not bright. Her mother must have not got slept the entire night. "What do you want to tell me?" She asked Washu in a serious manner. Ryoko was tired and still was weak. She could barely walk. "Here I will help you back to bed. You aren't ready to walk. You need to heal a little more." Washu said as her features of shock vanished. "The hell I am. I am going to take my son and Ryo-Ohki and leave this planet before it get us." Ryoko said getting angry with everyone wanting her to stay. They just don't understand whom they are planning to fight. "At least, stay and eat breakfast. Sasami taught Ryshu how to cook breakfast for you." Washu said in her sweet voice. Thinks to the mind link with Ryo-Ohki, Washu knew what everyone was doing in the house. "I might stay for a while, but just to say good bye." Ryoko said plainly. "Come." Washu said holding out her hand. Ryoko took it, and the little red haired scientist helped her daughter out of the lab. "Good morning, Lord Tenchi." Ayeka said cheerfully. "Good morning Ayeka, Sasami, and Ryshu." Tenchi said in a similar manner. "Miya!" Cried the little cabbit. "I didn't forget you Ryo-Ohki." Tenchi said and pulled out a carrot. He gave to the little cabbit and walked to see what they were cooking. "Morning everyone!" Washu called as she helped the weak Ryoko to the table. Everyone stopped what they were doing and ran to the table. Ryshu leading the way. "Mommy!" Cried the little boy. Ryoko caught him in her arms, and saw the rest of the family still coming after her. "Hold it!" She yelled. "One at a time." "Sorry, Ryoko." Everyone said at once. "How is my angel?" Ryoko asked the little smiling boy in her lap. "I am ok, mommy. I thought you were...were..." The little boy had trouble speaking due to the tears building in his eyes, and the boy cried in his mother's arms. "It is going to be okay. My little Ryshu, didn't I tell you that I will always be with you?" Ryoko said. "I ...I ...know." He said trying to hold back his tears. Then, everyone jumped on Ryoko and gave her a group hug. "Hold it." Washu screamed and everyone looked at the emerald eyed scientist. "I am hungry. Bring on the food." Sasami and Ayeka left to the kitchen and returned with a feast. Everyone ate and did not ask Ryoko about her plans. They talked about how she scared them all at the lake and being in the coma she was in. Later, Ryoko, Ayeka, and Tenchi were on the couch. Sasami was on the floor with Ryo-Ohki. Washu was standing in front of them. "I am here to tell you the story of Ryoko's birth, but I ask that you hold any questions until I am finished. You see Ryoko wasn't alive when we completed the final stages. Kagato and I were upset. We put all of our hearts into her birth. Believe it or not, he was once a caring person. A voice interrupted our attempts to bring her to life. A cold wind blew all over and threatened Kagato." Washu stopped to see Ryshu hugging the shaking Ryoko. She knew Ryoko and Ryshu knew this was the same being that was after her. "It had Kagato in the air. I am not sure what it did to him, but he was injured badly. The only thing that I remember at that moment is the words he told Kagato, ‘You will be my slave for all eternity.' I made a bargain with the devil." Washu said as she fell to her knees crying. "Forgive me Ryoko. I just didn't want to lose another child." She begged as her emotions were released in her tears. Ryoko handed Ryshu to Tenchi and walked over to the crying scientist. She lifted Washu's chin up and looked at her emerald eyes. "I will always forgive you. I have learned that what is done cannot be changed. Now, finish your story." Ryoko said trying to comfort Washu with a smile. Washu wiped the tear out of her eyes, and spoke, "It offered to give you life for no price. I thought it was one of the evil gods, but we destroyed then before I joined in with mortals. Then, I thought it was a demon, but demons can't give life; they can only take away life. So, I agreed to do it. It let Kagato go and gave Ryoko life. Then, I didn't hear the voice again. After that day, Kagato was different. He wasn't interested in anyone, but his goal for power. Then, he turned on me and the rest is Ryoko's story to tell when she is ready. But, I am afraid that this nightmare is far from ending with an unconscious Ryoko." With that said Washu felt that cold breeze and immediately jumped to her daughter and grandson who were shaking violently in fear. "You are right. The nightmare is only beginning." Said a inhuman voice. "I have come to take you two with me." It said laughing. "It is pay back time." I hoped you enjoyed Chapter 4, but don't worry chapter 5 is on the way. E-mail me at washu@saiyan.com of what you think.